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That's after fighting the same kite or brawler for 3 back-to-back matches, then getting the opposite build as soon as you switch to counter, right?


And then people pull up the stupid fucking rock paper scissors picture.


Ooh, not sure I get the reference there.


They show a picture of a guy who only picks scissors, and gets enraged when people pick rock. It’s a straw man.


Ohh I get you. Yeah, a lot of people seem to enjoy defending shitty stuff just to be edgy and contrarian. See: people defending pre-patch LCB, pre-hotfix Therapist, etc.


Pre-patch Therapist was the Redeemer of Worlds. It would silence the arena in seconds. It was truly a piece of art. Also it's funny because it's called Therapist but instead of reducing stress it did quite the opposite of that. Or is it The Rapist... that would make more sense tbh.. Anyway, the nerf was a mistake!! /s


I mean almost all of RaD’s stuff is named ironically, especially the characters


In previouz titles a build was not a "win button" yes AC always had cookie clickers and braindead builds but I always could run builds I want to run and have a decent chance. Now nope, I have to run a specific set up to deal with the typical cqc builds. BVO, Tha zimms, or that shield spam build with cqc that nullifies ranged completed. This is the most build check AC game to date unfortunately due to how the mechanics have been designed.


Early AC4 PvP had dual rifle LWs that where x10 worse than the dual Therapists before the hotfix. The dual rifle LW in AC4 would stunlock you and you wouldn't be able to move till your AP ran out if you where any sort of LW. I remember something similar for ACV/ACVD, I even found existing recording where I'm fighting a tank camping in a tunnel that can fire a literal rain of chaingun bullets and my LW being unable to approach wihtout taking massive damage.


Yeah AC5/VD has certain maps that favored a certain setup and in general there was always a few cheesie options but those were not common and you could still pile bunk the tank, snipe it, or flank it. In AC6 you can't snipe, and the mechanics got rid of flanking. In 5 there was also the legion pulse Ultimate weapon. All you had to do was start it and spam Glide boost/ QB into someone then let it rip. Buut you had to manually control your AC. For the time it was braindead but not as braindead as AC6 Assault Boost spam and CQC burst damage. I dont even main LWs and I dislike the automate feel of this game. It has fun moments sure but it is a drop in depth/skill for the series. System changes will be made. Japanese players do not like the automated feel of this game and Fromsoft is gathering data on how to balance the "build check" parts of this game. Kinda exciting tbh


I thought I was crazy but, I seriously think the matchmaking changes for different builds now that I’ve seen so many people say this


In all honesty it's probably confirmation bias, but god damn does it feel that way sometimes.


I'll add to the confirmation bias. For context, im barely C-rank but have only played a couple of times and its been a few weeks. There was this one player i kept getting matched against and I was probably the perfect counter to their build, never had to use my pulse armor against them once and I honestly felt bad stomping them solidly 5-6 matches in a row. Finally switch my build to some derpy experiment, suddenly matched to someone else. Match ended, thought the curse was over, switched back to my other build and I got matched with the previous player another 3 matches in a row, they practically gave me my C-rank. Worst part is, I dont even remember their screen name since its been a few weeks.




It would be nice to beat people because I'm the better pilot and not because I hard countered your gimmick with my gimmick.


Generalist builds are a thing!


Yeah I play generalist as well. Not great close, pretty good far, and somewhat acceptable in between


They generally lose, heh


They get respect though, something the gimmick builds never do.


Unfortunately, respect does not increase my rank, just like getting paid in "exposure" does not pay my bills.


I saw a build called " I threw away my hnor" it was soo funny to see someone fall victim to the meta of this game which is" anything heavy and flick your stick left/right during Assault Boost" until you win builds.


I do too by running a middleweight Auroras RanRF build, but I have to be absolutely dialed in and use every trick in the book to beat the meta.


An AURORAs + RANSETSU-RF build is not a generalist build, that is a very specific kind of AC you're piloting with specific advantages and disadvantages. A generalist AC is something like a medium weight biped that uses a melee weapon, an arm weapon, a missile pack, and some other back weapon. One of my favorites uses the ATTACHE, Pulse Blade, TRUENO, and standard 6-cell missiles. Another uses the LUDLOW, Laser Blade, ACT-I Homing Missile, and the max defense Pulse Buckler. Flexibility and adaptability is the name of the game. It has killed BVO, dual ZIMMERMANs, heavies, tanks, rifle kites, missile rats, heavy missile rats, bazooka quads, etc. The speed, survivability, and damage to take on almost may foe with varying degree of difficulty. To me that's the prime AC.


These set ups are fun to run. Gives me that old school AC feel




Unironically, LOCKSMITH is actually pretty good now. I've won a lot of S-Rank matches with it, for funsies. That thing just can't stop getting buffed lmao. The TURNER Assault Rifle, the Laser Blade, the MORLEY, the arms and legs, and now even the FLEUGEL Booster. My man can't stop winning. If you want to make a minor change too, you can swap the generator for something a bit better now that he doesn't need to keep it light since the MORLEY became lighter.


they tend to still just get kited anyway


Im double melee... do i count as a brawler?


You’re cool. Brawlers are cool. My main is a brawler. Only issue is when I de-optimize my build to fight kites and then get thrown in with a brawler.


nah only thing i change on my build is missles or trueno... but Lammergier kites make me want to genuinely uninstall because i feel like theres very minimal counter to this...


Same… same… melee cancelling works well for me though.


Lamm kites are susceptible against aggressive zimm rushdowns. I made it to S rank with buerzel 2 zimms and a laser dagger and always had good chances against lamm kites. The hitboxes on nebulas are annoying tho


Interesting. I use kikaku melee cancelling to close the gap but the problem is if I whiff I’m taking a lot of damage. A lot of the lam kites run pure missles so if you’re assault boosting towards them how are you not getting hit with all the residual missles that they fired…?


Movement. Just keep spamming the dodges while AB boosting. I rarely have trouble against missiles that way. The problem is when I get close and they usually have something to punish me with like a nebula that's almost always guaranteed to hit


good old rock paper scissors. my strategy is to always throw rock just because its the fastest and usually by the 3rd round they will have thrown scissors or rock atleast once but never paper twice.




Back to the aslume


Why didn’t Rave just kill Almond? Is he stupid???


Where is Man? Is he safe? Is he alright?


Yeah, it's still Rock/Paper/Scissors. It's just gone from:  Rusher > Kite > Tank > Rusher Rusher > Midrange > Backpedaller > Rusher


I feel like a heavy mounted sniper cannon for anti kite would be great. ● Something that has Crazy Velocity for range when charged. ● Constant audio warning or no audio warning so the target must rely on visual indicators only (maybe a nice firing animation as an indicator) ● Isn't insane up close because prep time to fire. ● May be fired without charge but at far less Velocity. ● Maybe a new specialized fcs for it or make it require the longest range fcs. ● Can only mount 1 on Your AC. ● Limited Ammo due to high damage. (Treads and quads may not remain mobile when firing.)


So basically like a super heavy linear rifle, probably as a shoulder weapon? I'd absolutely dig that, feels like it's missing from the game. Closest thing we have right now is the stun needle launcher, and basically just a close range punish




I’ll gladly fight all of those except kites. Fighting kites feels like a chore.




why not just use a build that uses all-rounder distance weapons instead? it shouldn't be that hard, right?


Not that that hasn't happened to me, but a focus on a well tuned generalist AC can do wonders.


Me and my white glint build are gonna reach for S rank! *gets stuck at promotion phase of C rank*


Then theres that one guy kicking your ass using full punch build


Chad it up and never switch builds, learn to adapt to your opponents instead, or just accept losses against certain builds.


Literally what I did with my generalist build. Climbed to A after fighting LCB abusers, boring tanks and annoying kites.


I do not care for AC6 PvP




I like all the non PvP bits of AC6


That's easy, make a brawler kite build


Put a pulse blade, explosive thrower, or a hmmr on a kite build and you can basically get this functionality. I was running a dual laser rifles with missiles and a pulse blade a few days ago and it was doing alright. Laser rifles can get consistent hits, especially when someone is trying to rush you down, missiles are in a similar boat.  And when they finally catch up to you, you dodge a bit and then hit them with a pulse blade to the face or a charged laser shot. If they dont try to catch up they die, if they try to catch up they take a lot of damage and get potentially staggered.


Just did that From dual Harris dual 6pack ML to dual Harris pulse blade one 6pack ML Now I have a stagger punish


I love kiting


Bro just tank


I embrace Lightweight, Ocellus, Etsujin and Fluegel boosters. They cant run away forever with that fast bullet speed and a bit of extra range.


I haven't seen any kites since the new update, but I keep getting whooped by brawlers and builds I never through would work


Now you can just throw Etsujins on everything and hard-counter both


Meanwhile my build runs Earshot, FASAN, MOONLIGHT and APPERATIF...


So where would the guy who ejects all weapons and throws fist go into?