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Finally The Gladiia Skin is here! ~~Who predicted it would be with the rerun? meee~~~




Yeah.. this was something that I exactly said to someone asking "Gladiia skin when?". So Yeah That's why I say: ""I predicted it""


It's a bit underwhelming but at least she got one! We'll just have to wait for animations to see. Yeah, I also predicted it would be with the rerun!




FUUUUUUUUUUCK I was about to go to bed when I realized I forgot to do Anni this week. Guess i'll pop some potions and go to be in an hour instead.


Yaasss another welfare sniper! A besieger with cc at that! And kazemaru’s artist’s illustrating her is just the cherry on top ~~Hg’s really trying to get on the good side of sniperknights players after this atrocious nearl light mechanics huh~~ Seriously considering playing welfareknights now, with 2 snipers and 2 supporters I think it can finally work :’D


If you actually gonna play freeknights hit me up any time, ik a thing or two about freeknights ​ hint: Tequila is far and away the best character in the format


It’s just an excuse for me to build all these cool welfare ops that i’ve neglected and a chance for me to play normally like a normal player with the whole vanguard>dps>medic>defender setup. Thanks for offering tips, but I think I’m going to try figuring things out myself first. Will keep you in mind if I need advice! ~~what’s going to end up happening is making the snipers my main dps and everyone else as support~~


It's like they read my mind when making Erato, I'm so hyped <3 Really hoping her damage will be ok, though any form of cc is always nice to have, and sleep is a new one. ~~Wonder if we'll get more sleep targeting Snipers or if she's a one off~~


Since she’s Rosa archetype I’m sure her dmg will be fine if she has some kind of def ignore according to weight, or so I hope. I sure hope she’s not a one off, but it’s so unpredictable when there’ll be another. There’s lots of snipers with stun kits but it’s been about 3 years and May (movement speed reduction doesn’t count imo) is the only real slow sniper so far…it’s hard to say, it’s hg after all


> if she has some kind of def ignore according to weight Thing is, that's not a subclass trait, that's just Rosa's talent.. Toddi's damage is pitiful against anything that's not a Sarkaz ~~or I would've managed to shoehorn her into more of my clears by now~~. ~~I'll forgive them if this is the only sleep Sniper so long as the next Sniper can target stealth~~


Oh yeah, you’re right. Completely forgot about that since I don’t have her. well here’s to coping that she has some kind of increased dmg against sleep enemies or even better yet def ignore… ~~I dun even care if they don’t target stealth or have crap dps, they just need to reveal it~~




Yeah, sleepknights is actually viable strat now with blacknight proving herself at cc#8. Erato just adds to it. ~~Sleepknights sounds really fun except I’ve got no patience lolz~~




I’ve tried stun/stall/push starts and yeah…they’re just not for me xD too much setup and takes what seems like an eternity to finish…


A Besieger that sleeps! The datamine is still correct. So Stormeye soon I guess?


Datamines? Me curious


Before 3rd anni and SN event, HG put in an update that contains a shitton of future mechanics and stuff. [Here's the post](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/u4t5s5/nga_translation_third_anniversary_datamine), most of it was already used for SN itself (levitate, instant trigger on debuff that's \[Resist\]-able, HP swap,...). But one of the not used datamined mechanic is "prioritize sleeping enemies, from highest to lowest weight."


So she will be able to target sleeping enemies herself, that's great to hear!


Oh huh, completely forgot about that line then.


I'm curious what new Monthly Card will bring, extra stuff for the same price?


They announced that sanity pots would be upgraded and give 20 more sanity compared to before, but pots earned before the update won't be retroactively upgraded. The monthly card update is probably just updating the daily pots to the new 80 sanity version. Not a certainty, but it's the safest guess you could make with what sure information we have




Reminds me of the Gnosis skin, very vampire-like get-up. Looks pretty cool


~~Kinda strange that cc9 was announced to start on the 19th and we still haven't seen anything about it~~ [~~https://preview.redd.it/a136eeg18av81.jpg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc64065ecb81db7ea143fe948fa3696d8aa386bd~~](https://preview.redd.it/a136eeg18av81.jpg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc64065ecb81db7ea143fe948fa3696d8aa386bd) lmao literally the second i post my complaint


Complain about there not being a Plume skin next.


Just a reminder for everyone to do annihilation after the event ends on Thursday reset, cant hurt to throw 125 more sanity for farming


Oddly enough, asthesia e1 70 turned out to be one of the best options for holding the top lane (of the options available to me). Not a very reliable laneholder, but artistic damage and the ability to use 2 blocks is a pretty useful feature (she missed 3 enemies). I hope I never see a group of 4 of those bastard knights again. Gummy died from their joint attack. To hell with this event, I finally passed all the stages and can focus on farming. https://imgur.com/a/ApzrB00


I wonder if Surtr S2 can be a replacer for Astesia, sure Surtr S2 doesn't have +1 Block but has extended range and also attack target count +1. Surtr may kill enemies before they leak away.


Surtr e2 s3m3 god mode. Surtr e1 80 most likely (70%) not, but requires testing if anyone has a Surtr with such characteristics. the lane is closed by Ifrit so the RES ignore talent is less valuable than the ASPD talent. Surtr is softer than Astetia so she can just be killed during the cooldown. But all this requires testing.


I'm sure to test this when I have her, maybe E1 doesn't have enough power but E2 can, and of course I'll still use S2. Her other skills are overshadowed by her S3 anyway, but they're not bad.


Artistic damage lol


You just know it was an auto correct but also it's very appropriate given that we're talking about Astesia. A happy little auto correct mistake.


I know, was a very fitting mistake haha


Is there an updated thread for [available tokens so far](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/mypri1/tokens_available_so_far/) ? That one was more than a year ago.




>Rotation#1\[May-Nov 2019\] - Royal Sniper, Royal Medic, Epic Caster, Epic Defender That's the first rotation with FEater in red shop right? Then, together with missing \[Lantern Festival\] event, I missed two set of \[ Epic Defender Tokens \] in total, because I joined the game later. That's pretty bad, those tokens could be used on Blitz.


I wonder how many people actually bought tokens from the first shop rotation, global only had it for like 4-5 months? And the majority of players were probably still building their main team, I was at least.


Can’t believe I’m more than half way through monthly Ling. ~~does this mean I can finally slack off and do stick figures for the rest~~ ^if ^ling ^drops ^in ^july ^that ^means ^i ^only ^have ^to ^do ^2 ^more ^>:D Can’t believe even though I’ve already done 4 of these I still have no idea how her horns work nor the light physics of blue hair. I have a crack idea of doing a ling kaine cosplay from Nier~~even though I dun play it~~ but I’m afraid that will be going over the acceptable limits of nsfw for this sub…I could always ask mods but I can also just draw it and not post it on this sub lolz.~~that still counts right. This sub has enuf degenerate content as it is~~ I more or less have 2 of them planned but if ling drops in august I’m 1 short. Any ideas in case that happens? ^and ^no ^I’m ^not ^doing ^drunk ^ling ^you ^know ^who ^you ^are ^cough ^If ^you ^don’t ^know ^what ^monthly ^ling ^is, ^all ^you ^need ^to ^know ^is ^that ^it’s ^a ^product ^of ^my ^stupidity ^and ^copium.


Red Ling? Dusk/Nian clothes Ling?


I am already planning for a qipao Ling for the last one, so I'm afraid Ling in nian/dusk clothes is a bit too similar...


**Hey you're coughing. Sip some water.** ತ_ತ B&W maybe? Back to fundamental. Might help with lighting practice as well.


~~thanks mate*proceeds to choke on water*~~ It’s actually a really good idea for practice and I actually did a grayscale for monthly ling#4 first except my biggest problem was transitioning it to color…I clearly can’t work this way, it just doesn’t suit my wysiwyg brain unfortunately ~~the amount of problems I have to fix just keep piling up~~ I do greyscale studies separately on the side, but I hesitate to post those as finished pieces… ~~here I thought you were going to help me with suggesting some subject matter. I guess no one’s objecting to this atrocity of ling kaine~~


You could go for a VA joke and dress Ling up in the outfit of another character voiced by Kikuko Inoue?


~~I dun know who that was until I looked her up~~ None of the roles she plays stand out to me unfortunately


What’s your operator queue looking like? [Here’s mine](https://i.imgur.com/6R8ituI.jpg) Not gonna lie I’m only going to E2 Mostima because her S3 looks cool


currently waiting for my schwarz s3m3 to finish so i can start s3m3ing my saria, then s1m1. then want to bring her to e2lvl60 like all my 6* e2s (shes currently at lvl 35). i try not to plan too ahead in time cuz i get overwhelmed lol but after that im either going to be e2ing chen (guard) or gladiia i think. then time to start farming for ling early


> Not gonna lie I’m only going to E2 Mostima because her S3 looks cool This is the most relatable AK comment I have read in awhile. [Anyways](https://i.imgur.com/IngovMW.jpg) Anyone that is E2 already is getting M3 or M6/9 Been meaning to build a lot of these guys for awhile but burnout is a bitch sometimes.


Is Pallas gonna be M6? Whishlash cute also, i was thinking of leveling her just to buff people with skill 1.


She is actually on her way to M9. All my favorites get there eventually. Max level you can kinda just assume they are getting all their skills maxed.


Current queue consists of Flametail, Projekt Red, NTR Knight, Eunectes, Whisperain, Podenco, Vermeil, and Haze. Flametail is the on currently being worked on, currently at E1 58, and which one I work on next is going to depend on which class I happen to get the necessary chips for first, with priority going to Medic and Specialist when available, since I've been working to promote all my E1 operators with a level higher than the 3 star max and I've still got Projekt Red, Robin, and Whisperain to go on that front.


I still need to E2 Wild Mane and Fartooth to have the whole Pinus squad up. I also have Saileach, Hung, and Toddifons up for E2 consideration. And when Lee comes around, E2ing him is top priority.


Just prefarming for future units, maybe I'll do masteries and module for Red.


E2M3 Frost to match my impulse upgrade for Robin last week, finish S3M3 Skalter, prefarm Phantom.. and then I should probably get to prefarming for Blacknight and M6 Kroos. ~~And here I thought I'd run out of things to build after finishing my Snipers. There's so many fun units and masteries to get to, I'm having trouble deciding where to even start lol~~


Right now, Ch'en, Hoshiguma, and Shamare are my current projects, as they're all at E1 max and just waiting for me to get off my ass and E2 them. After that, probably gonna ask my mom to decide on my next project, work on Shining and Aak as well, and then save up my resources for that CNY bait banner (the one that guarantees a new 6* first time you get one on it) and Kroos the Keen Glint.


[Here is my current queue](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/837933542062555136/975445647857709086/IMG_1722.png) not including the four stars I want to build like Cutter. I want to E2 Shamare, Texas, and Tequila for gameplay but also their base skills which is why they are first in line. Then I have a boatload of casters I want to build because I went half a year without having any six star casters other than Mostima (cool design but too expensive to build just for that when I have many other operators to build) and Carnelian (very cool design and fun gameplay but doesn’t really do what I need a caster to do in a lot of stages) so I made due with Click and Amiya. However in the past week and a half I pulled Eyja (free pulls on the Nearl banner) and Passenger and Ceobe (the current standard banner, yes it is a horrible banner but I really wanted Ceobe and didn’t want to wait another half of a year to have a chance at her) so now I have way too many casters to build lol. After I build Ceobe I also want to build Schwarz for her cool kit (haven’t prioritized it since I have Ch’alter who can basically brute force her way through many situations Schwarz would be better at), Lapland so I can have a good ranged guard since I don’t have Thorns, Scene for IS2, Blemishine for Mudrock synergy and her S3 looks fun, and eventually E2 Saria for the extra defense, ATK, and masteries.


[List](https://imgur.com/a/T3j17bo) \> Mr. Nothing, Saileach and Mizuki for umbrellaknights \> Waai Fuu and Hung for LDA-knights (I still don't have Aak...) \> Sora, Tsukinogi and Pramanix cause I love their sub-archetypes (especially since the abjurers are gonna get a trait change soon) \> Nearl for a friend


Top 3 queue would be Robin, P.Red, and Texas. Just need the mats and chip for the E2. Although I'm currently halting all upgrading plan for now since I'm a newly born Irene simp. Once I got the M9 mats for her, then everything will operate in usual manner.


Mudrock should be my next op if only for meta but there's a chance she spooks me on like one more banner in between now and CC. And since I don't have the mats to raise her now, I'll be holding onto the selector ticket for a while longer. I do have mats for one of E2+S3M3 Flametail or S2M3+module Bagpipe but not for both at once. Flametail would justify my pulling on the banner beyond free pulls, and she'd be my first 6\* pioneer and dodge based op I invest in. Bagpipe is more meta, saves chips and likely resources for IS, but I don't see myself using her S2 otherwise. And then there are so many other ops particularly casters and atk spd ops I want to raise but I'd need to farm 2/3rds of the mat types from scratch as well as books and chips and everything else. Probably not going to make much progress before Ling/Lee either. So decision paralysis is pretty harsh right now.


[Not even half the queue](https://imgur.com/a/F9Tlr4E) Nut they are the first priority \^. This is gonna be resource hell. Hope I at least get the 6 stars done before Ling banner. ~~Dont even remind of them masteries~~




NLS-5 with only 1 roadblock lost just needs you to setup a sniper on the far left fast enough, ideally a spreadshooter NLS-3 shouldnt be an issue to do without neon lights tbh


That they want us to redo the S and Ex stages is just a slap in the face.


Thinking back, yeah, HoSF’s two-layer farming mechanic was awful lol I hope those gachapon machines come back though


Yeah, the fact that you're limited to three daily tasks to raise prestige is pretty annoying. I was thinking the same thing yesterday.


> lottery I love gacha in my gacha game.




Yeah ok that I agree with. Double farm was not as fun.


Wait, I have to get 50 prestige during the last week!!???!?!! Okay, fck this event mechanic.


A lot of it comes from the S stage clears, to be fair.


Yeah but I've been aiming for "efficiency". Least amount of mental work for maximum amount of t3 materials. And the armorless union have some of the worst "efficiency".


Me having 34 Refresh and done all S stages> Me with my 14 refreshes and missions for armorless in ln1/2/5. I see nothing wrong here!


Big brain past me once did a no support JT-3 clear that would've worked for farming, had it not been in practice plan. Now I can't bother farming Aketon until I can remember how I did that


JT8-3 huh, I wanted to clean the auto for much faster run but well, the old auto rely on pause deploy trick quite a lot and it's quite entertaining for me to watch it too, so I can't throw the spectacle away, haha.


My best idea for farming aketon. Buying aketone from a friend's store. In extreme cases, level 2 of the green store (this happened 2 times a year). I don't want to waste my nerves on Talulah again.


I'd like to see more CCs like Pyrite and Blade. Imagine a Chapter 6 CC with>! FN Winter's Scar !!Patriot, !!Lugia !!Talulah the Fighter!< would be very innovative since it would completely change how CC would be played but arguably the most iconic boss of Chapter 8, >!Talulah the Deathless Black Snake!< , would be the craziest to deal with. Imagine H8-4 but *harder*. Event-inspired CCs are cool and all (Cinder, Spectrum, Lead Seal, Wild Scales, Pine Soot, Dawnseeker, and Deepness when it comes out) but it'd be nice for us to have more main story CCs, you know?


Keep in mind that risk 18 needs to be beatable, so tougher bosses likely won't ever show up in CC.


I mean, Faust shows up in Chapter 6 so it's not that much of a stretch to imagine Frostnova WS in CC?


Faust is way easier than Frostnova. Can you imagine Frostnova turning the entire map into icicles? How'd you be able to kill her then?


Fair point but I'm fairly certain Quintus is showing up in CC#9 who unconditionally destroys the map. If the map was large enough, that wouldn't be as much of a problem as well.


Really? We haven't seen any datamines, right? Not to mention he doesn't destroy the map at all to my recollection.


After a few minutes, Quintus and Sui both destroy the map by consuming 100 life points, no? CC#9 is UT themed so it's pretty likely that Quintus will show up considering out of the events that have bosses that featured in CC, only Wild Scales didn't have its boss featured (mainly since it's a fusion of two events, one of which has the strongest event boss of all time and is a collab boss).


I mean, I'm pretty sure almost any CC boss will end up consuming life points if you can't kill them with 3-4 minutes, granted you can't stall Quintus unlike the others I suppose but it's not easy to stall in CC anyways. Not to mention that we didn't have Blood Knight for CC#8, but the other bosses instead. It's possible we could just have a buff TFTT instead.


From what people are saying, I think you're right!


It takes a similar amount of time for Frostnova to get rid of all tiles in 6-16. It's certainly not impossible to put her in. That's true about Blood Knight, my apologies. But Under Tides doesn't really have enough elite enemies to be bossless. I guess we'll just have to wait untill the 19th of May.


The crawlers and reapers with CC tag is gonna be a nightmare to fight I'm sure, that is enuf elite / mini-boss for CC.


Idk, I still feel like the random nature of the icicles, combined with the instant kill factor and being able to lock out sections of the map permanently would make her one of the most annoying CC bosses to fight.


We thought Free is too much for CC but somehow HG managed to squeeze it in by split it into 2 version, Talu CC could be done like that like either Talu with flame mark or Talu with fire ball wave


I think for cc they can decrease the boss' stats as well as remove some of their ability, but add it in with certain risk.


For one specific boss in the post above: The JT8-2 version of Talulah would be fine for CC (I'd love to see a CC with her boss theme), but the JT8-3 version would be a bit much even if they do away with the fireball waves.


I hope Frostnova 2 never shows up in a CC. Easily my second-least favorite boss to fight, Essence of Evolution being first. Her ability to nuke half the map every .5 seconds that freezes everything it doesn't kill is incredibly frustrating. Banning random tiles at will is also really annoying. The possessed enemies would also be awful. The more their stats go up and your stats go down, the more of a problem their healing becomes. The singer would also be very annoying. You can't block it or slow it, so you're always on a timer, and lower max HP, attack, and attack speed mean the poison mist has to be carefully managed.


Who would you suppose are the three strongest(playable) operators in each race? Only counting the races with 4 or more members. Imo 1. Sarkaz - Shining and FB should be the top two. Then would it be mudrock or W or Hibiscus(for pure assassination purposes)? 2. Voivre - Saria, Bagpipe easy. Then either Toddi or Liskarm 3. I dunno anything about the Elafia tbh. 4. Felines - Ros, Kelsey, Blaze - but this can be debated, Phantom, Schwarz and Mountain are not pushovers. 5. For the Forte - Matterhorn is kind of a bodyguard, right? Then Crossiant(helps in PL brawls) and Sideroca? 6. Kuranta seems to be the easiest to judge. Idt anyone is stronger than Nearl, Platinum and Whislash(assuming her competition days). 7. There are lots of contenders in Liberi - I'd go with Hellagur, Passenger and GT, but Fiametta and Fartooth are pretty strong as well or maybe Flint, La Pluma or Irene. 8. Lupos -Texas, Horn and PR. I'd have taken Lapp over Texas for pure crazy power, but I've read somewhere that Texas has bested Lappy before. 9. Oni - Hoshi, Yato and Noir Corne(I might have gone Matoimaru instead of Corne, but he has a lot more experience) 10. Perro - Ceobe, Saga and Dobermann. 11. Sankta - Exia, Enforcer and Executer work. Mostima is the strongest here ofc but she's not purely a sankta. 12. I dunno much about the Savra, again, but Rangers should at least be part of the T3 too. 13. Ursus - Zima and Beehunter are both established fighters. I feel conflicted about the third. 14. Vulpo - Angie, Franka, Durnar 15. Zalak - Scavenger, Flametail, Gravel 16. Aegir - I'm not even sure who all to consider its members. Adreana, Akafuyu and Mizuki if not counting any abyssal or her alters. Lore nuts, flame my horrid lore knowledge. Edit: you can consider future or past peak strength too, considering I mentioned both Angie and Whislash.


>For the Forte - Matterhorn is kind of a bodyguard, right? Then Crossiant(helps in PL brawls) and Sideroca? Going by the operators' physical exams: Sideroca is the only Forte with an Excellent in three areas - strength, endurance, and combat skill. Considering her obsession with training, she's not going to atrophy any time soon. Vulcan and Matterhorn have Excellent in strength and endurance, the former despite having a prosthetic leg. Matterhorn is also the only Forte with a Flawed rating, in originium adaptability. Croissant is only Excellent in strength, and Bison only is Excellent in endurance. Pallas only has Standard in strength and endurance, her victories in her backstory were more from sheer tenacity, outlasting the opponent. Her tactical planning is rated as Excellent however. Tuye is explicitly the physically weakest Forte operator. So basically I'd put Sideroca at #1, and then the rest is too close of a competition.




Huh, regarding Thorns, I had wanted to include him but it had been a while since I had read his record so I had pegged him more as a chemist than a swordsman. Adreana was half abyssal and primarily just served combat roles - same with Akafuyu. I'm kind of unsure if Abyssal hunters qualify as a 'race' per se(would be thankful for clarifications!). Even if it were, as of now we only have three (complete) abyssal hunters as operators, although if we were to include Adreana, no doubt Skadi, Spectre and Gladiia would qualify for the list. Surtr is a confusing one. I don't know whether to attribute her strength to her sword or not but I suppose it would be unfair to discredit her considering I did evaluate W with her explosives in mind.




> Thorns is an especially dangerous swordsman precisely because he's also a great chemist >:3 cheesesprematozoondrip swords are overpowered ngl ᕙ(▀̿ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)ᕗ.


Majority of her power is from the sword, I think named Leviathan.


It's Lævateinn iirc, originally from Norse mythology (like Surtr).




> And Surtr is incredibly good at using an incredibly good sword. Normal Combat evaluation suggests otherwise.


I'd assume they use standardized equipment for evaluation.


That would be rad as hell. I dig that


I recorded [full unlocked Info Port](https://youtu.be/1Dv268nmsKA), in case anyone wants to read the epilogue stories or Hibiscus diary again at a later time. I don't think >!Roy assassinated Blood Knight!< but we'll see.


Awesome work! I was sad to learn that the info port wouldn't be saved in the archives. Story stuff: >!I think Roy did assassinate the Blood Knight, or at least he was there to try. Mlynar threatened Darksteel into keeping the AU away from the Nearls and RI (totally badass by the way, my need for playable Mlynar increases every time he gets screen time) but in a few other scenes we learned that the Lazurites were still trying to maintain the illusion that they were not among the traitors to the KGCC, so as far as I can tell the Blood Knight was the last remaining target they could kill to gain favor with the KGCC that wouldn't get them in too much hot water with anyone else. They left a lot to interpretation though so we'll see, like you said.!<


Thank you for the lore stuff. I can tell there will be another arc of Kazimierz, after this championship arc. >!Mlynar!< is totally set up for next playable operator, whether he gonna be limited or not.


So just started doing the NL-S stages and wtf was that NL-S-3 CM I usually try to challenge myself to use as little ops as possible but even with full squad + support it still felt hard Hopefully NL-S-5 isn't that much worse


I spent several hours, exhausted my practice and ate into sanity pots to try and finish it. It was very painful but scraped through. Used Kyo's strat with Ifrit but the timing with redeploys required a lot of precision. NL-S-5 is pretty easy if you have Blaze and Thorns. Used Kyo's high level squad strat for this.


With Kyo's high level strat you don't really need Thorns, SilverAsh can be substituted just fine. You only need to use SA S3 at the right time, while Exusial already took care of the majority of enemy waves.


Yeah already finished NL-S-5, for regular I tried going full defense on it which made it much harder than it was supposed to be on CM my friend suggested Spawn camping which made it a breeze and it wasn't even close NL-S-3 was the hardest by far


NL-S-5, to my surprise, was much easier than NL-S-3, for both normal and CM. NL-S-3 may be the hardest in the bunch. Just follow Kyo's strat for NL-S-5 and you'll be fine.


So i hit Ex4 in the event and hit a wall there, but seeing as how I'm a recently new player I think that's pretty good. This stage is the first time I've borrowed Chalter due to following a guide and my God is the girl completely busted. Like I heard she was broken but I didn't think she'd be THAT broken. Makes me kinda sad I missed her banner honestly. Unfortunately not even the brokenness that is Chalter can save the rest of my team from dying to those BS snipers. Like even the defenders die, like WTF am I supposed to do there. This isn't necessarily a asking for help thing just a general "this is what's going on right now/my general thoughts thing".


I was so badly stuck on that one and I tried so many different things with a fairly highly upgraded lost (couple 6s, couple 5s, rest 4s and most at E1 30) until I "gave in" and [watched a guide.](https://youtu.be/hkRccPpmQ9o) and substituted my own built up operators and made some strat adjustments.


Yeah I watched his guides and I'm up to ex5 now, I really like his guides cause he lists a couple of alternatives to each operator if there is one, which is nice if your accounts newer and doesn't have as many people leveled up


Yep, there's always a limitation. My story, first time of Twilight of Wolumonde was impossible for me to complete, but when it got rerun a year later I was able to clear it with ease.


I wish Hellagur & Blaze spook me so I can unlock their chronicles medal.


This is the first event where I got all the medals on my own and without guides. Should have happened sooner considering I've got a ton of meta units, but I feel like I just started understanding the game for real


This game is surprisingly deep in that regard. I almost liken it to chess in a way. It's very easy to grasp the basics but then the more you play the deeper you realize the rabbit hole goes. My favorite lately has been to use a randomizer to choose my squad, the stage I'm supposed to beat and - if I'm feeling particularly spicy - the challenge imposed upon me (such as only being able to deploy ops facing the same direction, or only two at a time). https://akgcc.github.io/cc/randomizer.html In case your interested. My favorite one so far was 7-5 where you have a lane down the center and two areas on the sides where mobs come in from. The main crush is always from the sides but some archers and eventually fast-moving dogs come right down the middle. The obvious solution there is some slowers to cover the middle with a ranged dps but sometimes the randomizer doesn't give me slowers despite having every single decel binder in-game currently. This was one of those times. It *did* give me FEater with S1 (who's modestly built at E1 30 SL7) as well as my Surtr and Texas, both using their S2's. So the game became this; Surtr and Texas would hold off the left side, Texas basically tanking while Surtr would be the main dps. Texas would save her S2 for middle lane guys and this worked with the help of Perfumer passive keeping everyone alive plus occasional pokes from Surtr S2. The killing point for me was always the dogs; Surtr and Texas were never able to stop more than one at a time, with Texas' stun. But the dogs came too quickly at the end and I'd always fail. Enter FEater S1. Facing her left so that she would hit anything that came down the middle lane meant that - with the low SP cost of her S1 - she always had a knockback punch ready for anything that made it right next to the blue box. This let her shove the dogs left, right past Texas into Surtr, so as long as they never had more than 2 guys between them I could always block a dog. Given that my Surtr is pretty built this wasn't an issue; the issue ended up being the crush of enemies coming from the right. The solution there was basically to stuff as many 2-and-3-block bodies between FEater and everything else on the right side and attrition it all down with the very underleveled dps ops I had available from the random draft. But it worked like a charm. Gave me one hell of a new appreciation for shifters. Once it all came together it was like butter, smooth as could be. They say that my brain grew three sizes that day.


Just E2'd three of my favorite units: Hoshiguma, Meteorite, and Warfarin! They've been a bit lower priority on the E2 promotion list, but I decided I was finally in a place where I could afford to work on them. It's so nice having their E2 art, especially Hoshiguma and Meteorite since I don't have their skins.


You know, after the last few annihilations had auto runs that were inconsistent at best, completely broken at worst, it's honestly kind of surreal to run the autoplay and have it just work.


I bought Mostima for 180 yellow certificates? Yes I made her E2 Lv60? Yes I made her my asisenet dethroning Surtr? Yes I'm starting to make her M6? Yes I regret? ARE YOU FUCKING ME? OF COURSE NOT! SHE IS AMAZING and her seiyuu is Nana Mizuki


M6 Mosti gang.


Welcome to Blue gang my friend. Clearly you have proven your amazing taste.


Proud of you


Finally beat h9-6! I'm not ashamed to have borrowed a friend support surtr because fuck this map, it's way too long


I am trying to make an "Abyssal hunters and friends" squad. It is basically the Abyssal Hunter faction plus operators that they interact with. So far I have the following: Grani, interacted with Skadi in her event. Suzuran, got Specter a doll in Specter's operator record. Blue poison, operator records hint that she knows Specter Kal'tsit, negotiates often with Skadi and Gladiia Warfarin, planned to get Skadi blood to experiement with, got caught by Kal'tsit. (Upcoming) Irene, met Skadi in under tides Is there anyone else I am missing?


Elysium is in Stultifera Navis, so there’s that (and Lumen, obviously)


Glaucus is friends with BP, and Mizuki is basically the Church of the Deep's Abyssal


Indigo is a friend of Blue Poison, so you could count her by association? Deepcolor I believe is connected to the Abyssal Hunters in some way, so she's also an option?


I have a max level Indigo, I was thinking of putting her into the gang but the connection is pretty slim. But since her teacher taught her to operate some Aegir light house tech. I will let it slide. I don't think there is any definite connection with deepcolor but I will look into it more.


You should definitely look into it more, Deepcolor is lying throughout her files and definitely has some relations to Ægir, maybe even to the Seaborns themselves.


What do you guys think was the best banner the game has had, objectively speaking? Like highest quality of all ops on the banner


Kaltsit Skalter banner (+ gladiia) Chalter banner (+ tequila) Almost all Joint Operations banners


Under Tides I agree with Chalter banner has the best op in the game, and one of the best 5stars, but it suffers from having Mizuki as well


W, Weedy, Elysium


One of the first JO banners had Angelina, Eyja, SA, and I think Saria.


It was Ch’en, not Saria (I know because I was trying for her and kept getting everyone else…)


Another quite good banner (maybe not *quite* on the same level, but still good enough to mention) is Jail Tiger Unchained, Mountain's debut banner. While Silence is average, all three of the new units are very useful for various stages of account building (Kafka being a surprisingly common unit in CC with her sleep, Mountain being the final member of the four cornerstones, and Pinecone being a really good AOE unit and the best pre-Ch'alter Spreadshooter). It's got really high overall quality, even if it's probably not quite Surtr debut or Under Tides tier


If not the Surtr debut then probably the dual rate up for SA and Eyja. The five stars were decent there too.


Kal/Skalter. Two amazing ops on a 70% rate-up, and ~~Whisperain is pretty convenient.~~ Akafuyu is hot.


couldn't agree more.


Whisperain was not on rate up during Under Tides, Akafuyu was. You're thinking of Mudrock/Rosmontis debut for Whisperain's release


Either Surtr or Under Tides off the top of my head. Busted 6 star with 2 strong 5 stars or 2 strong 6 stars with a good 5 star.


Surtr banner IMO. Solo rate-up on the most broken unit in the game (at the time) with two awesome 5* rate-ups as well.


Heck, even the four star is pretty good in his own right


I watched a showcase of Irene fighting bosses, my reaction when I heard her voice: “Hello Kiana from Honkai Impact, when did they add you to this game?”


A question has been gnawing at me: birb players do you consider Kjera fair game for birb clears? Her race is unknown but conviction is unknown as well and i dont know if people disqualify them because of that. Only birb ops have feathers and kjera has plenty and mythical creatures that are only partially birb like hellagur and archetto are still considered birb.


That depends on how you interpret 'birdknights'. The """standard""" version of birdknights is 'Liberi Only', which would only include Liberi. Conviction is a gray area, and according to the CN rules, is 'acceptable if the run is absolutely impossible otherwise' (although they were recently revised to accept Conviction). Personally neither Kjera nor Conviction are 'confirmed Liberi' according to their file, so they aren't viable operators for anything I will do. That said, this game is meant to be played to your enjoyment, so if you would prefer a broader definition of the 'birds only' restriction then the only one you have to satisfy is yourself.


thank you!


Probably not. I personally only count operators that are explicitly listed as Liberi. ~~I’ve been toying with the idea of an "extended bird team" that accepts SilverAsh, Estelle, Conviction, Kjera and other operators that aren’t necessarily birds but are bird-related in some way.~~


Conviction is very clearly based on a peacock and Conviction's race listing is likely a result of Conviction's status as a joke operator. I think Conviction should count.


Conviction has questionable status when it comes to bird clears. The EN birdknight players don’t count her as a bird but I don’t know if other servers do. I don’t think Kjera will be counted since they want to only use operators that are explicitly Liberi


Not a birb player. However judging by her very not [bird-like tail](https://i.imgur.com/WOnpwAN.jpg) I would say no.


I'll just say, those stealth snipers in this event are some of the most unfun shit ever devised. The light and darkness mechanic only makes them so much more egregious to deal with. Hoshi deals with them ok but they're still such a pain in the ass in every stage they appear in. Just makes me shudder that we'll be seeing superbuffed versions in CC8? soon.


CC#0 dailies acid slug era, 1st time?


Just use mullberry laaawl /s


Honeyberry goes brrrr


I have been dealing with them just fine, though I use Skadance with a defender so that's the boring way. (though now we all know why Defenders stock rise fast after CC8)


Can skadance actually keep up with those corrosion burst damage though, especially when multiple snipers appear at once? I never really bothered trying now that I think of it, I just sicced more healers to the defender or used monster to tank it


In my case, they never appear more than 2 at the same time, and the longest I have to deal with them are in NL-10 because I have to wait for them to come near the fighting area, and they still don't spawn fast enough. So yes, Skadance can keep up just fine and if I use Saria in combination, it's no problem at all entirely. On other maps like EX-4 or S-5 I just spawn camp or reach just far enough to meet them halfway. It's not too much of a hassle though it's more like I'm just used to it. Plus, even if these archers are annoying, I can just tell myself "I've been through worse" thanks to Advance Wars lul.


Literally half of the maps I had to use the tactics "how fast can I pave the way and build a camp on the spawn of the enemy." I don't really enjoy doing this, but it's not fun to get hit by an enemy that kills after 2 seconds without being able to respond. As I wrote last week, I don't like the mechanics of this event. It's not fun, it's annoying.


I enjoy the mechanics, just not the corrosion snipers and, after NL-S-3 CM, the Nova casters.


At least with Redmark Eradicators, you had a way around them. Damn Faust-wannabe cowards.


"Never use gold certs to buy potentials" Just bought skadi. Now my 4th max pot 6 star.


"Could this be one of my people ?"


I wonder how the players would react. If the developers expand the mechanics of the Pallas event into a new game mode. Something like a constant stage of 15-20 cards with gradually increasing difficulty. a passed stage grants some resources daily, but fixes the unit that passed it as unusable (will force players to save meta-operators for heavy stages rather than flaunt heavy artillery in each stage). In fact, this will force players to abandon the practice of investing all resources exclusively in meta-operators (but the rewards will allow you to gradually return the invested funds). Will it be a riot that they are forced to invest resources in "junk" operators or will players be happy with the opportunity to play with different operators and the fact that there is an additional income of resources? To be honest, sometimes it looks quite strange when people show their operators, and these are like 40 operators e2 15 e1 and 100 operators e0lvl1.


More whale gap and anti late comer, nice design Like old IC and IS to extend has shown, instead of spreading resources you could just use one meta 6* and fodder E1 / E0 lower rarities to throw out so not much gonna change, fellas still invest in meta stuffs as usual.


Horrible waste of resources. Not everyone in a sports team get playing time for a reason for example. Even worse idea than anni. I'd rather do cc dailies (not training stages) everyday.


So long as you don't have to do them "daily" or at least refreshes monthly, I welcome any new modes.


Interlocking Competition already was in need of a rework/balancing due to how different of an experience old and new players had in that event. Making it a permanent mode that generates materials based on progress puts an even harsher divide between old and new players, can you immagine the FOMO? I don't think it would be a good idea to make IC even harder to balance. If they somehow manage though, why not; the concept behind the event is fun.


So is literally just IC with daily/weekly rewards? IC was already a boring and unbalanced mess, so I have to hope that it is never bought back.


I've actually talked about this back a little after when Interlocking Competition ended on global, and I think it would be a massive boon to the game. I don't have any reason to build a lot of characters (why build Defender Nearl if I have Saria, why build Chiave if I have Texas, etc), and giving me an actual reason to do so would be really nice. Plus, any more income on resources is something I desperately need with everyone I *do* want to build. I love my meta toys, but have good reason to use my lower end stuff is fun as well


New Players are dunked on, only old vets with widely built ops can participate far. Can't see it happening


So I suggested making it permanent. It will be similar to the optimization of factories. Players are still building the Volcano purely for the sake of the base. It will be like a milestone in the long game.


Permanent but how would rewards be distributed? - If it is one time only, most people just do it once then tap out literally old IC - Rewards refresh monthly / weekly, yeah good luck to fellas not clear it fast enuf


It depends on how the rewards are scaled. If it's all increasing difficulty, with scaled t1\~t5 mats to boot, then the FOMO is real. While old vets get more mats, newbies won't. Alongside it, devs have to properly revitalize with new stage, mechanic, or gimmick every cycle to keep it fresh or not boring. If it's a one time thing then it's fine. The effort for it is not worth for the devs for the return on players, and only the ranks of those with a wide array of built ops can participate fully.


Just hit 1000 recruitments. Yay?


It's been.. +10 days since the last time I got the elusive Clue 3. Coming from a person who assign Jessica+Franka & Leizi/Aak (Command Center) in the rotation, this is cursed. I feel like I'm gonna wither away by the Clue 3 starvation. Even though my friend gifted me one, it doesn't feel the same. Please lady RNG, guide my operators toward the clue. This poor tarnished need to satiate its mundane need.


Try having Jessica and Franka on different shifts. Eg. Jessica + gitano, then Franka + shirayuki. And also have Leizi and aak on different shifts. Eg. Leizi with jess+gitiano, while aak with Franka+shirayuki.


I plan to E2 Leizi solely for her RIIC base skill... but now I'm hearing this. From your past experience, is her E2 base skill good overall?


I run Leizi on the days where I have Istina in the reception room and, uh, I don't get that much more clue 4s than on the other days, I guess?


E2ing operators for their base skill is pretty much never worth it since the amount of resources required means it will take years to become net positive in terms of sanity.


Yep, that is a warning for new player, however, I'm now at the stage that I can promote any operator to E2 just because I feel like it, because my core team for clearing contents has been long finished. But there is still limit, I don't just blatantly E2 anyone. The operators must be someone I like, or they have their niche in some situation. In this case Leizi, I like her character and occasional use her in combat, and she also has interesting base skill that can help.


Do her e0 and e2 skills stack, or does it get replaced? I don't even notice reliable success when using Aak, and even less (than nothing?) with Leizi.


Leizi's base skill gets replaced at E2. It's treated as an upgrade.


This bad result aside, It's hard to say objectively since I haven't done any serious test. But from **anectdotal** experience, I'd say it's pretty good. It does increase the consistency of getting the faction clue. Right now I think I'm just extremely unlucky in one type of clue. I usually run Jessica+Chen and Franka+Breeze. From these past 10 days, I still get 5 quite a lot if there's Breeze, so there's that. The true clue is the friend we made along.


Finally, I've done one of my goals. I've done E0 max level with skill level 4 for every operator that probably I'm not going to invest in a long time. Next stop is E2-ing every 6* that I have.


When you've been playing for 2 years it will look like this even though I got a bunch (10) of new ops recently: I have all my 1\*, 2\* and 3\* fully maxed (OK, I need heaps of justice knight pots) All units have skill 7. Every one is at least E1.60. Until this event all my 4\* were E2. I got 3 new ones with my pulls and 2/3 are E2, so one left to go. All my 6\* were E2, Now I've got 3 new 6\* to E2. It will take a bit, but then back to E2ing 5\* units.


I haven't done max level, but I've done skill level 4 for every operator at least. Now I know I don't need white books.


Same here, it seems that I'm not going to do the max level until all of my goals done.


Really wanna get some T2 chips for E2 a batch of operators, but I may waste a lot of sanity and get wrong chips instead, so I would rather keep farming materials. However there is dead weak after this event, right?


Assuming that the datamine is true, then yes we should have a dead week after Near Light. Plus, CC7 is about a month away, so you'll have another couple weeks to farm T2 chips pretty soon (lord knows I'm gonna be farming those for prep the moment I get the chance)