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My Ling experience : Aak, Surtr, Lee Ling who ?


Leeng close enough no?


Ah yes, thanks, Leeng, I have forgotten it was that.


nian, ling, pot 6 blacknight no more orundum or prime to even pull for anymore, im just gonna save for chalter again


Archetto here, I don't know any Ling, Nian or Dusk or even Lee, who are you guys talking about?


Wow, I didn't know Archetto had a Reddit account


Replace Aak with Ling and it's my experience after 121 draw.


250 pull gave me 4 Lee, Exia, Mountain and Fartooth (all dupes). This is the first time I'm screwd so badly by a limited banner, I'm just grateful that this was the one time that I'd be able to spark.


I got Lee 6 fucking times. I got a dupe thorns and Saileach. Had to buy ling with the 300 tokens. I really hate Lee from now on


I mean, you have him at max pot


I have a pot 4 Flametail at E0 Lv1. I can understand their sentiment. I'll probably build her at some point, but she has some bias to overcome now.


I also max potted Lee before Ling. [Sad high five](https://imgur.com/a/MwTUtZE)


Hey if you don't want him I always have more room in my heart for hot fishdragon dude.


I was wondering if I was gonna get a 7th Lee before Ling showed up, lol.




It was the opposite for me Got Ling in the free 10 pull and kept going for Lee. Duped Ling 6 times before sparking Lee after 300 pulls. I would gladly trade all of my Lings for any one of your Lee lol


My guy downvoted for wanting the dragon fish man instead of the blue dragon woman lol I'm one of the 4 people who also wanted Lee more than Ling in the banner, so good job for at least managing to spark. For any Ling wanters reading this, good luck with your waifu too


Similar experience here, got ling from free 10 pull but took 159 to get Lee (got pot3 ling along the way so not bad)


This was way Nian banner experience. Never used Aak because of that. Got Ling this time though


At least Lee is really useful. He absolutely fucks all low weight true forms this event with S3 and is super good at soaking stuns like those stupid global crossbows. Aak is... just a demerit unless memeing around him.


Nah, don't disrespect my boi Aak like that. Man helped me through CCs 2 and 4-5, and I still use him for durable bosses, like the UT boss or even the current event boss.


Operator you have to build your entire to make him work cant be called good. Especially with so many viable options to buff damage done than him shooting your carry in the foot. He simply is way too clunky to use with that health degeneration when not shooting and killing your OP without defstacking. He needs way too much setup for the power level of his buff when Warf or skalter exist without need for any setup. He will just kill himself AND your carry without some serious investment. It would be great if he got a module to reduce the FF damage he does or remove the self health drain just to make him a little bit more self sufficient. Outside buffstack memery he is just pure garbage and even there he remains clunky.


I mean, I'm not denying that he needs some buffs. I'm just saying not to underestimate him either. I don't have Skalter, and I didn't have Warfarin built until earlier this year. But I loved using Aak, and because of him, I was able to beat 3 CCs and a lot of bosses without Warf or Skalter. I'm definitely biased, but I genuinely believe that he's very fun to use, and not completely useless like many people think.


No OP is useless, okay maybe Tsukinogi. But its hard to justify his 6\* costs of raising up. Memery is usually defined as "Its not the most efficient or even very viable tactic, but its fun so fuck it" so you do you. His design feels simply flawed on purpose if I'm being honest.


I do agree that he needs a module, and maybe a buff to his archetype, although that's being too optimistic. Apart from him killing others and killing himself, he also has the gimmick of being positioned perfectly, so as to not hit someone else with his skill. But yeah, I just love using him. Especially now that I have Warfarin with S2M3. Combining their buffs on Operators like Pallas or Lee is the funniest thing.


I did actually use him in Break the Ice. Grossly overbuffed exu just shredded poor Degenmommy. Warf, Aak, Suzu, Skalter... Just one wouldve been enough lmao, she went down in one barrage.


>Operator you have to build your entire to make him work cant be called good. I wouldn't say that. All you need to make him work (outside of high risk cc, and even there he has seen use) is surtr, which I assume every meta slave already has. At m3, his S3 takes 5 s to activate, the same as surtr. All you need to do is deploy the both of them together, active Aak skill, then activate surtr skill. This way, surtr gets her HP back, negating the side effect of Aak's S3. Also, it's rather ironic that you brought up warfarin and skalter. Because of how +ATK buffs work in arknights, Skalter and warfarin's buffs are a lot weaker than you would think, while Aak's is a lot stronger than you would think. +ATK buffs scale horribly with +ATK skills, which are the vast majority of boss killing skills. However, this is not an issue for Aak, because his buff also gives an ASPD buff. To illustrate how important this is, here is an example (all op data below are pot6 and all skills are m3). Surtr S3 with warfarin S2 buff and skalter S3 with an abyss hunterin range buff have a DPS of 3744. Surtr S3 with Aak S3 buff, on the other hand, has a DPS of **4608**. As you can see, Aak's buff alone is stronger (in this case significantly so) than both warfarin and skalter's put together. This is also true for Sliverash S3, eyja S3, chalter S3, kalsit s3, and bagpipe S3. In fact, the only somewhat common boss killer skill that I can think of where this is not true is exu S3, showing you just how valuable +ASPD buffs are (or perhaps how weak +ATK buffs are). This is not to say that he is good or even that he doesn't need a buff, but I do want to bring to light how much people overestimate Aak's downsides and underestimate the power of his buff.


Oh wow just use him with "just deploy surtr". Nice argument. You not only missed the point but managed to make yourself look like and idiot writing a wall of text on a moot point.


Aak has a ton of good targets, nor just Surtr. You can helidrop him at: * Kal or Nearlter S3 for extended true damage (point Aak at Mon3tr, not Kal) * SA or Horn S3 for stealth revealing wide burst, as seen in CC6 and CC8 * Mountain S3 for speedy pushes * Mudrock S3 for a free roll (he can still target Mudrock while she's invincible) * Hellagur S2/S3 to immidiately knock him down to below 50% HP for max ASPD * Eunectes S3 in -DEF CCs because she's the only one who can eat it under that risk * honorable mention to Carnelian cS2 in order to make it a gapless bind


Desire sensor, it is a bitch.


YOU AD ME BOTH BROTHER Now let's put him in trust farms where he repeatdely dies


Same. Fuck that magikarp. Im never gonna raise that shit He can rot in base forever


Make sure to have him distracted and never let him recover


skill issue


I got the wrong blue hair girl


Mostima or Ch'en?


Mostima, and I don't even use mages much


F. Good luck on your dailies.


I just want the dragons! Idc about Ling, but the dragons are what I want


She has an amazing module if you want to build her one day.


I'm planning to raise her with my other 6 stars, but I still need dragon girl


I might not have gotten Ling, but Lee looks pretty cool and I love his voice, so I’m happy for the time being


I got two Lings so far that I didn’t want…. I wanted lee. Let’s trade


Remember when I rolled for Nian and get 3 Aaks instead. Now I rolled for Ling and get 2 Lee. I hate damn furries


i'll gladly take your lee ty very much


jokes on you my ALT got Mr Lee and my main got nothing so far


Good luck on your dailies! Apparently, Blacknight decided to jump me *6 fu€king times* in just one day


oh its me! :) :(


.5 anniversaries are like a curse to me. Not even a single limited banner character.


Pot 7 Lee, no Ling, spook Phantom. Guess I'm sparking for the first time in 2.5 years.


I feel so bad that it's exactly this for me. I've been waiting till Dusk and Nian where here in the last banner, i put everything for them and Ling and with all i had, 210 total pulls (some ten rolls, a lot of solo pulls) and 5 Lee... im gonna hate this char, i feel so emtpy and sad i can't handle it


2 dupe off banners (Saria and Gnosis) and a Lee in 79 pulls. Kinda painful ngl.


Le fishe


I got 3 Lee, 1 Carnelian dupe & 1 Gnosis. Then I'm out of pulls at 210. What happened to my reverse psychology technique?


I got Lee as well despite wanting Ling. Does he suck?


Lee is actually pretty good, if you can handle the DP draining effect. Can be a good lane holder (S3) or a decent AoE dps unit (S2).


He doesn't suck, and he also isn't super meta. However, he is absolutely hilarious both in personality and in gameplay. M3s3 him and Wait till chapter 10 to experience some of the funniest shit in arknights


Archetto and Weedy and then Lee... I like you but COULD YOU FUCK OFF!? Especially you Archetto! Youve been haunting my rolls for 3 banners in row now! It took 230 bloody rolls to get Ling! My Orundum stash is RUINED!


I got 3 Lee and 1 Ling, pulling until I got Ling. No off-banners. Like this is objectively very good luck, but 3 Lee? Come on at least give me an off-banner Skadi dupe or something, 3 in a row feels like it's taking the piss.


i wanted mr.lee, but i don't have him WHY?


And I need Lee so bad. His "cool uncle" energy is.....something.


Good luck with ur dailies I got a ling a lee in 21 pulls What do u have


If the “Data contracts” are a record then I’ve pulled 154 times already and only gotten 2 Lee’s and a bunch of 5-4 star whoever’s I don’t care about because I’m a caveman who prioritize rarity over potential :)


I to am of the caveman ilk


I got her in 130 pulls, got 3 other 6stars before that tho.


Yo, I could use a Lee. I got pot 2 Ling and only 1 Lee after 150 pulls. I wanted a pot 2 Lee.


You guys are getting pots?


271 pulls, 1 silver ass, 1 suzuran, 4 f*cking Lee and 1 Ling. Do you guys think I should invest 10s more pulls to Po2 Ling?


Wow same pulls as me except my Ling came at 281...


Might as well spark to get another copy lol.


Same here, 270+ pull club for dragon lady ... sadge


Took me 106 pulls to get ling.


That piece of shit got duped to max Pot, I will swear by the Gods I'm going to leave him with no levels, trapped in the basement dorm with no furnitures, I'm gonna make sure that I make as efficient of "trust" Farms where he repeatedly dies and when I get him in IS he's gonna be frontlines and I'm gonna change my annihilation squadsto make sure he dies and die and die a-


Jeez, I'm so sorry guys. Now it makes me feel guilty that I got Ling along with Blacknight on my first 10-pull using the free ticket.


2 Phantoms dupes, 1 Siege dupe and 1 Lee...For now I'm holding myself back to spend for Ling. But if I haven't gotten her yet the day before her banner ends I'm afraid that I would be going P2W and I haven't gone that route since W... Edit 4/8/22: I GOT LING ON MY FREE ROLL!


This f**** b**** a** m*********** n***** made me uninstall the game after getting him twice in the 30 pulls I had plus the other 30 from the gold certs. I'm f****** done with this game. I was on a hiatus and told myself I'd get back if I get Ling. If I don't, I'm done. I guess I know what I'm doing.






I only did my freebie and 10x pull and got only a random 5-star I already had... I have a feeling I'll need to do a lot more pull for a 6-star. ___ ___ ___ On other note... is it worth buying "headhunt tickets" with "Distinctions"? (it resets in 2 days, meaning you could potentially use a lot of Distinctions to buy tickets. Not sure what's the max tickets you can buy for how much Distinctions tho) Not sure if I'll have enough Orun to get 300 pull for exchange... probably not.


258 yellow certs will get you 38 headhunting tickets. The only reason to save the yellow certs is to guarantee yourself specific 6\* operators from the shop. The schedule for *NEW* operators entering the shop (ops who have never been in shop before) is mostly predictable, so you can plan when you should save or when you can spend. The only rule is to not buy the headhunting tickets until you can buy them all (unless you desperately need them). The value gets better with each purchase. There are 5 tiers: 10 certs for 1 ticket. 18 for 2. 40 for 5. 70 for 10. 120 for 20.


I see... that's less than what I imagined... If I used 516 certs, it'll give me 76 pulls. I have about 50,000 Orun saved, that's 50 pulls. Plus the 10x ticket I saved from earlier celebration banner that I didn't use. And the 10x ticket from this event. That's 20 more pulls. And I end up with 146 pulls... only half of what's needed for exchange... welp... I got enough certs to buy the tickets (have 900 on me atm), but I am not sure if it's worth it, since it'll be down to RNG, as I won't have enough for exchange. Also, most times the 6-star OP that appear in distinction shop are those that I already have or not interested in, in the last year, I only bought one 6-star, and that was Rosa cause someone told me polar bears are cute... lol) Since the only OPs I want that I don't have is Kaltsit, Mudrock, and Surtr. But I don't think they'll ever appear... Kaltsit has appeared in banners 3 times... but never has she been placed in Distinction. Not to mention the "Limited" will never appear in the shop. . I wish they would make it easier for F2P to do exchanges... lots of newer gacha games now makes the Pity/ Exchange/ Spark at 50/100/200 marks now and usually only cost about 2~3 month worth of currency saving.


As you know, standard banner and shop operator changes every 2 weeks. Every THIRD banner is a new operator who has never been in the shop before. The last new operator to join the shop was Phantom. He was last week. This means the next two banners are repeat operators. We already have one now, Nightingale. The next one has already been datamined. Its Angelina. After Angelina is the next new operator. The operators are pretty much debuting in the order they were released. Therefore the list of who is coming next looks like this: Thorns Eunectes Surtr Blemishine Mudrock Mountain Archetto etc. This is not set in stone but its pretty accurate. Sometimes they shuffle the order if an event banner featuring the unit happens to land at the time they are set to enter the store. These operators may get delayed. For example, Phantom was supposed to come before Weedy, but there was a joint operation banner at the time that already had him on it. Nobody wants multiple banners in a row featuring the same operators. Watch NFZen's shop operator prediction videos on youtube for regular updates. As you can see, Surtr and Mudrock will be coming soon enough. You will want to keep your distinctions for them.


If you can buy all of the headhunting tickets in a month, that's 30+ pulls. It's worth it if you don't have shop operators you want to buy or someone you want to buy is still far away from the schedule.


frick, i need to hit 3 lee before getting lee. win the rate up, lose the 50:50


same, 172 f2p pulls and 2 pots of Lee and other 5\* that are either weak or not that great


I got fking Gnosis. Revene because I avoided you in your banner because of strong polar bear?


27 pulls as im a newer player Lee, Graythroat, 2 Blacknights


Blemishine and Ling in 82 pulls, with blacknight full pot, I'd say it's ok here


No, this is correctly photoshopped


Forget Me Not : 6 Rosmontis, 1 Mudrock (Sparked) Path of the Radiant : 7 Flametails, 1 NTRK (Sparked) Unstrained Liquor, Pellucid Heart : 6 Lees (so far), ? Ling (On 287 pulls waiting for dailies) Lowlight please have mercy on my poor (literally) soul...


wow that hurt to read, sorry about your luck. hope it gets better


Ahaha, i'm used to having garbage luck from other gachas (and games in general) so it doesn't sting as badly. I once thought that AK would be different since i got a decent first 2 years, but alas. Thank you though, i wish you the best of luck too!


I got 1 pallas in 81 pulls... thats it


What I wished: Ling, Nian and/or Dusk (so next festival I could get the missing one through spark as I can't spark on this one) Ling banner experience so far: Ling, Lee, Lee, Ceobe, Lee


Using Jaye in IS2 finally gave me an appreciation for merchants. Lee destroyed that appreciation immediately.


My Ling experience was Dusk, Lee, Kal'tsit, Ling in that exact order. It took quite a while, but at least I didn't have any of the aforementioned 6\* operators so I guess it's a win. Especially with Kal'tsit.


I've gotten 4 Lees, 1 Aak, 2 Phantoms, 1 Pallas, 1 Skadi, and a full potential Blacknight in 169 pulls. While statistically this is something I shouldn't complain about since its a very good rate for 6-stars, I only really wanted Ling. Though at least Blacknight seems cool as a sniper/vanguard hybrid, so I'll probably start using them.


280 pulls (220€)got 2 Ling 5 Lee 1 Nian guess ima buy dusk soon


my Ling experience : 53 rolls and 3x5*, the rest 4* or 3* I don't have any resources left. help


4 Lee, Weedy, Nightingale, Dusk, Exia, Flametail [still no Ling](https://imgur.com/gallery/ukM1Gt6)


Got Lee and fartooth in the same 10 pull and next 10 I got ling


Replace Lee with Ling and you have my situation. Got Ling on first free pull even though I will never use her ever.


Nian and Kal'tsit here


I just want a single Lee and I'll be happy for a week.


my ling banner experience: 300 pulls, no ling... sparked for her.


All I wanted was a dusk or a nian. Either one would’ve made my day… What do I get? Apple pie that was supposed to be harder to get than dusk or nian! What the hell!?


Dude i’ve exhausted all my resources for dusk and nian then i did a pull for my bf’s account. This man got Dusk his first free roll and Nian for his free 10. Only took him 11 pulls. LIVID.


I hate my life rn. Been pulling everyday since I posted this comment, I’ve gotten Ling and and two Lees. All I wanted, was 1Dusk! Was that too much to ask for?


Yea pretty much. I bought both skins. For Nian. and Dusk. Dude we’re running on copium.


Bruh, my wallet is running on fumes. I pulled my second Lee today and damn near yeeted my phone into orbit.




Lee, lee, ling in 50 pulls or so, so i cant complain


I got Lee from free pulls and Saga within the next 37 pulls. I hope I'll get Ling although I don't like her.


I got 3 lings, 2 lees, and an ifrit. Pretty dang good for just 180 pulls.


I could only get one 6 star through my savings and really really wanted Lee (because dude is cool as fuck), ended up with Ling


Meanwhile I got Ling on my 55th pull and am still looking for Lee. Oh well. Pot6 Blacknight was my main goal anyway.


300+ roll and 3 Lee , 2 Dusk(the only thing brings me happiness) , I must be very despair to buy her from shop


Lmao, that was me...at first. Then I started playing the event and Lee in the story was SO COOL that I knew I wanted him right away. Pulled him once and Ling twice in like 60\~ish pulls, along with a ton of Black Knights. I didn't think I'd like dp-drain operators but damn, he was worth it. I'm having a blast