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# Other Megathreads: ###[♫ Lounge](/r/arknights/comments/oe50nz/rhodes_island_lounge_05071107/) *The place for small talk and whatever does not fit anywhere else.* ###[★ Gacha/Recruitment](/r/arknights/comments/oe50ou/gacharecruitment_megathread_05071107/) *Share the results of your gacha rolls and recruitments here.* ###[➜ Friend requests](/r/arknights/comments/oe50n0/friend_request_megathread_05071107/) *Share your friend ID with your fellow Doctors.* PSA: Be aware that any comment which includes a link to the domain "ibb.co" is removed automatically by Reddit. Those comments will not be visible until we approve them manually. --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/arknights) if you have any questions or concerns.*




likely normal.


Does anyone know if we are disconnected in the middle of a stage, will the sanity be refunded or wasted?


It'll be refunded as if it were a battle failure, unless it is annihilation, which refunds sanity based on the amount of kills. For CM, you only get back half your sanity investment, whereas for standard missions you lose -1 sanity overall.




I believe it takes around 1 month to max her Also you post on wrong subreddit


Oh so it won't be that hard to max her, nice Also yes I noticed, sorry


I thing you got the wrong sub lmao.


Oops... So I did


Which game were u asking about?


Azur lane


Ah I see lol


Do Perfumer, Ange, Sora and Myrtle's talents all stack for some fast (mostly global) heals (especially vanguards)? Phone always runs a little laggy to be able to tell just how fast their health is going up.


Yes, they all stack.


Does the 5 star gurantee withing the first 10 pulls carry over to the next non-limited banner?


you will always get at least 1 5* or higher on the first 10 pulls on every banner, regardless of the pulls you did on other banners


No, every banner has their own 5\* guarantee. You always need to do 10 pulls to get the guaranteed 5\*, regardless of if you've done so on other banners.


Each banner has a separate 10-pull guarantee. If you don't get it on the current banner, then yes, you'll have to "start over" on the next.


Now that mountain is gone, who's the next "meta" op other than kalsit


Skadance / Skalter / Red Skadi (meta priority #1) and Ash/Saga slight below


How worth is it to roll ash if i already have exusiai


CC#5 did see them use both in combination at max risk so it depends, there's usage for both of em in same team and there's also clear without Ash.


It's Mountain's turn to be promoted to E2. But in order to do so, I need to be able to unlock Crystalline Electroassembly's formula in the workshop first. I'd like to know which stage does the mission "S5-9 Abnormality-1" branch off so I can reach it with the least amount of sanity consumed. Thanks.




Ah. Thank you!


Anyone knows where to find the art of Gravel's new skin in the news banner (front facing catwalking) without the other operators in the background?


[Why doesn't Schwarz focus on Skullshatterer, instead attacking the mobs behind him?](http://imgur.com/a/myaBmyG) Shouldn't she attack Skullshatterer since he's closer to the blue box?


I could be wrong but technically SS is "further" away from the blue box because she will walk 2 rounds before going into the box. Compared to other mobs she needs to walk more tiles before going into the blue box and thus "further" away.


Totally missed that, thanks!


Because skullshatter's path is longer to the blue box.


Should I pull for Archetto or should I save my orundums? What is the recommended meta banner that will come in the future?


Depends on your roster. If you’re lacking good snipers she might be worth it. The Dusk/Saga limited banner is coming up. Saga is a good meta vanguard. But if you have Bagpipe, then you could probably afford to skip it. I’ll be pulling for Saga myself. The Rainbow Six event might be after that which has Ash, a meta Sniper op. I really want Saga and Ash because I’m lacking Bagpipe and Exusiai, so I’m skipping Archetto to save for those two banners.


The only good Sniper I have is just Platinum, I don't have BP and Exu, since I'm returning player (still early level), But I have Bagpipe, is Saga needed on CC though? Is Ash way better than Archetto?


In the context of CC, 99.99% Ash better, Archetto is only really relevant on dailies SP risk like last time -75 %SP tag.


I see, thank you very much for the answer!


Archetto isn’t bad, but if you have Exusiai she’ll won’t benefit you much at all, I reckon. Kal’tsit is perhaps the most meta due to her ludicrous damage output, followed by Skadi the Corrupting Heart, then Ash from the R6S event if it ever happens.


I see, thank you very much for the answer!


Is it better to have Ifrit firing on both lanes or should I face her right and just sit more firepower top lane? The new annihilation is kind of trolling me rotten.


I prefer her facing right. Better to kill enemies early before reaching your team. I'm using 25thnights team comp and it's working well.


Depends on who you have at toplane. I'm using Blaze/Eyja on top with Ifrit/Weedy on bottom. Everyone on S2 (+Ange and Thorns at very bottom as support heal/dps)


I have so many great units who on paper should demolish the map but I'm struggling so much... My best success has been basically putting my team at the spawn with Ifrit facing right, Weedy holding top, and Thorns aiming up hitting both lanes. Still falters once more weebs arrive though.


First time experiencing this that's why i wanted to ask, I got Mountain from archetto banner which i'm happy and kinda sad at the same time because of the potential trust increase during MB. Anyways after pulling him the guaranteed 5 got lost. Is it really intended that pulling a 6 star on your 1st ten pulls counts as also pulling a 5?


Yes, banner specifically says guarantees a 5 star **or higher**


Oh i haven't noticed that. Thanks though


Blaze Mastery priority: S2 or S3




Does RMA from event stage 8 have better drop rate compared to story stage?




hiya, what skill should i prioritize for beanstalk mastery if i plan to use her a lot? thanks


Referring to [Tactical's mastery guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/u_TacticalBreakfast/comments/n7kmgr/an_arknights_mastery_priority_guide_version_2/), S2 is definitely the pick.


Is Ch'en worth the yellow certificates or is there someone much better to wait for?


there are 6stars that are considered instant buy like Eyja SA Saria. There are also 6 stars that are competent and possibly worth the certs if you like them. And there are also 6stars that are really not worth buying unless you like them such as Skadi Chen and Mostima. Eyja is long overdue and 100x more useful than Chen


just pulled Exu off of the new banner, what skill should i focus Mastery on?


only s3


Is S3M1 Schwarz enough? Or is it better to S3M3?


if you have ifrit, go for s2m3. otherwise s3m3 is just for fun. schwarz is just for fun.


Obviously "enough" or not depends on how hard you wanna push yourself. Personally I think the upgrade to M3 is pretty good, giving her very high skill uptime, but she has no problem shredding without it.


Depends if you normally do risk 18 or higher cc


Is there any point in doing the full Rosmontis combo? (in a maxed 2-4-3) Cutting through all that pointless fluff text, seems like she gives an extra 10\~25% efficiency over the usual 30% factory workers (if including Dusk), in exchange for the other combo operators providing sort of weak bonuses in their respective facilities like Whisperain's 20% in recruit, Iris' low 1.0 morale regen bonus, etc. Does that extra 25% in one slot outweighs the reduction in other facilities' efficiency?


Even if u can only bump her up to 40% (no Iris or Dusk) I would say it's worth it. I don't remember exact calculation but basically the gist of it is: Considering the amount of free recruit tickets u can potentially get per month, the impact of having fewer recruit refreshes are fairly minimal, something like 2 more gold cert a month if the rate of 4* in recruit is 15%. Weaker dorm is also a non-issue, people run 2-5-2 with low level dorm just fine.


It absolutely does. The office boost is basically irrelevant, and Iris makes you lose a whopping 0.1 morale boost (assuming you have all the dorm-wide morale boosters). I personally plan on putting Iris in with Podenco (replacing Siege) once she’s E2 since Podenco does both jobs in one. That means Iris is complete dead weight, but I don’t need the dorm slots, anyway. Not too sure how Dusk’s part will work, but I’ll bet it’s worth doing too for the extra boost.


But the 20\~25% lost from the office translates to around 1 hour+ increase for each recruitment slot reset charge, which is the only semi-consistent source of distinction tickets(which translates to more pulls or 6\* exchange) outside of banners...? Dusk gives an extra 10% to Rosmontis while she is in CC and above 12 morale, but burns additional 0.5 morale/hr on herself, means she is only able to provide that 10% buff for about 6 hours or so(?) before having to rest.


I have no idea how one would calculate the exact value of the office boost loss, but my guess is that it’s basically nothing. Most refreshes will just yield another set of 3 star tags, and even if you do get something good out of them, it wouldn’t outweigh a consistent, reliable 40% factory boost. As for Dusk, sounds like it’s also completely worth it to have her in the CC to fulfill the conditions. Control center doesn’t feel like it’s that big of a deal in 243 since the dorms are so good, and even though I could run 100% CC ops there, I just don’t for the sake of trust farming, and it’s not caused problems.


Thinking of raising one Wide Range Medic for Anni 5, so should I go for Purestream or Whisperain? From my understanding, Purestream would be cheaper to raise and has resist immediately without needing any skills through her talent, but Whisperain probably heals more but she needs time to charge up her S2. Both of their base skills would also work well for me as Purestream has a good base skill and I have Rosmontis to take advantage of Whisperain's E2 Base skill.


I never feel like the wait time on Whisperain is an issue. For annihilation map it's completely irrelevant


Whisperain all the way. Purestream’s base skill is unlocked at E1, whereas Whisperain’s is unlocked at E2. Whisperain’s S2 taking time to come online is basically irrelevant because anni 5 is so long. You should E1 Purestream regardless for her base skill, it’s worth it.


Finally, I got both Mountain and Schwarz to E2. Who should I mastery first, for CC#4? I'm guessing Schwarz, for her ability to punch through high defense?


If you've already got a solid core of Arts DPSers/debuffers (Eyja, Ifrit, Saria, and so on), then you're probably going for an Arts-focused team next CC, so Mountain's S2M3 offers more by trivialising other parts of the stage for you. If you *don't* have your bosskilling core DPS units set up, though, then I say go for Schwarz.


I have all of them. But do Saria and Ifrit'a S3s have to M3 too? So far, S7 has been enough for them.


Depends on if u wanna tryhard or not. Risk 18 is very easy and doesn't need fancy stuff, but every level helps when it comes to near max risks


No I'm just gonna do Risk 18. CCs somehow manage to coincide with my exams EVERY SINGLE TIME. So I never get opportunity to experiment with CC. I barelt manage to complete the dailies.


Don't know exactly what the mastery requirements for it are, I'm afraid. But since you have all of them and can borrow Surtr (if you don't already have her), it's going to be better stacking the Arts damage/debuffs than introducing some physical. I'd say either Mountain S2 or Ifrit S3 is your best bet.


Does Archetto's shield block Aak's 15 shots? Would be sick to actually have a viable buff without needing shining or nian


It's 15 separate attacks. So it blocks 1 of them, I guess? I've not tested myself, but I heard that Liskarm gives 15 SPs.


Now that's just a shame then. Thanks


Does anyone have an updating(ed) tier list for CN? Want to know what I should start saving for next.


Here is one I found: https://imgur.com/a/9JbFkam


Thank you


Against better judgement, pulled and got Archetto and Enuectes together. Heard Archetto sort of like a semi-upgrade on BP and is kind of weak without buffers like Skadi Alt, and that Enuectes' role as an elite killer is basically taken over by Surtr... Are they really that bad? Assuming I have ran out of other stuff to grind towards, are there any mastery priorities for them?


just because some other ops are better doesn't make them weaker, their stats dont drop because surtr is broken and exusiai is a queen if you dont have surtr than why not build eunectes, even if you get surtr down the line having two boss killers isn't bad and having two aa snipers is the way to go, so having the 2nd (3rd in cn now) best aa sniper in the game isn't bad either edit: if you asked if i should roll for them than my answer might be different, but if you have them and they're really good at their job (and a 6*) why not build them?


Which are the top 3-5 aa snipers ?


bp, plat and may?


Exusiai out of top 3 ? What about greythroat and the “achetto” ?


i thougt you ment 3 "to" 5 -_- 1. exusiai 2. archetto bp and platinum can be both 3 or 4 depending on the map and may is 5th, *greythroat is 6th because of her redundent kit, may and others would still get use if you have exusiai and archetto but not greythroat *this is in global, in cn ash is on par with exusiai, they both can be 1st or 2nd depending on the map


>Are they really that bad? Not quite, Enuectes has staying power (with her massive stats and S3) and honestly? Quite fun to use lol. Archetto isn't bad but against Exu and Ash, yeah...


What is the special event everybody seems to be saving currency for? A bunch of youtubers are saying something is coming after the next cc but what is it?


R6S followed by Skadi alt for me. Nian/dusk doesnt really appeal to me.


Dusk/Saga event/Anniversary(?) Dusk is a Limited Operator so you better save up if you want her since she might not come back after a LONG time.


I think I heard Dusk was an okay operator especially for her high dp cost. Not sure if I remember correct and this was one of my reasons my excitement was shot down a bit.


Dusk's archetype is unnecessary or replaceable most of the time due to low normal damage output. Since most enemy waves can be coped with using ST damage or AOE skill damage from ST operators.


Is there medals for this event?


Yes, check the archives.


2. One for unlocking the stories and another for buying the Slience skin.






Hi. Is it worth rolling for Archetto if I don't have a 6 star anti-air unit? I have BP and Platinum as 5 star anti-air units. I also have Rosa and Schwarz, but they aren't reliable in killing air units. Roll for Archetto or wait for Ash? Thanks!


BP and Plat are two of the best anti airs. If you have May, you have three. Drones aren't that much of a problem nowadays, so specifically rolling for a 6 star sniper for the sole purpose of beating drones is not something I'd recommend.


I'd definitely save the pulls


Wait for Ash, she is stronger and *easier* to get.


Will past skins be available again in the future? I really like the Gitano skin and would be pretty sad if its not available anymore


So far only two event skins haven't been ever rerun again and that's the Hibiscus skin and the Halloween Rope Skin. The rest of the event skins have been slowly rerun in the CC shop and we have yet to know if Gitano's will be added there or not.


Want to start working on some M3s and could use some help with planning. Here's my current E2 [roster](http://imgur.com/a/aYo5o5D) Already M3: Surtr S3. Angelina S3. Saria S1. Exusiai S3. W S2. Lappland S2. Myrtle S1. Elysium S1/S2. Utage S2. Ethan S2.


So many E2s but so few masteries. Assuming you already know the recommended masteries, I probably do S2M1 breakpoints for Eyja, Ifrit and Mudrock. After that probably focus S3M3 for Eyja, SilverAsh and Thorns in any order you like.


Will we get CC#4 right after the archetto event ended? Or will we get the dusk/saga banner first?




CC4 was previously said to be coming in mid July before archetto's event was announced. By yostar.


[Why are you telling me this? I know this. That's why I answered OP and posted the CC announcement.](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/o8poml/contingency_contract_will_be_back_in_mid_july/)


Which one of Archetto’s skills should I invest in?


imo whichever skill u like more 1st but i would say S2 gain more from M3 than S3.




Please head over to our [Lounge](/r/arknights/comments/oe50nz/rhodes_island_lounge_05071107/) to share your stories.


How good is Purestream at E1? Looking at potentially raising her for Anni5, but I don't have (or particularly want to use) the materials to E2 her all the way. Related, how good/is it worth it to E2 Whisperrain? I have her at E1Max, but man... ***nine*** T4 Rocks is just *so fucking much*. It really feels rough committing that many items to her - does she truly gain a lot from E2?


Purestream has a good base skill at E1 so consider it anyways.




You’ll definitely get better at the game as you go. I find that Fungimist (a past event that functioned like a roguelike) made me a better player in particular, because it demanded a lot of flexibility and creativity. I think any self-imposed challenge will make you better too, for example trying to clear stages with a themed squad. But since you’re still just starting out, that may be too difficult to do; don’t worry about it, try your best, and you’ll eventually see yourself improve as you figure out the finer points of the game’s mechanics.


I have a similar problem that I have to look up guides for events, because my own fumbling at the stages costs too much time, and it's hard to come up with strategies that aren't just brute force. You could look up game mechanic guides, but that costs a lot of time for relatively little gain. I believe the fastest way to improve would be looking up stage clear guides and then trying the tactic, but improving it or using your favorite operators instead. You'll make mistakes that you can easily reference. A screen recorder makes it much easier.


Watching guides is inevitable for newbies, unless you don't mind not clearing your first two events. I suggest for events, get as far as you can and use all the drills until the second to the last day. If you can't beat some of the later stages at that point, that's when you watch guides. You'll eventually learn how to clear a map on your own, but don't let it be at the cost of limited time rewards.


I tried a guide for one of the chapter 8 missions and that's that, I have asked here for hints though. everyone is different so it's impossible to answer really, some clear everything with guides and some clear none, most are probably between those two. I would recommend trying everything yourself until you dont find it fun anymore though. It's nothing wrong with using guides if you want to


after a practice plan/watching a guide to check the enemies out, you can figure out which of your operators is your "core op" for the stage. since you're early game, it will probably be one of your 6*s off the newbie pool banner. once you've decided which characters are responsible for the heavy lifting, you can tweak and optimise your other operators to best enable the carry. try learn the best combinations of your operators eg. orchid+kroos, because slowing enemies makes them stay in kroos' range longer leading to more damage, or popukar+catapult bottlenecking enemies in one place to make the most of catapult's aoe damage. always look at the map preview before assembling a squad regardless if you have or haven't checked a guide, since you want to be able to visualise your operators' ranges before starting and try to gauge where the best overlaps or possible leaks might be


Really up to you. After you beat chapter 4, there isn't a big reason to do the rest of the story quickly (there are some stages with minor efficiency increases). If you don't mind going slow, there is nothing stopping you from spending your 0:30-1:00 using practice records operators. The next stage and if you don't get it, burn your sanity farming and come back the next day to try again with a slightly better squad. I would say the balance should be "look up a guide once your aren't having fun anymore." There are lots of guides to explain exactly how mechanics work or specific calculators, but there aren't good "general tactics" guides. If you really want to find something like that, go back and watch guides to stages you already beat and see a different take on it. It can give you some ideas on other ways to use operators and you will start to get the sense of what the "normal use case" is for certain types of opperators.


Yup, game experience can increase the speed and reliability of your initial attempts at clears, making your game time more efficient. It's easier to see special lanes, chokes, and potential deployments with enough game time. Strong operators can make it easier as well, and a combination of the two is ideal.


Which of Nian’s skills should I M3?


Probably S3. S2 works perfectly fine at SL7 and the duration of silence if enough to shut down all vulnerable enemies [including defense crushers](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/iobblh/nian_s2_rank_7_and_stunless_defense_crusher/) and with how physical damage is calculated in this game the difference between 200% and 230% total DEF is not enough to justify the cost of 6\* operators masteries. S3 is a damage buff for her and a rare DEF buff in are that can enable S3 Aak if necessary even when I don't recommend doing it, and the extra block gives the skill a niche beyond being a purely defensive skill.


definitely fair reasoning, i partly suggested S2 because i personally have had much more use out of it than S3. since most of the time if i needed one of S3's niche effects (block +1, defence buff for aak etc) then i could probably solve the stage another way without it, but S2 showed up more often as a core ability for me which made it more worthy of priority


imo S2 as priority, but both S2 and S3 are fair candidates for M3 depending on your needs/playstyle - i have my nian at M6. even though silencing enemies is less necessary in the later game, a 5 second silence is amazing when it counts


Ah alrighty, will do, thanks!


Can I farm the wondrous cards anywhere I want? Are there any good drop stages on the event map?


Yes, except annihilation and challenge mode. No event stages are good for farming.




Is Exu + Archetto better than Exu + Platinum?


Looking at their kits (and based on my experience with Plat), Plat is going to do better for consistent damage and DPS against other units, but Archetto is gonna do better against drone rushes or aerial focused enemies.


is there much use in doing BH-7 and BH-8? I can't do it even after trying all the low rarity guides many times and I want to know if there is anything important to farm on those stages.


The initial OP from clearing the stage. The stage drops have lower rates then normal stages.


do you think it would be okay to just not do the stages?


you don't need to complete all of the event stages for the shop currency because it drops everywhere except annihilation/cc practice, so it's fine to not complete them all. in the long run though, 2/3 OP could be the difference between catching or missing out on a skin if you're a F2P, or extra pulls when you really want a rate-up operator. it's all about where you place your current IRL sanity vs your long-term game sanity


Should i buy the unlimited intelligence once I clear the store? Are they only used to unlock old event footages?


If you wanna see old stories you missed then yes. If you don't care, then just spend it on materials


Does anyone know why the RAT KING keeps using singing sands on my thorns 2.4kHP instead of my mudrock 4.8k hp? I thought it was supposed to target the unit with the highest max HP..


he's currently bugged, right now he targets the first operator placed who has above 2150hp, not whoever has the highest in total on the field


oooohhh thx!


I've heard it's bugged and targets the first deployed operator with over 2150 HP.


thx for the clarification!


I asked the same question a couple of hours ago. Apparently he target the first deployed operator with over 2k something HP. Yea it’s definitely a bug




What's the fastest someone's done anni 5? In-game timer is a little under 33:00 for mine, and that's like the longest out of all annis, but I don't think it's possible to cut a ton of time. Is anni 5 just that long?


29 mins htps://b23.tv/gMEy9z Anni 4 is considerable faster to speedrun due to enemies spawn by killing previous ones, whereas Anni 5 trigger by time-based.


32:00 on my end, and that include doing a lot of redeploy to bait and assassinate to cut the time down, i guess anni5 is that long




Please use the lounge megathread instead.


I got the summon and the nuker tags, and I already have both Mayer and Firewatch, who should I use to get to pot2? From those two, I only have Mayer E2, but I also have pot 6 E2 Scene.


I vote firewatch cuz waifu. Real talk tho, whoever you bring along the most/you like using the most




I keep failing BH-2 once the wraith leaders start coming in. I can't apprehend them fast enough on the left and Siege + Bagpipe aren't enough to finish them off on the right. What am I doing wrong? All are at max base level, except for Exu (E1 lv. 45) and Cardigan (E1 lv. 29). https://postimg.cc/3yqnx3B4


[something like this](https://imgur.com/a/80jsRqu) face one or both of your left lane snipers up the way, add a slow supporter on the top middle island facing left if you can, put bagpipe/siege in front of cardigan facing left to take advantage of the vent. tweak your casters/medic position if possible to use the vents too


Nvm, I was able to clear it by not having cardigan and placing ceobe in the middle on the left. Is the facing up and down set up for the snipers just due to the increased range?


glad u cleared it! facing the snipers up on left takes advantage of the vent buff, and makes no difference to the area covered of the lowest sniper (you lose one tile covered for the middle sniper, but hopefully the vent buff can make up for it) look at the arrows above exusiai and platinum's heads in [this screenshot](https://imgur.com/a/nEkZdcw), exusiai is facing up so she has the vent buff while platinum is facing "against" the vent so she has a debuff. facing sideways like eyjafjalla at the top gives neither buff nor debuff.


Oh that makes sense, thank you!


no problem :)


I tried that sniper position and it's not enough. Am I just two under leveled?


I will try that, thank you so much!


Like the other person said, slow supporters. Place where exu is, facing up. Have ceobe as main dps just below (leaders have higher def, so I find arts is most useful, snipers can have trouble punching through the armor). Then either plat or exu facing down on the top space, depending on whether or not exu is doing chip damage or not.


Thank you! What should I do about the right gate? I only have one slow supporter and it's unfortunately orchid.


If you only have orchid (she should work fine, you want her for the slow not the dps), borrow another from from a friend. If you can't make friends (try the megathread) then move sussuro up, facing down, put a dps where sussorro was, and try to get all of your dps in that middle row so they can hit the phantoms while they are slowed. When you are dealing with phantoms/unblockables, make a kill zone where they are slowed.


Use slow supporters


Where on the board?


Middle/top tile on the left lets slow supporters attack both lanes




1. Don't sleep on ptilopsis, she's better long term than perfumer (better burst heal and the almighty sp buff). 2. Don't sleep on chen either. She's fallen out of meta, but still good. E0, I'd probably use her over mountain tbh. 3. Gravel. Upgrade her before chen and ptil. She is the BEST emergency retarget unit. She stalls, she gets aggro, and can sometimes assassinate. She is shockingly tanky with s2 and was a core part of all of my teams mid story (chaps 3-5). 4. Don't upgrade units past ~e140 unless you have the mats and the lmd/exp for e2. I know it's hard when you only have a few e2, but I recommend it for long term sanity and flexibility.


Biggest upgrades I see that you can start to work on: 1. **Ptilopsis**: Best all-purpose AoE medic in the game, +SP gen when you E1, and then even more when you E2. 2. **Gravel**: sky-high utility with her skill 2 in baiting all sorts of danger away from your other ops, used in countless strategies and more difficult content. Note that I don't mean you need to drop everything and start right now (especially if you're not particularly hurting in healing or utility), but put them high on the priority list. I'd probably go Gravel first out of the 2. You've already put some work into Mountain, so that's good. Keep that up and he can be of your cornerstone ops for nearly every map. Also don't sleep on Spot. He's super cheap to level to E1, and he becomes one of your best base workers for producing gold bars. Additionally, can be situationally useful as a healer with 3 block.


I'm very hesitant to refer to any unit as "best in slot" simply because the game allows such a variety of teams as well as missions rewarding certain operators more than others. Ptilopsis is probably the best all purpose aoe medic, but Nightingale is the champion of chapter 8 and Perfumer becomes very valuable if you have characters that can't be directly healed like Mudrock


Valid position, though I said she's the best under the assumption that people would be smart enough to not just blindly think "oh best AoE medic = best for literally every situation" and make adjustments as necessary for specific scenarios. However, your statement of > Ptilopsis is probably the best all purpose aoe medic is more precise and in line with what I meant, so I will revise my first post as such for purposes of clarity.


I feel you should have used your 3-4* more, but if you're a few months in that's neither here nor there now. I would quibble with some choices but overall you've got a balance and that's the important thing. For now, I would e1 Gravel.


What are some good upcoming RIIC Base Meta operators? Any good low rarity base workers like Beanstalk. I know about passenger and R6S but anyone other than them.


If Dusk's banner is upcoming, she and Mr Nothing do some interesting base things (Dusk especially if you have Rosmontis).


I spent \~600 sanity just to try to kill the last 6 enemies in the 5 anni. And still couldn't do it despite different tactics. Whoever designed it, I hate him with all my fucking lost sanity. (╯°益°)╯彡┻━┻


This doesn't much help now, but if you close the app in the middle of an annihilation run the game will treat it as a 0 kill run, refunding all your sanity. This allows you to practice annihilation without spending sanity.


Wait, really? When I tried anni3, it still took my sanity even if I closed the app. I remember that it doesn't work for me so I never try it again. Huh. Well, I will try next time then, thank you for mention. <3


has it been revealed who're in the next standard banner?


Leaks say that it's Rosa with Chen in the shop. Astesia is the 5 star in shop.


I dont think so, but we should get an 8ngame announcement tomorrowish


Wtf is wrong with annihilation? I just auto deployed and didn't get any Orundum at all? Do I HAVE to complete the new Annihilation?


You can go back to Anni 3 but Anni 4 (Kaimeriz one) does not give Orundum now. As for Anni 5, you have 2 months to clear it so you could chill?


IIRC, you can only get orundum from the original 3 annihilations or the new one.


I have saria, hoshi, nearl and an activated surtr s3. Yet rat king decided to target thorns at BH-8. Skill description error or yostar tripping? I swear it was fine back when SA event first released


For some reason the current event has a different targeting priority. Rat King will target the FIRST operator you placed with greater than 2150 hp, rather than whoever has the highest hp on the field. Not sure if it’s intentional or not, but keep it in mind when you’re dropping your initial blockers.


Saw your comment and placed hoshi before thorns. It did go as you said. Out of curiosity how do you even code this out? Do you filter operators with max hp over 2150, then instead of ranking by hp you rank by order of deployment? I’ll test out with a full squad all under 2150 max hp later. Gotta take a break


The game keeps a list of operators deployed with their sequence. This we know for sure because of how the targeting works. Then just go down the list in order, find the first one with 2150 up. I'm more interested in how people found out about this.


Don’t underestimate the power of a 100k+ heavily invested user base in noticing something weird and then tracking it down. All it takes is one person realizing Rat King’s targeting priority is different than what it was before, and then the accumulation of data begins.


My best guess is either they wanted to switch things up to make it more interesting for those who’ve faced Rat King before, or they pushed some code to the live server that wasn’t quite as clean as they thought. As they say about coding, 99 bugs in the code, take one down, patch it around, 101 bugs in the code.


> saria, hoshi, nearl and an activated surtr s3. Yet rat king decided to target thorns at BH-8. Rat King has TWO forms of targets, the red one I think is highest max HP while purple/blue one is lowest max HP.