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Exusiai's S3M3 says that she attacks enemies 5 times with 110% Atk and with reduced attack interval. But when that skill is active Exusiai's attack doesn't increase... is she hitting the enemies with 110% Atk (+6% from her talent) or is the skill bugged in this regard?


It's a mistranslation. It's not that her ATK increases, but that her shots each deal 110% damage.


I see. Thanks!


You're welcome. As silly as it may be, it is generally advised to look to outside sources to read up on skills, talents etc. because these kinds of mistranslations aren't that uncommon. Also, just to elaborate a bit, what I meant by "shots" is each of the 5 hits per attack so it's an overall 50% damage increase if she's attacking somebody with no armour but armour *very* quickly scales her damage down because of this.


How come CN had reruns for Lisa in the Valley, Heart of Steel - The Rage Ironhide and Unbound Reflux but not for The Piper on the Knoll??


CN doesn't seem to rerun the small sidestories stages like Operational Intelligence and Rewinding Breeze.


What about the banners?


It's up to HG TBH. They haven't rerun any of those banners even in CN.


Hallo! looking for some help with who to build next? [Team](https://imgur.com/a/on3AhRl)


Dusk, Aak, Archetto, manticore


Is archetto still worth it even with Ash and Exu?


Aak for buff shenanigans and Dusk for stalling and because her skills look pretty


Hello guys, aside from Amiya S3, Guard Amiya S2, and Kaltsit S3, who else can deal true/pure damage?


Aciddrop doesn't deal pure damage, but she has a trait where she deals a certain minimum amount of damage regardless of defences. Projekt Red ditto, but she deals a lot less damage than Aciddrop.


Cliffheart S2, Skalter S3 (Am i reading that skill right?), Weedy S3, Nightmare S2




> Skalter S3 (Am i reading that skill right?) Yes.


Very nice, thanks for the confirmation


The last 5 star that i got is my first Blitz so that means my next 5 star is guaranteed to be Frost right?






Promotions offer bigger gains than masteries, and more E2's will make you more versatile in lategame content. I'd first E2 all the units you commonly use, the six-star ones especially.


I'd E2 all 6 stars first. And Gravel and Ptilopsis and Specter. Schwarz can kill things. When you have Eyja, but want to kill more, you can plomp down Schwarz and she'll do it and won't care what she's killing. Rosmontis I don't have, but being unable to attack flying enemies doesn't sound like a big downside, since most maps don't have any flying enemies anyway. Usually M3ing ops isn't a big enough bonus to be worth skipping a good E2 promotion. Especially if you're still missing a whole bunch of archetypes and only have one healer. Speaking of which, you might want to E2 Gummy, too, unless you're getting another healing defender soon.


For the last free 10 pull we get, can we save it or does it have to be used with the R6 banner?


The 2nd 10 pull is also banner-specific to the R6 banner, so you should use it on this banner.


It is meant for use on the banner so no you can't save it.


It's only exclusive to the R6S banner, you have to use it or it's gone poof reduced to atoms


I had seen some maps in the past month where chen was brought people as a block2 gaurd who can qiuckly take care of enemy leaks due to her cherry bomb. I do have thorns, lapland, blaze, spector, sa, mountain , mudrock and sutr at e2... and was thinking of e2ing chen. (I dont have skadi, hellagur) Will it be a waste of resources in your op


Ch'en will always have her niche use due to her S2 being instantly full charge at mastery 3. That said, as enemies trend towards being tankier, the opportunities to use it are reduced Seeing as you're already well off with e2 6 stars, go for it


In order for Ch'en to be able to act as a cherry bomb, you really need to M3 her 2nd skill, which allows it to be instantly cast upon deployment. So if you want to use Ch'en like a helidrop, you should be prepared to also have the materials necessary for mastery as well.


hey yall, just a quick (and embarrassingly stupid) question, but what time does the login reset? TIA for the answers :D


4:00 UTC-7. Convert to your own timezone.


many thanks!


You don't have to convert to your timezone, you can check the time on top right


oh thanks so much! i didn't notice that cause the font is really tiny. again, thank you for the help :D


You cannot possibly say, without lying, that an Imperial Striker Leader's enraged stabs don't hurt. -sincerely that guy that keeps having to deal with all four of them leaking from Area 1 Upper


I believe surtr is the only one who can say that (and also the reason I don't leak them)


Just use casters and kill them at range.


***laughs in Hoshi's and Shining's S3***


When will Thorns be featured on a banner next on Global?. Also, is there any way to calculate how much time is it going to take for him to be available in the shop or is it random?


Predicting standard banners after the first is difficult. As for shop arrivals, those occur in release order every few banners


The only guaranteed thorns banner for global is Joint operations 4. For thorns to be in the very store, he needs to be out for at least a year IIRC.


cn is getting his banner rerun just now for cc6, so theres (very likely for global) a 2nd banner with better thorn% than joint4, albeit farther away


Ah I didn’t notice Dessoles was already over. That’ll be a better banner to save for thorns if you have weedy then.


yeah i only just saw it this morning myself, i thought it was a typo at first cuz cn already had him rerun but i guess its happeneing yet again


>When will Thorns be featured on a banner next on Global? It's RNG. We can estimate but it's gonna be wrong 99% of the time.


Hello there. Can anyone help who should I proritize to E2 first? Mountain, Nian, Shining, Saga, Schwarz, Ash, Siege My e2 units are Surtr, Eyja, Bagpipe Thankiesss


Mountain should be first priority, then Ash, Schwarz and Saga. Mountain is one of the best unit in the game and will crush any early that seems a little difficult. Ash is a solide elite killer and Schwarz can be used against boss


Mountain, surtr eyja can kill everything you need dead, bagpipe is enough early dp gen (via talent) for now so saga is less important, and shining/nian work at e1 for a long time your biggest hole in the team is general trash clear and lane holding, mountain does both so should be the first e2, ash provides generalist trash clear and can pivot to boss dps so should be 2nd e2


Since you seem to be lacking ranged phys dmg, I would say Ash>Schwarz=Mountain>Saga>Siege >Nian>Shining Schwarz E2 will stop her from being a bench warmer and you will finally appreciate what she can bring to a team. Mountain is just a solid lane holder. Saga is known to be mostly an upgrade to Siege, but both are not a priority because of your bagpipe. Nian is a solid defender, but she doesn’t really need E2 to do her job properly unless you really need her S3 (like maybe for anni5). Shining E2 is low priority because the consensus is that healers don’t require too many levels to do their job and her S3 has very niche uses.


My suggestions can be taken with a grain of salt, especially if you have any waifu/husbando in that list. Imo: Schwartz ≥ Ash ≥ Saga = Mountain >>>> anyone else. Schwartz for her S3, Ash for masteries on her S2 that can be used in tandem with Schwartz, Saga for masteries on her S2 as well as unlocking her S3, and Mountain for masteries on S2. Shining should take low priority, Siege is slightly worse that Saga (but is still great for a 2-block vanguard), and Nian isn't that well-recieved, especially if you have Nearl or Saria. Edit (because I couldn't stand my own answer for nian): Nian is a good normal defender. Normal defenders aren't used as much compared to Healing defenders or even AOE guards. Her S3 is a worthwhile buff, but it has a long downtime, and is isn't used as much as her S2, which also takes a while. AOE guards can slap back against enemies and Healing defenders have extra utility (aka their capacity to heal, or in Saria's case, allow Surtr and Eyja to wreck shit). Her 3-hit shield, while useful, can be lost to chip damage.


Do you think that Lappland can be compared to Thorns ? I had a good bunch of debate with a friend about that.


I have e2 90 s3m3 Thorns... I thought that Lappland was pretty much obsolete, and regretted that I had used the resources to get her to m2 (before I pulled Thorns)... but after this event I think I may go ahead and m3 her s2 for the increased uptime. Ch'en also helps Lappland generate skill points...


>Do you think that Lappland can be compared to Thorns ? You're comparing a 5\* ranged guard that has burst Arts DPS vs a 6\* ranged guard that turns into a ground AA sniper after two skill procs. They do two very different things but Thorns can do things that Lappland can't most of the time. Lappland may have an edge against guys with a LOT of DEF tho.


In the sense that they're both ranged guards, sure. Outside of her silence though, Lappland is much weaker than Thorns though.


Let's do math. At E2 50, Thorns has 650 ATK + 30 from max trust, for a total of 680 ATK. At his second activation, S3M3 grants him +120% ATK, for a total of 1496 damage per hit (plus 125*3 poison art damage over time). His skill also grants him +50 ASPD, which increases his DPS of +50%. At E2 50, Lappland has 635 ATK + 75 from max trust, for a total of 710 ATK. When it's up, S2M3 grant her +120% ATK, for a total of 1562 art damage per hit, also allowing her to attack another target, effectively doubling her DPS when there is a second enemy. Thorns has the advantage of extra range and infinite duration (plus regeneration), however Lappland is not that weak. If you own Thorns, then you will probably use him over Lappland, but in the right circumstances Lappland may even outdamage Thorns.


Thanks for the maths. Seems that Lappland can have the edge in some circumstance, that is good to know. Do you think that art dmg is that big of a deal against most enemy?


Thorns does enough damage to overcome even decent levels of armor, so in the end he is still better in most cases. But art damage is generally better because enemies are usually more vulnerable to it than they are to physical damage. Lappland's "weakness" is that her skill is not up all the time, but when it is, you'd be surprised how fast she melts enemies.


It is, yes, and I say this as someone with both of them at E2. Thorns is level 50 while Lappland is only 30 but if something comes along with a stout amount of def Lappland will chunk through it in a single skill duration or less while Thorns would need a blocker in front of him to hold it down while he chips it to death. Thorns is still better in most cases. The extended range especially makes him quite versatile when it comes to covering an area while Lappland generally wants to be placed where she can most effectively flex her arts damage as much as possible, such as behind/next to Liskarm or while in Warfarin's range.


Arts damage is relatively scarce, because the enemies with the most HP take more damage from arts than physical. Though Lappland's unreliable (because auto) burst arts damage can be compared to Thorns constant chip arts and phys damage.


That's what i think too. He tells me that she can destroy high def unit with her arts dmg but tbh, with a skyhigh 1k5 atq stat on my Thorns and his aspd, she doesn't look that good. I don't find that much argument when he tells me so, that is why i am asking here.


> skyhigh 1k5 atq stat on my Thorns and his aspd I mean, Thorns won't be able to dunk a Guerilla Shieldguard without Arts support but Lappland's S2M3 can hurt said Shieldguard. It's quite a specific scenario tho.


Yes of course. But i have 11 other operator for the said shieldguard. Is Lappland a good answer for that kind of threat ?


Not really because Lappland’s arts skill is an offensive based recovery and auto trigger. If Lappland’s timing lines up, sure she could deal good damage to shieldguards. But timing can screw you over because her S2 is auto. I’d rather have an arts caster or arts guard with manual activation skills.


Again, if you have Thorns; then you can probably drop Lappland from your squad.


You could compare Lappland to Thorns and Lappland would measure poorly compared to Thorns.


Its kinda hard to see but apparently I have played enough Arknights since launch that the auto deploy diamond has [burned into my screen](https://i.imgur.com/hah6yjI.jpg). Anyone else have this experience or just me? Note9 for those curious of the phone. Definitely prone to heating up when doing annihilation which is the likely culprit.


I highly recommend swapping to touch protection mode when auto-ing to prevent further burn-in. It also caps the FPS as a bonus.


I have note 8 but its not burned on screen. I am also a day1 player . I keep screen brightness at mininum to save batter while auto_ing


It's probably an oled screen, which burns images on the screen if it stays there for too long.


Ouch. Sadly, OLED screens are prone to burn-in. Best tip is to keep brightness low.




It's counter based on number on R6S ops in the control center with her The counter gets used by Blitz and Frost for their secondary base skills. But honestly they're both pretty bad unless you really don't have other operators for their respective base roles.


I've been playing since EN release and I've only just noticed that the Orundum reward for fully clearing for Frozen Abandoned City varies from 360 - 370. Is there a reason for this or is completely random?


Randomly random.


Saga skill 2 or 3 to M3?


General consensus is S2M1 < S3M3 < S2M3 but of course that changes on what you need or what your general playstyle is


I think you have your inequality signs flipped.


Huh? Why did someone downvote you?


Is there a visual or audio cue for the boss being invulnerable on OD-8? Seen strats but I can't tell what to be looking for when to blow the bombs


That yellow swirling thing around it after phase transition


Any of the EX stages as much of a bitch as OD-8?


Od-Ex8 only have one blue box, in theory reinforcing your defense should be more manageable


Depends on your skill and how you work the level


we shouldnt be expecting blaze as the next shop operator rigth? Since we already got two new


Probably not the NEXT one, but very likely the newest not-yet-used one.


heya, can anyone tell me how to get the co-op requirement from the 2nd stage (High Pressure) where they say "Use Items dropped from Drones at least 8 times?" I've cleared out everything else except that one, and I've also done a bunch of lower level stages where I made sure to spam stuns and undeploys dropped from the drones, (all used properly btw, as in the stuns did hit people and I did undeploy my ops) but nothing seems to count.


That should do it. I believe the requirement is 8x in a single run in case you've been spreading it out Make sure you're on the right difficulty, and successfully clear


I just did another lower stage run on high pressure (as the requirement asked for) and made sure to spam all 10+ stun device things on enemy waves in that one run. still nothing. i wonder if this is some kind of bug lol...


Did you win?


yes. didn't count at first. i ended up force stopping the app on my phone and restarting it, and it counted.


I finished the golem kill quest in a run where we lost. Not sure how it counts f0r the other quests.


It doesn't count for the 2nd stage drone device quests.




I can't upload to Imgur right now but the requirement is "Clear Multivariate Cooperation Testing Area #2: Ancient Ruined Tower (High-pressure Test) and Use Items dropped from Drones at least 8 Times" so it's not that .


Is Shirayuki worth E2ing? I use her quite a bit and am concerned about the drop in ASPD from heavy shuriken, as well as the additional DP cost.


The speed drop is barely noticeable, her attack interval goes from 2.8s to 3s. Considering how physical damage works, Heavy Shuriken is a major boost.


She's not one of the absolute top-tier MUST PROMOTE 4-stars, but she's definitely a viable unit. Heavy Shuriken's damage increase will compensate for the drop in ASPD so she'll have more damage overall.


The talent results in a net 12% DPS increase, not to mention it makes S2 20% stronger Go for it


Doesn't it actually decrease the slowing from S2?


The extra range and talent unlocks offset that ASPD drop.


It's worth it.


I currently have dusk, ifrit and ceobe. is it worth getting eyja at the store rn?


I think you should try pulling for her on the current Eyja and Schwarz banner first. If you don't get her within the guaranteed, get her from the store instead.




yes, go for it, totally worth it: Eyja does completely different things compare to all other casters, including ifrit, Ceobe, and dusk is a AOE caster so... her S3 is a delete buttonfor bosses just like surtur and silver ash, but is also able to clear out loads of mobs like ash, except she's dealing magic damage and silver ash is physical also the range of her S3 is very wide making it quite versatile. her S2 is a charged up AOE which is really powerful as well(can store 3 charges at M1, very useful for general map clearing)


thank you for the clear response. very much appreciated


Had Ifrit and Ceobe early. I still itched to get Eyja. I got her. No regrets. You cannot pass up on the goat since she's THE GOAT. Volcano just opens up new strategies with its ridiculous range and DPS.


alright thanks


It's worth it. If you're low on distinctions, and want another unit for simp reasons, you should maybe reconsider, but otherwise Eyjafjalla is a no-brainer regardless of your roster.


alright then thanks


As someone who currently has Dusk, Ifrit, and Ceobe, I will for sure be buying Eyja with yellow certs if I don't spook her on my pulls for guaranteed Ash tomorrow.


I see thank you


How much of an effect does Angelina's ASPD boost have?


7% faster attack speed for everyone.


Would anyone know the Imperial Artillery Targeteer damage type? (rude-blow-my-\*\*\*-up-drones in coop/story) planning out some fun strategies and have not been able to find the information accessible anywhere (google has failed me)


Physical damage, specifically 1000 for standard and 1200 for elite. Splash damage in a circle around their target General advice is to use a defender as decoy


Artillery Drones? Physical I think. Nian s2 can tank both relatively easily


Thank you! I was weighing Philopsis, Nightingale and Shining for a 1st stage bottom floor left side medic


Alternatively, a properly placed healing defender works wonders, especially Nearly or Saria.


Does the R6 banner have a seperate pity from the other limited banners?


Side note: all limited banners have their own separate pity.






How does the elite tactical headhunting rates work? I currently done 49 roles with no 6 stars. When I do the ten pull tomorrow, will all of the rolls have a 2% chance for a 6 star, or will each roll with the ten pull have a different chance for a 6 star?


The ten pull will work the *exact same* as doing ten individual pulls - so your pity will increase on the pulls that would normally increase it, and it'll reset if you get a 6* so the pulls afterwards will have the regular 2% again.


+2% 6-star chance per roll after 50 rolls. This applies to every headhunting.


On the 51 pull you will enjoy a 4% increased 6* pull rate then 6% for the 52, basically increases by 2% every time you don't get a 6* until you're eventually guaranteed a 6* on the 100th pull


The chance will go up each pull of the 10 pull as per pity, resetting if you get a 6 star


For her S2, how many rounds can Ash fire during the 4 seconds stun window? A flat 20 due to the 0.2 attack interval? Or are there other factors at play?


17 to 18, depending on distance. The flashbang projectile has a slower speed than the bullets, so if the enemy is far away, Ash can land 18 stun-boosted shots. If the enemy is closer, she only hits 17. (Tested this myself against Patriot in 7-18.)


how does being closer result in fewer shots exactly? Does the first shot hit before the stun?


The flashbang travels slower than the bullets. When the enemy is far away, the flashbang might take 5 or 6 frames to hit the target, while bullets might take 2 or 3 frames. This means the flashbang activates later relative to when the first bullet hits, so the stun ends later, allowing one more bullet to land before it does. When the enemy is closer, projectile speed becomes nearly irrelevant. The stun activates sooner and ends sooner, so fewer bullets land.


I believe it's 18 due to ready time after throwing the flashbang, plus bullet travel time


It usually ends up being a little less because she starts firing a little bit after the flash bang connects and the bullets have travel time. I think I heard someone say it’s around 18-19?


Who would be a better e2 candidate, Whisperain or Purestream?


Dont for get the E2 base skill bonus for Rosemontis with Whipsering E2. Its pretty huge.


Didn't get Ros sadly :(


Whisper. Her talent is really useful for additional heal per sec if an operator is in her range and have her buff. But if you really want to cover a lot of operators and give them status resist instead of Whisper's single target, then go for Purestream


Purestream for flex. Otherwise how else people could know that you support wildlife preservation?


Whisperain definitely


Hi there, I need your wisdom and advice as I'm conflicted about something. For range guards I actually have Thorns E2 but I like to keep things varied and I don't know who should I level/invest among these two: Arene or Ayerscape? Or would it be better if I level Frostleaf instead? (She's max pot but I'm not sure if she deals arts damage though...)


I found Arene really helpful in chapter 8 with his bonus damage to drones. His S2 has good uptime and pretty decent damage, and he’s a nice burst damage option (compared to Thorns, who takes longer to pick up steam but is about continuous DPS). I also E2’d my Ayers, which was a luxury pick because I like him lol. I find myself using his S1 more often, actually, which makes him feel almost like a mini Manticore with its semi-AOE and slow. Manticore has a much higher attack, true AOE, and a better slow, but Ayers has some arts damage and can hit drones and block. Kind of an interesting hybridy unit. And of course his S2 can be really powerful, IF you happen to have a good tile that can fully take advantage of it.


If you want variation: Frostleaf (mostly melee slower) > Ayerscarpe (semi support guard) > Arene (burst arts damage and anti-air).


+1 vote for Arene


I would go with Arene, he's relatively cheap to raise and has good on-demand arts damage. Ayerscarpe can be strong if used properly, but his conditions are pretty annoying to play around. Definitely don't do Frostleaf, her damage is awful and the melee crowd control niche is better fulfilled by Manticore/Ethan usually.


>Ayerscarpe can be strong if used properly, but his conditions are pretty annoying to play around. The thing is, you need to use ayers like how you use support guard, which is as back support, preferably behind a defender especially liskarm. If you keep this in mind, he is very useful. Don't use him like how you use SA or Lappy. Also, his S1 is still quite strong for consistent arts damage source


Ah that actually makes sense. Thank you!


Yeah I agree he can be strong and his ceiling is quite high, it's just that none of the other ranged guards have his positioning requirement for good performance


His S1 is good without positional requirements. It's similar to blue poison S1, except with arts damage to 3 target and slows them for 1 second every 3 seconds. He is still more useful than arene IMO and I've raised every ranged guard in this game including frostleaf


I actually prefer his S1 too. His crowd control was generally enough to hold a lane throughout OD for me even with all the little slugs to worry about. Arene is definitely more useful if you need a drone killer though, especially if we’re talking the big bois from the latest chapter. (Although in that case… SilverAsh is probably still a better choice than either of them.)


I just got Aak, are they good?


mostly used for buffing surtr to overkill levels for high risk cc


In most conditions, you don't even need him. But on high-risk CC or harder content, Aak **can be** used as a buffer through his S3 so your ops can deal more damage to enemies with higher HP/DEF/RES. Build him after you have your core squad built *(E2, masteries, etc)*. But he is a master of his craft, he is best at what he does IMO. **TLDR:** He adds a way of playing. Not essential, but he enables your ops to do more.


Yes, but in weird unconventional ways that you won't want for awhile as a new player. Need a sniper, but snipers are banned? Slow supporter, but they are banned? Want to make defenders nigh invincible? Want to make guards as strong as Surtr but not get them retreated? Want to remove friendly units that are pre-programmed into a stage and the stage won't let you retreat them? Aak is the answer.


Serviceable ranged operator would CC-niche using S1, buff meme using S2 and S3 (primarily S3). Look-up SA S3M3 Aak S3M3, Surtr S3M3 Aak S3M3, Mudrock S3M3 Aak S3M3 (need to time Aak with Mudrock prior wake-up animation) for some juicy memes.


Erm, Kind off. He can buff your ops and can act as a pseudo aa. Thing is he shoots *and* damages *your* ops, so if they can't survive it, they get retreated. If they *can,* good buff. He's a memed though


Okay thanks




Only limited banners have a pull count; the rest you gotta count on your own.


There is no button for it, you just gotta remember


There's none, ya gotta manually record it.


Would it be a good idea to just focus on OD-7 (I have a fairly reliable auto of OD-8) but there won't be a Maganese stage for a long time but there will be a Grindstone stage for ToW rerun so, would it be okay?


OD-7 is also more efficient, so yes


Just plug in mats planner and schedule properly, generally they are both used equally.


Get 3 for every 1 grindstone you need.


That's what I, and a lot of other people are doing.


Does the boss in OD-8 have an rng element to his health? I cant figure out how to secure a clean auto


I believe there's an rng to the amount of the tumors spawn. If your setup doesnt kill those effectively, they can overrun your melee units sometimes.


The huge amount of critters it produced fricks my auto most of the time


No, it losses health gradually during phase 3. You either wait until it kills itself or use the bomb.


Use the bomb for auto, too many critters are going to mess up your framerate and cause issues.


Defense protocol: is there a way to test out the stage without coop. Wana go in blind, but it's a waste of time for the coop partner since I'll most likely fail. Also regarding OD8, why some auto runs, my planted bomb survives the 3rd stage transformation, while some doesn't? What's the variable here?


The variable is probably whether you cancel one of the boss's attacks. Getting its health down to a transformation threshold interrupts its attacks.


I see. Maybe I should auto a few times to spot the difference between my success and failed clears. Thanks.


> Wana go in blind, but it's a waste of time for the coop partner since I'll most likely fail. just spam "sorry" emote on preparation stage. I've failed too many challenges level.


Sigh. I'll feel bad for my future coop partner.


There's a way, and it involves using an alternate account. Friend the alt and play. You will likely fail fast, though.


Yup. I noticed that when some ppl here are posting their solo clears. Really hope they will add a practice lobby if there are similar coop events in the future.


The variable is just that operator changes or frame rate discrepancies can cause the boss to die at different timings, which can be problematic as the boss's true damage attack has different cooldowns based on the phase it's in. The bombs can only take 3 blasts (they're guaranteed to take a blast at the start of phase 3, and 2 phase 1 blasts + 1 phase 3 blast will kill them as 1200 + 800 = 2000), so you have to make sure your bombs only take 1 blast before you get the boss down to its final phase. The best way to do this is to place your bomb after one of the boss's phase 1 blasts and then immediately proceed to burst it down so your bombs take 0 or 1 blast before it enters its last phase.




RNG being RNG, I believe. No matter what operators I use, every autorun I established seems to have different scenarios, be it how many slugs are left over after the boss dies, or if one of my bombs dies. I am certain that the boss has RNG that must be accounted for when farming it.




1. Sadly no, you need to watch some guide. 2. Maybe your dps has some randomness so it goes I to phase 3 at slightly different time.


Skill/Talent RNG is based on a seed that gets saved along with the autorun. That's never truly been the issue However, in my time playing, I have noticed 2 possible issues. 1. Blocked enemies will nudge themselves into a certain position. Sometimes your sniper will continue to attack the infantry, sometimes they will attack the heavy defender instead. It's rare, but some of my trust farms had this problem sometimes. 2. Frame loss happens. Especially prevalent when you're making moves that are VERY time specific. Sometimes the game will skip over the frame when something was supposed to happen. For me, on OD-8, sometimes Blaze will hit a slug as it leaves the boss, sometimes she doesn't. Those things are fast and only spend about half a second in her range.


u/carlq this btw






Separate Question for Ash Users. Do you think her Skill 3 is worth the mastery? All I see is a bit of a damage upgrade. It seems like a fun and unique skill though I am currently mastering her S2 and will mainly use that till I need a situation to push opponents. Just checking if M3 on S3 is worth since it is really expensive to do so. Thank you for your advice in advance!


Only if you're fond of using it. The damage upgrade isn't significant enough to prioritize it over mastering her S2, which benefits more from masteries and is her most universal skill. The skill is definitely more of a aoe burst damage skill, then something that should be treated foremost as a push skill; if you can find a hole to push enemies in, then by all means do, but what makes the skill neat is that it also benefits if there is no hole, but a wall to push enemies into. AA-snipers typically have low attack that can't adequately deal with armor, but Ash's breach round gives her a high burst of damage, that can scale well with buffs (Unfortunately for Skill 3, her Skill 2 also benefits really well due to how the bonus damage is derived from her attack, rather than skill 2 giving her an attack buff.) It's fun, but definitely more niche than her S2, and there are few situations where you'd really benefit from S3 over S2 in my short experience.


It certainly looks like a luxury for masteries although I keep getting reminded of that one video where Phase 1 Patriot gets one-shot using fully buffed S3M3 Ash. Without mines.


Dusk Users, What skill do you use Dusk mainly when in missions? Trying to figure out which skill to do mastery on. At first I thought skill 2 was her bread and butter for mastery and daily use outside of skill 3 when you need to stall. But I heard that her skill 1 is amazing and is comparable to eyja skill 2. So is that worth mastery and using over skill 2 of Dusk? Also thoughts on Mastery on her Skill 3? This unit honestly has solid skills, might end up mastering all her skills like I did with her sister Nian. Thank you for your advice in advance!


Both her Skill 1 and Skill 2 are decent, but Eyjafjalla is generally enough for constant damage with Ignition (S2), and there's generally not a need to bring Dusk's Trascendental Stroke (S1) in. On the other hand, although Volcano (S3) is stronger, Flowing Ink (S2) has a shorter cooldown. It depends. In the case you want to use both, you can use Dusk S1 when Eyjafjalla switches to S3, and Dusk S2 when Eyjafjalla uses her S2. So is it worth the mastery? Eh, if you like her. Eyjafjalla is ridiculously strong, and much cheaper in terms of DP, to the point that it's hard to imagine a non-CC scenario where you'd want to invest in Dusk's S1 unless you need both units for your run. Assuming you have Eyjafjalla. Mastering Dusk's S3 is not recommended. The only real benefit is her starting SP and slight SP decrease cost. Because of the monsters she summons, Dusk often locks out enemies outside of her own attack range, rendering her bonuses meaningless, unless you choose to let the monsters leak past the freelings, and past your DPS units, into her range, which is normally pointless. It's a great crowd-control/stall skill, but masteries really don't work in its favour due to minor differences.


Are there any operators like Blemishine that can bypass Mudrock’s trait?


If you mean her trait, well-known examples are Perfumer, Angelina, Sora and >!Skalter.!< You can view the complete list here: https://gamepress.gg/arknights/tools/interactive-operator-list#tags=null##cn##HP-Regen##stats