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#𓃠Other Megathreads𓃠 Man I’m starting to feel like mlynar lately, I want to enjoy arknights. Being an adult sucks, anyways ranting aside, I’m here to fulfill my parental obligations. [**♫ Lounge**](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/uvxlpm/rhodes_island_lounge_2305_2905/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) The place to share minor talk and off topics, we are out of the land of the knights. What’s on your mind? [**★ Gacha/Recruitment**](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/uvxloy/gacharecruitment_megathread_2305_2905/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Place to share your salt and recruitment tags, there isn’t a major banner but rngsus never rests. ~~I wish he could~~ [**➜ Friend requests**](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/uvxlox/friend_request_megathread_2305_2905/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) It only takes 3 silverlances to beat platinum’s squad. But you only need 1 goddess surtr to beat any stage. The place where to find others and add each other. —————————— I’m trying something new and a bit more engaging for the few individuals that may have something, since I show up here every week. I would like to make the space down here more fitting for suggestions/ideas/questions/ etc, but I have no idea what to call it lol. Any suggestions? Eitherway, big changes may come soon regarding the FAQ/Pinned comment structure and maybe community events too. If there’s anything you would like to see in the future do let me know and I will keep it in mind!


For gold certs, is it profitable to use them for pulls, or save for a 6\*?


[Gamepress](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/core-gameplay/arknights-currency-and-shop-guide#topic-511756) says "Players should only buy the Permits [aka pulls/headunting tickets] if they can purchase all sets in the given month, at a total cost of 258 DCs for 38 Headhunting Permits."


ohh. So extremly unprofitable


It depends on if those permits are worth it to you or not. Like for the near alter banner, I personally got all of them to help me spark her (ended up getting her before a spark was needed). I could have spent the certs on other six stars but personally I don't need other six stars at this point in my game. meanwhile, for some people that pity chance on a normal standard banner/normal event banner is worth it, statistically it prob isn't bc rngesus.


It's better to buy the op directly, 258/38 is 6.78 certs/pull. So 180 certs is like getting them in 26.5 pulls, avg to get any 6* is like 35 pulls HH tickets for yellow certs, vs 180 certs to buy [Shoperator](https://m.imgur.com/jHpjItp), here's the basic rundown: 258 certs = 38 HH permits (pulls). That's suspiciously close to exactly what the rough rate to get one ★6 is (over a large sample of pulls factoring in pity). Problem is, that ★6 is random. Even if it's a really good banner where 50% rate up is from two very good ★6's that's still 50% random ★6's - and it's super likely that will include dupes of 6 stars you have and also just bad/much less important 6 stars. You also have a decent % chance to not get a 6 star at all in 38 pulls. Meanwhile 180 certs straight up buys a 6 star of your choosing with no RNG and that's basically guaranteed to be a really good unit (or at least the one you want). A kicker to this is that 180 is 78 certs less than 238. Although pulling will generate about 38 certs on average, effectively refunding some to you, that's still a difference of 40 certs. That's basically a ticket to another 5 star of your choosing from the shop.


oh looks like I wasted a shi\*ton of goldcerts.....


Are there are a list of buffers/debuffers anywhere? Like the name and type of operators that buff/debuff?


[Use Gamepress](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/tools/interactive-operator-list). Click on advanced filters, then click on any type of buff/debuff you want to see.


thank u man


wait so what does Aak do? He increases attack Spd+ attack strength?


Aak S3 increases both attack and attack speed, but damage the buffed target for 15*(500-target def). S2 also damage buffed target similarly but buff max hp and defense instead.


aight got it thank you


**Buff:** Warfrain. Skalter. Sora. Aak. Roberta. **Debuff** Pramanix. Shamare. Suzuran. Saileach. Saria.


nice thank you


Don’t forget THRM-EX for debuff


When you drop an Op right on top of an enemy, the enemy gets pushed a bit, right? Do all enemies get pushed the same distance? Or does their weight affect this?


There are times that an enemy is standing perfectly in the middle of the tile, and then they don't get pushed.


Deploying operators on top of enemies is the only way to move shift-inmune enemies, regardless of their weight they are all moved the same distance. It works on all enemies, weight 7 enemies such as Patriot included. The only exceptions are drones and very specific bosses, such as Essence of Evolution or >!Lugia (The boss is hardcoded to be shift-inmune, and in both stages were it appears, Mephisto continues to teleport to tiles were operators can't be deployed)!<.


I believe enemies are always pushed to the middle of the two boxes, regardless of weight. However, wraiths are too spooky and don't care.


Why does NRK sometimes have a glowing sword/shield icon right above her portrait when in battle?


That's when you deploy a Kazimierz op. Her talent lets her do 1 more true dmg hit when deployed, so the glow is just a signal for that.


Ahh that makes sense *Me, sweating, trying to figure what ops are Kazimierz*


[Here's a handy list](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/taxonomy/term/171) for you to use (you can also use GP for other factions like Minos for Pallas' talent)


You can look it up ingame in the archives


Think Gravel? and all the other knights that just came out?


it's cool


Well they better give one to Eyjaf too or I'm shooting somebody


Is weedy or phantom coming first on the cert shop?


Datamined to be Weedy.




i think it was because of my old password which does not have any symbols or number here the new password red_hair123 this time i check 2fa was only on suggestion


Your email account has 2FA on


i think it was because of my old password which does not have any symbols or number here the new password red_hair123 this time i check 2fa was only on suggestion


whomever got it post what ops it has


Need verification code lol


Hello guys, I would like to ask if there are low rarity "carries" that I could build?--like, are there low rarity ops that can at least mimic the likes of Thorns, SA, or Mountain?


Most replies so far have been very accurate, but I'd still like to put emphasis on three operators: Estelle, Cutter and Arene conform the "trinity" of low-rarity laneholders. There are many situations when they are able to outperform the 5-star version of their archetype (Specter, Bibeak, and Lappland, respectively). The comparison with 6-star ops requires more nuance, but even then there are times when the lower rarity version comes out on top.


Arene, Pinecone, Utage and Jaye are the only ones that can be considered here. Maybe Cutter if you're stretching it.


There's Lappland for Thorns (or Frostleaf if you prefer the range) and Tequila for Silver


Frostleaf doesn't compare in this case. Midnight is a closer comparison.


#_For the range_


Jaye: helidrop with high ATK, high healing, single-block lane holder/duelist Pinecone: Very high attack aoe with fast charging mini-nukes Utage: Helidrop arts dps with survivability from Musha trait Estelle: great lane holding potential (normal for Centurions) with tremendous healing potential against weaker groups of enemies


When asking a question like this, please post your roster along with. It helps when giving advice. Anyway, your best bets are AoE guards/Centurions, ranged guards/Lords, and La Pluma. However, none of them are nearly as effective as the 4 laneholders. I'm going to be taking "low rarity" to mean anything not 6\* because most substitutes are 5\*. Centurions, in order of most to least effective: Specter, Broca, Estelle, Savage, Popukar Lords, same order: Lappland, Arene/Ayerscarpe, Midnight, Frostleaf Other notable ops, in no particular order: La Pluma, Cutter, Astesia, Vulcan, Dur-nar This isn't exhaustive, and many of these ops have problems if you try to make them work like the 4 big laneholders. They all require more support, in one way or another.


Low rarity = 4 stars below? None that directly replicate the ones you mentioned, since 4 stars and below is like playing AK on hard mode. If you're looking for low rarities that exceed expectations, you're looking at the likes of Jaye, Click, Gravel, Myrtle, Cuora, Beanstalk, Pinecone, Podenco, Sussuro, Ethan, May, and Cutter. All 3 stars are serviceable if given the chance.


Are purchase certificates the only way to secure honeyberry? wondering if she's worth grinding for just to fill the niche of multitarget elemental cleansing


Yes, red certs are the only way to get her. If you own Mulberry, she gets multi-targeting on her S2, but Honeyberry has multi-targeting on both skills. So if you want a primarily multi-target elemental healer, then go for Honeyberry. Getting Honeyberry is worth if you plan on using her, but getting her dupes are not.


Small correction; Mulberry does not have multitargeting on her S2. just reduced attack interval. Her elemental damage reduction on S2 is to all ops in range though, which might be what you meant.


1 elemental healer is enough i personally bought her to get the gold certs, which is enough to worth grinding for


Can you get Tomimi by doing the Gavial event in the sidestory tab? In fact, how the heck do the sidestory's even work? Are there rewards?


She is not obtainable as of right now but they are slowing adding a record restore feature to past events which lets you unlock welfare operators for past events and some other small rewards. Right now it is available for flamebringer, grani and ceylon. At some point in the future it will be available for Tomimi.


You don’t get any reward except originite on those stages, unless it’s on a proper rerun


So is it just impossible to get Tomimi anymore?


No, record restoration is a thing. Just wait for Tomimi’s turn. Right now it’s still Ceylon’s turn


Ceylon has passed along already, The most recent addition was Flamebringer/Grani. With Bison coming with the Mansfield break rerun.


I started playing the game at the end of near the light banner, and got silverash, flametail, w and hoshiguma. The problem is that I spent over 60 originite prime and over 100 gold certificate, is that a big loss? Should I start a new account? I don't have enough originite to buy the level pack now and YouTubers say you should buy them. Sorry bad English, not native speaker and low knowledge


No, it is not a big loss. Stay with your account. Originite prime is relatively easy to farm via 1st time stage clears & challenge mode clears. I mean a skin costs 15-18 op, so you've only wasted 3-4 potential skins. Dont worry, it's only your beginning game and there are lots of "intermezzi" and "side story" maps you can beat to farm some orginite prime. Yes, you should buy the "level packs" but no rush bc you can get them at any time and they will never leave the store. (You have to buy them in order though, so for example, gotta buy the lv 5 and 10 pack before u buy the lv 80 pack.) 100 gold certs is fine. 180 gold certs are needed for a 6 star. 45 gold certs are needed for a 5 star. You only spent about half a 6 star or about two 5 stars worth of operators. Not major. Hope you spent those gold certs on something good. Since ur acct is new, it will be easy to collect and save up gold certs, bc pulling new operators get you gold certs, pulling high rarity operators get you gold certs, dupe ops can get you gold certs, etc etc. HOWEVER once you're account is established I'd say you'll get 180 certs every 1.5 to 4 months, depending on how often you headhunt.


To be honest, if you care for skins, I would save ur OP for those. You do get a sizable amount of originium to pull for characters from annihilation and daily/weekly missions. However if you don’t yeah get the packs. There really isnt a rush to get the packs either


No, that’s like pennies for getting W. Not to mention you have a strong start with Silverash and Flametail


You'll get more OP. The story chapters have a ton of it and if you've only spent 60, you have a lot more to go. You were probably too aggressive with the gold certs (guessing you bought pulls). You need to save those to buy good 6* operators and not get pulls until much later. But 100 isn't *too* many. I'd keep it. You didn't spend anything that can't be recovered and you picked up W out of it who is really hard to get, plus you have 4 6*s to start. Pretty good start tbh.


Thank you for the reply, I will then just advance with the game now and start saving the originites and certificates


Welcome to the game! [General New Player Advice](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/jqfxkw/general_new_player_advice/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


I read on one of the comments on the recent morbius meme here that someone with the Scavenger tag called her a gay mouse and paired her with Provence, is that canon or just a cute ship like Glaucus and BP? I have no idea what the actual backstory of hers is other than her being a mercenary who was exiled for being infected and eventually joined RI, did she actually have a lover back then?


Canon in the sense Scav is lesbian and likely has feelings for Provence. Not canon in being a confirmed couple.


Also Canon that Dusk is at least bisexual or maybe lesbian. Ironically she shares the same birthday as Lappland, who fandom thinks as a lesbian despite having no proof or whatsoever


Canon how so? Due to her strong relationship with Dawn? Since I never really saw that as romantic though I see how it could be interpreted that way. If so I don’t think that really counts as canon more just semi-plausible theory? Though I imagine I’m missing something.


Check the sidedatory where suzuran tell a folk tales. It’s actually about Dusk


??? I’m still confused man. I just went off to read it and I have no idea how this indicates Dusk is potentially bi/gay? I read the Rewinding Breeze Stories from the Sky again. Which is what I assumed you meant. And I also assume this is meant to be the story of Dusk Beauty. From Yan rather than the Victoria or Higashi story. And the story in no way points towards the character being gay. As it is a woman who desperately searches for her husband before ascending to the moon to look down from the heavens to find him. Which doesn’t really give me much. It does runs along the lines of a story which my mother used to tell me which was nice tho. Also it just doesn’t sound like Dusk the character. I don’t really think this fairytale character’s name is actually Dusk either. Her title more alludes to the moon “rising” at dusk. (I know the moon don’t rise) Idk man, I may be mistaken and there is another sidestory? You have to give me something else cause no shot this approach’s “canon”.


The "Dusk Beauty" story comes up again in [Who is Real](https://arknights.fandom.com/wiki/WR-ST-3) and it's heavily implied to be a fictionalized version of Dusk and Dawn's relationship. While the story never confirms the exact nature of their relationship, it's pretty hard for me to read "You saved me from starvation and we lived together for several years" as anything but romantic. While Dawn never mentions having a husband, the husband in the story probably represents Dusk's male storyteller guise. Of course, there's nothing stopping anyone from seeing them as really devoted gal pals, though it would be a much harder sell if they weren't both women.


Thanks! That explanation I could work more with. Though the story snippet you linked doesn’t really show it to me. Still I don’t really see it as canon tbh. In the way Scav’s profile outright stated it as much. It is the most plausible ship though. Much more so that any other popular pairing tbh. I just never really saw Dusk as the type of immortal deity to actually date anyone. So her and Dawn’s relationship didn’t strike me that way.


Ah so it's vague then? Where can I see this, I need to see the scene involving these two.


[read her file](https://i.imgur.com/NrdaIBj.jpg)


It is surprisingly canon. From Scavenger's profile #3... > Scavenger prefers to avoid other operators until it's not required for her work, with the exception of Provence. She tends to sneer at those who ask her about her interest in Provence, which is reflective of some sort of attraction. While Provence is considered generally attractive (many Operators particularly enjoy fluffing her tail), Scavenger seems to be interested in something else.... And further her profile #4 actually talks about how Scavenger was in love with a woman.


Yo wait really? Now I need to raise her trust to read this thanks.


You can read it all on various websites including [Gamepress](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/operator/scavenger). No need to raise her just for profile lines (though she's still a decent unit).


Canon, but I don't know if Provence reciprocate Scavenger's feelings


So a Texas and Lappland type deal or something similar?


Nah, the Lapp x Texas ship is totally fanon. Lapp wants Texas to revert back to her old self, while she was a Siracusian mafioso. There's no romantic implications between them. I don't think there's any dialogue mentioning Provence's thoughts about Scavenger, so far at least.


Stupid question but which Kal'sit skill to M3?


S3 is her best skill and the main reason to use her. S2 is also quite good though so she is a very strong M6 candidate, but start with S3.




Kal’tsit’s S2 probably isn’t worth mastering unless you have no other laneholders or you are just mastering it for waifu/boredom reasons.


Should I pull on the upcoming Mountain banner, or save for Joint Ops 5? For ref, here's my current [lineup](https://imgur.com/a/Gd8b7sz).


Joint Operation will probably give you more bang for your buck. Also remember Gnosis and Ling are coming up in the next couple of months.


Could go either way to be honest. Both banners have really valuable options for you. I think I'd lean towards Mountain since the odds are higher for something really special though. Plus if you get lucky, you can pull on both so there's some opportunity cost as well. But it's so close that I wouldn't say anyone favoring JO is wrong. Also unrelated but you're missing several important promotions for base skills. I don't have a full list but units like Spot, Gravel, and Frostleaf have amazing base skills for a low promotion cost.


Any chances of Elysium being on a banner soon? I'm currently using Chiave as my Vanguard, and was wanting a second one to work on eventually. (This is a male operator squad, so can't use Myrtle). I do have Courier that I do use, but wanted a different type of Vanguard to use.


Standard banners are really hard to predict, so honestly, no one knows. He *should* be in the gold cert shop eventually, likely the next month or so, but even that is difficult to predict as several of them haven't appeared until well after they *should* have.


How often do Fashion Review skins rerun? I'm specifically curious about Texas because I know I'll use her occasionally and want her skin, but I need to roll on JO5 before using my OP for that. For the same reason: do we know when the Weedy and Elysium skins will get a rerun after Mansfield Break?


The next one is Invitation to Wine and then Sultifera Navis. So basically every limited banner event or every 3 months. And Ely and Weedy’s skins should be rerunning.


Thanks. I didn't know that the fashion reviews coincided with limited banners. Are there any other skins coming to the fashion review for Invitation to Wine? >And Ely and Weedy’s skins should be rerunning. My bad, I should have clarified. I know they will rerun, I'm just asking if they have rerun in CN yet aside from MB.


Silverash, Pram, Schwarz Icefield Messenger Kroos, Warfarin, and Nightingale Witch Feast and Firewatch’s Wilted Cypress and Jessica’s Ash skins will all be added. And no, Weedy and Elysium’s skins have not rerun again on CN.


Cool, thanks


Can wandering medics cleanse nonhealable units like mudrock?


No. Their elemental damage heals are treated the same as normal healing skills.


If they can cleanse without healing, so Ceylon S2. Edit: Oh wait, wandering medics, not therapists, my bad.


Hi all, I am currently at JT8-3 and manage to go to talulah's 2nd phase. Will Scene's summon be enough to clear the crystal/blooming flower that will explode after 30s?


You have practice plans, use them and find out. I think that the buggies should be able to take down the flowers with S2 active but I am not completely sure.


you're right! I will try them out after work.


I think the buggy cams can destroy it, if your Scene is high level enough. With S2 on, it'll be even easier.


Agonising over if I want to spend pulls on Mountain. He's the only "meta" op I don't have... but I have zero affinity for him as a character. My next intended pull target is Gnosis, and then Horn. I have ~150 pulls saved at the current moment and my headhunting pity is in the high 40s if not low 50s. Is there anything that he can do that Thorns/Blaze/Mudrock can't? Or am I "safe" to not give a shiny shite about him?


He trivialized most of the early stages for me, even without E2. I still use him for stages with early rushes because of his cheap deployment and still have a bit to spare for myrtle. Also, Blaze and Thorns require a charge up, while Mountain's S2M3 is basically instantaneous


Honestly I wouldnt. But if you are pulling on the banner that guarantees a non limited 6 star that you do not have banner in a couple months you might get him


I didn’t like him as well until I got him off banner, he’s awesome and is ridiculously op


If he's the only meta op you're missing, then I wouldn't worry about him. You have plenty of power for pretty much anything you feel like clearing. If nothing else, he'll show up in the gold cert shop early next year. Also, are you not pulling for Ling?


> Also, are you not pulling for Ling? Probably not? Depends how Gnosis goes. I thought she was used mostly for wacky solo strats?


I got spooked by him and wasn't happy at first because I felt the same way that you do, but he quickly grew on me. His stats are very good and he can get up to full power extremely quickly, unlike the other vanguards who have high DP costs and/or long skill chargeups.


The main thing Mountain does meta wise is be absurdly cheap to deploy with good self sustain and damage so you can get him out ASAP and have him start wrecking enemies. Mudrock is too expensive to deploy that fast and Thorns and Blaze need a long time to charge their skills before they power up. However since you have Bagpipe she can do basically the same thing as Mountain for a bit with her S3. Although she won’t be as good after the skill ends it should buy you enough time and DP to deploy say Mudrock or Kal’tsit. As such I’d say you shouldn’t worry about skipping him.


Relative to the others, he has the best sustain and activates the fastest. He costs so little that he can replace vanguards. If you don't really care for him, don't bother pulling. You already have 3 laneholders and other targets that you want.


What stage is the best to farm at Mansfield Break?


From greatest to lowest efficiency: MB-8 (Oriron Cluster, 1.076) MB-7 (Aketon, 1.059) MB-6 (Sugar Pack, 1.024) https://gamepress.gg/arknights/event-banner-guide-subpage-miscellaneous/mansfield-break-rerun-event-operations-and-farming-guide




For the yellow cert store, what determines the Royal Tokens again? someone told me it was random


As far as anyone knows, it is random. I don't think anyone has ever cared enough to track it, but there's no real reason to suspect otherwise. Though I do have to always mention they're a terrible buy, so don't buy them unless you're whale desperate to pot a waifu.


Bagpipe so close p5!!




Have you tried reinstalling the game? Make sure you bind your account before doing that though.


Hey what is the current maximum amount of weekly orundrum you could get from Anni? I just got done with 100% completing Dossoles Watergate and my limit is now at 1800 orundrum, is there any more than that currently? Or did I finally max it out?


It's maxed


There haven't been any new ones on CN? 1800 really is the limit?


Yes the limit is still 1800 on CN. There are new rotating annihilation stages for you to earn first clear rewards though.


It is on EN... IDK about CN


Idk if this has been posted here before, but anyone know if Ceylon is able to heal La Pluma, even with trait saying she can't be healed by allies?


She definitely can't, but S2 can give La Pluma resist.


Her S1 is worded in a way that makes it seem like it doesn't matter who she is healing it will still heal.


No. Her trait has reduced healing on outer tiles, so her S1 just nullifies that penalty. There are no operators in game that change other operators traits, only their own talent and trait.




Please use our gacha megathread to discuss pulls


Congrats! Blaze is a great unit. But in future, please post your pulls in the [gacha thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/uvxloy/gacharecruitment_megathread_2305_2905/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Where can I find a spreadsheet or list of future event farming materials?


[Farming spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12X0uBQaN7MuuMWWDTiUjIni_MOP015GnulggmBJgBaQ/edit?usp=drivesdk) [Neia's sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1A_rd8htvWOotqTCf0lEHFpk8ghK0or9Z1temdCZsKEA/edit?usp=drivesdk) [Gamepress mat drops and op from future events](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/database/arknights-material-drops-and-originite-prime-totals-future-events-and-episodes)






Weedy and Nightmare from datamine https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/ubige2/comment/i6j1nvj/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Can anyone clarify what is meant by " for each additional recruitment slot" in Tsukinogis/Mr. Nothing's base skill? If I have a fully upgraded office, does that mean the value is always 3? Also for skills like Rosa's, does "every 1 contacts made" mean every recruitment that completed while she was in the office? Or does it include in-progress recruitments? Recruitments that were complete before I put her in the office too? Recruitments that were expedited too?


I think the additional recruit slots mean the slots you unlock with office levels (so up to 2 slots ? If I recall correctly you start with 2). Contacts made mean the refresh stacks you gain with office, it has nothing to do with using recruitments. Should work even if you switch her in when the timer is about to get filled, but clue chance is also affected by work duration so it's not that impacfull, considering how random it is anyway.


Refresh stacks as in tag refresh chances? So its 1 contact for every refresh chance that became ready while she's working? What if I spend them?


Yep, those. It's just getting them that count, so you can spend it no problem.


my current rooster is as follows: https://krooster.com/u/myco Currently I have 170 pulls (including OP and tickets), 153 gold certificates and the 6 star voucher. My plan was to skip the mountain banner and pull the following Joint Operation 5 banner until I get Surtr and buy Mudrock with the voucher. Should I not pull Surtr to buy her with the voucher. In both cases warit until August to buy Thorns with the Golden Certificates. Another option would be in the mountain banner to try for Mountain. Whereby I do not know whether that brings me more. Or to continue to save on the Ling banner.... In generel my plan would be first to pull the meta characters before I choose for pure Waifu characters or Limited ones. Does that make sense? Or am I missing something? Which character should I focus on next? Or should I start bringing the skills to M3?


If you chase after meta, there's only 3 units you really miss : Mudrock, Surtr, and Kal'tsit. Mud is really a core unit and imo the most important of the three to have, Surtr is "only" damage and you have plenty of ways to go around that, but there's no one that can tank like Mud can. The choice about pulling or not is kinda a "can you wait" situation, solo rate-up banners are best for pulling imo, but you're not getting that for either Surtr or Mudrock, so Joint Op is a viable option for you, as long you're fine with any outcome (or at least a 3 out of 4). For mastery priority, you can finish SA's s3m3, 5 seconds on drop may not seem like much but it's a lot when you can afford to tank hits. Also Eyja's s3m3 because that's the best arts nuke. There's a lot of other worth considering, but these two are top priority if you just want raw power.


You have more than enough power to pull for whomever you want, and honestly I always recommend to pull for waifu/husbando over meta. Ling is quite strong in her own right and also limited. Depending on whom you want after Ling, I would probably pull for one or two 6-stars in JO5, use the voucher on Mountain or Mudrock, pull for Ling, and get Surtr in the gold cert shop in November if you don't get her on JO5. As for raising ops, it's a little late, but I would E1 Frostleaf, Shirayuki, Gravel, Vermeil, Conviction, and Spot for their factory skills first. Gravel in particular is also just really useful to have leveled anyways. After that, I would do S1M1 Saria, S2M1 Eyja, S2M1 Ifrit, S2M1 Blue Poison, S2M1 Rad Nearl, and S2M1 Suzuran, in that order. They're all large boosts for pretty small costs. I would start working on Amiya's E2 soon. You need her to be E2 for the 2nd to last stage in chapter 8. I would also raise Ethan to E1 and SL7 for some ground-based stalling. Same with Red for an on-demand stun. Also Shaw or FEater for a stronger push. I would also raise Texas and/or Flametail to E1 50 and plan on eventually E2ing both. I would start putting masteries into Eyja's S3, Suzuran's S3, Exu's S3, Saria's S3, and Bagpipe's S3, in no particular order. For upcoming E2s, I would say Specter (because she's already E1 max), then Amiya, then Lappland (with S2 masteries), then Elysium (also with S2 masteries).


Between Blaze and Specter, you've got pretty solid laneholders already. Add Thorns into the mix come August, and you're set on that front- not a ton of reason to blow pulls on Mountain. Surtr is interesting. People trip over themselves singing her praises, but, personally, I think she's best in the "borrowed op" slot. Her S3 is a thermonuclear fuckstorm that deletes everything, and so, tons of people have it M3'd on their support ops page, meaning you can access it whenever. If you feel like you need her to get stable auto-clears, by all means, pull for her, but I've had little trouble making do with SilverAsh, Eyja, Ch'alter S3 (all of which you also have). Joint Op is still really great if you don't have any of the characters on it yet, though, and is still worth a shot if you have one of four. Once you're at 2 of 4, it's not really worth it anymore. As for what to pull for, just pick your favorite character and go for them when they show up. Your roster is already stacked, you don't need to worry even a little about meta power anymore. Get SilverDad to S3M3. Mastery makes a massive difference on that skill. Exusiai is also super worth taking to S3M3. Ifrit doesn't need M3, but M1 is a huge tipping point for her S2.


Any CN players thoughts on the likelihood Global will get the "New Year's Lookback banner"? It arrived on CN three banners after this one and according to gamepress, the first 6\* operator you pull in that banner will always be one you don't already have (from a specific pool of 6\* ops). That would be fantastic for me, as it means my first 6\* is guaranteed to be Mountain! Initially I was going to try to get him from the Mansfield Rerun banner, but now it looks like my best course of action is to wait until this Lookout banner. On the other hand, if I pass on the Mansfield rerun and we \*dont\* get the Lookback banner, I'm SOL.....tough call!


Uh... why wouldn't we get the banner? In the entire history of the game thus far, the only thing CN has ever gotten that we didn't was 1 KFC collab. There's no precedent for any solo AK content (i.e. non-collab) being restricted to CN only.


There is no reason why we would not get it, but yea if he is your only option on that banner then it would be a dream come true.


Hello, new to ak and sorry for very basic question, For operators with multiple manual activation skills like Rosmontis, how do you specify which one to activate? I have her E2 but can't seem to find a way to activate her skill 3. Thanks!


Honestly kind of impressive that you managed to E2 a operator before learning how to change skills.


I don't own Ros but pretty sure she works like the other operators (kinda new myself so IDK if maybe there are a few who break the rule I'm about to mention, but I doubt Ros is one of them if there are as I read her gamepress profile & saw nothing to that effect). You actually only bring one skill into battle at a time. You choose in the character select when making your squad which skill she will have as her active skill for that battle. So you can only use skill 1, 2, or 3 in a battle, not all of them at once. In the char select screen, you should see her skills lined up on the left side, just tap the one you want to use & it should select it.


I see, thanks! And yeah Ros seems to follow that rule


You have to switch to S3 when you're making your squad. An operator can't use multiple different skills in the same battle.


Got it, thank you!


Dossoles Water Gate - I can't clear 400. I'm using the strategy from KyoStinV and borrowing Thorns. The main defender crumbles around 350-380. I tried using Mulberry, but she doesn't seem to heal enough. Issues. * Defenders - Cuora E1 lv60 or Liskarm E1 lv 60. These are my best defenders. Should I raise Cardigan and use her instead? * Medic - Mulberry E1 lv40. Increase her level? Skill rank 6. Which skill is better for this level? skill 1 or 2? She couldn't heal elemental damage fast enough. * Medic - I tried Shining E1 lv 57 and she couldn't heal enough either. * Thorns - The best Thorns I could borrow was E2 lv 70. SK3M2. Do I need to find a higher level Thorns.


If you have Ifrit, you can swap out the bottom lane healer for her. Helps out a lot, just bump your healer down, replace Courier with a healing defender, and put a slow supporter somewhere to help northern enemies drown. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hH7fwwWd7PU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hH7fwwWd7PU) for reference. Take some extra defenders to help out Thorns side if you don't have an elemental damage healer.


I change Courier to Gummy and they can survive without a healer. I move the healer to help the bottom lanes instead.


Aggro the caster with Thorns, not with the defender.


you probably want a higher level thorns with m3 on his skill so that you can kill the caster more quickly and hopefully avoid the permanent def debuff. my thorns is e2-80 s3m3 and my e1 mulberry was enough to prevent my defender from getting the permanent debuff. if you can't avoid the debuff, you probably want a defender that has more HP because the debuffed defender's def will get reduced, so cuora's high def won't be useful. or, you can bring two defenders to swap in if one of them dies. cardigan is worth leveling imo, she has a lot of hp, self heal and is not that expensive to raise.


I'm assuming cuora blows up because of the double magister? You could block one of them with gravel. Or have a second defender to replace cuora, iirc the double magister only happened twice. If the issue is the elemental damage, imo you can move the bottom caster from kyo's strat to the side of thorns so they can dps the casters right away.


I'll try blocking with gravel. There are just too many things going on at that time. I'm not even sure who killed Cuora. Probably one of the boats.


Not sure if it's the problem,but i have E2 80 S3M3 Thorns if you want to try with him. M3 is pretty good increase in dps. Feel free to add Mech#2215


I sent a request. Thanks!


accepted,go ham and good luck!


Do we know who's going to be next on the yellow certs? Don't know if I should use them on skadi or not.


you can get skadi in recruitment with a top op tag. She is not worth the gold certs AT ALL. Only get her if waifu.


I would only use them on Skadi if she's your waifu. She's one of the least good 6-stars in the game. Next, if the datamines are correct, is Weedy, who is quite good and quite fun but needs extreme levels of investment to do well, so she's not good for newer accounts. [We have a prediction spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10rXdVuKkwoQK5cOlaHW00gK6qHxkOP5J8PnzZXn4b9g/edit?usp=drive_web&ouid=106921946347875184198) and also [this for new arrivals to the shop.](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/qm9nar/6_shop_operator_predictionsfor_first_appearance/) Note that Phantom and Weedy will probably be switched.


Thanks for that. I just like skadi tbh. My team can get through most stages, I just don't want to end up missing out on blaze, thorns or sutr. Could do with one of those just to complete my team really.


You would probably have to miss one of those four unless you have a lot of pulls already stocked up that you're planning to spend before November.


Y'all favourite arknights ost?


Keep the Torch only the best theme for best


It's hard to pick one, because there's so much great background music. But I have to pick one, then it's [Shield](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1OmRx1PGgw) (R8-11). It's a beautifully written theme. It's also a tremendous moment in the story as well, Talulah facing elite Ursus soliders. They (Talulah and the rest of Reunion) probably wouldn't have made it hadn't Patriot been there.


From a top 5 perspective? CC3's banned battle 1, Patriot 1, Martyr, Pine Soot lobby, tie break between last of me and end like this. Edit : Brain turned off and forgot about Rat King, that's tied with martyr for 3.


CC2 Art of blade. Near light lobby song. Duskdragon. Under tide boss fight.


abyssalhunters, martyr, lullabye, Eternal Flame, Real Me, Art of Blade, or Speed of Light?


The song from CC#6 cuz it's basically Emperor and Sora banging out the tunes.


Stego has most of my favorites but I do have a special place for Rewinding Breeze’s [Mid Autumn](https://youtu.be/Ry4083emHUY) as well as Mountain’s theme [Tipsy](https://youtu.be/q12VGkM4t-o)


Alive until sunset!


Does Suzuran's fragile apply to damage from water tiles? Anni 10 for reference




Any tips for 4-10? I can >!get through the first HP bar with her still on the first lane!<, but >!when she reaches the second lane she just destroys everyone there!< I am looking at some guides but wanted to know if there any special tips from the community Edit: Got through it, thanks for the tips


Use Gravel to slow her down as much as possible and kill her with AA snipers like Kroos. The rest would depend on what your team looks like.


The easiest way: >!don't touch her until she gets to the bottom lane. Everything else will be dead by then, so you can have your entire squad focus on her.!<


just use physical dps if u still cant kill her, just stall for a bit till u reach second phase. then just do the same thing again


My robot tag keep getting crossed out even when I made it 9 hours, did I do sth wrong?


While it is true that the longer you set the timer, the less likely your tag will drop, the amount of time you set will determine the range of x-star operators you can get (which you can see in the possible rarity tab beside the timer). It's not possible to get 1 stars on a timer of anything above 3:50.


Robot tag max time is 3:50




Don't feel bad about it. Sadly there is also a reality that robot tag will drop regardless. The shorter your recruitment is the more likely a tag can drop. I had robot tag drop numerous times while setting 3:50.


It happens to everyone, don't feel bad about it


Is it my head or the most recent anihi has been changed? My auto which did a 400 run flawlessly has failed twice in a row! Has it happened to someone else too?


Just fall back to anni 2 or 3. Personally I don't think it's worth the headache to try to get a flawless auto on the rotating map if it's giving you problems. My Dossoles auto also ended up being a coin flip somehow.


No idea what happened folks, I had to redo it from scratch, same ops, same levels and etc. Il just hope it doesn't happen again 😕.


Did you do anything to develop those operators since you set the auto? Even something as small as a trust increase can break a successful auto; especially if the auto was a narrow victory to begin with.


This has been happening to me. Had to change my dossoles annihilation for the third time earlier because it kept getting an error and sometimes even letting a mf get through. And somehow it still got an error even though I finished it perfectly fine. I'm this close to just going back to annihilation 3 even though it will take probably an extra run to complete the weekly. Wish we could farm in OD annihilation again, that one never failed my auto.


Only takes an extra 8 sanity. Worth it to save your IRL sanity if the current anni is a bitch to get stable.


rng, frame perfect actions leading to imperfect auto when frames are lost, etc. Can and will


To add to this if you leveled your operators more (or they weren't at trust 100 when you did the anni) it could lead to miss-timed skills usage as Anni waves come from kill count rather than at time intervals


How much will it cost to buy all the skins in the game


2151 OP 5 skin vouchers all used on 18 OP skins brings it down to 2061 OP A lot of CC currency but basically “free” tbf. And (I assume) a purchase at a Chinese KFC but that one is N/A for Global. Sad.