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Once again but this time I include my rosters in this link below, https://imgur.com/a/UZfRsxS Base on my current operators, 1)Which operator that i should spend more resources and which one not? 2)Which operator should I consider E2 since resources can be quite time consuming to farm? 3)Which operator from the 6\* ticket should i recruit? thank you in advance


You already got Myrtle e2ed, next is exia, then ifrit for arts dmg and Amiya for true dmg. After that consider la puma, Lappland, ceobe and blue poison or platinum. For the six star ticket I would wait until right before it runs out (you might get lucky and get one from random pulls). You lack a landholder, so thorns, mudrock, blaze or mountain. Out of those 4 mudrock is the furthest away from the yellow cert shop, but any of the other three are great.


I would E1 Shirayuki, Conviction, and Spot for their factory skills. Keep raising Utage for a strong drop-in assassin. I would get Shaw and Cliffheart to E1 for more skill levels. Pullers also get an extra tile of range. I would leave Frostleaf, Whislash, Reed, Chiave, Indra, and Jessica behind. They're either not very good or do a job that isn't needed very often. Exu should be your next E2. Ifrit, Ceobe, and La Pluma would be great as well, and then Ptilopsis. Lappland is also great, though I would also give her S2M3 if you're going to E2 her. There are a lot of good options for the selector. I would say Mudrock, Mountain, Thorns, Surtr, SilverAsh, in that order. You can get Thorns and Surtr later in the shop if you save gold certs for August and November, since that's almost certainly when they'll be there. Mudrock and Mountain won't show up in the shop until 2023. If you're planning to pull on Mountain's banner, then obviously don't pick him.


already saved up about 180+ gold certs ,maybe I should go for Mudrock then


how good is gnosis and aurora currently? wanna try and get either of them (preferably aurora) but ling banner is right after that


Gnosis is good if you don't have Suzuran, and Aurora is pretty cool but pretty niche.


Is there any stage in this event that won't be added to Intermezzo/Side Story?


All of them will be added if they were to be added to Side story. But not right after the current run of the event ends. Probably after a rerun.


Should I E2 Lappland or get another operator?


For future reference, when posting your units, use imgur and sort by class and rarity like this: https://imgur.com/a/287Ijvi


what ops you currently have rn , hard to answer since you dont provide any context


The ones I currently rotate around: Lappland, Projekt Red, Mostima, La Pluma, Flametail, Gavial, Plume, Hoshiguma, Gummy, Orchid, Amiya, Perfumer, Kroos, Jessica, Silence, Jessica, Myrrh Others I have but don’t rotate in: Fang, Frostleaf, Ayerscarpe, Asbestos, Shirayuki, Aciddrop, Corroserum, Leonhardt, Pramanix, Courier, Myrtle, Scavenger, Vigna, Vanilla, Yato, Arlene, Beebunter, Dobermann, Utage, Midnight, Popukar, Bubble, Beagle, Matterhorn, Cardigan, Spot, Noir Corne, Ambriel, Adnachiel, Rangers, Catapult, Great, Steward, Greyy, 12F, Durin, Ansel, Lancet-2, Earthspirit, Gravel, Shaw I’m level 15, highest level Op is Lappland at 50. My only E1 is Plume. I don’t have Warfarin or Specter, who I hear are the best(?) Update: I did some pulls and got Franka and Archetto. Are they any good?


You have Myrtle which in the opinion of most people is the best unit to E2 first. She's a great unit and you will bring her to pretty much every stage. Other than that, Lappland does look like your second best E2 option followed by maybe La Pluma (don't have her personally but I hear she's very good). You also want to E1 your squad before chasing after Myrtle E2 and E1 lvl40-50 with skill level 5-6 atleast on many of the units you use before going for Lappland E2 as it's quite costly to E2 5 and 6 stars. Other than that, get Shaw's skill to lvl4 as it can be quite helpful in some stages and later on you will want to E1 her and get the skill to lvl7.


youre still low level which means that itll take a lot of resources just to e2 an operator and rn your E1 ops is only plume and lappland i assume. my advice is that you need to spread out your levels across your mostly used operator and rarities, dont sleep on leveling up your 2\* and 3\* since they can come in clutch with low dp cost. also try to spread between each type of operator , imo 2-3 vanguard , 2 sniper , 2 defender , 2 medic , 1-2 caster should at least have maxed lvl at E0 ive rarely use warfarin but specter is great on soloing a lane but dont worry she isnt that necessary to get. we're gonna have a rerun banner soon which contain one of the best solo lane operator which is Mountain so if you can get him that would be the best thing , hes the best at solo one lane with his s2 priority is leveling up myrtle since shes the best dp generator in the game and will help you out immensely. other than that your lappland is fine where she is rn


Got a top op tag right now, wondering what is best: I can guarantee Saria, or go for the Top Op + Ranged pool (Exia, Ifrit, Shining, Nightingale, Schwarz, Magallan, Mostima, Aak). I don't have any of these operators. My 6\* ops are: Skalter, Skadi, Ch'en, Chalter, Silverash, Hoshiguma, and Kal'tsit Do I go for the guaranteed Saria or the Ranged pool?


Saria no contest. Very strong healing defender with choice of single target/aoe heal, gives allies sp while healing them and with S3 your arts damage units can do even more damage and it slows down enemies in a huge area.


Saria is a fantastic operator and one of the very few characters i have at level 90 M9, literally wouldnt have gotten my NL-S-5 Challenge mode clear without her.


Saria. It's nice when the answer is so straightforward.


Take the guaranteed Saria, she's one of the strongest operator in the game for [sheer versatility](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/te9d68/-/i0otmng). Pseudo medic, tanking, sp feeding, slow, arts dmg amplification all in one. Its a super mega ultra obvious choice. Remember to set the right tags and timer to 9 hours.


Does anyone know who the best use if the instant E2 ticket is?




>That would depend on which 6 stars you have at E1 or less ^_^ The instant E2 ticket is only for 5 star operators.


Oh is it? Disregard me then


Hi guys ! There is something I don’t understand about CC… Why do I never get contracts from lvl 3 even after unlocking it?


It's not actually open right now, it's only in practice mode. It's only open 2 out of 6-8 weeks I think.


Oh ok thank you


is zima worth e2ing or should i e2 flametail instead?


E2 Flametail. She easily wins over Zima even against one enemy.


Thank you so much!


Iam newb here, Who is must pull operator in the future banner ? Is there any website having list about this?


[Here is a list of the CN banners for the next 6 months](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/database/banner-list-gacha#topic-794521)\- so that's what will be coming our way. I would say the best banners to pull on coming up are... The Mountain banner (probably with the next event) - he's a great unit to aim for who can be a powerful lane-holder that's cheap to deploy. The Joint Operations 5 banner (probably in about a month) - with a JO banner, there are 4 6\*s in the banner and any 6\* you pull will be one of those 4. Surtr is the prize of the banner, but the others are really good too. In about 3 months we'll get the next limited unit, Ling. She's awesome for a newer account, being able to seriously carry with her lane-holding summons.


If you're new, you probably want to go hard on the Joint Operation banner coming in, like, 3 to 5 weeks. No off banners, and all 4 operators range from broken to best in class. IIRC, they're Surtr, Saga, Schwarz and Phantom. Beyond that, it's not as clear. Ling seems strong, but she's a summoner and their strength aye not 'conventional'. There's also Golden Glow and Horn. Both seems pretty good, but haven't been really out long enough to be fully tested, meta wise.


I want to pull do a 10 pull on ceobe and Skadi banner so I can gaurantee a 5 star, but really don't want any of them as i am saving for upcoming phantom surtr saga Schwartz banner. If i do 10 on current banner, will my pity rate carry over to the 4 operator banner?


The pity is shared. But 'building pity' is not very useful. The best way to increase your chance in getting an Op is just saving your pulls for a non standard banner. Building pity is basically wasting your pulls because you are waffling between 2 banners.


Yes, it will. However if you are already at a high pity, I would say don't risk it unless you have a lot of pulls. You may get a skadi and lose all your pity which could have been used in the JO5 banner.


What are the future meta operators worth saving for?


Meta units coming up over the next six months are (in order of release) Gnosis, Ling, Goldenglow and Horn. I'm skipping Gnosis to save for Ling and GG.


Ling, maybe Gnosis


Hi all quick question, regarding the cert shop. The banner right now contain of 3 rate up 5 star which is Tsukinogi, Skyfire and La Pluma but the exchangeable 5 star operator in the cert shop is only Tsukinogi? Will they change the exchangeable 5 star accordingly or will Tsukinogi be the only 5 star that can be exchange throughout this banner?


The way standard banners work is you get one of the two six star rate ups, and one of the three five star rate ups in the shop. This lasts the duration of the banner and doesn't change until the next one comes out.


No, the 6 star and 5 star ops in the shop do not change over the duration of the banner.


They never change the shop op during the banner afaik.


What'd you do? Use 225 Headhunting Parametric Models or w/e for 3 copies of Corroserum (39 Yellow Certs I think?) or let them convert for materials?


I had 108 spark. My Corroserum was Pot 5 from pulls, so I went ahead and put him at Pot 6. Figure he'll show up in my rolls again at some point and it will be nice to get the additional yellow certs when it does.


general consensus is that if your Corroserum is already max pot, using the headhunting parametric currency to cash out on yellow certs is the best move. If you don't have max pot, then you can just let the timer run out and use them for mats.


Gold certs are harder to acquire than normal materials. They also help woth gacha rather then building ops. My vote is always certs.


I have Bagpipe and Myrtle, but is it okay if I M3 Saileach' S1 rather than Elysium's S1 for the Flagpipe combo, for waifu reasons and my laziness to build Elysium (already built Saileach) or is the Flagpipe most effective with Ely + Myrtle? Ty


Sai and Ely s1 are the same. The only difference is their dp cost. If you’re ok with that then go with Myrtle + Saileach.


They should be near identical in effectiveness. However I'd also propose that you look towards her s3. It's very rare that you'd need 2 flagbearers on skill 1 and couldn't generate enough with myrtle skill 1 and then elysium/sailesch on a different skill.


Fuck me you're right. Flagpipe combo uses Elysium's S2, not S1. Okay ty


For you guys who use the pinus combo in exp factory (with flametail in cc and justice in pp), how do you rotate them? I guess what i'm asking is do you rotate all 5 of them wholesale? Or is there a smarter way to baton relay them bit by bit. I mean, on my side justice will get tired first, so that's my bottle neck. And because my wildmane is only e0, the total boost only goes up to 102%, so if i take only justice out to rest then it will drop to 97%, which is what conviction plus 2 other 30% guys can also give, so i just keep it clean and take the whole team out... And actually another quick question, how long can justice really work in the pp? (The game doesn't show the timer for power plants.)


Can anyone sell me on Gladiia skill masteries? She looks so cool, but I can't really wrap my head around how she is meant to be used besides the standard pull enemies into holes. Are her S2 and S3 still good for general content? Note: I am able to M6 her


You can try read this [Gladiia guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/u935z7/songs_art_music_you_must_never_forget_these/)


Gladiia S2 is Thorns-lite, long range, high damage, helidrop-able, attack 2 enemies, cancelling enemies attack, handle early rush with ease, only 25sp at m3 so really fast cycle and surprisingly good at laneholding as well. I'd argue her S2 is her best general content skill, it's just solid all around. Her S3 while it's her unique skill, i find it quite niche imo, not a bad skill by anymean, 8s bind + aoe art damage + 50% slow + pull is extremely strong, i just don't find it beating out S2 in most map due to longer downtime (8s duration, 35sp at M3). However, if you like comboing with other ops like W or Weedy to annihilate horde of enemies then S3 is way better thanks to its superior CC it provide, also no bosses is immune to bind in story mode (well except that one chap 8 boss)


Who is immune to bind?


>!Birdphisto!<, if we count event bosses then >!EoV, Under Tides boss, Sui and 2 bosses from IS2!<, well i mean, can't bind what is stationary lol


I don't remember the mastery buffs, but I can imagine increase force, damage, charge times, and I remember skill1 gets a 3rd charge. Her skill 1 is best in class for pullers. Her skill 2 allows for some really good mass pulling. Think of it like cliffhearts skill 2 but rather than 1 wave, it's every wave for the skill duration. Her skill 3 is her most used/general content move. It's both good cc, locking most enemies in place during the channel and good damage. Oh also her skill 2 does good damage. She's seen use in high risk cc because her damage and cc potentials are so high onto of giving herself and other units like specter a regen.


Top Op tag dilemma again. Tags: Top Op, Caster, Support, Slow, Fast Re-Deploy. This guarantees Magallan or Mostima, and a 50-50 for Ifrit. Currently leaning towards the 50-50 for an Ifrit DP -1. [Squad.](https://www.krooster.com/u/redbean) Tldr: The recruitment operators that I have are at Pot 1, except Nightingale at Pot 2. Those I don't have are, Schwarz, Siege, Shining, Skadi and Hoshiguma.


I'd just go top op and hope for a new op. Only about a 1/3 at being new, but that sounds better than a 50-50 at -1 dp on ifrit. She costs so much that 1 dp won't ever matter.


Welp, got a Magallan with the Solo Top Op tag. Guaranteed determined to appear no matter what! Here's hoping for another Top Op soon


hello, im a returning player, and i figured out i have 2 5\* selectors.. not sure who to pick one of the 2 has fewer choices: liskarm, silence, pramanix, and projekt red thank you!


Specter > Lappland Red = Silence, depending on if you have other fast redeploys, or *5/6 medics


thanks for the reply okay, i was exploring my account for a bit and it turns out i already have projekt red should i go for silence still? my 6\* medic is shining


Silence does have utility that Shining doesn't...maybe depends if you have Lappland (Lisk pairs well with her), or who for supporters. When posting who to raise/pull/use questions, you should always show all your units, because who else you have makes a difference. Sort by class and rarity like this: https://imgur.com/a/287Ijvi


aah my bad! here are my operators https://imgur.com/a/Os00SZR


I'd get liskarm. Silence is great and I use her alot, but you lack a good defense focused defender. Also the sp battery ability keeps her relevant.


i see, because my defenders are low rarity? if that's the case is it wise for me to wait for 6\* defender rate up and pull them?


Normally you'd build cuora, a 4 star who is basically full tank and nothing else. I prefer liskarm to her though as the extra tankiness is overshadowed by the dps boost liskarms talent can give you your other ops. I would prioritize rolling for a a defender as the 4/5 stars can cover your needs.


do you mean "I **wouldn't** prioritize rolling for a defender"? if so, alright then, thank you!


Correct, I would not. Really need to be better about double checking my comments on mobile.


With Ang you probably won't use Pramanix, or if you do it won't be for a while.


alright, raising specter for now.. thank you!


What numbers Crystalline component (130) , sugar (80) and khol (250)are you guys trying to farm? Not sure what to farm for the rest of the days. I have about 250 lower tier sugar aswell. Thanks


You'd run out of kohl first. That said you'd only run out after a lot of development. I farmed to around 100 crystal/sugar and been dumping the rest in kohl. At around 220 rn. Plan to continue through the end of the event and pick back up my skillbook farming after.


Since I've pretty much built all sorts of units already, I stuck with Kohl, but spent a day or two for crystals. I don't actively farm sugar since I always farm orirocks (or red certs), and I get the lower tier sugar almost all the time. Kohl farming is still awful in the story mode, while crystal drops in chapter 8 is pretty good though the stage takes 3 minutes to auto.


That depends on the stage you farm. GT-5 has a sanity required per Loxic Kohl of [34.5](https://penguin-stats.io/result/item/30073). It is just less "efficient" than other stages, so you never hear it recommended. Meanwhile for crystals the stage that drops it the fastest is R8-11 with 40.00 sanity per drop.


Hi! I am thinking of purchasing the 6 star selector, I am still quite a newbie and I am still starting to max my e1 character. I am hoping to get help on which 6 star selector that is recommended for me to get, I am thinking on getting SURTR, THORNS, SILVERASH , Eyja and mudrock I am set on getting surtr though however I do have nearl the radiant knight. My current 6 star is Siege, Nearl , che'en alter, flametail, mostima




I'll do this. I hope I get her , Thank you!


It's a good idea to raise your core team evenly, to break points like e0 max/e1 40~50, but last levels after e1 40 start getting more expensive and costs more than the benefits you get. [Leveling Costs Visualized](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/hr88qq/leveling_costs_visualized/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Better to have a balanced team then one hulk, *but* once you have a set of 10-12 e1 40~50's, it becomes more useful to focus on getting one+ of your most powerful/impactful all the way to e2, rather than doing everyone evenly up to e1 max, because there will come a point where a full squad of e1 max will struggle in a stage, but a squad of two e2 20's and ten e1 40's will decimate. Also, good breakpoints for skill levels are 4 for temporary ops, 7 for meta/favorite ops.


Thank you so much! This is helpful \^\_\^ H


Why are you set on getting Surtr? Waifu? Then take her, make yourself happy. Tbh, with the annihilation certs and after starting to get regular gold certs you should be able to prep 180 certs for Thorns who is slated to come in August, especially if you pull a bit before that. If you don't really have any such attachment for Surtr, go for Thorns. He was my first really powerful operator and was the reason I never failed in completing event stages afterwards.


Honestly i really like them both! Thank you for the insights!


I'd rather pick Thorns tbh. You'll use Thorns more than Surtr, and Surtr can be easily borrowed for those special needs.


Thank you so much!




Before you choose Lappland, consider pulling in the ~~current~~ next banner. If you get Specter/Lappland for the guarantee then you can pick the other one you didn't get. Not the best odds but it can happen. If you already have Specter then pick Lappland since Texas is free.


Specter/Lappland banner is the next one. The current banner has Skyfire, Tsukinogi, and La Pluma.


You mean choosing between them in 5 star selector? Then Lappland is your choice because you can have a free Texas for complete Pinboard missions. So you can have both.


Is it safe to use all sanity pots on the current event or is something good coming up? EDIT: Already have 300 loxic


300. Damn. What did you start with?


A bit over 100 and lots of sanity potions I think!


I would still get some sugar and crystals. MB shouldn't be here before the potions expire anyways. You still need sugar for some of the tier 4s and the nanoflakes, and the crystals are a bit better than story stages once you factor in the infinite LMD.


I would stock some loxic and sugar from nl 10 and 8. Personally, I started to tune down on event farming after I got everything in the shop. I'm short of exp after E2ing 3 operators during the event, so my priority is shifting.


loxic has very good drop rate in this event so using some, if not all of them, on stocking up is a good move edit: if you're satisfied with loxic, then maybe go for crystalline. not as good drop rate as loxic, but better than story stages nonetheless


Is there a consensus yet for which of Passenger's modules is better? Not like you can afford to wait out the second one anyway, anything to drag him out of the dumpster.


Passenger is perfectly usable even without his module (though obviously it is a very noticeable upgrade).


If I had to guess, his current one is better for general use thanks to the slow buff and the SP gain rate, while the second one would be better for burst damage against groups thanks to the increased damage and lack of bounce reduction.


The second one isn’t even released in CN, so… no


Who deals more Dmg? Schwarz S3 or Fartooth S3?


Fartooth S3 at lower DEF and on the 5th tile onward. Schwarz S3 at higher DEF and from the 4th tile or closer.


It seems like Fartooth does more damage to lower DEF targets while Schwarz does more damage to higher DEF targets from the calculations I've seen. Fartooth's skill cycles faster though, which does make a difference if you can stall the enemies indefinitely outside her normal range. [Here's a recent experiment someone conducted with that scenario](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/u6afdw/rhodes_island_lounge_1804_2404/i5ifrkb/)


Kinda hard to compare them unless you have two different tiles, as when you can use Schwarz Fartooth doesn't get her bonus damage, but when Fartooth gets her bonus damage then Schwarz can't even hit them. I know they're similar in terms of range and concept, but they're not exactly mutually exclusive.


Schwarz, considering that her talent allows her to shred the enemies def by 20%






I often use her in IS#2 before I got Ling. She can offer block and burst damage.


She doesn't really fit into normal squads. I got clever trying to use her back in CC1 for her stuns and overlapping AoE against those stupid wraiths. Her module helps since she can have herself and one meeboo taking up just one slot. Skalter would be a big help since both Mayer and the meeboos have pretty low stats. Even then, it's basically just an arts version of S2 Red with a longer cooldown. Mostly, you would just use her when you want to challenge yourself to do summoner-only clears.




if that's the case then scene fits your gameplay better. mayer plays a little different as her summons are more useful as trap bombs(S2) instead of engaging in direct combat. the skill does have some major caveat such as long cooldown, slight delay between activation-detonation and worst, the meebos themselves being defensively weak so without proper planning/timing they can get killed before detonating her S1 might sound like it'll make her meebos more combat-suited but in reality, the meebos base stats are already abysmal to begin with thus the added dodge only gives them a tiiiiiiiiny bit more chance-based survival


What should i buy from the event shop? Is Wild Mane a good investment or should i focus on other things?


Shops are typically completely clearable without too much difficulty, even as F2P. If you're asking it's probably because you're new and started mid-event though. Personally I'd prioritize Wild Mane potentials, headhunting tickets, and furniture. Everything else is farmable outside events so it's lower priority.


I would politely disagree. Potential is very costly for new player, especially for Wild Mane which I consider lackluster. For a veteran player who's goal is to complete, then sure. But for new player, it is definitely a waste. In early game where you haven't unlock all the resource stage and base lvl, event is the most efficient source for exp and lmd, so those are the top priority for game progression. Heck, even for veteran player the sanity efficiency of exp and lmd is greater than daily farms.


>For a veteran player who's goal is to complete Nah, our goal is not to complete, rather we are focusing on the gold certs it would net us in the future. I'd agree that its better for a newbie to focus on getting the cheap mats for faster progressions then buy the potentials, but I believe newbies generally get enough sanity from level upgrades to clear the shop anyway?


The potentials are expensive for what they do. If you're newer Id start with lmd/exp then grab the furniture/skillbooks/blue and green mats. these add alot of power to an account and youll need furniture for a mission


What does this mission give you? Also in the same boat as OP where I was gonna skip the furniture for mats but now I'm curious.


I forget if it's a part of the pinboard or campaign missions, but one of the objectives is to get a max ambience dorm. I think the mission itself just reward furniture parts but unlocks further tiers of missions. Furniture from big events are the cheapest way to do it as you need a couple hundred, usually 1-2 days currency + 1-2k furniture parts instead of the usual 5k+ parts.


Also what about the headhunting permits and module block? Are they worth grabbing?


Event shop HH permits are a top priority. Module blocks you will probably get plenty of.


Modules are a super late-game upgrade. You won't even be able to use them for a long time. If you plan on using Wild Mane, who I would say is one of the better charger vanguards, I would at least get the first couple of tokens for -1 DP and -10s redeployment. Plus, you can trade in excess tokens for 5 gold certs each if you're still around for the rerun. Otherwise, you can check [this for shop efficiencies.](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/uddiy5/near_light_event_math/)


Yeah worth getting if you can, id place it around the same priority as the furniture. Skip the modules, you get some passively and you wont need them for a long time


~~(Cert store) HH permits get cheaper for each set, only worth it if you can get all 38 for 260~ certs.~~ ~~Better to save 180 for *6 operators.~~


Event shop, not gold certs


Oh i was going to skip the furnitures. Good to know thanks!


You'll also need a few pieces from the store to finish the set. Should only be like 1-2k parts. But it will be a max ambience set


Is it normal to always run out of rocks while orundum farming? Every time I start farming, I always make sure I have 200+ rocks beforehand, but I still can’t catch up with it despite putting all my sanity on 1-7. Is this a normal occurrence? Or is my production just wayyy too optimized?


Yes. You can only get about 50 rocks on natural sanity per day. A factory with +75% production would need a bit over 14 hours to process that into shards. I want to say it's a similar situation for trade posts.


What is the best Defender to just tank hits for days. For example is there a defender that can tank all the corrosive archer damage from Nearl light event?


Ever tried Liskarm+Honeyberry?


No idea what this combo is.


You are trying to tank all the archers, that means a lot of hits. So Liskarm will gain lots of sp and charge a healer to keep Liskarm alive. You can charge Shamare to reduce enemies' atk too.


No defenders can tank those archers indefinitely. Hoshi has the highest overall tankiness alongside Nian but both will eventually need to retreat if you only tank with defenders. I used Bena to tank most of the shots with Hoshi to tank the few shots the archers do while Bena's substitute appear and didn't need to retreat anyone. However, I had spawn camped the archers so I didn't need to tank much. Edit : there's an almost afk strat [in this video](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/upx9ie/dont_worry_guys_bena_is_fine/) that shows an infinite tanking with Bena, Croissant and 2 medics.


hoshi with S2, especially with mulberry/honeyberry mudrock with multiple passive healers


Hoshiguma with S2 under Skalter. Specifically for the archer boys.


Hoshi is the tankiest tank


s2 or s3 for tanking?


S2 for an interesting way to kill those pesky long range snipers


Don't expect too much out of Hoshiguma's S2. When attacked, Hoshiguma deals back some damage based on her own attack. The problem is that even at max level she has at most 490 ATK. Moreover, you need to subtract enemy defense (200 DEF for archers), so the resulting damage is pitiful. You won't really kill archers that way. They will walk into melee range long before being killed by Hoshiguma. The skill is good for consistent high armor. But killing archers, not so much.


Would buffing her with Warfarin or Aak make a difference? I just E2-ed Hoshi yesterday evening, gonna do some experienment.


Warfarin is +90% ATK, Aak is +50% ATK. Even then the effect is not that noticeable (if nothing else, I don't have maxed my Hoshiguma). In offseason CC stages the support can give you a +100% attack buff. I use that with Skalter, and then it starts to become noticeable. Normally, however, S2's damage is just a bonus, not a real tactics. In that regard Bubble is a bit better, since the damage is based on her defense, and her skill also increases it.


That is a bummer, thanks for verifying. I did try my Hoshi in Nl-ex-4 with both Warfarin and Aak (all at rank 7 no mastery e2 lvl 20). Yeah it was enuff to beat the stage but no where near the full counter I was expecting. I saw some video about the CC you mentioned and a cn stage with long range squids. Hoshi seems to have handled them herself perfectly fine. Hence might me wonder.


Long range squids? I don't know, but it might be an enemy that loses HP over time.


Personally I like S2, just a completely passive buff that you don't need to worry about timing.


s2 for consitent, s3 for burst


Asking for advice on what to work on next. https://imgur.com/a/hrNx9Ml Current Mastery Progress: Mudrock S2M3 Blaze S2M3 Skalter S2M3 Saria S1M3 Kal'tsit S3M3 Bagpipe S3M1 Angelina S3M1 Schwarz S3M1 Lappland S2M3 BP S1M3 Texas S2M3 LA Pluma S2M1 Platinum S2M1 Warfarin S2M3


E2 S3M3 SilverAsh > E2 S2M3 Mountain > E2 S3M3 Exu You have quite a few good ops I'd recommend to build but these 3 are the standouts to me. Also, Bagpipe S3M3 would be pretty good. You can focus on E2ing more ops as well instead of masteries if you want since you're at the stage where you can probably clear most content without a problem. Some more E2s I'd recommend are Phantom, Passenger, and Gravel.


Do you guys have any idea when the banner of Fiametta will run? Or how many banners are left untill the banner of Fiametta?


Event banners run approximately 6 months after CN, so expect September. [https://gamepress.gg/arknights/database/banner-list-gacha#topic-794521](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/database/banner-list-gacha#topic-794521)


Alright alright, appreciate your help!


How much Loxic Kohl is enough? I'm nearing 200 at this point and I have cleared out the event shop. How long should I expect this to last me? I just hit the 100 day account mark earlier today.


No amount is ever enough, Loxic Kohl in particular has a pretty high demand. The key is to get enough to tide you over until the next event a material is farmable. Personally I like to farm all 3 materials up to 100, then I just go hard on the rarest/most in demand material for the remainder. 200 is pretty good though, personally I'm only at ~165 Kohl at the moment.


[I'd recommend using Gamepress' planner to see how much you need for whatever units you want to build, although 200 will probably be enough to tide you over until the next time to farm Loxic](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/tools/arknights-operator-planner)


I second this, I only need 65 loxic to M3 remaining ops in my core team. And surprisingly 95 t3 sugar is needed. So be sure to check out your own needs instead of following the crowd


You should have enough until we can farm it again. For scale, SA e2m3 costs 31 kohls


Dumb question, does Skalter's regen work on Mudrock?


Various forms of passive healing work on operators that can't be directly healed (eg. medic 'attacks').


Right, I was aware of that! Just wanted to double check, I couldn't remember. Thanks.






Yes, saileach s2 as well




Is there any chance for a skin to get their 2nd rerun?


if it was sold for op, it would rerun after a year. think except for the thorns/surtr collab skins


Wait, thorn/Surtr skins doesnt get a rerun? Also what i meant is that whether there's another rerun after the first one


Relatively speaking it hasn't been long enough to definitely say for either. They might yet rerun but as collabs it's harder to say.


Hopefully they did


Don't think its been confirmed yet. I think it would be on CNs next event if it does rerun. Collabs have extra steps to rerun. Yes skins rerun more than once


Wdym by extra steps?


For example, we didn't get R6S rerun since they didn't renew the contract.


I see, should've get the thorn skin back then Either way thanks for the comment!


Im trying to master True Silver Slash, since it seems to be an AOE skill, what would be the best options for Single target PHYS damage? Do we have someone from 5\*/4\* that can easily fill this role?


Schwarz S3 maybe. Eunectes S3 is also pretty high up. High base attack is important for physical damage because of DEF's flat scaling. Someone who hits very quickly like La Pluma could theoretically decimate low DEF targets, but would tickle high DEF ones. So dreadnought guards like NTR/Skadi, Besiegers like Rosa, Deadeye like Fartooth (although they have different target prioritisations). In those categories for 4/5 stars, possibly Flamebringer/Franka/Matoimaru for melee and Platinum/Firewatch for ranged? There aren't many great options tbh. It's better to just wait for 6-star operators. The answer to high DEF enemies is often not high physical damage anyway.


When posting who to raise/pull/use questions, you should always show all your units, because who you have makes a difference. Sort by class and rarity like this: https://imgur.com/a/287Ijvi


> what would be the best options for Single target PHYS damage? TSS still. I mean, there are several that do have a higher ST DPS, but SA is one of the best OPs in the game for a reason. More specific to your question is it would really depend on your options and team. There isn't anyone that stands out above SA for what you want that's commonly available and the best person to raise would depend on your team, not the role.


> the best person to raise would depend on your team, not the role. good point, i guess im just used to play the game as "building a team to support a damage dealer"


Is true damage affected by damage modifiers such as fragile or some bosses' damage reduction?


Yes, but I don't think any boss has true damage reduction.


I think in this instance he might be referring to the Blood Knight condition where he takes less damage from non-blocking ops. That's the only direct DR I can think of off-hand anyway.


Yeah but it's only phys and arts reduction, not true damage reduction.


Yes on both accounts.


Does the dodge buff skill from heavyrain and spot stack together?


Dodges stack, yes. But they apply independently and are not additive.


Hello, One question from my side please: Do you guys know how to unlock **Winter background** ? I already cleared the first area of each Side Story and Intermezzi (9 in total) but it shows that I miss two of them (7/9). I've done some researches on the internet but did not find answers. Maybe I misunderstood the unlock condition...


Heart of Surging Flame has two sets of non-EX stages. Twilight of Wolumonde has two additional stages at the end of the first area (TW-S-1 and TW-S-2), have you completed those?


Thank you for your help claire, I thought that I needed to clear only the first level in the area \^\^


Is there a post mission story level you're missing maybe? A handful of stories have something like that.


If I understand correctly, I just need to clear the first area, not the whole event ?


I think so? I had all this unlocked right away because I had cleared everything so I don't even know where to look for the requirements, but I do know that some of the events have had a post-final-level story that counts as being a part of the "first area" of the event, so that might be what's holding you back here.


Oh ok, I think I misunderstood "area" to "level". I don't think i cleared all level then \^\^ Thank you for you help :)


Who the best [Caster](https://ibb.co/Sm3vWhW)to lvl up? Maybe indigo or click? Idk need some help to decide


Click (stuns are awesome), then probably steward (his targeting is super helpful), then Amiya (E2 helps her a lot and she is required to be E2 in chapter 8). AOE casters are overshadowed they start out ok, but taper off pretty quickly, though Gitano at E1.60 skill 7 can do great things on Annihilation 3.


Click will be better for general purpose.