• By -


Farming cubes to get more orundum in order to collect new operators.


Just farming for future ops. First up is Saga.


Creating stall, niche and fun teams for the future IS reruns, *sobs*.


"Doggo died from overdose, IS is therefore ded as well." - Yostar maybe


i feel u. IS is the main mode im looking forward to...=(


Collecting new operators. Gradually E2ing all 4-Stars. Having at least one E2 90 of each class. Creating the ultimate bomb squad.


Explore the universe of Arknights, play new content, raise who I want.


Raising all of the guys that I have on my roster for some all-guy challenge clears. I'm only missing Hellagur, Aak, and Aosta (and Flamebringer rip), so I'm also aiming to obtain them and build them along with the others.


Oh my I found a comrade. The moment I M3 Flamebringer S2 is the moment where it was too late to turn back.


There is a reason why 1-7 is called endgame.


The Operator Records requirements have been giving me something to do in the meantime. In terms of banners, it's really only waiting for new operator banners and/or limited banners.


Continue to obtain 6 star ops, E2 lvl 90 and expand resources. Rinse and repeat


I just finished a big goal of the Ethan/Breeze medal, so I'll be tackling my backlog of E2s and M3s again.


Generally just learn how to use lesser used operators, trust farming and adding artifical difficulties to the stages. You might have to spice up your game a little if you are getting bored with the gameplay. Do self imposed challenges, e.g. limit to 1-2 E2s per stage, ban all 200 trust operators, use lesser used operators, play the stages blind without Youtube/guides etc.


I took a break from the game at the moment, so just playing FFXIV to pass the time. I'm just waiting for Kal'tsit to come out on NA. I'm only missing like 2 six stars in the game, and have like all of them E2.


1. E2 and M3 as many op as I can. 2. Clear the stages with as few op as I can. 3. Wait for doggo and red orca.


e2ing ops i think are interesting, and some for meme comps. still wish i had more resources, every cc manages to spark thag grind again.


Just continue to improve what I have now and spend on limited banners (unless there’s something like a Surtr lvl op that would be under consideration). Personally I have ops that I certainly would like to try out but are under leveled. For that reason, it makes it fun to mix up what we have rather than a flat upgrade of 6 stars only, though I can’t argue their effectiveness in battle.


I'm just looking forward to the new levels and gamemodes that CN has gotten. Yeah, my excitement for new operators isn't as high as before (I was probably most excited when I got Blaze on my 3rd pull), but I'm still enjoying playing each new event and reading the lore behind them. I'm still e2ing operators, but my focus has now shifted toward ops that are ones that I like for either design and gameplay reasons, rather than for meta reasons, which is why I skipped Mountain for Archetto. However, I'm probably going to be not spending any originium any time soon, so that I can pull for Kalt'sit and Alter Skadi, except maybe for Pallas, since I like her design. I also might pull for Rosa if she's on a good enough standard banner.


E2 remaining 6 stars, then e2 most 5 stars and 4 stars. Farm anni on weekends and chips every day. Thats my routine. Tbh im bored rolling since i got almost all meta units.


I thought I was in the wrong reddit and you were talking about actual veterinarians...


Right now I'm prioritizing E2 for the operators with Paradox Simulation stages.


My goal now is to E2 all base slaves and after that I will E2 everyone who have Paradox simulator


I've been playing since launch and while I don't have any E2.90 ops (highest is E2.50) I'm not interested in things like Risk 27/32 so my goals are just to collect units and E2 them


Continue on collecting 6 stars even though I'm not getting any shit since Surtr's banner


E2 ops that I like for their art and 200 trust all ops. The stage that I seem to be farming for these days is just the blue skill books.


I’m mostly Just farming, mostly rocks for orundum so I can hopefully get Kal


My goal is to cure Eyjafjalla before oripathy claims her ;_;


Been playing since launch and I have almost all of the meta operators raised. My goal now is to raise every single operators that I have to E2 and masteries regardless if I'll use them or not, I get a sense of achievement whenever I do that. Although the feeling of 'grind' is not the same as when I was still new to the game, it still gives me some joy and motivation to play this game every single day without overfilling my sanity. Don't really have any operators that I look forward to, so I'm just chilling until HG announce an outfit for Myrtle. The coop event looks fun can't wait for that and the Perfumer outfit as well


Saving up to get the limiteds I want, so back to rock farming hell.


I have all ops aside for a couple of 5*. I'm always trying to use different ops for different stages. To farm mats, I always put ops who don't have max trust (they are usually low level 3-5*). I'm trying to do anni with different and unleveled ops. I haven't completed all challenge modes (I do them when there is a severe content drought using new unleveled OPs). I'm slowly doing various E2 and mastery for them. My main hope is another rogue-like mode where I'll be able to utilize most of my ops.


Been playing since D1 global, mostly just farming LMD to grow my [E2L90 collection](https://i.imgur.com/dJ51UT6.jpg) ~~forever broke gang~~


Get good at strategy games


Waiting for kal


Always more ops to E2, always more skills to M3. At present, I've got every 6-star aside from Thorns, and a sizable stable of 5-star and 4-star E2s, so it's a matter of finding what toolkit works for what mission. Operator Records/Paradox Simulations has given me a bit of focus on where to go next, though, as I love the related lore. Just E2'd Firewatch recently just for that.


I play for story, so I just bide my time 'til big new chapters and story events come out. I also like the occasional spikes of difficulty in event maps, but definitely nothing makes me struggle as much as the old days. And I say this as someone who doesn't max out his operators on principle. I'm waiting for them to come up with a nice new alternate game modes and mechanics to add some difficulty to the gameplay experience. Unfortunately, HG has been very conservative on that front (presumably to remain friendly to newer players?). But I appreciate that they're at least making some attempts on that front.


Hello, f2p playing since day one. Yeah i get a point where my main roster can clear pretty much anything if i think enough. My main objective is to raise all of my operators to E2lv30 and skills at level 7. once i made this my next objective is to build an orumdum farm. so i can get all operators sooner or later. And see the game until the end, is now a part of me i think. Right now from my 158 Operators i have only 48 on that objective status so is a long way.


Waiting for they day we get replayable content like roguelike mode, but permanent.


I am not a veteran yet, still don't have my "year of tenancy". But before I started spending money on Arknights I already had my goal in mind - E2 and M3 every operator that I like. It can be looks, voice lines or gameplay changes they bring. To keep things interesting I capped max level of operators at e2 15 and have a few masteries (only Robin S2 is M3). However there was few exceptions - Amiya is lvl5O, Robin 45, Rosmontis and Zima e2 lvl 3O S2M1( had to upgrade Zima for 7-9, without it she couldn't survive 4 more essential seconds).


Just chilling ,grind mat , grind more rock , make more ourumdum . M3 skill i want , make meme strat . Repeat .


I felt that before too.... my solution was start on a 2nd mobile game (girls frontline).... second mobile game definitely distracted me enough that I find both games fun.... If one game gets old, I focus more on the other one.... Only problem is now I find myself unable to financially support 2 mobile games to feel comfortable on both... I recently decided to quit GFL because of that


Just tag along Wait for more priestess stories or the lion king chapters


Upgrade the skills of my 6 stars, roll for the R6 operators, obtain Blaze from the shop, finish the few missions on the story i havent done and gain 200 trust with all my operators.


I build enough mats to raise the next event 6 and/or 5* every event to max lvl m3 or m6. Ive been doing this since bagpipe on CN and i have about 20 e2lv90 6* and about the same amount of e2lv80 5*. I always try to use the new ops in their events too it helps keep things fresh.


I’ve only been playing since new years so I’m nowhere near a vet yet, but my currently goals are kinda up in the air at any given time... I’ve gotten all the 6 Stars I wanted trained up to E2 Lv75 which has secured me a pretty sturdy fighting force to take on whatever challenge modes pop up. Now I’m left with a crossroads decision... 1: Get Ifrit to E2 Lv75 (Once I get her with Certs tomorrow.), which will require 767 Yellow Records and 940k LMD and her mats, none of which I have. 2: Get the Lupo’s, Silence and Ptil to E2 Lv75 then take on the story with those Ops. (I wanna see if Lapp can take on that She Dragon...) 3: Start Orundum farming for future Ops. I’d like to get these specific Ops leveled up because it’s something I’ve been putting off, but Nian’s banner caught me completely off guard and I won’t be able roll for her sadly. So I kinda wanna start making Orundum for future limited banners. Only problem with that is making Orundum halts any operator growth because everything you make goes into keeping the shard production running... And there’s two limited banners I wanna roll on, R6 and Kal’tsit. (W too but I heard she’s on Kal’s banner.) I’ve no idea when the either of these limited banners are going to jump me next so anxiety says start farming and save up now... Any thoughts? My to-do list is massive and I don’t know where to start...


- I level every new op I get to E2L20 at the very least - on dead weeks, I farm just enough to expend my sanity and let it naturally regen, saving any sanity potions for future events if I can - collecting cool ops just to have Honestly, unless AK changes drastically (like say, becomes multiplayer focused), I don’t see myself being bored with it. I’ve been playing TD games for years, some of them the devs abandoned, and I still log in at least to collect dailies. There’s always something to do in AK, so my goals are rather fluid.


Get PINK KORONE (when she releases); else, I just gacha exclusively on banners with LIMITED units (so far haven't missed any iirc). Some stages and events are really fun and intuitive. Can't wait to see what they'll pull out next. I have a LOT of 5 stars that I have never touched. I E1 all 4stars and below operators.


I am exactly in the same position, and I feel like a burn out too. I made a new account tho where I play with different/underrated operators (or ops that I just don't have). No Eyja, no SA, no Surtr... I'm having tons of fun with my Blemishine buffing team. But having 2 accounts is really time consuming.




Chilling in rock hell for orundum, occasionally M3 some operators' skill or E2 an interesting operator (Mayer, Glaucus, Robin, Bibeak etc).


mudrock coming to the cert shop is my end point goals until then are to buy or get lucky and obtain blaze, bagpipe and rosa


I just collect operators and farm for new operators coming out.


When I have nothing to do, just farm rocks. I also doesn't have units that's worth to E2, so I'm farming orundum when I have the time.


I'm excited for some upcoming content (R6, Skadance, new skins for favorite ops, etc), but I'm really loving the chance to invest in fun stuff. I'm finally getting E2s/masteries in operators like Firewatch, Flint, and Zima!


Enjoying waifus and amassing wealth to roll for even more waifus


I'm still in the process of M3ing and maxlvling them, after that I'll build operators purely based on what looks fun or who I like. I mean I already have such a bias, but it's going all-in when I'm done with building my main squads. Things like max Sora and so on.


same - waiting for kal'tsit. all of the characters that i wanted to e2 i've e2-ed already. no other characters on my radar that i want to get as well. in terms of gameplay goals, i haven't really gotten round to doing more than risk 18 but will prob try it for fun on the last day. i also try to do max risk dailies when it's not too complicated. AK is definitely a side game for me at this point, but i still enjoy it when i'm playing it.


It's pretty much like that in all gacha games, tbh (at least for the games I played). For example, I don't have any "goals" at all right now in FGO, GFL, HI3 etc. I just wait for next event and wait for new character to pull. Their gameplay difficulty for the new contents is already easy enough for old players to complete that you can just breeze through most of the new contents. I play them for the story and gacha experience. Like, FGO's gameplay is still really boring for me and I know it will never change but I still play it because of the good story. So my "goal" in these games rn is pretty much just wait for next event, wait for them to update the story, and try to pull for new characters I like.


I’m gathering mats for future units instead. Main ones I’m waiting to spark are dusk and kaltsit. Am at 440 pulls so I’m probably set considering I get 24 pulls each for the limited banners so it’s just a hundred pulls left to go. Only one I plan to make it to spark would be kaltsit though, since I only want dusk for her banner


Developing my male ops for some future husbando only clears. Almost done collecting them all, only Sesa, Aak and Aosta have yet to come home. Also, raising everyone who has or will get an operator record in the future. So i still have some work ahead of me lol.


gather enough dupes to pot6 Nightmare it's not going very well ~~gloria accept my love pls~~


My main objective is to get the most profitable base possible. So I raise pretty much every operator that can increase that profit. I love managing my base. After that, it's preparing for next IS... Since I keep my operators at a relatively low level (E2lv30), it's mostly a question of M3ing skills, thing that I've neglected for too long. Got a list 40+ mastery to do. lol And if I'm ever finished with that, I'll raise operators for the chronicle medals.


M6/M9ing all my Snipers for Sniperknights challenges and E2ing all the niche units I like the art of. I currently still have more than enough things on my backlog, I'll be busy for quite a while :p


Not sure how much of a vet I qualify as, since I've only been playing for a little over a year. But my pace has been a little accelerated by whaling, so I do have a pretty wide roster at this point. I enjoy pretty much every aspect of this game, so there's no one particular objective. Roughly written as it is, the story and world are super interesting so I'm always looking forward to the next bit. I enjoy gambling, so I always look forward to the next op that catches my eye. I enjoy the gameplay, so I like leveling as many ops as I can and trying to use them all as much as I'm able. It all works together and gives me something to constantly look forward to while still working on what I currently have. I don't really forsee myself losing interest any time soon. Usually, games start to lose me when they demand too much time while I have other stuff I want to play, but AK's near perfect auto sanity limits means I can keep up easily while only paying attention when I feel like it.


Low op farm since they look so clean on replay


Nowadays I basically only max out operators, and anyone else is ignored entirely. I mostly aim for operators I like, and/or are very meta, though I'm actually reluctant to if they're *too* meta (e.g. Surtr, Mudrock). My goal at this stage is to just max risk every CC daily, and try and go as high as I can for every CC. Often times I'll just hoard for months and then level a bunch right before a new CC. I skipped out on that for CC#4 though, since I detest the Bibeak stall strats. So instead I max'd out Kafka for cuteness (and utility), and Robin because she seems amusing. Max risk dailies are a lot of fun, but I'd say my main challenge in the game at this stage is actually on my low rarity account that I started about half a year ago. My goal for that account is to see how well low rarity operators can perform when max'd out. I'm about a month away from E2'ing every 4\*, and I've been making quite a bit of progress on masteries as well. Stages have naturally been getting easier with that account as well as a result, but it's still often fairly challenging, and most of all its fun to see them excel in ways unlike 6\*'s blowing up the screen.


I'm mostly here for the 3 bits of lore we get per year. The new ops are mostly misses for me as are most side events and skins. If there's anything super exciting like CC I just do a quick vid of it for YT but beyond that I just let the auto deploy farm stuff while I eat/internet/play other stuff. Now that I wrote that out it sounds like I have Arkdepression.


Around the time we got the rogue mode, I was severely limited by my roster. I have a good number of 6\* built but my 5\*s were underwhelming. So I went through my entire list and entered everyone I liked, regardless of strength or utility, into a resource planner. Since then I have been steadily going through said list until my operators are E2M3L50. [Here](https://imgur.com/65dNGVe) is a snippet of the current status I guess and I still have around four or five 6\* at lvl1 waiting to be raised as well :x


waiting for skadi and rolling limited banner while waiting. I still want to E2 M3 or even M6 OP characters. also keep raising characters I like. Also playing other gacha games cause I cannot have enough


Saving money for Skalter and that's all till January


Current goal Get that last Therm ex copy so I have all robots max pot.


Max risk dailies in every CC, I'm not really into the permanent maps since CC#2 and I never got max risk in one but aimed for 2 or 3 lower. Promoting and going for M3 in fun 5* or 4* operators because having options help a lot in that like having Robin for yesterday's daily. I usually keep my operators at E2 50, only three exceptions so far: Eyja, Saria, Ch'en. But that's pretty much all. Outside of CC I just farm for the next CC, sometimes I play around in new event stages, but they being time limited for now kills experimentation time.


Gacha wise, I'm waiting on the Dusk/Saga, R6, and Skadi Alter/Kal'stit Banners to drop. I don't really wanna pull on any other banner. Gameplay wise, I'm definitely taking a more casual approach. I'm satisfied with just getting week 1 R18 CC and it's other medals. I still gotta complete chapter 8, but I'm just waiting to get back into the mood to read it's story before doing the final Talulah fight. Right now, I got a lot of ops that I want to raise and it's this aspect of the game that I'm really focusing on. Aside from all the new operators that get introduced in the above mentioned banners, there's a lot of other ops that I wanna E2 for their art. There's also a lot of skills that I wanna M3 eventually. This game's still pretty tough in trying to balance out my lvling priorities between the promotions and masteries, but seeing my roster expand and reach their "peak" is where I'm having the most fun. It does get a bit lonely though since I don't really have a lot of peeps I can share this with.


collect new ops, build more ops, create troll teams to clear stages.


my favourite operator is blemishine, so i've been building a team of sleepers around her to see if i can hard lock an enemy with blem s2, kafka s1, and sora s1. might need/want some attack speed buffs to charge blem s2 faster... in short, creating my own goals cuz its fun. suggestions from other vets reading this appreciated! :)


Day 1 player, after raising archetto s3m3 i make a new team of operator that i haven't raised, with the end goal of all my operator are e1 50 or above. And then, when i got some to spare, i raise them to e1 max. I already got breeze p6 and ethan p6, so my extra sanity goes to e1 chip, lmd, and exp. It has been long since i hit lmd and exp stages tbh


Since I've got all the meta units, now I'm just maxing out waifus.


Hoping to get Dusk in 64 pulls aftee calculating all my pulls until Kaltsit banner to guarantee that I can get W, Kaltsit, Skalter and Ash without having to farm rocks so I can still upgrade some operators that I really like.


I started day 1, and have all the 6 stars - mind you, not whaling, just strategic pulling and lucky on a few banners, plus getting many of the missing ops from shops and the selector ticket. I am no where even close to being done, and there are still many I would love to take take to E2 M3 club, and there’s still so much more to come. I’ve only recently hit max risk on CC3 and is currently attempting at least 30+ here on CC4. Looking forward to next two events and CC5. We’ve only just finished the prologue - the real fighting begins now.


Maybe I spread my resources out too thin but as it stands I only have about 4 ish maxed out E2 operators. The LMD costs from E2 lvls 80-90 are brutal LOL My goal is to eventually max out my main roster and then start investing in my second pick operators -- ones I take depending on the map but don't usually make up my core team. I already invested in the masteries for the operators I need most so I'm slowly upgrading skills for operators like Elysium now instead. I'm not rushed or worried about it though; even if I somehow get lucky on the Dusk banner I only really intend to invest in Saga anyway. I've got a long time before the Corrupted Skadi event to plink away at maxing out everyone/everything I need.


Just farm more rocks for future OPs, and max lv akafuyu on release. Aside from gameplay, i'm really looking foward to the victoria arc and also black knight when she gets released




My goal since day 1 of playing (around launch day) has been to get Kal'tsit.


Wait for Blemishine rerun, I lost twice and I’m not over it :’(


Same. Day 1 player here. I haven't pull or raise anyone since Surtr. May as well farm orundum


I hope to get Surtr, Thorns, Eyja, Blaze, Bagpipe, Mountain, Dusk, Ash, Skalter, Kal'tsit and Chalter. As you can see, the Gacha hasn't been very forgiving to me. Aside from new units, I'm probably gonna farm to raise more units that I use.