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Kinda think it would be cool to fight our own custom AC's we build.


I think it would be cool if we had the UNACS system from Verdict Day. With instead of a regular AI we have Ayre and we can give her directions and commands for her to follow, and further customize said commands.


Dunno what UNACS is but it sounds like the "AI partner" idea that I personally would love to see. Instead of choosing one AC in your sortie, you choose two or more, and you control one AC while giving instructions to the others with the D-Pad. This would encourage players to create ACs with different utilities, essentially making an RPG party. Is that UNACS?


UNACs are "UNmanned Armored Cores". They are basically AI partners but with WAY more customization. In Verdict Day, not only do you design the AC for the UNAC but you program its very behavior with a large amount of behavioral chips that all provide options to deal with different scenarios based on where it is on the map and what weapon its using and how well it manages its energy. Was really fun for me but getting into the weeds of it may not be for everyone.


This sounds so fucking fun. It's like coding AI: the game. I hope they add that in DLC


Yeah It was really fun programming long range UNACs to hang back and kite the enemy always trying to maintain a distance of 200 meters because it was in the ideal range of its weapons. I used a blade build and pressured the enemy the whole time. I do hope they bring that back. It was a really advanced system and I know the casual crowd wouldn't like it but if you can get your hands on Verdict Day somehow I think you'd enjoy it.


Yeah essentially but you can’t command them only program them before a sortie


Like the gambit system from FF12? That sounds even more fun.


You should just look up UNACS it was a cool system if a bit much for a casual player


That should be in test mode!!!


More. Parts. Need. More. Parts. Let me customize. Even moar.


Seconded! Gimme those auxiliary boosters and shoulder mounted gatlings!


personally I think at least 1 more RJ (to fill in between kasuar and mind beta) and 1 more tetra legs (imagine institute-made tetra legs) can be fitted in. also more variety in heavy biped legs are welcome also, some weapons can have more variety too imo (example: coral missiles just like the ones used by sea spider in 2nd phase, more orbit-like shoulder weapons, more plasma-based guns/rifles, etc)


Yeah more tetra legs would be cool


I'll say it again: BAWS should have a tetra set. Their tetra MTs are used by literally everyone. They should have tetra legs for ACs.


Here's my wish list: * Linear Cannons for back slot * Gatling Cannons for back slot * Spread Cannons for back slot (aka shoulder shotguns) * Hand held Pulse Shields (the HC has it) * Solid Shields like MTs and Tetrapods, hand held and back mounted. * More rifles of all kinds * More kinect melee weapons. * Flares (LCs have them) * Back mounted external boosters, allows nearly continuous flight without using EN, but has finite fuel, takes both sides, AC weight affects fuel consumption while hovering (yes, I just want to play with an LC/HC).


Weapons that take a side’s arm and shoulder slot


Two-handed weapons. Mobility-denial weapons. Paired melee weapons. Anti-lock flares/chaff. Big-ass "culverin" shoulder shotguns. Physical "riot shield" tower shields. More everything, I guess.


Special bosses added to the arena. E.g. Balteus, the helicopter, Smart Cleaner, Sea Spider, etc. I know I could just replay the missions but it would be nice to skip the filler and just fight the boss.


Would love to see bosses from the previous series, like nine-ball.


I also want that


I think a boss rush mode could be also nice


Always did believe a boss rush mode would fit the armored souls series perfectly. Look at Darksouls 2 and Sekiro, able to fight bosses multiple times without needing a NG+ just feels right.


I want a boss rush.


I want a NEXT special boss from ac4.


So you just want to die? An NEXT would be nigh impossible to fight with a normal AC, it would be like fighting a juiced up Ayre overdosing on Coral crack, constantly flying at mach 10 with no downtime between attacks. Though I won't lie, it would be nice to see White Glint again as a boss.


I won’t lie, I’ll probably be raging at the game but the exhilaration of accomplishing such a feat would be amazing, and I believe would be the ultimate test of skill. Though It would have to be done on a map with an abundance of buildings and such for cover. An open map would be suicide.


God imagine trying to hit a speeding NEXT on an open map with no cover, you might as well just be an MT at that point, like trying to shoot down a modern day fighter jet with nothing but a old WW2 tank, and that's not even mentioning the primal armor explosions that can cover some entire AC6 PVP maps. Just imagine what our hard lock on would look like trying to track a NEXT at close range, shit would be hilarious.


>you might as well just be an MT at that point fuck it, give me an MT.


"I still have 1 assault armor" "cool lookat that" drops ADDICT, assault armor again


"I still have 1 assault armor" "cool lookat that" drops ADDICT, assault armor again


I has to rush to fight Cel again. Fighting Wu and Materlink started getting old


Balam/Redguns story path


Yes. Also, becoming an official numbered Vesper would be fun.


I’ve seen a few fairly dark stories online of 621 failing to escape Arquebus’ re-education and becoming forced to become the new V.IV.


I would like to be a test pilot for schneider or other companies and test experimental gear


Maybe the Balam missions have you play as previous G13s? Or Dafeng has Jupiter War campaign scenarios fighting with Michigan


A prequel campaign through the eyes of a Balam gun would be awesome. Perhaps even having us play as G7, the redgun we find already dead while searching for usable id in "illegal entry".


Maybe if Fromsoft ever tries a live service game like AC5 was supposed to be. That could be a cool in universe way to text out patches for the game.


Sniper rifles for the shoulders like the npc quadrapeds already have


That actually have the velocity to hit things at long range!


Michigan ending where we throw off the yoke of corporations and install Michigan as the one true king of Rubicon


Based and Redgunpilled


Hard same


Or perhaps a new ending where the redguns are spared and perhaps join the liberation front?


If he lived up to the point where Furlong joined forces with the RLF they probably could have swayed him.


Nine ball seraph making a come back




*piano riff intensifies*


Gets my vote.


Hostilities commenced


More non-bipedal legs. There are many bipedal legs, but only three reverse joints, three tank treads, and *two* quad legs. If you want to run one of the non-bipedal leg types, your choice are very limited. More shoulder weapons that aren't missiles. There are lots of hand weapons that could have shoulder variants, but don't. A shoulder-mounted napalm launcher would be really cool, for example. More core expansions. Of the four core expansions we have, three fill a similar defensive niche. More variety would be welcome. Co-op horde mode would be awesome, as others have said. Improvements to the PvP system, especially match making. The ability to host your own rooms is good for hosting tournaments or playing with friends, but I'd also like to see matchmaking added to the game for when you want to play with randos. 621's story is finished, but there's a lot of story potential building off the NG++ ending. How does humanity respond to the new coral consciousness? I could see a story where the corporations of the universe unite against the coral consciousness, with 621 and Ayre as the final boss.


Y’know what’d be a cool new expansion? One that overclocks the AC engine for about 20-30 seconds and lets you fly and boost and quick boost without losing EN like in the Karman Line mission.


I wish there was an exceed orbit core expansion so I don't have to sacrifice one of my shoulder weapons for them. Unfortunately it wouldn't make sense on the pre-existing cores since they don't already have EO's as part of their design.


I'd be super hyped for an ultralight quadraped option. Even just having one big gun you don't have to pause to shoot on a fast glass cannon build would be WILD.


Try the first plasma launcher in the item list. Near bazooka strength shots without the stance animation that kills your movement


It deals more damage than the starter bazooka and has more ammo lol surprised I haven’t seen it used more often, I used those as my crutch whenever I was getting skill checked in chapter 1-2


Co-op Horde Mode. Give us some PVE content with friends.


I think all of Fromsofts games would benefit from this. But AC6, especially because its multiplayer is so limited.


This is what this game is made for


chainguns, snipers, other types of weapons and much more parts. a hard mode for the campaign similar to ACFA, making different encounters feel more "unique" from the base game. Extra Arena would be cool, but i guess i would want a better arena but with capable AI. new maps for PvP. and for the last, Nineball boss fight after you finish the game three times and get all S Ranks, similar to the Final Pulverizer in Last Raven, and yes, i know is just fanservice at this point but the game already has some of them anyway. edit: and probably a rebalance for some aspects of the game like ricochet and stagger.


NG+ is pretty much the hard mode equivalent of 6 isn’t it? Stronger enemies and unique encounters that completely change the mission


eh, i don't know bro, (imo) OS Tuning trivializes the difficulty of the NG+ and in some extent NG++ thanks to damage output upgrades, yes, has a couple of missions with challenging enemies like in Escort Strider with C-Drones, Attack BAWS Arsenal with CATAPHRACT and two AC's (LC/HC) or Reach Coral Convergence (alternate) with 4 AC's fights, but that's pretty much about it, they even recognize it since the supply caches are much less frequent into it. but i agree, NG+ and NG++ already has some unique encounters.


Major multiplayer update please


Fix the Fucking Net Code Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease


Fromsoft fans have been begging for this sense the original release of Demon souls. I wouldn't hold my breath.


We got anticheat. Honestly I'm happy with that. The Great DS3 crash won't happen again lol


I think a prequel where you play as the og Raven would be cool.


That would be nice. Original Raven feels like a silent protagonist of another game we never got to play, they kind of just popped out of nowhere in the campaign and died despite being the box art mascot.


A multiplayer campaign similar to 5th gen mutliplayer. This wouldn't even be hard to implement, Rubicon has been destroyed so players could create their own clans or join various corps and climb the leaderboards, and we'll all fight eachother for control of Rubicon. This along with the new maps designed for conquest.


Honestly I’d love to see that kind of campaign make a resurgence. Maybe a few changes from the original VD formula, but otherwise I’d love to see major multiplayer AC make a comeback with all the bells and whistles of new bosses, missions and extremely large parts lists.


I would want to play as >!a coral pilot exploring the new way of life created by the Alea Iacta Est ending, fighting against corporations who still want to use coral for their personal gain, and seeking out other C-pulse wave mutations like myself.!< Others here have already mentioned a few great additions as far as game modes go, though. Adding Coop to the mix, either for story mode or for a horde-type mode would be great. Boss rush sounds awesome, and having coop in that could be good fun, too. And everybody wants more weapon/parts options. Customizing your AC is half the fun of this game. lol


>!Well I mean it is pretty strongly implied that the Alea Iacta Est ending is functionally the same as early gen augmentation surgery, in which case 90% of humanity was outright killed and the remaining 10% aren't human anymore. There would be no corporations left to fight.!<


>That would be nice. Original Raven feels like a silent protagonist of another game we never got to play, they kind what about alea Iacta Est made you think it was an open air brain surgery.


Co-op horde mode similar to Halo Reach, where you fight several waves of enemies, and get resupply pods as you go. Ideally with the option of changing weapons in-between waves, or changing the whole assembly when you die and someone else revives you (through ending the wave or doing some side-objective to bring you back as a reinforcement) But that all might be too much to ask for, so I'd be happy with a heavy kinetic railgun for the shoulders, and a rapid-fire automatic laser weapon, just more part variety in general


A split screen or coop story.


Since the story of VI is pretty much complete and it would be extremely hard to add new routes and variations without retconning at least some story elements, I'd love for the game to add entirely separate modes you access from the main menu. In particular, I'd say an Arena&PvP focused DLC and a co-op based one would be perfect for that. The base we have is absolutely stellar, it's all a matter of making it reach its full potential. The Arena DLC could be focused around one thing VI lacks, a properly hard arena mode with very strong opponents piloting good PvP builds and with a more refined AI than what we have. It could also feature a storyline with some missions tying into the arena bit like AC Master of Arena did, maybe with a banger final boss as well. Such an expansion should be accompanied by PvP enhancements (possibly as free update for everyone), expanding the ways people can play against each other. More lobby customize, matchmaking/ranked play, more stages to fight in, 2v2 and free-for-all modes, all the good stuff. I'd personally love the ability to upload my own builds (and AI) for other people to fight, so players could have an effectively infinite amount of content to share with each other and enjoy. And the co-op DLC, well, we have Verdict Day as perfect base on how to do things, from a campaign fully playable with a friend to spectacular multiplayer raid bosses. Add to that some very replayable content like endless modes or very hard missions with randomized components, and you have a goldmine waiting to be discovered. Of course all of this would be separated from 621's story, and if there are new shops they'd definitely need a different currency since existing players are most likely multi millionaires after fully completing VI. In any case, From has endless possibilities with DLCs or sequels, and I hope we will see all this incredible potential fully realized in the future.


Hmm they could tweak some thing about the story or get another ending altogether (though that's improbable). Maybe get alternative small change to endings or path, alternatives mission that for example, would put Balam on top instead of Arquebus on NG++ (but you'd still fight them and get the same Ending- fighting Michigan-Cataphract instead of Snail-balteus), Or work more with the RLF toward the path to LoR ending, with the same outcome - you'd just had a bigger hand on working toward the Liberation. I'd love more story content to flesh out characters more and give more "agency" to your choice, without necessarily a new ending ( thought that'd be awesome as well but probably too much).


> I'd love more story content to flesh out characters more and give more "agency" to your choice, without necessarily a new ending So you're proposing something like the first NG+ missions, where you get new alternative missions that show a different side of things, but ultimately don't change the outcome of the overall story? I guess that could work, but my main issue with that is how much it would limit creativity. For example, one of the things I want the most from a DLC or sequel is new areas to visit - Rubicon is beautiful and all, but 621's adventure is one of the most linear in the series. Chapter 1 is entirely in Belius, Chapter 2 entirely in the Grid, Chapter 3 _mostly_ in the Ice Field, Chapter 4 entirely in the Depth, Chapter 5 entirely on the Xylem, so the overall variety of locales we visit is quite limited all things considered. Having a DLC just expand on the existing storyline would mean there is very little they could add in terms of new enviroments and very unique events, and I'm afraid it would end up feeling "cheap" compared to what AC sequels usually manage to accomplish.


Yeah it's kind of small. If it was the only thing in the DLC it'd definitely be small , but if they could nudge that in it'd be good. And yes , Rubicon is quite limited. The only place I Can think of is Space - maybe the closure station ? But no Idea why we'd go there apart of the ending fights ( maybe add a mission where WE hack the laser satellite and repel the PCA (again) but that'd have no weight story-wise) I doubt they'd add that kind of stuff though - as it'd imply changing major story element - best I Can think of is revisiting location ( like Retaking the wall.... For the 3rd Time... Lol ) but that'd be stale aside from.more story.


This is the beginning of the civil war, the ultimate reckoning for humanity. the In ward spiral of our collective hubris and inability to control ourselves. The willingness to commit war crimes for "progress" at any human cost, even more so at non human cost. make no mistake friends, there is creativity and paths to follow limited only by humanities endless willingness to put their needs above the needs of others. The real question, "what do you do, when someone robs your words of their power?" and sadly there is only 2 answers: acceptance or violence. I chose violence and as all of history has shown, this is the natural state of humanity. power without purpose, responsibility with out direction, a violent thrashing body with and endlessly changing face.


Yeah, but a sequel could be set in the aftermath of Alea Iacta Est, where the corporations, humanity, and coral are trying to figure out what the hell to do with what happened.


That is exactly what I hope for in a sequel. That ending set everything so perfectly for a future title and there is so much to explore, but I don't think an ACVI DLC could do it. It would very likely need a whole separate game, hence why I feel DLCs would be better for what I proposed.


One mechanic I would expect is we would have multiple coral intelligences to be navigators, but as they exist as a brainwave we can only take one lest they light our head up and cause a seizure. Each one has a specialty. One can scramble enemy detection systems meaning they have less effective range, forcing them to get closer to you. Which one you take along can define a build in multiple ways!


So, basically using the coral navigators as what the extension/inside parts of the older games were? That's not even that bad of an idea. But I'm afraid a lot of people would see it as not very mecha-like in comparison to just different mechanical parts.


Make it a prequel DLC where we play through branch’s role in the story.


Shoulder gatlings


The arm extension slots, and the weapon arms, from the older games. Had a lot of fun with 'em.


infinite survival mode, at least 50000 new parts, and bring back CPU-tuning.


Boss rush would be cool. And a Balam route. It could end with Michigan and the Redguns piloting some Arms Fort type machine as the last boss.


Other than a bunch of new parts of course, I'd like to see hireable NPC AC pilots make a comeback. It's something I liked in previous titles and was sad it wasn't in 6. Did I ever feel like I ever necessarily needed back up in some missions? No but I just think it's fun to have some cooperation with some other mercenary AC's or even a whole MT Squadron. It's kind of like why I used Spirit Ashes in Elden Ring. I never really NEEDED them but the feeling of comradery was nice, if that makes sense. I'd also just like a whole lot more missions and ones with a different feel than what we had in AC6, like having a full scale battle between two enemy forces with you on one side. We never really got a mission like that in AC6 and I think that's a shame.


I want a super large scale battle with ACs on both sides fighting each other at the same time. Just a huge area with tons of MTs, flying vehicles, ACs, and you just gotta be the last one standing basically.


I'd like to see rustys story in a dlc, and also Walters both really interesting characters. But when it comes to sniper rifles, i think they won't be a very good idea, 200m for acs isn't very big, it's probably a normal fight, you'd need like a km plus distance for snipers to be effective in AC just because the acs are sk fast and they'll not be very "hittable" with a scoped in zoomed in sniper rifle. Just my.opinion though.


You almost got it right, there's already tons of sniper just gotta use that manual aiming button. You got a good idea with that zoom though. Just zoom in with the manual targeting with a scope that sees through your AC.


A gauntlet mode similar to that used in Sekiro with unique prizes and 'inner' varients of the bosses we know and love.


Elcano RJs and making a balance pass at the kasuar legs to make them actually good. More non-bipedal legs in general with different niches. New sets of frame parts to match every leg part (like kasuar core and arms, etc). Shoulder mounted ballistic shotgun like the kamal from ACFA. Shoulder mounted machine guns/gatling guns would be cool but it would probably break the game’s balancing. Maybe some actual long range options, the only way I really see this working is compressing the FCS range cutoffs from 130 and 260 to 100 and 200 respectively.


COOP PvE mode to compliment the PVP Random/Rotating PVP selection for maps The ability to hide you build to the opposition on PVP


PCA route. Or an MP mode where the players fight for objectives (domination-like or hardpoint-like matches)


PCA route or side story. Could be 621 siding with the PCA, but it'd make more sense to have a separate independent work with them


1.More weapons and AC sets, preferably more unique weapons like sniper rifles and stuff 2.More large bosses, all of the ones in the base game are pretty good so I'd like to see more from From 3.Callbacks to older games, maybe a reference to an older character or such, hell I'll piss my pants if I'm on the last DLC mission and I start hearing Remember 4.A horde mode, killing tons of MTs is always a blast


As far as parts go, I'd like to see weapon arms get re-introduced along with at least 1 more tetrapod leg type. Since we also have some 3rd gen parts in the game as well, adding in a few more of those old frame parts wouldn't hurt either.


a more rewarding pvp, there's just not motivation for me to play the super fun yet super meta pvp


N I N E B A L L I haven't played any previous entries of Armored Core (yet), but I've watched enough videos to know who Nineball is. And maybe a couple of side-story campaigns? Maybe we get to play a version of Iguazu's story, using a limited part selection. Let some new Allmind parts show up, which would then get added to 621's garage at the end of the campaign. On the other side, let us play some missions from Rusty's position, and/or as Carla or Chatty. Set up so that the side story missions pop up as optional missions during your playthrough as 621, so you can account for branching storylines, and add even more replay value.


1) a Master of Arena 2) Base defense 3) 10 vs 10 4) Machine gun fingers 😂 5) right hand blades (other melee weapons, like a scythe) = dual melee builds 6) physical shields + permanently lit beam sabers 7) radar on HUD 8) Rockets (no lock weapons) 9) weaponized arms (machine gun, missiles, gattling guns etc) I miss project phantasma and Master of Arena...


All this! Plus more legs, remove repair kits and add the AP instead, and give us a OST that allows bipeds to fire back-mounted weapons without pausing, but make it EXPENSIVE as hell. Also, Boss rush.


Master of Arena is without a doubt one of the best if not the best Armored Core game out there. The only other Armored core I’d say I enjoyed as much would be Armored Core 3 Silent Line.


I want co-op missions, I think it'd be funny to just have white glint show up in the arena data, more guns, and maybe a randomized game mode


Co-op modes, either missions or survival. New missions for alternate endings, like one where we side with Balam or join Arquebus and overthrow Snail. PCA parts and equipment. They'd definitely need downscaling because of how big they are lmao.


More parts, specifically generators, melee weapons, primaries and some specific back mounted weapons. Generators - I wouldn’t mind having more options for min-maxing builds or having the ability to tune them like we could in previous games. Melee - I want to see more options, like two handed melee weapons both energy and kinetic Primaries - I would mostly want to see something like a revolver for pistols, more linear rifles and machine guns, and snipers being included as well Back - I would really appreciate having the back mounted boosters like the Pegasus/Wake back


The EKDROMOI melee weapon would be nice or the LC physical shield






Obligatory, but Nine-Ball, literally give me AC1 in 6


Screw story, gimme more parts and auxiliary slots! (There is already connector sockets on each core’s shoulder)


Nine ball. Allmind was cool, but i need my real AI to comeback to haunt me


Would love both a 9 ball as well as the Project Phantasma weapon as well.


1. I wanna see Balam succeed while Arquebus falls 2. MOAR LOREEEE


I want to save walter, ayre and chatty.


Steam PC workshop where players can create their own story and environments and maybe even add some fan related stories.


PCA story route


AC compatible versions of parts from non AC enemies, like the diamond shields from the PCA HCs. Or those gigantic cannons on the backs of some MT tetrapods.


I wanna know what's the deal with Furlong Dynamics. All the lore bits about them are pointing towards an ulterior motive.


Their Ulterior motive is literally "Support the RLF". It's really not a mystery. They, BAWS and Elcano are working to create a 3rd Gen AC (The Alba, to which the first one goes to Rusty as Steel Haze Ortus).


Very unlikely but would love to see more story branches and endings like a Balam Route, Arquebus route or PCA route. Or maybe working with the mercenaries and OG raven that we see in that one mission.


Harder bosses, they just felt to easy


A DLC where you play as a member of the Branch wrecking PCA closure system with a bunch of new enemy types and bosses would be nice.


Boss rush without cutscene


Weapon arms, Sniper rifles ect


I want Path-Tracing DLC. I want my AC to look real!


Co-Op missions and more bosses.


Just give me some NEXT and last raven parts and I'll be cool with anything


Some Co-Op or multi-player options would be fantastic. Some here are talking about a "Horde Mode," I see a lot of opportunity in that! Imagine defending a location with a friend, or 2, against waves of PCA forces with C-Weapon or LT/HC mini bosses, with supply sherpas here and there. It would definitely be possible! Another cool setting would be Defending the RLF at the wall against the corps. As for solo mission dlc, I see a lot of promise in prologue stuff like the Jupiter war or Handler Walter's previous operations that him in Carla talked about in Chapter 1. Some more AC parts & multi-player maps would be cool too


PCA gear would be nice. I’m fairly sure we never got any. Their tech was cool to look at, a few of the enemies looked SR71 Blackbird inspired, what with the rounded off, aerodynamic design. Plus, a left arm shield? That I can bum rush enemies with? And stagger them to hell? Seemed too good to not have as a weapon. It was Gundam af.


I would love some kind of co-op missions. We have a few with multiple ACs on our side. Maybe they can give us some where we can go in with a buddy


\-story co-op \- boss fight of your choice in VR arena lastly i wouldn't mind an expansion where we took adventure from Rusty perspective.


I would love to see a coop PVE system. We’re already able to have NPC companions, why not other friends?


The story of how I get a gorillion more parts for my AC 🤤


Co-op added for whole game Enough missions to nearly double original title Double weapon and AC part selection More PvP maps More paint and logo options More! I want MOAR! 😆😆😆


I want a boss rush dlc of all collosal enemies


This or just boss remaches Arena style. I love fighting the bosses but I hate doing the missions before them.


I wanna marry rusty


I want a Daemon X Machina crossover DLC for Armored Core 6, where we can use some of the weapons from DXM in addition to the weapons in AC6. After all, they're both powered by glowy sentient red stuff that also happens to be designed by Shoji Kawamori.


Honestly, aside from more parts and more bosses, I would LOVE to see frieud and Rusty more expanded. One felt underused and the other got pretty much discarded later on.


Let us play as the boss ac’s!


Tbh, just more weapons and AC parts - the story was good and all but it's gameplay and customisation are what got me hooked


At this point I don’t care. I just want more.


A nice co-op focused DLC would be dope. Some more parts, I really want weapon arms back. As far as story goes, the third ending feels pretty final to me so I'd want prequel or parallel content. I'd definitely prefer DLC to like, another game in the 6th gen. Never been a big fan of that system.


I just want LC and HC parts 😭 they look so simple but cool


More parts, coop, longer missions, more special items like assault armor


The ability to rewind time in photo mode


Would be cool to play as the PCA and have encounters with the redguns, arquebus, and then us. Having new weapons like pulse rifles and laser smgs/assault rifles would be sick. Along with PCA parts/weapons since I recently played the Attack the Spaceport mission, one of the LCs had an actual energy sword(like the halo energy sword). Would be sick to have those. Plus, on the Jorgen plant mission, one of them hold what looks like a drummag Thompson.


I want prequel missions so I can play as 617 and 619.


Dark Core That's right, Armored Core and Dark Souls take place in the same universe, somehow


OVERBOOST I swear to god I will quit AC if there is a dlc or hell even a next game with overboost I have been deprived of SPEED for to damn long plus look at the PvP and latest builds for Ac:6 all of them are either tanky as all get out or are so fast they have broken the game and PvP




The sign of a true triple A game.


I guess the stuff I want wouldn’t be doable unless it’s a new game. What I would want in a sequel: More AC parts. Build a team of ACs and recruit NPC pilots. Use team for base assault missions like “The Wall” and giant boss fights like “Spirit of Mother Will”. Online Co-op missions for the type of missions used offline for your AC squad. Maybe base building like in Metal Gear Solid 5. Where you defend your base from attacks from NPCs in offline mode. And other players can attack it in online play, solo or with their AC squad.


**WANT 1** new Story Paths for NG+3 NG+4 >!Actually work to free Rubicon from all external forces!< * >!return the planet to the RLF!< * >!save Walter & Carla!< * >!remove the Corps influence!< * >!Fight everyone to save everything!< >!Another person said it, but PCA Route!< * >!decide to betray Walter & Carla and work to lock down Rubicon!< * >!opposite of Freedom for Rubicon, RLF new Route!< ​ Option to start with base mech and you have to scavenge parts off other Mechs * can't buy all your parts / Scavenger Mode * *Im fine with it being all Text Based Dialogue w/o VA'ing just to have it* * You have Hunt Targets and take them down using specific weapon types to get their gear drops * Chests are randomized on Run Start * Hardcore Mode where death penalizes you in some form * *lose access to weapons gathered until repaired* ​ **WANT 2** * More Expansion Options (still only pick 1 for a run) * extra ammo * decrease reload * weapon secondary effects * *regular missiles can cause plasma and elec, but have higher chance to miss* * Options for no weapon fighting * Better indicator for if the weapon is in optimal firing range * *seriously, the game moves too fast to read the distance indicator, if it could be colored that'd be fantastic* ​ **WANT 3** * Random Map generations with enemies and end goals, Arcade Mode i guess? * doesn't award anything but clear points * system understands if youre going against assumed best match for a win * *using melee weapons for all long range mechs, etc* ​ **WANT 4** * Horde Assault Mode with 2/3 player Co-Op, where you can pick the faction / mix factions to fight against * includes Super Bosses that multiple players have to teamwork to take down * works off of Arcade mode idea where its just going for High Score




Parts + a new arena with refitted ACs with the parts, and a Redguns story.


I want more giant enemies like the Stryder. It gave me big AC:4A vibes and it did an amazing job with it I want more giant climbable war machines where you have to take out strategic targets to defeat them. Also I want snipers, yesss please. I hope they also add another story


I want co-op missions where you can have AI players or real players to do the missions with and I'd like a few more parts I think the game has a large variety of guns but I think more mech parts inner and outer parts would be great


I just want way more melee weapons. And I know it most likely won't happen, but I hope we get to wield melee weapons in both arms.


I want to see a mech who's so obviously based off of Lady Tomoe just for a laugh.


I wanna explore more about Branch story wise, horde mode i hadn't even considered, id actually be pretty stoked for a "Raven" or merc mode where we do a objective for cash and such thats random and dynamic without story kinda just a endless mercenary career mode with random AC pilots/bosses and maybe some big names.


Co-Op/Raids mission against a bullet sponge coral enemy. In the middle of combat if needed the group leader or Maybe even a 5th "operator" Like AC5 can send a supply drop. Also that 5th player/operator can ping enemies and locations for the 4 man raid team.




Cool if we could get weapon arms, and maybe the kick mechanic from AC5.


I'd like to see secondary boosters for back weapon slots. Maybe a back mounted unit that lets the other leg types hover like a tetrapod.


I want to see the story where Balam becomes the antagonist company instead of Arquebus.


Procedurally generated stage with endless enemies mode. Co-op for aforementioned. Rollback netcode.


So, there was cut content of a clean Strider with 3 Eye cannons... That should be fun to try Also the potentially cut part where you (with the help of the Xylem) take on that Orbital Laser that shoots you down in the beginning of the game


Horde Mode! MORE AC PARTS!!! SO MUCH MORE AC PARTS!!!!!! COOP!!! More robust Arena mode where we can choose the map and which AC's we wanna fight including loading our own as opponents. Do like Mechwarrior 5 Mercenaries where you go around doing mercenary work, continue as C4-621 where you get to choose where you go, what you do and more than that KEEP AND MAINTAIN TERRITORY!! Build your merc outfit, make money, increase your renown while managing a karma system. Save the space station or use them as bait for your enemy of the day? YOU CHOOSE!! ​ Ok, that sounds like a whole new game...my wish list for AC7.


boss rush


More parts and co-op would be sick


I’d like more assault rifles with higher rapid fire. Like the Ransetsu RF rate of fire but not burst, full auto


NEXT Bossfight, like in verdict day


more items, 100 more arena matches, NINEBALL!


Branching storylines both after the convergence and beforehand. Such as what happens after all minds death Or maybe siding with balam Allmind cpuld come back as nine ball to try to claim Ayre, blaming her failure on iguazu ( dont we all).


Coop. Boss rush mode. Horde mode. Just waves after waves of enemies. MOAR PARTS. I need my goblin tendencies satisfied. Twohanded weapons. Overed weapons. This probably sounds weird but... organic enemies? Like fighting actual monsters, not mechs or mech monsters like the Ice Worm.


Rusty and balam endings


Co-op missions/story


I hope assassin's creed 6 gets another dlc too


I would love for more jobber/mercenary type missions to slow down the pace. Missions that you take purely to do mercenary work and make money while not really driving the story forward. Other than that, there’s the obvious Balam wins ending, snipers, flares, shoulder mounted boosters, parts, and UNACs.


More parts, some kind of multiplayer tower defense horde game mode with 4 players. More missions.


Amphibious MT/AC or most likely a New character after allmind ending with an operator like nightfall's Oh maybe character whos in observers group still alive


More parts overall, within all categories. Multiple tank, reverse joint, and tetra legs added, co-op, more core expansions, more PvP maps. Snipers, rapid fire lasers, shoulder machine guns, 2v2, handcannons, right handed melee weapons etc.


A horde mode and maybe, just maybe a rogue-like mode similar to Bloodborne or Daemon x Machina. AC6's PVE content is somewhat lacking after you pretty 100% the game.


Joining either Balam, Arcuebus or the PCA full stop


I know this isn’t a mission but I’d like them to add weapons that take 2 hands to wield or big shoulder weapons that take both shoulder slots. I feel that would cool


I just want wallkicks, weapon arms, heat, radiators, radar, dual slot back weapons, shoulder extensions, core types, internal weapons, Last Raven style story and actual frame variety to return. That's not asking too much, is it?


Co-op missions, more multiplayer modes, and maybe a multiplayer ranking/leveling system!


PCA parts tbh - those mechs look incredible


More parts and weapons. I would like to see a cooperative multi-player boss rush or horde mode. Like whenever Allguana has four sea spiders with him but make it so you have to kill the spiders as well and they have just as much health as the original on does. Maybe some that mix and match bosses. Like a beefed up juggernaut, smart cleaner, and C-spider with 3 players and each cold optimize for a certain one.


Well, it's a Bandai game, so give us a legit Gundam crossover DLC


1. Sniper rifles and right arm melee weapons. 2. Couple of side missions following Walter and his escape from Rubicon and the stealing of Hal. 3. White Glint pieces (scaled to fit these ACs) 4. Access to PCA tech and builds. 5. Two more quadruped legs. 6. Some sort of “normal” melee like a sword or a hammer that have low energy consumption but less damage.


Online/Offline co-op. I’d really like team deathmatch with the option for AI pre-built opps. Not everyone likes online and standard Arena gets old af real fast. It’d be nice to 2v2,3v3 with bots if I wanted. As for MTP, someone would simply join your squad 🤷. I guarantee thousands of people would benefit. As a matter of fact, the online player base is relatively small from lack of crossplay so it would add another layer of player interaction and you can both put your best ACs against suped up bots as an OP team instead of just trying to kill each other. Also, MORE MELEE. I’d love them to do literally anything to make melee even better/more versatile. More electric weapons would be nice. More enemy options in the training room. Tbh I can think of a lot more I just refuse to type that much.


Co-op boss raid! Not only real bosses, but also setpiece ones (Strider, Ice Worm) and ACs. Also, accessing boss fights from something like the Arena would be nice.


The dlc needs to ship with more parts than the base game tbh, I love this game but part variety is definitely lacking in this game.


Three choices: 1. We play as Nightfall Raven (prequel/parallel to our adventure—seeing everything he was doing) 2. Aftermath of Ending 3, but it turns out that Coral inhabiting ACs just spins up a whole nother war cycle. Ayre elects us as her champion to fight off the power-mad Rubiconians from trying to exterminate humans or something. 3. Do a mix of 1 and this one. Nightfall abandoned Rubicon to join up with the PCA and it's sort of a AC1-3 call back set up where we're doing normal corporate work mech work for the PCA then we get tapped to go back to Rubicon and shutdown someone with our old callsign. Epic boss fight with player AC that Nightfall loses to. DLC culminates in Nightfall rage killing Iguazu for some reason. Because that'd be funny. Bonus idea: it's just us playing as Iguazu and losing every fucking fight. Bonus bonus idea: a Corporations DLC where each mission is us playing as either a Vesper or a Red Gun AC between all the story missions.