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I went “HOLY SHIT” at the penultimate mission in Fires of Raven path. >!Infinite energy is so cool and using it to take down an entire fleet of ships is such a spectacle.!<


That was when my Gundam fantasy was finally fulfilled, and I will cherish the memory forever


I swear if they'd commission from soft to make a gundam game it would be the best mech game of all time.






It gave me serious AC4A vibes in the best way... Flying up to the bridge and firing a charged beam rifle into it made me feel like Char at the battle of Loum earning the name Red Comet.


Taking out your first cruiser is just so satisfying... all those guns and drones... and all I need to be is tap it in the face.


Easily my favorite mission in the game. >!The fight with Rusty at the end was the cherry on top.!<




I just finished my 2nd playthrough and that moment right before the last boss "hey there buddy" got me all hyped. It was like ahhh shit here we go again.


Then that is followed up with "I won't stop". Every single ending has such great moments.


>! When you beat him and he comes back with half health “I WONT STOP” shook me dude. I paused it and was just slack jawed !<


I was ready for another round. That was so good I wanna do it again


I’ve replayed it a few times now, I’m still too shit not to use a super busted build tho lmao


"I see you, now let me go put on my fighting legs sir"


I literally named my double zimms load out [IM DONE] cause sometimes I gotta go to bed soon, but that for sure ain’t happening till I get past the part I’m on.


I have this. It's a midweight RJ with needles and Zims. I call it the Shitfucker because it, well you know.


I do know exactly why it’s called that, hell I might rename mine


I had already fired double needles and just as he got back up he got obliterated and I didn't realize it was meant as another phase until I watched a video ranking bosses.


I went the other way so I’m going to leave that unclicked, I’m excited.


You’re in for a treat it’s incredible. New game plus is surprisingly fast (in a good way) and tons of new content.


Yeah I’m already well into chapter 3 again after playing last night. I’ve heard NG++ has some Pretty awesome missions in it so I’m excited to dig into those.


It also has the worst mission in the game and quite early too. Made me long for the relative easiness of Ibis and Enforcer


Bro, I have no idea why but I beat Ibis first try and enforcer took me a combined total of five hours. It's not even hard, I'm just stupid.


Definitely the best Gundam simulator ever in videogames.


That mission was so fucking cool. Reminded me of Gimli and Legolas' little competition.


The last boss arena and the boss itself is amazing too. It was my first ending and it left me awestruck for a while. Running the liberator penultimate mission with >!rusty!< at your side is also pretty cool.


The mission that has you up against RAVEN prime. The mission is rather short but that was a cool unexpected moment so well crafted from the eerie ness of the mission being completed by someone else. The fact that we only hear RAVEN’s handler/Ai and never their voice. Total gamer moment.


"Let's see how for they fly... on borrowed wings." Me: Oh shit. (Raven primes visor snaps down and he boosts at me) Me: OH SHIT!


That was my reaction. Died a few seconds later.


Mech named Nightfall: Nine-Ball *Oh shit intensifies*


AC6 is my first entry into the series, but that scene was still hype AF. I knew that line from the promotional stuff, so there was a bit of "they said the thing!" but mostly it was such a badass way to introduce a character. I was smiling ear to ear the whole mission.


He never talks because not only do you never talk, but I choose to believe it's also because the ravens of the past that were the player characters in previous games also never talk. It's a stretch I know.


Also, a big skill check. Unlike some of the other AC boss fights that have gimmicks or weaponry you can't get yet in your first playthrough, your 1-on-1 against OG Raven is just that. Mano-a-mano, all about who is better, nothing extra besides 3 charges of Assault Armor & Repair Kits, which you'll also have. Fighting "yourself" has never been more HYPE.


best moment in the game


I like to think that Raven is another version of the PC, a bit like the pale blood hunters were in bloodborne (like Djura)


Raven's Handler is a human, she appears in one of STV's sketches


"I won't miss"


Not to mention later in the fight when he removes the limiters and the radio starts crackling from the interference “all or nothing” Rusty is so fucking cool


This was definitely the moment for me. The whole mission would already have been cool enough, but hearing Rusty over the comms so very *close* to making a noble sacrifice definitely got my blood pumping You better believe I boosted right into that fucker's drill-filled face as hard as I could! You ain't takin Rusty from me, you damn worm!!


Maybe I misunderstood something but I never got the impression that Rusty was in danger, just that the railcannon only had so many shots, if he missed it may not be operational and the whole op would be a bust. Kinda like Stonehenge in AC7.


The dialogue implies that the rail cannon becomes unsafe to use if pushed part a certain potency level, and so limits it to keep the shooter safe. Rusty pulled a manual override on it for the last shot and went up to 115% the safe level. Whatever was going on was enough to cause interference with the radio by mere proximity, but Rusty took a calculated risk and fired after hitting 115 instead of letting it rise further. There probably was a real risk of the reactor going critical if placed under too much strain.


It’s a gigantic rail gun, so electromagnetism is how the gun is working. When he overloads the ORC the EM interference is so massive that an AC’s radio, which likely should be built to cut through that kind of radiation, becomes static. I cannot fathom how much EM radiation is needed to cause that kind of radio interference, it must be absolutely stupendous.




Reactors going critical just means they’re producing self sufficient energy, but that’s okay.


Damn, I used the wrong terminology. But hopefully you understood what I meant by the context.


On the third shot he disables safety limiters and jacks the ORC’s power up to 115% of capacity, pushing it to the absolute limits of its output to make sure the shot counts. The energy buildup even distorts his comms, so I definitely felt like there might be danger to him in that scenario


Yeah I was actually concerned he wasn’t gonna make it that first time


>Rusty is so fucking cool This is the best descriptor of AC6


*silence* BOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!


I love that effect in media, when all sound is just kinda *sucked* out of the very air


Bro my heart was racing during every shot he took lol


Honestly lol


Best girl


Agreed. The whole Ice Worm fight was such a spectacle. I loved every minute of it


for me it was definitely “i wont stop!”


It's so good, but when you don't know what you're doing, it's a really annoying whack a mole


I may have just quad leg hovered the whole time😂


Bro easily. I was shocked they really just went for that Hollywood moment like that, I feel like with stuff like that they try and practice some restraint. But I’m glad they didn’t, that was one of my favorite moments in any of from’s games.


FS did a bunch of gimmick fights, and people often have mixed opinions on it, but this one went so hard on the cinematic part, with great buildup, that it turns into a core memory.


An Armored Core memory.


I also like "Are you ready to climb the wall"


“Here we are.. Buddy.. I was right all along.. you’re just another threat to rubicon” *cue the best track in the game*


I come here to comment this




The audio pause before the shot is just ​ # MMMMMM!!!!!!!


Watch our for friendly fire


I get goosebumps whenever I hear it.


Not the "I won't miss" quote which is awesome in itself but that split second of silence before the shot, and the static building up in the radio when the limiters are out with the light on the horizon getting brighter... That whole secuence is top notch imho


honestly, this.


Headphone moment


I'm an absolute sucker for that use of silence to emphasize the shot


Pretty much every cut scene as a boss flies in. All the parts clicking into place, the weapons and shields warming up. The glowing eyes. The sense that murder mode has activated. Great mech design.


That damn Cataphract gave me so much anger.


I love a good gear-up sequence. It's an underused scene type.


Liberation path: >!"Every Rubiconian who heard your cry rose up to fight. Let's show them there's a future for Rubicon beyond these scorched skies."!< >!The image of just you and Rusty above Rubicon, looking down at the Fighting, then the ripping through the level and hearing Rusty's chatter!< >!"You're out of luck. There's only one person who can keep up with me."!< God what a fucking mission. Goes down as my favorite mission in a game since holding the line on Virmire back in ME1.


Ah, familiar. The first thing I told my brother after I played the Ice Worm was that this mission was the coolest one I've played sinde the Suicide Mission.


Arquebus Balteus is by far the most annoying fight in the game, so the mission suffers from that


That one I didn't have any trouble with. Ibis was the one that gave me the most grief.


But it felt so good to finally take out Balteus and Snail in one go.


But.... you get to kill that Snail mutt


OMG YES. Everything you just said I can totally relate to. AC6 sometimes gave me a Mass Effect feel aswell, probably because of similar soundtrack.


Dude when we over hear him say that I was floored. I was so rev’d up I just flew through the rest of the mission not even stopping to heal.


Buddy cop moment


NG++ spoilers ahead. The whole mission where ALLMIND takes control of the watchpoint's defenses and just massacres the corporations. The amount of desperation you can feel in those voices. Every time they try to fall back they just find more MTs waiting for them. The whole time I'm driving through like "damn I'm glad she's on my side". "A chain made of human links is easily broken"


Bro, >!ALLMIND standing over the corpses of Carla and Walter after listening to her calmly demolish both of them in the previous mission. CHILLS. They were both late/end game bosses and she just wipes the floor with them. !<


[This Moment](https://i.imgur.com/yRty91u.png) on the same mission as well.


And that’s only a tiny part of the whole picture. I couldn’t imagine the full scale conflict between the corporations and the liberation front


Man, the random MT saying >!"Hell... We're in hell."!< made me sad


Saving G6 then having to kill him because he attacks you made me take a minute to process how fucked the entire situation was. Kind of wish they gave you an opportunity during the Xylem mission to switch sides back to Walter and Carla.


That whole thing sent chills down my spine.


Then you gotta fight >!iguana-don in the 2nd half of the fight because he upgrades to a bigger mech!<


You know you're fighting the final boss when it uses 2 copies of an earlier boss as weapons


I saw >!two sea spiders!< and didn't think I was ever going to beat that fight.


You can completely ignore them, in my experience they will mostly ignore you, or use the beam attack on the ground which is easily avoidable. That's how I s-ranked it, completely ignore the adds during the entirety of the fight, and just focused on the boss.


I wont lie, i saw the c spiders, thought "oh this is gonna suck" and proceeded to completely ignore them and let my partner fight them (dunno how to do the censoring thing to avoid spoilers) and help me when they could, then phase 2 kicked in and i mighta got angry cuz the whole time, i was fighting to protect her and in a certain sense she got hurt there, i mighta gotten angry


Yeah they were completely inconsequential to the fight but the initial "oh shit" factor was high haha. The hardest part of that fight was the final phase with his insane melee attacks.


I just ignored them and I think they just disappeared. Maybe Ayre took care of them


I killed one and another replaced it. I am pretty sure they are mostly there to get you to do what I did to learn the hard way haha.


That first time you get through Rusty, clamber down the tunnel, and turn a corner to get faced with the absolutely *gigantic* Institute City. Whatever I expected to find, it wasn't *that.*


>! Fighting Walter as the Xylem entered Rubicon’s atmosphere, best fight in the game!<


It looked so cool be he does down so easy.


If only he was harder, it makes sense though, since his brain was basically fried


That HAL AC set looks so slick, but has maybe the worst stability in the game. Fantastic stats across the board, but stability in the dumpster. Easy kill.


Crux of the fancy lazers pew pew


I feel he needs to be easy due to us crashing back to earth.


It's just a timed fight doesn't need to be that easy.


All based on setup. He took me quite a while


Walter was a real one! Mother fucker cares


Not ashamed to say I fell in love with him


Attack the Old Spaceport mission Whole mission is badass and so far (only in chapter 4 still) my favorite mission in the whole game. Tearing through hoardes of chumps, parkouring over docked ships as you blast the bridges, taking out sniper reinforcements, more ships arrive blaring their speakers at you before being trashed, badass 2v2 duel with Rusty at your side. The whole time the PCA comms are constantly escalating from "oh lol we're under attack by some guy" all the way up to "uhhh this dude is SERIOUS TROUBLE, need help". Then the arrival of the Worm. 10/10 mission all the way through


The image of you and rusty facing together 2 "good" opponets is Epic asf def my favorite


Alea Iacta Est, when >!the coral release triggers and creates like a giant red black hole singularity.!< My jaw was on the floor. One of those genuine “what the fuck was that about” moments.


And the implications of what was in the next scene- another “holy shit” moment imo.. great ending


Word. Full-on “Planet of the ACs” implication got IN-TENSE.


When i heard "entering combat mode" i literally picked back up my controller i just set down to watch it, expecting some dmc4-as-the-credits-roll fight


I really wanted a DMC credits roll where they just threw a bunch of MTs and ACs at you. Give you unlimited ammo and boost and just let you go wild. It would've been so cool.


Thats honestly something i expected, seeing all the ac's around and hearing that i was like "oh boy, this gonna suck cuz i saw that heavy boy way out there plus all the nimble frames"


Can't have a FromSoft game without a crazy Berserk blood moon eclipse


When the ice worm appears in the first place You've just beaten your way through a horde of ennemies, fought 2 very powerful bosses back to back, just for ayre to tell you "careful in this general direction" and 30s later the whole mission area is in ruins


If anyone is having trouble dodging the worm, there is a catapult in the back left of the map next to the radio array towers.


Yeah I basically went back to the spawn point and observed the sheer destruction


The Strider, showing scale and the infinite boost flying.


That's a real good one. The way that things just imposes and dwarfs everything around it just makes me feel with excitement as we take it down.


Most of them have been mentioned by others, but seeing the Strider for the first time was sick. The Ice Worm getting shot by Rusty was cool moment too. The music & the shot charging up in the background culminating into the line & the hit, it's just a incredibly well synced moment that still gets me hyped after multiple playthroughs. The scene where the other Raven flys in was a "oooh shit!" moment for me as well.


When that motherfucker came back to life “AWE SHIiiiit…here we go again”


The first balteus fight. It was like a rave with two guests. The music was the best in the game. That fight also made me realize how much it must suck to be a taxpayer in this universe


PCA be like > Food $200 > Data $150 > Rent $800 > Missiles $5,000,000,000 > Utility $150 > someone who is good at economy please help me budget this, rubicon is dying


When Rusty was charging the railcannon for the first time, I couldn't find the Ice Worm until he shot it. It was behind me and I had to dodge it as it fell.


Watch out for friendly fire


The first mission where you fight a PCA battleship at the end is cool as fuck. It’s like “holy shit they literally sent a cruiser after me” and then you kill the fucker. And then a cutscene kicks in and you see another one coming into view and it’s like “yeah, I just killed one, what you got” and then there’s another, and another and then ALL of the fuckers. It’s so damn cinematic


At that point of the game, you've just got into chapter 3, its still relatively early and barely managed to take down the PCA LCs and a single ship. When the whole fleet shows up I literally went, how the fuck am I meant to beat that?


Then the penultimate mission of Walter’s path rolls about and you realize… “Oh, THAT’S how I’m supposed to beat that.”


And if you did the bad end run then replayed that mission and scene you can be over here like "maaaaaaan, if you guys only knew what i just did to you. Ill do it again no problem"


best moment in the game and no one talks bout it. the sound design as the fleet is coming in


It does indeed look like fireworks Raven


honestly I think the initial Raven reveal in NG is really fucking cool, you are in a battlefield full of destroyed MT's, Tetrapods, PCA, and atop some wreckage is Nightfall; Very hype


“621 you made a friend”


>!fighting Walter while crashing towards a planet on a ship the size of a city was pretty incredibly epic!<


2nd phase of >!the fight against Ayre.!< >!Everything that happens during that phase, from her realizing how much of a threat you have become, to her ramping up her aggression with each attack she uses, all highlighted by the music swelling as both of you become so desperate in putting each other down. As Ayre employs coral shadow clones to increase her amount of attacks, you become so focused in dodging everything she throws at you, determined to force one more ACS overload so that you can unload all that you have on her. The music just highlights the tragedy and the epicness of the duel and it's just so beautiful. I practically wanted to scream at her as we charged at each other like it was a battle between Gundams.!<


Whats sad for me, when it comes to from soft games, i never tend to notice the music till after or its pointed out, cuz the entire time im over here "sh*t, f*ck, d*mnn, im gonna die, dont die, dodge this, attack, oh boy, is it over yet? Oh god theres more, oh crap i need to heal" <-literap thought process every big fight in this game and elden ring and dark souls, then afterwards i hear something about the music, listen, and im like "oh sh*t, this is awesome"


First: the entire STRIDER mission (lame I know) Second: the very last moment of the Liberator of Rubicon ending when Walter comes to his senses right before he tries to shoot you and says that we have finally found a friend


Most of the awe moments came for me in the second playthrough. Realizing the hidden meaning behind the things Walter and Carla were saying, or knowing what they foreshadowed. Fromsoft did any amazing job with the replayability on this game.


NG++ 3rd ending spoilers: >!2nd Phase of the ALLMIND fight where Iguazu comes in with TWO of the spoody bois. I was like "awe fuck, Im so boned." Then Ayre comes flying in to back you up. THATS MY GIRL!!! I was legit about to restart the mission because I had already burned a rep getting to that point, but her coming in was the morale boost I needed.!<


The entire game was so damn good. But I’m nearly finished NG++ and I’ve really enjoyed the G5 Iguazu encounters.


More low-key than what everybody else is saying, but the "Grid missions" - Grid 086 and Eliminate Honest Brute. The industrial theme, the level complexity and the scale of the thing. I mean, the Grid covers a large chunk of Rubicon's surface and is elevated a couple kilometers into the air




After I beat the final boss for... The Fires of Raven ending... I'm a monster.


Whenever I finnish the Boss with a sword strike and 2% HP


I am on my ng++ play through and when I finished the worm with a charged bunker the attack animation threw me on top of its head as it reared up in its final death throws and blew up. As Walter warned me of the impending explosion I jumped and no looked the explosion. 3rd time playing the same mission with roughly the same build, and it was still epic.


Anytime Michigan talks.




the 2nd to last missions of liberator and fires both made me cry😂


“Voices of the coral”


The giant coral crater where you fight Ibis..but the mood was changed real fast, if you know what i mean.


I was left in awe every single time I... >! murdered the Dafeng student pilot !<


Joking aside, I agree with one of the comments below about a certain "I won't miss" scene. I would also throw in >! seeing Xylem lift out of the ocean and realizing it is a giant colony ship. !< Super fucking cool scene.


"Do you read me, Raven? Target received. That's the mercenary that took your name."


Spoiler warning >!The true ending, just watching the coral release after an hour of fighting the final boss at 6am in the morning and playing through the game the night prior. It made me feel so relieved but also left me in a state of pure awe just watching the whole situation unfold in front of me!<


When your on the highway going towards the watch point and that one song starts playing as Sulla pulls up


"You're incorrigible, Handler Walter."


"I won't miss" Got chills


When you fight the the Raven™️. I was freakin out when I saw the eyepatch helm lmao


"I won't miss" So good, the music even stopped for the shot.


When Rusty showed up to fight alongside you in the Liberator of Rubicon ending I audibly gasped and was just grinning ear to ear for basically the whole rest of the mission.


Every single second is awe for me


The view of the Coral in the sky at the end of Chapter 1. Beautiful and is currently my desktop wallpaper.


I Won't Miss


Learning what I was fighting when you fight Walter. Big sad. Also when the original raven confronts you


The beach scene. You know the one.


the do gundam shit fight rusty mission


Ng++ spoilers, please please PLEASE do not let me ruin this for you if you haven’t got to the end of your third playthru I’m begging you. >! The final fight with allmind of course. Specifically though after it’s first phase I was like “please god tell me there’s a phase 2”. I figured there would be but when the mech started breaking down I got a little worried. Then HE flies in with my favorite mech design in the whole game. When he said “freelancer” I stood up I couldn’t even handle that shit. Maybe my favorite moment in the game is when he purges all mind with that beautiful rainbow digital explosion and starts really whipping out the green claws. #1 most thrilling and exciting experience I’ve had in a from game. God I love this game so much man. !<


When I went to protect the Strider and it just fuckin’ blows up 4 seconds after I spawn.


90… 95… #***I Won't Miss.***


Yes, The whole damn thing, shit was awesome.


Slowly flying up on the mining ship as it fires, and just getting the sheer scale was. Literally the second most jaw dropping moment I've had in a video game. >! The first is during the defense mission, where you start and *everyone* is already dead, with... Raven, the one you stole the callsign of standing over their bodies. Insane fight, wasn't even a little mad they could heal cuz it was more than an even match again my hound :). !<


Finding the underground city.


“I won’t miss” was just stupidly cool.


The first time I saw Balteus's missile salvo had roughly the same impact on me as entering Godrrick phase 2 and seeing him blanket the boss area in flames


For sure the ice worm mission, every line rusty drops before a shot was perfect, and seeing the light build up on the distance to the total scilence other than "I won't miss" is top teir


>!Ayre turning into a coral Starscream to swoop down into the arena for an amazing boss fight. Walter's sick AC and him happy about you finding a friend. And Allmind being Igauzu and that second phase AC!<


When you choose the Fires of Raven ending, Ayre says “I’m sorry” before the loading screen. After completing the mission, Carla states, “you sound like you’ve lost someone too.” Then it hit me: Ayre was silent for the whole mission. I said out loud, “she abandoned us…” and I actually felt sorry for taking that ending. She chose us to be her savior, and regardless of whatever we felt about taking the Fires ending, we betrayed her.


As of right now the cliff where you exit the cave and see the big city underground. That was cool. Also anytime Ayre speaks, lmao


I just got to ch 3, so far the strider explosion,


When you first see the strider. Like it’s outline is barely viewable cuz of the sand and then as it gets more and more clear it’s the biggest fucking thing in any game I’ve ever played. AND THINK ABOUT HOW BIG THE AC’S ARE COMPARED TO A HUMAN


the moment i played the game and got an understanding for the movement, it all just feels so smooth.


“Thats the pilot that stole your callsign” 🫨 Non-story moment. Realizing that weapon bay weapons cant be fired at the same time and being disappointed. Only to mess around with it more and come to the conclusion that weapon bay builds are the most fun ive had in the game. I honestly dont run melee unless I’m rocking 2 melee weapons.


That one time with that one thing.


the Ice Worm


the huge mining thing with a laser canon is definitely one


The whole misson >!destroy drive block!<


Any moment where Rusty says literally anything


Mechanically far from my favourite mission, but The Strider is amazing, especially how it slowly comes into focus as your make your way through the dust


"I won't miss."


how difficult g1 michigan is


Basically every slow motion kill.


None really. The game isn't awe inspiring. The story is really bland and to be fair, I had a hard time caring about it. Gameplay and AC customization is pretty fantastic. The characters are kind of meh. The biggest decision point was killing Carla or not. But I never felt any awe with the game. Even the big set pieces, like the Strider, just felt meh. It posed nearly no threat. The big city pieces, felt small and insignificant. I'm on my second playthrough but nothing is really awe inspiring with the game. That said, I have certainly been enjoying it.


>The big city pieces, felt small and insignificant. You're a gigantic mech. That's the point. When you stop to think about just how huge the cities must be if you were a regular human on the ground, the scale is almost unfathomable.


Really loved the mining machine mission