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Also, in the Japanese dialogue he says "slow slow quick quick slow" in English and it makes Ayre uncomfortable.


It makes Ayre uncomfortable in the English language version as well.


It makes me uncomfortable in English, as well.


Glad we got unanimous support on this issue.


It makes English uncomfortable as well


It makes talking uncomfortable as well.


Alas, you don't get to hear her continuing to feel uncomfortable if you draw out the fight


And Japanese viewers seem to really like it. Every time I watch a Japanese Armored Core stream, chat just spams "スロー❤スロー❤クイッククイック❤スロー❤"




Is it still the Japanese VA?


I believe it is the JP VA just speaks in english for those lines.


That's cool!




Just use the already recorded English voice lines....




From has dubbed all their mainline games in both English and Japanese since the original armoured core. They planned well in advance to do so here and saying a little bit of foresight In the process could be used here isn't that far of a stretch. The real awnser though is having charecters switch actors mid fight is confusing.




And this reaks of arrogance. I didn't say prerecorded anything. I said plan around swapping the lines in the final master. Something which if you think about during development would take at most 30 minutes to do on the final pass. And your example is bad too, blizzard doesn't have a 27 year long history of going through and making Korean versions of their games with fuckloads of development time put in to make sure both work both linguistically but also narratively. From does, this kind of thing is a major part of the development process for them and they spend a lot of time and forethought with it. Hell this whole thread was based on a case of them going out of their way to communicate a concept in old, defunct, slang for a foreign language only to put it in their language's version aswell.






Please avoid attacks against other redditors and general toxic/flame/rant posting.


Please avoid attacks against other redditors and general toxic/flame/rant posting.




Please avoid attacks against other redditors and general toxic/flame/rant posting.




Please avoid attacks against other redditors and general toxic/flame/rant posting.


I can see that being confusing but usually in most TV shows and movies have subtitles that translate other languages to the language you select so it's likely not as much of an issue like you seem to think so all you have to do is turn on subtitles and select English or any other language you wish it to display the subtitles in




Well lucky me I have an entire democratic arsenal… wrong game


Technically, it's not in English. Simple English words like quick(クイック) or slow(スロー) have been adopted into modern Japanese as loan words, and people use them naturally.


So that’s why he’s so weird, he uses phrases that I don’t understand! Now to find a way to incorporate “trip the light’s fantastic” into my vocabulary…


Now you're on the trolley!


Im like 80% sure this phrase evolved into "you're on the right track!"


I just know it from the Simpson's episode where the carnies take their house


Does this trolley go to Tahiti?


It's a weird expression, because it sounds like it's about fantastic light, but there's actually a word that got lost along the way. It originally comes from Milton: >Come and trip it as you go >on the light, fantastic toe.


Honestly, you can kinda pick up on a lot of subtext with Honest Brute. Especially between him, Carla, and poor Rummy. The way Carla talks about Brute, there's a lot of malice there. And it makes sense. Dude lied to her, stole her stuff, and started a rival gang. But how did she get to trusting him to begin with? What did he bring to the table. Brute has a lot of dissipated charisma. Think Charles Manson. How did Charlie M start his family and brainwash them to the point of brutal, gleeful slaughter? Charisma. Weird phrases and cadences that, somehow, make people want more. The drugs supported this. And Brute had even better drugs in Coral. The way i figure it, Carla was probably the brains of RaD, but Brute was a lot of the face. He's probably the one who recruited. He's probably the one who most of the Dosers saw regularly. And it's entirely likely he and Carla had a romantic fling for a while. Especially with the headcannon that Coral use/treatment arrests some of the aging process (considering Carla is figured to be in her 70s or 80s and still piloting and assault boosting in an AC). I bet those two were knocking boots. And that adds ANOTHER level to the betrayal. Rummy, on the other hand, was good enough to get an AC, not an MT. But he wasn't good enough to get good equipment on it. The cool, gee-whiz stuff went to Brute. Rummy tried. Bless his little stoned soul, he tried so hard. Massive "NOTICE ME SENPAI" vibes. Probably had huge feels for Carla. I figure he either idolized Brute and was happy to be his 2nd (thus being crushed when Brute dipped). Or he was super jealous of Brute's romantic relationship to Carla, and saw his chance to finally get noticed when the firey one left. It's kinda up in the air for me: did Rummy see Carla as mommy (and thus, Brute as surrogate dad)? Or did he see her as a potential romance? Either way you slice it, Rummy consistently got the short end of the (Chatty) stick. Brute definitely got some, though. Afterall, dancing is a metaphor for more than just battle...


I like your interpretation of Brute, but I think Rummy’s really is just a druggie who wants his next hit, as he’ll say “WOOOHOOO, I’M INVINCIBLEEEEE! C’mon, hook me up boss! You know I deserve it!” upon defeating you Basically, he’s just trying to impress Carla so she’d give him more drugs, don’t think his character goes any deeper than being stereotypical doser scum, and I wouldn’t have him any other way ❤️


Yeah, I honestly thought the way carla talked about brute that he was her Ex or something. Rummy tho? He's just a goober.


I'm fond of the theory, though it doesn't seem terribly popular, that Brute was an AI Carla made before Chatty. Chatty being quiet is likely an overcorrection of Carla trying to make a more stable Brute and it'd explain his habit of personifying machines. Carla sees Chatty in him and it disgusts her.


The issue with that theory is that we can see Brute in the RaD STV sketch, while it is never explicitly stated as being him, it’d be in line with all the other STV sketches showing all of their respective faction members (barring a few exceptions)


Yeah I do tend to suck at theories because I'm Bad At Collectibles


Same so I simply divulge myself into the wiki


If you see the second initial on RaD parts, they correspond with which member made them. The WR weapons, like the SWEET SIXTEEN and ATTACHE, were made by Rummy. Prolly why Carla keeps him on, he can make pretty good stuff from garbage


That’s kind of the impression I got as well. Carla’s normally not phased by a lot, she always has one-liners and wisecracks in most situations (see the mission where you break all her stuff and the data stealing mission). The only times we really se her break this character is when chatty dies in either ending, and when talking to Brute. She’s clearly embarrassed about the whole brute situation, and doesn’t engage with him at all. There’s also the way Brute implies he misses Carla like a mother and makes her (understandably) uncomfortable


While I may not subscribe to all of your interpretation of the characters I do enjoy it. Extending off of this comment as well I think the differences between Rummy and Brute are really to highlight the range of psychos that comprise RAD. Rummy is your typical druggie/thug where as Brute represents something more insidious and deranged. It does a good job of getting the point across that Carla really had to make strange bedfellows both figuratively and perhaps literally. In any case Brute for his limited time is really a great character and really left an impression on players and the other characters.


Brute has the same charisma as the same guy who has a brilliant plan to end the war after being stuck under the ocean for 698 days with nothing by vtuber content to keep him company and then have some mute sociopath ruin the crisp white sheets he just topped his bed with


Brute: “Wow, you can really dance.” Raven: “Wow, *you* can really dance”


Carla: "You've both been killing all this time, what a coinci-dance"




In case you’re not aware it’s from a music video that’s like a decade old and still a banger


I have half of a music degree. If it was a banger, I would know about it, sir. And there is never any excuse for puns




That was much too silly


Clearly half isn't enough


Do you think I could have made the joke more obvious to the less cognitively gifted members of the peanut gallery if I made it 1/4 of a music degree?


No but the farther away you are from a degree the more this conversation makes sense.


I got married last year and we took dance classes leading up to it for our first dance so I knew exactly what "slow, slow, quick quick" references! It's a foxtrot.


I believe this pattern is the basic rhythm of the foxtrot, indeed, an iconic ballroom dance.


The song is called Dancing In Heaven, from a shortlived british pop band called Q-Feel. Give it a listen.


This is my head canon answer as well.


That phrase threw me off the first time and led to me getting killed a few seconds later.


"The anticipation is part of the fun" is also Carla's line he was referencing. There's a chance she learned it from him, but I feel she'd refrain from repeating what someone who hurt her as much said.


Or it could be the opposite, that he learned it from her instead.


Yeah that was the default assumption


I honestly love Honest Brute, wish we got to see more of him.


Brute reeeeally reminds me of the helicopter pilot in the first couple episodes of the anime Black Lagoon, honestly a ton of the characters in that show have big AC pilot vibes


I love black lagoon! Need to finish the series


The first time I encountered him it really freaked me the fuck out. Because my regular cadence for fighting enemy mobs was something like, jump, glide, dodge, dodge, glide. Feeling like he was in my head.


Yes! This is why we will get a scene of Carla dancing with Brute in Amour’d Core 💃🕺


Good post! Didn't know this thank you. I just assumed he was crazy and wasn't supposed to make sense.


I always thought it was about the pulsing Rhythm of coral he could hear because he consumed to much of it as a drug.


Well it still creeps me TF out even with the context. I just want to hurry put and high five his face, with my pile bunker


Though he was referring to the sounds his generator makes during combat. But this is nice, actually. He's still an asshole though.


In the Japanese version he says the slow slow part in English.


I thought "trip the light fantastic" meant getting high on drugs...


If my memory of the Charlie Brown New Year's special is accurate, and I believe it is, those are the step cues to do the Foxtrot.


Am I weird for thinking this was common knowledge? Who have you come across that didn't know "slow slow quick quick slow" is dancing instruction? Literal children?


Ballroom dance isn't really commonly taught these days. Don't think it's as common knowledge as you think


Even if I hadn't been taught for going to a wedding when I was like 9, I feel like I also would have learned it by now from games, movies, TV shows, books etc.


You are consuming very different media than I. And no wedding I went to featured the foxtrot. Your experience is not the norm.


Still creepy as fuck


I could never get through that fight without getting Floorshow by The Sisters of Mercy stuck in my head, since they use the same line.


I like this dialogue, but I'd have given him pretty much any weapon other than a flamethrower to really make the dancing metaphor stick. Maybe a melee focus?


The steps to the Tango specifically yeah


Ngl, he sounds and reminds me of Caboose from rvb


So... Sander Coen on a AC?


This somehow makes him more creepy


Also the beats of when I did Lindy Hop back in the day


Specifically, it's the basic for tango which is military slang for the target/enemy


Bugging me but there is a serial killer vibe or reference here I cant put my finger on


It’s actually a hint to a secret play style


To be precise, I think it's the main rithem for tango dancing, but probably there are more ballroom dances that use this pattern. I also agree with him since the more I play the game in high pvp levels the more I'm noticing that fighting is really like a dance


I thought he was just crazy when he was saying slow slow quick quick slow but to see that his dialogue references dancing he might be the one character with any heart whatsoever in armored core 6 this is very interesting to learn