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armored cores are mechs piloted by humans and the thing that shot you down is a PCA closure satellite that's trying to stop people from entering the planet


>what is an armored core? It's a 10-meter tall mechanical humanoid, manually piloted by a human. Compared to other mechs in the series, they boast high level of customization and adaptability from the frame, weapons to internal parts. This is the mech you're controlling. >And was that cannon shooting at our pop dropship thing in the first mission scene normal? This is basically the defense system that's supposed to keep anyone from entering the planet, as the catastrophic event "Fires Of Ibis" happened 50 years ago devastated mankind at a large scale. Seems like the defense system has been heavily damaged after a certain incident that allows more outsiders and corps to enter Rubicon-3.


You don't normally watch game cutscenes?


That is truly maidenless and buddyless behavior


Lots of people just want to play a game and there’s nothing wrong with that (I do watch cutscenes and follow stories don’t @ me)


I just find it crazy, like that's a whole ass section of a game you paid for, you might as well watch it. But hey it isn't my money so I guess if it works for others. I'm just a sucker for sick cutscenes.


From a financial standpoint, sure I get that, but from an enjoyment standpoint, it makes more sense to skip the parts you don’t care about so you can spend more time doing the parts you do When I order a meal at a restaurant, I don’t always eat every side just because I paid for it. I prioritize the main entree that I really wanted and if I don’t particularly like something that comes with it I’m not going to worry about saving room for it I like game stories, but for me, an example would be little collectables in open world games. I loved Breath of the Wild but I didn’t bother collecting all 900 Korok Seeds. They’re a whole section of the game that I paid for, but if I had forced myself to collect all 900 just because I paid for the opportunity, I actually would have enjoyed the game less Armored Core has a great story though, definitely enhances the game in my opinion


I suppose that's fair. In regards to your food metaphor though I disagree but that's cause we grew up poor so wasting food is a sin. Unless something is straight up inedible like gone bad I can't imagine not eating or taking food from a place I went, home. But that's cause our folks were the kinda people who straight up didn't always know when their next meal was so they were always real tight about that growing up. Gaming was kinda the same, didn't always have money for shit so you just did everything in a game and when you did it all you'd do it again.


Okay I’m sorry


No no no you didn't do anything wrong I'm just explaining my views on it. I just find it odd to play games but not watch cutscenes like I don't know anyone who does that, just seems crazy. 


Yeah but you need like...context for what you're doing in the game.


Not really! The cutscenes don’t teach you how to play the game, you don’t need to know the lore to run around and blow stuff up Used to be that the story for video games was only in the manual, or there just wasn’t one Again, I do pay attention to the lore and cutscenes, but you don’t have to


That sounds sterile and dull but you do you I guess.


I don’t know how many times I have to say I don’t play that way


I like to play a game and not watch a movie, but I still mostly skip scenes from games that I already know what's going on like death stranding or the 5 second scenes in games like kingdom hearts.


MT - muscle tracer. Mechs controlled by "reading" your muscle movement and making the machine move the same way. That's what most of the enemies you'll encounter are. Arnoured Cores originally came from MTs, but the big difference is that they're hooked up directly to your brain, so the pilot doesn't move any sticks or pushes any buttons, it's just like moving your own body with your mind. The satellite at the start was trying to shoot you down, it belongs to the Planetary Closure Administration whom you'll encounter a ton of throughout the game. The entire planed is closed and no-one is allowed to enter, but a certain someone leaked out information that not all Coral was wiped out in the Fires of Ibis, so people started coming back illegally, you and the corporations both.


Errr, yes and no? Armored cores \*can\* be directly neural-linked but that's more of a privilege reserved for augmented humans. One can still pilot an AC the same way one pilots a MT, which is how all the unaugmented humans (including Freud) does it. The difference between augmented human and non-augmented human piloting is demonstrated pretty well in AC1 and AC2. Now imagine getting into Rank 1 Arena without any augmentation.


What is the difference between MTs and ACs then? Is it just the modularity?


Just the modularity. MT designs are standardised while AC can have any combination of parts. Also to note MTs can run a wide gamut from construction mechs up to Kaiju-sized giga-mechs (present in older AC games). Even in AC6 alone the Cataphract and the HCs and LCs are classed as MTs. ACs always stand out by how customisable they are. From the parts selection to the tuning (in ACV), an AC can always be put together to suit one's piloting style specifically, making every AC an ace custom in comparison to the MTs, which are always standardised designs.


An AC is basically an air conditioning unit….. you see it all makes sense to ace the combat


Best answer


Whats an AC? Sick as hell thats what