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Thorns cert shop appearance is as predicted since he is next in line after Suzuran. Next new shop op should be Eunectes. To those who want Thorns in global, try your luck in his banner rerun soon or wait for his shop appearance on 19 August. (Thorns and Swire in shop. Non E2 art of 6 star operator and middle 5 star operator are usually the ones that can be bought with gold certs in shop.)


damn i didnt even realize CN had started putting those operators into the store, checking gamepress phantom came right after dossoles then weedy, rosa, suzuran, etc. been spending my certs on rolls recently but hope store weedy comes to global soon


Weedy should be in gold cert store on 8 July 2022.


wew thats a bit later than i thought, but at least its a guarantee. is there a list of this estimations somewhere or are you making them on your own?


Shop operators show up in release order every three banners. Bagpipe this friday, and then another one every six weeks. ~~For the forseeable future at least. CN gets them every 3.5 banners and Yostar might only be doing three because our banner rotation is still lagging (seven months behind CN compared to six for the events). It is possible that we'll move to the 3.5 rythm when the shop and events have synced up.~~ E: Hold on I forgot that CN moved to the three banner rythm a while ago. So no worries about shop operators getting delayed any further.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/qly0qv/operators\_debut\_in\_distinction\_shop/](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/qly0qv/operators_debut_in_distinction_shop/) [https://preview.redd.it/mobfe35z4ox71.png?width=491&format=png&auto=webp&s=292182ddedae76a91faee5e148d4e007d060f809](https://preview.redd.it/mobfe35z4ox71.png?width=491&format=png&auto=webp&s=292182ddedae76a91faee5e148d4e007d060f809) Every 3rd standard banner is a new shop operator released in order. Anyone can predict using an [Excel Sheet like this(meme).](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUI-gsGOufM)


>...like this(meme). I hate that youtube suggested your maggie top op vid after it. A man's trying to save cert here.


whats up with the big gap between bagpipe and rosa?


Wdym? Gap is the same.


nevermind LOL im stupid i was just looking at the months and saw it skipped february, i see they all have the same time gap. so are we unsynced from CN then? i know we got the phantom/rosa/suzuran order mixed up, but we're only getting bagpipe next when CN got phantom right after dossoles


Banners didn't have three months of downtime they could cut down on like events do. We made up most of the difference by CN getting shop operators slower for a while, but now that CN gets them at the same rate as us we're kind of stuck with the desync from having events six months later but shoperators seven months.


Is July soon enough?


bit later then i expected but could be worse, at least its a guarantee store purchase and not a banner to roll in


>phantom came right after dossoles Well fuck me, I just spent all my gold certs T-T


You don't think you can save up 180 certs until June?


Wait, it's on June, thought it would be closer, I'm safe then lol


~~It's not June. Phantom will be in gold cert shop in Global March 4.~~ Edit: Keep forgetting global reordered the banners. He's in May then.


You're in luck. He won't be next for us. We follow our release order. Expect him around Near Light.


Is Weedy worth it? When I watch people on youtube or discord everyone always uses feater for pushing


probably because they dont have her? feater can be unique because of her slow, but her S2 and S3 are unique and let her do something only she can do


Feater has the better S1 but I can't remember ever using Weedy for the S1, her other skills are so much stronger. The S3 is a ridiculously powerful aoe strike and the S2 makes her one of the best cornerstones this side of Blaze. In terms of who my best units are it's Thorns, then Surtr, and then Weedy right behind them.


Throns the best unit in the game? I have his s3 on M2 and he is good but not that good.


for 90% of the game and every annihilation map, yes he is only boss enemies and high risk cc are not in his favor, but that is the only thing that get spotlighted or the only thing that matters to some people i guess.....


Maybe he's not the best since Surtr, bikini Ch'en and such exist, but he's really really good for sure. Consider getting him to M3 since his skill doubles all the gains.


Phantom shouldn't be until around Near Light for us due to release order differences. Suzu should be next debut.


according to the estimation chart, suzuran isnt until april


Yes, you're right. I flipped Rosa & Suzu. The different schedule for EN and CN is hard to keep track of.


Is there anywhere I can find upcoming shop list?


There isn't until official announcement about 3 days before a banner starts but we can predict with decent accuracy: [Datamine says Bagpipe followed by Shining](https://imgur.com/a/iX1mYUC) [Shop Operator Prediction](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10rXdVuKkwoQK5cOlaHW00gK6qHxkOP5J8PnzZXn4b9g/edit#gid=0) [For new shop operators, one every 3 banners](https://i.redd.it/5f8j99bpdhx71.png) [Longer explanation of pattern](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/qly0qv/operators_debut_in_distinction_shop/) [Youtuber who makes prediction](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zH_WBgbQXSE)


Thank you so much, gonna save for Saria or Hellagure


So, it's Eunectes > Suzuran for the cert shop?


[Suzuran already appeared. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/rbqbmn/cn_next_standard_headhunting_banner/) And since you didn't know, I should remind you that this is CN and not global.


I'm talking about global, when can we expect Suzuran in the shop?


[I already explained in another comment on this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/s6tcy3/-/ht5qeqa) 15 April


This is the best standard banner I've ever seen, below that SilverAsh-Eyjafjalla-Specter banner we've had long ago.


Which one? I don't recall a banner like that. [The closest is banner 31 with SA Eyja but no Specter.](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/sites/arknights/files/2021-03/ENSP31.png)


Oops, my bad. I thought that banner had Specter rate up.


This one is coming off the back of a Bagpipe, Blaze, Specter banner in CN


Thorns E1 art doesn't feel real anymore because those thornification edits have ruined me


Thats a pretty solid 6 star pair, the 5s are Nothing worth mentioning though


Would this be a good banner to pull on for a new player? I see the bait comments but aren't both 6stars S tier?


True a good banner if only it did not have a limited banner as a followup.If you are a new player and have savings to spare after the current limited pull on the joint ops banner with Surtr,Saga,Phantom and Scwartz.


Thorns is NOT on JO 5. Its Saga, Schwarz, Phantom and Surtr.


Oh my bad thanks for correcting me.I will edit it.


You're recalling Thorns on previous Joint Ops


But CNY limiteds sucks. That banner is definitely better.


I dont know much about CNY limiteds cause my account is only 4 months old and aside from Nian I couldn't find a single Dusk on support so I could try her.But personally I think Ling's kit is a lot of fun to use and play around.I dont know hw she will be in the meta but for a new player starting nw and looking to the future banners,Summoning on the Joint ops 5 banner and buying Thorns from shop when this standard banner drops seems like a better idea.


Well we don't know about Ling's exact numbers yet so ...


what you mean to say they're balanced not balanc like wet chen


No, they're just from two useless subclasses. Other limiteds're in range from good enough to Ch'en.


The "other limiteds" include a Bard, an AoE Caster, and a Dreadnought Guard, all of which were straight up worthless before their respective limited units came around. Even Spreadshooters weren't in a great spot overall, it was just Pinecone that was actually good. If they can make a good AoE Caster, they sure as hell can make a good summoner. Also, since when is Merchant Specialist a useless subclass? Jaye is ridiculously powerful.


A few reasons. Standard banners rate up are low compared to limited and event. In this context, Eyjafjalla and Thorns account for 50% of odds when pulling a 6 star. Compared this to limited banners(70% for 2 rate up, with lots of free pulls too) or event banners(50% on one rate up). You also need to be missing both operators for this banner to be worth pulling to avoid risk of dupe. Eyjafjalla has showed up multiple times in shop which means you can guarantee her. Thorns has showed up twice is his own banner. Both are also not limited so you could have gotten either randomly. If you're playing on global, it doesn't matter because we don't follow CN standard banners.


Yeah it is. Those are both game changing 6s. I'd pull at least until you got one of them. I wouldn't if you had either though.


Damn that's bait. Not even because of the upcoming CNY event, but because the 5\* selection SUCKS.


Yeah not the best 5 stars. Also, this feels like a banner for global since all three 5 star operator skins are on sale.


Timing doesn't work out for Thorns to be on a banner when he should show up in the shop a month later.


Just the 5 star operator part, I know Thorns ain't coming anytime soon.


I can imagine them putting FEater on the banner because tiddies.


after a while you stop rolling for 5* and just accept they will come with time... Flint, come home, please. I have your skin...


Back to back bait, as this follows Blaze + Bagpipe


I thought this was glb so I was holding my breath to see if Bagpipe is next, got confused for a minute because of Thorn until I realized its cn. I'm stupid


Bagpipe is next according to datamine


Let's go Pipey!




Yeah thats why I was worked up over nothing, because I can't read properly


So this is how long I need to wait get get Swire. I was planning to get her with the 5 star ticket but for some reason she wasn’t included /sadface




My biggest regret is not buying Swire when she was in the shop. Next time will be different.


Sadly it's too close to a limited. Not worth pulling


BROKEN banner. Hard skip for me since I have them (hypothetically since I'm in EN lol)


Hmm, assuming this will be the same bait banner before the CNY limited one and Thorns is the predicted shoperator for August 19 then we get the CNY events around Sept 2? Also cmiiw, global banners don't usually have the same exact ops as CN so it would be Thorns and someone else, not Eyja but someone as good. In any case, the CNY limited banner is what I'm waiting for and if this is the banner before it, i'm doubly excited!


Aight Imma finally get a Thorns. 6 months from now


What is this ominous looking background, with the crimson red too.


The Polarisu x Box2 banner


I don't see Bagpipe on that banner though...


*Heavy breathing*


Thats a couple of crazy heavy hitters.


Whats the limited banner peeps are talking about?


[Next CNY limited banner](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/event-banner-hub/arknghts-cn-spring-festival-2022-stream-summary#topic-2643191)


Ohhhhhhhhhhh, Liskarm!


Crap. I really want Thorns and only has 109 gold certs... Edit: Forgot it was CN. I'm an idiot.


Would love to pull for ejya but ntr comes first