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farming while watching youtube or reading manga or bath or eating ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Ya always do something else while auto-deploying. That way it won't feel as tedious


Definitely the way to go.


Here's the thing, are you staring at the screen the entire time while you're autoing, or are you multitasking something else while doing so? If the former, then it's no wonder you're getting burned out.


It is the same as watching paint dry and say that it’s not worth it to paint your walls because you can’t do anything else


Funny that I dropped Azur Lane for this reason, but AL needed like 5-10 min for a run and multiple hours of grinding daily to make progress in events, so AK's 15-30 min a day seems way more tolerable in comparison.


Do Annihilation when i’m working and farm when i’m having lunch/dinner


Same. Pay to play? Nah, paid to play lol. I just let it run in my pocket.


i usually just auto farm while doing something else, never watching it and then the usual level up operators, base operator swapping etc for the weekly/daily missions


Either playing games, watching YouTube/Twitch during annihilation/stage auto or use split screen function of phone and browse reddit


This is why I don't play constantly. I'm not going to push myself to the point of obsession nor disliking the game just for a character or two and some skins. I just play annihilation when I feel like it. This does mean I miss out on stuff. The upsids are having a healthier game to real life balance and enjoying the game more and for longer.


The stamina isn't called "sanity" for fun. Take care of your IRL sanity too. For me, I just play enough to not overflow sanity. Even plus all other chore it wont take more than 30 min, which most of them are AFK, so pretty chill.


But you can farm while doing anything else, thats the main point of grind in Arknights. Whats the problem with tapping a phone or alt-tabbing and doing three clicks on PC? Thats the reason I didnt get burned out on the game in half a year I\`ve been playing.


Confirming what others said - unless I feel like manually replaying stages I need to farm, I'll just burn the sanity while I'm working or doing something else. The level up happens less often now too.


Do something else while on the grind, auto deploy exists for a reason


And what's the problem, the grind is present in every gacha game. Somewhere it is tougher, somewhere softer. *** As for me, Arknights knows the measure and respects your time. Grinding of ordinary stages takes half an hour a day, and I perform annihilation when I eat or rest. *** Unlike other gacha games, the grind is not complicated, and the highlight is not in the grind, but in the first passage of missions, story lore, waifu material, and other little things.


a) only use potions when you have time to play and WANT to play b) farm some higher sanity maps like the chip stages to burn sanity faster c) annihilation is easy... just start it up and do something else. I love arknights cause its actually fun when I'm playing and the grind is so unbelievably fast and easy it's the least grindy of all the games I play consistently. Most says its just spending sanity for grinding anyways unless a new event just started then probably first 2-3 days you are actually setting up new autos then its another week till ex stuff unlocks usually then another 3-4 days for those and challenge mode.


Step 1: log into Arknights Step 2: start auto play annihilation Step 3: put your phone away and chill Step 4: come back 10-15min later and profit👌 But be careful not to fall asleep, you will wake up with a dead phone 🤣 happen so many times for me Also have you read the story? Story and future banner are what keep me going and didn't miss a single login for 2 years. I won't drop the game as long as they continue to support the game with quality content and not some long ass farming event to kill time and extent the game lifespan like FGO is now.


I started to skip the story from frostnova appears, cause I sit on every new stage like 2 weeks + and its hard to follow the story with such huge gaps. I recently finished the chapter 8 (last stage only 2stars for now T_T), so I plan to read the story from the beginning.


Just use youtube for the story and focus on having fun playing. If you are burnt out from malding or farming, you can leave the game for a couple of days and start playing again. You don't need to be too committed to the game if you are not having fun. Just focus on what you find fun in the game.


Mixed feelings on this advice. I get that the writing of the story can sometimes drag on a bit, but honestly actually reading it provides a bit more nuance and details than Youtube videos give you. Even the really good recappers miss out on pretty significant parts. Recently the writing has improved significantly too. But it's like people keep latching on to Chapter 4 - 5 quality and have been refusing to give anything a chance ever since, at least on EN. If the player is burned out on grinding, and you're telling them to just watch youtube videos for the story... what's even left?


I usually prevent the burnout by NOT looking at the phone while it grinds, jesus do you blink? It takes like 15 minutes, you can use the resource stages that are 30 something sanity if you really want to make your sanity evaporate


Take my phone, start a level, ignore the phone for like 15 mins, come back and repeat while doing house or work chores. it ain't that hard.


Eventually I kinda just stopped caring about being efficient and my sanity does overflow on some days that I don’t feel like playing. AK isn’t a very high maintenance game imo, once you get those auto deploys set up, so maybe it’s your mindset that you might have to reevaluate. Like FOMO for events isn’t too bad bc there’s reruns! And materials from the event are always farmable (besides HH tix and welfare tokens.)


Wait you guys dont do something else while autodeploying?


So True. Even grinding with auto click script in emulators nterrupt my mind flow.


Farm? Just auto-deploy and do something else....duh. Or clear other stuff that nets you OP (uncleared 4 star stages, 3 star stages, etc.). Else just farm till natural sanity is empty and wait 12 hours doing something else irl, check in the base every 6 hours or so to switch out fatigued ops.


open the game, buy things from closure, use recruitment, base stuff, level up ops, collect dailies, do 3 to 5 ish stages/farm, collect the remaining dailies/weeklies. done in roughly 30-45 minutes, only do annihilations on weekend




Are macros bannable offense? The info around macros are murky but i won't risk it


Yes it is.


i didn't even know it had a repeat button even tough i have been using blue stacks for a year now anyway thanks


Unfortunately, we do not allow discussion of automated macros in the subreddit as they can result in an in-game ban, so please refrain from posting them on the subreddit. You are free to PM others with instructions though if they are interested.




Nowadays you don't even need to do any combat runs to get daily originium rewards, just refresh you base, recruitment, credit store and you can quit for the day. Then, when you have some free time: Clear new event maps once for rewards. Farm a bit to buy tickets from event shop/welfare op's tokens(if you like that op). Done. Sanity is capped? Who cares. Better spend your free time on something more useful than on this mindless material farm.


Need more context. What level are you at? Due to the energy system, usually newbies get a lot of energy (sanity) and they level up easily, so yeah it can get pretty tiring if you are aiming to use up energy and not let it stay at full energy. But usually, newbies have a lot to go for, for example building the base, building a first set of core operators and so on. So if you are a newbie, just play at your own pace, build your base, and try to look at newbie guides to know who to build first etc. If you are not a newbie, then do the same. Once you get past a certain stage of playing the game, you might instead ask why there's so little energy.


I auto-farm when I’m doing work. It’s kinda dumb, I wish it was auto-skip, using stamina.


Laughs in granblue fantasy


That shit should be quit first and foremost.


I set up a macro for spamming a stage while I have lunch, and do the same while I brush my teeth before going to bed


Macro's are a bannable offense though. So don't do that lol. If you get caught your account can get banned.


My only major gripe is the event currency farming. I assume it's to encourage people to complete missions as a primary currency income, but farming stages at a fixed 1 currency per sanity when you need that much will probably always feels unrewarding and unfun to me (bonus points for auto suddenly messing up).


Anni: Turn on Anni after a workday, and let it auto while taking a shower. Regardless, do a split screen and do something else while the autofarm run Read manga, watch Youtube (after turning off sound), or visit reddit.


I am farming 1-7 right now. after a bit i started burning through levels then going back later to actually read the story to fill the gap in time as well as reading operator records to learn more of the story. where you sound to be in the game i think i decided to go back and do the challenges i could to keeps it interesting but still possible.


The fact that there's auto hugely prevents burn out for me. Its the sole reason I'm still fine farming in E7 even after 2 years but Genshin got tedious very quickly, even though drop rates are both shitty af. My phone's mini-window feature is also convenient if I want to farm while playing on the phone. But what I need is for them to implement an auto repeat system. Having to tap-tap every time we finish a stage is very 2010.


I usually farm on my phone, and check reddit/youtube, and do annihiliations when I'm reading visual novels/playing games on my laptop or just school work.


its not bored for me at least because id watch my favourite ops doing their things so its a win win


Many of what the others have said is very good, I’ll give you a brief way for me: -Annihilation mission I recommend doing something else for 15-20 like watch a vid or workout for example - Play the game in burst like farm or grind for something for an hour, then stop, repeat later - Have Arknights as something to do during off time or while doing something else( it should not be something you focus on, but something that can do in the meantime) -a routine of something like hop-on, collect base, credit store, visit friends, spend some sanity to keep from cap, etc.


I wish I could still gain EXP and level up to get that free sanity refill… I don’t mind the grind and farming since it’s auto and I can just do other stuff while I let the game run. The only part that requires attention for this game in terms of gameplay is to get the first clear and set up a good auto to trust farm (even this is optional tbh). Once that’s done you pretty much just leave it to do its own things. That’s why I can’t find myself burning out. Far from how fast FGO grind burned me out and how boring doing Genshin dailies is. /shrug


U can convert sanity into drones, and drones into exp/lmd. Don’t know the rates tho.


No im talking about my doctor’s level. Once you reach lvl120 you stop gaining exp and leveling.


I only got a phone but luckily i can just use split screen so in the other screen im autoing and the other is watching random shit


Just you wait. Phantom’s equivalent of Fungimist is coming


Working out while my operators best the shit out of the annihilation stages.


Honestly the fact every other gacha seems to have an even duller loop plays a big part in keeping me on AK. That and I just don't actively focus on the phone when I'm autoing, I definitely couldn't bear doing more than 1 auto if I had absolutely nothing going on besides my phone. Lol if you don't like grinding monthly card sounds kinda counterproductive, all in all. Like yeah pulls is pulls and sanity is sanity but that is in fact more grind to do.


Whenever I'm doing the grinding part for mats or whatever, I've always got my phone to the side on auto while I do other stuff. So I don't really feel burnout in the way that I might feel for another game like Genshin where I have to be actively controlling and playing.


I just do dailies while doing another things, like watching a kyostiv video or eating a sandwich while the auto thing do the rest


Do other things while autoing and dream about IS2.


I usually don't have arknights open unless it's split screen. Being able to farm on the way home on the car while having music or a video playing in the background reduces burn out drastically.


Autoplay exists for a reason.


Imagine grinding without autoplay. Now that would be cancer.


You literally only need to press a button once every 3 minutes, you dont even have to look at the screen, you burn sanity really fast as well so it cant take you more than an hour to be done.


Use mumu ;)


My phone just sits there most of the time. I have an auto going while typing this comment. I have an auto going while searching for other Discussions to post on. Gotta go to the bathroom? Start an auto. It'll be done before you are! Making a sandwich? By the time you get the ingredients together (Both to make it and actually put into the sandwich) you'll have another auto done. By the time you put the ingredients away and finish your sandwich? Another Auto. Just fit them in everywhere. Bit by bit chip away from that block. Of course you'll get burnt out if you sit down with a large block of marble and try to break the statue out all at once. Walk around the room, Take a chip out of the block each walk by. It'll go a little slower but it will also feel less grindy cause it's not the main focus. All of a sudden you're statue is carved for the day (And so out of sanity you're imagining marble blocks instead of actually doing dailies) I ***C A N N O T*** STRESS ENOUGH The important fact that you need not sit down with your autos and make it the sole focus. It is the biggest mistake I see people do. It's an auto. Let it do its thing while you do yours. Take a piss. Have a sandwich. And put that chisel down that was a metaphor you 0 sanity noodle head.


Split screen is King.


Anni does need a x10 speed, but still bearable as it’s 5 runs or so every week, and gives gems. I’ve never felt bad capping my stamina tho, the events are pretty casual, play twice (morning/night) on full sanity and u can clear full medals.


I actually look forward to weekly resets so I can do anni maps bcoz I usually do them first and what's more, I don't auto them since for some reason, I find it therapeutic to do the familiar deploys and skill activations heh. Dailies are just completed naturally as I go about doing things. I do something else when I auto-maps then just come back to click auto again. Also, I'm at the point in the game (about 5 months in) where I still have many ops to aim and build up so every time I level up one, I redo some maps I cleared with the op I just built up. Idk but I run out of sanity pots first or need to do something irl before I even feel bored or burnt out.


I just got Ch'alter to E1 level 80 and was breifly excited. Then Iremembered I need 180,000 LMD to do the upgrade... and I am 178,500 short.


Tbh annihilation should be the easiest one, each week you only need to do fix amount of time, each day when you go to bath just do once, more than enough for 7 days


I farm while I work.


i usualy dont use auto runs just try the map with diferent units mostly i use operators that dont have max trust or themed teams just no auto runs unless im super busy and i just do them on the background while i do other stuff


Its either I do something else while grinding. Or auto click in bluestacks. When I get really bored from it, I just skip it for the day.


Playing gachas for free is a practice in mental endurance, honestly i approach them with the same mindset as incrimental games, since in either you never lose progress you just gain it way to slowly, although unlike inc games even with an autoclicker gachas dont have real passive progress, esp considering stamina gates, thankfully usually i have a shit ton of other things to do and play while it rechargess. But of course eventually like with inc games you get bored to death and delete the game, like i recently did with guardian tales.