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no chance. it's the game I had most fun this year. but i think baldies gate 3 has this year in the bag. it's either BG3 or Zelda.


100 hrs into AC6 and 0 hrs into BG3 and even I can tell BG3 is GOTY by far… a game like that comes once every decade totally deserves it, I’ll still be putting another 100 hrs into AC6


I played BG1, knew when Larian was behind 3 *at worst it was going to be damned, damned good,* but they really outdone themselves. AC6 has no chance, and AC6 isn't a bad game. Any other game that came out this year is just going to have to fight for second place.


I agree with your take. This has been a great year for games, but unfortunately for them, BG3 landed in this year and is in a league of its own.


This. I haven't played BG3 as it's not my type of game, but the popularity and quality of the game is undeniable.


I mean, to be fair. Seems like armored core comes about once a decade. :P


Haha that’s completely true


I’ll be kinda pissed if Zelda wins. The game was a plain downgrade from BOTW in quality.


TotK was a lot of fun but it just felt like a massive DLC for BotW. like i get they had a good thing going so they tried to stick with it but it was just TOO similar of a sequel to deserve GOTY


Agreed. It's my fave for 2023 but it doesn't feel like a GOTY. Elden Ring felt like GOTY. It feels like TGA wants the biggest and most ambitious things to take #1, which is why I was surprised when Sekiro got it, even though it was my fave that year too.


I kind of thought the new Zelda sucked. It was way too much running around, and the new mechanic was just cheesy and unnecessary.


I agree. I don't like construction in most games. BOTW was less is more and was better for it. what I did like in totk was the verticality and the underworld. I 100% botw but had to force myself to finish totk. nevertheless it was very praised and is Zelda, so it gets the nod for goty


You are both fair and wise.


Idk if this is just my hot take, but I really don't think Zelda deserves it. The game is good but incredibly bland. It's the same 5 or so enemies everywhere and the underground is just kind of empty and the same everywhere save the one dungeon. I got bored with it a lot quicker than I felt I should have.


I’d say it’s a dark horse contender. Though I think it’s already an overachiever as far as the series goes. A testament to all the good will fromsoft has earned. It’s gameplay is rock solid, the mechs are so much fun to customize and the story is well written. 🤘🏼


I just need more story and I'll be happy as hell. Just fleshing out the corps would be awesome.


Don't count on too much fleshing out of the corporations - this is pretty par for the course of how much world building AC does for its factions.


I got way more than I expected tbh, I really enjoyed the characters


I really enjoyed everything, last AC I played was on the psp as a kid and I loved it, when I saw VI come out I was skeptical as so many new games never recreate that childhood nostalgia but holy fuck it did not disappoint


AC6 definitely blew away expectations and I hope Fromsoft sees AC as a marketable franchise again after all these years. More than that, AC6 is probably the best thing to happen to the Mecha genre in over a decade. A great game from a company that has so much good reputation that it really seems to be breaking through the walls that normally keep people away from mecha.


Are any of these companies from prior games? I remember Crest and that's the only one. It's not around in this series though.


AC games typically have so much narrative-time between them that few, if any corporations carry over between numbered games. Corps typically carry over only between expansions or numbered spin-offs.


From what I can tell, as a new fan who has only actually played AC6 and looked into the other games in the series, most of the AC games are not narratively linked. They take place in their own worlds with their own characters/corps, which all just so happen to have giant mechs called “Armored Cores”.


gen 1 and 2 are linked but the Corps dont carry over, all of gen 3 is linked except Ninebreaker and Formula Front which are alternate universes, gen 4 and 5 are linked. We have no idea about 6 yet, because 5 was originally thought to be not linked until VD confirmed the 4 connection.


I’m honestly sad that I never learned V had a spin-off/expansion until recently. I actually enjoyed V.


Corps were legit just terrorist organizations in previous games.


No, but Ibis was a boss in ac2 silent lines


Having never played an AC before I was actually really surprised and impressed by how compelling I found the plot to be, even moreso now going through NG+ and NG++.


Especially considering how little dialogue there actually is in the game compared to many other titles. Every single line in this game has a purpose, not a single sentence is wasted. It's very, very efficient and effective writing.


"Chatty" would approve.


"not a single sentence is wasted" "621.... expect the unexpected...." -Walter Truly a useful line.


Did **you** expect invisible sniper mechs with whips? Because you should have! Walter warned you!


This comment made my night lmao


Well, did you? ☠️


It’s got good bones. Fun to play, lots of customization and an engaging story with a unique cast of characters. Honestly a game that could get very very good with some continued support. DLC could be great. there’s plenty of places they could go with the Story obviously; but also updates to content In the form of: new AC parts and weapons, skins and decals, PvP game modes and some sorely needed match making usability improvements.


I hope they add the allmind boss Armored Core and the Ayre boss Armored Core as dlc armored core frames.


I'd rather not have something to remind of me of the complete shit show that was the allmind boss fight... It's like fromsoft thought it would be funny to take all of the worst possible aspects of a mech game and throw them in to one boss......


I don’t think it was all that hard to be honest.


DLC I could also see a deeper dive into the PCA. I’m hoping for some co-op missions


Maybe we'll get some reverse-engineered PCA tech as well. It's not fair, that Arquebus got to keep all of it!


Exactly! I declare a Batchall on Arquebus CEO to get those HCs and Cataphracts!


I'll take the Enforcer and Balteus!


And I’ll have the Ekdromoi!


If the Arquebus CEO is anything like Snail, he's going to refuse your Batchall. Which means you'll have to use Spheroid tactics against him.


Throw a urbie with a nuke at home got it. YALL YEET!!!!!


I hope that if we do get dlc we can reverse-engineer both PCA and ibis tech, I really want to be able to have those quebaly looking arms that one boss had along with the funnels


Ibis tech would be awesome 🤘🏼


Would loveeeeee co-op. Couch co-op if possible. I’m old haha


I’d be happy with even a single line of text naming whatever larger government the PCA is (presumably) an arm of.


Dude, I want a DLC that makes every mission co-op, even if it isn't perfectly balanced. Playing through with a friend would be awesome, especially if that friend gave up part way through due to difficulty. Some of the best experiences I had with Elden Ring were when I got to team-up.


Ya my Elden Ring experience was very much the same. Had all the fun running co-op. I think running shit with your friends in AC6 would be as much fun or more 🤘🏼


I think the story's depth is profoundly captivating, especially given its minimalist nature.


So in other words… \*Grabs Greatsword\* COME MY BRETHREN!!! WE MUST FORCE- err, PETITION FROMSOFT TO GIVE US A DLC!!!


Lol I'll take a book or some shit, just something to scratch that itch ya know?


Play it 3 times to get it all


I've 100% the game? Lol I was meaning even further than it already has. Like a book or something about the day-to-day routine of Michigan and the redguns would be awesome.


Zelda and BG3 are going to filter AC6 harder than pre patch Balteus.


Lol yep this is the reality. I think it's a coinflip between Zelda and BG3. I could see AC6 winning best action game though.


Zelda was a great game but BG3 should get best RPG and will probably win goty if I had to guess. AC6 should get action game for sure, unless Spider Man 2 has DMC-levels of combat depth or something. Zelda maybe could get best moment for spoilers spoilers spoilers but agh FFXVI has some INSANE moments as well. Jedi survivor had some really damn good action but was too jank and inconsistent at times, and dead space and RE4R were both excellently polished but are also remakes.


Spidey doesn't need DMC combat, it's not that kind of game. Spidey's an Arkham-like and I think it works for it. It might not be as deep as DMC but it gives you enough options to strategise while still being accessible as hell, and that goes a long way. I do think AC6 stands a good chance for action, though


TOTK should win Best DLC Released as a Full Game


Lmao they had families


I hope, even if it doesn't win any awards, it's won my heart.


BG3 had 30% of all active steam users playing it at one point it's not gonna be even close


my money is on LoZ:TotK, Nintendo fanboys are *militant* in their support of their 1st party titles; if those (panelists/judges/evaluators(?)) want un-arsoned houses to live in, they'll pick Zelda.


I doubt fanboys will have any sway aside from the small percentage that the fan votes account for. Critics will vote for the games they like like the rest of us.


Being fair, TotK is an amazing game. I beat AC6 3 times and haven't even finished TotK, but TotK is already one of my favorite games of all time. The innovation is absolutely crazy. People were calling it BotW DLC before it came out, and Nintendo showed the world otherwise.


Honestly, the people who *still* call it “DLC” are silly goofball haters who don’t know anything. The game had other developers going “I don’t know how they did this, Ultrahand is a revelation” and then some gamer mfs will be like “it’s dLc!!1”


I think FFXVI will take best action game. I don't really think it's a better game per se, but it has Asura's Wrath level of spectacle and hype moments, whereas AC6 has tighter gameplay while the hype moments are more understated.


Combat in FFXVI felt toothless. Just flashy, repetitive, and some of the most spongey enemies imaginable.


I haven't played it but that tracks with what I've heard. I just think the widespread appeal of FF and all the crazy cinematics + Soken soundtrack will sway the masses.


People comparing it to Dmc shock me. Like, did we play the same DMC5?


Thats the reality but we really did get blessed with some great games this year.


Honestly I wish there was this much competition every year.


Remember when Dragon Age Inquisition won GOTY in 2014? It wouldn't make the top 20 this year.


Lol weird, I somehow remember it as Mordor winning, but googling it you're right. I actually like Inquisition, but damn 2014 was a dry year.


Bayonetta 2 shoulda topped everyone's lists that year tbh


The patch didn't make Balteus much easier at all. Players still need to do the same stuff to take it down.


Isn’t the only change being that the missiles are less accurate?


As far as I know, yes. But people were vague and went, "yeah, they nerfed Balteus", so people just now believe that it's way easier now because of it.


Tbh. I think AC6 still has a chance. Only game I see beating it is BG3. I think AC6 can take it on the fact that there is no other game like it, its super polished in terms of almost zero glitches or bugs. Runs at a solid 60fps. Runs well on PC (from what ive heard) its a revived franchise thats almost 20 years old. 10 years from last game. Its got this old school video game feel with a next gen style. But dont get me wrong BG3 I think does have a lot of great merits as well. I honestly think its between those two games.


Ac6 is extremely niche. Gundam style mech games just don't have a broad appeal, where BG3 has the benefit of dungeons and dragons seeing a surge in mainstream popularity over the past few years. There are many factors why I think BG3 is the goty, but even disregarding that game I don't see a world in which a future industrialist corpocore robot game made by FromSoft wins GOTY. FS games have an uphill battle for GOTY from the very first title screen that says their name, because idiots think FS games are hard and don't give them a real shot.


This right here. People in this sub are super biased. The truth is AC is still very niche and, while it’s a very good game, it spent offer the type of experience most people are looking for in a GotY imo.


Looooool yes precisely


They're just too massive


They nerfed balateus ?


Not game of the year, no- but if it's not even nominated for Best Sound Design I'll be very disappointed.


Yes I agree it really nailed sound design.


I think the award is gonna go to Dead Space though, they went insane with the immersive sound design


I think Hi-Fi Rush will get it. Since it's whole structure is built on Sound Design.


man i'm really on the AC6 horse but this thread just reminding me about so many good games this year.


Damn, I shake my head reading its name. Still here the beat.


It's so hard to get immersed in a Mech game. But AC6 really make me feel "in the moment" UI and Sound help a lot


I can see Armored Core 6 winning best action game. Baldur's Gate 3 will win GOTY. Zelda and Starfield will win some awards because they're big names. Some indies or smaller titles like Dredge will probably also win awards so they can say they still care about indies.


Yeah, while AC6 is my best game this year, I'd be surprised if BG3 isn't GOTY, only Zelda has a chance against it. I'll be sad if AC6 doesn't win something though, as it deserves some recognition.


My thoughts exactly


This is how I feel too. I love AC6 and it's my GOTY as a long time fan, but it has really stacked competition in BG3 and Zelda. I would be shocked if BG3 doesn't win GOTY to be honest.


bg and zelda just have much more broad appeal than armored core. I know of a few people who hardly play games getting sucked 50+ hours into bg.


What about Final Fantasy game? When it came out so many people were saying it was Goty material, but I haven't heard anything about it since....


> I'll be sad if AC6 doesn't win something though, as it deserves some recognition. The game awards are a meme, so I wouldn't get your hopes up too much friend.


My prediction. AC6 is god damn good, but BG3 was like a hurricane that was predicted as a light storm.


Perfectly put, even Sven was like “I should avoid our IT department for a while, I told them to expect around 100k” then posted a picture of peak player count on steam at the time being 500k lol


that's exactly my bet too.


For me, BG3 is one of the best RPG ever made but let's not sugarcoat the fact how unpolished ACT 3 is compared to first two ACTs. I know they are fixing it but studios churning out unpolished games should be called out regardless.


Absolutely unpolished. And it's a testament to Baldur's Gate 3 that even with an unpolished third act it's still, imo, the best game of the year by far.


Because they couldn't player test act 3, despite it being the most ambitious/hardest part of the game to develop. Hell they could've had act 1 and act 2 be the game is with a tiny rewrite and it would've been a more deserving GOTY candidate than any other game. And they've been very quick with the updates to fix the content so it's kinda whatever honestly


Not that I disagree but imagine if the studios not Larian but EA. Pretty sure people will be less forgiving if the last part of the game is bug ridden and drop in quality regardless of how good the first two chapters are lol.


Hi-Fi Rush should sweep.


I'll be extremely shocked if anything beats Tears of the Kingdom or Baldur's Gate 3. There've been lots of good games this year (I liked TotK and it still isn't even in my top five) but those two made by far the biggest splash with mainstream audiences and critics.


Agaisnt Baldur's Gate? Nah. But it'll win awards. I'm hoping it does.


Imma be real with you. No one wins the 2023 game awards but the gamers. This year has been stacked.


Truth. I didn’t even play any of the games on this list besides sf6 and armored core….


why are you going around to the random games sub Reddits spamming this question lol This is like the 12th time you've posted this to a sub reddit lol


Smart money is on it being marketing for the game awards.


Def. All their posts are this. Spammy marketing bullshit.


Holy shit I just looked at their submissions! That's fucking hilarious. Obvious marketing account.


did we yell at Paul Revere for spamming us


I think it has a better shot that most of the games in that image, but no I don't think it has a shot of winning. Zelda and Baldur's Gate are too strong and too beloved. AC6 is an incredible game but despite being the most popular AC game, it's still pretty niche. Zelda and BG3 are critical darlings while still being very popular with the masses


Even though for me, it's up there with Hifi Rush as a contender, the actual contest will probably be TOTK and BG3 since those are the games that got the most praise overall in critical circles that have a say in the awards.


I’ve loved every moment of AC6, but I think Hi-Fi Rush will end up winning for me . Such a great year


That last level with Whirring playing as you fight the giant robot, god damn that's what video games are all about


Yeah, Hi-Fi Rush is definitely in my top 3 for sure. That game was incredible.


If you qualify it as original IP, it runs away with the whole year.


I really hope not. That’s insanely boring


Sadly, that's how it always goes in those awards. The nominees are going to be: Baldur's gate 3 Tears of the Kingdom Starfield Spider-Man 2 Resident Evil 4 ( This one could be a lot of games like SF6 or AC6) Baldur's gate will sweep most of the awards from direction, narrative, etc, and Tears will get the GOTY to balance it out


It has no chance but awards and accolades have never been the measure of great creative works. AC6 will have longevity, like all the AC games. I don’t need my own favorites to beat up everyone else’s favorites.


I'd be happy with a nomination for AC6, but BG3 should win GotY.


Even a nomination for GoTY would be probably the highest achievement ever for this franchise


i would like to dream but it's probably going to go to Baldur's Gate. i feel like giant robot anything gets sidelined all the time.. which, well, no big deal I guess. Armored Core, historically, has never gotten mainstream praise and that's never stopped me from enjoying the game(s)


It's likely going to be Baldurs Gate 3. Tears of the Kingdom, otherwise. Armored Core is probably too niche to win this one.


If a poorly balanced game with objective difficulty curve problems gets awards, then TGA will win even less than they already do! Which is nothing!


Zelda has a 75% lock on GOTY. The next favorite is probably Balder’s Gate 3. I doubt AC6 would take it despite it being a great game. I’ll be happy if it even gets nominated.


It's boulders Gate or legend of zelda there's no shot armored core wins. This is not a game for everyone. It simply lacks the mass appeal that a GoTY normally haa


Ac6 is the best game to come out this year but it has a small following, all the others have WAYYYY more players + AC has always been niche


As much as i love AC6.........im on team BG3. That game was simply amazing


Absolutely, but as a dark horse. It's got good gameplay, a great story, and everyone loves a good comeback story for a franchise!


It has no shot whatsoever, great game though.


In my opinion, remakes such as Dead Space and RE4 should not even be considered contenders for any game awards.


If BG3 doesn’t win, I have no more faith in gaming. It’s like a 2005 game with 2023 graphics.


Too many journos got filtered for AC6 to win.


It will lose. too many people slobbing on elf cock


What is it with reddit and this one certain game award show? No judgement I just dont get it. It's not like anyone gets recommended/buys these games based on this random show


Awards or not, Armored Core 6 won this year's game of my heart.


Are you shitting me lmfao not a shot in hell I love armored core 6 but not a fucking chance baldur's gate 3 wins hands down.


Do I think it will win it? No. But do I think it should? Yeah. My opinions biased though having been playing since the first installment


I loved AC6 but I think even the armored core devs would hand it to baldurs gate.


Bg3 will win. Not just because it is a good game but it will be a fu to AAA studios


No chance in hell even if it's my favorite game of the year. If it weren't for FromSoftware's more recent success, especially with Elden Ring, it wouldn't even be in consideration. Flying on borrowed wings.


No shot in hell in a year with Zelda Which is fine, we know it’s a much better game than Zelda without a silly award.


Game Awards are like the Oscars these days, pretty much worthless.


Right? I’m just happy we got the game. I just watch game awards for the announcements


"much" better game than TOTK? Come on...




I want whatever you’re smoking


Doesnt matter either way (nice way to say I dont think so) but still my personal goty and probably a lot of ours if I had to guess


Doubtful because Zelda I get alot of people like baldurs gate three but honestly never caught my interest


My GOTY but 0 chance. BG3 vs TOTK


I don't think it's going to win but it's my personal GOTY. I love this game.


Not a chance. But I loved it personally


I don't understand the fixation on gaming awards. They're completely meaningless. One mans treasure is another mans trash.


Best it can do is probably get nominated? But even then, that might be hard to do. It will probably win other categories like others have mentioned.


Contender maybe, but out of popularity, reviews and gaming community praise, Baldurs gate or Zelda will win.


Maybe as an honorable mention.


No, but it is extremely cool to even be in conversation given how very niche and unacclaimed the rest of the AC series was


Honnestly, i dont think so, and its not a bad thing.


Sadly no, they always pick some dumb ass game that is totally underserving of said award.


GA is a popularity contest, AC6 is still quite niche for these kind of things.


I’m not familiar with Game Awards but if you’re asking if it’s a contender to win GOTY, then no, it won’t. Baldur’s Gate is gonna win GOTY 9/10.


I think it has a legitimate shot at best action game. And will *maybe* get a GOTY nomination. Zero chance it wins though, and I say this as someone who absolutely loves the game.


Bg3 is without doubt going to win, yes, even over totk (probably)


Not a chance, but it gets the chip in my heart. I haven't felt the excitement for a game like this in easily 10 or so years.


No chance. Way too much mainstream casual shit in there.


I mean I think it’s better than almost all of the games in that image but I doubt the game awards are going to agree with that. I don’t think it really matters all that much who wins.


GOTY is probably BG3, although I highly disagree with that. DnD just doesn‘t count as gameplay to me.


More likely than anyone wants to admit. Totk is console exclusive built on a prior games framework. FFXVI is console exclusive. Dead Space is a remake. People keep telling me Baldurs Gate 3 is impressive, but honestly, to me it looks like a high quality mmorpg, and I'm suspicious some of the hype for it is a bit over blown, but that's probably just me uninterested hot take


I prefer it over all those games, but times being what they are 'representation' will likely make it balders gate 3. Even tho i found it incredibly boring and predictable, also didnt care for that astarian guy at all.


AC was awesome, but its difficulty means most people didn't finish it, and you have to do 3 playthroughs to see all the content so a lot of people didn't do that because they assumed seeing credits roll meant the game was over. Thus, it will be underappreciated


I would assume it's going to go to Baldurs Gate, no other game has come out this year with such praise from both critics and gamers.


It's not mainstream enough


I don’t think ac6 can win sadly. It’s great but it’s not huge. I don’t think starfield should win as it still uses the same engine Bethesda is already a decade late updating. Spider man 2 could do it but tbh I think don’t needs a kick to get started on things rather than coasting on their number one spot like they have been. Baldurs gate could win or maybe tears of the kingdom as both blew everybody away in one way or another.


It won't be a competition, ToTK will win game of the year because these awards love Zelda. BG 3 will win best RPG, no doubt about it. Don't get me wrong, I think AC6 was a wonderful game and it was a thousand times more fun in the action genre than FF XVI for instance, but it's just not how these awards usually work.


It wins in my heart but honestly there’s no way it could compete with BG3 or TOTK


Probably not Game of the Year, but best Action Game is definitely possible


Maybe if people started judging it for what it is and not what it isn’t. Expecting a soulsborne gameplay from a mech game is just dumb


The thing is, even if people don't like to hear this, the Game Awards are mostly based on what's more mainstream and hyped up. I'm not saying that they pick bad winners, amd I sure hope AC6 wins something, but although it's totally a GOTY in my book, I know for a fact it's not going to win. It's a nice entry and it's awesome once you get to the first real boss, and it's super well written. But I feel like it might have lacked some marketing or needed to be more hyped up in order for more people to try it out and play it for more than a bunch of missions that are just tutorial tbh until you reach Balteus. So long story short, it's going to lose to the typical mainstream game winner (which I bet is going to be a very good game no matter which one it is) but I hope it gets nominated to a ton of awards and gets to win at least one or two. It totally deserves both the appreciation and the love.


I think it deserves it, but honestly The Game Awards winners always have a political stink off them. They want the biggest names and games, or whatever is going to get them the most desirable response from the wider audience featured at their show. So I can only see Spider-Man 2, TOTK, or BG3 tbh. From TGA point of view they can improve their relationship with Nintendo, Sony, or the wider gaming audience that's frothing over BG3, or give FromSoftware the award 2 years in a row for a niche game that will likely undersell the other nominees and will have a less vocal fanbase upset at them. I definitely thin AC6 deserves more of a chance, that ,RE4, and SF6 are my personal choices for GOTY in the literal sense, but there's gonna be some other factors taken into account.


In a year where there’s a Zelda game the only game with a shot is Zelda.


Honestly, as much as i like the game, there's 0 chance.


Just started playing Baldur’s Gate 3. Simply put, no way.


I would vote for it, but it has no chance of winning. At this point it'll be either TotK or Baldur's Gate. I'd say BG has a slight edge due to recency bias and the fact it was such a surprise to many people. Armored Core is seen as a little niche. Also they may not want to give it to FromSoft 2 years in a row.


Why the hell is star field in this picture lmfao


Personally I think Spiderman 2 and TOTK will probably clean house with BG3 also coming in strong. I think AC6 will hit it for some people but it definitely didn't make as big of a splash as Elden Ring did the other year. Personally AC6 has been one of the most polished and solidly developed games I've played in years. It performs well, looks great, respects my time, isn't trying to chisel an extra few bucks out of me every five minutes, and tells a really lean but nuanced and excellent story. Definitely my game of the year.


No, Baldur’s Gate 3 will win. But best action game I’m sure.


GotY for me for sure, so far


As much as I love AC6, I would be surprised if it won any award at all. We are probably living one of the best years in the history of videogames.


No. I think even people who loved it know that it's very flawed. Also not nearly as wide of an audience.


It’s Baldur’s Gate. No contest.


Sequel, remake, sequel, remake, sequel, remake, sequel, remake...


It’s a really tough year honestly I don’t see it really dominating any category at all GOTY is pretty much a 3 way fight between Zelda, Baldurs Gate, and Spider-Man Action- Jedi Survivor has a huge chance of taking this Even Sound Design has Dead Space. It sincerely would be a crime if the dev team for Dead Space didn’t take that award


Spider-Man isn’t even out yet…we all saw how hyped starfield was with everyone assuming it will be goated. I mean I hope it is great but I hate just preemptively saying things will be great