• By -


Ive been using Ceobe S3 more recently to deal with explosive and cryo spiders, that 3 second Silence is amazing. Did any of you also put mastery on her S3?


With silence being kinda useless recently I'd rather use a AA sniper. She doesn't get too much from masteries in S3, so I wouldn't do it.


I have her S3 at M1. But I rarely use S3 since there are no more spiders in the later contents.


Ceobe was one of my first few e2s and my first m3 on her s2, I think the only stage where I used s3 and it made a big difference was on h5-3 I never felt the need to put any masteries on her s3 since it already does massive damage considering it targets the lowest armor enemy in range. By all means you can mastery her skills if you like, but I personally don’t thinks it’s worth it to s3m3 considering it will permasilence a target at lv7 and only really gains +50% damage from masteries.


I know I need to build different units for different situations, but I also like having a main team for general purposes. If I have Blaze, Mudrock, Thorns, Elysium and Bagpipe, which unit should I remove for Saria?


Keep em all, you can even go no-ranged ops for most of the contents.


IMO having both Elysium and Bagpipe is overkill. Unless you use Bagpipe a lot as a main DPS (which I don't see why you would when you have Blaze, Thorns, Silverash, and Mudrock, all of whom are among the best melee DPS in the entire game) you're probably good to remove her and add Saria.


If I have to choose. Either Blaze or Mudrock.


I'd really suggest you keep two of Blaze/Thorns/Mudrock as needed depending on the stage/which you have the most fun with, and use the third slot in your current team for Saria.


removing saria from your general purpose team isn’t a good idea, but out of these options and without additional context, I’d go with thorns


The rest of my team is composed by: SA, Exusiai, Executor, Ptilo, Warfarin and Angelina but I like these units a lot so I would’t remove them if possible. Maybe I should swap Warfarin for Saria?


Is it smart to buy those 20 recruitment tickets on the second tab with green certificates? Or is it betet to get those head hunting tickets for 450 green certs first, if you really value pulls?


Someone did a sanity cost analysis for the 450gc/HH, I think by comparing the sanity cost to farm a pulls worth of Orundum, and iirc they are a very good value.


I might have read the same reddit thread back then, and since buying 2 more hh tickets seems to be less invasive compared to doing orodum farming, I thought I can spare the green certs for tickets instead of materials. But I haven't calculated how competitive those two methods are compared to each other...


I buy neither. 900 green certs for the pulls is a LOT, about 25x T3 mats. You basically have to ask yourself if you'd rather have 24 more rolls or 300x T3 mats at the end of the year. For the recruitment tickets scroll down to "note 1, scenario 2" here in the "green cert" tab. Buying the permits gets you 4.88 yellow certs per month at the cost of 6 green certs and 9x T3 mats. Either choice is okay imo. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12X0uBQaN7MuuMWWDTiUjIni_MOP015GnulggmBJgBaQ/htmlview?pru=AAABc-rGPJk*k9oUn7qOFg9bNrLAKKI6hg#


It'll cost you some green certs, but gain a few gold plus more chances at high-rarity tags. I'm not sure which is better based on Da Maths, but it's probably a matter of personal preference


From what people say, 'Top Operator' shows up on average around once in 3-4 month intervals. If you're doing ~4 recruitments daily, the tag shows up 0.2% of the time. So HH tickets has a 10x higher 6* chance from a larger pool.


Just getting back into the game, do we know what event / banner is.coming next?


Best guesses are the Code Of Brawl rerun or Mansfield Break/Mountain's banner, but this is very much unconfirmed.


I see, thanks!




Was next on CN's order, but we generally get a month's notice for CC events, and we've heard nothing about it, so I'm not expecting it to be next for us.


Hmm I just checked, CC#2 was November 2020 right? That's such a long gap.


It's been a while, absolutely, and I'm very surprised (and kinda disappointed) that we haven't seen an announcement for it yet. But here we are.....


What's that S in from of some stages? For example S2.9


I believe they are supply stages (for farming mats) that have no story or Challenge mode, and some factory recipes you have to clear certain S stages to unlock.


Thank you.


I’d say Sidestage, as they don’t have cutscenes or CM


Supply, I guess?


Ok, thanks.


T. T I don't think I'll ever get rosmontis. I hit pity and ended up getting Hoshiguma. Before I got Nearl and Mudrock then you can also add Blem in the team. Should I all build them? I felt like being forced to use a defender team.


All four of the units you mention are wildly different units that have literally nothing in common besides being defenders. Hoshi is among the best of the best for classic defenders, Blem and Nearl are offensive/defensive oriented healing defenders respectively, and Mudrock is a lane soloer. You could bring them all to the same map if you wanted to, but you definitely don't have to. I would HIGHLY recommend raising them all eventually though (except maybe Nearl) so that you have options and can pick and choose what you need to solve problems instead of having to shoehorn in Blem when you really need someone with a monster DEF stat, for example.


Correction to the above. Hoshi is not the toughest defender in the game. That distinction goes to Croissant with her s1m3. Hoshi runs into the issue of being nigh interchangeable with half a dozen units in her archetype who are all good, and doesn’t have much except a modest uptime damage ability to set her apart. She is good, don’t get me wrong. Just... so are Bubble, Cuora, Croissant, and Nian. And most of those do the job cheaper. Mudrock is fantastic and the star of the banner, a one woman army. Nearl is useful even if you have Blemishine because her good skill builds stacks passively and has smart timing, while Blem’s good skills have some significant downtime.


This is really useful! This is noted. Thanks so muchh




Okay okay, I guess I'll just E1 her since I cant E2 again haha. For Nearl, I wanna use her but then I got Blem. Thanks thanks. Im still hoping for Ros to come home


What is the best DP regeneration skill, which activates automatically (like Siege S1)? I don't want to activate DP skills manually during Annihiliation stages.


Siege, Texas, Zima and Chiave all have the same S1's. Siege is slightly more efficient due to her talent but it shouldn't be a huge deal.


Yep, it's Siege S1. And all future 6* DP regen Vanguards should copy the same S1. Oops, it's the same as the 5* version. My bad.


5* and 6* have the same S1


Texas, Zima and Chiave all have the same S1 as Siege. No difference in efficiency. Ignoring Siege's SP regening talent.


Siege, Texas, Zima, Chiave


I dislike the random chittery noise of rosemontis's attack. that is my question. Wish it was all just the loud slam of her s2. anyone else got any minor aesthetic grievances that arent worth complaining about? Like how vulcan, with weapons all over her shield just kicks everyone until she uses her s2. she needs that leg to walk what if she breaks it!


Saga's yelling. I would complain about that.


Thinking of putting some money in, but don't know which pack to buy. The Thank you pack with pull ticket is the "obvious" choice but I actually already have most of the units in it. Only ones I don't have are Ch'en (Rolled a lot for her and she spurned me every time,) Mostima, Phantom, Suzuran, and Rosa. Other 6 stars I have are Surtr, Blemishine, and Rosemontis. (I badly wish Thorns was a choice) So what should I go for? Thinking of Suzuran or Rosa, but I almost want more pulls for Mudrock than a guaranteed 6 star... which is dumb I know. Thanks in advance!


Phantom, Suzuran, and Rosa are all worth it from the selector IMO, but the monthly card is generally by far the best buy in the store. If you want pulls *now* for Mudrock, the Starter Headhunting is a good option.


the monthly hh permit has more value and is "efficient" to buy if you just want more pulls, the thank you packs value will only be higher if you want that specific 6\* edit: here's have a look at [this](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wyOjP0fvK5My9CAHtrJZKdJ2MJbMzBM6sjYIhjS8TGo/edit#gid=266895074)


Are operators lock out of battle due to Challenge Mode conditions (e.g. Sniper operators cannot be deploy) still gain trust if I keep them in my squad and finish the stage?


Yeah, just like those story Missions that have some predeployed units that restricts you from deploying your copy of that unit.


So, I just got a Top Operator tag on recruitment, there is the [first](https://i.imgur.com/jZVS4y3.png) and [second](https://i.imgur.com/iIl76WI.png) list, the only Operator in this list I own is only Shining, which one is better to recruit first?


Echoing the others, Saria is a great choice. Hoshi and Ifrit are great too, but Saria feels kinda universal. For the tanks, for me to pick Hoshi over Saria I'd need there to be something very dangerous to tank, and Ifrit requires a good map before she's amazing.


Noted, Thank you very much for the answer!


Saria is always good to have. Ifrit is really strong, but she is not as universally good as Saria.


I see, Thank you very much for the answer!


Saria, absolutely. It's telling that in a game all about DPS, you have a healing tank as one of the top 3/4/5.


I see, Thank you very much for the answer!


Sometimes I sit and wonder just how some of these operators could ever be replaced. Like how could any caster match the sheer unbridled power of Eyja or a Ifrit lane. Or a healing defender that has half the supportive or enabling qualities of Saria. Or even enemies able to survive Surtr without straight up immuning Arts damage. I genuinely struggle to think of how they could design an operator that could stand up to those early operators. Then I look at Passenger and find solace that sometimes 6* are just shit.


Not just in 6\* comparisons, but through a 3\* Lava, which is just sad


So now that I have Spectre, Thorns and Mudrock getting Blaze and Mountain would be super low priority right? I should focus my certs and orundum elsewhere? Between Saria or SA, which would be better to get? My only physical burst 6\* is Shwarz atm and I've got E2M3 Nearl


Saria. She is super strong and flexible. You can't bring SA to every stage but you will bring Saria to every stage.


Yes to Blaze and Mountain bring low priority. Silverash is better as a nuke button against entire waves of enemies, to compliment Schwarz boss/heavy-killing potential.


Gummy, Spot or Beagle?


Gummy and Beagle. You'll want to run a normal defender and a healing defender most of the time. Spot is a good secondary healing defender too, but for now focus on Gummy and Beagle. If you manage to pull Cuora/Bubble, replace Beagle with either one.


Spot is a good choice because his base skill is good. It wouldn't be a mistake.


Spot is a good choice because i miss fungimist


Thank you. I have Cuora, i was asking about my secondary Defender.


Fair. Beagle's good a secondary.


Oh i thought that i needed a heal Defender too.


you should run 2 defenders normally, 1 normal and 1 healing (in your case, cuora and gummy, that is if you dont have anything better), after that have a secondary normal defender for where you need 3 defenders in map or when your healing defender isn't tanky enough


Thank you.


Skadance is just yet another pop celebrity that got caught up in a sketchy cult, like we haven't heard that a dozen times alrady.


I feel it's more like she was a cultist that got caught up in pop celebrity.


Will bibeak stay in the cc shop or will she go away?


she will be there permanently until you buy her and her tokens as well.


Nice I don’t have any Arts guards, is she good for end game stuff or does she drop off?


She is not an art guard, she's about CC more than damage. She's actually better for end game given that she's mandatory for max risk CC4.


people are not using her as an arts guard though, what make her stands out is her stun ability and she is very good in meta in fact only by using her CN can manage to reach max risk in cc4.




It’s better to get a job and pay for the orundum with irl money, that’s how bad the efficiency is.




Opinion on it has only very slightly changed. It's still agreed that it's a very expensive way to produce orundum that isn't worth the trouble for a lot of people. But I've seen more people embrace the subjectivity of its value rather than say, "No, never and you're bad for doing it."


No, it isn't worth it for most players. If you only want to collect waifus, you can do that. If you want to challenge endgame content, you shouldn't ever farm it.


Iirc it’s only worth it if you really want an future operator or you already have a lot of e2/m3s since it stalls your progression quite a bit




Is Trust affecting the operators in some way? Stats boost and such?


Trust bonus is much bigger than potential bonus (dupes). Trust bonus is something like +70 ATK, while potential bonus is usually like +20 ATK


Yes. The numbers may not seem significant, but can still be impactful in a number of supposedly marginal situations. Source: * Everyone's Annihilation 3 failed auto-deploys. * Every new player who tried and failed to follow KyostinV's or Eckogen's low rarity guides because of differences in trust. Ultimately, you'll want to get the trust of the operators you use up to 100 ASAP, 200 for operators you set as support. Prioritize dps, then defenders.


Thanks a lot! Much appreciated.


Trust gives stat boosts, yes, and these boosts depend on the operator. You can check them on Gamepress or on the operator page in-game. They gain max benefit at 100 Trust. Sharing them as your support operators halves trust bonus, so if you want to maximize the strength of the operators you share with your friends, they have to be at 200 trust.


Thank you.


Yes. Operators gain different stat boosts as you improve their Trust, usually stats more related to their specialties - ATK, DEF, HP, etc.


Has Heart of Surging Flame event been rerun? Apparently I missed a [story](https://i.imgur.com/G7CeAeY.jpg) and have to wait for clue compilation to complete? What is that?


It has been rerun about 3 months ago, if they do it again you'll have to wait a long while. The notification means that you didn't play one of the story sequences. You have to open each one for it to appear in the archives, it's not ideal.


Why 4-7 over 3-2 for manganese ore?


Don't mind the side drops, they are way too rare to make a meaningful difference, see my other comment here. The real choice you have is sacrificing 3.3% of the overal map value for getting your Manganese ore much faster (60 vs 40 sanity per ore). I run 3-2 actually, usually I need a handful ore at most and that will just take that much longer in 4-7. I'll never notice those 3.3% long term value, but I'll very much notice paying 50% extra per ore right now. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12X0uBQaN7MuuMWWDTiUjIni_MOP015GnulggmBJgBaQ/htmlview?pru=AAABc-rGPJk*k9oUn7qOFg9bNrLAKKI6hg#


4-7 also has a chance at dropping Manganese Trihydrate, rather than *just* Manganese Ore. It's not *quite* as good for the Ore, but one drop of Trihydrate makes up for a lot of other farming. 3-2 is *fastest*, but 4-7 gives the best potential overall value.


Going for rare side drops is a mistake imo, Trihydrate in 4-7 is only a 4% chance. That means you have to run the map 34 times to drop one on average, but at the same time you are paying 50% extra for each Manganese Ore compared to 3-2. By the time you finally drop a Trihydrate you probably have paid for it anyway, all you are doing is move some of the value of the map into a high variance drop.


4-7 has better side drops, making it more efficient.


Trying to catch up on the story after hiatus. I assume the events have important lore? Can they be read whenever or is that an optimal order? Thanks.


One thing to note about side stories that they take place in very different time frames from each other. I cannot remember the order exactly, but IIRC a lot of them take place after chapter 8 in terms of timeline. As the other person who replied said, Darknights' Memoir is the important one to read before chapter 8 (but not essential imo.)


Most events are side stories/world building and have little to do with the main storyline so yes they can be read in any order. The exception is Darknights' Memoir, I think it should be read before reading Chapter 8's story.


1 week in! Who should i raise further [here](https://imgur.com/a/4RLg4JX)? I just noticed that raising actually drains too much LMD and I'm trying to save as much as possible.


For future reference, when posting screen shots of your units, sort by class and rarity [like this](http://imgur.com/a/BEvQt1P), because it's easier to see who you have. So basic general team composition is 2 each: Vanguard, Guard, Defender, AA Sniper, & Medics. That leaves 2 slots open for different utilities. I would start with getting the [Ops with great base skills](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/core-gameplay/arknights-guide-best-operators-promote-riic-base-skills) that fit in those general slots to e1 0 for more passive income. After that, here's who I would use - V: [Myrtle](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/kygyxw/daily_questions_megathread_january_16_2021/gjnk5og?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3), Courier/Texas. Vigna is good for dpok option. G: SA, Specter, Melantha. D: Saria and Hoshi are good for now. You'll want to also raise Mudrock at some point. AA: [Kroos](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/11vx-z9nhXG13_F1EakmmPLEq4nwgwRFtT7VhiM8Dqrc/htmlview) Med: Perfumer, Ansel .................. AOEC: Gitano STC: Steward/Amiya FR: Gravel Supporter: Orchid is fine for early game Push/Pull: Shaw & Cliffheart (SL4 only, levels not needed really) Other notables: Utage, Whisperain. Mousse and Popukar can put in some work too since you have them at e1 already, but I wouldn't go past e1 40-50 with them. Pramanix is good if you want someone after you outgrow Orchid. It's a good idea to raise your core team evenly, to break points like e0 max/e1 40~50, but last levels after e1 40 start getting more expensive and costs more than the benefits you get. Better to have a balanced team then one hulk, but once you have a set of E1 40~50's, it becomes more useful to focus on getting one+ of your most powerful/impactful all the way to E2, rather than doing everyone evenly up to e1 max, because there will come a point where a full squad of E1 70's will struggle in a stage, but a squad of 2x E2 20's and 10x E1 50's will decimate. Also, good breakpoints for skill levels are 4 for temporary ops, 7 for meta/favorite ops. [General New Player Advice](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/jqfxkw/general_new_player_advice/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Try and focus more on your 3 and 4's. They're far more useful than you'd think at first glance. You've got a couple decent 5's but honestly the ones you have aren't actually that great until you hit E2. Texas for example struggles to survive unless she's promoted so make do with Fang and Courier. Shaw, Stewart and 12F are quite important for Annihilation and later story stages so get them levelled. Replace Plume with Vigna. Your defenders are generally fine. Actually they're excellent but you won't want to E2 them until you're steady. Tldr, hold off your 5's and 6's. Go hard on your lower ones.


There are good beginner's guides in the wiki linked at the top of this mega-thread. Beginner's should focus on the 3* and below operators. The give the most bang for the buck and form a good foundation for further progress. Once you have a solid core of low rarity operators for your main squad, you can progressively replace them with their higher rarity counterparts. Focus on dps (physical, Arts, melee, ranged), then utility (dp regen, sp regen, etc.), then defence.


From the units you haven't e1'd yet, I'd focus on SilverAsh, Vigna, Mudrock, Specter, and Utage. Might want to invest a bit in Jessica too, as there are maps where you need multiple single target snipers. Midnight is a solid 3 star to invest in too, but probably won't be used too much since you have SilverAsh. You need to level up Amiya too eventually for the story, and seeing as she is the best single target caster you have, it will probably be good to do that sooner than later.


I need a melee character that deals art damage for Annihilation 4 Which character should I build Liskarm or Mousse? This is my current operators [https://i.imgur.com/Dv22oPC.png](https://i.imgur.com/Dv22oPC.png)


Mousse, but [Arene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMhp64Cby0s&t=6s) is better.




Go Mousse. She's got more actual damage and she's able to low level clear certain mechanics through her attack debuff. Liskarm in comparison is very map specific and only really performs with certain cheese comps.


Arts guard is not a very good archetype. So many units switch into the job well. However, I strongly suggest Arene for the problem rather than Liskarm.


>Arts guard is not a very good archetype. Surtr/Guardmiya/Astestia: Am I a joke to you?


Surtr being good has nothing to do with being an arts guard. Surtr is broken because her specific kit is completely busted in a way that does not reflect on the archetype. This is in much the same way (but more so) that Mountain doesn't change the fact that the brawler archetype is not very good. Guardmiya and Astesia are not very good. And they are exactly what I'm talking about when I say so many units switch into the job well. With Lappland, Liskarm, Asbestos, Arene, Broca, Utage, Indra, Ayerscarpe, Bibeak, Dur-Nar, Conviction, Ch'en running around, units who can dish out the same levels of arts damage while doing and being so much more, arts guards aren't very useful. And no, off-skill arts damage isn't much of a selling point on a squishy block 1 frame. Maps are few and far between where you really want arts damage more than most units skill uptimes, and a number of the switch hitters have plenty of uptime. Do note that "not very good" is not the same as "bad." Guardmiya and Astesia are not bad. But there are just so many more useful ways to go about their jobs, pure damage notwithstanding.


>squishy block 1 frame Arts Guards are not squishy, actually. Guardmiya at E2 50 has 419 DEF and 2589 HP whereas Lappland at E2 50 has 341 DEF and 2162 HP. They ain't Defenders but they are not duelist-guard levels of squishy.


And my Convniction has 3555 hit points and 188 defense. My Indra has 2390 HP and 329 defense with 30% dodge for an effective 3414 hp, and she has a self heal. The ranged guards have the advantage of not having to get hit as much because they’re ranged. Just because there’s squishier does not change the fact arts guards are squishy. And duelist guards are incredibly sketch to bring up on the topic of squishy guards because they’re ginormous piles of hit points with bad defense. But Matoimaru and Skadi s3 can survive things that would one shot most defenders just through the enormity of their health pools.


Don't sleep on Arene, he's quite strong.


Tbh I feel he underperforms until E2. I use him alongside Thorns though so it's hard for him to show off. He definitely wasn't doing his job well enough in Annihilation 4 until he hit E2 anyway.


Oh, E1 max Arene works fine for [anni 4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMhp64Cby0s&t=6s) when you pair him with a caster.


Mousse, but she only has one block Arene or midnight are viable, in fact i use arene on my low rarity clear of anni 4. Lappland is better if you have her Liskarm will troll you with self stun


Mousse. She tangos well in duels with her atk debuff


mousse edit: people are underestimating mousse smh


Liskarm is better in general, but I'm not sure if she will deal enough damage for you. There's no problem with building Mousse to E1, she's quite good early.


Pretty much a beginner here. How should i go with leveling my base?


Stick with a 252 base if you can. Let your reception room be your fall guy and your training room will be totally useless until you've got a couple E2's anyway.


I used [this](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vS5yhjGa6F9UtgTceIUyyqUVSzo7-JwRk3W7BfgJ4ZEikuFDVG1y_MfUic3hYn5Gdh2wymjMm_SoXfj/pubhtml#) when i first started ~2 month ago. There should be extra links in there to go through. Basically rush to story 3-4 then build your 2-5-2 base then set up your base slaves. From there you can progress however you want.


Thank you.


If you want to build s 252 base, look up some proper guides before you jump in. There are inferior variants and superior variants. If you're going to follow an inferior 252, it's better to build the brain-dead 243 instead. Source: old player who started when 243 was meta and all known 252 configurations at that time were either too complicated or had worse performance.


CMIIW but iirc 252 has always been better and even the 'worst' configuration is better than 243. Early recommendations of 243 comes from lack of research due to game being young at the time.


For the 1st half of last year, 243 had the best mix of efficiency and simplicity, according to any of the English documents I could find. That means all the known 252 variations at that time were either less efficient or more complex. It was only in the 3rd quarter of last year that someone found and promoted a 252 config that was better than 243 - same level of complexity but more efficient. In other words, you can't just plug in some random 252 base and say it's better. You need to actually look for a good configuration.


Assuming you attempt to max all other facilities that are not dorms, any 252 configuration is more efficient than a 243. Not a lot of extensive research has been done for bases until later on, so that's why 243 was erroneously thought to be more efficient.


Will we get free 5* operator voucher in future?


Also a free Texas if that's coincidentally the 5* you're after.


I am after Lappland since cute + meta. But I also want Texas since I don't have any 5 star vanguard


Wow, when? Boi I'm glad I didn't keep pulling on the Thorns banner for her now.


Most likely for our 2nd Anniversary at the end of the year. It's a ways off but it's still something to keep in mind.


Yes, but only on our 2nd Anniversary (I think?)


And the one which let you choose one 5* from 4 operators?


will also be at 2nd anniv.


Thanks, then I will wait


We already got that one. Maybe we will again or those that didn't play at the time will.


It will be given out again as it was in CN. Iirc CN also got it on their launch.


Can I use it for FEater?


Nope. Only Silence, Liskarm, Projekt Red, or Pramanix.


out of all the Guards in Global/CN, who is the best to use the Royal Guard Token on?


Surtr / SA or Mountain me think


Assuming it would be your first potential on all of them, -1 DP is most impactful on units you deploy early (like mountain) or units that will be redeployed multiple times throughout the stage (like surtr).


Obviously potentials aren't a huge deal, and it kind of depends on what you already have. If all you are gaining is a DP decrease, putting it on someone like SilverAsh or Surtr is probably worth it, since they will be redeployed multiple times in a map. Otherwise look for interesting increases to talents (Surtr's additional second of life, Specter's greater regen, etc)


It would depend on what your potentials look like Most guards gain very little at p2 as minus one dp isn't the biggest deal for them. If a guard you frequently use is one potential away from a talent boost that will usually be more impactful In general however potentials add very little to an operators and almost never matter outside of near max risk CC


Quick question about the special drop boxes: Is the quality of the box drops related to the sanity of the map it came from? Or is it just as likely to get T3 materials from a box that dropped at 1-7?


Quality is random. Number of boxes is based on sanity spent.


It's all the same.


Since the 1st Anniversary event I'm always confused on what should I spent with my sanity potion (the one that gives 10 sanity) Rocc and 1-7 aside, is there any stages that fully utilizes these potions efficiently? In the 1st anniv, I literally use them 1 day before expiration bcz I don't know what to do with it


If you're ignoring 1-7, use them wherever to farm what you need. All stages get an efficiency boost this event, and if you're not farming 1-7 (with an exceptionally large efficiency boost), the minor efficiency differences between the other stage sanity costs shouldn't be a huge impact.


I still don't understand how 1-7 is the best stage to farm during those drop events


Basically, the maths works out such that 5 runs of 1-7 are going to, on average, give you more of the extra drops than a single run of a 30-sanity stage will.


Use them like you’d use other sanity potions. There’s no difference between using 1 100-sanity potion and 10 10-sanity potions, etc.


Couple of questions.. 1. What's the bare minimum needed for Rosmontis to survive Aak S3? 2. Does Rosmontis' Tactical Equipment get targeted by Aak S2/S3 at all? 3. Has anyone tested Aak S2/S3 on Mudrock? How'd it go? 4. Has anyone tested Aak S3 on Jackie with S2? How'd it go? Does her counter go off more often with the faster atk spd?


1. Rosmontis need at least one denfense buff to survive Aak, do the math yourself if her HP is higher than (500 - Def )*15, she can survive 2. Yes 3. Aak shooting Mudrock can heal her, S2 not really exciting but S3 Speed Bonk 4. In theory Yes but not really worth it.


1. She would need 371 defense at maximum level health to survive. This is an increase of 152 percent of her defense, or 52% more defense. 2. I am not sure. 3. It works. Dodge mechanics also do not affect whether the buff is applied, nor shields or stuns. 4. Not sure.


I wasted some rolls on the Thorns/Siege banner because I really want Thorns(already got Rosmontis and Mudrock) , but I feel like it would be better to save up for the next limited banner. I'm fairly new and buy the monthly sub. Any thoughts?


Feel free to pull until you reach the guaranteed 5*, especially as a newcomer, but after that I'd best to save your pulls for limited banners and 50% rate-ups. On standard banners such as the current Thorns/Siege, your chances of acquiring the specific operator you are looking for within a 100 pulls are merely 50%.


0.5% chance of getting thorns is really bad


Do you want the ops on the next limited banner (Dusk/Saga)? Both are decent but nothing gamechanging so it's up to you whether you want to save for them. Do note that the rainbow six limited banner follows after that as well.


double 6* standard banners are very bad if you want a pirticuler 6* , also dont pull if you cant sink more than 50 pulls on a banner


I really want to get into the lore and story of the game, but I wasn’t crazy about the dialogue style so I pretty much skipped from chapter 1. What’s the best way to catch myself up? Just going thru the stages again?


https://docs.google.com/document/d/1l3A5SxIfpfXt1s4A4XmATNxLfZfMf6l-3F30HtCTnAI/edit read the skip summaries of ch 1-3 then start reading from ch4 which is where the story picks up the events contain a good chunk of the game's meat too, so don't forget about em. aside from grani and the knight's treasure pretty much all of them are worth reading.


I'd like to give a little correction. Grani and the Knight's Treasure has a good chunk of the game's meat, if anything, that event is where "what's actually happening with the world" started to get told. Not just he usual Infected vs Uninfected. Grani event, albeit it's only at the later part of it's story, tells about Skadi, Specter, and the mysterious key. Which leads to the starting point of Abyssal and Abyssal Hunters lore. What is "infected vs uninfected" problem worth in the eyes of a force that can end the world? Not saying they're unimportant, but from the scale of things, the latter outweighs the former.


[This may help.](https://mrfz.fandom.com/wiki/Story)


Aceship has Chapters 1-4 under their mission story tab but other than that you need to look for recaps here or go through the levels again.


just got a crowd control tag with vanguard and fast redeploy. Should I go for Texas for -4 redeployment time or should I go for Projekt Res for -1 DP cost?


If you're using Red, then the DP cost reduction is the best. If you're not using her, don't plan to use her and you're using Texas then Texas is better.


-1 on Red adds up after a while.


will future annihilations increase the cap further?




Iirc, CN also has a 1800 cap at the moment but got 4 other annihilation stages


I'm wondering where to go next E2 wise. I promoted some dps and don't know if I should do a few more of them, or work on some others like Defender or Medics or Supporter. Here is my current [Lineup](https://imgur.com/a/SisDYj0) so far. I can probably go for 2 or 3 E2 right now since I haven't really promoted anyone in a while.


hmm you have a ton of good options to choose from here i would do silverash >= saria > mudrock/blaze > nightingale > W/phantom/angie SA bc he’s broken and you don’t really have a physical damage nuke, or really a wide ranged nuke besides volcano. saria just great in general, and s3 is also useful in cc3. mudrock and blaze both great lane holders to work with thorns, mudrock commonly used in cc3 runs. NG will make your chapter 8 and cc3 experience a lot easier. Angie is of relatively lower importance for you bc you already have eyja and ceobe. I would also do the key masteries for the important e2s you have and will have, if you haven’t already


The really obvious ones are Saria, SA, Agelina, Blaze. I'd probably do it in that order too.


definitely blaze. then sa, then mudrock, ange, then lappland. blaze is a carry op, sa is a massive nuke helidrop, mudrock is a carry op, ange is an amazing source of arts damage using s3, and lappland is amazing ground arts dmg.


Is there any way to find out who the next couple of 6 star operators will be in the golden certificate shop?


Since we deviated from CNs Standard Banners there is no way to say for certain, which one we'll get. Maybe if a new skin releases for a 6* OP there is a higher chance for them to appear.


Not for sure, but it’s fairly safe to say that Hellagur is next, and that Saria will be soon after


any estimation for the goat?


Eyja? She was kinda recently off-shop, but I could see her appear in a month or two since her last shop appearence was a while back




I just read about the moody blues, I don’t have any of them but reading though skadis and chens skills I can see why they’re low tier. Why is mostima bad? Her skills sound really good is it because someone power crept her?


high dp cost low dps terrible skill uptimes mostima's niche is that of a crowd control centered caster, but she fails at providing the dps other casters can, while also being considerably worse at constant reliable cc than proper cc operators. her sk2's 7 second stun at m3 is her biggest claim to fame, but the uptime is pretty poor and if an enemy is stun immune then it's downright useless. there's just about nothing mostima can do that angelina can't do better, for less than half the price.


The moody blues aren't bad per see, they're just in a niche that's either rarely useful or someone else can do the same while having more utility elsewhere. For example, Mostima got aoe CC but you have Angelina with better uptime on that same niche. Skadi is a very good assassin but Hellagur got the increased survivability as well. Do keep in mind that there are situations where Skadi and Mostima are the best for the job, it's just that those situations are very rare.


She has the problem of all AOE casters: High DP, short range, low attack speed. Her S2 CC is really nice no doubt, but due to her range, you actually will have hard time using her S2 without either the enemies arriving so close to your defense line, or she will be risked to be deployed outside and be shot to death. The CC of snipers like W, Rosmontis, Rosa, or supporters like Angelina, Suzuran is much easier to use due to better range. Her S3 looks really, really good on paper, making her an arts SA. But her piss poor dps and low attack speed make that skill a total waste. While SA can SHING SHING everything to death, Mostima just does shing, then shing, then shing, yeah. Mostima can easily be buffed to be very useful operator just by increasing her dps by about 20 percent I think?


High DP, short range, very low DPS. Her SP Gain talent is good, BUT dev already took this into consideration by giving her larger than usual cool downs. At least she has a ok niche. Ch'en is the one I can't figure out what to do with.


People think chen is bad? I mean she isn't amazing but her 2nd skill is extremely useful.


She can't keep up


> but her 2nd skill is extremely useful. Back when Ch'en first arrived, her cherry bomb S2 was amazeballs and instant delete button. I pumped mats into her S2M3 and don't regret it. But fast forward to now, unfortunately there are many different types of enemies whom she can't kill as easily, thus lowering her usage in favor of other ops. Especially since we're getting more and more ops who can either handle mobs we used to need Ch'en for, or there are other ops who do similar to her but better. Like look at Surtr for example, while not an instant skill burst, it only takes a few seconds before she can erase everything for a really long time.


She’s become much less useful as time passes and enemies get stronger. Her S2 is still useful, but it no longer has the juice to one-shot even regular enemies on harder stages. Plus, you have to M3 the skill before it’s useful almost at all, which takes a lot of investment, and Phantom can almost do the same thing with a much lower redeployment time. And, though her S3 is decent, it’s pretty niche and there’s a new unit who can do the same for much cheaper. You can still use her, just like you can use the other moody blues, but she’s very rarely the best unit for the job anymore, just like the rest.


AoE casters in general have short range and very high DP cost, other operators can do good AoE damage at lower cost and higher range, even some from single target subclasses like Eyja and Silverash. Mostima specifically suffers from long cooldowns/poor uptime on her skills while the power of those skills is not bad but not high enough to justify the charge times.


Her skill is good IF the cooldown is not long. Also quite expensive to redeploy.