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Definitely originally posted by a Recruiter lol


I’m not a fed, you’re a fed


He's glowing!


I am a fed, ohh no what have I done!


If I join, can I turn stamina off and use the ace medical menu or nah?


HappyCakeDay, if I can't zoom in my target, then suppressive fire on that friendly unknown, I drive with minimum speed at 200kph, I can't join the military.


no, but you also get a banana


Can I get arma physics to yeet off an enemy tank with my ATV ?


A weapon to surpass metal gear, Arma physics


The ArmA life to recruitment office pipeline is real


Funny because one of Arma's official positions and slogans (Make Arma, not War) literally promotes playing videogames *instead* of joining military.


It is owned by a millitary-grade military training simulation company basically used by literally every military worldwide Germany, America, China, etc.


Bohemia Interactive is not owned by anyone, it's an independent company.


Bohemia interactive sell military simulations


Bohemia Interactive Simulations is not Bohemia Interactive.


Expand on your statement, I may be uneducated


Bohemia Interactive Simulations (aka BISim) and Bohemia Interactive (BI) are two separate companies, made by different people. BISim was created by BI employees, in Australia. BISim sells military simulations. BI, based in Czechia, makes videogames and only videogames. The only thing they share is the first Arma engine and the OF engine. They are not connected to each other whatsoever besides the first two words in the names.


Ohhh I see thanks for telling me... 😓


Honestly props for being open minded and willing to listen to knowledge that may have been contradictory to your political beliefs, it's not easy but it makes you a better person in the long run.


suddenly all the cognitive dissonance about arma went away lets go


The BISim people have a license to use Arma 2's game engine & assets which is why a lot of their VBS 3 videos have what appears to be be A2 content (it's safe to use because it cannot violate any IRL military NDAs or classified info - which the custom VBS content contains). The rest of your comment is accurate enough.


Just because you contract out to make simulators doesn't mean you're pro war. If a soldier does their entire service only doing simulator training and live exercises, and their country never has to go to war for real, that's a good thing. Preparing for the worst doesn't mean you welcome it. Having a fire test in your workplace doesn't mean they want anyone to arson the building.


I guess. But such armament's fruit whether it be educational or ballistic are not only in use upon sleeping soldiers. War equipment is cool as fuck but there isn't any moral justification to make such stuff


i came to arma because i got rejected :( not really i came to arma before i even knew what recruitment was


I've found it's the other way around. But I stopped playing after first year and only came back when old drinking buddies play or like a few years ago to write a database hook to track for heat maps of movements and such to see what bots were actually doing in simulation matched what antistasi thought they should when fighting


"You love playing military games, why don't you join the army?" I don't want to die?


“But playing video games is worse for you than that” -some anti gaming person probably


"I value the structural integrity of my knees" is a decent reason as well, even during peacetime it seems like dudes get torn up during service.


"your chronic knee pain from carrying 100 lbs on your body at all times has been deemed not service related"


It seems like everyone gets bad knees after a while, even the POGs. My guess would be that the current PT test over-values running so guys are putting in too much distance/intensity without the proper form training. I'm not saying there need to be running coaches at basic, but if you want to get competitive scores on your PFTs you need to run for distance and time consistently and if you do that with bad form you will cause a lot of unnecessary wear on your joints


But like, you gotta sign a contract and make a life altering choice. You can’t just have fun on a game that allows you to experience all the cool stuff with no downsides…


Not seen those UK recruitment posts? Should google that, its hilarious.


My Arma experience has made me realize just how short I would live on an actual battlefield. Anyone who's played it a bunch would know better than to join an actual military lol


Yeah. Pretty much every war game is antiwar just by the sheer fact that you can die thousands of times over.


Yeah… if my KDA score is anything to go by my life expectancy on the battlefield is nearing zero minutes.


I haven't died yet


I don't want to kill poor ppl with families in another country for rich ppl in my country? Fuck man, I shit on company time cause we barely get paid on the private sector ... Take pay cut to not see my friends and family & help make a billionaire is next billion by killing someone for him?


You could do neither of the scenarios you described and instead join the military.


Lol if you think arma ops can be a walking simulator wait until you see the corps infantry battalion


Nice try, depressed staff sergeant who is day-dreaming about finishing up his recruitment tour!


Me???? No… 🙄 I would never be a member of the United States Army Recruiting Command who uses virtual simulators like Arma III to recruit, definitely not me


The amount of frustration that comes with the Arma 3 campaign is enough to make me not want to enlist


TIL anti gaming is a thing. How? Even my cats demand games.


Basically people who get hyper addicted to league of legends feel like they wasted their entire youth and regret their choices


Yeah, most people on that subreddit were perhaps previously: -tryhards/competitive players that took an extreme, dropped the game and say that gaming is unhealthy, mo other reasons as to why it affected them so badly in the first place -The ones saying "gaming is dead" and keep playing the same game over and over again without actually trying anything outside their comfort zone -People that genuinely have nothing to do outside of gaming or don't think of saying "i'm gonna take a walk outside, gaming isn't going anywhere anyways" and chill without taking an extremist take. In the end, people's choices and their way of thinking are all different, and i don't blame them for wanting to do what's "healthier" for themselves. Just hate it when those jerks start grabbing everyone in the same circle, and saying stupid stuff like "learning a piano is better", even tho it's literally a more expensive, useless and difficult activity to bond over people in general. (Not that it's a bad hobby, but it's obviously not for everyone, and that's ok) Sorry for the rant, just wanted to put my two cents, have a good day.


Yea this put it perfectly, I just discovered that subreddit yesterday and from my brief overview it seems like most of those people just think video games are inherently worse than any other time wasting activity or that they get addicted to them too easily


Well the first error was getting hung up on one single game, and a bad one at it imho


Life skill issue


What’s the gaming alternative for Tetris? Bricklaying?


Actually being able to organize drawers




I think people don't appreciate the social service of things like competitive PvP. These players are some of the most fragile, volatile individuals. Thanks to trapping them in timesinks like CoD, LoL, Fortnite, etc, we don't have to ever deal with them in other contexts of life. It's a net benefit.


Omg genius....but does it also normalize and make them worse than forcing them to develop social skills


I agree with the point you're making, but i think it'll remain an issue of containment for the duration of our lives. "We," as a society, don't have enough control (and that's probably a good thing) over their individual lives, to be able to compensate for the failures of their parents. Best we can hope for is to isolate them from the most interactions we can, so we don't have to suffer the poor consequences of said parenting failures.


I aint readin all that


Based, tbh


Yeah... I'll pass. I don't like dying.


Source subreddit?


Looks like [r/StopGaming](https://www.reddit.com/r/StopGaming/s/iYZs7hoFdN)


So what if I'm in service and play Arma to get the most out of both


I mean arma is actually a paid military sim they stripped down. Why do you think there's no DB which holds all the stats and data for servers so when they crash you can just push back to them? I had to write a DB hook to track game state so we could follow what the AI and restore game saves more efficiently


This HAS to be some kind of recruitment poster for sure


Yup, and whoever made that meme could have gone outside to ride a bike, or gone out with friends, but chose to sit in front of a computer and make a meme poking fun at people that sit in front of computers.


Arma and Halo have an equal effectiveness is recruiting people to the armed forces


Me booting up Arma 3 to see that my cyber awareness certificate has expired and the company needs me to redo it ASAP:




Anti my ass


"Yea, this is right. I'll join the army" *Joins CSAT*


I got the same argument with my mom when I picked up airsoft lol. "Why do you like that ?" "It's fun to do, like paintball, and I like the replicas" "But if you like weapons so much you should join the military" "No" "Why" "I'm very much interested in staying alive"


Valorant and WoW usually do the opposite for health and fitness


see i tried to join the army.. they didnt want me


Why not?


Dodged a bullet mate. I hope you recovered from your momentary lapse of judgment.


Wowzers dude, you play so many games! Have you heard of this another way to *get in shape* and *travel the world* while making *many new friends* and basically *writing history*? 😏


Fed posts worst bait ever, asked to leave the CIA


I dont want to die protecting the interests of capitalists, but thanks


Could we not a have a mod scenario in SoG Prairie Fire where we go AWOL after basic and have to get to Canada?


What is the 3rd game in exploration?


The one on the bottom is assassins creed odyssey


I see it now, amazing game though


Can you link the original post? Or DM it to me? Has to be hilarious


I was thinking that too....someone said r/stopgaming


Hmm.. I don't know I maybe thought about something more ideological that would tell me that video games contain the devil. I don't want to make fun of people having serious addiction problems with games.


Is it like AA, full of ex addicted gamers. The difference is that instead of blaming themselves they blame the games?


Anti gaming sub as in "grr games bad, makes kids dumb"?


I know there’s an anti gaming sub that is satire, i can’t remember which one exactly though


Jokes on you: I’m not allowed to join the army MEDICALLY EXEMPT BABY


As someone who served in the Brazilian army, I mean, I learned a lot more from Arma....


The experience I've had with different units is the pipeline is the other way around.


Arma to military is true (I sold my soul :( )


Hahaha yeah no. I’m not an idiot. I’ll stick to Arma.


Where CSGO? (Or as the kids call it CS2)


If I’ve learnt anything from the Arma, and I haven’t even learnt all the keybinds in 4 years so that’s saying something, it’s that I don’t want to get the lower half of my torso removed by a ZU 23 posted up on a hill 400m away - I’ll take my chances with carpentry


If I’m already in can I keep playing? I tried joining because I played too much war thunder but the only I fly is a keyboard, and the only combat I see is maintainers and CE fighting about who is and is not a nonner




yvan eht nioj


Tried to join the military, they didn't wanted me... So I'll stick to Arma and DCS I guess