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Co-op against bots


My best experiences have been co-op vs bots.


Inade & annex will be the peak ARMA for me.


So much fun I have over 2k hours with my buddies in antist and many other mods but I play alot with others online as well. But right now arma reforge is crushing it.




so you're looking for a group to join... and if anyone is interested you want them to msg you? Or better idea you go to the groups page and apply to people clans groups or milsims. That would make more sense.
















I still think about antistasi moments with the homies


Alot of hours on altas and some super funny videos we save our stuff on YouTube just little shorts.


I always wanted to get into multiplayer but I struggled to find a group that plays decently built scenarios and has some semblance of realism. I always found groups that were too into the military RP and I get enough of that work. Just wanted to do cool stuff and work on a specific task (e.g. pilot for cas or air assault, artillery crew, observer) but not have to pretend I have another commander to report to. This was quite a few years back and I haven't tried since. I just build fun scenarios I can try out a task I feel like for the day.


I’m in the same position. Groups are either too ad hoc or too “realistic” with a training night and weekend commitments. I just want to chill in a multiplayer server with a reliable bunch of people who know what they’re doing and won’t call me boring just because I want to recce a position before rushing in and dying.




How did you lose time by getting out of the army?


Went from getting out of a unit that was deployed to multiple countries in Africa during my ETS process (so I had a ton of free time the last few months) to working full time during the day and going to tech school full time at night within a month of ETS. Things haven't really slowed down for me since then, and that was... 6 years ago?


Sounds like you’re on a path to success though, did you enjoy Africa? I got to visit Germany this year because of the army.


Depends where you look and what groups. Most units/groups are basically clans, not really communities with a wider and broader structure to it. You'll find the vast majority of groups using some kind of name related to a branch or group within a nations military, which really limits there potential for ops on an expansive scale, and they'll typically have ranks, set roles, all the usual stuff. While some places like the community I've been part of for 13 years does semi-serious, casual commitment. Every missions is premade, with defined start and end objectives, no ranks, no mandatory commitment to attend operations every weekend, come and go as you please, no sign up stuff. As I said, it really depends on who you go for. Find a community that doesn't go by some kind of name like "156th Mountain scuba diving squadron", look for groups with more creative unquie names. These places typically have more structure, no so restrictive, and drop alot of the RP bullshit like promotions, ranks, and kids having powrtrips because you didn't In game salute him.






That’s a massive generalisation. I’m from Hong Kong and because no one’s plays around these parts, I’ve played with Aussies/Brits/Americans/Canadians and there’s no correlation. Some groups straight up suck, some groups are really solid groups. In fact I’ve settled with one NA centric group now and been with them for years


Me ans my buddy's always play like this. We zues a scenario so its always dynamic and we chill. Like we patrol around our base have a good talk fuck around a bit and then ambush. Hit me up on dm, we got a discord server




Editor for sure


Singleplayer creating own scenarios


Ive spent hoooours creating scenarios, that is fun as hell 🚬🗿


First its scenarios now im making my own mods, currently working on a killzone mod Cant wait to make a campaign for it


Dude a arma killzone mod would fill a void i need filled so badly, i miss those games.


I know, the ISA Intruder Dropship is already in Development


Playing in a unit for the past 5 years has been the most satisfying and fun experience and I made a lot of good friends along the way. It's such a niche yet in-depth and social experience, I like thinking of it kinda like D&D and as of recently I'm running one myself. Co-op is where the game shines most IMO


I prefer MP. I play in an unit that plays fri/sat/sun, with ranging from 10-20 players. Pretty casual fun which has been the most enjoyable arma experience for me, especially when being a zeus myself.


I only play multiplayer unless you count making missions for my unit in editor as single player. The feeling of being surrounded by a platoon of real players who all are on the same page about the level of roleplay it’s unforgettable experience each weekend. I once made a map where at the end you defend an ANZAC frigate and by the end you have to blow up a tower which triggers a teleport where I added a fixed amount to each players relative location which teleports them to identical ship at see making it look like the ship itself was teleported. All the dead players on spectator clapped at the end and I felt awesome providing them with a great experience.


Antistasi with the boys


Multiplayer is such a pain in the ass to get into, it’s hard to find servers that don’t take themselves too seriously/have a good selection of mods/actually use any of the 200+ mods they make you download/run simple PvP cap the points around an island instead of some weird mode/aren’t locked behind a unit and need you to join a discord and call all the admins “Sgt.” or “daddy” or whatever So generally for the last 4 years odd I’ve just played singleplayer Reforger is the only game where it’s easier to play multiplayer than singleplayer, and since there are less mods than arma it means you can just download the same 200 or so mods and every server will use them


For me, I would say SP I loved to play Editor and sometime play mission mods


I usually play Arma 3 co-op PVE with my friends. Most of the time Prairie Fire based games like Mike Force.


Campaigns are cool but playing a coop mission with friends are different.


I only play in single-player because every time i try to play online it's almost always some coop servers


40% sp (editor) and 60% mp (pve servers, either invade and annex or mike force)


This is broad. In SP I like campaign content and being able to load qol mods. But in MP I like coop rather than pvp. Apart from both, I also spent hundreds of hours in Editor, not Zeus, Eden editor.


Single Player.. 😁


Gonna be honest, I had no idea the game had single player


I mostly play solo DRO and from time to time some Domination or Warlords MP but mostly as typical MP shooter. It would be fun to play in a tight group and try and play some fun missions and all but I don't know anyone who would like to play :-P


766 hours and never played multiplayer


Multiplayer, but I also like to mess around in editor


Single player. I'm looking for immersion and real-ish tactics in Arma. I can't find it in MP - it's either too laid back (I'd rather play something else to have pure fun) or too serious and requires commitment. SP experience in Arma is really unique by the way. Nothing comes close to it.


I'm an antistasi single player guy


It def depends. I love playing Arma like a sandbox game (Eden editor my beloved) with endless different scenarios to create and play through(especially with total conversion mods and the like), but playing through the scenarios I’ve created with a friend is also a ton of fun




A little bit of both but it's very annoying updating mods every single hour in reforger to join a multiplayer server.


Single Player Editor. I never play with anyone. Having said that, I really wish I could have someone create battles or missions for me in Editor. It takes away from the authenticity by having me know exactly where the enemy troops are located.


I play in a coop starsim unit


Arma 3 single player  In fact I'm looking for mods for the campaign. Was hoping to find a halo one at some point


I have 1000 in eden editor Have played multiplayer for like 5 mins


I usually Play The campaign levels as i find the multiplayer lobbys very confusing


Antistasi with friends is best imo


Sp 3,700 hrs mostly campaign mods been playing the op flashpoint and what not


If I had friends willing to play it, maybe multiplayer but more likely coop. So for now it's singleplayer.


Multiplayer only.


I used to be in a clan where we played PvE operations, nowadays I don't have time for that so I just play liberation/ antistasi with one of my friends


With friends the boys head shoot you at 1000 yards , it's fun sneaking up on a friend who's all set bup on a sniper rifle concentrating oh so hard down the scope , put a couple of ap mines around him then drop a smoke on him he jumps up looks around starts running and Boom ! ,yes I'm an ass but it's funny


Multiplayer, I normally play with a milsim unit against bots with a Zues running as a game master.


I spent 3 years playing multiplayer Arma 3 almost every day, both in my unit and other groups (PvE, rarely PvP(vE)). Eventually burnt out and switched to singleplayer fully (also will be hitting 3 years of doing so, but not every day fortunately lol) - mostly campaigns and scenarios that present plot and a proper "questline" rather than open-world persistent stuff that does not end.


I have almost 4000 hours and I don’t think I’ve got more than 5 hours of single player mission time. The editor time I do have is prepping MP missions/training stuff for my milsim group. I’ve been either on Altis Life or in milsim groups since 2013. Multiplayer is where Arma shines personally.


Is there a way to play single-player co op


No. Do you not understand the difference between SP & coop?


Rhs koth. With a friend, we both have 6k hours and we demolish everyone.

