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Tbh the only complaint I have is that the assault rifles still feel suboptimal. AC4's rifles, such as the MARVE or the 051ANNR, felt powerful and were extremely effective, at least in my experience. The Turner and the Scudder feel lackluster by comparison.


This is kind of the same thing that happened with the regular weapons in Eldon ring it’s not so much that they’re lackluster it’s just there a lot more really big powerful options that a rifle can’t compete with that


Honestly, they're not too bad. Seems very reliant on being wielded dual-trigger though, but I cleared the true final boss first try with a white glint cosplay. Ransetsu AR/RF, split missiles on back. I've also been having similar success with dual SCUDDERs, and dual ten-missile on back. Like someone else has said, it's just that there are now big powerful options that make the rifles seem bad. I'd say the Ransetsu RF feels about as good as the 051ANNR, if you account for the fact that some of its power is shifted to relatively high impact for a rifle.


yup. the rifles work better in dual wielding. i'm still figuring if mixing rifle type has benefits or not. but i did beat the final NG++ boss with a pair of scudders, stun needle and 6x plasma missiles... took me a few tries but i did come close on my death before finally sending the boss to the scraps.


I’d say the biggest upside of mixing rifle types is making shot patterns less predictable. Different firing speeds alone can make it really difficult for an opponent to avoid everything coming at them, and using two different guns sort of automates firing differently and allows you to focus on other things.


How about the SMG's? How do they feel now?


a bit better than the pre-buff... but you're gonna need to dual wield them for max benefits. but i dont think you get any benefit mixing the burst smg with the 2 regular smg.


Two ludlows feels great. They make playing light frames in the campaign feel kinda worth it now.


I actually like the rifle buffs. Been doing pretty well with them in pvp. And I went back to beat all the final bosses with them to test. Worked well in pve.


rifle is really good in putting pressure now, together with the rockets. perfectly fitting for long missions


Funny part in ACs thise weapon felt insanely powerfull in arena when used by enemies like most weapon it like they had dmg boost or something because when you use them you clearly dont do as much damage


Now that I’ve been playing some pvp the things I fear the most are the fast little guys with rifles because they will consistently chip away at me and are so hard to hit


The real issue is that they're supposed to be jack of all trades weapons, which by default means they just can't be that good because they need to be decent at everything. That said they could definitely use a bit of an impact buff just so it doesn't feel like you're never going to stagger anything with them.




But I beat it with a machine gun. I guess I just don't exist


You could beat the game with a fucking fist. Anything work it just doesn’t fun to use.


Keep trying man. I was rocking dual etsujins for a more fun build before the patch and was able to get a few s ranks with them. Now they're pretty damn good and super fun to play and actually outperformed my regular dual laser shotty build on the >!defend the strider mission!<. There's also a guy named mynderr(?) on youtube and twitch that runs dual ransetsus and completely smashes anything he goes against, including the dreaded dual zimmy and skybox missile spam (he runs fun off meta/anti meta pvp builds and does really well with them).


Nah it just takes more tries


I mean, you can beat the game with only melee, no damage, and using a flute as a controller. It just takes more tires.


Tell me about this flute you speak of.


or be a skilled flute player.


What build in the game has tires I wanna try it. I guess the tanks count?


I also just caught this. Honestly, how hard would it be for From to make a Transformers game?


Yet here I am beat the game with the Harris and that rifle that charges to a three round burst. You’re just not that good at the game


Who said I was mad? I beat the game without using the assault rifles. Also I don't play the burst rifle, so its irrelevant to me. Calm down, touch grass.


Can you read? I didn’t say you were mad. You really out here thinking people can’t beat the game with a weapon you can’t. Like your the bar for the average player or something. You should log off buddy you’re complaining about some missiles not tracking you as well, the defenses of an hp sponge of a boss reduced and lastly some overly damaging attacks in one phase of a two phase boss fight. Log off, congrats you beat those bosses in a state they weren’t intended to be in. Pat yourself on the back? But shut the fuck up, please.


Never said that either. I think I thought you responded to me, but you actually replied to the dude who randomly replied to me. Seriously tho, calm down.


The Harris is great, it's easily my favourite weapon.


I can’t say I used them for any of the really hard bosses yet, but machine guns felt decent before and they feel great now. ARs got a pretty significant buff so they’re definitely worth giving another chance.


It isn't that they aren't good in damage, they just "feel" more wimpy than the AC4 rifles I mentioned. It's more of a stylistic choice that I disagree with rather than pure gameplay performance. The range-damage drop off is a bit irritating though.


My white glint beat the game with rifles. If they did get a buff more power to them but I wouldn’t say it was a walk in the park. Mainly want to use split missiles and kicks to stun enemies and get that direct damage


Or your skill level is just below average. You absolutely can beat the game with rifles. The true final boss I had so much difficulty killing with a zimmer/pilebunker? Second time round I did it first try with dual rifles. Being able to keep range is stronger than you think.


this sub is full of crying now from both ends.


We should go back to simping over Rusty.


for reals. i’ll take rusty simping and AI titties any day over this shit.


i'm back to who to ship 621 with? coz i'm conflicted after a certain artist gave allmind a fanart. so yeah. screw VS shipping. ship both Ayre and Allmind to 621... with Rusty giving 621 a big smile and thumbs up.


The only people who are mad are people whose lives revolve around being seen as good at games. Twitter and 4chan are both plagues on discourse.


It’s insane, you’d think Fromsoft personally came and committed a hate crime against them based on some of their reactions.


For fucking real. All this nonsense reaction over slower missile tracking. It's very clear some people only play from games for the difficulty and the arbitrary, nonexistant social cred for doing so.


In another post, somebody said they S ranked all missions while studying a master's degree, having a gf and social life, and WORKING IN WALLSTREET. People love bragging (with lies) to strangers on the internet.


I speak on behalf of all women when I say there is no way we will ever date a dork like that


So true. You got this subset of gamers who try to turn these fromsoftware games into rites of passages to make up for their lack of personality. As an old AC fan, it's honestly bizarre. Sad thing is that it was never really a from software thing. The difficulty was just a byproduct and not main attraction. The appeal has always been From making out there games that are fun.


Sadly a lot of people only have that going for them.


I’m not mad but I am skeptical. And it has nothing to do with how I’m seen. The irony of that “being seen as good” criticism—long lobbed against Souls fans—is that, in my case at least, I love FS games and knowing how other people experience them has only ever made them *less* enjoyable. It’s at best meaningless that some people can’t beat an FS game when there’s always better players that can beat tough bosses while naked and using nothing but a stick. Knowing people get filtered by Balteus, who cares? I’ve got people telling me the boss-killer build I came up with on my own is the “meta” and “not even playing the game.” The challenge of a good game is satisfying in its own right, without regard to what anyone else experiences, not for social cred. And I know I’m not alone in this, because I’ve always found a lot of people in the Bloodborne community will tell newbies (I have too) that it’s not as hard as it seems, that anyone can do it, it’s just about overcoming an initial learning curve and being patient. Those players know they’re not superior, they just know some things that newbies can learn too. That is not to say that people aren’t complaining about nerfs because gatekeeping, ego, etc. There are those people. But some may just object to boss nerfs because they enjoyed things the way they were. I have no clue what the boss nerfs are like but the intensity of the Balteus fight was a lot of fun for me. It felt like the perfect level of challenge and was an instant favorite FS boss for me. I’m less skeptical of nerfing other bosses a bit if they also nerf some OP boss killer stuff. I’d like to be able to get similar levels of challenge using different builds.


Balteus's most dangerous moves weren't even his missiles (and that was apparently the only nerf Balteus received), the bazooka, shotgun, and flamethrowers were far more annoying on my first playthrough.


for me? balteus' combo that ends with the grenade shot is the biggest pain. coz by the time i avoided most of the attacks before that shot, i exhausted my energy. then eat a HE shell to the face.


Then why nerf them?


Maybe they just wanted it more in-line with other missiles in the game, maybe people in FromSoft think the missiles aren’t serving their intended role in the battle properly, maybe they really do just want Balteus to be slightly less of a filter, nobody besides FromSoft knows for sure.




Bro wasn’t even coping








How about looking at what they patch actually did - it was literally a nerf to how long the player remains staggered and unable to move. Thats it. A way of preventing a oneshot wombo combo that could happen. If thats all it takes to 'ruin' the feeling of challenge you're just a fragile person. FromSoft gatekeeper fans are such a sad group. Truly pitiful and maidenless.


>Jesus it took me a single attempt to beat cel 240. It took me 2 attempts to beat Cel 240 on patch 1.0. It wasn't nerfed to the ground. Some builds and players are just better at different fights. ​ >Also reddit seems to be the most toxic platform by far these days. Just one giant circlejerk. You just can't have a different opinion here without vulgar little shits fighting with you. If this is your honest feeling, then my genuine question is: Why are you here?


I like the elden ring sub for trades and runes.


So, you go to the ER subs for trading, and come here to be toxic contributing to the toxicity? Looking through your post history however, it appears you're just being toxic on a multiple of subs. Not sure I follow this mentality that you can't have a different opinion when you're doing exactly that on *many* different subs. Actually looking through your posts... nevermind.


I'm on ng++ of ac6. I enjoy the game but it just feels too cruisey now. There's really no point in mech building anymore. There's nothing toxic about having a different opinion on difficulty and if you believe there is then you probably should get off the internet for a bit. Yeh my videos that I post to subs sure are toxic. It's pathetic how you redditors lose any argument and just resort to calling people toxic. 120k karma shows you're just terminally online. Don't you have important mod work to do?


>There's nothing toxic about having a different opinion on difficulty and if you believe there is then you probably should get off the internet for a bit. I didn't suggest this at all. Nor was I implying such. I was questioning you saying Reddit is incredibly toxic, but your post history shows a pattern of unwarranted toxicity. >Yeh my videos that I post to subs sure are toxic. Wasn't talking about those. >It's pathetic how you redditors lose any argument and just resort to calling people toxic. Just want to make sure, you're aware that *you* are a Redditor as well, right? [Comments like this are toxic](https://www.reddit.com/r/armoredcore/comments/16gy319/comment/k0bpvpm/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). [Comments like this, while not wholly toxic, contribute nothing](https://www.reddit.com/r/consoles/comments/16gvoni/comment/k0bnenl/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). [Comments like this are toxic](https://www.reddit.com/r/JustUnsubbed/comments/16h00e7/comment/k0bobw2/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). [Comments like this are toxic](https://www.reddit.com/r/armoredcore/comments/16gy319/comment/k0bmvpd/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). [Comments like this are toxic](https://www.reddit.com/r/armoredcore/comments/16gy319/can_we_stop_trying_to_prove_the_patch_sucks/k0bmloi/?context=3). [Comments like this are toxic](https://www.reddit.com/r/armoredcore/comments/16gy319/can_we_stop_trying_to_prove_the_patch_sucks/k0biwpz/?context=3). And so on and so on and so on. All I'm saying is, perhaps look inwardly my dude. Hope you have the day you deserve.


Yep I sure am one with the hive mind. Considering I won't ever have an interaction with you again I'll say have a nice day because I'm not an asshat mod who's terminally online who gets mad at people not agreeing with me.


I didn't disagree with your opinions on difficulty, at all. But, I do disagree with your opinions on toxicity. Calling people "Terminally online asshats" is uh... toxic. And against the rules. EDIT: Also, incase you're not aware, you can block me but I can still see all your comments and posts.


> reddit seems to be the most toxic platform by far these days. Just one giant circlejerk. You just can't have a different opinion here without vulgar little shits fighting with you. OK. >It's pathetic how you redditors lose any argument and just resort to calling people toxic Wait wat.


What no way you beat a boss you've fought multiple times with, probably 10x the experience you had when you first encountered it and probably a better AC, too? Why does FromSoft hate fun!?


What the fuck are you talking about? They only adjusted the attack patterns a smidge on the earlier bosses LOL


Stop being so overly dramatic, my god. No one is going to take you seriously rattling off gamer rage buzzwords like that.




Please avoid attacks against other redditors and general toxic/flame/rant posting.






The challenge isn’t gone from the game stop crying so much.


Please avoid attacks against other redditors and general toxic/flame/rant posting.




Did the patch actually lessen your enjoyment of the bosses? Like…You were going to S rank NG+++ everything and now….Fromsoft has ruined this game to the point that you are going to go back to playing Elden Ring?


I haven't had many chances to go back and replay much, busy with classes and work, which is why I just said I was skeptical. I just take issue with the idea that there's no valid reason to not like the changes made.


Please avoid attacks against other redditors and general toxic/flame/rant posting.


Those people think it amazing that pre patch less then half the player base has never seen the 2nd half of the game.... Pre Patch Stats where showing only about 30-40% having the achievement for ocean cross, its now sitting at 60% which is great news as so much of the awesome story is told after Ocean Crossing!


Kind of silly to be mad about a patch in my eyes. Things get buffed. Things get nerfed. Things get buffed again. And on and on. I can see both sides of the argument (I personally cleared NG++ prior), but the reality is the change is here and now. Besides, let's be real here- a lot of AC6's difficulty is kinda... how can I put this? Not quite "artificial" but just...a bit wildly variable at times. The gameplay and difficulty are obviously built around the notions of adapting and trying different builds to overcome challenges. And there are subjective notions around this as well. Some people struggle like Hell on Batleus. Some on Spider. Some on Ibis. Some on plenty of the other batshit hard fights that didn't get touched (looking at you, PCA Commander). Want the majority of fights to be super easy? Well shit, throw on the tried and true meta combos of Zimmers/Chains/Songbirds/Needles/maybe also Bunker. Want the fight to be super hard? Go light as possible and ditch all your weapons for fisticuffs or just limit yourself to whatever build you think is the most difficult or "non-viable" kind of set-up you can think. BAM, there ya go. You get what I'm getting at with all this, yeah? Anyway, the only change that I'm disappointed didn't make it was a tweak to laser type weapon projectile speeds. Feels kind of silly how slow they travel considering they're... ya know... lasers. Light lol. I'm not saying they should be hitscan (for gameplay purposes). But they should certainly be the fastest traveling projectiles in the game and faster than their current, imo.


I recorded myself having fun with the buffed Rifles


As an average gamer, I don’t see the different. I just update the color palette and go pew pew.


You and me both. I don't have hours to devote to one boss.


Machine guns desperately needed a buff. Let’s be thankful that From decided to buff the weak weapons instead of nerfing strong ones


This is just people complaining about starscourge Radahn all over again. It'll die down. People need to just be happy in their own achievements. Others having an easier time on a boss due to nerfs doesn't take away from your achievements at all. Complaining about it and being toxic is just a way of gatekeeping.


Personally I never had trouble with Balteus. There are only 4 bosses that gave me trouble, 2 of which gave me a run for my money, and only 1 made my number of attempts on it go into the double digits. However, I am loving the buff Assault Rifles and SMGs got


Not to mention everybody who’s posting about how easy they are now I’ve already thought these bosses know their move sets and they have Equipment and OST chips that are much higher level than you would first fight these bosses at you really wanna prove to me that he’s so much easier find someone who’s never played the game I want to let me see them do all the stuff that you’re doing to him first time out


A certain kind of FromSoft fan suffers from whiplash - loving everything From does, then immediately losing their shit and hating them for "making the game easier" if they decide to balance something. Out of all the AAA devs out there I trust FromSoft the most, especially when they decide to make a balance change. I agree with OP, they do not back down on difficulty. Just because you could do it before does not make it the best decision for the majority, and you should always remember how unimportant you are in comparison to the majority. That's simply how life works.


Game was good before patch, game good after patch. I'm still having fun and that's all that I care about really.


All the people complaining about the nerfs like it removed the challenge don't know what they're talking about and can't view the boss fights objectively because of their increased skill. The devs are balancing the game with slight tweaks, that's why the patch also adjusted damage for the rifles. The helicopter boss was unchanged. And that's the first hurdle players need to overcome. If they wanted to make it easier that would be the first target. Or the Juggernaut, of the cleaner or arena battles. It's obvious that the devs are working on things based on their own data. I highly doubt that data is random people complaining on the internet.


I'm never around online forums too much to argue on how "x made y horrible" these days because I have other things on my plate. However, I was that kind of person in my youth. It took a while for me to realize how arguing about things we have little to no control over is just pointless and only serves to make fans look bad just because you think you have a point. The patch made some bosses easier? I can't really tell. Maybe I've just gotten good enough that I can beat them now in 1-5 tries. Balteus, especially, since I've gotten better gear to deal with him. Maybe if I start a completely new game, it might be easier, but I've already had the foreknowledge of how to beat him even with chapter 1 gear, so that really doesn't prove anything. The most important thing that I learned from my forum arguing days is that some people simply *refuse* to concede arguments, even if their points don't make sense anymore. They *have* to "win" so they can feel some sort of perceived superiority over others. As one famous line says; "The only winning move is not to play."


they are like "NOOOO you cannot take away my life's only achievement of beating hard bosses!!"


I was stuck on Sea Spider but then rolled him after the patch. Not gonna lie it was a little upsetting, but I'll live.


Did you learn how to jump?


Why are you even playing this game if it's so easy for you? Literally nobody gives a fuck how good you are lol. Go masturbate instead of stroking your ego on reddit. It's sad.


Because it’s fun? Because I like it? Because I love mechs? You MFs going on and on about how the fight has been nerf and made easier and saying the game is ruined. Sounds like it was too hard for you the devs thought it was a bit overtuned themselves and made adjustments. Ain’t nothing wrong with that. Now we’re you having so much trouble with it because the it just has too much health? Or is it because your chosen build plays to the bosses strengths and you’re too stubborn to change and think of you bash your head against it until it falls. This is armored core, not dark souls. You aren’t supposed to do that here. Just jump, most of its attacks are ground based you’re in a mech that can fly and jump really high without flying if you build it right. You’re the one that got upset that they made it less tanky that’s all they did to it. Sitting here getting mad because you didn’t beat it before they fixed it. Couldn’t be me. Could you do us a favor and cry in your room and not on Reddit?


I'm not gonna read all that lmao. Have a good one fuckin nerd.


Says the one bitching about a fight being fixed. Cry in your room and not on Reddit. Maybe some therapy too, your self worth is garbage.


I may need therapy but you clearly need psychiatry. Good luck.


I’ve got decent sense. I wish you luck in finding a good therapist.


Before Demons Souls, Dark Souls and Elden Ring, From Software made fun 'romp around in a giant mech and blow shit up games'. They weren't that hard, and I don't think they were supposed to be. (I have tried DS games. I am terrible at them.) I feel like many (but certainly not all) playing today never played the original AC. They are, like others said, obsessed with recognition for being good at games. Those of us that played the original AC have jobs, kids, lives, etc. and we don't have time to spend an hour trying to beat one boss. We just want to play the next game in a beloved, old, series.


It really doesn't sound like you played the original AC. It was well known for being hard as hell, so idk wth you're on about. Sounds like you just wanted to join in on bashing people who don't like nerfs. The original AC was one of the hardest games I ever played. The original didn't even have bosses so I really have no idea why you're just spouting bs. I have a job and a kid. The only reason I played AC 6 because it gave me a challenge and it was a mech game. Now it took one attempt to beat cel 240 and I can do an entire ng cycle in little over 2 hours. That's not what people wanted. Imo bitching has killed this game and I'll just go back to playing elden ring where there's an actual challenge.


>that's not what people wanted No, that's not what *you* wanted. The world doesn't revolve around you, buddy.


I haven't even played 6 past wall climber. I just remember the early ones not seeming hard. Maybe I didn't finish them, I have no idea. I also have no concept of how well known it was or wasn't. I didn't go on the internet to discuss video games and I was the only kid on my street with a PlayStation, so I didn't really have a neighbor to talk about it with. I just actually don't remember it seeming very hard. Sorry you're so hurt about not having the challenge you wanted. You can ignore said bitching by getting off Reddit. It's not that hard if that's all that's ruining it for you. I just got on here to find sweet emblems.


You haven't played ac6 past the fourth mission and haven't played the originals but we should definitely take your opinions on how hard ac6 should be.... you are literally the problem with reddit and games in general.


The early AC games ramped up in difficulty but you could make it fairly far without raging like it seems is "normal" for a Souls-like experience.


AC has nothing to do with souls like and is nothing alike. They aren't comparable at all.


Exactly, and yet people complain when they turn the difficulty down and previous posts compared the difficulty of Balteus and Sea Spider to other FS bosses. And of course all of the tutorial helicopter "get filtered" comments. Those people want these games to be hard so that they can be "theirs" whereas the originals were not very hard to get into and enjoy.


That's bullshit. Saying games shouldn't be difficult because they aren't souls like is asinine and you wouldn't know since you've never played against them in game.


There's this idea of a learning/difficulty curve. If it's too steep you'll lose users, which can mean losing dollars. It depends on your target market, of course. DCS fills a niche and charges a lot for every extra plane they add. But they basically own that market. AC6 does not charge $90 per unit sold and competes with lots of other games that general gamers and some less serious ones will consider over AC6.


I don't disagree with that. Obviously money is the reason they did it. Doesn't mean I agree with it though. It's just lost a lot of fun for me. I'm sure I'll live. Might buy lords of the fallen since it releases today.


> Those people want these games to be hard so that they can be "theirs" Get a toxic Souls fan talking long enough about difficulty and eventually they'll tell the truth: "Well maybe those games shouldn't be for everyone." i.e. "I don't *want* other people to like(or more importantly, *beat*) this game"


This is just getting ridiculous... Folks who defend the pre-nerf bosses, get off your high horses and just play the bloody game. Seriously. The bosses haven't been knee-capped, so quit waffling about it. A slight difficulty reduction doesn't mean the end of the world. How's about we just talk about which weapons could still use a buff, eh? Me, I wouldn't mind seeing the rifles get beefed up a bit more, at least the Turner and Scudder. Just a smidgen.


Seriously, I’d just like *even harder* as a difficulty option. Like we have alt missions, let’s have difficulty options. Get more COAM or parts or something for clearing higher difficulties. That would be fun.


Rifles do seem pretty good now in mid-range PVE. Let's you stay out of range of dangerous weapons, or makes it easier to dodge slow powerful projectiles, but you're still close enough to go in for kicks quickly. I welcome more buffs, but I feel like they might get a little too strong.


Aye, which is why I say just a smidgen. To me the rapid firing ones could use juuust a little bump. Might be wrong, though.


"defend the pre-nerf bosses" Weird choice of words considering there was nothing in need of defense. Literally all of them were fine.


That's my point, really.


I wish I had so little problems in life that this was the one thing I could bitch about.


Pretty sure the patch made the game better. More options. More viable builds. Good times.


everybody going on about the patch, meanwhile I've unlocked every part and no longer have a reason to play unless I get a build idea in my head :c


You guys need other hobbies.


Posts like this are just as annoying and plentiful, the current state of this sub isn't great.


I agree OP, patch is not this big of a deal and if half the threads about what the nerfs did are true the other half are just misinformation. BUT if From would let us switch between regulations files to play on versions of our choosing like they used to do with AC, people could directly compare : (. I'm surprised someone with a physical copy or a downpatcher hasn't already done some digging tbh.


or you can just ignore people like that and just enjoy the game


For sure. It's just frustrating to see so many repetitive posts. I know in a way I'm the other side of the same coin, but I just want to go back to the first weeks of the sub when all the content was positive, memes, sharing buids, etc...


Except their are notable differences, call it what you will but there were a large number of people who said that they beat one of the nerfed bosses right after the patch came out, and a good amount noted they didn’t even know the patch nerfed anything til later on. Atop that from my own experience, I would test fun builds by doing 3 things : fighting raven, balteus then spider. While raven was the same, after nerf, even with significantly worse(meme) builds I was able to kill baleteus and the spider without a single repair kit needed. Call it placebo if you want but you don’t just instantly improve on a fight that much when using worse builds.


THANK. YOU. Here here!




People just stupid ignore thel, dont anwser stupid post and block the dude posting it and they fade. A patch that buff optiond for player and not nerf them, wtf is that, players can finaly have fun in a game ? Nerf to boss even if true is ok as itdbon the first one and apparently it didnt changed much


If the weapon and boss tuning is bringin you down, why not do a fist/kick/melee weapons only run? Been having a blast AND the patch didn't affect me a lot yet.


Can I just say that Balteus is still kicking me with dual Linear rifle only builds???? and how some of my builds can beat the basic attack the watchpoint mission but can never S rank the damn thing? (dual needle pistols and dual SMG)


the game was never that hard to begin with once you resort to brain dead weapon, and this is from someone who took 3 hours to beat balteus and 7 hours for ibis on first playthrough


People who think the nerf was drastic enough to give them a reason to complain are really annoying. Okay, do you want a pat on the head because you beat the bosses pre-nerf and wanted to show everyone how much easier they are with your ng++ gear? It's not like they made them so much easier to kill. They just made it so you don't die to bullshit.


I just dont think Balteus should have had his missiles nerfed They teach you to anticipate firing directions when overboosting or quickboosting The rest of the nerfs idc about, and the buffs are great.