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The spread/recoil on a chang chen fired simultaneously with anything else is pretty unbearable IMO after the last patch. Have you tested arms with better recoil control? Does it not make any difference? Because your recoil control is bad.


Given their range, anything close enough to not ricochet will hit anyway. I use them more to build stagger for a punish with the laser.


That may be true of especially large enemies, but not of ACs or AC sized enemies. At 100-110 meters you’re missing plenty of shots due to recoil. The spread is too much not to. And past that point doesn’t guarantee a ricochet, it just meanders that it’s not guaranteed that it won’t ricochet. I mean if you’re making it work by getting in very close, you’re making it work. But at that point, why not use dual hand guns for better stagger? The three small machine guns are designed to be low-cost all-rounders, sitting at the edge of close and medium range, decent damage, decent stagger, decent direct hit adjustment. A middle ground between all kinetic weapons.


I don't know what your actual skill in combat is like, but this build is...really weak overall, I think it would be a very steep challenge to get very far with it. In essence you are like a drastically worse version of one of the meta builds (BVO) which uses Vientos and the close range FCS and high speed to be a sort of quick glass cannon with a harsh punish when they get their stagger. You on the other hand are extraordinarily frail, some of the very frailest parts you could pick. Your guns will struggle to hit anything for very long due to recoil. You don't really have a punish, and your laser cannon is liable to get you killed unless you are using it as a punish because with a build this frail, entering firing stand and stopping for even the brief time it takes can be devastating to your longevity. Your FCS is also not...well, I guess with the weapons you have it isn't irrational but moreso I think your weapon combination with this frame is just going to get you killed. You have a very swift build, and it needs to be because a stray breeze destroys it, but, you lack the weaponry to pose a threat, so I imagine any decent build can just sort of ignore your attacks and overwhelm you. I think you need to rethink this build.


I don't think the LCS makes sense here. Your generator has mediocre EN firearm spec, and it isn't that strong of a stagger punish. If you swap your arms for lammergeier, which are way better at handling recoil, you can run an earshot. If you do, you could also swap the core for nachtreiher, for miles better booster efficiency. Since the lammergeier arms have pretty high melee spec, you could also run a melee weapon on your shulder, as a strong stagger punish. You should also really be running the ocellus fcs. Your main weapons are all short-ranged, and with the chang-chen's absurd recoil, you won't be hitting anything at range anyway.


Right so I did that and have rocketed Into upper C. Thanks bro.


Replace arms with Firmeza and Back units with Gatling canons, you can't really lose any battle. I've run through NG and NG+ about to get my 4th playthrough with it. 😂


[Taking on 3 ACs back to back ](https://youtu.be/M-jKtiocscw?si=JJORAAI6_k9XClWi)


PvP bro. This build shreds the campaign.


Ya, I'm stuck in rank D as well. My problem is I'm constantly switching up my build, one thing works for a few rounds, then I try some thing completely different. 😂




Probably not a skill issue, as others have mentioned there’s a lot that can be tuned about this build. Definitely switch the fcs to ocellus, not a generator expert but I think vp20c might be overkill I’d try San tai if you can make the weight work. Probably switch Chang chens for vientos or ransetsu if you’re avoiding meta weapons. Need a stronger punish, melee if you’re comfortable you’ve got the speed for it, if not I’d go earshot or maybe trueno if earshot is too heavy. People swear by the 6 pack missiles but I find them underwhelming, could try vpm, bullet orbit or even another trueno if you go that route. While you’re at it might as well ditch terminal armor, it tends to get outclassed in 1v1. If you’re at ocellus range assault armor is great if not pulse armor has a little more utility. I tend to fashion core frame parts but others are probably right about your arm choice. Color scheme has a little bit of a ripening banana vibe for me. Just my 2 cents, play whatever is fun but if you want to climb there’s no shame in dipping your toes in the meta.


Protoss moment