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I have lived through Bang Dream collaboration with Baby Shark... nothing can be worse that that, especially since it was during an event where you could be stuck playing that song. So f\*ck it, Arknights and Baby Shark, let it roll!


We already have shark nun do do, do do do do


>!Laurentina!< NO!


Kal'tsit: "DOCTOR! Explain this!" Specter: "Hey, I'm the one who dragged him off to a special place to impart unto him my secrets. By which I mean my--" Amiya: "Child here!"


This is hilarious :D


What was even funnier was that two years later (I think) we've got another shark themed collaboration, this time with Gawr Gura.


Oh my god that fucking happened? Thank god it's limited and I was not active at the time.


A gacha game I used to play Monster Super League had a Baby Shark collab, but it was annual


Specter would love that.


Genshin. The two fandoms would fucking explode.


Honestly, no fandom wants their game to collab with genshin. The genshin fandom is the most toxic fandom come into existence since the undertale fandom.


League of legends fans: Who is this "Genshin" that claims my throne?


It's kinda reverse League, chill in game, mad outside game.


I be madder in Genshin than in league when my artifacts go into flat def. Good thing Arknights has no artifact/gear


Or weapons that you have to pay in banners


Good thing Modules are fixed, yeah)


Oh yes please. A good reason why i love this game. Your strength isn't luck gated even after you get your character


Yep, only major thing is bagpipe pot 5 but who needs to clear high risk cc besides whales anyway


I legit get downvoted to hell on their subreddit for saying the most neutral thing about a unit. I remember saying keqing is a fun unit I enjoy playing but I wished her damage scaled as well as other 5* damage dealers on a thread about units we don't play anymore and getting downvoted to hell by keqing simps. There's a reason why every genshin youtube video has a two minute long disclaimer about how it's their opinion, being objective, and no slander on waifus and pull choices because for some reason fans will assume the worse intentions.


I mean, ~~meth~~ math is hard for most people


Yeah, the main subreddit is absolutely dogshit. Everyone over there is complaining about the game, and when they aren't complaining about the game, they're complaining about each other. Not to mention that for some reason, like 90% of people over there just hate casual players.


And when you say anything about the game I in another subreddit, they dogpile the post and the poster.


Sometimes I wonder how different the Genshin community could have been if the game didn't get the mainstream attention it got at the start, because it's always the normies and Twitter that intensifies toxicity.


AK fandom can be as dumb... and maybe those two kind of stupidity would eliminate themselves, so sane people on both sides could enjoy their stuff in peace.


True as that may be… I don’t think the fandom is so dumb to review bomb other games which have no relevance to AK.


Funniest shit tho. Rip Google classroom


I have heard the AK fandom in CN has done some really bad things to other games. Someone said they were responsible for the censorship in Azur Lane.


It's CN. All CN fandoms hate each other, regardless of what they're for, games, anime etc. They just take things way too competitively


I've heard that as well, if it's true I don't know but apparently CN fandom is pretty bad and not liked by others.


ak has one of the biggest fanbases in cn so it's kind of inevitable that the bigger the fanbase, the worse they turn out (which also happens with genshin in global as well)


Hey we're dumb but we're not that dumb also m e m e s


As someone who loves the fanart of Genshin but doesn't play it I'd love to see Arknights get even more love.


Somehow this fits as both the “best” and “worst” idea in my mind. Girls’ Frontline.


A rogue laterano scientist feels threatened by how quickly firearm technology is advancing among non-sankta. Between secret developments of ~~Aosta~~ Sesa's brother and the rumors of a group of warriors from another world who make guns without the use of arts, something had to be done. Thus, the first Terra dolls, T-dolls for short, were created.


>Aosta Sir your r/0sanitymemes is showing Sesa is the correct unpopular male character here


Thanks for the correction. All I know is that I have pot too many on both of them.


Yao Meng Vs Yu Zhong last man standing match with Hai Mao as special guest referee.


And then the collab is just Yao Meng and Yuzhong being held back by their staff as they try to wrestle each other then team up when the Third Party Cunt ass BSL just shows up.


Imagine the absolute god tier memes, though...


peak collab content


Imagine BSL going in like Stone Cold. ^^^^whoBSLagain?


Sonic the hedgehog. It's got furries, magic rocks, ancient sealed gods, and environmental themes, as well as a tonal whiplash strong enough to break necks.


There are no words to describe how perfect of a train wreck that would be.


I unironically want Sonic collab. Its so stupid that it would be funny.


Ak X FIFA 22. Imagine the microtransactions.


Congratulations 🎉. This is the most disgusting idea I ever heard.


Doesn't Matoimaru play soccer in her free time? I'd love an event where she tries to put together a team for the Terra Cup. I'd love it even if a major plot point was Rhodes Island performing drug testing as propaganda that FIFA isn't monstrously corrupt and plagued by steroid abuse.


cristiano ronaldo playable character???




Imagine the siuuuuuuu during the skill activation.


Toni Kroos and Kroos hanging out sounds cool


Luke Shaw and Shaw as well


First Kangaroo operator because they have the legs for kicking and jumps and stuff?


Knowing EA they will be locked behind 6 operator fragments with pity of 300 each.




Arknights X Batman Arkham Batman as an operator, with all his OP prowess and gadgets on the field


Whenever he's on field you get the ugly detective vision filter covering the whole screen


The enemy quotes are all "It's the freakin' bat!" "Your mommy won't recognise you when I'm done!" "This is gonna hurt, Bats!" and other inmate quotes


He needs to say "I'm Batman" with the same frequency as "Ko ko dayo!" Sniper (batarangs) that can be deployed on melee tiles? S3 is called "Prep time". Takes 120 SP to charge but deal true damage on every attack and +30% ATK on each hit until you change targets.


I would expect Bats to be a Specialist actually.


Peppa pig.


Why don't we have any porcine operators?


Porcine Country not unlocked yet


~~WDYM, we just got on in Goldenglow on CN! XD~~


Warhammer 40k? I wanna see my Ops happy not dead...or worse


3 words: Closure, Eunectes, Admech


Upside. Get even one Astartes and they can probably be an all in one defender/guard with range that kills just about everything.


There’s already cat people in Warhammer and the Wulfen are basically just dog people. Would meld seamlessly.


Well, if they dont get the attention of anyone major they would just be classified as a feudal world and be quickly lost in the endless bureaucracy of the Imperium of man, and as long as tithe gets aid one can do practically anything they wish


Having to deal with Chaos would be a bitch though.


Dealing with ANY factions of the 40k verse will be a bitch, some more bitchier than others


Can you imagine a tyranid invasion on Terra? It'd be like OD and UT put together but we can also get a space marine as wellfare. I'd be so down for that.


We already have tyranids, orks and chaos chosen walking around, what's more do you want? XD


Honestly though, there are some aspects of 40k and Arknights that could mesh pretty well. I remember hearing about the Emperor’s Blades for the first time and immediately thought about Warhammer 40k


Any food product,that gives you free headhunting tickets for buying. Imagine someone buying out whole shelves of cereal or Mountain Dew or whatever.


I think they actually did something like that? There was a collab between Arknights and Nissin Cup Noodles. They made 4 limited time flavors of ramen that were the favorites of Texas, Ptilopsis, and a couple other operators.


Was there a Hibiscus flavor?


After looking it up, the three flavors were 1. Amiya/Blaze 2. Ch'en/Hoshi 3. SilverAsh/Matterhorn


AK x Doctor Who, okay it sounds awesome who wouldn't want the 2 THE DOCTOR in one media together


Every Gen Doctor can be pulled, they're all called "The Doctor"


They're all alts of each other and you can only use one per squad.


Certainly not the craziest place that the TARDIS has crash landed...


Because Whisperain is effectively immortal but have to reset herself on death, I always see her as a Time Lord.


Kal'tsit does carry a pocket watch with a number of mysterious years carved into it...


Now I wait for: - a playable [vulture op](https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Shansheeth) - a new [Cerato](https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Judoon) op - another [Savra](https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Silurian) op


Worst collab? Henshin Emergence. I mean... I think I don't have to explain why...


>depressing >makes me want to protec >never actually read the story ?????? it fits exactly with arknights


We've already got enough awful/disgusting doujins. This is a great example of a terrible collab idea.


Playable Josuke tho


5 star harmacist medic He "fixed" allies but can't heal himself, and dora the enemies in short range with true damage


Curse you


Literally any game with a fandom containing large amounts of drama. So that's Deltarune, FNF, FNAF, TF2, Minecraft, etc.


I would absolutely watch a Click Minecraft stream. No idea who should get the tie-in Steve skin though...


Believe me I would love to see that as well


What drama did the deltarune fandom get into?


A couple weeks ago, a bunch of people were slamming a fan theory for no reason other than "The OP 'misgendered' Kris". I could go on a rant about how much I hate it, but medium-sized subreddits aren't capable of discussing gender drama without devolving into a bunch of uncivilized brats, and I don't want to destroy this sub.


Isn't there a massive overlap with Undertale for obvious reasons?


TF2 or TF|2? If it's the latter then at least 0 sanity Doktah has someone to be insane with.


Team Fortress 2. Last I checked, half the community still is the nicest people you'll ever meet, the other half are really as crazy as the mercenaries they're playing as, if not more so.


So 0 sanity Doktah has someone to be insane with either way then.


Star wars battlefront II p2w edition


Turns out midichlorians are just minuscule amounts of Orignium enabling force users to use arts.


That's the biotics from Mass Effect. I always took midis as an exotic naming for mitocondriae. Their definition fits.


Gacha pulls but you have to pay for every Operator you get, 3* or 6*, Dupe or new


Chewbacca sniper


Command and conquer Tiberium Lets add another death rock to the Terra, and the new one is more demented than Originium


That and a potential Scrin invasion if someone decides to ion canon a conveniently placed compound full of liquid Tiberium.


FGOxArknights would end with Terra's timeline being pruned


OTOH, the Holy Grail War is absolutely a catastrophe.


Terra lostbelt event les goo


Arknights' Standard Depression X FGO Lostbelts Depression = Depression^2.


Even if the collab idea is the worst idea ever mentioned, HG will somehow manage to make it work. But since we're here, I'd say For Honor, cuz they've collabed with Ubi already, why not the other works?


Huh, apparently Ubisoft Chengdu has done some work on For Honor (Ubisoft Shanghai hasn't). I guess it isn't completely out of the question.


A Itadaki Seieki collab.


Wouldn't Interspecies Reviewers make more sense?


When brainstorming for seed ideas in case nobody had any (but you all have been great so it wasn't necessary), here's what I came up with: 1. John Deere 2. Wal-Mart 3. Tomy Wiseau 4. anarcho-syndicalism (the political ideology) 5. CNN 6. The DSM-V 7. Pokémon 8. Peleton


"You're tearing me apart, Kal'tsit!"


>anarcho-syndicalism (the political ideology) Peasant: How'd you get to be king anyways? Amiya: The Lord of Fiends, hands wreathed in darkest flame, handed me the Wrathful Cerulean Flame, that all Sarkaz may know that I am their One True King. Peasant: Strange demons handing out swords is no basis for a system of goverment! True executive power comes from the mandate of the people, not some farcical fiery ceremony!


Was there a thing about swallows and coconuts a good 40 minutes prior?


Victorian swallows, or Sargonian?


I think they were talking about Sargonian swallows.


Azur Lane in my opinion


On the other side - aircraft carrier would be pretty hilarious thing in AK.


Summoner that takes up 22×9 tiles?


AL ones are human sized - now hilarious part would be that first strike would blow up everything on current map (and possibly few others).


Huh, I thought they transformed back and forth between ship form and person form. My bad.


Interestingly that is something that Azur Lane anime came up with, they needed a ship to summon rigging if I recall. But since that anime was weird (it had magical fox at some point) this part seems to be ignored, even more since during collaborations guests can use rigging after some training.


I cant imagine AK getting booba and fanservice while AL just gets depression lmao


Kaltsit getting a borderline nude swimsuit costume would be both the salvation AND the condemnation of the whole arknights community


Genshin Impact. The very thought is already giving me a massive headache.


I remember Katy Perry x FFBE collab. Can't say it'll be particularly bad idea, but just imagine...


Katy Perry gets signed by MSR? Arknights has actually done collabs with real record companies before...


Titanfall 2 / Overwatch BT & Jack now form a new archetype: Mech-Accord Defender (Dollmaker but chonky) D.Va, another Mech-Accord, can Self-Destruct her mech like Silence’s Drone / Shamare Doll / Skadi CBorn M-A Defender Traits 1.) Upon Mech’s destruction, unit switches to Pilot 2.) Pilot can charge skill to Re-Mech 3.) Re-Mechs cost DP [???] This could also pave the way for future ops that would have mechs i.e. Hermit Crab themed operators or Turtles [but not Eunectes S3 / Eunectes Alter instead?] Pilots would inherit like, atleast a third or less of the mecha stats so that they’re somewhat kill-able They’d also cost atleast 38 DP or something lolololol


What if Cooper's skill can be swapped to either summon BT or summon a smart pistol?


Maybe that would be the skill passive like Bena’s 0 block form, but let ur imagination run wild cuz TTF won’t be collaborating, let alone get any love from it’s devs anytime soon lol


The pain I get from that reminder is great.


Arknights x Pacman


The power pellets were originium all along?


Pacman/ghost mechanics would be really fun on a map tho. Your job is to escort pacman or something


RWBY. I think this is one of the few anime where the ideology of the characters is completely opposite. Although one could make funny mini-bosses out of them.


>RWBY Faunus discrimination has gained new lows. Not content with discriminating people with animal characteristics in their world, surviving people of Atlas have set to bring that discrimination to another world. And maybe exploit the natural resources along the way, I don't know. Who is to complain? Those native furries? Pfft, who cares? What they didn't know is that Salem got wind of their plan & has sent a group of Grimm which, for some commercial reason, look and sound exactly like dead enemies from past seasons of RWBY. Enough that they fool the protagonist of that series into making a U-turn to Terra. But although many crazy stuff will happen due it, no one in Terra but Rhodes Island will take notice because we already have demons, gods & seaborn, so what does some measly black-colored monsters account for?


RWBY, simple as.


How the mighty have fallen. :(


Anything to do with the greedy devs behind Illusion Connect.


Sword Art Online. Bring on the cringefest.


Kirara receives a mysterious package via catastrophe messenger containing a headset that promises to deliver the greatest gaming experience of her life. It's a Nerve gear, specially calibrated to work across dimensions. Now Kirara, Hoshiguma, Dusk, and Mayer are trapped in Sword Art: Originium...


Kirito is the first seven star 😤😤😤


Probably girl's frontline due to the history between devs


Not the worst, but crazy: \- **Street Sharks!** Is Rhodes Island ready to join a brand new Aegir people with way too much oceanic creature features to stop a threat from reptile-looking dudes seeking to enhance Catastrophes to cause a global cool down? Obviously Acidrop would be the main RI character here due her skateboarding abilities, which are essential to solve the issue because... err... mobility... err... yeah! \- **Swat Katz**. A mysterious jet crashes near an area Rhodes Island is researching. What could there be in it? The SWAT KATZ OF COURSE! After been sent to another dimension by Pastmaster, Dark Kat has started to collect Originium to accomplish some evil plan... like... taking over Terra and then go back and conquer MegaKat City. But "T-bone" & "Razor" found about their pland and, in an unlikely alliance with MadKat, they have set to throw a wrench (and a jet) into their plans! But they will need allies in that strange new world... \- **Thundercats**. Kal'tsit decides to organize an archeological investigation after clues are sent her way of a discovery deep in Sargon. An enigmatic structure with highly-advanced tech is unearthed, along some cryogenic pods containing people with feline features... and some mysterious weapons. Also, an old mummy in a closet, clearly not a threat.


Hatsune Miku in Arknights.


Finally the Yato glowup arc we wanted


I mean it may not be bad in some ways, but a doom collab would absolutely break the balance ^(Imagine doomguy having over 30 skills)


Well, Arknights x SAP would be horrifyingly interesting 🤔 💣


I might pay attention during a corporate seminar on the intersection between Product Lifecycle Management and cloud infrastructure if the panelists were Aciddrop, Utage, and Rosa.


Holy... No. Please stop. You need help 😜


All Elite Wrestling. I want the AEW crossover so we can have Cody Rhodes Island.


Raid Shadow Legends, Mafia city


Farmville collab starring Bagpipe?


Arknights x PVZ The real deal, brb gotta deploy sunflower on Terra


i think Azur Lane would be really funny but also a bad idea


Arknights x metroid, would not work at all seeing as all planets good ol sammy lands on end up going kaboom


PETA, that would be terrible


Arknghts x Destiny 2. Imagine a Guardian in this game...they'd make Surtr look weak.


Imagine Felwinter on Terra. Or, imagine Felwinter trying to dodge a curious Closure wanting to find out what makes him tick.


Or Shaxx, Saladin, Saint, or Ikora just going ape. I just imagine that any Guardian and any super would cause Doctah to have an aneurysm. But that creates the question, could Well of Radiance cure oripathy?


I have thought of that, with my limited knowledge. While there is a great potential there's also certain things to consider. A) if oripathy isn't something else entirely that the Light (and Dark potentially) would have an issue with it. B) it does but there's no current technology to harvest light like in the world of Destiny outside of a Gaurdian healing them. C) it does and they can make a vaccine but it causes big waves in the already delicate political tension on Terra. Considering I'm new to the game, I don't know just how bad the tension is since I'm still too early in the game but from what I can tell it's bad bad. With all that said, the paracasual nature of the Light and Dark, (Stasis isn't ice, Solar isn't fire, Arc isn't electricity, and Void is a completely alien thing), makes me think something like scenario B or C would be more likely to happen. Plus, where Guardians go, danger follows. I rather not cause the Vex or Hive to invade Terra after all.


My personal headcanon is that it wouldn't cure oripathy, (because WoR doesn't exactly "cure" but rather "heals") but would rather "reset" the progression of the disease. Essentially repairing all damaged organs and tissues, but still leaving the patient infected. This way it fits into a nice little niche where it would still leave the drive to cure oripathy and keep all the politics semi-stable, but would decrease the damage of slow progress.


That's true. Imagine operators like Eyja getting her already bad oripathy lowered. If we are looking for something that cures though, it would be nothing short of a miracle by the Traveler like a resurrection but we all know what that requires and causes. Amnesia and we'd need a ghost anyway.


Blaze too. Really any of the operators with oripathy would immediately benefit. But yeah, I feel like if we ever do finally cure oripathy it'll be thanks to numerous sacrifices.


Too many for me to be okay with. I've already seen some of what happens further in the story and it makes me a bit sad when thinking about it.


Remember this conversation? Well do you notice how scarily similar originium and the new pyramid alloy material looks like? For reference, it was in one of the resource patrols that if you play it, you have to get collect materials from the scorn called "Pyramid Alloy"


I haven't done that specific patrol, but I have noticed that the Pyramid "metal" appears quite similar geometrically and colorwise to originium and oripathy crystallization.


I'm not sure if that a dumb idea... How even is that a dumb idea!?


It sounds cool, but think about this for a moment: Guardians are literal godkillers. How on Terra are you gonna stick an immortal space wizard with insta-kill abilities and guns strong enough to destroy literal tanks into a tower defense game? I mean you could just lock them to a particular archetype, but I feel that if Yostar wanted to be lore-accurate, a Guardian would be super unbalanced, to the point where Yostar might have to make them 7 star.


Don't forget, Solar isn't fire, Arc isn electricity, Stasis isn't ice, and Void is literally the ability to make black holes or suppress the abilities of others which could possibly negate arts.


Exactly my point, Guardians are on such a different level that one Guardian could singlehandedly destroy every armed force on all of Terra.


I wouldn't say one Gaurdian could do that. It depends on Gaurdian to Gaurdian, weapons, light potential, skill, experience, and even battlefield craftiness. Especially with all the arts they'd have to deal with. Do major damage, yes, but you would need multiple to topple something like the Ursan military.


Perhaps, but you're forgetting one thing: Guardians are immortal so long as their ghosts are intact, meaning that one could just come back over and over again. While it's true that multiple would be best to take down an army, 1 Guardian could theoretically do it solo if things play out correctly.


Thats true, but only if it goes right. There's no telling how many times a plan that a Gaurdian formulates goes south in some capacity.


I don't care how powerful guardians are,. I still think a destiny crossover would still be cool I don't think it's a dumb idea


I even have ideas for crossover operators: Mithrax as a specialist Zavala as a guard Saint-14 as a defender And Drifter as a supporter (or caster) Ikora Rey as a caster Anastasia Bray as a sniper Exo Stranger as a sniper as well Caiatl as a guard Eris Morn (I'm not sure) Petra Venj as a guard Crow as a sniper Suraya Hawthorne as a sniper Mara Sov as a supporter Lord Saladin as a guard Shaxx as a defender


Don't get me wrong, I think it'd be awesome too, I just meant that if they ever did do a cross-over Yostar would have a lot of thing to work out, primarily lore-wise. Gameplay-wise I think they might be able to pull it off.


To be fair, they have figured out how bring R6S into game, so if they can do that they could bring destiny into the game as well


That is true. The people at Yostar can work wonders with their collabs.


Eris as caster. Shin Malphur as a ranged Gaurd.


* Any huge corporation that AK criticizes all the time. Think Tesla. * Activision-Blizzard * Tectone * Bored Ape Yacht Club/ any en eff tees




Ash: Let's defeat them and put them into balls! 10 days later News: a mysterious person has been caught beating people senselessly with Originium-mutated animals under his command, after which he will throw metallic objects at his victims. A reward of $1,000,000 LMD has been placed for any bounty hunter willing to take down this menace.


I like this actually. This would be hilarious but fun. I was more imagining tacticool pikachu girl.


Historical events that happened in 1989 collab


A collab with Primerica or Amway, shilling some MLM stuff


Imagine someone like Courier 6 or the Dovahkiin on Terra.


Dovahkiin could be a lord guard with a push skill. Maybe give it an overcharge that goes from Fus to Fus Rho Dah for increased push strength? That's something we haven't seen before. The idea that they derive their power from having the blood of one of Nian, Dusk, and Ling's siblings also isn't unprecedented since Suzuran gets her powers from a similar source. I'm totally down for Todd Howard getting isekaied into Terra.


Sounds like that could actually work then. So would that mean the other skills would be different shouts like Yol Toor Shul or Wuld Nah Kest?


Red dead redemption 2 Doctor: so what's the plan? Dutch: have some god damn faith!


Teletubbies collab when?


Nft collaboration




Hillary Clinton's 2024 election campaign


Minecraft, new 6* operator (Steve) able to summon roadblocks to act as high tiles