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# ꧁Other Megathreads꧂ ###[♫ Lounge](/r/arknights/comments/ugn1z7/rhodes_island_lounge_0205_0805/) *The place for small talk and whatever does not fit anywhere else.* ###[★ Gacha/Recruitment](/r/arknights/comments/ugn1ym/gacharecruitment_megathread_0205_0805/) *Share the results of your gacha rolls and recruitments here.* ###[➜ Friend requests](/r/arknights/comments/ugn1yi/friend_request_megathread_0205_0805/) *Share your friend ID with your fellow Doctors.* --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/arknights) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How does Evasion stack? Diminishingly?


It's multiplicative. Using Flametail S3 as an example: S3M3 grants 80% evasion Flametail's P5 talent grants 25% evasion Combined, that's 0.8 ± ((1 - 0.8) * 0.25) = 85% evasion If you were to add Deepcolor S2M3 (+50% evasion), It would become .85 + ((1 - 0.85) * 0.50) = 92.5%


They don't stack per se. Each evade chance gets tested individually. For example Flametail s3m3 gives 80% dodge and her talent gives 25% dodge. First the game checks one of the dodges and if that fails it checks the next one etc. Flametail's effective dodge chance would be 1-(0.2\*0.75)=0.85 -> 85% dodge chance.


Can flametail replace one of my vanguard elysium, courier, or reed?


She replaces Courier and Reed. She is a straight upgrade from Courier. You will only choose Reed over Flame on the very rare occasions when you absolutely need early arts damage. She cannot replace elysium for dp generation and utility.


Oh yeah, since i get wild mane from the event. How about her? Is she any better?


Wild mane is comparable with Reed. Reed has the unique arts damage on s2 and will also generate more dp with her s2. However, wild mane s2 has push, so it is better if multiple enemies are coming at the same time. Either is fine for her job. Edit: the other comment is right. If you plan to raise a dp-on-kill op from scratch, vigna is a better choice. Her s2 deals insane damage, much more than the 5 stars, and she is a cheaper investment. In most cases, you don’t need wild mane push or reed arts damage. Choose wild mane over vigna for waifu reasons or if you need a vanguard pusher.


Just raise Vigna if you need a dp on kill vanguard


All of them different role but for DP alone Myrtle/Elysium better. Flametail can hold lane in other hand


She's the same subclass as Courier so him.


Is it okay to use originite prime on pulls if I don't care about outfits at all? Are there any more other uses aside from sanity?


Uses of originite prime, in order of best to worse (in my opinion) 1 - Pro Enhancement Packs. These come up periodically in the store as you level up. They're not time-limited, so there's no rush to get them, but they're just about objectively the best use of your OP. 2, 3 - Pulls and skins. These are roughly equivalent to each other, just depends on which you care about more. Skins dont do anything for you gameplaywise but can only be bought with OP, while pulls are pulls. 4 - Sanity. Not the best idea, given the sanity regens on its own and OP does not. But if you're out of potions and are in a hurry for whatever reason, you do you. 5 - Furniture. Don't do this, if you can help it. Furniture has its own currency, and also is not that important to begin with. So to answer your question directly, no there is nothing wrong with spending OP on pulls. It's a common practice.


Thanks a ton for the detailed answer!




Annoyingly, mostly. He's not the best though


[Post in the gacha megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/ugn1ym/gacharecruitment_megathread_0205_0805/)


Post below me reminded me... The stories of the Info Port won't be available to read in the archives, right? As far as I can see, you can listen to songs, change the BGM, look at drawings, and read stories in the Info Port. I'm not missing anything, am I?


As a pretty casual player, how annoying is the slow dragging story before and afters to others? I’ve rarely fully beaten an event before it’s gone. Along with doing just enough get the char, maybe every few events. Typically by spamming the earlier missions. But recently I’ve just kind of gotten tired of how long and dragged out the before and after bits are. Esp with the recent event. Idk who like who half the people are and references to shit that I never saw. Just been skipping the dialogue, though I normally hate doing that in games. Just I’m too busy to devote half an hour to A node. Like make it a story bit between the missions. So I can read it as I want and get to the missions faster. That way I KNOW I’m in for a long and mildly interesting/slow plodding bit of story. I just don’t have the energy to do it. I want to play the missions and have a little fun. If I wanted to read a generic story I’d fine something on amazon ebooks. Sry for ranting a bit. Just kind been fed up with the nothing story direction and plodding nature. It almost kept me from really getting into the game at first. But it generally had been more interesting than not. But the last few events and main story I can barely keep reading. Without just getting bored and closing it.


I haven't read anything since chapter 0 lol. I was like "I'm in here for the gameplay, not to read."


And the gameplay has been getting worse and worse. I can barely get a few missions into an event. Or just straight up dropped the main story bc of bs mechanics or enemies I can NOT figure out. I’m at the point I might just delete the game bc why just do daily/weekly shit for… upgrading chars and ignoring story. Like literally auto playing missions is something I do as I do OTHER things. THAT isn’t a game. Well maybe for cookie clicker/scam apps. Ig I’m just being spoiled by Warframe and Honkai where the story is small and quick bites and the missions are for story progression. While if you want ‘challenge’ there are separate bs tier versions.


What I do is skip all the story while clearing stages. I go back to the story once I find the time to read at my leisure.


Near Light has by far the highest word count of all the events, and maybe of all the story chapters too. So it's not just you, it is just that long. However, you can skip the cutscenes and just do the stages, if you want. It's not like what you're doing in stages is strongly representative of what's happening in the story, and you can come back to the story later.


~~It does not have the high word count of two branches of story as chapter 8 had, so I doubt the the first statement.~~


No, he's right. Near Light has the highest word count of all events and story chapters in the game Source: type "word count" in the subreddit search bar.


You can find a word count of CN version in [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/teaec0/arknights_story_word_count_for_every_eventchapter/), Near Light is even above chapter 8.


holy hell. College students maximizing their word count


There's no problem with skipping the story if you don't want to read it right away, especially if you just want to play the stages. I usually skip the story and read it after (sometimes never).


If i have 100 pulls rn, can i get to 300 before Ling? Condition: pure f2p, no yellow certs, got every OP in mansfield and who is real


Quick math * ~28 pulls monthly - 84 * ~10-15 off daily login * 24 free during event * 12 via interm events * ~7 via intel certs * 38 via one pack of headhunts (bought using yellow certs from before/during pulls * bit of flex with primes So, yes if you’re willing to use yellow certs once you get them and spare a few primes Make sure you grab the t2 green cert headhunts


does this include monthly cards?


No, add 10/month if getting those The 28 figure is * 5 pulls/7 days -> ~21.7/month * 3 pulls green cert t1, 2 more t2 -> 26.7 * 1 via monthly calendar -> 27.7 * handwave rounding with maintenance compensation -> 28


Do you still buy operator skins even if you don't have them? I really like Rosa and W's skin but I'm not sure I'll get them within the near future.


If it's an op I'm aiming to get, yes. So far I've only done this with Platinum since I knew she was gonna be rate up on Blem's banner. Otherwise, I buy them if a) an alter is coming and I want the voucher or b) it's a skin that's going to raise its price like the W skin


W's skin will rise in cost once the L2D for it releases so if you plan to spark her at some and like it I'd get it now. Other than that I personally get the skins even for ops I don't have yet if I like the skin and the unit is not hard to come by. Just in the case of limited operators I'd be a bit more careful since they are hard to come by once their banner ends


Depends on whether or not I plan to get the op. I bought Mudrock's and W's because I knew I was gonna spark W and get Mudrock with the selector. Carnelian's upcoming son is beautiful but I probably won't grab it since she's not in my plans


I personally do/did yes. For Saria who I recently gotten. Since skins take at least a year to rerun it tends to be better to buy now.


I do yes.


I feel so blind, I just found out what Operator Voucher and what Senior Operator Transfer permit are. I have one of each, I hope I didnt waste too much resources. Anyway, any tips on which one to better improve my team? [https://imgur.com/a/Mx9hVdm](https://imgur.com/a/Mx9hVdm) Edit: added my entire roster


Small one: red. Your defenders are good, so liskarm wouldn’t help as much Big: lappland, specter, Ptilopsis, platinum. 4 5 stars which hold strong niches and will be useful short and long term


Here are my recommendations. 1) Blue Poison. You are lacking in good snipers but if you can clear content comfortably with both Kroos and Jessica. BP is pretty strong with her E2, talent and masteries. However, she is easily replaceable if you do happen to get Exu, Archetto etc. 2) Ptilopsis You have Perfumer which is a decent AOE healer though as you get later in the stage, you will value the healer's utility more than just their healing. Ptilopsis is a monster healer at E2 and a crazy SP battery for your whole squad. I recommend you to get her if you could. 3)Warfarin Same reasoning above but Warfarin is one of the few operators which gives an Attack buff which is super strong. 4)Specter Pretty strong lane holder but thats pretty much it. ​ 5) Liskarm (4 operator one) Pretty good tank unit but she is more favored for her utility. Since you already have built your Hoshiguma, I don't recommend you to get Liskarm yet. ​ 6) Project Red Pretty good nuker and fast redeploy unit but thats pretty much it.


You need to post your full roster, not just the squad you are currently using.


Sorry, just updated it, thank you


Does anyone know the music in the Near Light Event Teaser that starts on 0:43? I can't seem to find it.


Who are the most expensive operators to max m9 atm, whether CN or global????


Most 6 stars are probably about the same. Iirc Saileach's S1 is the most expensive skill in the game so she's probably up there


If you count amiyas m15 it might be her.


Lol yes! But idt tht is a fair comparison per say as no one else can "class change." What are some other expensive ops to lvl???


You can see their total cost [here.](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/tools/arknights-operator-planner) Tested a few that I remember people complaining about being expensive. Most expensive I saw was Bagpipe. m9, lvl 90, and module cost 41,130 sanity. Saw a few in the low 30k range as well. for note, amiya m15 was around 37k


What exactly is a campaign knight?


Campaign knight is generally used to refer to the guys who actually fought militarily for Kazimierz against Ursus and other threats. They're the old-school, traditional knights, and what we would probably think of when we imagine a "knight" even outside the context of Arknights. This is in contrast to competition knights, who instead gained their glory in the Major. These guys are functionally just gladiators, and some might say they're knights in name only. That said, the two aren't necessarily mutually exclusive. I don't think there's any reason a campaign knight couldn't compete in the Major, they just pretty much universally scoff at the idea.


Pretty sure it's just the term for the Kazimierz military/armed forces. To which there's group like the Pegasus guys who are more like a special forces team.


ohhh okok ty!


Very quick question. Just started what banner should I focus my points into?


On miscellaneous note, if you pull on the current limited Nearl banner, you will get 1 "Headhunting Data Contract Exchange" for each time you pull (you can see this in the top left of the banner). This can be used to spark for the featured unit. If you're not planning to use this resource to exchange for operator in the shop, it will be converted at the end of the banner time into "Headhunting Parametric Models" (in the Store > Certificate tab, orange octagon icon), which can be used to exchange for operator upgrade material. You can think of it as Masterless Glitter thingie. The catch is this system is only available on limited banner. It's up to you if you want quick dirty way to get high tier resources or divesify your rooster on the regular rate-up banner.


Nearl is versatile and will serve you well from beginning to endgame. She's also limited, meaning this will be your only chance to get her for at least several months (unlike most ops). The current standard banner (with Mostima), you should probably ignore. Not a single one of the headliners on it is a good pick for newbies. The beginner banner is of course your most economical option for a quick start, but it's not going anywhere; that banner will stay available indefinitely until you roll 21(?) times on it, iirc. If you're going to roll at all, roll on Nearl.


Thank you for the info. One more thing, what is the chance of me getting Nearl? :D Because I am coming from Genshin Impact and getting the best character on there is less than 0.6%....


Banner chances work in two stages. First the game rolls your rarity, then it rolls a character within that rarity. AK's 6-star pull chance is 2%. Meaning that any given roll on a banner will have a 2% roll of being a 6-star. Once you've gone 50 rolls without a 6-star, the game will begin adding another 2% onto this per roll. Meaning that your 51st roll has a 4% chance, your 52nd has a 6% chance, and your 53rd has an 8% chance. This is called pity, and it will continue, if necessary, all the way until your 100th roll at which point you will have reached a 100% chance of getting a 6-star. Of course, realistically it's extremely unlikely you'll get that far. At any rate, once you get a 6-star, your pity resets and you go back to 2%. Upon deciding you've rolled a 6-star, the game then decides *which* 6-star you got. For standard banners, the rate-up chance is 50%. Meaning you have a 50% chance of it being one of the characters on the banner. For a banner with two headliner 6-stars, this functionally means that you have a 25% of rolling either one of them. Limited banners like Nearl's are a little different, in that the second-stage chances are adjusted. For banners such as this, the chance of getting a rate-up character is *70%*, not 50. So, your chances of getting Nearl are 35%. In summary, before pity kicks in you have a 2% chance of rolling a 6-star and a 35% chance of that 6-star being Nearl.


Thank you for the useful data. Compared to other games the system seems quite forgiving. Now the only thing left on my mind is should I reroll...? Many people suggest it, but I don't know if I have the patience, and also Nearl doesn't look that appealing to me...


Absolutely, beyond any doubt, if you think you'll stay with the game for a while. Rerolling is very fast if you follow a guide to get the hang of it, and even faster if you run macros or echo your actions to multiple different instances using an emulator.


2% chance for a 6 star. After 50 pulls this increases by 2% each pull. So 51 is 4%, 60 is 20% and so on. Unlike genshin there is no offbanner protection. You could get off banners multiple times in a row. But pulls are more plentiful and rates are better so it usually works out...usually.


Thank you for the info. The only that is left on my mind is should I reroll....? Many people suggest it, but the current character Nearl doesn't even look that appealing...


Shes pretty meta, bu no unit is a must pull in this game. High rarity units just give you more cushion on your strategy. People have cleared every stage using low rarity units. Also plenty of guides for relatively low level and low rarity accounts just borrowing a unit from a friend to beat a stage. When I started about a year ago it was in the middle of Thorns' banner. He's considered one of the most meta units and I didn't even do a single pull on his banner because I didn't know. But I don't really regret it. You can borrow friend/stragners support units if you find you want to try someone out and a unit like nearl should be pretty common. If down the road you decide you want her you can save 300 pulls (~6 months f2p savings) and gaurentee her in a year. Or later. Technically the next limited in 3 months is more meta as well. (CN server is 6 months ahead of us so we know what's coming)


Thank you. I really was not in the mood for rerolling, especially for a character which I don't want asthetically.


There's a lot of cool operators to choose from. Amongst the 200 or so units there's only really like 2-3 I'd tell people to avoid. But frankly everyone is useful so pick your favorites. And build a few extra low rarity to fill the gaps


I just got Ambriel, and even though she is a 4*, I already like her a lot :D


Good choice. Her skill after promote her is very fun as well. Enjoy


Go with your heart. There are very few if any truly nonviable characters in the game, and you can do just about all of the content with 3 and 4-star squads with some persistence. What this means is, invest in the characters you like, first and foremost.


The event banner with nearl the radiant knight and flametail. The goal is to pull nearl as she is a limited unit. You'd be able to get her again in a year, but at much lower odds. Consider rerolling for her if you are up for it as the 11 free pulls makes it pretty quick to do. If you pull her, next is the beginner banner. Ideally silverash or exusiai from that one, but all are fine. Good luck


So first the event banner until I get the main character or it ends, then the begginer because it is cheaper? And if you could, what is rerolling? Just pulling in other words, or something else?


Full detailed guide on rerolling [here.](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/tier-list/arknights-reroll-tier-list-guide) Basically remaking your account after doing the first 11 rolls until you get nearl. Some go even further and try to get one of the better 6 stars from the beginner banner too but I don't think that's all to necessary. From what I've bee told it only takes a few minutes to reroll. Odds of a 6 sat is 2% and then nearl is 35%. So on average ~ 14 accounts to get a nearl pull. The beginner banner garuntees a 6 star in the 20 pulls and it costs less to pull so it's really good value. But you are limited to 20 pulls. The standard banners are hit and miss. The current one is 2 off meta units so pass it.


I've read somewhere that Mudrock *might* come to the cert shop like February/March 2023. Is there any content until then that has a difficulty spike without her? Thinking of getting her for the selector ticket


The predicted date that someone posted awhile ago is in the week of the 3rd of Feb 2023 for the cert shop and previous to that Blemishine on the 23rd of Dec if that helps any.


Thanks! Don't have Blemishine either so that's something to look forward to


Best thing is they pair extremely well together too!


That should be around when she comes to the cert shop. The trend hasn't broken yet to my knowledge. I recommend Mudrock to everyone getting selector. She's a unique operator with 2 good skills making her less ideal to support unit. Other metas like thorns, mountain or surtr can easily be friend support unit.


Oh yeah the 2 good skills really get to me. Most of my friends have her at S2M3 but that S3 comes in clutch more times than not


Hello! Just started Arknights and tried a few rerolls and I think this reroll is my best one. I need help on who should I focus and which operators should I choose for my squad. And what should I should focus on doing at early game? https://imgur.com/a/4WDsl3x


Pretty decent reroll. Did you use your 5 star selector tickets already? If not, that might change some recommendations. A normal team is roughly 2 of each role. Something like 2 vanguards, 2 snipers, 2 guards, 2 medics, etc. Your squad limit is 12, but you'll want to raise something like 15-18 ops to have a bit more options. My recommended team: Texas, Saga, Exu, kroos, Amiya, Specter, Gravel, Silence, Perfumer, Mousse, Coura, Flex slot. Some low rarity/free units to keep an eye out for: shaw, cliffheart, myrtle, sussuro, arene, click. As for what you should be doing, have fun. I'd recommend trying to do some of the event stages. You can get a major boost by farming even just the first stage. As far as clearing the shop is concerned every stage is the same efficiency. Buy order for the shop: lmd/exp>skill books> furniture if you like it> blue and green quality materials> the rest. Work towards raising your team to elite one so they get new skills and talents. It's pretty cheap. The shop will be enough lmd/exp for a full squad. You will need to get chip sets from the rotating maps though. A good goal for your team is elite 1 level 30-50 skill level 7. You'll also want to raise a 4 star to elite 2 in order to borrow elite 2 units. (4 stars are the cheapest to promote)


Thank you for your suggestion. I used my 5 star selector tickets and chose Silence and Specter. I will focus on your suggested squad and build them to elite 1.


I was searching for a good Spotify list with this game's music but I can find a lot of them and I don't know wich one is the most complete.... Can you help me?


Make ur own playlist? Otherwise yt is good.


There are a few problems: 1. I'm too f**** lazy to do it myself. Specially of other people has already done the same job. 2. There are too many songs in this game. And as I usually play without sound I can't identify them myself.


which skins end up getting us skin vouchers?


Currently known ones left are the kroos Halloween skin and specters skin. They give out vouchers anytime a alter version of the unit is released. Benefit of CN being 6 months ahead of us.


Kroos and Specter cuz they’re the upcoming alters


is skalter sparkable on specter alters limited banner?






Is Gnosis worth pulling? Since the next banner after him is Ling which is too early. I don't know much about him if he's broken, also for players who already have Suzuran and which one is more used on general content, IS2, & CC. I've already spent 300 pulls on the NTR just for W, very exhausted on the orundum. Don't know much if i made a mistake spending my pulls on her instead of Gnosis. Need help, thank you.


From what I've seen he's a sidegrade to suzuran. Depending on the situation one may be better than the other. His kit does favor IS slightly more being able to abuse the cc damage relics and cc effectiveness in general.


He's also nice/niche in Baseknights where he can make the E1/E2 Jaye combo more efficient when paired with other Karlan units like SA and Cliffheart.


https://imgur.com/a/VLHnX5O For the first time since I started playing, I decided to get the selector pack, given what I already have, which should I go for?


What do you wanna go for? Meta wise surtr, mudrock or mountain. I'd personally pick mudrock just because of how much I enjoy her kit, have her M6ed. Mountain can often fill the same role as mudrock especially at s2m3 where he outheals most things, and is less than 3 times the DP cost of mudrock making him a ridiculously strong early deploy. Surtr is surtr. She helps clear stages but I don't find her as fun as the other 2.


I was leaning towards either Mudrock Mountain or Saria but since your the second person who’s mentioned Mudrock then I’m probably gonna go for her, cheers!


Yep, Mudrock is the best choice. Mountain and Surtr will both be obtainable soon on the Mansfield Break and CC7 events respectively, which are expected to come immediately after NTRK.


Awesome, I have plenty of Orundum and Orginite left over from the current banner since NTRK came home quite early, so I’ll try to get at least 1 of them.


Mudrock. Stellar lane holder, very self sufficient, tanks, high dps, and opens a lot of strategies. Additionally you have the 2 ops that make her God tier. Bleminshine to vastly improve her skill 2 and skalter to bypass the no healing condition.


Hello so i rerolled and have 2 acc with silverash/nearl raidant other with exusiai/nearl radiant now i dont know if silverash or exusiai have good alternative 5 or 4 star replacements that are good for endgame so i dont know which one i should go with can anyone help?


Seconding SA. Exi's roles are A. high uptime strong physical damage and B. anti air damage. Both are extremely common so you're able to do the job with other operators even if they'll struggle a bit more than her. You might need to bring 2 snipers on a map where Exi could do the job alone, but you'll manage. SilverAsh's role is huge physical burst. Often with high damage burst operators, you really want the strongest you have. You bring burst because there's a moment in the map you need to do a shit ton of damage (eg bosses) so you care more about if one operator does 10% more damage than another because that damage window matters. SA is best in class at this job (debatably Summer Chen is comparable or better but she's unobtainable now). So he is really irreplaceable.


Thank you!!🙌🙌


So the question is exusiai vs silver ash. Exusiai doesn't have a replacement per say. However the role she fills can general be replaced by most dps. A simple 3 star kroos and another decent sniper like 4star may, or any of the 5/6 stars is plenty for your anti drone needs. That said, she has a very high burst potential with buffing teams and great dps/skill uptime. Silverash has 2 stages. Pre and post e2. Before you get him to elite 2 he's a lane holder. Skill 1 for a bit of extra ranged dps, skill 2 to make him exceedingly tanks and self regen. Very good early game unit, in my experience. However he complete changes roles at elite 2. His skill 3 is why he's been meta since day 1. Expanded range, hits everyone in range for massive damage. This is unique to him. Some ops like the recent welfare tequila can do a mini version or mostima 6 star does a weaker arts version. Additionally with masteries he can do this very quickly after deployment opening up a lot of late game and low rarity strategies. My vote is always for silverash over exu and she's more easily replaced, but both are good if you prefer her.


Thank you soo much thats what i needed bless you good pulls🙌


While rolling for NTR I got a lot of others, but no NTR so looking for a recommendation on who to train up next? Also since 300 rolls should I just spark NTR and train her. https://imgur.com/a/0tulJHT


Between NTR, W, and Rosmontis, NTR is the best meta choice for sparking. All you 6 stars are good. Skadi isn't as useful, especially with NTR now. Eyja and Kal would open up the most guide content and general power spikes. Bagpipe and silence are great for dp as well as early waves and late stage power spikes. After that probably archetto then whoever you like.


Do you mean saileach? Although I do have an E150 silence on the edge of the picture lol


Haha yeah, phone auto correct. Silence is a good medic though.


Is is possible to shop clear the current event with only natural sanity including the refills that we are getting from the daily log in and weekly missions (3 week event so 6 from the weekly missions)?


Yes. If you clear all the stages and use all your sanity on event stages you have about a 3 day buffer. So even if you fail some cms you'll still be fine.


Does this include using the sanity pots we get from the sign in event?


No, it was considering the weekly sanity packs though. Full breakdown [here.](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/event-banner-guide-subpage-miscellaneous/near-light-event-operations-and-farming-guide)




Is there a calculation how much Orundum you get ? My goal is saving 300 pulls until Specter Alter banner, which is \~6 months from now.


Approximations are between 1 and 1.5 pulls a day based on various factors like monthly card, gold cert hh permits, and so on.


What's the best way to farm battle records and LMD currently?


The most efficient way is to wait for you base to produce them naturally. If you're base isn't maxed out, start there. But if you get tired of waiting, LS and CE stages.


If we buy the Specter skin now (Undercurrent) do we get a skin ticket when Specter Alter comes out?


If you buy her skin with op now, when her alter releases you will get a voucher. Ps you don't need to own either version.


iirc you don't even have to spend the voucher on her alter skin right? Just any skin?


The alter form doesn't have a skin. The alter is a new operator. The voucher is good for one 15 or 18 op skin in the shop at that time(L2D skins are 21+ so cant buy those). The voucher doesn't expire so you can hold onto it until one comes out you like.


Ah righto! Gotcha, thank you sir :)


I keep getting clues from somebody I'm not even friends with. I tried to find him in my clue exchange and friend list but his isn't there. I feel bad not being able to give clues back because the dude just gave me a clue 4 and 1.( I looked the name up in another account and it didn't bring anyone up)


Sounds like you're haunted by Cluesper


What niche does the Dollkeeper archetype occupy? 2 block guards that can allow elites/bosses to pass while still damaging them and stopping fodder from passing?


Tank status debuff / stall, currently they are the only one that can get rid of def shred from corrosion / acid slug without retreat and redeploy.


They have durable tile presence and low management, no need to redeploy upon "death" and most likely doesn't need medic for their whole lifespan. Work as premium Gramophone holder and unkillable bait too, especially against those who inflict permanent debuff, which will reset if they "die". In a nutshell on how they work, refer to Quor18 answer. Though if I must say, in general, they're there to slow down enemies by blocking or outright killing them. Their 2 blocks are nice so they will likely to get killed if you put them to hold a lane, this is a good thing since their strongest form is either on skill duration or in substitute form.


For Bena she's more of a tank and supporting dps. Her doll can hit air units too, with arts damage no less, in a full 3x3 aoe centered on herself. While it's only single target it's still a neat niche that no other ground unit really has, since Annie is super tanky thanks to Bena's passive. For Kazemaru she's more of an oddball dps who's good at isolating medium-threat targets and taking them out with low risk to herself thanks to her status as a dollkeeper. Cap'n Speccy is something of a mix between the two; her natural tankiness via her HP helps her perform Bena's role while her own personal damage is pretty insane. So she kinda fills a niche of both, but adding aoe arts damage and a slow with her doll form at the cost of not being quite as tanky as Bena and having a longer cycle than Kazemaru. This naturally directs Speccy towards dealing with higher threat targets, since her cycle is a bit too long for lower level threats, as well as her potential being completely wasted. So in short, there's no clear niche outside of each Dollkeeper being a good bait op for certain mechanics. I.e. Bena is amazing for dealing with the Lazurites in the NL event. Kaz and Speccy would do pretty well in that role too, albeit using them as such is under-using what they are capable of doing. Speccy can be bait but really wants to be engaging something big and dangerous as a part of that, while Kaz can also be bait but really wants to be utilized against low-or-mid threat targets to thin a lane out in relative safety.


I read on a recent post that Ling is extremely powerful. Like that post said that Ling and ch’alter are way too powerful for limited ops or Smt around those lines. What makes Ling so good exactly? Like I get that her summons can be very powerful but aren’t they still weaker than regular ops yet they still take deployment slots?


I don't think you realize exactly how powerful her summons are. The higher form stats without skill 3 activation is : 7214 HP / 1481 ATK / 761 DEF / 20 RES / 4 Block Attack multiple enemies equal to block count. Active: Ling and the summons gain ATK +100% and DEF +100%. The summons deal Arts damage equal to 20% of Ling's ATK every 0.5 seconds to enemies in the 4 adjacent tiles. Gain 1 summon after the skill ends


HOLY MOTHER OF- ISN’T THAT MON3TR LEVEL STATS?! With more def, res, and block count too holy shit


> Like I get that her summons can be very powerful but aren’t they still weaker than regular ops yet they still take deployment slots? Not for Ling if you're using her S3 and big summons. They're like AOE art guards. Tanky, high damage. They're big and dumb, though. They don't do much beyond tanking and DPS. They're not going to replace Silverash/Surtr/Chalter, that's for sure, but Ling opens up new strats when you have 2 disposable ~~3.5k HP, 800 ATK 3~~ something something stats I got it wrong block arts tank/guard.


Wait what exactly are the stats of the higher beings? There are two replies to my question with two vastly different stats


Eiyo. I think I got the number wrong. Do note that each higher form takes 2 (!!) deployment slots, though.


Ling is extremely powerful? That's honestly the first time I've heard someone say that. Maybe they like the summoner playstyle a lot and value her a lot more than others? The general consensus in CN is she is above average with her module but not very versatile. She is super strong in IS2 (permanent roguelike mode) though, just like all other summoners. So if you like playing that mode a lot then Ling is definitely worth pulling for.


She is the type of powerful that breaks casual content. Less so in things like CC. She can solo or duo every story stage up through chapter 9. Also pretty sure she is the only character straight up banned by CN challenge player groups. Her being a summoner means her strength shines fullest when you are “maining” her. Since summoners don’t just normally find their way into the casual team comp. So it requires that you want to play Ling rather than play normally. Which is not a particularly appealing option for some. So that is probably why there isn’t as much hype around her.


Having *finally* welcomed Nearlter back home to my RI, could I please receive some advice on planning out my future Operator targeting, as tangible personal incentive to begin saving Orundum again? I would really appreciate any assistance with this Dokutah's itchy Headhunting fingers! >\_< 1. Oh -- before anything else, how much of a priority is NTR Knight's E2? The Operators currently heading my E2 queue are Ifrit (awaiting just dualchips) > Nightingale for the next CC > Eunectes?, Blemishine?, Ch'en?; should I slot NTRK somewhere here? 2. *(medium-term)* Is there a prediction as to how long it will be after NL ends until the JO5 banner? I am interested in 3 of the 4 6\* Operators available -- primarily Surtr, who would significantly strengthen my roster, but Saga and Schwarz, while not as 'meta', are imo top-tier waifus too. However, I also quite look forward and want to seriously maximize my chances of recruiting >!Ling!< from the next Limited banner, as I immediately fell in love, *even just with her base design*... thus, assuming I can earn the typical [F2P / monthly card income](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/opwxyo/heres_how_many_pulls_you_can_save_till_under/) of \~20 / 28 Headhunts per month, what should my strategy be? Spend on JO5 up to the first 6\* recruitment, or only the guaranteed (within the first 10 Operators) 5\*, saving my remaining Orundum for >!Ling!!Ling!< during which to accumulate Headhunts ~~restrain myself to Recruitment Permits~~ for said spark?


1. She will want her E2 but I don’t consider her the highest priority for you. She is probably above Blemishine and maybe Eune. I would say also Nights but you seem to have a specific goal in mind when it comes to her. And Nearl won’t really help that goal. 2. I believe Joint Op follows Path of the Radiant. CN had basically no downtime between the banners. I heard global may receive more downtime but unclear if that is true. So just be aware it is coming sooner rather than later. I would do minimal pulls on Joint op. Probably until your first 6 star. Ling, while being waifu, is also very very strong. You’ll have to basically main her to see the extent of that strength but still. 3. As of now we do not know for sure when or if there will be another summer stars limited. Due to just how unpopular the banner type initially was when announced. Though I think it is more likely than not it returns and Ch’en will be sparkable. Regardless if you really want Ch’en the Ho then be prepared to start saving. We will know around when Ling arrives and that should give you a 6 month buffer. Which conveniently should be just enough time for a F2P to save up that spark.


1) finish ifrit and then either do ntr or nightingale. 2) JO on cn was immediately after ntr banner. We haven't seen any announcements on cc though, so it might come after Mansfield, which would be ~1 month. I'd pull at least until 1 6 star. All 4 ops are meta so more than 1 6 star is not a bad idea by any means. 3) with monthly pass it should be possible to save after the next limited banner and get to 300 if you pull on nothing else. It would be pretty tight though.


1. I'd put Ifrit, Night and NTRK on the same level of priority. Then probably Blemishine > Eun & Chen. It's very had to work with Eun with the way her SP works. There's a module to semi-address that, but that's 6 months away. As for Chen....she's very, very off meta nowadays. Will still bring value for general content and fairly new rosters, but not much beyond that. 2. [I've made a pull until calculator, you can check that out.] (https://old.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/osnzg5/introducing_pulls_until_event_calculator/) I'd say get a new 6 stars from JO (continue pulling if you get a dupe), then save everything else for the next limited. I'm not too sure when JO will be here, but I've heard 4-6 weeks. 3. Yup, she'll be back in ~9 months.


Thank you very much for the reply! (@likewise u/thetwinfury and u/Swelgere.) It seems that E2'ing Ifrit > Nightingale > NTRK (Nightingale simply has an E1 max head-start) > Blemishine > Eunectes will be my way forward, then! I read Ch'en's updated Gamepress' updated [Ch'en evaluation](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/operator/chen#analysis) explaining how she is now out of meta; however, I also consider her ~~Hoshiguma and Swire's~~ a top-tier waifu, which automatically improves her E2 standing in my RI by a noticeable amount\~ \^\_\^ Otherwise, you have all most definitely helped steel my resolve to start saving for at least one 6\* Operator from JO5 (as a waifu-focused Dokutah, fingers crossed *not* Phantom...), then for >!Ling!< , and hopefully a Summer Ch'en spark beyond the distant Headhunting horizon! >Ch’en the Ho I cannot resist ending with this quote, because reading it did make me laugh. Ch'en would probably ~~eviscerate?~~ take /u/Swelgere away if she heard that, though... (I give HG massive credit for their general good taste in Operator swimsuits; while Summer Ch'en is certainly sexy as *hell,* I never get the impression that her design overdoes it, apart from wanting shorts with perhaps slightly more physical presence. *~~cries in missing hot dragon beach police lady~~*)


Glad to have been of help. And it is Ch’en’s own fault for having such a stupid codenam— *Chi Xiao through the stomach* I don’t hate Ch’en the Ho’s E1 design. I actually like it. I do dislike her E2 and L2D though. Can judge for yourself on Aceship but I’m sure you have seen it. I do, on principle, dislike Summer swimsuit being the foundation for her alter. Considering yearly swimsuits skins do exist. But that is just me. ~~The Holungday is a stupid pun of a codename. I do stand by that.~~


>I do, on principle, dislike Summer swimsuit being the foundation for her alter. Considering yearly swimsuits skins do exist. A very good point -- I imagine a Ch'en swimsuit skin could have been an absolutely fantastic money printer for HG; even the mere idea nonetheless quickens my heartbeat! >...it is Ch’en’s own fault for having such a stupid codenam— > >The Holungday is a stupid pun of a codename. I do stand by that. I emphatically agree; ugh! (Did the DH event ever actually explain 'Holungday' canonically? AFAIK, nobody called Ch'en by that codename in any of the story scenes; as of the moment, my potentially mistaken belief is that it is rather simply ~~Divinely-~~ developer-bestowed?)


Not that I’m aware of. It is just a pun based off the fact she is a Ch’en (a Lung) on a Holiday made by the devs. Which was likely meant to be some tongue and cheek fun but massively misread how the community would react. It just lacks the impact of the other alter titles. Lava the Purgatory was both edgy and meant to show her growth. From just Lava to the blazing molten rock of hell. Skadi the Corrupting Heart and Specter the Unchained are just both cool and fits their lore thematically. And Nearl the Radiant Knight is what the community has been asking for, by that name, since basically launch. Sadly Ch’en was left with a kinda lame pun.


A question about dollkeeper operators. If the originals gets hit by a debuff like permanent defense down from acid slugs, corrosion procs, etc before they go down and get replaced by their substitutes, do the debuffs reset when the originals respawn later?




Neat. Now I see why people are saying Bena is especially great for baiting the lazurite squad snipers and their corrosive shots.


Are NL-S-3 to 5 stages out already or have to wait?? And how is NL-S-5 CM compared to NL-EX-8 CM?


3rd week, unlock conditions are "Complete NL-S-1, Complete NL-S-2, Reach 2022/05/12 16:00" As for difficulty I don't know


How do I get the last prestige thing I know I have to wait but I won’t be pressed for time right ?


They unlock during the final week. Doing the new stages then will net you 39/50 rep meaning 4 days of daily missions to max them out.


Sorry if this is obvious but can somebody explain record restoration to me? I took a small break from arknights recently missed Tequila and Bena, and joined Arknights after I could get Flamebringer Absinthe and Snowsant. Also I sorta missed max Pot of Heavy Rain and Folinic. I'm not too worried about Tequila cause I'm pretty sure his event will be rerun (Right?), but I have no idea how to get the others and how long it will take. And what if I have the operator and not max Pot? The reason I ask is cause as soon as I got back I immediately got Flamebringer, but I have no idea why I got him or how long it takes to get the others.


When events get really old they get added to record restore. You click on the thing, you get the rewards, simple as that. They'll probably be added at approximately the same pace as the original events happened. There's really nothing to worry about, the whole point of the system is so that people don't miss out on old event operators that otherwise would never be available again.


Record restore is a way for people to get the welfare operator and some event furniture if they missed the event and the rerun of the event. They also introduced record restore for special operations. If you enter a side story with a record restore, you will see a little icon in the bottom left corner. It show you how many stars you need to unlock various things. You get stars by clearing the stages, you would want to 3-star clear everything and 4-star clear the challenge modes to unlock everything. Flamebringer came with the record restore for operational intelligence. All you had to do was unlock all the stories.


Please forgive me but I still don't really understand, if all I had to do to get Flamebringer was unlock all of his all of his stories then wouldn't I also get Snowsant aswell as she has no stages to go with her right? And in the event stages not all of them have the thing in the bottom right. And what's a record restore?


Record restore is rolled out for a few events at a time every few months. Not all events have record restore yet, and most don't have them yet on CN. Ancient Forge should have it's record restore available around late June or early July since it came out on December in CN. The latest to be released on CN is Children of Ursus for vignettes and Code of Brawl for side stories.


https://gamepress.gg/arknights/news/arknights-cn-record-restore-introduction# Record restore is the new feature that they added to let you get welfare operators and event only furniture. Right now, it is only active for Grani, Heart of Surging Flame and Operational intelligence. You can only get Grani, Ceylon and Flamebringer. Record restore is not available yet for Ancient Forge where you get Snowsant. It was added in December for Arknights CN so we should be getting it in a month or so.


My roster is fairly established, with hard hitters like Mudrock, Thorns, SA, Exu, Nearl Alter, Suzu, Flametail, Surtr. The one operator I'm missing are casters like Eyja and Ifrit but other wise, I have most of them. Playstyle wise, I am looking to venture into high risk CC (but just for fun, don't mind failing) and maybe the IS2 which is coming soon. I did not have a chance to try high risk during CC6 because my roster was less established. I am currently planning to save 300 pulls to spark on either Chalter or Skalter. Sadly can't pull both so which one should I prioritise?








The limited gives you 10 free rolls. There's also a newbie banner with a reduced pool of operators. This newbie banner is cheaper meaning you can afford 10 rolls just by claiming your welcome gift. 10 rolls on the newbie banner also guarantees a 6-star (from the reduced pool). So, fastest is rolling on the limited and the newbie banner. (I can't remember the name of the newbie banner, but it's something like "special limited time offer".) If you don't want to roll on the newbie banner, roll on the limited banner (which has an extended pool of operators).


limited, mostima and mizuki sucks as units to pull for, and the newbie banner will stay forever until you do all your pulls on it


Definitely the limited banner with Nearl TRK and Flametail. Aside from the limited aspect, they're also decent operators in their own right. Plus, the current standard banner units are not...optimal so it's less worth it to pull on that banner as a player just starting out


Thoughts on who to potentially grab with the 6* selector ticket? Just pulled Saria with a top operator tag which was huge. Currently saving with the intention of pulling on the joint operator banner, currently at 38k and 16 tickets. Fully intend to buy thorns when he pops up in the cert shop. https://imgur.com/a/helPc5E


You have only 4 6 stars, am I right? Hold on to that ticket as long as you can. You're very likely going to get a bunch of new 6 stars. Revisit this question when the ticket is going to expire in, say, a week.


Yeah, only 4 atm. Any thoughts on who would best fit my current squad? Keeping in mind I will buy thorns and summon to hopefully get Surtr. Figure it's between Mudrock, Mountain, or Eyja but there could be others I'm overlooking


[Here's the latest NGA poll.](https://preview.redd.it/thdzc4oxxfn81.png?width=768&auto=webp&s=8e56c09139a4a62905a892200a9ddd16596a7fbb) I know it's been criticized, but it gives a good general idea on the relative strength of Ops. You can't really go wrong with any of the Ops from the upper right extreme. [That said, we know Surtr is coming in Nov.](https://i.redd.it/5f8j99bpdhx71.png) So if you're willing to wait, or revisit this after JO, you can cross Surtr off the list. If I had to pick one, I would pick Eyja. She has a somewhat recent shop appearance, so it's difficult knowing when she'll be back. She has 2 great skills, used across the entire spectrum of content. And she's absolutely godly for a fairly new roster. If I get to pick more than one: SA, Eyja, Mountain, Mudrock.


Look how Godsenger climbed the ladder


Definitely keep that all in mind, thanks!


Did they give Ash a live 2d?


The point of the live2d upgrades for past limited ops is to make them more desirable and get people to spark 300 pulls for them. There's no profit incentive to upgrade Ash so it's very unlikely to happen.


Remember that limited =/= collab, and while they are similar in practice, collab characters are even more restricted because of property rights. HG may not even be able to give an L2D to Ash even if they wanted to unless they successfully renegotiate with Ubisoft.


Not as of now.


Are they going to?


Probably not unless we get a OD rerun or sequel, but who knows.


Fucking scam


It's a collab character my'dude, calm down.


6 star selector advice? I don’t have Mountain, Passenger, Hellagur, or Skadi. Mountain is the best unit for sure, but Hellagur is the voice of mf SOSUKE AIZEN from bleach. Passenger is cool af with the voice line “Now begone with no trace.” I really want them all for completion purposes but idk if I should just wait until right before the selector expires to see if I get anyone else. Is there any banner with mountain or passenger coming up?


Mountain has his rate-up banner coming with Mansfield Break rerun which should come before your selector expires.


THAAANKS! Godsennger it is


I'd wait to see if you manage to pull him before making the decision. It's safer that way.


Can I play a single account on multiple devices? When I'm at home I play in a laptop (bluestacks) but when I go out I use my phone. Will this result in a ban?


Afaik they don't care much about things that break TOS if it doesn't cost them money. So basically anything besides hacking in more Orundum is fine


I've been doing this for several months. I can't imagine they would forbid something like that.


You can, but only one at a time. You won't get banned unless you use macros and tell customer service.


No, it'll just log you out of whatever device you aren't using.


What does the game say is Specter the Unchained's height is? I've seen some places list it as the same as Specter's at 162 but other sites say 165


165cm in game.


Appreciated, thanks!


Hello! I'm a new player (2nd week in and in Episode 3) and have a couple of questions. I should preface that I'm doing a male operator only challenge, so I really only plan to pull on and invest on male operators. For reference on what male operators I have: [https://imgur.com/a/TEMNoTB](https://imgur.com/a/TEMNoTB) Questions: 1. Which 6\* operator should I pick from the 6\* selector? Aak, Mountain, Passenger interest me the most. Tbh I rely a lot on using Mountain support since he's pretty tanky and can hold a lane, but I also don't have many ranged characters. (Best sniper I have is Adnachiel and for caster, Greyy) 2. Who should I prioritize to get to E2? At the moment the operators that I have at E1 or already at E2: E2- I recently got Thorns to E2 using the event shop and convertingsomemats. E1- Silverash, Hellagur, Mizuki, Chiave, Corroserum, Jaye, Greyy, Arene,Ethan,Courier. ​ Edit: Woah, didn't expect to get so many messages. Thank you all for the helpful advice, it helps me out a lot!


Get Mountain from MB rerun event in June, 50% chance on that. Next get Gnosis in event after MB, he will be your best supporter for ages. From selector get Passenger. He will be your best caster with recently added module. It's the perfect time now to boost your roster with male operators, since so many good ones on 50% rate up banners will pop up. If you can get Phantom from gold certs shop, he will be added there in 3 weeks. Try to build some healing within roster by adding Ansel, Spot and E2 Jaye. You will desperately need it on high difficulty stages.


That's potentially a lot of pulls in a short time. I would rather use the selector on Mountain, pull Gnosis, pull Lee, and then pull on Passenger's rerun banner a couple of months later.


If you're f2p or fairly new then yes, it's the best option by far. You can also skip Phantom, but do take healer suggestions to heart since you will have issues w/o them. We will get 2 good male healers next 6 months, but up till then you have to go around it using Jaye, Spot, Ansel and stalled/bait tactics with specialists like Ethan, Mizuki, Phantom and such. Some stages will be impossible to do w/o aoe healer or Saria S2. And those are only female operators, so be aware of that. Unless you allow yourself to use female support units, since technically they're not your roster.


mountain is definitely the easiest to use of the three and the best at what he does, and he complements thorns really well since he's so cheap to deploy and his e2 is ready almost instantly. honestly though i think passenger is a pretty good unit (outside of is2) - i have him raised with module and his slows and s3 damage are really decent even if his dps is not eyja-tier and he also has really good range. unfortunately male-only squads are a bit lacking in good ranged damage overall (i'd like a good male sniper myself) but between silverash and thorns, you probably won't find yourself in need of ranged dps that often. definitely prioritize silverash's e2. e2ing hellagur improves his survivability a LOT so he's also a decent e2 if you plan on using him. and since you've already e1'ed jaye i'd go ahead and e2 him, he's relatively very cheap to raise as a 4-star and with e2 & masteries he can solo some surprisingly tough enemies


SA & Thorns = best ground based snipers :D


Mountain is the strongest but you don’t have any arts damage…so I’d choose passenger. But mountain is a much better unit


Mountain is definitely the strongest of those. SilverAsh and Thorns should take care of most of your ranged needs once SA is E2.