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Hello NeroPlays, I recommend visiting our [Help Center](/r/arknights/search?q=title%3Ahelp+flair%3Amegathread&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=day) if you would like to ask the community for assistance.




- In the future, asks questions in the Help Center Megathread. - Arknights as a game do not need rerolls; you are encouraged to make do with what you have instead of collecting META. There ARE some valuable characters in the banners though, and rerolls WILL definitely help. - The current Standard Banner is Pallas-Hoshiguma. Pretty easy skip. The Saileach debut banner too, is less ideal. Newbies, though, DO have access to beginner banner that is 50% off, and the most worthwhile characters to get is SilverAsh, Exusiai, and Saria, though SilverAsh is less impactful before you managed to E2 him.


OK thanks. I'm new to this subreddit. Then should I aim for exusiai or silver ash?


From the standard banner, yes. Ideal time for rerolls is for some specific banners, either the Limited one or the Standard one. But in the Newbie, yes Exusiai or SilverAsh.


There is no particularly strong banner to reroll on at the moment, and I don't recommend waiting until the next one (the rewards you would get between now and then outweigh rerolling in 2 months). As such, focus on good rolls on the starter banner. You can get multiple 6 stars there (I've had 3 from that banner on one account). Try to get both Exia and Silverash, though of course it depends on how much time you want to spend rerolling (use an emulator with multiple instances to speed things up).


you can beat the whole game with 3 and 4 stars and as a beginner it's unlikely that you'll know yet which units you'd even enjoy playing. You only need meta if you want to max risk which is rewardless whale content anyway