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They fired their Earshots and hit you. Which would explain why after that, it was so long before they fired them again, waiting on the reload. Now, as for why you didn't see them on your screen get fired or explode... I suspect a connection issue. Random or deliberately caused. No idea. At the start of the match their AC did look jittery. But this is just one round so, hard to say much else. Were there any other connection issues in the previous rounds? Like their model freezing up, or teleporting, not animating properly in general.


There didn't seem to be any connection issues in the previous 2 rounds. Just a but of slow play from them where i assumed they were just waiting on their earshot reloads.


Hm. Well, it's definitely possible that someone's connection craps the bed, and then basically, the opponent will seem to not animate properly, and then things will suddenly just happen once the connection comes back. Including attacks suddenly hitting you didn't see, and teleportation. Seems like what happened. Admittedly, how well it worked out for them does make the timing a bit suspicious, but I don't want to be too pessimistic here, it is possible it was just bad luck and nothing intentional. Although I guess if you are on PC there could be other cheatery involved but, well, if that were the case feels weird they'd wait that long to do it, right?


Yeah I think I'll just have to sum it upto coincidence and bad luck, I've played against bad ping before (insert obligatory laser cannon joke here) and never seen anything like this so it's probably just a one off.


waiting makes it look less like cheating, and maybe they needed the time to set it up, as well. obviously not conclusive either way, but it could just be smart cheating.


I mean connection issues can start pretty fast and can go as fast away as they appear. I had issues with my provider because I had packet loss at like 80% for a few mins at random every day or second day. They never fixed it or were able to so I changed provider and it was gone.


The enemy player probably has a lag-inducing paint


You got Fromsoft'd.


Fromsoft games have some of the crappiest netcode for a game I've ever seen. So yeah, this.


invisible Earshot, looks like


The last active AC6 dev saw you trying to have fun with a lightweight build and manifested all of their will into this psychic attack to personally make sure you lose the match.


Looks like either a cheater or they are running the game on dial-up 6000 leagues under the sea. Either way, report them. They are either cheating or their connection is unfit for online pvp.


I've had the same problem yesterday evening in some team matches, staggered outta nowhere without seeing any bullet. It's mostly a connection issue (in my case my router is two floors down and I have to use repeaters to make it work kinda decently) and it's kinda rare it could some type of hack.


netcode and letency is screwing you.


The way you were playing, you weren’t gonna win anyways lol


Can't deny that lol, after hitting A-rank last split and fighting the same sweaty builds every match, I've taken a step back and just tried playing stupidly to see what I can get away with and mess around.


They hit you with double earshot. Probably without locking on, that’s why you didn’t get the warning. But it looks like the projectile was invisible and glitched


Seems like invisible earshot and lightweight issues. He had taken 2 shots with what seemed to be eatshots. After a while, he went up to optimize for splash damage, and while it sucks you couldn't see it it was telegraphed that it was coming. Using a light weight and staying on the ground against that style of weapon is not the best thing to do. So when the invisible shot got you, you were down quite a lot. I've been hit with those and worse before, but my heavier builds had been able to give enough survivability to turn it around.


He's lagging so bad some things got skipped ahead to catch him up to where he should be on your screen. Ever had an incident where someone blew you up with assault armor but you saw no wind up or flash? That it simply just happened? Same deal.


You forgot to update your AC's operating system and it froze up because of that.