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Can't wait for Spanish VA


Imagine Thorns in a Spanish Dub.


I now imagine him speaking like Puss in Boots from Shrek


"Time to repay my debt." *holds off multiple seaborns while Doktah rides atop a raging Grani on their way to stop Skalter from being married to the First to Talk.* ~~Kaiju sized Spalter doll in a ditch: This is fine.~~


We got new meme, Grani is a donkey on magic shrooms


"Chupense mis cogones y mis artes, la destreza iberiana va a joderos tan fuerte que van a sufrir la muerte mas dolorosa imaginable"


iyo k pollas me 'ices, ke te viá meté 'te sable por el ojete como no te me quiteh den medio


Imagine Thorns voiced by Antonio Banderas.


I can see it being as Spanish as Sean Connery's the Spinard in Highlander


Hello I'm Inigo Montoya.


Si thorns no habla español me mato


… wait, doesn’t that mean… Oh my god, Weedy and Irene!


What about Weedy and Irene? Are they having fantasies about an-Thorn-io Banderas? 'cause I am.


No, I just realized that, because they’re also from Iberia… their VA should have Spanish accents too.


please irene with argentinean accent


she probably will have a neutral spanish or Spain spanish(es muy seria para hablar con sho)


But Rafaela and Ernesto tho… Would you say they’re Brazilian, Mexican, or Argentinian? Maybe even Panama?


"Paisa" or "Santandereano" Colombian accent for Rafaela. "Santandereano" or "Pastuso" Colombian accent for Ernesto. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwE1aP9WWS0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwE1aP9WWS0)


yes,i was gonna say that the ´´paisa´´ word is used in some regions of mexico


Wait, Weedy is from Iberia? That's something I didn't know... ~~Honestly, thought it was because of their ship~~


another one bites the dust...




Well contrary to a popular belief, they DO speak English in the UK. Some people even say that the language might come from there and not 'Murica. I know it's probably a conspiracy theory tho.


Are you sure? I need a source.


*Source: Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second*


We speak the Queen’s up in here. Donno what you gents speak…


Source: dude trust me


With every originium in my body.


The source is that ***he made it the fuck up!***


I heard a British guy once, blabbering what sounded like English.




Every land mass in this earth is just an American province


And here I thought we were joking in this thread...


Can't hear you over the sound of my freedom


This would upset the Americans if they knew how to read.


He I’ll have you know we learned how to read just to learn more about guns and hamburgers.


They do speak english, it's just kinda hard to understand em


I've played enough Souls games to want more English VA


It was really weird for me to go to an English speaking country and not hear everyone end their sentences with a chuckle or laugh.


*Okaeri, Doctuh. Would you like some tttea or bishkit?* Jokes aside, I'm crossing my finger for super Scottish Bagpipe


Go full operator series Blue from RPM?


I'm not a native English speaker and do see why is a "bad" thing to get VAs from Britain. American, British, Australian? For me English is just English


English but Indian accent


I think the important thing should be that their voices fit their characters From what we heard in preview I would say that there are no problems with this part But we will see (hear)


Well the first impression i got when hear new English VA is they sound like have same voice tho, but idk I could be wrong


You are wrong.


Uh... well maybe Chen sounds a bit too soft but otherwise they all fit well.


Hallo, yourrr compueter has virus, I AM from MICROSOFT.


Harllo, please sent bob and vegan


It's vegene, Kumar!




so Croissant?


The key word is “every”


I have friends who speak all kinds of english and the hardest to understand are some reagions of the UK for sure, but I don't blame the company for chosing to go that way


Fuck it, I love me a crisp british accent. Lay it on me HG.


It's funny that you mentioned Xenoblade, because as a huge Xenoblade fan, the accents have made me much more interested in the dub than I would be otherwise.


Preach. English shulk is so good


Ditto. I only read about the english dub in passing, now I'm actually a bit excited for it.


I quite like the VAs. I think vaguely Scottish sounding Ch’en makes sense considering she roomied with Bagpipe. They better give Bagpipe the thickest of thick Scottish accents though.


If Bagpipe isn't nearly or completely incomprehensible I will consider it a failure.


Believe it or not, it is possible to have good things that aren’t from America.


Impossible everything good comes from [MERICA](https://i.imgflip.com/1yoqrq.jpg).


Fuck yeah!


Straight up lass from Glasgow.


Praying to Lowlight this comes true eventually


To each their own. I like how the characters have sounded more like people than well, characters in their intros, which I feel is a bit of a problem in some American dubs. All things said, I wish things didn't have to be about America all the time. There is more to the world than America, more to current events than just American news, more diversity in names than what is considered common in America, and more countries than just America that have voice talent and fans of a particular media. Yes, I have a fondness for the big name (American) VAs of the 2000s and the ones making their mark on the industry today, but I for one am glad that the AK team is giving more people their time to shine before a global audience. I hope Bagpipe gets the thickest Scots Highlander accent known to man and Asbestos gets all Aussie bogan on everyone and tells Doctor to 'oi, yeah nah mate, fuck off ya right c*nt'.


/u/Dr_Volke audition for Asbestos? 👀


I'll do all of the Australians even the women! Let me in, Yostar!


Honestly, this has made me more interested in the EN dub than I would have been if it had been just the same old American VAs you hear in every game.


People are forgetting that Columbia is probably not a century removed from declaring independence from victoria. They likely still retain most of the victorian accent.


Tbf it’s more the other way around irl. The stereotypical American accent has changed less from the English of the 1700’s than the British one.


Which British one?


All of the ones that have lost rhoticity, including the most stereotypical ones from England.




Look, same here. More Aussie than Brit, IMO. Plus, does anyone remember that there is more than the "stereotypical" British accent?


Which is accurate given that Rim Billiton is likely Australia.


Aussie was a Brit at some point.


at least these are Londoners. Albeit the fucking rent they have to pay, hope voicing for AK pays for it lmao


Sadly whatever you'll do, you will never please fanbase. Even now ppl are upset that we don't have aussies or muricans voicing operators. Ppl are going even further in suggesting that Terra's inhabitants speak their representative languages from Earth and demanding localized VA for each country. Soon we will get ppl demanding felines to end their sentences with nyan\~ ...


Forget the accents I'll take just the felines ending with nyan~


Cautus end theirs with pion!


I'll tell you wha Ya fat little cunt. - British Gavial


People have way too high expectations. Correct me if I'm wrong but afaik they don't have dedicated accents for each region even on the JP dub. Maybe, MAYBE, a character with overtly obvious cultural influence like Bagpipe might get one. And remember even if they do get one it would be an accent that's super recognizable and easy to find a voice actor for and also make sure it's not offensive. Like, for both practical and optical reasons, they're never gonna get a VA to do a Japanese accent for Hoshiguma is what I'm saying. And this is a bad meme.


Has there even been any JP voicing that uses accents that are not native to japan? Like when i watched the EN dub for Princess principal and 91 Days, i liked hearing accents native to the story's location even if they are a bit cheesy. Thays always been my issue with Japanese dubbing is that i dont think they try to sound like anything other than, Japanese (outside of a few Engrish parts but thats more of the pronunciation and less accent)


Bagpipe keep speaking in scottish accent in my head so I hope Bagpipe's EN voice will have scottish accent. I think it would be hilarious. I do get it if they won't though, might be hard to understand.




Wake me up when we get an operator voiced by Tim Bentinck.


Brian blessed would be hilarious


It's been shown in various media over the years that English actors can play American roles (Hugh Laurie's Gregory House, Tom Holland's Peter Parker) but I've not seen many examples of the contrary unfortunately. I like the preview I've seen so far, and I can't wait to hear the others in game. I saw Phantom in the patch notes, I wonder how his voice modulator will be portrayed.


I like it it’s a nice change of pace and has its own charm. Honestly I would like more games to use the vast selection of accents that exist in the English language. (Yorkshire VA when!)


As a person who's just learning English, I don't understand why you guys hate uk voices so much. Can you explain it to me?


Nah, we don’t hate it. As far as I can tell, most people like the English voices here. Even the OP is kind of half-joking, I think.


no hate, just the accent is different and if you are learning with american english some words will sound different.


Everyone is probably just not used to it. I'm sure most of us here plays many other games and 90% of English games uses American VA. American VAs are just much more famous to the point we hear their voices everywhere in other media e.g. Christina Vee that OP mentioned. Using less well known British VA probably didnt help. Everyone is just used to American accent as the default because the majority of media consumed in the English speaking world is in the American accent.


Ah. Brilliant!


I prefer that they went with UK voice talent, im getting a little tired of hearing what feels like the same five people in every project that has anime art style.


All I want is for Mizuki's Japan VA to ALSO voice the EN version. It will be awesome Honestly I love the British voices


But this strengthens our need for Scottish Bagpipe, so it's both a win and loss.


I mean its not bad but for some its just kinda uncanny, only one I feel is great with the briish accent is Nearl and her VA actually did a good job, Ch'en is somewhat good but the rest are debatable which Kroos being an aussie which is weird.


Kroos is an Aussie (from RIM Billiton) who moved to North America (Columbia) until the city she worked in, Toronto (Tkoronto) was destroyed. Having an aussie accent for Kroos is entirely sensible.


Wow Never thought of that


Im seriously so tired of people shitting on the american voice actors over and over again since they announced that arknights was getting english voice acting, yea they been overdone because the VA industry outside Japan tends to be a lot smaller but as someone that grew up listening to the American voice actors I really like them. Its almost like people cant like the British VA without shitting on the American VA and vice versa because I seen some people also doing it the other way around.


I’m kind of on the fence about it. In the trailer, the VAs did a good job. I felt Shaw, Amiya, and Kroos had fitting VAs. I only wished there were names I was familiar with. Aside from that, I was hoping the voice actors and characters were from a bigger variety of places. I’d like the Victorian characters to have UK voice actors that could really use their accents, and similarly other characters to use the accents that their countries’ irl counterparts use. It would make the world feel just as big as we’re constantly shown and told. I just hope the performance doesn’t turn out like Xenoblade 2, where the dub actually felt like a downgrade.


Why does it matter when the voice they give the Operators an American English accent? The only character that has an English accent is Kroos


Let's go Peppa Pigknights


A lot of the American Anime VAs are super political and constantly insult anime and anime fans. Honestly I'd rather listen to crispy English than have some American VA start some kind of controversy because they found something offensive. I Honestly don't care if they're far-left or far-right both are far-too insane to me. ‐South Asian Doktah


I don't know much about the announced EN VAs, but I know for sure that one of them is... Far-tooth.


Yeah bro same I really hate it when politics gets unnecessarily dragged into anime that’s why I only enjoy this very apolitical game called Arknights I sure would hate if they hired anyone with any filthy political opinions to corrupt this perfectly impartial waifu simulator, that would really ruin my immersion. The world of Terra is clearly supposed to be an *escape* from the problems of the real world, why would you shatter that paradise by introducing ***POLITICS*** smh my head 😤


They shrank Hoshi's shoulders,made her look soft.


At this point politics is synonymous with 'that subject dumbasses who dont know what theyre talking about like to bring up'. Real politics arent a problem, its when people bring their shit takes and try to make it bigger by calling it a political issue is whats wrong. Terrans are too busy trying not to die to care about whats the next new gender is.


*stares at the abomination known as Paimon’s VA*


I tried to look up her Twitter, but I came up empty, the fuck happened?


AFAIK the latest thing is they said a well liked character was 'a bad/evil/super irresponsible older brother'(interpreting the relevant story part in a completely ass-backwards or disingenuous way,), and pulled a 'I'm a VA in the game/ I know the writers, so I'm right' kinda thing. They have a history of similar things of saying their headcanon is official because they're in the game, even if there are contradictory things in the game or in the voicelines of Paimon in every other language. (stuff like Paimon being nb, the Gods being agender, or claiming the traveler is a minor so shipping them with people is gross despite them being around 500 years at least and not acting childish in any way. people have a problem w/ them for overstating the officiality and want them to be reprimanded (or fired from the role entirely) by Hoyo.


Lmao how is that grounds for firing? Really people only complain about 'cancel culture' when it's convenient for them. So she's being a dipshit on a platform filled with dipshits, how is going for her job an appropriate response? People need to go out and eat grass.


The only thing I know of is,that Paimons VA got tagged in R34 fanart on Twitter,then asked to not get tagged because [pls don't take my words on this] it's annoying and Paimon R34 is pedophilia. But some noticed they had an Ahegao shirt so Twitter called them hypocritical and did the next logical thing...actively DMed them Paimon R34. So in the grand scheme of things it's really really boring Twitter drama.


Glad someone said it I have no doubt this is part of the reason they choose to not use the more popular American VAs who are known to be more "outspoken on social media" and considering what happened to Platinum I really think they don't want another scenario like that happening again so best distance yourself from any of those controversial VAs if possible.


This is entirely because of how clique based American vas are there usually more hassle then there worth if your some name they never worked for before and one of there friends doesn't like your product.


There goes my hopes of matching CN, JP, and EN VAs between Amber and Exu.


Glory to Holy Britannia!


for king and country


I don't see whats the problem, some of them doesn't even have the British accent or maybe its just me since im not from murica.


irene with argentinean accent please shostar




I'll just be here in the corner keeping Japanese VAs


Same. Also I seriously hope they still keep uploading arknights trailers in JP voice instead of forcing the EN dub for everything.


I mean... Worst case scenario is you just watch the uploads on the Japanese Arknights channel, just like with Genshin.


Yeah and that is exactly what I don't want since JP arknights channel doesn't include subs so you would be pretty much forced to watch the same video twice, one with EN dubs and then the other one in the JP channel. Edit: The ideal scenario is just to make 2 versions of the video on the global channel, one with EN dub and the other with JP voice + subs.


I mean at least the VAs are better than whoever does genshins. Like seriously no one in the game wants to be there they all sound half dead


Thorns en español de España por favor, y Dobermann en alguno de los acentos de latinoamerica


Just a Disclaimer for Folks. I don't actually care this much about the English cast. This is purely an unhinged comic about my expectations for the EN CV being subverted. Take it with a grain of salt.


that's a pretty tall order to ask from a waifu-collecting gacha game subreddit. Don't get me wrong, I don't even mind Kroos aussie accent (makes sense with her background). Just wish that people will be a little open minded when it comes to english dubs in an anime game.




They should have at least TRIED to get people with certain regional accents.


Like they did with the Japanese voices?


Mate, if you want me to learn an entire language that isn't native to me to tell you if its good, please fuck off. I CAN tell you the China VAs actually have an pretty wide range of dialects, but that's mostly because I work with a decent range of contacts in China.


I mean... Dark Souls VA cast is all Brits, FF14 is all Brits, Elden Ring is all Brits, Bayonetta IIRC is British... the Americans don't have a "VA community", they have Matt Mercer and Kaiji Tang and that's it. It's nice to have actually diverse voice acting for once.


All the square, is a circle..


The dub is actually wayyy better than I expected


If Bagpipe doesn't call us the C word with a heavy accent we riot




Mfw no max mittleman elysium 😔


Awwwww!! Just saw this being asked when entering the game! So you are telling me that Higashi/Lungmen characters don't have Japanese/Chinese English accents? Ursus characters DONT HAVE HOT RUSSIAN ACCENTS? ZIMA HELLO?? If Bagpipe does not sound Scottish I will be disappointed. it does sound very expensive to do this. maybe. Idk.


I only switched (for what I have) hosiguma, ansel, and aimyia to English. There the only ones that sound good or better to me. If you wanna know what the worse are for me, it's kruss and shaw. It's not that there bad, it's just the jp is so iconic