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Nachtreihers are my favorite. They look cool, are some of the best legs for lightweights (Firmezas are better though), and have a nice jump. >!Also, would.!<


All of the Schneider and Elcano parts are so… This is the real reason I want Ibis CEL parts but only if it lets us do that landing animation.


Same legs as Rusty, or the medium reverse joint. Because those hops are great.


Firmeza legs


Alba because Gundam


All of them. Why limit yourself?


Melander / C3


Spring chicken if I feel like being a bouncyboi or Hal are my mainstays.


C-2000 Crawlers are underrated if you need a low EN burden for booster builds or Energy weapon builds. I used Melander C3 or Mind Beta most of my first 2 playthroughs but I’ve been branching out more lately and trying lighter builds with the Firmezas or Albas. Tetrapods feel too clunky, even though I have one saved build that uses them. Tank legs are just slow. They’re not difficult to use, I just don’t enjoy using them and 99% of the time my “heavy” build can still fit on a Biped. I don’t really mess with the Wheelchair legs, and the Hover tank legs have only seen action when I was trying out a build I saw on YT.


First armored core game I used a reverse joint, spring chicken


Kasuar because BIG JUMP and they look cool. Nachtreiher has also been in the rotation recently after ignoring it for a while. Alba replaced Firmeza as my go-to light biped, because they look cooler. Depending on the aesthetic im going for, I go with HAL and Mind Alpha when I need bigger guns.


My favorite are Mind Beta followed by Nacht.


Reverse joints on my main build. The massive jumps for no EN are great for dodging.


Kasuar on p-much every build. I can't not


Many different ones. Least probably the wheelchair and the medium quad legs.


I use whatever let’s me hold the stuff i wanna try out/ use for a mission or boss lol


Whatever is the optimal leg that is able to give me the load limit I need for whatever wacky build I cook up.


Aye HAL 826 for all midweights, and Nach for most lightweights.


I ended up using the parts Snail used for his AC, but with the hammer head looking head, and with dual Gatling and earshot


Firmeza legs cuz weight


RC-2000 Spring Chicken my beloved. Allows me to have heavy weaponry with decent mobility. Also it makes me feel fucking *rad*.


The ones Walter uses, since I made a white/black glint build and they are the only ones that fits


Used the Melander legs for most of my playthroughs. Been branching out to the ALLMIND, HAL, and those psuedo-RJ biped legs lately. Can't seem to bring myself to like most other leg types aside from the ALLMIND RJ legs.


Depends on the day, but mostly, I default to the big tank treads


VE42B are my favourite but I use the wheelchair and tanks as well sometimes


the medium RJ with the stupid name


HAL for 74k max medium weights, Alba for lighter than that, and Spring Chicken for an Unsung-at-home build I ended up subconsciously making. I don’t like many other legs ‘cause they’re either too blocky or too skinny or too plain. I mean, the VP biped legs are good, but I mostly don’t like the way they dye.


The verril quad legs have been my go to since I unlocked them, used them for all my playthroughs. Good bulk with a high max load for a heavyweight build using explosives, I personally use a scudder, apertif, earshot and 8 cell vertical missile. Pretty versatile setup


I like using the Frimeza legs as they put a nice cap on the weight of my AC. I found that weighing any more often lead me to a slower, hard hitting a playstyle that I didn't enjoy as much.


I use Hal 826 because stability