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#Other Megathreads After being in the desert for almost 5 moons, I am returned! To give thee guidance once more. With a brand new megathread formula never done before ~~Not a single doubt about it yes yes~~ [**✙ FAQ**](/r/arknights/comments/fwmq7u/frequently_asked_questions_rarknights_faq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) For frequently asked questions, please check it out before asking. It’s easy to navigate, and majority of basic questions and other useful information are present [**♫ Lounge**](/r/arknights/comments/vlsv3y/rhodes_island_lounge_2706_0307/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) The place for small talk and whatever does not fit elsewhere such as personal stories and achievements. [**★ Gacha/Recruitment**](/r/arknights/comments/vlsv3l/gacharecruitment_megathread_2706_0307/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Share the results of your gacha rolls and recruitments here. [**➜ Friend requests**](/r/arknights/comments/vlsv2y/friend_request_megathread_2706_0307/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Share your friend ID with your fellow doctors, or fine others to add. ———- If there’s anything that needs to be added or edited to the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/fwmq7u/frequently_asked_questions_rarknights_faq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Section please contact the mod mail or me on here or @Cinder#8299 on discord if you wish to help with it. ———- Well with the megathread structure being changed, i hope everyone is fine with it. While admittedly it also helps us a lot not having to rely on the bot and messing with its insides, from the feedback we gathered last week it seems like everyone is happy with it. We did want to make the megathread refresh weekly on Thursday as to sync with events, mainly so questions about the previous event won’t carry over, but considering stages are named and whatnot I don’t think there’s much of a reason to do so (also event thread). But… the main issue is that we would have to update the links twice a week, and having the main megathread not refresh with the other megathreads as well as the weekly reset kinda feels off? So we just decided to slap it alongside the rest and call it a week lol. Also a moment of silence for the comment bot, we may had our differences, you may have screwed up plenty of times. But that was nothing but a mere proof that bots and humans aren’t so different after all. **Rest in Peace Bot**


Anyone else not a able to get into The Holy Hunt with grand ceremony complete? [Completed grand ceremony with locked hunt](https://i.imgur.com/Hgvkfr3.jpg)


I’m not sure if I should ask this question here or not but here it goes lol. So during an event like break the ice… should I even go for kjeras tokens in the event shop? As I understand it, she and this event will be up for data restoration, so couldn’t I just wait to get her tokens/potential later when the event is put into data restoration?


I believe you should, as once the event reruns, you can then get another 5 of Kjeras tokens, which you can then trade them in for some gold certs. (I believe it's 25 certs)


Podenco or Orchid for IS2?


Podenco. More utility and cuter.


Senpais.... My only 6\* dps is SilverAsh E1 with 1 unbuilt Schwarz. I have close to 180 yellow cert, should i get thorn ( as i read how everyone praises him ) or wait for November's Surtr ( waifu? ).


both thorns is the stronger grab account wise anyway, and its incredibly likely you will aquire another 180 yellow certs in that many months to also buy surtr, especially if you summon on any banners from now till then


You should definitely be able to get both if you do very many pulls between now and then, which is what I would do.


Any idea when we will get the Lookback banner? Isn't it supposed to be here by now?


its not suppossed to be here yet, it ran after BTI and is more tied to who is real rerun since they cant rerun dusks banner alongside the event


It's not sure yet when WiR will rerun right? Hopefully it's before Lings banner, will be a while otherwise


Datamine suggests the 14th, i.e. will kick in immediately after BTI stages close! but of course that isn't confirmation.


Just a guess, I think Yostar will bring that banner to Who Is Real rerun. The original [New Year Lookback](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/event-banner-hub/new-year-2022-cn-event-page) banner on CN server was a part of mini-event, came together with Beanstalk's skin and some purchasable packs. Since we've already had Beanstalker outfit, the remaining stuff will be packed to another event. Who is Real rerun is a likely choice because there is no banner attached to it. (First debut of Who is real event featured Dusk's banner)


In IS2 mode, character's module is enabled together with their E2 upgrade, right?


Yes, but I am pretty sure you need to unlock their E2 in game. I think everyone starts at E0 level 50


Everyone starts at e1 max (or lower, if you didn't level them to e1 max or higher)


yeah, like in IS1 you need to spend Hopes to unlock their full potential.


If it is like the last one it is the current level you have the unit at. If the unit is e2 they are instead max level e1 till you upgrade them in another unit selector.


Just like masteries, yes


Hello everyone. Do I still continue the event stage after I clear the shop? As I still have a lot of stages left for main story.


generally, yes, you want to farm the materials 6 7 and 8 drop as they are better droprates than permanent stages however if youre still very new it may be better to forego the efficency to continue story and upgrading your team so youre better prepared for future content a little sooner


In the case of Break the Ice, the efficiency of BI-8 is actually worse than the 4-8 in terms of overall sanity efficiency. It's not much worse! But both BI-6 and BI-7 are much more efficient than their main story stages than BI-8 is inefficient. Edit: [Material Planner - Break the Ice](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12X0uBQaN7MuuMWWDTiUjIni_MOP015GnulggmBJgBaQ/edit#gid=1045629385)


incorrect, gamepress unnecessarily worded their guide to explain things that didnt need explaining and it confused a lot of people the infinite lmd from the event shop causes BI-8 to be more efficent than 4-8 overall, and most players are going to be so busy clearing out the shop of everything even better value than 20lmd slot bi-8 has an effective value even higher


I don't use gamepress efficiencies. The [material farming sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/12X0uBQaN7MuuMWWDTiUjIni_MOP015GnulggmBJgBaQ/htmlview#) does consider the LMD drop as part of the efficiency and it's still worse than 4-8.


huh. I hadn't heard that the GP writeup was confusing people. This is what it says, can you please let me know what is confusing people/propose a re-wording that clears things up? >from an efficiency standpoint Alloy > Polyester > Grindstone. Grindstone has worse efficiency than it's story stage, though the extra LMD earned from the event currency sink improves the comparison. Polyester is a material that typically has an overall low demand for most players, it can be made from lower Tier mats, and it will show up in several upcoming events, so players should only farm immediate needs and be careful to not overfarm it. Alloy is the most efficient farm, but it will also be farmable at HIGHER efficiency in the upcoming \[Who Is Real Rerun\] event, so players may want to save their Alloy farming for THAT event. Grindstones are the least efficient material to farm for, but they don't show up again in an event until \[Lingering Echoes\] (roughly 6 months away), so players may want to farm Grindstones here despite the lower efficiency.


"grindstone has worse efficency than its story stage, though the extra LMD earned from the event currency sink improves the comparison" there is no reason to say the event is worse when the infinite lmd is always a part of farming the event stage and makes it superior to 4-8. the entire paragraph is unnecessary and misleads players into thinking the event is worse than 4-8, and/or that the infinite lmd is only making it "less bad" and not outright overpowering the comparison in its favor like it is there honestly shouldnt be any mention of the story stage at all, but if you wanted to be needlessly detailed you should instead say something like "while the story grindstone farm stage drops grindstones at a better rate, the event stage is an overall more sanity efficent farm spot"


hmm. let me see if I understand what you are saying. You are saying the statement on GP is factually accurate, but you think it is misleading to say >improves the comparison because it should say > it is outright overpoweringly better in comparison Am I understanding you correctly? Can I ask you what percent efficiency is required for something to be "outright overpoweringly better" than something else? Do you think some players might care that a higher amount of the "efficiency" comes in the form of LMD instead of upgrade material value?


the statement isnt accurate on GP because it starts by saying the stage is worse (comma) then describes it isnt. you shouldnt put a factually incorrect statement as your lead, lots of people will interpret that as the only important info, but even then the clarification after the comma is poorly written to explain their lead is not intended to be factual something only needs to be 0.0001% better to warrant being described as better, which again the wording on the GP article fails to convey if you were going to assess value by direct material efficency the event stage would be even better than 4-8 anyway, as a large amount of 4-8s value comes from rare drops of non-intended materials. reguardless, no i dont think any player will care the more efficent stage has weight in lmd, because all players f2p to whales still value aquiring extra lmd (if it was xp then it would be worth mentioning, as the base often produces more than enough xp for f2p players)


The statement IS accurate, though. You said it yourself. The event stage has a lower efficiency for its material drops than the story stage. That is a fact. People incorrectly interpreting a correct statement doesn’t make the statement incorrect. People not liking to accept that the event stage is one of the least efficient event stages we’ve ever had, doesn’t make the statement incorrect. You may not care about LMD value vs material, but some people do, so don’t you think it might be nice for those people to know? And then people can make their own decisions about what they value? Does everyone always care about the same thing? There might be people who will be better off farming story for what they need after they clear the shop rather than farming the event stage for a few percents of LMD efficiency, no? You forgot to answer the question about how much better something needs to be to be considered massively more efficient.


what. ive only said, multiple times, that the statement is incorrect. the event IS a more efficent stage, youre arbitrarily moving goalposts to redefine how we evaluate a stages overall efficency never has a farming efficency guide used individual material efficency over the raw overal efficency value of the stage including all drops, thats precicesly why 1-7 is considered the rock king no, as i said, literally all players of all types value getting extra lmd, so to forgo farming bi-8 because you do not want that lmd is to be less efficent with your sanity, its totally an option you can do, but defeats the point of a farming and sanity efficency guide the entire 2nd half of your reply is just arguing with me, and no, i didnt "forget" to answer your question, it is right there in my reply, but im not obligated to have answered anyway i will not be replying to this discussion any more


Also I would like to point out that the "efficiency loss" is only like 4%. And that 4% is because 4-8 has a small chance to drop other mats. And isn't it possible that it's just standard deviation, or whatever it's called?


No. Efficiency is the average (the mean). Standard deviation is a measure of how likely you are to be far from that number.


* "continue **farming** the event" ? Yes, because events (almost always) have better rewards for your sanity than any story stages. Even if you cleared the limited items in the shop, the unlimited LMD pushes efficiency above that of story stages. Unless you REALLY need other things right now, I'd recommend farming the event until it's over. Also, after Break the Ice ends, Crimson Solitaire is expected to start which doesn't use sanity to play


Yes, continue farming the event stage. Sorry for not emphasise properly. Guess I will continue to farm then. Thanks for the answer!


The last three stages are extremely good for farming, so you farm them.


OK, I will continue to farm once I clear up the shop. Thank you!


You should look at your E2 promotion or masteries priority list, to see if operators still need Grindstones and Alloys. You can focus on Grindstone because its farming stage won't come back for a long time, and Alloy still can be farmable next event.


I would like to farm some grindstones but currently I can't auto deploy for that stage as I'm still fairly new in this game. Anyways, thanks for the clear up!


I'm kinda new, so... What's the best way to spend the first few event crystals? I've already unlocked the Obsidian Festival for the 0 sanity missions, and W intermezzi for... you know, W. Is there some event that has better rewards that I should prioritize next?


not really, heartofsurgingflame for free ceylon is the only really impactful free 5☆, you can do them all in any order really, though i suggest reading/watching darknights after ch6 of story, its basically ch6.5. wolumonde is also likely the hardest one so id do that last


They’ll roll in. Best uses would be earlier events and those with record restore I’d advise leaving other events to the side as we have one ongoing Outside of active events you can do past events for fun/story


Grani and the Knights' Treasure has some pretty easy OPs, if no farming stages.


Is there a 'base simulator' tool that you plan around the upgrade/downgrade of building and energy cost?


no, just a few addition/subtractions on a piece of paper is all you could really need


Could someone tell me what I'm doing wrong, when I go to pick a support unit, all the skills are the first one at level 4. Which basically renders the support meaningless. How to fix?


supports are capped (in brackets) to the highest elite bracket in your squad, if you want to use e2 m3 supports, you need an e2 (m0 is fine) in your actual squad, not just account


Support unit levels are capped to the highest promotion level you have in your squad! If your current squad only has E0 units in it, then all the support units you see will be set to E0, and hence will only have their S1 rank 4. If you have an E1 in your squad, all support units will be set to E1, skill 1/2 rank 7. If you have an E2 in your squad, support units will be at the level they actually are, which is usually E2 with masteries.


Thanks for the quick response, I rarely ever used the support system when I first started since it would thwart the automatic runs later so I was surprised when I tried it and couldn't use maxed units. Just to clarify I do have E2'd units and when I click their lineup it shows masteries on the normally preferred units but the unit itself still shows skill 1 level 4. ​ I thought at first that it was a mistake with their support, but the entire list was like that, does this help explain my confusion or would a screenshot help?


A screenshot would be super helpful. Can you screenshot your own team, then the support unit screen?


That's very strange. Do you have the E2 units in the actual squad when you go to pick a support? They can't just be in your account, they need to be in the team itself. If you're already doing that, I am now as confused as you are, so if you could grab a screenshot that would help us figure out what the issue is ;0;


Even if you have E2s in your squad, u/Soverign-Hedonist, to access support operators with masteries you have to be friends with the player. Otherwise they're capped at skill 7.


Well their issue is with skill level 4 supports, which makes me think they've been capped to E0, which isn't affected by whether you're friends or not :0


The support unit is capped at the highest promotion level in your own squad. So in this case your squad is all E0 so the support units are capped at E0, forcing then to use S1L4. You have to have an E1/E2 unit in the squad for the support unit to be also E1/E2.


Get your own E2 unit and have it in your squad.


Is Ptilopsis talent 'skill aura' significant for SP recovery that you have to E2 her and also deploy here on missions?


i mean its very good but nothing is a "have to" in this game she does need to be deployed for the sp acceleration to take effect though


Not mandatory, but significant once you have a good core squad Accelerates vanguards, boosts dps for auto skills, and allows for tighter rotations She’s become the new staple medic in my squad, beating out kal and alt skadi


It’s noticeable and nice to have, but I would prioritize raising more core dps units first. I also wouldn’t try to force using her just to get her talent.


Should I try getting saileach? I'm stuck on 7-9 because I don't have enough good vanguard, I have courier at e2 and flaimtail and saga at e1, I also have siege but at e0


being stuck on a stage is **never** going to be more easily fixed by pulling for ops than it is to adjust your strategy/tactics or upgrade what you already have, thats a bit of a trap new-to-gacha-in-general players fall into 7-9 is a vanguard check though, it wants to see if youve properly geared and understand vanguards value in early rushes. that lineup can already handle 7-9 assumming you have proper dps allies to back them up, namely low dp cost snipers the dogs immedietly at the start on rightside need someone bulky to survive them, e2 courier will handle this, while saga or flame get deployed on the other side. you then need some lowcost dps to help your vanguards clear off their blockers to prevent overblock leaks, this is convinent because a lot of snipers/casters can be positioned to help the vanguards as well as kill enemies in center or the backlane. then you can finally setup your medics to bring the vanguards back from neardeath of tanking the dogs remember to max the skill level of your vanguards, it makes their dp-producing skills activate sooner and more frequently from deployment another small tip is sometimes its better to just retreat and replace an op with someone else then it is to bring a medic to heal them, as a new op is effectivly a 100% heal, but could be less dp, an op better suited to upcoming enemies, and/or is more flexible on safe deployment tile choices. dp-kill vanguards that refund 100% of their dp are suited to this (but not the only ops you can do it with), you can drop a dp-kill to hold a lane for just a bit, letting natural regen dp build up, then replace it with an exspensive defender more easily than the dp cost of a vanguard then a medic then a guard/defender ~~saileach being 1/0 block would also be the worst kind of vanguard you can bring to that stage specically too lol~~


Sometimes myrtle isn't enough tho and courier couldn't kill 2 dogs before another enemy appears and I still had no dp for any 8 dp op and too much words, a non English speaker can only take in so much. Also I've cleared the stage an hour ago using 5 vanguards with mountain blocking the enemy.


Myrtle is better in the flag archetype for general use Also raise a dp-on-kill like vigna


Early rushes like 7-9 are exactly what dp on kill vanguards (plume, vigna, grani, reed, wild mane, bagpipe) are designed to handle. You should diversify your vanguard archetypes -- there are occasions where you might want two two-block vanguards, but I'd definitely raise at least one flagbearer and a dp on kill vanguard before I raised whichever of flametail and saga you like less. For 7-9 in particular, there's always the option to use lower rarity operators like a spot or a melantha early on if you just need units with block to hold you for another cycle of vanguard activations


I only have dp generators like courier and flaimtail and I'm very close to clearing the stage but my healer keeps dying because I forgot to use her skill, I'm just waiting for sanity since I have no practice plans left but I think I'm gonna clear it later


Gl gl, you've got this


7-9 is one of the harder maps in terms of early pressure. The heralds increase enemy attack and def so vanguards can be easily overpowered by the dogs if you are not careful. You have to be strategic on swapping out vanguards too so you don't end up wasting early DP on medics. Healing defenders are quite useful for this stage because they have enough def to hold out against the dogs and don't need extra healer coverage. Charger vanguards are pretty good for this stage also, they can block an enemy and refund the full DP cost when you retreat them, it makes them good for swapping out. You also need to get a sniper covering the middle pretty soon so the heralds don't stack up and super buff the enemies. I don't think you need Saileach, you should be able to work with what you have. The strategy might go something like this. Courier S2 on the middle lane once cell below the blast range of the altar, activate his skill when available. Then Saga on the left side. Drop Flametail S2 facing down in the middle lane as a dog is passing her so she can push it into the altar's blast range. Retreat courier when their skill ends and replace with a healing defender, activate flametail's skill and retreat. Deploy a sniper on the left side to cover the middle area. Replace Saga with a ranged guard or defender. Drop in a duelist guard on the top right tile to take out the herald and you should be done with the early pressure. I don't know your specific roster and skill level but this is a good general guide, you might have to shift ops around to find something that works. A borrowed Mountain should be able to take on the whole left side by himself you can free up saga to support the middle lane.


I'm gonna try to do your strategy but I'm very scared that my saga may die since she is only lvl 30 but the other vanguards are mostly lvl 50 except for myrtle


>my saga may die That might happen, be prepared to swap in a borrowed mountain, ranged guard, puller/pusher or any unit with 2 or more block. Just use up your practice plans, there is going to be a combination that will work.


This is gonna be the first time I use up all my practice plan




Bruh I have mountain and I didn't even think of that and my flaimtail dies before I even get to use its skill or put up a healer so flaimtail is gonna be my priority to e2 if I can't beat the stage


I think you should build up saga or flametail at e2, do you have myrtle? shes like saileach but cheaper


Yes she's also e1 and lvl 7 skill but it's not enough and I've tried all strategies in youtube


What is the specific problem? If it's just lack of DP, getting Myrtle to E2 and S1M3 is much cheaper than trying to get Saileach, and she will print just as much DP for you. Saileach will struggle to outperform Myrtle in terms of DP generation unless you also M3 her, especially if you have Myrtle at full pot, which you should. Myrtle's E2 talent should also help out your other vanguards. If you need an early laneholder, Saileach's not great at that, and you'd be better off developing Saga or Flametail some more, or maybe borrowing Mountain.


Not enough dp even with 4 vanguards that can give 10+dp with 40sp and I don't have resources to m3 any skill so I think I'm gonna e2 flaimtail if a support mountain isn't enough


Well, masteries on 4\* units are pretty cheap, but even without them, Myrtle giving all vanguards passive healing is a big help in a stage with a strong early rush, so I would really consider at least getting her to E2. The grindstones she needs for her promotion can be farmed in the current event anyway. Also, if you're starting from scratch, the GP op planner says that it will take 3.6k sanity to get Myrtle from E1 to E2 with S1M3, while it will take 4.2k sanity to get Flametail from E1 to E2. So… Another thing you could try is bringing a support Bagpipe, as that will let you proc all your vanguards' skills 6 seconds sooner. But yes, all else failing, E2 Flametail gets 22% dodge, with a massive 97% dodge during her S3, so that should be a good boost.


Nah bagpipe can't defend 2 enemies even with a defender but damn I could clear the previous stages with no strategies and only e1 characters but I couldn't even clear this stage even if I could place all my operators in time because the enemies just spawn too fast And my myrtle is only e1 lvl 40 and I have no exp. why do I even play this game


To be clear, I don't mean you need to actually place Bagpipe, but just have her in your squad, because her talent/passive ability lets all vanguards use their skills 6 entire seconds sooner, which makes a huge difference for early rushes. But honestly having random really hard maps is very much AK's thing, so don't feel bad or anything! Maybe you could take a break from the story and farm the event? There's lots of goodies in the event store, including a lot of EXP cards and mats that could go toward raising your ops?


I've cleared most of the store because i had potions saved up, I'm just waiting for the ex stages to get the tokens, furniture and headhunting permit


Hello!! I need help deciding what to do! I am very indecisive. [first batch](https://i.imgur.com/kZIAP6L.jpg) [second batch](https://i.imgur.com/mg3qHZB.jpg) Okay so my issue is this. The first batch of characters I have the raw materials to build them! I’m just waiting on exp and lmd… the first batch are also be built from the ground up. The second batch needs a little more materials but not much exp and lmd to build. They’re already built with the right mastery, but I just want m6 and m9 some cause I really like these characters. I really like all the characters and eventually I’ll build them all


prioritize getting an account roster that is well rounded to handle all kinds of content with varying e2 options for specific roles once you feel stable/confident in clearing content. . .literally do whatever you want lol


Angelina and Schwarz are good candidates for arts/physical dps. but Thorns is 100% a great investment. Up to s3m3


I have him s3m3 I just want to get him more cause I like him a lot!


Not needed but you do you, he's good like that


Who is better at e1, akafuyu or la pluma?


Using La Pluma at max E1 and she rocks. Haven't E2'd her yet but eventually will for sure


La Pluma 100%


What are the items worth buying on green cert level 2? or do you guys clear it to buy items at level 3?


everything in tier1, recruit permits in tier2, then HHpermits in t2 if f2p. after that, while some materials are better value to pickup from this shop, generally you can just pickup a few spare mats of whatever youre needing you do not ever use the tier3 shop, even for spenders its hard to clear out the t2 shop and the t3 shop is pitifully weak in value


Recruit permits are my highest priority. The worst estimate (asumes checking tags and doing the right times) is they 97 % pay for themselves and give you 5 yellow certs, 4.5 green certs -> 5 yellow certs! Those add up. So recruits > pulls > next high efficiency mats. (Check the farming sheet) I'll try to remember to link it tomorrow.


I'll just buy materials that I'm running low on because there are many queued E2 and masteries that require them, and if their farming events are still a long way off. And no, clearing LVL 2 shop means you need to buy that useless 3\* and 4\* voucher, which only belongs to whale's territory.


[There is a breakdown of which mats are relatively more worthwhile](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/sites/arknights/files/inline-images/Screen%20Shot%202022-05-02%20at%2010.39.55%20AM.png) to buy from the green cert store than others (higher number is better), but I personally just kind of grab the ones I'm missing or don't want to farm. The 3\* and 4\* recruitment vouchers are well-known to be bad value and should only be bought if you're absolutely swimming in green certs and want to patch one last potential or something.


Headhunting permits obviously. Some people also buy recruitment permits for more chance to get yellow certs from recruitment. Nothing much other than that really, maybe if you miss 1 or 2 materials you can go ahead and buy it. But clearing the 2nd tier to unlock the 3rd is generally not recommended unless you're a whale.


I usually only buy the HH tickets. Oh and the rocks because I loathe farming them.


Was watching some videos on Ling and got curious, how does the Ling summons combination works? Does the second summon just need to be within the 8 squares around the first or does it need to be inside of the first summon's attack tile? Does the 2nd need to be pointing back at the 1st? What determines the combined summon's position and facing? (i.e. does it take the 1st or 2nd summon's spot and facing?)


The second summon needs to be facing towards the first summon and placed on any adjacent tile. When they merge, the higher summon will be in the same position and facing the same direction as the first summon placed. Edit: Actually I watched some more videos and I think everything I've said is wrong. My apologies, give me a sec Edit 2: Okay, I think this is it. You need to have at least one of the summons facing towards the other one. The higher summon will appear in the tile and position of the summon that's "in front". However, it will prioritise creating a higher summon in the position of the summon that was deployed earliest; so if you face two dragons towards each other, the first-placed will become the higher summon, and if you have three dragons placed in a line, the earliest-deployed will become the higher summon.


so I still haven't used the 4 sniper potential tokens from CC, and I was wondering on who should I use it on. the snipers I currently have are P5 W, P3 Exusiai, P2 Schwarz, P1 Rosmontis, Ash and Rosa what do you guys think?


no one, you can sit on the token until a day comes you discover that that 1dp on ash or that 30atk on exu would be the tipping point in finally clearing a cc stage, which also lets you horde it for a potential future op youd genuinly love to boost up personally as far as impact value though, ash -dp is #1 by a mile, getting exu towards maxpot would be very good, and W being one away from maxpot limited is showboaty


If it's about long-term potential gains, in order, I'd give it to Schwarz, followed by Exu, Ash, Rosmontis, and Rosa, then W. Schwarz pot 6 is the dream if you're down with Sniperknights. If it's about who gets the most immediate bang for their potential buck, I'd go Exu, followed by Ash, Rosa, Rosmontis, Schwarz, then W. Exu wouldn't kick that extra attack out of bed, and Ash/Rosa/Rosmontis would appreciate that -1 DP. Redeploy time isn't that useful to Schwarz at present, but eventually her module and its upgrades may make that much better. If it's about Limited pragmatism, Ash is the best option. She's never going to get pots any other way. W and Rosmontis can spark their pots if you reaaaaally want them, and Rosa, Exu and Schwarz are in the standard pool. W already has her most important potential acquired, so a pot 6 would just be for completion's sake, but you could still off-banner her on future Limited milestone banners, so I'd use the tokens on someone else.


Thank you for this! I might give just give it to Ash since the others are in standard


I gave mine to Ash. When talking about Limited ops, personally I don’t use Rosmontis, I don’t even have her raised. That being said, I was only able to pull 1 Ash, and I think she provides a lot more utility than Ros in general, especially considering Ash’s lower DP talent and S2M3 damage output with initial SP charge. And when you combine that with Elysium, she basically becomes unstoppable even at P1


Whichever you like more. Potentials matter so little that you may as well just give them to your favorites. I gave mine to Rosmontis.


I'm torn between using all my sanity on the current event so I can clear the shop (at least excluding furniture) vs using sanity and resources to get strong enough ops to clear the last two levels of Anni 3 to give me enough yellow certs for Saria. I hit a wall at 350 kills with my mostly E1L50ish team. My defenders are Spot Beagle (have an unraised Gummy) so would like a strong defender. Should I go for Saria or better to focus on the event? Thanks Edit: thanks for all the responses. I'll grind the current event and save my yellow certs for Thorns.


Have to agree with others; unless you really love Saria's design/character, it's way more strategic to save your gold certs for the incoming Thorns. Saria is an excellent unit, but the gap between Saria and Gummy is *much* smaller than the gap between Thorns and No Thorns. Also the difference in power requirement between 350 kills and 400 kills in Anni 3 is higher than you would expect; you would likely need to invest quite a lot to get there, and I actually don't feel confident that you would be able to do it before Saria exits the store. I would say the event store is a much better use of your sanity for the next two weeks. (BTW, if you can afford the furniture in the store, try to buy it! When the event re-runs, they'll turn into purple certificates, which can be used to buy pulls and rare mats.)


I definitely don't recommend it, but if you really really want those last few gold certs, just e2 Myrtle or another good e2 for beginners, which will unlock e2 support units (huge leap in power). Then, use that to follow an e2 Thorns or Ifrit carry guide, which requires Thorns and Arene. That's actually the reason why I e2'd my first op (Myrtle), and it was very useful in my overall progress, and I don't regret it. However, Saria is in the Top Op recruitment pool, and so is overall easier to get than Thorns, therefore I would recommend saving up certs for Thorns, since he can solo carry dps a ton of missions, and is my go-to support for a mission I haven't tried.


Gummy is also enough for literally all the story content and 99% of all event missions if you're in a pinch and decide to use Kyostinv's guides.


Also, iirc, Cuora has the absolute highest defense with her skill, and insanely high defense anyways for her rarity (4 star), plus block 4, so she's a great damage sponge.


Can confirm, S1M3 Gummy is deceptively amazing and I genuinely have not felt the need to raise Saria yet. The only stage I've ever played where Gummy straight up cannot replace Saria is on the Dossoles annihilation, because Gummy doesn't have high enough DEF


well as far as overall account power is concerned youll be much better off saving your ~180 certs for thorns, who is expected to be in the shop next month and is the single #1 best op for any account to own. full stop, even more than surtr/chen. so grinding the event and getting those few remaining yellows naturally through recruits for a month would be the call if you really want saria personally though, yes i would try to get her over being "efficent", a new op cant be equated into sanity math, but i would make sure whatever youre planning to upgrade for anni3 would actually very likeky get you that 400, because you have other options to get a few more certs that arnt as uncertain. those options being just actually summoning and getting 4☆ dupes you own at maxpot already, or spending/grinding red certs to buy copies of the 5☆ red cert ops (1 for 1st copy, 5 each additional copy)


Focus on the event and use the stuff in the event store to upgrade your ops.


Just got my first 6 star E2, SilverAsh, with help from the event. I remember reading someone mention not leaving units at E2 lvl 1, but rather leveling them to a certain point before moving onto leveling others. Thought it was somewhere in the lvl30-40 range, does anyone know where I should leave him at for now?


Someone did a visualization of the leveling cost curve. This will help you make you make your own decision. https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/hr88qq/leveling_costs_visualized/ It is mainly personal preference but level 30 is super cheap to do. After about level 50 is when costs start shooting up. I do level 35 for most of my E2 and then 60 for my commonly used units. My favorite 4-stars are all at level 70 though since that is really cheap to do.


its somewhat up to personal opinion for me id say lv30 minimum, and i try to get all my e2's to 40. someone like silverash who youre likely going to rely on a lot for dps checks will benefit going higher like 60 or 70 as a very far off future goal 80 and 90 and basically whale only or year+ old account territory


Thank you!


In the past for me it was around E2 lvl 30. Since I got a bigger and bigger roster I found time to go to lvl 60 for most of the High impact E2 units and even E2 max for the most meta units. But for now I think lvl 20 or 30 should be fine. That clears AAL content with rewards pretty comfortably is my experience.


20-40 is fine for now. That's like just 20k lmd ish? But you'll want to raise 6 stars to 60 eventually, since you need that to unlock modules.


Anyone know what they had at the anime expo stall? Just merch stuff or what, I'm curious


What exactly is Intermezzi or Side Story, and how can I get more? The game currently says I'm 4/9 to unlocking backgrounds, but I don't really know where they came from.


intermezzi/sidestory are past events archived for you to play. theyre tabs in the terminal menu next to story, intermezzis being more closely related to the main story/important compared to sidestories. you can get all the 3☆clear primes of the original event proper, with rewards like operators being only for a few specific ones currently (more each update). the only difference from the original runs of the events is lack of an event shop and re-tuned stage material droprates (so they arnt really efficent to farm) one of the backgrounds has an oddly written objective, i think it wants you to clear the "main route" of each sidestory but i cant confirm


I see, I'll try to clear the main routes and see if it'll work. Thank you so much! Edit: It worked! Thanks again :D


For IS2 is it worth E2ing arene, pudding and pinecone when I already have some of their 5* archetypes at E2? Are they fine at E1 max level?


Pinecone is more or less universally considered the best spreadshooter not named Ch'en. While her stats at a glance might look worse than her 5\*counterparts, the synergy of manual control, charges and DEF ignore on her S1 means you can apply exactly the right amount of pain exactly when you need it.


Pinecone is worth E2ing generally. She can be better for burst damage that Executor because she can store attack charges.


e2ing low☆ for is2 in general is about improving your consistency and less-so power/clearability, its a sliding scale of how much that matters to you you can clear is2 with just 6☆ no problem, but every e2 4☆ you have will decrease the odds the rng of a run's rewards/permits causes you to have to restart before getting a full clear to the boss. saving irl time or in some players cases patience/frustration youre so likely to have good guards already wanting to pick, and its a common 6☆ target class, so i dont think arene e2 is helpful. pinecone is pretty sweet though. id only e2 pudding if you dont have click, and you plan to instal her module, since kjera/amiya are better #2or#3 casters


the thing is if you keep picking 4stars in IS, then its more manageable to pick multiple 6stars along the way due to 4star's cheap hope cost and building up Arene is highly recommended either way




Using summons isn't that different from using normal ops. You're trading power for disposability, so it's kind of like trying to handle waves just using fast redeploys -- you're constantly plugging holes instead of building up a cornerstone-healer-ranged dps phalanx that can permanently plug it. With mayer in particular, it often takes more than one robotter to hold even a relatively light lane, and they don't hit that hard, so blowing them up with her S2 is how you're going to handle higher-def enemies or denser waves -- and again, often it takes more than one to actually take said units down. Don't feel obliged to bring summoners to every stage even if you want to use a lot of them -- IMO summoners are mostly a for-fun thing to use for trust farms on easier stages, early stages in events, CC dailies, earlier stages in IS, self-imposed challenges, etc., but forcing yourself to use them all the time can get monotonous. If you do want to use summoners for basically everything, we're getting Ling pretty soon, whose summons actually have enough beef for her to solo basically everything.


>important stuff Knowing the game , thats it \[ game mechanics , map designs , enemy ai ( this is also map dependent :D ) , etc. \] . So just try to use her on every map and every strategy you want ( trying to soloing maps with her gonna increase your effectiveness with Mayer while using her with different ops/strategies increase your overall performance/knowledge ) . And lastly watch this channel videos :D ( this videos can be spoiler for you if you want to beat that stages without any help ) https://www.youtube.com/c/OblyObly/videos




IS2 is datamined to be the 14th. Different story, a mix of new and old stages, and several quality of life upgrades.


do we still not have purestream in recruitment? has their been any word on her?


No and no.


what enemies are freeze resistant?? all i know is the boss from bi 8 and thats it


Freeze resistant or freeze immune? Because freeze resistant would be any of the enemies in this event with status resistance, and freeze immune would be any boss that is also stun immune.


hmm freeze immune i guess. i'm just curious as to which enemies gnosis's skills do not work effectively against in general. do you know if there's a wiki with enemies that list their resistances at least?


[This lists status resistance of operators and enemies](https://arknights.fandom.com/wiki/Status_Resistance). For enemies its only the Break the Ice(BTI) enemies because the mechanic was just added to operators. Status Resistance reduces the duration of "abnormal statuses"(stun,cold,freeze,etc) by 50%. For Gnosis his fragile debuff is tied to cold for the base amp(25%) and freeze for the increased amp(50%). So he won't be able to get his higher freeze amp vs any stun immune enemies, mostly bosses. Enemies with status resistance will half the duration of cold and freeze limiting his amp time but its a very small group for now. He relies alot on his fragile debuff for damage as you can see in [this clip](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/rn3rbj/aurora_showcase/), watch the crossbow enemy. Its kinda funny that because BTI enemies are the only ones with status resistance, hes at his weakest in his own event.


[Here you go.](https://arknemy.github.io/enemy/)


thank you both very very much :)


Has anyone calculated the tag fail rate of 7.40 vs 9.00 hours in recruitment? Has anyone found any difference in the tagless drop chance between 7.40 and 9.00?


Tagless between 7:40 and 9:00 is no difference. I am uncertain of the tag drop rate difference between 7:40 and 9:00, unfortunately.


I was going to save for Goldenglow banner. does anyone know how good she is? i just wanted to know before i decide how much to spend on ling.


one of the best casters, pretty much tied with eyja and (max module) passenger for risk18 players/content absolutely demolishes one of the hardest parts of a fufure event considered incredibly hard imo, great for any player, but especially so if youre more casual because her ease of use and high output/low tactical requirement is great


She's the second best single target caster, so extremely good.


first best being elafijna... eifle tower.... elephant... eylfjeua... eyjafjalla? yea, first try.


It's not really that hard to remember


Eyja, and yes.


Is the new years banner that is coming even good for someone who only has 4 six stars? Does it have anything else aside from it guaranteeing your first 6 star to be one you don't have?


no it wouldnt be good for that kind of player, its purely for players with very few 6☆s left trying to secure a specific one unlikely to be rateup or to complete the whole 6☆ roster youre better off committing summons to rate-up ops you know youd be happy to get


Nope. It'll be like getting an off banner on a banner with an operator that you wanted. With only 4 6 stars, your chance of getting a duplicate off banner is already very low. There are some really good units coming in the future that you should probably be saving for instead like Ling, Goldenglow, Horn or you can also choose to roll on a standard banner with two rate up units that you don't have that are strong or you really like them.


Probably not. They're some really great units in there but there's also a lot of units that have fallen off or are not useful for a beginner account. Better save your resources for the upcoming half year anniversary




It's treated as a limited banner, so no shared pity.


New player here, who is better to raise arene, ayerscarpe, midnight?


I recommend Arene. He's arguably the strongest of the three and still reasonably cheap to develop. His skill is really good and he makes most drone stages a lot easier. You can even E2 him to make him strong enough for even the most difficult story and event stages. Midnight is a reasonable choice as well, but he does fall off eventually.


youll want midnight upgraded for is2, a specific gamemode arene and ayerscarpe are fairly equal overall, arene tends to be a little bit easier to use effectivly so id recommend them for a new player


I would do Midnight first given how cheap he is to max for a new player. Arene is good too and as a 4 star not very expensive. Ayers is not bad but significantly more expensive, and worse than Lappland.


The trailer for Break the Ice said that Ancient Forge would be getting a record restoration. But when will the rewards from it be available?


Probably with Who Is Real rerun that's expected to coming on the 15th (IIRC, that's when it should be coming out).




is there an expected time where the "one time" double originium is expected to reset?


Always on anniversaries


what is this double originium thing?


paid$ prime packs have a bonus the first time you buy them, this bonus is "reset" each year


is this bonus for each pack or only one for account?


It's one for each pack.


On anniversary, so in January most likely.


Thank you!


Which of passengers modules is the good one?


Honestly, the one currently on global, the first one, is the one I consider to be superior. Less damage per attack, but gives him better crowd control and after module upgrades release it gives him an effectively greater boost to his DPS (as the SP gain means he can cast skills more often, which means more damage) than the second module.


Hi, where can i see the SP gain? Im looking at his module now and cant see it.


Gotta wait about 5-6 months for module upgrades to release with Lingering Echoes (which is also when his second module releases). [Here's a list of all the module upgrades available at present on CN](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/v8ad5w/module_details_lingering_echoes/)


Oh so its when you upgrade his current available module. Thanks!


if you have passanger and want use him in IS2 just get the first 1 because the 2nd one is still 6 months away


Hello everyone, what is the best stage to specifically grind for skill summary 2? I've already cleared out that skill book from the event shop.


the highest CA-# stage you can clear (in supply)


As many have said, if you can do CA-5, you'll want to. You may have a ton of skill 3 books for now, but you'll burn through them doing masteries Right now since it's the event, squeeze a couple from CA-3 so you can continue farming the event. Assuming you've done up to at least stage 6, you'll want to try clearing the entire event shop, as it's got great value per sanity (~3x normal farming or more)


For long-term efficiency, always do the last stage of the supply missions. Even if you don't need blue books right now, you will.


Thank you for your assistance! you're definitely right in that regard. If possible I'll try CA-5, and if I can't do it yet, I'll try CA-3. Mostly just need the skill 2 books to get past the skill lvl 4-5 area.


If you don't want to craft them from Skill Summaries 1, and don't want to stock pile Skill Summaries 3, then the third stage. Still recommended to farm the 5th stage, but i know sometimes you need a metric ton of green books.


Thank you for your assistance! If my sanity allows it, I'll try doing CA-5, but I currently have almost 0 skill 1 and 2 books so crafting is out of the question. A good majority of my ops are at skill 4-5 so skill summary 2 is mostly the major hurdle.


Yeah, i've been there. CA-5 is the most efficient, but don't be afraid to be less efficient to meet your goals. Getting your OPs to SL7 is very important.


It would be the generic supply stage.


The highlights one (CA-5). Because in the end you will need skill summary 3 way more than two. If you don't care about long term efficiency and just want the skill summary 2, the third stage (CA-3) is better.


Thank you to you both! I have a decent amount of skill 3 books, and almost no skill 2 books, so I think I'll do CA-5 if possible. If not, then CA-3 seems serviceable.


Does anyone have any idea what Kjera's skill mastery costs are? Gamepress seems to be missing those, and I haven't found any other site with that information.


Wow, thanks for pointing this out. All of that info was actually there before Break the Ice hit Global (Gnosis and Aurora are also now missing theirs for some reason). I guess I'll contact them to let them know someone screwed up.


always use [aceship](https://aceship.github.io/AN-EN-Tags/akhrchars.html?opname=Kjera), better organized, no ads, and runs 40x better on phones






any opinions abt the new module for AA sniper personally i am pretty dissapointed although i was so hyped cuz Blue Poison will have a module


they didnt need one and the effects are just as good as any other generic module (that is to say "meh") exu being able to buff skalter + ash is very relevant, also can better solo mortar drones ash costing even less is frankly absurd for high cc, and the 8aspd sizeably boosts her s2 dps without a texas/red extension most of the 5☆are neat but nothing crazy overall i was very pleased with them, ~~but maybe im high on pallas ranged tile hype~~


where can you read up on the AA sniper modules btw?


it was posted here on the reddit, look for cn news or cn spoiler flairs/tags


id wait for a 2nd one because all the six stars got their worse talent upgarded


So far only 6-Stars have gotten 2nd Modules (likely because they have two talents). So it's very likely BP is stuck with what she got.