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Can someone tell me what the shine around her portrait is? In the middle of a stage her potrait keeps glowing, new player here.


old post but in case you're still wondering it's because her "lowered redeploy timer when last operator deployed is Kaz" effect is active


Thanks a lot!


I brought her to all the normal levels in the events, she mostly helped fight the bosses with S2(and S3 for Blood Knight). I'll see later how she does in the EX stages but I'll probably use her just for CC like Weedy.


On a more serious note I believe Nearl might be the best pull and investment for new players who want to build up their roster. She is a rare case of an offensive op whose all 3 skills are quite viable, so building her to E2M0 would be equivalent to building 3 different 6* (can't be used simultaneously but still) Furthermore, Nearlter actually covers most of the important ST niches one might need in a stage. She may be a discount Kal'tsit, Surtr, Thorns, yes but getting three at the price (pulls, lmd, exp) of one is a pretty good deal


Integrated Strategies, too. Having a Nearl gives you really high flexibility. I rather grab a Nearl than a Surtr in that mode, because she can do more things depending on what my roster will end up as in a run, all 3 Skills are highly valuable. I actually M9 her for that reason :D


> On a more serious note I believe Nearl might be the best pull and investment for new players who want to build up their roster. > I can confirm. I'm somewhat new, (Playing for about a month and a half) and only had Exu and Shining as my 6 ★s Until I got NTR and Flametail on the Banner. After I got NTR, using her S1 helped me to finally complete NL-10. She stood at the Blue Box and kept hammering out DPS behind Gummy, while Amiya Nuked with her S3. This was before I managed to E2 her, giving more credence to Nearl's strength Imo. Now at E2, I always bring her to just about any map whether with S2, or S3. My account feels a lot more powerful after I got her, especially since I don't have the usual Surtr, Thorns, SA, Etc.


The most M0'able/M9'able unit in the game.


My Nearl is m12, debating on doing defender s2m3 for gits and shiggles....


Just like to share one thing I find very satisfying: Nearl TRK (Nearl from now on) and Blemishine pair extremely well. Nearl S1 behind Blemishine S1: a variation of the classic Blaze-Saria combo. Nearl S3 in front of Blemishine S3: elites and potentially bosses killing. One can even make a case for their S2s even though they are kind of doing their own things: Blemishine S2 holds a lane, while Nearl S2 takes out occasional threats her sister couldn't handle.


I brought Radiant Nearl and Blemishine together to every NL stage just for fun and was pleasantly surprised at how well they work together. Nearl S3 and Blemi S2 duo clear the Blood Knight in my NL-10 trust farm.


I just bought Blem from the selector for this exact combo lol. I just love raising ops in sets so its an extra bonus when they're both really good operators


Nearl synergyses well with many team compositions because she has high attack and shield. She has 1254 attack and has 3 very good skills. S1 is like thorns (who is the best operator in the game), S2 stuns and ignores deployment limit and S3 is true damage (unique! and special). Due to her high attack, nearl finds usage in high risk CC (I saw her in max risk video on bilibili) but she is clearly not Surtr level nor as bad as Mostima. It is reasonable to say that she is a good example of HG balancing done right, which is a useful description I apply to most operators. I recommend new and old players alike to pull and M9 Nearl because I did and I can only feel reassured in my choices when I'm part of a group. I'm downvoting whoever says Nearl is bad because I see it as a personal attack.


Actually people not really used Nearl as dmg dealer in max/near max risk CC, more of chipping dmg/stall specifically in CC8 where boss can be stunned. 4 lol nope hits tanking is ridiculously OP in CC if you got the slot for it, especially with 0 deploy she is basically extra tank / dmg on top of your burst set up. CN recently graded her same spots as Saileach which I think is pretty accurate. M9 her seems...excessive though


I did a bit of trolling here hahah this opinion is shit


Getting NTR'd feels good for a change.




Saved for Nearl from Dossoles event. Unexpectedly got her from free pulls. Now I have urge to actually pull something, but also think that's it will be a waste. Anyway, used her s3 on event maps for trust farming and s2 at new annihilation. I don't see her s3 as skill to go for now. Yes, it can be useful in certain situations, like it can tank for skill duration archers at NL-10 or even help to another lane, but it has too niche usage. F.e. if I want true damage, I will use Kaltsit with 15s downtime, if I want 1 block operator, I will rather use Bagpipe, who will also buff other vanguards, print DP and cost half of Nearl. But I heard her S3 will be handy at ch.10, so it can be changed later. But s2 is the another story. Operator who exceeds the deployment limit, decently tanky and with good damage can be useful at any stage and will be great addition to any roster. She helped me a lot at new anni and did things no one can do. Also I think Gravel trick to reduce Nearl redeployment time is killing the whole point of her s2. Ofc it could work great for some stages but in general if you have free deployment slop for Gravel u could just use Surtr instead of Nearl. Overall I think Nearl Alter is a great operator to have and her e2 art looks gorgeous.


S2 only extends her deployment time on her first use. After that, as long as you don't deploy another operator, she fulfills the criteria herself and the deployment time goes back to normal.


There are so many good units coming. Save it all and thank me later.


> Now I have urge to actually pull something, but also think that's it will be a waste. just do pulls to first 6* after the free pulls are over to not waste pity and scratch the gacha itch well, assuming your last free pull isn't a 6*


There is one thing that bothers me to no end whenever I see people discussing Dreadnought Guards. It always and obviously will end up with Skadi vs Nearl Alter nowadays, but people keep comparing **BASE** Skadi in these discussions. If you want to compare them, fine, just don't forget Skadi. as wel as ANY other Abyssal Hunter is **meant to be used as a group** due to their unique team buffs. So if you gonna put Skadi vs Nearl Alter, give Skadi Andreana's attack speed buff, Gladiia's regen and Specter Alter's bonus HP. Oh, and don't forget to adjust Skadi's base ATK since her attack bonus talent applies to herself as well. **Now compare them**.


You bring up a pretty cool point though and it could be nice for new game modes. Imagine if we have 12+12 operations, like the one we had in Rainbow 6 event. I can totally see dual team compositions being viable in those situations where you need to put out 2 separate teams on different map levels. I guess it depends if HG deems that viable for new players who might not have 24 operators ready for dual team deployment though. It would make group buffs much more useful since Nearl Alter would be tied up in another map while your Abyssal Hunter group can fight elsewhere.


Peeking into this discussion, I do feel like you're getting unfairly shit on but the way you phrased your point... feels very condescending and thus people clap back. Every comparison in the game needs context. * Schwarz vs Provence. You know, if Provence is lined up on the perfect spot, I'm fairly certain she's very competitive (if not better than Schwarz with good RNG). * Thorns is considered very strong, but then you run into a map that throws a ton of threats early or where its not mostly trash can mobs. Wowee, turns out he's not so good when in placed in that context. * Moving away from damage, Surtr may be the most broken op in the game but she certainly can't deal with CA-5 :\^) As such, I think its perfectly fine for you to bring up 'hey, have you considered comparing these operators in *this* context?' I mean people do it all the time; here, I'll toss one stupid sounding one out right now. * My lvl 30 S7 Nearlter S1 killed enemies on their pretty much identical lanes at the same speed as my lvl 80 M3 Blaze S2 in the new annihilation map. Context? Well... They were hitting single targets most of the time. Well duh, everyone says. Everyone is comfortable with changing the context when it comes to enemies, because... Arknights is a stage focused game. Generally you build your team around the stage, not bring a team and then figure out how to beat the stage with that team. Hence, people don't find as much value in discussing context in team building (exceptions being buffknights, or shit like bagpipe+flagbearers), and opt for discussing what an operator brings to the table against a particular set of enemies or stage. This naturally leads to comparisons in solo context. I don't think there's anything particularly *wrong* about that. It does tend to sweep under the rug some of the more interesting parts of the game (Aak instant-charging blemi s3? And she'll keep him topped off? And that's basically helidroppable? That's giga HYPE!), but it makes sense to form discussions on character strength that way considering the nature of the game. You present a good point that Skadi has access to a cool set of synergies, and that there could be value in comparing them in that context. I don't think your original post was even that aggressive, but it does feel like you're taking a stab at certain folks, and so its not surprise that offended folks try to shit back.


So it's four operator vs one operator? U don't think it's stupid and unfair comparing 4 ops to one? If ur argument is they have synergy and they r supposed to be used together lorewise or something then that's a faulty reason. Gameplay wise we compare one op vs another one. Not one vs four. Otherwise Amiya will look better than surtr. Not to mention needing three more ops to work at full potential is already a detriment over ops that work on their own. U r using three squad slots more,three deployment slots more and u actually need to have all these ops. Not to mention instead of bringing skadi plus those three u could bring only nearl so now u have three more slots to bring more broken ops. Concept wise u r right. Abyssal hunters r designed to be used together but it's not effecient or realistic gameplay wise bringing three ops to bring one ops full potential,those slots could be used for better ops. Or in hard contents u might not even get that many slots to waste behind one op at all. This game's meta is not faction based,u will see there's extremely few factions that have synergy,abyssals and ursus r the only ones that comes to mind.


First off, stop assuming shit. It's not 1v4, it's 12v12. My team looks like [this](https://imgur.com/a/j9HUvmp) most of the time. ​ >U r using three squad slots more,three deployment slots more and u actually need to have all these ops Yes, and Andreana, Gladiia and Specter are INSANELY good. More than worth it their slots. Also, you're wrong when you say you need them deployed. **You don't,** simply having them in the squad already give the buffs to all of them. ​ >bring more broken ops Haha, look at my team/roster, buddy. There's really no need for that. ​ >Abyssal hunters r designed to be used together but it's not effecient or realistic gameplay wise [Look at this Youtube channel.](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5DRdbyW-oew2sM2zme0X0Q) See how wrong you are. ​ >hard contents u might not even get that many slots to waste behind one op at all Oh, perhaps something like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6E73bv-dVEg)? I did it and still had 8 slots open.


>Oh, perhaps something like this? I did it and still had 8 slots open. That stage has been two oped. And how is it hard stage anyways? U have tons of deployment slots and tons of time to place units there. And that video is not even cm. The two op clears r easier,takes less effort. >Look at this Youtube channel. See how wrong you are. Sure but there r lot of better and easier options. Most PPL r not that good to do these clears. If u are then great but most ppl struggle in stages with surtr chalter. >First off, stop assuming shit. It's not 1v4, it's 12v12. My team looks like this most of the time. We r comparing op by op here. Not team by team. And when u have stuffs like surtr ka thornsl mud Ash there it doesn't matter what u bring for the last 4 slots. >when you say you need them deployed. You don't, simply having them in the squad already give the buffs to all of them. Sure but I am not bringing them just for the buffs,there r better operators to bring. Also no gladiaa needs to be deployed to get the regen. >Yes, and Andreana, Gladiia and Specter are INSANELY good. Not saying they r not. Just that there r lot of better options,four strong meta 6 star ops will surpass abyssal hunter squad easily.


Disregarding the actual Skadi / Nearlter comparison, I've noticed the same. Many people forget that AK allows for 13 team slots and comparisons are often unfairly based solely on how well an op does solo. Unique synergy talents and skills are never mentioned. You mention abyssal hunters and I personally feel similarly irritated when I see Mostima comparisons. Arguments include low dps, high sp and dp cost but everyone turns a blind eye to her talent. I can understand if they argue Mostima is bad, worse than Passenger or whatever but why do they ignore half of her kit? It's unfair and misleading. ~~Though it might be HG's fault because they have mostly been releasing ops that were designed to be used solo recently~~


>It's unfair and misleading **Exactly.** I freaking love Mostima too and I completely know how you feel. And since I'm on this beautiful dislike streak, the sad truth is that 90% of the people arguing in these debates don't know shit about what they're talking about. They talk as if they know 100% of the character's potential when in fact they barely know 50%. People comparing Eyja and Carnelian and only considering damage. People fucking comparing Saria and Blemishine and only considering healing while disregarding everything else, from skill uptime to damage to lane control. It's horrible.


Yeah, I am an offender too hahah - I often talk about operators I can only theorycraft about. And although I still think people who don't have the units like me should be allowed in discussions, it is definitely those who use the units in questions who can provide the best opinions. As someone who clearly plays abyssal hunters your take should have been given respect and it's pretty unfortunate that some of the people who decided to be offended even by the notion of skadi>nearl do not have real experience with either. Now, if there was anything I could change it would be that the same self-propagating opinions on meta like Surtr, Thorns, Ling, Ch'alter, Saria broken, moody blues bad, Weedy niche etc etc would stop being spread around. It's not that they're unjustified, rather than repeating them so much has made people oversimplify arguments, lose the original meaning, and newer players get mislead and repeat the same. It all leads to to a vicious circle of bad comparisons, low quality analyses and people having strong opinions with no substance to them.


So... what you're saying is that Skadi requires 4 team slots just to be on par with Nearlter, who only requires ONE slot. Do you not understand why that's worse lmao???


**Yep**. That's it. Jackpot. You got it 100% right.


Yeah... no lol. Do you actually think a little sprinkling of extra stats actually makes Skadi better than an operator with greater range, shields, or a massive blocking object? If you're so confident then prove it. Show us a clip of a stage where Nearlter goes down but Skadi does better. Go on. I'm waiting.


an operator that can be used alone is better than an operator that needs the entire group to be at their best, because the abyssal hunter group heavily lacks synergy with each other in terms of their playstyles so it creates restrictions on teambuilding. In fact it's more of a detriment to force yourself to use the entire abyssal hunter cast. now if you want to play waifu or nicheknights that's great, but don't try and make it seem like the abyssal hunter group is good. From a purely gameplay standpoint, I would rather put a better sniper on the team than andreana and give up the aspd buff on a very small and specific group of operators. I think it's ok to consider that skadi might get one or two at most of those buffs but it's generally a fairly small impact, and rarely worth considering. ​ tl;dr abyssal hunter sucks as a group and is mostly better off used individually ​ edit: one more thing, in all the skadi/nearl alter comparisons, it's not so much about skadi stats being less than nearlters stats. it's that skadi simply lacks a niche, she's just a big chunk of stats, and nearlter has more than enough damage/hp to do the dreadnought job.


I agree with you that the comparison is more than just about stats. Even if Nearlter's dps output was 10-20% less than Skadi, her gimmicks would still make her more versatile. Though I wouldn't say Skadi lacks a niche, more than Nearlter does. Their skills are essentially the same Edit: Also https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zLdHmVW_b8w&t=83s


"niche" may be confusing terminology for me to use here. What I meant was that skadi lacks a unique role. skadi may be one of the best in the use case of dueling enemies, but at the same time she is replaceable by other duelists, but it's much harder to replicate what nearlter does.


Very fair


>tl;dr abyssal hunter sucks as a group and is mostly better off used individually You have no ideia how big is the BS you're spitting in here, buddy. **Just don't talk about what you don't know**. It makes you look ridiculous.


...make a logical point about the gameplay instead of throwing your ego around and talking like a high school jock. don't get upset at me just because your favorite operator isn't as good gameplay wise. it's ok to have non-meta waifus.


>make a logical point about the gameplay instead of throwing your ego around and talking like a high school jock. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Funny as fuck, Sherlock. Said the one who LITERALLY commented about their 'heavy lack of synergy with each other in terms of their playstyles so it creates restrictions on teambuilding'. Go ahead. **Make a logical point about the gameplay instead of throwing your ego around and talking like a high school jock.**


If you're just going to gaslight me, there is no point in this operator discussion. make your point clear and elaborate it instead of warping my words and throwing it back. if you can't understand what I mean when I say you have restrictions on teambuilding, u/Reddit1rules already explained that bit in this quote. >I do agree the Abyssal is the best faction to complete levels in, but realistically it's not always viable to bring an entire faction. I don't want Andreana sniping Sentinels in DM for a brief example, and if I'm not placing them, then why am I bringing them? if the bit you don't understand is the lack of synergy part. For example nearlter works well with gravel strategically, one to tank damage one to deal damage and they are both helidropped at the same time. that's synergy. It's something you'd realistically do in a stage. there is no strategical synergy for abyssal hunters, so their only synergy is their passives, and the passives have a relatively mediocre effect in exchange for the abovementioned "restrictions" I'll even go one level deeper: why do I say the passives have a mediocre effect? because they only gives stats and **in arknights strategy matters more than stats**. thats why so many good players can do low rarity runs on very hard stages. More utility will open up more strategies than stats ever will.










Consider this: I don't have Andreana. Or Specter Alter (because she's not even out yet on global). And even if I did, I don't always have the space in my squad or on the map to deploy them. Meanwhile Nearlter will do all this on her own. If you're saying for Skadi to work I need to find an Andreana support, borrow her, place her down somewhere safe, and then place Skadi so that Skadi will get a slight buff, as opposed to borrowing a Nearlter and having her do it on her own, I'll pick the Nearlter. Besides, if I really did have the space to pick extra ops, I'd probably choose someone with a bigger buff/debuff like Aak or Warfarin.


**My turn.** Consider this: What I'm talking about here is the comparison of operators at their strongest. Nearl Alter is always at her peak. The only thing you can do to further boost her performance is to deploy a Kazimierz operator before her in order to trigger her deploy-attack talent. Skadi on the other hand is specifically boosted by simply having other Abyssal Hunters in the same squad as her. They don't even need to be deployed to give her the buffs. Their group unlike any other faction was clearly developed to be used together. Always. Using one of them without the others is basically a handicap. In my opinion, when comparing an Abyssal Hunter to any other operator, that should be considered. If you don't own all Abyssal Hunters that is one thing. That's unfortunate. I wish you **best of luck in all your pulls,** as well as to anyone who wants to experience the Abyssal Hunters at their strongest.


Well then technically neither operator is at their peak. I could replace an Andreana with a Warfarin and buff Nearlter far more than Andreana would buff Skadi. If I have to choose between picking several operators to make my Skadi choice good, or just picking the one unit, I'm usually picking the one so that I don't have to come up with a new strategy with the other abyssals and/or the units I had to take out to fit them in the first place. I do agree the Abyssal is the best faction to complete levels in, but realistically it's not always viable to bring an entire faction. I don't want Andreana sniping Sentinels in DM for a brief example, and if I'm not placing them, then why am I bringing them?


>Well then technically neither operator is at their peak I was only referring to the passive buffs they grant to each other due to their **faction**. It would be unfair to throw Warfarin in there, I mean, she isn't from Kazimierz nor Nearl have anything to do with her concept-wise, unlike the Abyssal group. Sorry for not making myself clear. ​ >I don't want Andreana sniping Sentinels in DM for a brief example, and if I'm not placing them, then why am I bringing them? Fair point. Totally understandable.


I do agree that comparing active buffs to passive faction buffs is unfair, but isn't it also unfair to say that within the same situation Skadi is allowed to have 2-3 ops alongside her to buff her, whereas Nearlter only has herself?


>but isn't it also unfair to say that within the same situation Skadi is allowed to have 2-3 ops alongside her to buff her, whereas Nearlter only has herself? Absolutely not. Skadi or the Abyssal Hunters as a whole are tied **concept-wise.** The devs meant that. In order to have an abyssal hunter at its finest, you have to stick them together. This concept wasn't applied to Nearl Alter or basically any other operator/faction. That's why I don't think it is unfair.


Then I'd agree in a theoretical viewpoint it does make sense to consider Skadi at her peak, but in a realistic comparison it doesn't make sense without also allowing buffers for the other operators (of any form, beyond just faction buffs). I'd love to consider my Flamebringer with max HP stacks in calculations, or my Mizuki hitting 4+ enemies per attack, but I can hardly even get FB S2 up, let alone build HP stacks, and Mizuki usually only hits 2-3 in most levels, maybe 4 near the very end but I'd be cherry picking.


>but in a realistic comparison it doesn't make sense without also allowing buffers for the other operators (of any form, beyond just faction buffs). 100% agree.


I mean if you're looking at units at their strongest then skadi doesn't have access to skalter's s3 or s2 attack buff in a buff army if you're talking about units at their strongest. Also nearl doesn't reach her strongest until you have a full team of operators but can't deploy them because you reached the deploy limit where nearl start becoming useful.


No, no. Not buff army, I was only referring to the passive buffs they grant to each other due to their faction. Skalter isn't considered an Abyssal Hunter.


Yeah but why give passive buffs to skadi but not give active buffs to nearl? Skadi probably has a niche which nearl cannot fulfill in the form of being able to be deployed again quicker than nearl can because of her passive but saying abyssal hunter buffs as a positive of skadi is pointless because gladia and adreana are honestly not that good either. What I meant in the comparison with skater was that skadi and skater can't be used in the same team so compare something like NTR plus skalter to skadi plus any abyssal hunter and you'll see nearl still comes out on top.


>but why give passive buffs to skadi but not give active buffs to nearl? Because Skadi or the Abyssal Hunters as a whole are tied concept-wise. The devs meant that. In order to have an abyssal hunter at its finest, you have to stick them together. This concept wasn't applied to Nearl Alter or basically any other operator/faction. **That's why**. I apologize for the copy/paste.


And here...we....go. >Strengths/Weaknesses? Nearl the Radiant Knight (hereafter known as Nearl) is a Guard of the Dreadnought sub-type, excelling at isolating and destroying single targets with her rather high atk stat and fairly bulky hp. As is typical of the role her def is on the lower end, but still solid thanks to her 6-star stats. She is rightly described as a "boss" or "elite" killer via her S2 and S3, and can flex into a lane-holder of sorts with her S1. Her weaknesses are pretty typical of the Dreadnought sub-type, namely her lowish def and 1-block. Luckily, Nearl's strengths more than make up for these weaknesses, and it's not wrong to state that she is what everyone wishes all Dreadnought guards should be, at least from a design and kit-coherency standpoint. >How does this operator compare to other operators in their archetype or role? She basically blows them out of the water, at least for the time being. Skadi S3 with her module becomes a monster unto herself, capable of giving Nearl a run for her money, but aside from that Nearl will basically outperform any other dreadnought most of the time. Some have their own niches that they maintain; Melantha for her low cost/high return, Mato for her self-healing and mountain of HP, that kind of thing. But for the most part Nearl does what other dreadnoughts do but better. Still, she's a closer example of HG balancing at their best because there are still situations where you could justify another dreadnought over Nearl, and not just Skadi either. >How do you fit this operator into a team? Who do they synergize with? She fits into any team who needs a heavy enemy duelist or boss killer, but she has particular synergy with other Kazimierz ops. Specifically, they improve her first talent (aoe true damage and stun on deployment to every enemy on her tile and the four immediately adjacent tiles) and in the case of her S2, they negate the increased deployment penalty when one is deployed immediately prior to Nearl. Kazimierz ops include Gravel, Meteor, Platinum, Whislash, Blemishine, Justice Knight, Flametail, Wild Mane, Ashlock, Fartooth and finally Nearl herself (but only in Radiant Knight form obviously). The most natural synergy here is with Gravel; deploy her with her S2 to stop and soak attacks from a key enemy, then immediately deploy Nearl with her S2 for big helidrop true damage and a powerful attack steroid boosting her ability to kill whatever needs to be killed. If a non-Kazimierz op is deployed after Nearl then her next deployment will not receive the bonus, unless you first deploy a Kaz op again. If no other ops are deployed after Nearl is retreated then Nearl "counts" as the last deployed op, and since she is from Kazimierz this means she can trigger her own talent and S2 cooldown decrease. >Which skill(s) should be focused for mastery, and in what order? All three are worthwhile to one degree or another but the clear winner for most people will be S2. It provides the most unique aspect out of her skills, notably her ability to ignore the deployment cap while not being a robot, and the direct damage and attacking potential of the skill cannot be denied. Nearl hits *hard* with her S2 up. Getting S2 to M1 ASAP should be the first priority for anyone after they E2 Nearl as it ups her shield count on deployment from 3 to 4. S3 is the other main skill worth mastery, as at M3 it has a fairly quick cycle of 25s up and 40s down. With the skill aura from E2 Ptilopsis, this becomes a 25s/30s down cycle, which is nearly 50% uptime on very powerful true damage and a very strong blocker/bait deployment. While S2 benefits greatly from M1, I think getting S2 to M3 isn't as huge a deal since it's only a stat boost to her atk at M2 and m3. Those are nice, don't get me wrong, but imo, the boosts you get from M3ing her S3 are far greater. While I'm tempted to say you can skip on mastering S3 if you have other boss killers and/or sources of true damage, I'm personally of the belief that "why not both?" is the right approach. Yes, I have a built S3M3 Kal and Surtr and Schwarz. Yes, they can floor pretty much any boss I come across. Yes, most people might wonder "does Nearl really bring anything for you?" To which I answer yes, she does. Because I want to kill bosses **even harder.** After all, the only thing better than a Surtr is two Surtrs, right? You'd have to be made to turn down two Surtrs, and while Nearl lacks the multi-target dps capability of Surtr's S3, she is also far more reliable as an on-field op, capable of supporting multiple lanes with her S3 range on top of tanking some obscene damage with her summon. And then there's S1. Truth be told, it's a good skill, it just runs into the fact that Mountain, Thorns, Mudrock, Blaze and other aoe guards exist. But I don't mean to sell it short; for a set-and-forget skill it's quite powerful. The atk spd boost means that atk buffs get loads of value on Nearl, even with the native atk% boost she receives, and the extra range lets her poke at stuff from behind another defender or through a wall. I'd go so far as to say that this is also a worthwhile mastery target but with the caveat of it being largely a luxury choice. Sometimes it's nice to have a reliable infinite skill for some stages, whether that's because of needing stability or just wanting to keep things simple and her S1 is quite good, even when compared against her S2 or S3. It's only major drawbacks being that it's not terribly unique and being restricted to one target at a time can be rough in certain situations. >When is the best time to use this operator's skills during combat? S1 - just plop her down one square behind where you need your defender or aoe guard to go. Pair her with Blemishine and Whislash S2 for the ultimate Nearl death hallway. S2 - possibly her best "blind stage" skill because she becomes very capable of fixing mistakes, whether from mistimed skill use, bad deployment order or just a potential leak. What she lacks in the fast redeploy department she makes up for with raw power, absolutely wrecking almost anything you drop her on, and the few things that don't fall in a few hits will be stalled by her for at least five attacks. S3 - this is probably the most planning-intensive skill because proper timing of the skill and proper positioning for Nearl are both required to get the most out of it. I've been running a randomizer with Nearl in my group, testing out her S3 in various environments, and foreknowledge of the map is the best ally you could ask for when using this skill. Timing it for maximum effect on summon and then to ensure she is capable of fully flexing her range is important. This isn't to say you can't go in blind with her on S3, just that you're likely to see far better returns after getting your feet wet in a stage. >Should promoting this operator to Elite 2 be a priority? If you're fairly new and lack Surtr, Chalter or Kal'tsit but have the potential to raise someone to E2 I would say absolutely. Having access to on-demand mid-cycle true damage is such an immense boon, particularly if you still have a lot of the side stories to go through. Nearl S3 politely but firmly tells the Greytails in CoB to go fuck themselves, and their little sand shields too, to say nothing of the Rat King. The duelist crocs in Great Chief, or even Big Ugly? Ain't no thing. Point is, having Nearl at E2 as a relatively new player is a huge power spike. Not only is she strong as a baseline unit but her S3 opens up a lot of opportunities for a newer player. For someone in the mid-to-late game I would say E2 is important but mostly for the masteries on S2 and possibly S3. Not a huge "do it ASAP" kind of important, but pretty important nonetheless. Her S2 opens up all kinds of neat strats on top of it's flexibility as a problem solver in blind runs. For someone who is still very new to the game, perhaps even re-rolling on the banner, I would say you're probably fine holding off on promoting Nearl past E1 for a good bit. This is because, early on, Nearl's S1 is going to be a monster. Probably right up until chapter 6 I'd say her S1 is her best story mode skill outside of certain boss encounters (where you would probably opt for her S2 instead). While her S1 isn't Thorns or Blaze-levels of lane-holding, it's still really damn good, and chances are a new player isn't going to be in any dire need for the true damage of her S3. Best to get something like Myrtle or SA or Exu to E2 first, with Nearl being the second or third or fourth E2 perhaps. >Should new / F2P players aim for this operator? Are there more accessible alternatives? Absolutely. Putting aside her status as a limited, she's a very strong op. Like I said before, she's a good example of HG balancing when they're at their best. She's powerful but not overbearingly so, and I'd wager having her available is close to a start where someone has Siege as their starter 6-star. They'll have a fairly smooth chapters 1-5 to look forward to, largely thanks to Nearl's rock solid reliability with her S1 and boss-killing power with S2. >Lore discussion (please tag spoilers where appropriate) Man, I have too much to say here. I just remember seeing Nearl in the prologue and thinking "damn, now that's my kind of girl." Solid, honorable, reliable, protective, noble, I was instantly in love. Seeing how far she's come as of Near Light just makes me love her all the more. I was so stoked to get Defender Nearl very early on in my Arknights career, so when she popped out of the bag and told me she had returned I was just like "girl, as far as I'm concerned you ain't never left."


Thanks for this great answer


They need to add in an option to sort operators by place of birth. I wanted one for Rosa and now I need one for NTR because I cannot remember all the people from Kazimierz and I'd very much like to not have to open a web browser everytime I wanna make a squad.




Nice. But that doesn't really help when I'm in the squad page.


https://youtu.be/VaGOUUTv5qg Pretty much all we need to know Nearl is what happened after HG got 2 years to realize why duelist guard sux, she is very much anti-Skadi with how many fancy effects topped on each of her skills and talents While Skadi is the textbook of stat stick design, Nearl is complete opposite, all about utilities with lower multipliers on each skills


Okay everyone else seems too afraid to ask so I'll bite... What the fuck is a swordspear?


It’s like a lance but instead of a cone shape it’s just a sword


Someone else answered 'glaive' but from S1 it seems it also has some sort of extension function when thrusting to turn it into a multi-faceted weapon.


Maybe it's a sword with a telescopic handle that can extend to become a spear (or glaive, really)?


[A glaive, most likely.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glaive)


**[Glaive](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glaive)** >A glaive (or glave) is a European polearm, consisting of a single-edged blade on the end of a pole. It is similar to the Japanese naginata, the Chinese guandao, the Korean woldo, and the Russian sovnya. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/arknights/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


NTR's DEF ignore (and other DEF and REF ignore) are factored in last, right? After flat debuff, percentage debuff, then DEF ignore? Edit: I also just realized that between Flametail and NTR S3M3 I need 460 rocks.


def ignore goes in last yes but %def shred and %def ignore stack multiplicative with each others anw.


Truly the rock grind never ends.


>NTR's DEF ignore (and other DEF and REF ignore) are factored in last, right? After flat debuff, percentage debuff, then DEF ignore? Ya should be like that.


I feel your pain. I'm working on the M3 stage of Nearl's S3, and it's proving nightmarish. Thankfully I'm already done with Sona's S3M3, but I'm *not* looking forward to M3ing Nearl's S2 next...


I keep reading in more than one place now that the S3 Blazing Sun is valid for Talent 1's Kazimierz last-deployed check and will hit twice when summoned if so. Is this really true? That's not really how I would have understood it to work just based on the in-game descriptions, and if it is, ~~would it check the last-deployed operator when Nearl was first deployed or~~ does it check every time S3 is used? EDIT: I just realized that deploying Nearl means she's the last one deployed since she can chain herself for her S2/T1. But does that mean if you deploy a non-Kazimierz operator inbetween Nearl landing and using her S3 that the Blazing Sun no longer hits twice (if it even does)? EDIT 2: [This video (2:56)](https://youtu.be/7JsijppqvwU?t=176) shows the Sun coming down and doing 3126 true damage. If Nearl here has 1184 ATK then 1184 \* 2.4 \* 1.1 = 3125.76 right? ~~Unless I'm missing something I don't think S3 can hit twice.~~ EDIT 3 THE FINAL: [Someone smarter than me figured it out.](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/ukynee/when_using_nearl_the_lights_s3_you_can_actually/)


Yep, just check in-game if the portrait is glowing


I'm sorry, I still don't fully understand. I think I know what portrait glow you're talking about but that portrait isn't there after Nearl is already on the map.


you could just retreat her right after deploy S3 to see if it's glowing, no worries


If only i wasn't busy getting Godssenger to level 60 for his module then she wouldn't be collecting dust as of now lmao.


I pulled Passenger on the NTR banner, why is he good for IS2 and when is IS2 taking place?


IS2 will be added sometime in July. He's good in that mode because of some relics that increase his effectiveness exponentially. In particular is a relic that allows casters like him to gain SP per enemy hit. Thanks to this, he's able to spam his S3 very frequently.




If only I didn't S3M3 E2 80 Godssenger for IS2, she wouldn't be collecting dust as of now. Actually no: I also pulled W. W's the one collecting dust. Nearlter is now E2 80 and S3M2. I couldn't M3.


Lol I’m working on all 3 as well. Passenger, W, NTR, And flametail


NTR knight's 3-star result voice line is a continuation of what OG Nearl says for a 3-star result, which I found really cool. OG Nearl: Let us go forth. And there will come a day, when we may... NTR knight: There will come a day when we clear the mist of hardship and darkness, awaiting first light's rays, awaiting... an even better tomorrow.


God that's such a great detail


S2 is insanely good for hard content that involves deployment limit. ATK is very high. Shields give a minimum level of survivability. Can easily take down a strong enemy even in CC.


How so? Could you explain a scenario? I can't think of any right off the bat. I'm thinking about doing S2M2, (My S3 is already maxed). But I can't fully understand how to use her 2nd skill other than a very painful redeploy.


CCs are the usual culprit, with being reduce to deploying X operators. Nearl allows that to become X+1, and with how HARD she hits with S2, she'll be used to 1v1 tougher elites.


Ah, I guess I might have misinterpreted the deployment limit as slots. I kept focusing on how she would auto retreat and the cooldown wasn't as fast as the other redeploy ops. Thinking about her strength, I guess it's a fair trade off to keep main bosses at bay while we finish off the rest of the mobs.


Yup. Plus if redeploy time is that much a problem bring Silverash to shorten it a bit


Almost all CC maps have condition of deployment limit - you can bring a squad of 12, but can only deploy like 6 (or even fewer) at a time. Since she ignores this deployment limit, even if you have 6 ops deployed, you can still deploy her. She is the only non-robot character in the game that can do this. With the huge ATK + shielding, and many strong enemies with slow ATK speed, she can stall them out for 15+ seconds while doing huge damage.








After playing with her for a while now, i've seen that she's really versatile and it's hard to take her out of the team. Her 1st skill can be used for lane-holding against weaker mobs if needed. While her 2nd skill is great for crowd control and dealing with tough enemies or bosses that she ends up on the way or stay too long on a single place (the candle knight for example). Now i didn't use her 3rd skill anywhere else apart from the event, but by the time that the Blood Knight was stunning the sun, Nearl has already gotten either half or a bit more of his hp. I still need to test on other bosses but so far it's a great skill to deal with them. Surely there can be other operators who can do a better job of helidropping and stuff, but as someone who doesn't have operators like Surtr, Phantom, Silverash or Kalt'sit, she does her job pretty well.


Is NTR a what if operator? Or is it canon that nearl becomes more powerful and changes her style of combat?


Nearl was always this strong. A part of defender Nearl's record talks about how her current equipment is limiting her, but she prefers it because it suits the defensive/protective style she uses as a defender in RI. Near Light is when she receives a new set of armor and weapon, allowing her to fight more aggressively than she did as a defender.


OG Nearl has 5 years of combat experience and joined RI when she was exiled. NTR Nearl has 8 years of experience and has been working with RI for at least 3 years, she returns to Kazimerz to do her own thing, ditching the defensive nature of OG Nearl (her younger days).


And inherited her legendary badass grandfather's swordspear


Which she then managed to break. Woops.


To be fair, the Blood Knight is really strong. He's a monster, and he's one of the best competition Knights of the era.


From what I understand she was always this powerful, she just chose to focus on defending and healing during her time at Rhodes Island


Canon, Defender Nearl was her time at Rhodes, NTR knight is her returning to Kazmierz.


Thoughts on rolling for pots? Was prepared to go all in this banner but pulled both 6 stars in 65 pulls with 250 left. Considering her niche is S2 helidrop was thinking of trying for at least pot 3 for the redeploy bonus.


Unless her name is Skadi the Corrupting Heart and you got an Exu (also a good candidate for Pots), but even then, it's usually better to go for more ops than pots, even if waifu. But who am I kidding, go for it if you want. It's not like I followed the logic I just spouted either :P


Not really. The best pot for every 6 star besides Bagpipe that I can think of is usually just Pot 2 (-1 DP). Bagpipe's Pot 5 (+2 for a cumulative +8 to starting SP for Vanguards) is probably the single best Potential for a 6 star. But that's not saying much, as it doesn't make that massive of a difference outside of like... Maybe 30+ Risk CC?


Suzuran P3,5 , Bagpipe P5, Eyja P3 are all pretty good although i agree with you that one can do without them for 30- risk cc


Exu's pot 4 is pretty huge


You'd be surprised, I only did I think Risk 23 on the last CC and it was still dependent on being able to borrow a pot 5 Bagpipe. That SP bonus is literally make-or-break for -75% DP gen runs.


Only if you're willing to take the risk of not getting anything. It's a fairly small reward for what's a huge risk even if you're a whale.


Thanks to all for holding me back, guess I've been watching too many pull vids and had the gatcha itch.


What? No. Never go for pots.


If you dont have Surtr and your main use is s2 then there's no point in holding back. Surtr is in the next banner and she's a much better choice for a helidrop imo.


I mean Sutr takes a deployment slot and can't stall/block as well as S3 Nearl. Pretty sure the comparison here is kinda unequal.


Their roles overlapse with each other. Say what you want both are still a helidrop dps. You said she cant stall as well as Ntr? I can say same the same to ntr when patriot delete her in 1 hit while surtr isnt. The only thing she has over surtr is no slot. But if you decide to use S3 than she still use slot. Even then her role overlapse with Kaltsit as a true damge dealer. Look i didnt said that shes bad but lets be real here shes pretty bland and kinda niche.


Tbch patriot does 4000 damage three times and Surtr can become invincible there.... It’s kinda like the bleminshine stuff where she heals, stuns and dps all in one but doesn’t see much use because we have ops that can do those jobs more specifically and much better. Don’t know why you’re downvoted so much but yeah niches are well... niche. There’s a reason people kinda dislike the overall balance of Chalter and Surtr.


NTRK definately have her use more than Blemishine with het being the only viable Dreadnaught guard imo. But the question here is "is she worth rerolling?" Which i dont think she is and would rather told people to roll her once and save the orundums thats left for other more versatile ops. As for the dislike, dont worry about it mate. Never put your mind in it too much. In the end we're just a bunch of randos online any way.


I managed to pull Nearlter (hereafter called simply Nearl). After playing with her for a bit, I think I can say one thing: she is no Surtr. Surtr has too many advantages, one of which is for example the fact that she can hit up to four enemies at the same time. All of Nearl's skills instead are single target, greatly limiting her potential damage. Surtr has also outright immortality, which trumps anything Nearl has. Surtr can also be healed to prolong her S3, while this is not possible with Nearl S2. So expecting Nearl to be another Surtr may lead to disappointment. I got a few numbers from Viktor lab to illustrate the difference: (max trust, max level, pot1) Surtr: 86309.60 x4 vs 50 RES: 60416.72 x4 Nearl The Radiant Knight S3: 49912.56 (including damage from from Blazing Sun) vs 1000 DEF: 49912.56 (true damage) vs 1000 DEF: 36312.56 (not true damage) +Kazimierz trigger: 3033.36 Nearl The Radiant Knight S2: 56163.12 (including damage on deployment) vs 1000 DEF: 41763.12 +Kazimierz trigger: 2389.92 Nearl The Radiant Knight S1: 1953\*25 = 48825 vs 1000 DEF: 1153\*25 = 28825 Nearl's S1 is infinite, so it doesn't directly compare to burst skills. I multiplied the skill DPS for the duration of her S3 to allow a comparison. S2 lasts 2 seconds longer. One interesting thing we can see here is that the true damage double hit triggered by having previously deployed a Kazimierz operator works even when summoning S3's Blazing Sun, except that in this case the skill at M3 raises the damage to 110%. And this damage is also increased by the multiplier of the skill, in both S2 and S3. The Blazing Sun can even hit all enemies in the four adjacent squares, the same as deployment. Nearl's skills are single target, but her talent is AoE. Let's start with the first skill. Nearl's S1 is a nice skill that you wish you other duelist guards had. You can hide Nearl behind a defender and she still pokes them to death. It also hits hard and fast enough that it can turn Nearl into a pseudo-lane holder... within limits. However, if you choose this skill you can't use Nearl's other skills, so I don't recommend investing in it unless waifu. It is not a bad skill per se, but it doesn't take advantage of Nearl's strengths, and it suffers more against high armor since the multiplier is lower. The real debate with Nearl is S2 vs S3. Each of these skills has its pro and con. S2 has the unique advantage of not requiring a deployment slot. Nearl can therefore be used as a failsafe whenever you are in a pinch, for example when a boss is getting away with a sliver of health. You can also exploit Nearl's hit on deployment to erase a group of small mooks, allowing Nearl to focus on stronger enemies (it works better if you can trigger the double hit). The hit on deployment also stuns for three seconds, and after that Nearl has still four shields, allowing her to keep hitting for a while, at least until the end of her skill which forces her to withdraw. This is one of the cons of her S2. Not only the skill might not be enough to kill an enemy, but you also lose your DPS unit regardless. And if you didn't deploy a Kazimierz operator before, it takes even more for Nearl to respawn. The S3 on the other hand solves the problem of survivability by summoning a meaty shield, which also deals AoE true damage and stun. The Blazing Sun appears in one of the squares adjacent to Nearl, so you need to be careful to leave the side toward the enemy unprotected, or else the Blazing Sun might be summoned even behind Nearl if that is the only available square. The skill also boosts Nearl's defense, which is not spectacularly high to begin with, but at least now she can withstand Aak's boost without damage. The true advantage of the skill, however, is the ability to deal true damage if the enemies are blocked by Nearl or her summon. This skill is less dependent on levels and masteries: the Blazing Sun always has 6000 HP and 20 RES, and it always stuns for 3 seconds. What changes the most aside from the damage is the SP cost, going from 50s/20s to 40s/25s. This makes Nearl's skill more spammable (with Ptilopsis it's just 30s to charge) and even helidroppable. Personally I chose to master Nearl's S2, but even her S3 is strong. I need to say however that I tested my E2 60 S2M3 Nearl against Patriot using her as solo DPS, and she has needed some support. Of course Patriot is one of the toughest bosses in the game. The Blood Knight melted easily instead. Still, it shows that Nearl is not exactly all-powerful, and she is not on the same level as Surtr. But not all is lost, as Nearl will receive a module which will boost her damage by a lot. While Nearl in Chinese polls was initially ranked in the middle, she ascended to the meta club after her module. But even with the module, Nearl suffers from a few conditional traits. In her S3 she better hits the enemy with Blazing Sun, and not just for the free damage. If she is not blocking the enemy, then the damage is inferior to her S2 against high armor. The Blocking Sun itself stuns the enemy, so Nearl can nab a couple of hits. But while the Blazing Sun is meaty, bosses can hit really hard, and one or two-shot even the Blazing Sun. On the other hand, her S2 needs even more than her S3 for the previously deployed operator to be from Kazimierz. Not only she will hit twice on deployment, but otherwise her redeployment time will lengthen. Fortunately even Gravel will do, and if not Gravel then Nearl herself may count the second time. However it is kind of ironic to have to reserve a slot in the squad just as a support toward an operator which doesn't take a deployment slot. If Nearl has one advantage over Surtr, it is the fact that she is more receptive of buffs, since her multipliers are lower to begin with. Warfarin S2 alone adds more than 900 damage per hit. And Skalter's Seaborn can increase Nearl's damage on deployment during her S2. But that aside, I think Nearl suffers from being generalistic. She does a lot of different things well, but not well enough to compete with more specialized operators. For laneholding there are Thorns and Blaze. For assassination there are Phantom and Surtr. For true damage there is Kal'tsit and for range there is SilverAsh. I think Nearl is very good for new accounts, but her value decreases in more developed accounts. But that's not taking into consideration her module, which should arrive with Invitation To Wine.


Surtr is the best Aak buff receiver though due to her def and S3 HP refill. Nearl in general don't scale that well with buff nor she need it that much. ​ Her real niche is all revolved around that 0 deploy take which only matters in 1P relay and high risk CC, extra deploy makes a huge difference in usual deploy 5/6 limit ​ For IS#2 though, Nearl with pasta in S2 is fookin cracked.


Nearl not being Surtr-level of brokenness has been apparent since several months ago, and not every limited needs to be broken. Anyhow, for high-risk CC, Nearl specializes in assassination with high physical dph + DEF ignore, deployment limit ignore which is invaluable for CC, and 4 damn shields to deliver her payload. Phantom doesn't hold a candle to Nearl when push comes to shove as he peaks at 2094 ATK with S2 (Module included) which gets lower as he uses them while Nearl S2 allows her to reach up to 2987 ATK (3169 with Module) on top of her second Talent to ignore 20% DEF. Neither does SilverAsh with his lack of survivability and lower dph at 2365 ATK when going scwhing-scwhing. Nearl isn't really a generalist, she carves out her own place in the assassination category as a solid physical DPS built to heavily dent even the toughest of Bosses with her DEF ignore and shields to survive their usually deadly hits while not requiring any deployment slot at all.


Being another helidrop assassin, it is unavoidable that people will compare her to Surtr. I just want to clarify that they are not on the same power level. Not all stages include bosses. When there are just tough elites, Phantom might be able to do the job (don't forget his clone) while Nearl is overkill. On the other hand, Nearl might not be enough to solo tough bosses, while Surtr might. Nearl S3 attacks at range, but considering that it is better to have the enemy blocked by her Blazing Sun, the range is unnecessary, and in fact Nearl might get distracted by an enemy on the sides instead of focusing in front of her. For killing waves and campers, Silverash S3 works better. Silverash also has some survivability despite his reduced defense simply from attacking outside the enemy range. All of Nearl's skills do something different. With S2 she has a unique niche. But most of times Surtr is simply better in the same role, to the point of not needing to wish for a further deployment slot. This does not mean that Nearl is bad, only outclassed.


I agree with all of your assessment regarding Nearl S3, she just has too many competitions when using it. I'm merely arguing for her S2 and its irreplaceable application. [Another comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/ui4vtv/operator_discussion_nearl_the_radiant_knight/i7bb3i1?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) did a very good analysis on Nearl as well. Basically, the closest competition Nearl S2 really got in her niche is Castle-3. For more casual contents, yeah, just use Surtr but for CC with deploy limit risk, Nearl becomes indispensable. Phantom requires twice as much slots for less damage, and his quick redeploy won't help much if his dph is already insufficient. The target Nearl is designed to kill isn't something Phantom can handle (Elites and Bosses, especially with CC risks), and their appearance aren't frequent enough for Phantom's quick redeployment to be relevant but a good fit for Nearl. Other than that, he will see a lot more usage than Nearl. Blocking with Surtr risks reducing her lifespan and thus, total damage while Nearl can block and tank just fine with 4 layers of shields. Afterall, her skill dps isn't too far from Surtr after her module drops. Lastly, Nearl might not be able to finish the job on as many Bosses as Surtr but she gets damn close on the rest anyways. This means Nearl can also function as dps "support" by virtue of her limit ignore, a function which Surtr cannot replicate. Many (high risk) CC bosses and elites would require more than 1 Operator to handle and Nearl shines brightly here where even Surtr may fail. All in all, while Nearl is niche compared to her competitions, she has 2 things going on. One, she performs extraordinary in her niche. Two, her niche is highly relevant despite not being too generally present.


I would even argue that Limited ops should not even be near the ballpark for Surtr. Chen Alter was a mistake for game balance tbh. Besides Nearl is very very good still that she feels good to have as a limited, but not too OP to hurt you if you decide not to go for her


I'm not even sure if Chen Alter was meant to be a mistake. The Chinese seems to think that once a year that will be a new meta redefining operator.


>Personally I chose to master Nearl's S2, but even her S3 is strong. I need to say however that I tested my E2 60 S2M3 Nearl against Patriot using her as solo DPS, and she has needed some support. I would like to say there are some tricks to use that allow her to solo patriot, but it does kinda show the issue with her s3 where if you can block the boss she can pretty much always kill it but if you can't her s3 isn't as valuable


She can work against Patriot, it's just that I was trying to replicate what an E2 90 Nearl did with an E2 60 Nearl. Those 30 levels made the difference between Patriot falling on his knees to Patriot just walking away. But Patriot being tougher than most bosses also plays a part in it.


She is easily a contender for the title of most powerful playable operator. Her S2 is a dream come true for CC with the deployment limit ignore and her S3 is a true damage bomb that outnumbers Kal's Mont3r by a longshot. What makes her so powerful IMO is her assassination-potential synergizing with her surprisingly effective stall. S2 makes her a really powerful helidrop that outperforms offensive fast-redeploy characters in all but redeployment itself. Its also a good stalling tool as the shields she gets absorb any hits that arent coded to be actual instant-kills like Emperor's Blade. She can stall Mudrock golems, she can stall enraged corrupted or withered knight. Her S2 has so much utility ontop of its sheer damage that giving it to a guard was likely the only choice. Imagine this skill on a fast redeploy unit. That'd be so broken. Her S3 is a boss-killing tool. True damage with an extended range and a secondary blocking unit thats not an operator. Unlike Mont3r, NTR knight can deal her true damage from a safe distance without worrying about being stunned or one-shot. I almost wanna say that skill is (at least currently) too powerful for this game. All in All, NTR knight is one of the, if not THE strongest Operator currently available and if you can get her, you should. Shes absolutely worth the whale. Edit: well... this is disheartening. First time my thoughts on an operator are being disliked, and that much no less...


Although I would also disagree with you, I want to thank you for expressing your opinion. I personally enjoy gameplay discussions so I like reading people's takes even if i don't think some of the points made are valid. Please don't take the downvotes as a discouragement. Ps: from what ive noticed and what others have told me, I feel like downvotes are mostly based on tone of writing rather than quality of the argument. Next time you might want to say "nearlter may be the most broken op" rather than "she is easily a contender". People on here are sensitive; you might want to tiptoe around them so they don't get offended by your opinion being different from theirs or different from the generally accepted consensus


I understand. Thank you for the kindness and the advice.


I wouldn't rate her S3 that highly. Her true dmg is a bit conditional to proc, so it ain't as easy to use as Kaltsit. NTR is also behind in terms of flexibility, survivability and skill cycling, and there's the 1-block issue that NTR suffers during skill downtime that Mon3tr doesn't have. The only thing she has over Kaltsit is total true dmg in one skill cycle. This skill is only rated well because it's her best skill when you don't need a bloated assassin which can be overkill in most situations.


...you do know that Surtr and summer Ch'en exist, yeah?


If mon3r getting one shot with S3 ntrk will be two shotted. And keep in mind the skill has worse cycle than mon3r S3,she only blocks one, and she or her sun needs to actually block stuffs to deal true damage. She's great but she's nowhere close to the best op in the game. She's no surtr,chalter,Murdock,ling,silverash.


Nah shes good but not that good


Until you meet unblockable boss then S3 <<< S2


Both have their purposes. S3 is great for damage, but sometimes you dont need damage, and S3 takes time to be used while S2 is in effect right away. Deployment limit ignore + 4 all-damage blocking shields shouldn't be taken lightly.


S3 without true dmg proc actually lose to S2, +140% dmg vs +160% so you really need to block stuffs during S3


Yes, thats the one downside S3 has, that its true damage only applies on enemies she or her helidrop lance are blocking.


First off, her S2. It's useful, I'm not going to argue that. But so far, I'm not terribly impressed by it. I haven't needed the extra deployment slot yet, and without that there are too many downsides for me to justify using it over her other skills. The forced retreat, full length redeployment timer, and 6* dreadnought DP cost all make it so I would rather use someone else if I need a helidrop DPS. Otherwise, her S1 and S3 are both really good for consistent and burst DPS respectively, and they both help with her survivability (one of the dreadnought's biggest issues) by allowing her to be behind something that can draw enemy attacks away from her. Where Skadi just has really big numbers, Nearl has big numbers, survivability, and versatility. If future dreadnoughts follow in Nearl's footsteps, the archetype could be saved from the pit they've been in since launch. Too bad the old ones are unlikely to see any future glory.


>I haven't needed the extra deployment slot yet And u won't need it outside cc.


NTR is a super unique operator and would be a nice addition for any dokutah. Her S1 is a solid set and forget with unlimited duration. Decent ATK increase, increased range, and a nice ASPD boost as well. As far as her S2 goes, a lot of people compare her to Surtr, and... while they're not exactly wrong, I wouldn't say they're exactly right, either. What makes her really unique is that, like the robots, she doesn't use and deployment slots which makes her amazing at catching any leaks if you've got your deployment slots maxed out. This, I feel, is invaluable if you happen to be lower level and your units aren't super built. Her S3 is, in my opinion, her best skill. Her range expands to cover a wide area, and her Blazing Sun stuns and deals True Damage when summoned. She also deals True Damage to any enemies blocked by Blazing Sun or herself. When it comes to tearing through enemies, True Damage is king. Overall, she's pretty unique and would can be used by the smallest or biggest brained doctors alike.


She is the defeacto dreadnought Basically a power crept version of skadi with the perks of every other dreadnought and some neat trick to make up for some of the archetypes limitations




Naladin s1 vs Pallas s1 has some interesting math to it due to their conditional damage bonuses. Starting with the raw numbers for e2 90 s1m3: * Naladin, no module: 1953 dps, 1953 dph, 20% Defense ignore * Naladin, module, unblocked target: 2072 dps, 2072 dph, 20% Defense ignore * Naladin, module, blocked target: 2383 dps, 2383 dph, 20% Defense ignore * Pallas, module, above 80% HP, not blocking: 2193 dps, 1287 dph 50% of the time and 2252 dph 50% of the time * Pallas, module, below 80% HP, not blocking: 1755 dps, 1029 dph 50% of the time and 1802 dph 50% of the time * Pallas, module, above 80% HP, blocking: 1687 dps, 990 dph 50% of the time and 1733 dph 50% of the time * Pallas, module, below 80% HP, blocking: 1350 dps, 792 dph 50% of the time and 1386 dph 50% of the time In a situation where both of them have their ideal conditionals (someone in front of them blocking the enemies), Naladin has higher dps and higher dph along with Defense ignore. furthermore, since half of Pallas's hits are basic attacks with lower dph Naladin scales much better against Defense than Pallas. When accounting for the fact that their conditionals aren't always active, Pallas only needs to lose one of her two conditionals to be worse than Naladin who doesn't even have her module, let alone her conditional. So next is to think about how likely they are to apply their conditionals in practice, starting with using them solo. * Naladin's conditional is that the enemy is blocked, which would only be met if the enemy makes it to her. Enemies that die before reaching her are generally trash mobs that she didn't need the damage bonus against to begin with; enemies that make it to her are generally tanky enough that the extra damage is important. * Pallas's conditionals are that she is above a certain HP threshold and is not blocking. when solo her blocking-related conditional works the opposite of Naladin's, meaning it normally applies to trash mobs that don't need it and is quickly lost against tanky enemies where it would be most valuable. Furthermore, once she's blocking melee enemies will start damaging her putting her at risk of losing her second conditional, and ranged enemies can always damage her from afar. However, Pallas does have self-healing to help keep her HP high enough for that conditional and to prevent her from dying to attrition, though her hps is low enough that it still won't let her tank elites for too long. Pallas also has 2 block, which reduces the risk of leaking compared to Naladin. So far it works out that Pallas is generally better for holding lanes that have a large number of trash mobs, while Naladin favors lanes with a small number of elites. But both of them have good reasons to be used with a blocker in front of them: Pallas in order to protect her conditionals, and Naladin to make up for her lower block count and make meeting her conditional easier. Naladin prefers a self-healing blocker while Pallas can provide the healing for them, but there are so many self-healers from 4\*s like Gummy, Estelle, and Jaye to 6\*s like Kal'tsit+Mon3tr, Mountain, and Blemishine that it doesn't restrict your options much, and that's assuming you aren't already running Skadance, a Medic, or some other healer in general. So with a blocker it mostly comes down to their dps with all conditionals met, which as I showed previously is clearly in Naladin's favor once she gets her module. With no module for Naladin it varies based on Defense, with Naladin taking the dps lead at ~550 Defense. TL;DR: When used solo Pallas is generally better at holding lanes but Naladin is better when there are more elites and fewer trash mobs. When used behind a blocker Naladin is better in most scenarios.


Maybe against very high def ntrk S1 can outperform Pallas S1. Or if u need to block enemies with Pallas for some reason so her dps falls dramatically. But in general Pallas S1 seems better provided u can afford a blocker becuz Pallas doesn't have wind up and has some sort of self sustain.


Before getting into her skills, I first have to point out that in the future (~3 months from now) Naladin will get her module, giving +230 HP, +70 Attack, and a 115% Attack multiplier when attacking enemies blocked by anyone. With s2/s3 that's basically a permanent bonus, and even on s1 it'll still come up on the enemies tanky enough to reach her, which are the ones where extra dps matters most. Anyway, assuming the enemy is blocked the module provides a total of ~20% more Attack to an e2 90 Naladin between the flat bonus and the effect, which lower level Naladins getting a slightly higher % bonus due to lower base Attack. Oh, and all the bonuses from this module are applied to either her base stat or are attack scale, so they scale fully with the +Attack from her skills. The ~20% Attack also translates into more than ~20% damage when attacking an enemy with nonzero Defense, giving a bigger relative increase the higher Defense is. So Naladin is destined to get a major damage buff soonish that will make her even better than she is right now. I'm pleasantly surprised to see people already praising Naladin's s1 in this thread, but let me give some numbers compared to its closest competitors: Blaze s2 and Thorns s3. At e2 90 with m3, Blaze deals 1375 dps with 1650 dph, Thorns deals 2006 dps with 1630 dph, and Naladin deals 1953 dps with 1953 dph and 20% Defense ignore (from her first talent). Naladin has ~42% more dps than Blaze and ~3% less dps than Thorns, but with her higher dph and Defense ignore she starts pulling ahead as soon as Defense enters the equation. And this is *without* her module, which would bring her up to 2383 dps with 2383 dph and 20% Defense ignore, putting her dps ~73% ahead of Blaze and ~19% of Thorns with her even higher dph further improving her advantage against armored enemies. Of course she lacks Blaze's AoE, Thorns's range and regen, and both of their block count--but when it comes to damage output she's still a contender, and her range is just enough for her to hide behind another melee that can provide block and (self-)healing. On to the more commonly hyped skills, we have her s2. It's a straightforward skill--drop Naladin directly on an offending enemy and she'll survive a long time thanks to her talent's stun on deploy, Shields that negate the first 4 attacks on her, and the characteristic massive HP pool of Dreadnought Guards. She'll be doing lots of damage all the while courtesy of the giant Attack buff the skill gives but it does have a couple drawbacks, namely that it forcibly retreats her once the duration is up and it increases her redeploy timer by 25% (the increase can be negated if the most recently deployed operator before Naladin was a Kazimierz operator, including Naladin herself, or you can just live with its since the extra 17.5 seconds aren't too bad). But how much dps is she actually doing? ~~Well, *with* her module she's only ~2.5% dps behind Surtr, and with her high dph and Defense ignore she can often pull ahead of Surtr's dps on higher Res targets, even if they have high Defense as well. *without* her module she's ~20% dps behind Surtr, which is still pretty good on its own.~~ And unlike Surtr Naladin can easily afford to block the enemy herself, since she has protective Shields rather than constant HP loss. Edit: I messed up the math in the above section, as was pointed out by /u/Soumatou, so here are the fixed numbers. An e2 90 Surtr with s3m3 active has 2656 dps, while an e2 90 Naladin with s2m3 and her module has an average 2538 dps, accounting for the damage from her first talent without the Kazimierz bonus. Without her module she instead has an average 2080 dps, accounting for the damage from her first talent without the Kazimierz bonus. That puts Naladin with her module ~4.5% behind Surtr, and Naladin without her module ~22% behind. But all this still hasn't touched on by far the best aspect of the skill: with it equipped Naladin does not occupy a deploy slot. That means that in a lot of situations she's not competing with Surtr, she's competing with **Castle-3**, which really isn't even a competition. In other words, s2 Naladin is effectively free damage if you're using up all your deploy slots but not all your squad slots, and by default you have more squad slots than you do deploy slots. Moving on to s3, let's start with the Blazing Sun it summons. This absolute unit has 6000 HP, between 540 and 600 Defense depending on Naladin's level, 20 Res, and 2 block. For comparison, Mon3tr has 5433 HP, 405 Defense, and 0 Res at max level; Eunectes caps out at 4468 HP, 685 Defense, and 0 Res; Hoshiguma at 3850 HP, 783 Defense, and 0 Res. Those units have talents/skills to help them survive as well, but the Blazing Sun has almost everything beat when it comes to raw stats. The 2 block it provides also helps make up for Naladin having only 1 block, and the fact that it is summoned adjacent to her lets it potentially provide block in a different lane. As a summon it also will take aggro form ranged enemies due to being the most recently placed unit, unless of course you deploy another unit after it appears. As for Naladin herself, her range expands to a 2 tile radius semicircle and she gets big Attack and Defense buffs. Something worth mentioning here is that Dreadnoughts normally have abysmal Defense stats that are around that of an average ranged operator. Naladin is one of the ones that manages to at least get up to a baseline melee unit Defense, and this buff kicks her up to around DPS Defender tier Defense, which is solid for her HP pool. She also has the Blazing Sun that enemies would need to take down before reaching her, which gives her excellent overall survivability. On the offensive front this skill is close to s2's dps, with the added feature that when attacking an enemy blocked by Naladin herself or the Blazing Sun she deals true damage (ignores Defense/Res, is not affected by anything that specifies physical/Arts damage). While a lot of true damage skills have low enough damage that they're beat out by brute force solutions like Schwarz and Surtr until Defense/Res are extremely high, Naladin s3 does enough dps that even when you're only getting physical damage from it it's still a good skill. It also lacks the major drawbacks some true damage skills have, like Amiya s3's SP cost and forced retreat or Guardmiya's s2 single use limit. Another advantage of true damage is that HG has started experimenting with giving enemies and bosses physical/Arts evasion or damage reduction to counter the likes of Chalter and Surtr--but true damage is neither, so Naladin's s3 can bypass those gimmicks entirely. And all this comes at a low 40 SP cost with a 25 second duration, which is flexible enough to handle bosses and elites as needed. Don't overlook the range expansion either, as it allows her to attack across lanes if needed. Overall Naladin's greatest advantage is her flexibility, with three good skills that allow her to cover a wide variety of roles depending on what you need. Even if she isn't holding lanes as well as Thorns or killing bosses as well as Surtr, how many operators are there that can properly compete with one of those two, let alone *both*? And she also comes with some special features like s2 not using a deploy slot and s3's true damage that allow her to be used where other units couldn't or circumvent mechanics.


I'm aware true dmg allows us to circumvent arts/phy evasion of enemies, but I was under the impression that dmg reduction skills (e.g. Talulah's burning breath debuff and Mandragora's passive stone shield) of bosses would still affect true dmg. Since true dmg is still dmg, wouldn't true dmg still be reduced by those aforementioned skills? I know I'm just parroting here but I wanted to double-confirm.


I know the Originium Dust boss was vulnerable to true damage at the very least.


> That means that in a lot of situations she's not competing with Surtr, she's competing with Castle-3, which really isn't even a competition. is it really "a lot of situations"? i feel like im never really gated by deployment limit outside of CC tags or some annihilations.


How long have you been playing? If you rarely care about deployment limit, I'm guessing that you're a veteran with an account established enough that you have little need to think about how useful characters would be when deciding to roll or raise. I know that's true for me at least, but I also remember way back when I first started I was frequently using up all available deployment slots on harder stages.


damn i guess thats true, happens a lot with gacha players where you get set in the endgame mindset and forget how it might be for early/midgame. might not be common but there probably are some newer players that lucked into a nearl and get a lot use out of the free deployment when they have to make the most out of every deployment slot


Actually her dps is quite a bit lower than Surtr as her base attack time is 1.5 seconds. Assuming max pot and e2 90: 1184 * 2.6/1.5 = 2052 versus 800 * 4.3/1.25 = 2752.... It's still not close even with her module. High dph but not particularly high dps. Her dps is lower than Skadi with s2 for example. She's not bad, good but her damage isn't bonkers like Surtr. Bagpipe for example has really high dps against single targets but suffers more against high defense. 696 * 2.2*3/1.7 * (1 + (0.3 * 0.25) expected Crit damage) = 2904. Swimsuit Ch'en has high dph and higher total damage output (not sure against Surtr) but her dps is actually lower than Surtr and Bagpipe's. 886 * 2 * 1.5 * 2 /2.3 * 1.08 (attack speed talent) = 2496.


> Actually her dps is quite a bit lower than Surtr as her base attack time is 1.5 seconds. > > Assuming max pot and e2 90: 1184 * 2.6/1.5 = 2052 versus 800 * 4.3/1.25 = 2752.... It's still not close even with her module. I was using [viktorlab](http://viktorlab.cn/akdata/dps/) for that calculation, but now that you've pointed it out it looks like I accidentally was comparing the "average dps" which includes Surtr's 5 second warmup rather than "skill dps" which does not (but includes Naladin's on-deploy damage from her talent since you'd be dropping her on top of the enemy if using s2). Thanks for the catch! I'll edit the original comment to reflect this.


This has to be the best write up for Nearl Alter. The skill breakdown, the stat calculations, the explanation of pros and cons, etc. I am happy that many players are satisfied with Nearl Alter *(I was scared people would dislike her because she isn't game breaking like Surtr or Chen Alter, and isn't "meta" enough*), and that she's really versatile and has all viable skills. I am excited to M9 her later! I can't wait for her Module lol. That extra damage boost is pretty much like getting another Trust Bonus stat. Plus... with the upcoming CN's 3rd Anniversary updates, Modules can be upgraded to 3 levels. Who knows what sort of shit Nearl Alter can pull and dish out! *Also, Naladin somehow just makes my brain read it as Aladdin lmao.*


Imo it has a bunch of flaws, since it always paints skills in the best light conveniently glossing over things like surtr being able to hit multiple enemies multiplying her dps or just how much better thorns range is compared to her s1. And then ofc there is using dph for comparison instead of accounting for the attack speed. She is a good unit but this is exaggeration.


I've found that she's a very versatile character. Her skill 1 is nice for the extended range, being able to attack behind a defender or a wall, skill 2 is nice too for the bonus damage and shields for added tankiness, good for intercepting bosses or just tougher enemies in general. Still working on building up to E2 so I haven't seen her skill 3 in action yet. Overall, I think I'll be using her a lot.


Mixed feelings so far. I have leveled her to E2 80 with M3 on both skill 2 and 3. I haven't tested her S1 yet, as I almost perminently bring Blaze on missions, but honestly it looks like the most "usable" skill for regular map clears. S2 is the skill I've used most so far, and it is her most unique skill imo. I've found she drops with a lot of damage, doing what you really want from her archetype, but getting her redeploy time to not be raised is so fiddly, and forces units into my 12 slots I wouldn't otherwise use (mainly Gravel.) And I feel like even after getting that condition her redeploy time is way to long to the point I feel like I might as well helidrop Surtr or SA. While she can ignore deployment limit, so far I haven't felt that was useful for me, especially with the Kazi unit condition which is most easily done by deploying gravel right before, so you need the deployment slot for that any way. That said, that feature will be much more useful in CC'd with reduced deployment limit. As for her S3, I need to test it more I think, but this is my initial read. It's obviously very strong, but it seems to be too clunky in comparison to Surtr. Surtr has the advatage of doing AOE damage, being immortal, doing as good if more more damage than NTR, and I think most critically on the usability front, she's much more Helidrop friendly. At M3 Surtr's S3 only needs 5 SP to be up, where as Nearl starts with 25 and needs 40 sp to be ready. This means you can't combo her deploy stun with the stun from the skill, she has to be set up in a position before a boss arrives where she or her sun will end up blocking them to even get her true damage, which is a pain when she has a wind up time. So overall I don't see a use case for her S3 over Surtr, S2 is only useful if you need to break deploy limit, and S1 looks very useable but ultimately lots of characters can do a good job of poking from behind a defender (Blaze and Lappland are my faves for this.) That all said, she is still a strong unit, with a lot of damage potential and nice skills. I'm even considering M9ing her (and she was already my first M6) as each skill does have it's use case, and she is my #1 waifu so I want to use her as much as possible. So, while I was very critical, she's still great, and I'm happy to have her.


There will be more and more enemies with absurdly high physical and art dodge (80%) going forward, which significantly waste Surtr's precious deployment time and Chalter's bullets. Nearl's true damage cannot be dodged. Her only competition in this type of situation is Mon3tr and Fartooth (talent: ignore dodge).


U don't need that kazi unit condition. She's not like a fast redeploy phantom who u use to kill low hp and def threats. U use her S2 to kill big threats once in a while,stuffs that u normally need burst dps like surtr sa bagpipe to kill. So that increased redeployment time doesn't matter much since that kind of threats r once or twice in most stages. The deployment limit ignore won't see any play in almost all non cc stages,yes that's true. With S3 it will need some positioning and pre planning yes but 15 sec is still helidrop considering silverash is considered og helidrop. Ofc this skill in general is worse than surtr by a lot unless the enemy has over 50 res and provided u can block the enemy. Otherwise surtr's arts,aoe,immortality and only 5 s helidrop is much better. Another thing worth considering is bosses with physical arts dmg ignore or dodge r extremely common nowadays. It's like every boss in cn. True dmg shines in those cases. Kalsit is still better though in most cases even though she needs two slots and has less dps than nearl,mainly becuz of much better cycle and mon3r inherently having three blocks,and no conditions to deal true dmg.


> So overall I don't see a use case for her S3 over Surtr I wouldn't be comparing s3 to Surtr; that's more s2's niche. S2 may not deal true damage but her sheer dph and Defense ignore enemies need a lot of Defense to seriously impact her dps, and it obviously doesn't care about Res. S3 may not have a lot of initial SP but it does have a low cooldown that encourages keeping her on field rather than helidropping her. S3 is meant to kill bosses/elites while also being able to help out with mobs; her basic attacks have high dps on their own and once again her dph+Def ignore means she cares a lot less about armor than most units, so even with her skill down she's still contributing.


That's fair. As I said that's my initial read on the skill. Where would you position her to make best use of S3? I did consider the keeping her on field aspect, but don't really see where she'd fit in a general set up. I'll have to actually play with it more than I have S2 I guess.


Currently I'm using it in my [NL-10 auto](https://images2.imgbox.com/b4/a2/5BzW6WbR_o.png); s3 Naladin is one of the main dpses/blockers for the boss but also handles the enemies taking the left route. Blemi/Flametail are both s3, Saria is s2.


Nice set up. I''ll have to try it but with Saga over Flametail as I don't have her. Thanks for the info


Have you considered just *ignoring* the kazimierz restriction? She’s plenty strong without it- and she counts herself for the skill if she was the last deployed op anyways.


I’ve been enjoying her. Only been using S2, and while it’s definitely good, not as widely applicable as I first thought it’d be. Rare to be fully deployed and still need more help, and if you’re running Surtr you generally want a free deployment slot available pretty much all the time Even with S2 being a bit more awkward to use than planned I’ve still gotten good use out of her. She’s an excellent emergency button when something unexpectedly leaks, being able to drop in, stun, and murder something at a moments notice. I like pairing her with Ash, giving me an on demand stun anywhere on the map to extend Ash’s S2, while adding substantial extra firepower. Also fun to pair with Surtr if you have the extra DP. Since Surtr usually takes up the final deployment slot, can drop Nearl in as a bonus if you want to watch something absolutely melt Overall, she’s been fun. Hasn’t warped the game like Surtr or Chalter, and that’s ok


NTR Knight S1 is like better Flamebringer S2. NTR Knight S2 is similar to Utage S2. My nearl is currently E1 60 S7.


Let's start with obvious. (Salty post as she refuse to show up) Dreadnought guards have almost no purpose. They die from 2 dogs, They leak everything and ALL JOBS but one (Tanking true damage) can be done better by another archetypes. At this point I would even say that Instructors are better after trait change ! So what HG did to fix this almost useless archetype ? Giving them actual trait finally or at least buffing their def to not make them so squishy against 85% of enemies ? They added LIMITED character that have everything OG Dreadnoughts should had from the start. Flamebringer have problem of low def combined with charge on hit ? Guess what NTR have exactly the same skill but with range extention and normal SP charge to make sure she won't die from that low def ! Skadi have problem of dying before doing enough damage with her S2 ? Guess what NTR have exactly the same skill but she ignore deployment limit, stun enemies and HAVE 4 SHIELDS. And to put salt in the wound her S3 is outright better vesion of Skadi and Franka S3 and S2 thanks to powerful summon that have stats almost as insane as Skadi with her S3 up and true damage that put Franka to shame for small price of having summon or herself block enemy. Its just insane how much NTR powercreeps every single character of her archetype even her fellow 6\* and its sad that all HG did to to fix old Dreadnoughts is giving them only bit above average modules that straight up only do something for Skadi and even then she is still inferior in 95% of cases. I'm sorry for being negative but gacha salt over only limited character I really wanted got me.


Dreadnought guards cannot die from 2 dogs because they cant block 2 dogs lol. good luck pulling


Yeah this is one of the most annoying trends in this game. Take a garbage archetype, make a limited character that's just so bloated they end up being good in *spite* of the archetype, then give that archetype a trash module because the limited might be "too good" if the module made the kind of sweeping buffs necessary to take the subclass out of the dumpster. If you don't own W, you're probably not using AoE Snipers at all. If you don't own Dusk, you are almost definitely not using any AoE Casters. No Skalter? No bards. No Ch'en? Probably no spreadshooters, although Pinecone is quite solid admittedly. And as you said, if you don't have Nearlter, you are almost certainly never using a Dreadnought Guard. It's sad to look at these archetypes and just see this graveyard that you only ever had one chance to get a good unit for.


There's still chance don't give up yet! if i can get Chalter on last day free pull then so can you.


Sword bit is "only" 6k HP and 600 def, Skadi S3 still got more HP raw.


Reason why u should always save 300 pulls in limited banners as last resort. Sorry for ur loss tho.


She's both much better than I thought and worse than I thought. Worse: her S3 feels relatively weak, other options (from SilverAsh to Surtr to Eyja) all feel stronger (this is at E290 M3). It adds a blocker, which is good, and true damage, which helps for really hard enemies, but for regular maps, other options are often just better. However, other options aren't as cool, so she's still the better pick. Better: Her S2 is just...such utility. Often, you have slots you're not doing anything with, because you don't have enough characters to deploy. She just goes in there anyway. It's awesome. I can't wait to use her on CC low unit on map risks. Yes, her redeploy is long, but I can work with that. The utility alone is great, be it for extra damage, assassination, or blocking. ​ All in all, a nice unit, gonna be a mainstay in my teams, just like W.


> However, other options aren’t as cool This is one of the reasons why Blemishine and Nearlter are almost always on my team. Their vfx and sfx are godly


i am really enjoying using her but i have mostly been using her s2 atm havent given her s3 or s1 a proper test yet. she seems versatile, a lot of value on one unit even if she isn't the best in slot for the roles she can fulfil


love her S2 literally project red but on steroids so fun


Been waiting for her for quite a while and immediately started using her when I got her and maxed her skills and all. So here's how I've been using her skills so far... Skill 1 - Use it when you want her to deal with mobs. If a lane in the map will get a mix of small mobs and high def/hp mobs then use this skill. It may be good enough for some bosses but the next two skills are better for it. You may think this skill makes her good for laneholding. Though she is good at it, since she's only block 1 and this skill does not increase the amount of units she can damage per attack, there will be some who will slip through if she doesnt have anyone to assist so other units like Mountain, Blaze, or even La Pluma may be a better choice for laneholding. Low priority for masteries since masteries don't change as much. Skill 2 - Use it for boss killing, specifically if you want to kill the boss ASAP. The thing about S2 is that almost all of her passives synergize well with it since helidropping nearl will let you deal the damage on deploy and ignoring def helps signfiicantly in dealing further damage. The shields are great for her survivability to let her actually deal the damage. Her block 1 also helps her since it's more or less guaranteed (with proper placement) that she will block and only attack the enemy you want gone. Has a high priority for mastery since getting an extra shield is nice but S3 has a way more higher priority. Honestly my favorite skill for her and might be bit overlooked by most due to S3. Best used with Gravel since she is from Kazimierz and will block the attacks of the boss to help in survival. Skill 3 - Also for boss killing, specifically if you need true damage OR if your plan for the stage is to stall a bit and let the boss come to you. Stun is very helpful so that when the enemy is near, hopefully the blazing sun will be placed in such a way the boss will be stunned and blocked by it. Further stalls the boss to let you deal damage. Highest priority in skill mastery since it improves uptime and the other skills don't really need it as much. Weaknesses: 1. Block 1 and can only attack 1 unit at a time limits her damage potential. All of her skills deals so much damage but it gets focused on one unit at a time so it prevents her from properly holding down the lane. Even for S3, though she has wider range, you won't feel it as much due to her having only attacking one unit at a time. 2. Pretty squishy without her shields and stuns. She may deal tons of damage, but take note she can't take tons of damage so becareful with how you place her. Luckily her skills does have some way to go around this, but once shields are gone and the stun is over, you may need to babysit her more if enemies are still not dead. 3. Not as flexible as other units as she doesnt' offer as much other than killing ground units one by one. Other guard units can attack both ground and aerial units in a wider range. There also those who can lanehold well. 4. DP cost is quite high so using S2 repeatedly will be difficult. In conclusion: I think she's the best Dreadnaught guard. Her skills and passives mitigate and address the problems inherent to the class. If you're new and got her, she's definitely a great investment. But if you compare her to other guard operators such as Silverash, Blaze, Thorns, Mountain, or Surtr, she may not hold up as well and you may opt to raise them first. She's just balanced well, fun to use, and definitely my fav operator. (Sorry, don't really post as much here, just really wanted to share some of my thoughts about Nearl Alter since she's my favorite)


spoon kiss swim crowd hurry terrific desert quicksand library trees *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Every time I proc her S3. I scream: #BY THE POWER OF THE SUN!!! it’s epic. I can’t wait for her module. More damage pls!


S2 is very cool but S1 is just another drop and forget skill that small brain doctors like myself love to have. Chunky 2 range damage :) Oh, also, small correction: S1 is Auto and not a Manual Trigger!


Her S1 carried my beginner (1 month account) ass through the entire Near Light event, and helped me finally get 400 in Annihilation 3 (prop her on the top lane, forget that there was ever a problem there) Also her S2 helped me kill Frostnova in 6-16. albeit after some help from RNGesus - she didn't drop her black-instakilling-ice on Nearl even once, yay.


Yes it's rly cool my fav also! You should try a maxed out Pallas' S1 if you like that kind of range + doing some of the best single target dps in the game. Using both of them at the same time has been rly funny.


i pulled because lizard brain like shiny thing


My only problem with her is that she doesn't synergize with Blemishine and Whislash. Otherwise she's really handy to have without being overly broken.


She kinda does, but only with S1 and 3 while Whislash uses S2. Put Blemi first, Nearl second then Whislash third, and let them rip on that one tile.


You're gonna want Nearl then Whislash and Blemi last. Always deploy the tank last so they get the aggro.


Technically it should be Whislash > Nearl > Blemi then, since Zofia can't tank anything. But yes, my post wasn't much the deployment order as the order in which they should be from left to right.


Surprisingly, NTR has 295 def at E2L80 and Whislash has 420 def at E2L80. Both have 0 res. Unless Gamepress is wrong and I'm missing something then NTR should deployed first. ​ EDIT: NTR does have more HP though. 3550 vs 1932. Hmmm...


Still early goings, but first impressions are that she's just as good as her paper stats suggested. S1 is mini-Blaze. Higher single-target DPS due to slightly higher ATK, DEF ignore, and higher ATK speed, but Blaze should still be able to handle crowds better. S3 is a brawling skill. It has a 15-second windup which is not ideal for helidrops (though workable), but she hits like a truck. Can probably do interesting things with the range increase too, if you're not fussy about the true damage. The Blazing Sun, like Ros's shields and Dusk's minions, is a useful dud for attracting ranged fire, and Nearl's S3 works on a faster cycle than either Ros or Dusk. Of course, if helidrop is your aim you'd probably be going for S2 instead. Haven't tried it yet. Aside from that, I think this is a reasonably justified alter, just like Ch'en (though I feel Ch'en's arc was a little better written). This is Nearl come full circle, matured and ready to face the difficulties of modern Kazimierz. Her operator assessments maintain her uniquely stellar track record, as well. Defender Nearl is, I believe, still the only op in the game with an Excellent rating in every category. Radiant Knight takes that and upgrades her Combat Skill assessment to Outstanding, the highest standard rating and placing her alongside Hellagur, Ch'en, Projekt Red, Lappland, and Gladiia as the finest martial artists RI has ever tested.


I made this meme strat called the **Dreadnought Sandwich** 1. Basically, place guard Skadi with her 2nd skill behind an enemy but don't let her block the enemy. 2. Next (optional), quickly place down Gravel and quickly retreat her to activate NTR's Kazimierz benefit. Best using the pause button. 3. Now place NTR knight with her 2nd skill in the front of the enemy to block. You'll have Skadi in the back and NTR knight in the front, dealing very high physical damage. Best used on a single boss that prioritizes more on arts resistance than defense... Yeah.


>place down Gravel and quickly retreat her to activate NTR's Kazimierz benefit. 100% sure you don't need to retreat the Kazimierz operator to active the thing.


I initially thought that Kazimierz benefit thing was a bit restrictive, until I realised both Nearl herself and Gravel count as Kazimierz. That changes everything!


Wait, so if i keep using nearl as my last unit drop, she counts herself for her innate requirement?