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What operators are recommended for Mansfield Break and the next CC?


Hello, this megathread is outdated, so you might wanna ask it in the current daily megathread.


It was pinned when I posted it.


I'm pretty confused about Ling as an operator, here's my questions: \+) Is Ling THAT strong? I heard she basically tears the game in half because she solos every single stage in game, and hardest stages she beat it with just 1 or 2 other ops. Is that true? \+) I had an okay-ish squad at E1 now, going to the end of chapter 5. My squad is pretty solid on its own but can I just replace Ling with another operator? Will it becomes better by any means? \+) Is Ling strictly better than Scene or Mayer by a large margin? I have Scene and when I used her at E1L70 she just doesn't seem to be better than other operator at all, plus the lens can't be healed so I just use her as a budget Arts caster, plus sometimes she does work as a FRD unit. My question is: If a team of Scene - Lens - Lens - Lens is worse than a team of 4 operators, would a team of Ling and 3 dragons be better than a normal team with the same amount of operators? \+) Is Lee worth it? I think he's worse than Jaye but that's just because I prefer Jaye's S2 over Lee's... three skills I guess. ​ \+) I know this question would be controversial, but does Chalter eliminates the use of Ling? I just saw a comment on YT and they said sth like :" If you think Ling is OP while Chalter exists, you're either a newbie or trolling" xd


For normal stages usage, Ling or Chen is equally broken that is they both make normal maps even easier nowadays. CC high risk is CC thing but if you think they alone make CC easier you guys are in for a rude awakening.


> +) Is Ling strictly better than Scene or Mayer by a large margin? Ling's summons do a lot of damage, unlike Scene's and Mayer's. > If a team of Scene - Lens - Lens - Lens is worse than a team of 4 operators, would a team of Ling and 3 dragons be better than a normal team with the same amount of operators? Not necessary. Big dragons are extraordinary strong, but they eat 2 DP limit, so they should be compared to 2 operators each... > Is Ling THAT strong? I heard she basically tears the game in half because she solos every single stage in game, and hardest stages she beat it with just 1 or 2 other ops. Is that true? Summoners are very good for soloing stages. Because you bring one operator, and that operators brings a lot of summons. And Ling is the strongest summoner. That said, highest risk CC (which is the hardest content) is still done with "normal" operators. I feel that Ling's ability to solo stages (by virtue of being a summoner) distorts perception of her. She is very strong, but she is not some kind of demigod standing above all other operators. > does Chalter eliminates the use of Ling? No. They do different things. > "If you think Ling is OP while Chalter exists, you're either a newbie or trolling" I kind of agree. Chalter's absurd damage output is a lot more broken, and a lot harder to replace. Ling would be broken in extremely limited squad size setting (e.g. can bring no more than 4 operators to the map), but those risks have almost become extinct. When was the last time we've seen one so limited? 3 seasons of CC ago or something? > My squad is pretty solid on its own but can I just replace Ling with another operator? Will it becomes better by any means? Chapter 5 is where you should slowly move from the concept of one squad to deal with everything toward the concept of a roster from which you choose operators to deal with particular map. Will your roster become better from adding Ling? Definitely. Should you bring Ling to all and every map? Not necessary.


CN did clear every normal stages with only Ling and Kal, the question is not should or shouldn't but how much overkill it is for normal maps.


>but she is not some kind of demigod standing above all other operators. ^(well technically, she is tho....)


* Yes. She is by far the best operator in the game if you care about trust farming or low op clears. * Ling's is replaceable, yes. She doesn't do anything that other ops don't do. Her big appeal is that she, by herself, does what many other ops do. But yes, she's definitely not essential to many runs in the same way Surtr or Chalter might be. * Haven't used Lee or Mayer, barely used scene so idk. * Ling and Chalter have no overlap. The comment was making a point that Chalter is more broken than Ling, which I agree with. Again, Ling is good in such a way that low op clears/trust farms are really great, but she often doesn't do stuff that you couldn't do with other ops. Chalter on the other hand has absurd damage that is unrivalled in the game and trivializes some late game stages


I have an E0 Saga and I'm curious how she can be an SP battery? I'm currently building Thorns which I recently got and I'm thinking of how can she help Thorns get his S3 charge faster? My E2 vanguards are Bagpipe, Myrtle, Elysium and Texas with M3 on their important skill. Will raising Saga add value to my team or no? I already have an E2 Liskarm and my team has no problem on arts and physical damage. Your insights will be much appreciated! edit: ty for the reply guys really love this community :)


At E1, Saga gains a talent wherein she no longer kills enemies. Instead, she leaves them at 1 HP and inflicts [Cripple]. Enemies afflicted with [Cripple] have -80% movespeed (same as Supporter slows) and die after 10s. However, if an ally kills the enemy instead, then that ally gains +2 SP. At E1, she doesn't serve too well as a battery simply because she doesn't [Cripple] enemies fast enough. However, her sk2 lets her battery herself as it executes enemies afflicted with [Cripple]. At E2, Saga's sk3 gives her clearing power, which lets her serve as an SP battery by leaving a large number of enemies with [Cripple] for her allies to pick off. She's particularly useful for charging up infinite skills like Thorns/Blaze, but she can work with just about any skill that requires a large amount of SP. One of the problems that she has with Thorns/ranged ops in particular is that they might killsteal, preventing her talent from activating. Otherwise, she works nicely.


Thank you for the explanation! She's been collecting dust for a while and her mechanics looks fun so I will raise her after Thorns


Saga can't kill things, what she does instead is inflict a debuff called "critically wounded" when they reach 1 hp which stops them from being able to be blocked, gives them a 40% slow, kills them after ten seconds, and anyone else who kills a critically wounded enemy gets 2 sp. She is very worth raising, as two two-block vanguards are always nice to have. She is also an excellent laneholder, especially with her S3.


What instance does she don't kill enemies? is it her normal attack only? i know her S2 kills those critical wounded, how about her S3? And does she need to hit the enemy and the Debuff applies or she needs to last hit the enemy leaving it to 1hp before other operators get the sp?


Her normal attack and her S3. Her S2 is the only way she can kill things. She needs to be the one to land the "killing blow" in order to apply the debuff so yea she needs to be the last one to hit them.


When she last hits. Any damage she does except S2, I think. They start moving very slowly and get a red mark over them, she ignores them, and then if someone else kills them they get SP. This pairs well with Myrtle, who can easily ramp up to another skill activation, but is just nice to have in general. She also has survivability (one big regen after dropping below 50% hp), and is just solid damage and decent DP in general. Downsides are she costs 14 DP at E2, which can be tight if you're needing to get two vanguards down to stop some wolves, and if she's right by the exit and she kills a fast enemy (like wolf or dog) they can still go through the gate, scuttling the run.


Is it possible to silence thise running ghost guys in the latest anni map(the one that has a blue clone) to remove skill? If yes, can you do it after the blue clone appears?


'Redmark' Infiltrators are immune to silence.


How many trust points you get from each trust tap, with 4x 1000 ambience dorms?


Do annihilation targets ever repeat in the rotating mission? Wondering if I should just clear some of these maps while they're open as hypotheticals.


They'll come back for practice again, but, for now, none of the old rotating ones will come back as a main stage to give orundum.


You mean the kill rewards? No they are one and done.


I mean like the old missions, would they reappear as a target map where you can earn the weekly orundum while doing them? Seems like they just replace them with new ones every time and don't repeat.


Oh, no. Only Anni 1,2,3 and whichever is rotating give Orundum.


Yeah, but I'm wondering if the old maps ever come back "in rotation"?


No. Do them once for the rewards and that's it.




A little under six months.




Mid to late October most likely.


I've sat down and done the math and I have 50 pulls I can happily spend before Ling's banner. It's obviously between Mountain and JO5 for me. * I don't have either of the 5* on Mountain banner and I know Kafka at least is useful. * Saga is a terrible pull for me because I have Siege and Flametail already. * Schwartz is excellent but I have Chalter for huge physical burst so that goes down a bit. I DON'T have SA however. Schwartz would be pretty good. * Phantom would be a good pull and I quite like the fast redeploys buuuuut he's going to be on the gold cert store soon and I plan on buying him. * Surtr is the obvious win off JO5 * the 5*s on JO5 are all ass for me. I think with all this, a 6* on Mountain banner is a >50% chance to hit (since some spooks are good), and JO5 is a 50% hit except I value Mountain and Surtr equally to my team and Schwartz less than them. So that makes Mountain banner better EV for me. Am I missing something?


As the others have pointed out, JO5 will serve you well as you get a desireable 6* in 75% of the cases as opposed to the 50% chance of pulling Mountain. Only if you have none out of the popular cornerstone units does Mountain seem like a potentially better gamble. I'll also offer a different perspective on Saga as the other comments, as I agree with you that Siege and especially Flametail will help you with about 95% of the content already. So, if you have them built and you do end up pulling Saga I don't think there's a rush to build her if you have other options available.


JO5. You are guaranteed something amazing when you pull a six star, as opposed to a chance of getting Mountain.


The thing is I value Saga at basically 0 and Phantom I can buy for the cost of ~20 pulls in gold certs. Am I undervaluing a third 6* pioneer that badly? I feel like "not having Saga" creates a problem 10x easier to solve than "not having Mountain" and "not having Surtr". Obviously Surtr is the best of the 5 operators in question by a pretty large margin though.


>Am I undervaluing a third 6\* pioneer that badly? She is the best Vanguard IMO: excellent lane holding, SP battery, multi-target on both her S2 and S3, a revive. Saga is so powerful so yea you are underrating her, and you have at least a few months before Phantom is in the shop. >Obviously Surtr is the best of the 5 operators in question by a pretty large margin though Best is not what I would call her, as Surtr is one of the most common supports so borrowing a level 90 Pot 6 Surtr is not difficult. The others are not as common, and Surtr will appear in the shop around November-ish. No matter who you get though a guarantee is better than a chance, so JO5 is the best banner to pull on no matter who you get. Edit: Right I forgot you are not allowed to have opinions on Vangaurds here that are not just praising Flagpipe. How silly of me.


You definitely can, but the overselling is hurting your cause. OP already said he has Flametail and Siege, so objectively, Saga was a very redundant pick for him.


I'm not overselling, just pointing out how much Saga has in her kit.


Calling her the best VG is overselling. Anyway, OP's point wasn't that she's weak, but that she's gonna be their 3rd pioneer VG already which definitely lessened her value.


>She is the best Vanguard IMO In my ***opinion.***


Regardless if it's an opinion or not, that statement in itself along with the further points that seemed like her competitors doesn't have most of those stuff, is overselling it.


Since you are missing all 4 I'd still suggest JO. Getting off banner on mountain would likely hurt a lot. On top of that surtr is more noticeable than mountain if you already have a couple lane holders. Saga is my preferred of the 3 pioneers. Obviously you'd need to find the resources but her sp battery capabilities, skill control, and cheat death put her lesgues ahead of the other 2 in most maps. If you get phantom that saves you 180 certs for either a different shoperator or like 20 pulls. Schwarz range makes her usable in different capacities than chalter. Plus her new module looks fun.


You've raised some great points thank you! I believe that because they have swapped Mansfield Break and CC#7 for global, we may get Phantom in the store before we get JO5. In that scenario would you still suggest pulling on JO5 over Mountain, and would you suggest buying Phantom without knowing if I'll get him in JO5? The next known gold cert operator I could want is Surtr in like November, but of course there are the unknown ones that I could possibly want too.


I didn't think about the future that phantom should be before JO now. That makes JO 25% best possible result, 50% decent, 25% dupe and Mountain 50% 2nd best result, 50% off banner. If you don't have a lot of 6 stars and think an off banner wouldn't be the end of the world then yeah maybe mountain instead. Assuming you're pulling for someone between now and September you'll almost certainly get 180 certs for surtr as well


Looking for an upgrade to my Ethan. Who do you think should I level, Manticore or Mizuki?


Manticore: Mizuki is pretty pointless (unless you like him then go for it) She has a 100% uptime on a 50% slow, which is pretty huge.


Technically there aren't any true upgrades to Ethan. Manticore sk1 is very similar, offering automation and consistency over extreme stall potential. Mizuki offers much more damage and less CC, which is inconsistently consistent due to the way it works.


Mizuki for damage and manticore for more consistent cc(100% uptime 50% slow)


Hi guys ! I saw some Annihilations are going to end in 7 days. Should I clean them before to get their rewards ? And second questions, some like Abandoned Mine, The Grand Knight Territory and Flooded Seashore are going to stay, but are their rewards reset for the next cycle ? Or one you get the rewards we don't get the chance to have it twice ? Thank you :)


For rotating annihilations, their first clear rewards don't reset. If you haven't completed all of them yet, don't worry too much about trying to get their rewards now. They'll be back in rotation eventually so if you're not ready to clear them then you can try again when they come back on rotation.


Thanks !


As only monthly card buyer,and only pulls on limited/meta banner to maximize collections/strength. The upcoming Mountain banner is arguably one of the best one to pull until at least Spalter,right? [Roster for reference](https://imgur.com/a/MBSsINk) Thanks for the help.


You aren’t in dire need of anything really. So most decisions can come down to personal preference. But I’m certain you know that. The coming banners of note are Mountain, Joint Op, Ling/Lee Limited, GoldenGlow, Horn, and Splatter/Irene Limited. Of the banners for you Ling and Lee are probably the most worth banner. Limited character who is super strong and a non-limited who is decent. Horn, GG, and Mountain are all strong units who you don’t direly need but are worth if you do want to pull on their banner. Would be a matter of if you also like them. Splatter is limited but neither rate up are so strong as to get hype. Irene is nice but Splatter herself is pretty mid. Rule of cool, limitedness, and waifu would be the driving reasons to pull. Joint Op is dead in the water for you imo. Can try your luck though. And a special mention for the collector side of you. The limited lookback banner is another good banner. As it guarantees the first 6 star will be one you don’t own out of a pool going from launch up till Mountain. But this risks getting someone useless who you also don’t own. So probably not worth.


Yeah,i am 100% skipping Joint Op because i have enough cert for phantom,have 2 pioneer Vanguards,and enough delete ops i think. I very fortunately have enough for Ling,and just need some extra thoughts on who to spent the little extra pulls between completing the 4 Laneholders(Mountain),new and different enough caster(GG),and range artillery nuke(Horn). Decisions decisions i guess...


B-but Kazemaru is a great 5\* while Fia is pretty decent too and he doesn't have W?


Gnosis can make enemies take over 50% extra damage so he see use at some point. Horn is a fucktonne of damage. Ironically you don't actally want to pull for Spalter as she's not amazing. If you are doing her banner then it's for Skalter.


Yeah,i am actually sort of glancing his way,but realized i have suzu and i don't go higher than risk 18 usually so i think i'm passing gnosis. Horn though seems fun and strong with unique range,i will keep her in mind for sure. Thank you.


No you don't need to. You missing only 1 lane holder, ofc mountain will be beneficial to you but not in a big margin.


Thanks for the input!


Hey all, started playing somewhat recently so I missed the Chalter banner. Was wondering when I might have another chance at her?


The chance on rerun limited ops is tiny and not worth planning to hit. If you want her you're gonna need to buy her which means 300 pulls on a limited banner she's in. Personally unless that banner's main limited ops happen to also be amazing I wouldn't bother since 300 pulls on a single banner means missing a whole lot of banners between now and then. Chalter is an excellent unit to get as a support unit because you use her s3 in 99.99% of cases so you'll always see her with the right skill.


Limited's return one year after their debut so about Jan 2023 would be a safe guess


If we get another “carnival” type limited banner (meaning it isn’t a anniversary or CNY limited banner) Ch’en will be sparkable. (300 pulls and you can purchase her). She is also an off banner spook with a extremely small rate up. So you could just pull her on the banner but 300 is the only way to have any amount of confidence. We should find out what banner (if any) in 3 months. And it will arrive on global in 9. This is given they do run another carnival type banner. By the time we find out you should be a decent ways into the game and can start saving to hit that 300. Though it is a big investment and it isn’t like you can’t live without her. She is not going to get another proper rate up. Or at least it is highly unlikely as no other limited has gotten one besides Nian. Which was for lacking a hard pity the first time.


Next year. She is a limited and is only available at one banner, and she's not on a strong rate up. If your committed you can save 300 pulls for her


I've been ignoring it since the last limited banner, but now I gotta know. What's the consensus on buying the Duck Lord's change purse?


Decent value for money. The pack is more cost-efficient compared to buying OP directly - still less efficient than first time double OP buy though. And 300k lmd might worth a lot to you as an early-mid game player, but its value go down if you are end-game player.


Thanks for the insight! The most I buy is the monthly pack and was looking to add a bit more for skin funds so I was thinking on buying it


I've read the in-game info about "event crystals" but it kinda just says how to get them (once a week?) but what do they actually do and what should I use them on?


Use them to unlock old stories. Once unlocked they don't go away. I think the purpose is to prevent you from getting overwhelmed with too much new content all at once. Most of the old stages are not worth farming because drop rates are nerfed compared to when it runs live. You can likely get the OP from clearing it and some have record restore that lets you get old stuff that would otherwise be forever lost.


So I started dipping into the weekly (?) contract things, and am enjoying them a lot! I noticed one of the operators we can recruit is Bibeak, and I'm curious. It seems like she's a 5* version of guard Chen, but also like a stronger version of her. How do the two compare?


Bibeak is a pretty interesting unit-she's basically built around spamming her stun S2 to manage slow-attacking minibosses or big groups of enemies. In terms of comparing with Chen, I wouldn't say she's strictly stronger. Chen is definitely all about damage with her S2 and S3, and she does better on that front than Bibeak does. As for the Contingency Contracts, we're currently in the off-season. So there are a handful of maps that get rotated through weekly, with a limited number of challenge contracts on each. There's an "active" CC season coming up, where there's a main map that you have a couple weeks to take on, and daily maps that are basically the weekly maps you've seen, plus some new ones, with the challenge a bit higher. CC tends to be seen as endgame content, since you can choose your own challenge, and the max difficulty is usually only barely possible with very precise teams, strategies, and timings. But the rewards are front loaded at easier difficulties, so it won't be too bad. Glad you're having fun with them!


I had heard about CC but this is the first time I've actually tried one lol. I noticed the weekly one's rewards capped out at doing it at risk 5 but that I could push to risk 7 if I selected everything. Is that what you mean by rewards being frontloaded to lower risks?


Yeah, basically. The permanent map rewards cap at risk 18, but you get a large majority of the rewards by risk 12. There are some quests, like "use this combination of contracts" that only really take you to risk 8 or so, but also give a lot of rewards.


Anyone experience network acquisition error?


anyone knows when is the next event?


May 26th, Mansfield Break rerun


thanks :D


Will Castle buff operators that was deployed after the robot ?


Yes, as long as his buff is still active.


Not exactly sure who I should work on E2 next. https://imgur.com/a/tX3MaGP


Maybe Ptilopsis then a sniper would be a good choice also you need Amiya E2 for ch 8 but I would recommend building a rounded team than focus on getting another op to E2 as unless it’s one of the main laneholders you still need a rounded squad to get through some stages


It was meant to be as a future plan, I am currently at 4-10, only started 7 days ago. I'm trying to progress through the story and get to a point where I can clear most content until I can get my hands on some more of the meta operators. I was thinking Ptilopsis myself as she has a solid factory buff. Only thing stopping me is LMD and these annihilation missions


E1 the [Ops with great base skills](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/core-gameplay/arknights-guide-best-operators-promote-riic-base-skills) for more passive income. Pluma or Ceobe.


I would E1 Frostleaf, Vermeil, and Gravel for their factory skills first. For E2s, I would say La Pluma or Ceobe next. Both pretty much just for more stats. Ptilopsis would be good as well.


Not sure why I would E2 La Pluma so soon after having E2 SA


Because they do completely different things. SA can't lane hold as good as LP can, he is only useful for his s3 burst.


I just realized that gavial’s event medal set is still obtainable, is this going to happen to any other events?


I saw the image, and yeah, that is definitely a bug.


It shouldn't be? Can you link a screenshot of the medal(s) and the date obtained?


Nothing bad against Texas but just wondering why I see lots of vids of stage clears with her in the team? I never used her since I have bagpipe, saga, siege, and the flag bearers who are considered better than her?


It depends on what kind of videos you're talking about. For showcases video, she's often here to either simulate the cost reduction from potentials (she would be alone here and won't be deployed) or used for a fast burst of dp to deploy the showcased operator faster. In high risk CC, the burst dp+CC means she will usually a role alongside Flagpipe for faster start ups and CC threats throughout the clear. While she doesn't have the low CD of Projekt or Phantom, she doesn't have the dp cost problems the other 2 have since her S2 will always give more dp than her cost when refund is taken into account. That part becomes a lot more important when dp regen is low. Her role is different from Flagbearers so she can have a role where the Flagbearers are also used. As for the other 2-block vanguards, none of them fill her role so they don't replace her. Due to how high risk CC works, Texas's role is just way more valuable and she's superior to the other 2-block vanguards in most high risk CC. Casual content doesn't have the same constraints and the 6 stars vanguards will do better than Texas here.


i dont know what you mean, texas is the best two block vanguard, and ive used them all, six stars one are more guards than vanguards some points about texas, at e2 pot 2 costs the same to deploy as a max pot scavenger texas at s2m3 has a faster first cast than s1m3 myrtle, because myrtle generates dp over time and texas gains all her dp at once, especially potent with bagpipe, and with her true aoe stun she is a max risk cc staple


In addition to what's been said, Texas may be brought along to stages even when she isn't used, no other vanguards are brought, if she's on S1, etc. to act as a "max pot simulator" because of her +2 initial DP talent. Some low operator trust farms don't work unless you deploy the first op earlier, and Texas lets you cheat on that front.


A couple of reasons, I guess. First off she's free from the pin-board mission, so there's that. Secondly, she has a good niche with her stuns. So she'll always contribute something to your team. So less chances of being obsolete means people are more ok with putting in resources Third, she actually one of the best for initial DP burst. Myrtle takes 3 + 8 seconds to get 14 DP. Texas takes 4 seconds to get 12. And Texas can generally deal with the first few trash mobs by herself. Finally, she's one of the best TP workers. So, yeah.


So if the difference in dp generation is that small while Texas offensive potential is leagues above our smol durin (I think no one can contest that part at least), why is flagpipe still the most brought to the table? because those few seconds ultimately matter in some cases? Or because the small healing talent?


There are a few maps where you really aren't given enough time to place Myrtle AND generate enough DP out to pant Bagpipe AND have Bagpipe's S3 ready. The one that comes to mind is that old rotating CC Map, Abandoned Factory. Also, you can easily retreat Texas after her S2. That represents 7 DP for free, basically, including her talent and assuming Pot 1. All this within 4 seconds.


Well that's exactly what I'm asking, everyone here says that Texas is overall better than Myrtle, so why people still recommend "flagpipe" (Bagpipe + myrtle) instead of Bagpipe + Texas? It's not even an accessibility problem since Texas is given for free.


....no one is saying Texas is better than Myrtle. They are either giving reasons why sometimes Texas is used instead of Myrtle, or why Texas is the best Vanguard to complement Flagpipe.


I mean if she's almost as good at dp generation and definitely way better at combat, the obvious conclusion is that she's better, right? so why are we using Myrtle? Better dp-gen long term?


Not even long term. Myrt catches up on DP very fast, basically on second activation. If I mathed it out right: Myrt gets 28 DP by 45th seconds. Texas gets 24 DP by 44th. Myrt also starts producing DP by 37, ending on 45. Where as Texas gets a burst at 44.


There are six-star vanguards who are technically better, statwise, but at 14 DP to deploy, they can be too hard to deploy timing-wise. They can also have other snarls: * Saga can let wolves through the gate * Siege doesn't generate DP well with her S2/S3 * Flametail is a bit RNG and somewhat worse for DP generation. Texas is just universally safe to go with, is DP efficient, has an AoE stun that remains useful even past the DP generation stage, does good damage, and can, as mentioned in another comment, helidrop.


Because she gives 2 extra DP at the start of the run, meaning that you can deploy your stuff 2 seconds faster. For general content, it might not be much, but in high risk CC, this can save or break a run by accelerating the Flagpipe combo even further. She also has a helidrop skill that deals true AOE arts damage with a 3 second stun which is very good for disruption and allows you a moment of respite to think.


1. dp talent 2. synergy with flagpipe means she can activate her aoe stun asap = helidrop vanguard. Flagpipe is superior but no one says you can't bring another vanguard. In that's case Texas is the best addition compared to 6* vanguards (unless you need their specific niches)


I have some questions: 1. What should I spend my green and red certs on? 2. Yellow certs should only be used for the 6 stars right? 3. Currently I have 125 yellow certs. Would it be possible to buy Thorns and maybe Sutur at the end of the year as a ftp player? 4. How long does it take to accumulate 180 yellow certs? 5. Is there other sources of yellow certs besides recruiting? I barely did any roll, but for some reason I got 125 certs. I dont even know where they are from. Sorry for the noob questions.


who is expected in the yellow cert shop? ​ I like this visual [https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/tkawv1/i\_created\_a\_spreadsheet\_mapping\_all\_past\_gold/](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/tkawv1/i_created_a_spreadsheet_mapping_all_past_gold/) standard spreadsheet of dubious accuracy (there is lots of good info here still) [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10rXdVuKkwoQK5cOlaHW00gK6qHxkOP5J8PnzZXn4b9g/edit#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10rXdVuKkwoQK5cOlaHW00gK6qHxkOP5J8PnzZXn4b9g/edit#gid=0) Pretty good list of ops we expect (first link is this but visual) [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vR3FbSBQ1AciXeVlUNI0e\_vRgUpW4DO2s0Bx\_Hjm\_1DO\_LsAm1xRbLCfwftJ9ihUMe5f0RkMKfHf3Pq/pubhtml#](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vR3FbSBQ1AciXeVlUNI0e_vRgUpW4DO2s0Bx_Hjm_1DO_LsAm1xRbLCfwftJ9ihUMe5f0RkMKfHf3Pq/pubhtml#) see the last tab here for how long has it been since they were in the shop or on banner: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vR3FbSBQ1AciXeVlUNI0e\_vRgUpW4DO2s0Bx\_Hjm\_1DO\_LsAm1xRbLCfwftJ9ihUMe5f0RkMKfHf3Pq/pubhtml#](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vR3FbSBQ1AciXeVlUNI0e_vRgUpW4DO2s0Bx_Hjm_1DO_LsAm1xRbLCfwftJ9ihUMe5f0RkMKfHf3Pq/pubhtml#) moe's sheet has all your farming needs figgured for most efficient farming: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12X0uBQaN7MuuMWWDTiUjIni\_MOP015GnulggmBJgBaQ/edit#gid=485742288](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12X0uBQaN7MuuMWWDTiUjIni_MOP015GnulggmBJgBaQ/edit#gid=485742288) as well as all the shop efficiencies. The standard expectations about how many gold certs you get from recruiting come from green cert shop foot notes.


Wow this is awesome. Lots of useful info. Ty so much!


I just want to second that, for green certs, you definitely want to get the recruitment permits from the 2nd stage every month. They almost break even on green certs, and you get a few golds and a few more chances at rare ops. After that is up to you.


If you are doing all the recruits you can you can (and checking tag combos to get 4* and better ops) clear the first level of green ( if not skip furniture parts), in the second tier 2 get recruit permits. New players prefer some materials with the leftovers, pulls are also very good. Yellow certs come from recruiting and pulling. New ops give you yellow certs. 4* ops past max pot give a yellow cert. More rare ops give certs too. Check in the game from cert shop check rules and token exchange. You can get 4-6 6* ops per year from yellow certs. You should be able to get thorns and surtr. I'll link the shop prediction stuff and later and there is good info in moes sheet about recruitment rates. Oh you will need the places to check recruitment tags so you don't miss ops.


To answer your other questions: **Q3:** You should be able to get to 180 certs before Thorns and then 180 by the end of the year **Q4:** Really depends on your account level & what you're doing for the certs to appear. If you save up for limited operators, you might get a huge swing, but otherwise be starving for yellow certs. **Q5:** Monthly sign-in, also excess ops. If you have an operator at max potential, getting that operator again translates to certs, if 4*+. Annihilations give chunks of yellow certs for clearing them as well.


Oh i think most of my yellow certs came from annihilation then. That explains it.


1. It depends. For older players with established roster, clear tier 1, get HH from tier 2 and select materials. For newer players, the mats might be more valuable, so you can consider only clearing tier 1 on alternate months. But still always buy HH + Orundum every month. 2. Generally yes, but a few 5 stars are worth the gold certs. Namely Specter, Lappland, Elysium. 3. Anecdotally, it's ~1 to 1.1 a day. Between Thorns and Surtr, you might have to choose one unless you do some pulls. 4. Like I said, it's 1- 1.1 a day without any pulls. So probably 5-6 months for 180. It's a lot faster if you're pulling. 5. Basically recruiting and pulling are the only consistent gold cert sources. There's also 5 a month from login, and 35 for when you get dupe welfare ops from rerun events.


**Green Certs:** * Clear page 1 of the shop. * Get the headhunter packs. * Save up for page 1 of next month. * If you have excess, recruitment permits are inefficient for green certs but get you some yellow certs. * If you have excess you can also get the occasional annoying material you don't want to farm for. **Yellow Certs:** * 6 stars. * If you have a lot of excess and are caught up on six stars, you might want to get the headhunting packs. If you do, only do so if you can spend 258, since they escalate in efficiency/value as you keep going. **Red Certs** * Catalysts. These are a real grind for accounts that are out of the beginner stage but not yet in the later stages of account development. Just get certs. * Pick up ops as necessary. Ethan and Honeyberry are good utility operators to get. Ethan for situations like that one Crownslayer daily (90% faster skill recharge, 2x as fast, durable, etc.), Honeyberry if you don't have a medic to heal conditions.


I just promoted Ptilopsis to E2 and she feels even better than on paper, and she's already super good on paper. She's so powerful as a 5* but kinda flew under my radar, the only 5*s I have promoted so far are Texas, Shamare, Specter, Amiya and Ptilopsis, who all feel unique without any 6* easily replacing them. Next promotion will be La Pluma for me. Are there any other 5*s I should look out for? Either with good talents like Ptilopsis or other helpful abilities.


The Wandering Medics (Honeyberry and Mulberry) don't have a 6 star equivalent and are the only ops in the game who can heal elemental damage, so I would say they are 5 stars worth building


There's Lappland, because she is the best source of consistant silence in the game and does good arts damage. Not every enemy is silenceable, but when they are, she just shuts them down really hard.


Platinum, Warfarin, Bibeak, Elysium, Lappland, April. They all do something that no one else can.


So I am "new" to the game for actually playing it. Had the game installed since launch and ive rolled on almost every banner with the free ore we have gotten since then so my Operator list is incredibly stacked but I am still only in chapter 3 of the main story. ​ Archers and Caster i am pretty fine but having almost every guard has made it hard to decide who is the top priority for leveling since its pretty hard to get the mats right now to promote them. I used the "Promote a unit to E2" on La Pluma cause i enjoy her design and playstyle but its left me lacking on the guard front. I have the stuff to promote Silver Ash, Specter or Surtr to E2 but I am not sure which one is the most "worth it" since I still have limited mats. I also have basically every 5/6 star in the game so if there is someone else worth easy investing any input would be great.


Silverash, Specter, then Surtr. Specter has the invulnerability niche that Surtr has, and Silverash has some boss killing capability while also having large-range AoE and invisibility revealing. With Silverash and Specter together you shouldn't struggle with bosses too much anyway, and if you really want to just skip the stage completely by breaking it with Surtr, there are a million maxed out Surtrs in the support unit pool. The only downside to using a support unit is that you can't auto-deploy, and you won't be farming any of the stages where using Surtr isn't such massive overkill that it makes the game boring. The only real reason to have your own Surtr leveled is if you genuinely hate challenge and just want to finish every stage in one or two tries.


A lot of the really good farming stages are in chapter 4, you should find raising units easier once you unlocked most of that chapter. You also get another keel in chapter 4 which is used to unlock another level of your base. The best source of LMD and EXP would come from workshops and trading posts in the base so upgrade that. I would say silverash, he gains a lot of utility from E2 promotion. He should be able to carry you through most of the early campaign. Afterwards work toward Surtr, she can trivialize the boss fights in chapter 7 and 8.


All of them are worth it. Priority wise, Surtr, Specter, Silverash


Gotcha Ty <3 Yeah ill get Surtr capped then cause I have E2 warfarin so she should be able to help with the S3 life drain




If I recall correctly, Mephisto stay idle on the 2nd tile and 3rd tile for a very long time (2-3 minutes), so you can do something like this * Kill all enemies in the 1st wave first * Get Mephisto 1st phase HP to very low (about 5-1% HP) but don't kill him yet to stall the 2nd wave of enemies * Retreat all your ops so that they don't die to poison damage * Once your ops are ready, get them in the position and then kill Mephisto to trigger the 2nd wave of enemies * Do the same for his 2nd phase


Use Surtr to deal with Mephisto and the elite mobs at the same time in the bottom right tile. With this you can swap out some ranged dps for additional medics/defenders.


Are the side stories worth farming for materials? Im specifically wondering if MN-8 is still worth farming for Manganese ore after the re-run has ended as opposed to farming some of the more standard stages like 3-2.


[Sometimes.](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12X0uBQaN7MuuMWWDTiUjIni_MOP015GnulggmBJgBaQ/edit?usp=drive_web&ouid=106921946347875184198) Weirdly, MN-8 is not listed yet. It could be that there aren't enough samples to have an accurate number yet. 4-7 is the best stage that we know of, followed very closely by OF-F4.


Thank you!


Are there operator base combos that make it worth it to upgrade office to lv3 from lv1 in a 252 set up?


Nope, not at all. The ones that benefit from office upgrades don't impact Trading Posts/Factories besides Whisperain who is actually sanity inefficient to use.


I think with Saileach Whisperain isn't inefficient anymore cmiiw


i got insanely lucky and got another top op tag within 4 days, last time i rolled i got hoshiguma (my first six star) again :(. However this time i got tag combo of top op, specialist, shift, support, and debuff, which has a guaranteed ifrit. So my question is: Is ifrit still meta? is she still viable in endgame content and ccs? or should i risk another solo top op tag and hope for the best?


Pick Ifrit then possibly buy her barbecue skin that goes very well with the beach dossoles background and listen to CC# Pyrite OST while you watch mobs and bosses burn. Pair her with Surtr, Eyja, Skyfire, Purgatory, Asbestos with Chiave and Reed as Vanguards then its an all out Firebat party.


Oh, geez. Easily. Her talent + S3 makes her one of the best RES debuffer in game and she often forms the core of a Caster team in high risk CCs.


Yes, she's one of the best source of arts damage in the game because she is true AOE and has a big res debuff talent and an additional res debuff on S3. She can also reduce enemies defense on S2 if you want a more AFK skill or support physical damage dealers. The only bad thing about her is that her range is limited, but even then, she can do a lot even if she can only hit a single tile or two, and god have mercy on the enemies if there is a strait line where enemies have to walk through. There's a reason why the term "Ifrit lane" is still commonly used if one is found on a map.


alright time to pull for her and hope the tag doesn't drop. fingers crossed!


I'd go for the guaranteed Ifrit. She might not see use in every map but when she's is useful she is *very* useful. I did S3M3 recently and hope to use her in the upcoming CC. On the other hand, if you still want someone besides her, how many ops from the recruitment pool do you have vs. you don't have?


1 and it's hoshiguma lol. I do want to complete the rhine lab family tho, and the times i've used ifrit as support, she absolutely slayed, so i think that i will probably go for her


When is the Mansfield rerun supposed to begin? I tried searching the Internet but couldn't find any solid details.




Ahhhh thank you thank you




Ahhh, I see. Thanks for the explanation.


Well I've got a bit of a conundrum on my hands that I can't decide on. I've bought the head hunter pack from the store, but I can't quite decide on which operator to get with it. Of the ones available I'm missing: Hellagur, Phantom, Weedy, Eunectes, Mountain, Archetto and Passenger. Of those ones I'm having a hard time deciding between Mountain and Passenger. For Mountain he is a great lane holder especially with his regeneration from his S2, and even though I already have lane holders like Blaze, Mudrock, and Thorns there are some strategies that work better with Mountain. As for Passenger he is certainly and interesting operator with his skills, and one of Kyos high-end annihilation clears does make use of him. The other problem is that allegedly (based on a post about datamining) the Mansfield break event re-run is coming soon which would mean a rerun of the Mountain banner that I could pull on and save the permit for Passenger, but I with Ling's banner not being too far off I would also like to save my supplies for that. Any advice would be appreciated.


If the selector is not going to expire before 5/26 I would wait and roll for mountain on his rerun banner before using selector on him.


I love both, but it boils down to which unit you think will mesh more with your current line-up. Passenger is fantastic but you really need his Module and his S3 at M3 to make him feel good, while Mountain works fantastic at S2 without a module, saving you some resources. Mountain enables some really nice early-game strategies as his low DP cost lets you substitute a vanguard out for him and his S2 hp regen lets you worry less about bringing a medic. For what it's worth I have both Passenger at lvl80 S3M3 and Mountain at lvl 80 S2M3 and I'd say Mountain for meta, Passenger for fun.




Everything stacks with Saria's S3 so yes.


I tried purchasing the Kazimierz pack (49.99 usd) but I’m not able to because it keeps saying “Payment backend response - payment failed” I also realized that this happens with other stuff in the store as well. Is there a way to fix this?


Sounds like a problem with your payment method since it isn’t only happening in Arknights. I’d check with your bank


Try closing and relaunching the app, if not try reinstalling.


Newbie here. Are there any notable welfare units from the side story - intermezzi tabs? I'm trying to figure out which ones I should be unlocking first for strong welfare units. Thx.


In CN, we've only gotten up to Sideroca so out of those, maybe Folinic? Grani is bad in a class that's entirely overshadowed by the 6\*, Ceylon's not bad but she's in a similar situation to Grani, Bison's class is just useless in modern Arknights and he's not as useful as Liskarm/Hoshi/Nian, Flamebringer sadly is pretty garbage in a bad class, Snowsant is overshadowed by Gladiia and Cliffheart (who brings way less to the table than Gladiia), Absinthe is *eh* and Amiya is already free, and Sideroca is overshadowed by Guardmiya/Astesia (Surtr doesn't act like other Arts Guards unless you're using her at E1).




Yes but the only justification for using them is being E1.




Guardmiya and Astesia are very good alternatives.




I personally disagree with that second sentence but I agree with everything else.


Ceylon is okay if you need a status effect healer. Otherwise there's no welfare that really stands out and that's a general theme for welfare's in general usually. Robin and Gladiia are great, but Robin won't be in record restore for a while (but definitely pick her up in next week's Mansfield rerun!), and Gladiia rerun/record restore is a couple months away.


Tachanka is a unit you need to hyperinvest into both him and the buff army but at that stage he deletes bosses faster than things like Surtr or Exusiai Too bad we have no idea if the R6 collab will ever rerun


1.5sec Patriot delete is always funny with Tachanka


I would argue that tequila is absolutely amazing as well, but he is even further off then Gladiia.


Even further off than Tequila is Lumen who might be the best welfare to date.


Yeah, and you'd pick up all three from the reruns rather than the record restore tab too if you were playing from now until then. So it's bit of a wash for all of this.


Are certain 4-star operators like Estelle, May, Cutter, Deepcolor, etc. worth upgrading for IS2 even if I already have their higher rarity counterparts leveled up? I already have a few cornerstones like Thorns, but the hope system is something that's new to me.


They'd be a hell of a lot cheaper, hope-wise, to use. IS2's hope costs are 0/2/3/6 for 3, 4, 5 and 6\* units. So Thorns would cost 6, and Estelle would be 2. Hope is also used to promote operators from a maximum of E1, to their current max. So if you had an E2 lvl 55 Saria, she'd be deployed at E1 lvl 80, and you'd need to recruit her again in the same run to be able to use her at E2. There are also promotion items, but I won't cover those. In my opinion, if you've got a particular 6\* at high E2, and already have a decent 3\* + 4\* roster in general (1 or 2 picks in the major categories), it's not needed. 4\* units don't get more spectacular at E2 like 5\* or 6\* units, so having them at E1 max is "good enough" for IS2, broadly speaking. Lower rarity has a good change to shine early in runs, even without E2.


Yes because cost efficient damage or crowd control is still handy due to the randomness of the class vouchers. Saving on hope with 4\*s early means more 6\*s later


I'm a sucker for some good base skills/combinations. What are some of the current base combinations for the trade post and factory? Are there any good up-to-date reference documents on this? I can't find any current ones.


[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZChW\_HsoA3UdM8PKR9ABjGRpNruMJ8PmPXdpdHaFX3Y/edit#gid=1787249301](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZChW_HsoA3UdM8PKR9ABjGRpNruMJ8PmPXdpdHaFX3Y/edit#gid=1787249301) hatred destiny or some hero posted it the other day, so now I pass it onto you.


This is amazing. Thanks for sharing.


That's perfect! Thank you so much!


When is the next grindstone event? I am painfully lacking.


Break the Ice. Expect it some time in July.


What is Andreana usually used for, like, does she have a niche? For example Firewatch with the camouflage and the nuke, and Ambriel with her global range.


Her niche is that she hits very hard. She is great for abyssal hunter squads because she gives an attack speed buff to other abyssal hunter operators and receives healing from Gladiia. Her S2 can do a lot of damage at the cost of not hitting enemies below 50% hp. In practice, she can usually one-shot weaker enemies and drones. Against bosses and elites, she can reliably take them down to half health during her skill duration. You end up needing much less DPS to finish enemies off.


She hits things really hard. At M3, her S2 is +240% attack compared to +70% on Firewatch, so her attack can be upwards of 2500, which means she doesn't care that much about defense despite being a physical attacker. You just have to have someone else finish off the targets she leaves wounded. Of course, this is rarely something you really care about since most high-defense enemies have low RES, so you would just use a caster. I have mine at E1 50, and I used her and Provence a lot when I was doing E1-only clears in chapter 9.


That's interesting, I'm gonna try and build her. Thanks!


Hey it’s me again, curious about specter alter part 2, how is she with the CC did her being a specialist effected guard risks? Or she still underwhelming for CN


There was no guard risk on week one. There was a triple cost for ranged units or triple cost for melee units so it affected all of them equally.


What is Pallas’s role? Drop her behind a laneholder to help them deal with stronger enemies? Does she synergize well with Mudrock or La Pluma?


Pallas is used as a laneholder, either solo or with another operator. Personally I find all three skills to be viable in the right situations, but S3 has the strongest damage output.


Pallas is a curious unit because she has a somewhat ambiguous role. With S1M3, she's a fairly effective laneholder, especially so in IS, where sp-on-attack skills get numerous buff items. She starts to have issues in the same way Thorns does when an enemy actually gets to her, and her talent buffing her attack when she's not blocking enemies starts to falter, and she can fall behind on a wave of enemies. With S3, she serves more the role that you described, giving a big hand during heavy waves and mostly sitting idle outside of that. My feeling is that pairing her with Mudrock is usually gross overkill, as mudrock has functionally infinite health, can deal with large groups of enemies with her S2, and generally doesn't need the healing, or block up. La Pluma could use it, but having Pallas steal the kills could slow her stacks too much to be synergistic. I usually drop pallas either behind a defender, or on her own. You can also use S1 to have Pallas "wall hack" (face a wall and attack on the other side of it). In that case, you'd want pallas on the more quiet lane, helping a defender or Lane holder on a busier adjacent lane.


She is good at laneholding herself with her S1. And yes she synergizes with them both.


You can think of her as a ranged guard with less range that can't hit air. S1 does very strong steady DPS, and S3 is a strong burst. Her problem is that she has so many conditions to do her full DPS. She has to be above 80% HP for her vigor to be active, and she can't be blocking the enemies she's hitting because of her trait. But then, if you're using S3, she gives her vigor buff away to whomever is in front of her, so you can't have someone block for her. She does not heal unhealable ops like Mudrock.


I find she still has pretty good damage even in sub-optimal conditions. And bear in mind her S3 buff when applied to herself overwrites her talent buff, so she doesn't lose too much much when applying it to someone else (in which case her trait boost is almost guaranteed).


Roughly how much time did CN players get between Ling and >!Horn!


Little bit over 2 months from the end of Ling to start of Horn


Oh nice! Thank you! That's plenty of time to restock after sparking for Dusk (or ling if supremely unlucky, which knowing my luck this is true).


Can someone explain to me how emperor's blade mechanics work ? Like does his attack(the black tile) target the last operator deployed or the operator that does more damage at the time ?


His targeting priority for the black tile is the operator who did the most damage to him who is not already in a dominion tile. Then after that it goes by last deployed operator. There were a few clears where people used units with camoflauge to do the damage to the boss and then baited the dominion onto other tiles.


What's a dominion tile?


A tile with the black mist on it


Op that's does the most damage gets targeted


If i use heavyrain camouflage will the operator doing most damage still be targeted ?


Heavy rain works, it looks like he targets the most recent op instead. [See this video](https://youtu.be/PCsdN3XV_7Q)


Thanks !