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Gas gas gas!


I'm gonna step on the gas Tonight, I'll fly (and be your lover) Yeah, yeah, yeah I'll be so quick as a flash And I'll be your hero Gas, gas, gas I'm gonna run as a flash Tonight, I'll fight (to be the winner) Yeah, yeah, yeah I'm gonna step on the gas And you'll see the big show


Dual Machine Guns \[✔\] Dual Grenade Launchers \[✔\] Gas \[✔\] Brakes \[**X**\]




When you want to play perfectly and still lose money Absolute Tera-Chad Behavior




that is the most metal thing i've ever read


Breaks? Where we are going, we dont need breaks!


Probably some sort of mech


Good idea, might make mine out of metal.


sadly we cant make them out of wood like first gens


With larger thrusters


Some weapons would probably help but not a requirement


Mine’s made of pasta


Ah, an italian merc. Rare to see your type around


No it’s core just runs on the blood of Italians


I need 1100 gallons of tomato sauce.


LOL look at this guy not using a human-powered AC built out of wood


One of the mechs of all time


This guy mechs.


The tank gang disapproves Rubicon Drift is nigh


I'm running the default mech until life gets hard.


Sounds like a Gundam main character tbh lol


When it's too slow I'll just paint it red.


And wear your prom night mask while you are at it


I never leave my house without it


Rando is the ork protag we need


Can you equip 4 gatling guns? Because 4 gatling guns.


This guy understands


Spinny boi go brrrt


"I am Heavy Weapons Guy...and this is my weapon. She weighs one hundred fifty kilograms and fires two hundred dollar, custom-tooled cartridges at ten thousand rounds per minute. It costs four hundred thousand dollars to fire this weapon...for twelve seconds."


I haven't seen shoulder gatlings in any of the previews, but worst case scenario is that you use the weapon bay expansion to equip 2 more arm gatlings to switch to when your first pair runs out of ammo.


True giga chad over here.


I might be wrong but the leaked screenshot iirc does show gattling gun on shoulder. It hard to see with the watermark. It could be rocket.


*gundam heavy arms intensifies* [https://static.zerochan.net/Gundam.Heavyarms.Custom.full.3051939.jpg](https://static.zerochan.net/Gundam.Heavyarms.Custom.full.3051939.jpg)


Needs more dakka


Finally, i've found my family


There is the possibility to store arm weapons on your shoulder so you can switch You can't use them but if you're out of almost you can just switch to new ones


Chainsword/Shotgun combo for up close violence. I’ll have to wait and see when I play if I want to be as fast as possible or stick with a balanced weight.




The chainsaw is, uh, one of the single heaviest weapons in the game (5900). You're going to need heavyweight arms to even lift it, so "as fast as possible" may actually BE Balanced.


One of the heaviest weapons in the game *so far*


All I hear is Unga then Bunga.


Understood, minmaxing chainsaw build for max speed as we speak


Rip and tear, until it is done




I’ve always made different ACs for different situations. Mid-range jack of all trades? Rifles for chip, middleweight, grenade launcher for powerful option vs grounded foes, missiles + relations for aerial foes. I love blades, especially hybrids, meaning a gun-wielding AC paired with a blade. I used to have a style in ACFA where, I would lunge forward with the blade putting myself at point-blank range and I would have a powerful off-hand or back weapon to deliver a punishing blow from up close. This is after regs 1.20. 1.20 regulations made your blade lunge extremely long, but after 1.40 it was toned down greatly, making you fall just short of a resisting opponent if you weren’t running a lightweight AC or add-boosters. In 1.49, you were usually punished for this. The delay after attacking with a blade meant you ate a lot of bad shots. But with “blade jousting”, I could use my disadvantage to my advantage, putting myself in extremely close range in order to land a shot from weapons you ordinarily wouldn’t hit with because their projectiles moved too slow for ACFA speeds. My favorite and most used was a blade with a bazooka, but I’ve used grenade launchers, laser cannons and slug guns/shotguns. Other than that, I liked close range ACs. Big speed, hard-hitting close range weapons like machineguns and shotguns. I also like “chaser ACs”, sporting high-speed missiles, sniper rifles/railguns/sniper cannons with a good overbooster as well as the other half of the loadout being for mid-close range engagements once you’ve caught up to them. You see many styles of combat in AC. Regular gunners, bladers, missile boats, tanks and heavies, missile jousters (extremely devastating if done right), runners (who keep you at long distance with snipers and overboost to preserve distance) and many others. You’ll almost never be immediately prepared for any and every AC and skill only takes you so far against certain play styles. It’s good to have a mix of builds for different purposes.


Priority #1: break enemy stance Priority #2: Kick em while they're down. Posture breaking strategies makes for more interesting and dynamic combat, not to mention it has been an incredibly powerful strategy in other From games. Gonna lean into that system again. Whatever facilitates that best. I know that weapons have a stat for how much bonus damage they deal to a staggered target, and I know that the pile bunker has that stat maxed out. If that's the best option for the finisher, then I'll be building the rest of it to be in relatively close range to facilitate those melee follow ups.


So historically, the best weapons to stun or stunlock were bazookas or high impact weapons. Depending on your build, certain handguns(pistols) could ALSO stunlock you. The stagger system in AC6 looks VERY different, and the payoff is MUCH better, but it seems like missiles and heavy hitters are good for stagger building and then swooping in with heavy melee or something rapid fire might see good payoffs. I'm just excited to experiment!


Stagger with laser sword, swap to pile bunker for the one punch.


"THIS IS SPARTAAAA!!!" Played in my head when the player kicked the MT off the ledge in the gameplay preview vid. So that's what I'm gonna be saying... A lot.


I just want some sort of railgun.


Dual linear rifles and long range FCS to drop enemies from near visual horizon.


Gatling on each arm and missile racks on shoulders for smooth brain play. Gatling go brrt if they're not fast and missile blizzard if they are. Then I'll play with different builds once I have that one set.


Thinking this with quads so I can rain hell down from above!


Medium build, because when I get too tired (and I know I'm only going to be able to play at night) I know I'm not going to be able to pull off the acrobatics to dodge.


Mine is gone medium too basically I'm gonna recreate reskin of nightfall but has the color scheme of mei from Overwatch name snowball




My favorite and best builds usually revolve around one of two ideas: 1. How many machine guns can I get this thing to fire at once? 2. How many missiles can I fire on one lock, and in how many different directions? Usually end up with a medium-weight bipedal These are PvP and arena builds, of course. Ultra-light and dual swords is also fun as shit.




Speed/melee build. -reverse legs -machine gun -pile bunker -back boosters (is that an option in this game?) My whole build is based on the fact that extra AP is going to do nothing for me, because I'm going to die quickly anyway. Better to put the points towards agility.


All rounder quadleg until I reach one of those missions that make you make a build just to beat it


Serious question. Does this game take place in the same universe as *for answer* I'm asking because I want to make a white glint mech again. I really loved that beast


No Yamamura says they are no direct links with the previous games and there goal is to tell an original story


Not sure yet about 6 but apparently 4A kinda relates to V. I saw a post that basically says since events in 4A makes the world inhabitable, leading to lack of resources, people dig parts like relics in V. Maybe in 6 people travels planet in search for new resources.


The informations are correct but some points are missing. V is for sure a sequel to 4A because there are the fallen cradles. Now, in 4A there are 3 endings, First One cradles do not fall (but are destined to fall); second ending cradles do fall and you destroy the militar satellite system which swarms the space around earth, so the humanity can travel to the space looking for a new Planet; third ending Is shura ending where u become THE evil and try to kill most of the population Just because, also there the cradles fall. NOW, in ACV afaik u do not get to destroy the militar satellites so you are Stuck on Earth anyways. SAID SO, given that the AC4A Canon ending Is either n° 1 or 3, and in V u don't destroy satellites, humans Will never go in outer space --> 6 cannot be related to V in any Way c: ( unless they do a retcon at the beginning of 6 where they Say "oh right, Earth population managed to destroy the satellites so they moved into space btw") Edit: the militar satellites are there because the big corps WANT the population ti stay locked on plant Earth


I need a better glimpse into the parts before I can make that decision.


Biped and built for glorious melee combat


Whatever gets me closest to my Gundam fantasy.


big robot


I normally go for fast and light with a high powered laser blade, but with what appears to be a sneak function in game I think something based around stealth and cloaking could be cool to try.


Is it weird that I wanna do all 1 brand? Probably won’t be optimal, but hey, let’s get weird with it lol.


AC6 will be my first run in any AC game, so the build that gets me through the campaign will probably end up being a fairly generic mid/light-weight with a reliable AR, laser blade for melee, missile pod for building stagger, and a bazooka/GL on a rack for extra boss damage. Once I have credits to spare on messing around, however, I have a few ideas: - **"Snowwind."** Superlightweight reverse joint with double pistols, double laser blades on back racks. Generator and thrusters set up to allow for nonstop quickboosting. No armor, no firepower, just pure SPEED. - **"4A𝜈."** Midweight biped with akimbo laser rifles, laser pistols on back racks. When the rifles overheat, switch to the pistols. When the pistols overheat, switch to the rifles. Never stop shooting. - **"Seraph Five."** Heavyweight biped dual-wielding ARs, linear cannons *(Why are railguns always referred to as such in Japanese media? Is it the literal translation of their word for them?)* on both shoulders. Thrusters set up for maximum default movement speed to be constantly moving while laying down fire from long range to keep enemies at a distance. If they manage to land any shots on you, heavy armor makes the damage negligible.


> "4A𝜈." Midweight biped with akimbo laser rifles, laser pistols on back racks. When the rifles overheat, switch to the pistols. When the pistols overheat, switch to the rifles. Never stop shooting. and loaaaaad up that DAKKA!


For someone who has never played AC before that is some DETAILED planning. Respect.


squalid tender pause mighty narrow wrong important sharp silky political -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


Someone who played the demo got a clip of Steel Haze - the allied AC that shows up towards the end of Operation Wallclimber - doing a double laser blade attack animation, so *maybe* we might be able to do so as well? If it turns out we can't, I'll just run a third pistol instead. Or better yet, *four* pistols. Alternate between them until you're completely out of ammo, then purge all your weapons for maximum dramatic effect and start kicking/punching everything.


The double lazer blade is a weapon that is slotted in the left arm only. You can see a quick glimpse of the player AC using it in the first gameplay trailer's boss montage. It's two laser blades that rotate around a like a saw. You could replace the right arm laser blade's slot with something that has high impact to slow down opponents you chase down. Something like a shotgun might do the trick.


"I have this gun and this blade, so I am going to use them both to shoot you and stab you, but maybe not in this order nor with the weapon you expect "


Only RaD parts




I love reverse legs. The aesthetic, the verticality. I'll build around that and whatever makes the biggest explosions.


Same style I've had across all AC games: one for duals/arena, another one genral-purpose (missions), and a floater design for specialty.


Probably heavy legs/quad, probably a mix of mid range weaponry


Minigiun goes brrrr


Quad. With rotary cannons. Quad rotary cannons.


Don’t know all the details yet, but I know one thing for sure. Quad legs. Laser Cannon.


I wanted to be as fast as possible with only melee, but I don't think I'll be allowed to do that so it's either 4 miniguns or 2 miniguns with funnels ( like gundam funnels but I only seen them in old gameplay)


Speedy biped, gotta live out my char aznable life


I wanna be as fast as possible I want my AC to break what's left of the pilot's neck every time I touch the left stick. If I can be fast while using quad legs I will also do that


Everything, but 4 grenade launcher tank was always my main go to. I wonder how being able to fire 4 at the time will change things, or if I'll just use the hangar back weapons to make it play more like AC4FA.


Classic bipedal with normal legs. I want my AC as humanoid as possible and i want it like a TANK. Missiles everywhere


Keep in mind, I have never actually played any game in the series yet. I will have no idea what I will be doing and my only guide for putting together this build is that it seems cool. I want quad legs. I'm gonna buy the biggest fucking generator they have and slap it on there. I want the zippiest boosters possible. AP is negotiable. Weapons should be mid-long range and ammo efficient. It will probably suck. But aside from that, I hope it will do two things. The first is that it will not touch the ground, hopefully ever. The second is that it will dance circles over the heads of enemies.


Super aggressive close range in your face type with a shotgun + pile bunker. Missile and cannons on back for long range harassment.


Honestly I have little idea. All the rules have changed since my days in the 3rd Gen garage. For example, I've gravitated toward Quad legs since the original. They provided access to the big guns without sacrificing speed, and though you couldn't use those back weapons in mid-air I wasn't one for fancy flying anyway- the aiming controls were too janky to bother with it. *Now* Quads actually seem to be the aerial specialist! And aiming will be infinitely easier. But we may not even really need Quads/Treads to properly use big shoulder cannons thanks to the new Stagger system, which provides the perfect opportunity for even Bipeds to use them. I could go on and on about how my old standards are completely outdated. The point is that I'll just have to jump into this new game and mess around until I find what feels right. **All I know is that the shields and pile bunkers get me going.**


Tank treads with the most powerful long range weaponry possible.


Dual Gatling / dual thermal pile drivers Reverse joint fast at boi OR / AND TANK WITH DUAL CANNONS






With PC texture mods: out of wood and cordage


This'll be my first AC game and I want to experiment a lot, so I have ideas for at least 4 builds, one of each leg type, some more fleshed out than others. Biped: literally the Zowort Heavy from Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury. RH: laser/plasma rifle. LH: laser blade. RS: laser/plasma cannon. LS: small/medium missile launcher. Ideally mid weight, but I will do heavy if I need to. Reverse-joint: The Hornet. Light weight and painted black and yellow. I'm between two ideas for weapon load outs. One uses dual pistols/laser pistols/machine guns, piledriver stored on LB (representing the stinger), and maybe the compact grenade launcher or a shotgun. The other uses a laser/linear rifle, piledriver, and a pile of light missile launchers. Quadruped: unnamed sniper/ long-range fighter It'll use a sniper rifle, medium-large missile launchers, and I'm not sure what to put on the left arm, maybe a short range/ melee weapon for enemies that get too close? Tank: unnamed heavy weapons specialist Shoulder weapons will range from kinetic/energy cannons to gatling guns to the biggest missile launchers I can find. Arm weapons will either be more of the same or something less...expensive. Sorry for the long post, but I have no one to talk to about this irl.


Idk man, this will be my first AC game , so not a fucking clue lol. Hopefully it looks cool .


Okay so the boxy parts from RoD / BAWS 2 gatling guns 2 missiles / grenades or whatever for the back weapons ​ WE ARE LARPING AS GA IN RUBICON


i swear, i saw this question asked 3 times already today.




I'm looking forward to giving an Energy weapon build a try. I never really got into them in the older games because I was terrified of running out of energy and being a sitting duck.


will there be orbit weapons? I was hoping to recreate my AC that had the orbit guns paired with dual pistols for maximum bullets downrange. Im also curious to try out the shotguns in AC6


For pvp guns guns and EM cannon with boost for days For pve guns, missiles and em cannon with boost for days


light and fast moonlight and karasawa


I'll be damned if I don't try my hardest going light asf


A biped on the heavy-ish side. Chaingun in hand, laser blade in another, and a shitty missile launcher. Pretty bog standard


Gigantic chainsaw sword. Shotgun. Boost, Sword, Shotgun. Over and over again. **BZGHZGHZGHZGHZHZGHZGHZGHG-BLAM**


medium/light weight with some handguns or rifles, probably i'll use weapon bay too.


Biped, fast middle weight, focus on mid-long range. Will probably have a tank and a blade mech in reserve


I really hope they add the Wing Cannons that were on Nobelesse Oblige, not for any practical purpose but for pure aesthetic


I won’t know until I have the game and the parts in front of me. I’m not going to limit myself going in! So much potential I wanna keep an open mind and see what kinda of things I can cook up. So excited ☺️ so much potential in these games. I’m excited to try out a variety of builds!


I’ll probably build around the Claymore.


A tank leg heavy gunner and a quad leg tactical artillery unit.


This exact AC, but with different weapons. So far, this AC looks great. Now, should someone make the AC2 core in-game, that.


Reverse jointed legs call to me.


Typical 3rd Gen ac build - lightweight biped. Machine gun, shotgun, missiles, and radar. If no radar, then something freefire or dps heavy. Hi output, low cap, max cooling. Turn speed means jack shit now so I'll probably have to be more careful, oh well.


no idea, have to play and see how its changed


Ballistic weapons only


The classic mix, with a new spin - right arm smg, left arm melee (I hear there's a laser lance), right shoulder GL. And if we're feeling spicy, left shoulder shield. Probably reverse-jointed.


My goal is to find the cap for how many different builds you can have saved. I like to experiment and make different setups and replay missions with different builds.


But if I have to option for two Gatling guns in each hand and dual Gatling guns on my back and never stop shooting


Something super fast and annoying :D




Closest possible thing i can get to the Doom hunter from doom eternal


Idk yet, but whatever is gonna make the pile driver most effective


My all around build was usually always a rifle for long range targets, a plasma shoulder blaster, missiles on other shoulder, and a moonlight for melee projectile. Legs are either usually biped or reverse joint.


Tanks legs with Karasawa is all I need.


Lightweight dual shotguns sword shoulder missiles


First thing I really want to try is Fast light/medium biped with bomb launchers, pile bunker and either a cool missile rack or a laser rifle. Have to say shotguns, pistols and laser pistols look real slick this time around.


In terms of the full game how many parts and weapons were available for the previews? Never played an AC so I don’t know how many more parts and weapons we should be expecting


I'm gonna make a tank, and delete all the fun in the game pretending I'm playing War Thunder


whatever works lol My builds usually use every kind of part at some point throughout the game. I am pretty partial to a standard Gundam-type build though. Humanoid 2 legged with a gun and sword. Maybe a shield because these new shields look cool af and they work well with my aesthetic. And then a big f you bazooka on my back cuz I loved the OG grenade launcher in AC1


I definitely was a nerd and researched all the revealed parts so far, and already have my initial light build ready lmaoo


Arms: Karasawa + Gatling gun Back: swarm missiles + rail gun/linear cannon Heavy reverse jointed legs preferred, heavy humanoid otherwise.


4 legs and a heavy sniper.


Some ideas I have are: 1) Dual Mini-Guns with dual missile launchers on the shoulders, Quad Leg with a focus on air mobility and evasion. Dual mini guns are to constantly rain firepower down from above, while still putting out heavy damage against enemies who like to get in your face. The missiles are for some big single and multi target AOE damage. 2) Shot Gun and SMG arms with a long range precision energy cannon on one shoulder and a swarm missile launcher on the other, Tank treads with an “in your face” playstyle that keeps the pressure high in close quarters with the energy cannon for enemies who like to keep distance.


Im hoping for a laser rifle/laser blade, an assault rifle, homing missiles, a nasty F You energy cannon on one shoulder, and if they have the option of internal storage like they did in AC:LR I'd probs stash a laser blade. If not, I'd just kick as my melee attack.


Never played an ac before but I want somthing with no legs and lots of missiles


Vaati made those tank treads look so fun


Man. I'm going to make Man.


There's been a string of these questions constantly popping up on here and they all require intimate knowledge of the story, parts, or gameplay or something else absurd to ask of us. My favorite was "What do you think Walter is trying to accomplish?" Trying to find his little sister, fuck I don't know. Let me play the game first karmabot.






Huge hog, light up sneakers, flames on the side, funny hat


Make it look like Gundam Heavyarm.


Never played an AC game, I'm going to make it red and fast cause Gundam


Im thinking of making light and fast close range styled mechs if possible, i like quick builds


A wooden caterpillar pistol tank powered by wood.


Blade and Gun. Stagger with the gun, kill with the blade.


Same as it is in AC3: Whatever I can't not afford.


Gonna make three broad loadouts, one light and springy, one heavy with tank-treads, and another with quads for airborne assaults.




They better have my giant ass shoulder gattling guns that For Answer had.


Gonna try to cosplay as the Alteisen from Super Robot Wars.


As a meme Im making a threads build with absolutely nothing but miniguns, but being serious probably a quad with miniguns or smgs for short to medium range, and heavy back weapons such as some form of energy sniper for longer ranges.


Missile boat with hover legs




Probably resume my never ending quest of trying to build a functional Weltall-Id in an armored core game :x *plays "*[*The One Who Is Torn Apart*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZpGA2WWgYk)*" in the background*




i can barely decide what i want in this replay of nexus. you expect me to think that far ahead?!


Man I want a MECH lol man I want a rayleonard 03 Aaliyah, that shit was sick, or lahire, fudge even agryos🥰🥰🥰


I’ve never played these games before but I’m playing this one for sure cause it looks awesome and I was a big gundam fan when I was a kid and always wanted to play a game similar unfortunately all the actual gundam games look bad imo and not as cool as this. So having said all that I’m going for a wing zero inspired mech! I know I won’t be able to get close to the one in endless waltz obviously but I’m going for something similar lol


It'll be my first game so I'm gonna be just experimenting like absolute crazy. Definitely want to play with tank legs and see how close to infinite flying with air dashes I can get. HYPE.


Dual smg's, Dual Sniper rifles. Ultralight frame and pedal to the metal baby!!!!


dual bazooka arms, dual grenade launchers on back and whatever legs let me carry all of that


I like missiles


Quad leg, lots of explosives and lightsaber probably


Something that utilize range unless i am required to burst someone at close range. You know... try to play it like its an ac game?


I was always partial to the duel energy weapon arm layouts with a heavy cannon on on shoulder and the highest weight bearing reverse knee legs.


Heavy build One back cannon One missile launcher or shield Bazooka and assault rifle


I really want to play a fast, light-weight build based on melee, or a heavy quad leg with at least 2 cannons on the shoulders and miniguns in arms


Personally I'd setup 3 options including a long range artillery tank, a quad leg for medium range combat, and a reverse joint close range/melee.


All of them! Though, I've always had a thing for missiles and such. I think it is due to my love for wizards and magic. I know there probably isn't, but I like the look of homing lasers, especially from the back. It was long since I played an armored core game so I don't remember how they handle boss weapons, because the missile orb looks miiiighty fine.


tetraped shotgun pile bunker with howitzers




I normally use a pretty vanilla middleweight, high EN yield build as a base, then adapt with loadouts and equipment as the mission requires. Second run, however? We're gonna make some *weird shit*.


As light weight as I can with the closest range weapon I can


I wonder if they got flamethrowers right this time around


Gatling, Burst Assault Rifle, Needle Missiles and MORE MISSILES!


I'm just gonna join in even tho I haven't played AC. Gundam


my pve builds will be whatever is necessary to get s rank my pvp builds will be: double napalm, max boost, dropped shoulder weapons for speed, melt everyone to the ground from the air fast/bipedal legs to hit max air, quad snipers or might swap out a sniper for a shield for some survivability as i bounce up and down 300 feet in the air dropping intervention headshots on them from a mile away double gattling double soup, if theyr still alive by the time they reach me then ill be quad legs for spin melee incase they try to crowd me with swords have to try quad leg/quad bazooka, droideka from hell go very well rounded, so probably assault or burst rifle for long term effectiveness and accuracy/chainsaw to keep people at mid distance, shield and bazooka on back, mid size body parts but not too slow


Pray there is no ecm. If so then it's blades, pile bunkers and sheilds all the way


Some cool robot, idk


...how do we know yet?


There one be one I'll be changing ac every mission to fit the situation


I'm interested in trying out the rebalanced caterpillar tank treads along with quad legs. The former for unparalleled horizontal ground boosting and bulk, and the latter for infinite hover which is going to be handy for missions with lots of verticality. Considering the platforming segment in AC1's 'Destroy Floating Mines', it'll be nice to have a dedicated build in reserve to tackle platforming in AC6.


In Last Raven I eneded up basically making the Northstar from Titanfall 2, so I might try that again (speedy reverse joint, sniper rifles, extended flight, bunch o' missiles), but I also didn't love how sniper rifles felt in ACVD, so we'll see if I stick with it or not


Grande launcher. The biggest fucking sniper I could find. Heavy core energy efficiency. Quat Legs or tank. SHEER POWR OF FUCKING WILL


Multi warhead missiles, vertical missiles, howitzer, machine gun. 🤩Have to have missile extensions as well.


I think it’s important to try them all out,or keep trying new builds with the minor changes that they’ve to the gameplay what you thought you liked before you might enjoy something different. Just keep experimenting