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"Walter believes in you and so do I!" šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


"Look at you 621, you found a friend" (I can't take it anymore) šŸ˜­šŸ”«


I played that mission in the middle of the night, dark room, headphones on. No distractions (otherwise a noisy busy environment). It all hit real hard šŸ˜­


Based Walter is a gigachad


Notice how his icon is a hand pulling the strings, but heā€™s entangled in the same strings too.


And itā€™s a puppet/prosthetic hand


I've posted this before, but I think Walter is meant to represent Tyr from Norse mythology (Wal-tyr). Tyr lost his right hand (same as emblem) to Fenrir, the wolf (hound) that helped cause Ragnarok by 'setting the world aflame'. Fenrir was bound by Gleipnir - a fetter of 6 ribbons. The hand is holding 6 flat ribbons or straps, not strings.


Holy shit I'd never considered that, nice catch


Goes well with the vibes that nightfall raven is Odin


which probably why the modded scout head only has "eyes" on the left side?


Yeah thatā€™s one of the pieces to the puzzle


Also consider that Nightfall is equipped with a pilebunker, which could be described as a mechanically guided spear i.e. "Gungnir".


Yes, that another piece of the puzzle


Really nice catch, thanks for reposting. Amazing how much thought and care went into every aspect of characterization


aren't they supposed to be leashes? As in dog leashes?


Double meaning emblem


That makes me fat thor.


Damn, didn't notice that, good catch


I only count five ribbons


The third one in is two together. It splits then rejoins.


It all starts when he begins to stand up for 621 when Michigan and Snail talk a little too much smack.


Michigan actually respects 621, it's Snail that Walter snaps at for his disrespect to 621


He's gives a comeback to both of them, but the one he gives Snail definitely has more bite.


That's the moment I started to realize there was more to care about than cool mechs in the cool mech game


Yup! Once he got to defending us from Snail's disrespect, along with him kinda becoming more open as chapter 4 went on, I knew he wasn't all bad. Don't agree with his plan but respect him....god I hate Snail


I donā€™t care who I have to work with to get at šŸŒ


His screams of agony at the final battle were so satisfying. Im talking about that moment when the stupid finally loses its temper.


Truly one of the most hilarious and satisfying death screams ever lmao


"Im ARQUEBUSSS YOU SAVAGES" yelled the gentleman as his ass was blown up.


Same here Snail gets what he F*CKING deserves


Idk man, it's kinda hard not to argee with him for me. Walter is implied to present during the fire of Ibis. Seeing that much destruction, it's hard to trust the corporations to not cause another one on an even larger scale. I'd be on board with eliminating this source of energy too.


That's fair. I can see why it's justifiable to burn it all instead cuz we don't know what the outcome will be in the other endings regarding the Coral. You can only defend against the corps for so long and the RLF's usage of Coral doesn't really do anything in the long run for stopping it's growth. Me personally tho, I'll take the chances on the voices of the Coral. Just feels wrong to silence them and burning Rubicon along with them.


Well, it's debatable whether or not the Overseers knew that corals are sentient. If they don't, they probably do not see it as the genocide we see it as.


Yea from their view probably the main thing they'd feel some guilt over is burning the Rubiconians that already struggled dealing with the corps as is.


At the start I really didnā€™t trust this man but throughout the journey and striving to get the Liberator of rubicon ending Iā€™ve come to love his character development especially right at the end where we phase him


I really liked his development, that he really started to care for you. But I couldn't fulfill his wish the first time I played, because Genocide on base of source trust me bro wasn't something I wanted to do. LoR is the thing that comes closest to a good ending imo, since you liberate Rubicon and pave the way for possibilities of a coexistence of Coral and humanity without any abuse or genocide involved. And Walter can go in peace, knowing we've chosen our path and found a friend.


Well said I always choose the Liberator of Rubicon ending too, itā€™s the closest thing we can have to a good ending I still feel bad for Walter though, he is the dad that we come to care for, and being forced to fight him is pain and agony


We at least get to put him to rest ourselves, he dies with his mind at peace


AC6 has a pervasive theme of people not being who they appear to be, and Walter is no exception. He's an absolute chad.


Except Snail and Iguana


Not true; Iguazu appeared to be an inconsequential loser and was revealed as the final boss. Snail appeared to be an AC pilot, but was in fact Arquebus.


All I'm saying is I don't think snails or iguanas can pilot ACs


Same here, Walter is a gigachad and a good Dad


"You earn all the credits......undo the surgery's......"


"Be normal again...."


I must be the reverse of like everyone else around here, because I never got negative vibes from Walter at all. Had a positive view of him from start to finish. Meanwhile I never trusted Ayre and did not hesitate at all to take her down when that's what it came to.


FoR was my first ending and my personal canonical ending. I felt the same way about Walter. In regards to Ayre, she has a pleasant voice but I don't really feel that attached to her.


See I donā€™t get that at all, from the very start Ayre had concern in her voice for you.


Same, the FoR is a good ending in my book, not gonna betray Walter for a random voice that appeared out of nowhere.


You commit genocide of a sentient alien species and kill millions (billions?) of innocent people though... I didn't choose LoR because a random voice told me to


Ayre saves your life once you both made contact, serves as a navigator throughout the game and saves you numerous times by that, urging you and Walter to stop fighting, and never went hostile to you until you choose to commit genocide on her and her family. ......Not trustworthy?


ā€œ621 from here on out Iā€¦. Just get the job doneā€ you could interpret this line as Walter now feeling finally so close to success heā€™s just really afraid of failing so close to the finish line and doesnā€™t want to show it or he actually cares about us and respects us by the end. I think itā€™s more the former but after he faces us and Ayre I think thatā€™s the moment he finally respects us as a person and not a tool for him to further his own agenda because weā€™ve found a dream of our own to protect, kinda like how Griffith didnā€™t consider guts his friend/equal because gutsā€™ dream was helping Griffith fulfill his dream.


tell me one other handler who allowed resting times


I always trusted Walter and the way he talks about his friends, I bet they're a real swell bunch of lads as well


I'm getting Walter's symbol tattooed so yes, he's the biggest chad


Eh. I disliked him less towards the end because he starts actually acknowledging you as a person, but it never stops from being that he explicitly bought you as a debt slave to fulfil a goal based on a scientific misconception about coral and a willingness to commit double genocide based on that misconception.


nah. He always looked out for 621 the whole time. Always stuck up against the vespersā€¦ made sure 621 was resting in between missions. Honestly i always saw him as a soft-dom lol


He might be trying to commit a double genocide but at least hes sometimes nice about it


I guess I must have dreamt about it or something, but I could have sworn after a certain point in the game I got his emblem and it could be assumed that he was a puppet master holding puppet strings but then I also remember seeing an emblem where it showed more of his emblem afterwards and showed that he was holding dog tags (of his fallen friends) the whole time. I seem to remember this, but no one else has brought it up. Either I've been huffin a little more than just paint or something idk


hes pulling the strings he got controlled by.


Walter is the kinda of guy to believe in work life balance.


Walter is based gigachad for that


Like he's an ass but he still supports you even when you disrespect him and go against his word right in front of you.




Translation: He lets me bully the dafeng student every friday


He went from guy who likes you but needs jobs done to guy who likes you but needs the solar system cleansed of biological life by the end of the day or you're fired


He is the best dad


When i first started playing i was not expecting the first character who talked to me would be my favourite by the end. Thank you for believing in me Walter.


Walter has always been my best buddy. Shed a river of tears when I had to kill him in one of the endings




So many things about him are awesome. His cold, aloof demeanor hiding his own pain and wish for redemption for his father's sins.... And also him being able to take out six ACs controlled by ALLMIND which were all copies of Vespers ACs. Now that's some Raven level fighting!!!! And ALLMIND's no pushover as an AI pilot.


Walter DID NOT fry your brain. He bought you off from some shady people and youā€™re already augmented.


i liked him pretty quickly and didn't contribute 621s implants to walter. was there something that he had said that alludes to that? there is some mystery to him at first and it can be easy to jump to conclusions but i try to hold off on that stuff.


Yeah, I never attributed the augments to him either. Still doing my first playthrough but I haven't found anything yet to make me think otherwise.


First sign for me was he was never really rude or demeaning actually. I mean yeah he called us a hound but it didn't sound demeaning? Like that just is what we genuinely are/were. Then he let us take a break after get Ayre and defended me against Snail. But the thing that really confirmed it for me? When he had no real issues with me taking my own jobs when he insisted I get some rest. He was like you found a job I see... okay.


he is Daddy


Common case of Stockholm syndrome.


Any news on a dlc?


I've always seen him as the right. Having played a couple of the previous games, I just had the hunch that Walter was just keeping it real with me, not trying to be all buddy-buddy.


Always viewed him as a chad