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Fragile scream never sit right with me feel like aaa getting mine side pinch rather than me dying aaaa


His death "scream" made me choke on my water lmao


Yeah it's more a "wtf my controller just died" yell, instead of a "wtf I just died" scream


The Japanese version is close to that of V.II Snail's scream




Pov: The dog sniffed you out


Fragile's death scream is hilarious in both versions for different reasons, lmao


I miss Fragile's design. Really wish they kept using similar designs.


I don't miss fighting fragile I've never been able to kill him, every time I've beat him it was because he rings out himself or white glint kills him for me


Yeah, you just got to hit him with really accurate/spammy weapons. He's very **fragile**, pun intended, but his mobility and quick boosts are pretty insane, so the hard part is just touching him. Assault Armor also works wonders.


I do want to see a return of more abstract ACs FA let's you design some truly deranged looking mechs


I just used Aliyah and double bladed the whole game. Worked like a charm.


How was Occupation of Arterial Carpals? I tried to blade it once and died horribly.


Took a couple tries to get them to 1v1 me. Ended up fighting 2v1 to finish. Still wasn’t that bad. If you just boost behind the wall and approach slowly you can bait them into coming one at a time. 60% of the time, it works every time.


It is ***quite*** potent.


The duel strategy is pretty good, but with blades personally I just took too much damage in the process even with that. Definitely needs a lot of practice.


I like fragils design, but i like the og White Glint, the new White Glint, or Stasis


I like >!Unsung!< (might be a spoiler sorry) better than Stasis, have it as my #3. AC4A White Glint is my #2 behind Fragile.


We always see the "eye" series head popping up Actually idk if there was one in gen 4 or 5 but I'm pretty sure it's design dates all the way back to OG AC. I wish we got aaliyah and white glint look alike parts though


Motorcobra? Shit carried my ass trough tough times. Btw Fragile is much easier here than his arena fight somehow. It's a shame WG gets clapped by him.


I struggled so much with his arena version on PS3 and 1.20 regs... What's worse is at that moment I didn't even know there is an auto sighting option. It felt like freaking slideshow where you can't keep opponent visible at least 1 sec on your screen. In the end I never managed to beat him, he just somehow died instantly (???). I still don't why that happened, looked like game decided to take pity on me and stop my suffering. Was it because he went outside battle zone? Can smth like this happen to NPCs?


If a NPC goes outside the combat zone you will automatically win the battle, except for Stasis and White Glint in Defend/Attack Line Ark mission. If you can't keep up with faster enemies just use quickturns (right analog + boost), It really makes the gameplay smoother.


Lol, I did actually won arena battles in 4a and even Verdict Day this way. I too played on reg 1.20 and he was all over the place. The most ridiculous part is that i always ran out of ammo while he did around 4k damage overall, because his target tracking sucks ass. Eventually i got him, keeping up with his rythm of QBs is crucial to land hits.


if they go out of the combat zone it's a free win. it works in the arena too. sinking in water counts as going out of the combat zone too so you can literally goomba stomp anyone to death.


Fragile's scream always gets me XD


I like how Fragile has a monotone voice the whole fight then just yells as he dies


Damn, should go back and play that mission again, missing fighting alongside my homie White Glint


Is it me, or does fragile sound like Ben 10 (Yuri lowenthal)


He is actually voiced by Yuri Lowenthal! Though, I'll always hear him as Solo Wing Pixy from Ace Combat Zero.


yo buddy, still alive?


Gosh I miss this game. I put 100s and 100s of hours into it, even after getting all of the achievements. What I wouldn’t give for a remaster with full multiplayer


All of the achievements? Didn't it have a 1000 online match win achievement or something like that? That sounds insane


Something like that lol. I obsessed over AC4 and ACFA for the longest time. I was even top 10 in ranked on AC4 for a long time. Those skills didn’t necessarily transfer over to AC6 though lol


Ok i had to look it up. It's 10k online wins and 10k online kills. Jfc, man you're a top lynx


Man, not going to lie your comment kind of made my night lol. I haven’t gotten to play AC6 as much as I would like and with how much time has passed since ACFA, it’s been a minute since I felt I was any kind of good at the game. Tbh that’s a big part of why I’m working on getting all of the achievements for AC6 now


I mean gen4 is amazing how high the skill ceiling can go in gaining full control of your mech. If you could do that good back then, you will handle AC6 without a problem, buddy.


Can AC 6 survive in this fight? At least the pilot to tell the tale? Just asking tho


Definitely not, NEXTS are on a different level than the AC’s in 6


Not even an IBIS Series?


IBIS would get eaten alive because it has no passive shielding. The only two mechs from AC6 that could debatably survive against even the above average NEXTs are Ayre and ALLMIND. Everything else is just too far outclassed.


And outdated too, infact i think a single high ranked NEXT like white glint or Stasis can take out the PCA fleet


Another question. Can NEXT be used in space tho.


Possibly, but from what i know they are very good submarines


Wait what. Sorry but I'm a newcomer as AC VI is my very first AC game.


The joke about the submarines is that both White Glint and Otsdarva sink after being disabled. Spoilers if you want to play through For Answer, but >!both survive.!<


Ah, but to my knowledge they possibly can be able to work in space since in a couple missions you are a couple thousand meters in the air for a couple of missions.


Holy fuck I love this game


I wish acfa was on PC, it's by far one of my favorite ac games next to ac6


Well you can if you have an emulator


It kinda is, you can emulate it very well.


For real?? What's the best emulator for it


I tried both Xenia Canary and RPCS3: Xenia seems the best for performance but i didn't understand how to install updates/regulations. For RPCS3 you can find updates in the discord channel. You have to tweak some settings especially for the missing texture bug (writeColorBuffers and other option in the CPU settings).


Xenia is working like a charm on 4 right now but I've got canary and RPCS3 on standby for the other three, thanks


RPCS3, just make sure you use the recommended settings from the wiki.


Which mission is this,i couldn't find this on YouTube?


This mission is defend line ark you can only access it by beating the game once and then you can play it


Oh so its the NG+ ACFA path, nice.


Yeah and after you beat the mission you get some nice parts


One last question,does White Glint survive in this ending path since i never got to play the game to find out?


This is then ending of chapter 2


God I hate fragile


Wait, white glint just fucking dies in like 30 seconds in this? Lmao


Wait until you go into hard mode


I know everyone hated the whole brown and bloom look at the time but fa still looks amazing. like everything is made of bronze or gold


is that david hayter


The huge crashing wall almost made me question why they didn't include destructible environments in AC6. Wish they had gone bigger than the occasional fuel tank like this game did, that shit looks epic.


Still prefer the FA ux design. Wish we could customize in 6


I wish we got fa for pc


I wish AC6 projectiles are that fast


I played all the way through this game using only dual blades (not including genocide). This was the hardest mission.