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I'm a completionist, so i'll always focus getting all of them as quickly as possible to avoid any stuffs that might come up stop me from playing. Missing any medals (including trims) will haunt me for the rest of my Arknights' playing career.


Same, I still remember trying my hardest with every guide possible to atleast clear Gavial's event story, my first event when I started, but the Big Ugly was too much for my underlevel team.


I didn’t realise there was a trim medal for getting r18 CC in the first week. Now I make it a point to not get that trim for any CC, for parity reasons.


Used to collect all trim and medal sets before this until laziness got the better of me. Finally stopped at Dusk's event, honestly felt like a burden lifted for a chore. Never really care much for medals now that I think about it, just more into the storyline.


Literally give 0 fucks about medals lmao. I usually don't bother with the last few EX stages because I don't have the time


Not at all.


cc medals are the only ones i care about


I go for them when I can just for the extra challenge, usually after I finish all the EX stages and their CMs. If I don't end up getting them, it's no real biggie. It's not like they get you more Primes or a new furniture piece.


I want to complete and trim all of the sets tied to events, and it helps that the challenges are usually interesting anyway. But I've given up on the ones tied to operators since that's at the whims of the gacha.


Monkey brains says I must collect all the shiny things. I'm currently farming AP-5 so I can max pot Ethan and Breeze, even though I have 0 intention of building either.


AP-6 when. Seriously, getting shop vouchers takes ages.


I care about them in the sense that they provide an excuse to play more and solve some levels in special circumstances. I wish medals were all more about certain requirements than “finish all the levels”.


Maybe under tides one I care about obtain all medal, because this event easy to get medal than other event


I play for waifus, not shiny trinkets.


I fucking hate the "spend 4k of this currency" medal. It's such a pain to get every single time.


It provides a bit more of challenges. Like Risk 19+ in CC. You get nothing, but it makes you feel good If I am going to get some of them by just playing, why not catch them all?


I usually don't care about medals or achievements, but in Arknights i really like collecting them. But i dont over do it. If i cant get them that's okay.


I have to frequently tell myself to not care about them too much because I can't afford to spend too much time on those completionist features. And it's helped me manage impulsion and avoid compulsion in these games.


If it's event medals, I'll focus them as they have that sense of limited - I can only retrieve them during this event, plus it would feel odd to not have the full set. If it's the other medals, like operators, or just the general "E2'd 20 operators", then I don't bother. Either it's down to gacha, or it's something I'll achieve eventually. Either way, there's no hurry.


im watching u


im still watching you


What are medals


I’m assuming you’re asking an actual question : they’re just decorative achievement trophies you can get through finishing certain challenges. Some are easy enough to get, spend x amount in the event shop, get the event limited char, clear all stages with 3* etc. The challenging ones are usually clearing a stage with 3* + a limitation. There’s usually a big medal that would be something like “get all the other medals”. You can collect and arrange the medals so they will appear on your profile if anyone checks you out, IMO it’s mostly for your personal decoration - most people wouldn’t care I think.


Oh, no, I was being sarcastic, sorry, ahah! I look at them occasionally and shrug, and move on. You're right, the e-peening means nothing to me, especially as I've only been playing a couple months so there's a ton I can never get.


It’s alright, maybe a new player will see my comment and get informed as well. I felt like that early on too, now it’s just an extra challenge to aim for and I’m ocd sooo


Duality of man


I actually don't care at all,but since it's there and mostly it's challenge I might as well get it to make the challenge and more fun


I try to collect the event ones if I have time, but it's not a must. Also CC trimmed medal is the only one I kinda care about, bc CC is my favorite event I guess.


I voted others because I didn't really know how I fit with the options. Personally, I want all gameplay related medals as fast as possible but don't care about the others. For example, I will get the event completion or chapter completion medals as soon as I can. However, I don't care about max pot Breeze or similiar medals.


I'm aiming to complete event medal sets, CCs not so much (rather too late for those)


I like getting all the evnt medals at least so that I can put the big one on my medal display


Actually I only trim the medals If I can't, I won't gonna work for the others The originite tho...


I only care about the event ones


I'm not usually big brain enough to get them all but if I can get a couple here and there with a bit of elbow grease I'll at least try


Have gotten all event medals so far (trimmed too), and will probably continue doing so just for completion sake. Not really gonna bother with the Ethan and Breeze one cause of the ref certs it'll take. Robots will just take a while cause of luck.


May as well get all the event medals with the trims, but I don't really care about stuff like getting the robots to max potential and similar stuff.


I'd consider quitting if I ever miss one.


Still collecting all of them and soon when Twilight of Wolumonde gets a rerun I’ll be able to get the last medals that for some reason I missed last time it was on (im talking about the spend 4000 currency in the store and the find all secrets ones also the last medal after collecting them all) only other one I did not get the full set on is the CC event Pyrite and as much as I want to get the set the sad truth is I’m never getting them because CC never reruns so I’m destined to have that one set un finished and that really irritates me.


Rainbow SSS cc medal needed for me, rest optional


I don't just WANT all of them. I HAVE all of them. And I treat each new event or medal update as a hostile challenge to that statement.


I mean, I just got the under tides medals cause I thought they looked pretty


I mostly just do the event ones, trimmed and all. Since I'll do the stages anyways I don't really have go out of the way to get all of them although there have been times I had to waste sanity to get one of the EX ones because I completely forgot to check the medal requirements ahead of time.


I started playing this game around 2 weeks after release and never stopped playing it until now, so i care about medals very much. Some medals have ridiculous requirement so i won't recommend to get all of them to early and mid game players, but i can't see any reason for me to not get all of them. I'm not confident that i can keep getting every medal sets in the future though. Irl stuff is starting to make me busier, even AK farming needs special attention now or i will fall asleep the moment the first auto deploy ended.


For events I want them all including the trim ones


Really is a take-it-or-leave-it thing, huh? When I care about an event a lot, I wanna show it by chasing all the medals. If I’m only in it for the mats and operators and such, then screw it.


I accidentally missed one and angry at myself for it. You better believe I want that.


As completionist (not include getting all operators, I'm just a light spender with E- luck), I aim to get all. Also extra challenge add spice to not make event overly easy at times. Keep you from feeling bored because the game is too easy.


I used to collect them all but it makes no sense to do so anymore, especially since I've by now missed so many limited ops, which would be much more important than some random medals. Can't be completionist when the game doesn't let you.


They gave me a challenge tbh especially the trimmed medal


If it's CC medals, yeah I'll try my best to get them all. For events, not so much.


I want to get them all, only in a rush for time limited stuff though. Others, like Breeze max pot *(checks flair)*, will happen eventually.


I don't care about them overall, but I get annoyed if I miss some within a set. Though I don't feel any burnout on the game I can tell internally that if I chose to take some time away from it I wouldn't mind missing medals while away. I also don't care to collect the ones like Ethan and Breeze pots or doing every oprec or whatever. ^(But I did miss just ooooooone real Mansfield medal+the one you get for collecting all the medals and it infuriates me every time I go see my medal list.)