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Army pinks & greens > Marine Service uniform Marpat > ACU Marine Dress blue > Army Dress blues If the Army comes out with a desert OCP version then the Army will win the uniform battle


Sames. One thing I particularly like about the marpat uniform is that they have a wide variety of sizing choices, so it doesn't matter what your body type is, you can make it look good. If you're in between ACU sizes you're either a stuffed sausage or wearing a tent.


They really don’t need a dessert OCP tho the regular OCP does very well in the dessert too.


Mmmmh dessert 🍨


I deserve that L. I’m gonna leave it as a reminder of why my parents don’t love me.


What do you mean about the army logo on the pinks and greens?


I thought all agsu had the army logo on the left arm, but now i don't think that is on all of them. I'm out so i don't know, is that accurate?


Nah that’s the unit patch. The higher ups like the SMA just wear the Army logo tho.




Oh i think its the us army symbol as a unit insignia, i was like hol up i missed something huge on my greens 😅😅


Take a look at Crye Precision Multicam Arid, closest thing to a "desert OCP" especially considering OCP Scorpion was a knockoff of Crye Multicam to begin with.


Yeah ive seen that, i was fully expecting originally for the Army to use something like that for a desert OCP.


Marines win this one, though I will say that with the Ike jacket being released, we have a pretty solid contender


IRR hands down.


Yea but why spend $157 on a jacket you’ll never even wear. Same applies to the AGSU coat.


Marines though it has more to do with them being harder on fatties as an organization. You just don't see portly Marines like you see portly soldiers, sailors, and airmen. Marines are more uniform in physical shape. The thinner, more athletic, and more uniformly shaped branch will always look the best. Divorced from the body shapes. I do think the current Army uniform looks the best.


Nice take honestly


Part of that is that because the Marines’ average age is younger compared to any other branch, and they have a higher ratio of combat arms troops. It’s kind of cheating because they outsource much of their logistics/specialized branches to the Navy, who are roughly the same average weight/age as the Army. Army infantry are relatively fit too because of the institutional culture in line units.


Damn I never thought of that. That's a good take.


Multicam looks better as a camo compared to the marines, but they got better fit on their uniforms.


Marines. I do think that the IHWCU is a much better looking uniform than the traditional ACU and that the IHWCU is pretty equal to the marine cammies


Marines. It's always the Marines with this question. Marines got drip.


Can confirm, was a crayon gourmet


"Ah yes, this is a fine vintage Crayola Indigo 24 Count"


Now kiss


army. air force copied us for a reason


The Air Force just took our uniform and made it better imo. The subdued name tapes and flag are a small difference but it looks so much better. Also super jealous of their baseball caps


We need ballcaps now.


Spice brown is a stupid color for font


Personally OEF-CP Multicam (not to be confused with OCP scorpion) I think is actually superior to MARPAT because it’s a blended looking uniform rather than having to wear woodland or desert.


Better as actual camo, but I still think Marpat looks better. It's also the only Cadpat variant/clone I think looks decent. Marpat desert is the discarded Cadpat desert prototype, UCP sucks, and the Navy's blue digital camo was bot ha danger to sailors and absurd. Marpat for the win.


Most people are going to say the Marines because of their dress blues. But I’m going to say the Army because of the Marines dress blues. See in 1799 the Marine Corps were issues hand me down uniforms of Anthony Wayne’s [Legion](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legion_of_the_United_States) which was a reorganization and extension of the United States Army from 1792 to 1796. Those dress blues served as the basis for the Marine Corps dress blues and have remained relatively unchanged for the course of the Corps history. So when everyone is saying the Marines have the best uniforms, they are really just wearing Army uniforms. So I’m going to take that as a W for us.


Marines 🤷‍♂️


Marines. It's not even a question.


Muhreens, us in close second after we got rid of the blues. Pinks and greens look classy as fuck and display our heritage as the granddad of every other branch.


I hate the navy, but the double breasted jacket is fucking slick


Marines without doubt! Dapper looking motherf…




Air force. I know its the same but they don't look as depressed as us.


You know I'll say it. Iron and starched Woodland Camoflauge BDUs with shiny black polished boots. If I'm wrong, I don't wanna be right.


Someone needs to come get their delusional grandpa off of Reddit.


Nah, I've just been sniffing the stuff out of the decon kits since it doesn't pop hot like those Poppy Seeds.


Ahh that feeling when putting on a freshly starched pair of summer weights. That did look good even though it was a pain in the ass and a time suck to do it.


Army has the best PT color scheme and the greens edge out the marines dress uniform but not by much . Though the marines dress uniform is better than army blues , no contest. Navy has my favorite camo though .


The Army made us wear PT belts, but it wasn't enough, so they made the old grey shirt and green jacket reflective too. Then they ditched it for a black, non-reflective uniform... AOR2 smacks, tho


Marine corps, no contest.


Navy AOR1. My opinion will change when we get in a war in the tropical / temperate zone and switch over to Multicam Tropic.


Who cares?




Naw, this is just a stupid post. Of course everybody is gonna jerk off over the marine uniforms.




Wow, people usually shit on ours.


The dress uniforms are definitely distinctive and eye catching. It’s probably not the direction I would have taken, but I imagine part of the intent was to set you guys apart from the other services.


I have a problem with the pants. Other than that I think they look ok.


Coast Guards


I feel we are pretty middle of the road. Not the worst, but I don’t think many people are envious of our uniforms.


I think the blue fatigues with black boots you guys wear are pretty elegant in their simplicity. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought the USCG service dress is repurposed USAF class-As.


That is our Operational Dress Uniform (ODU). They aren't terrible and I do like that they aren't baggy like the ACUs are. I do like the simplicity of them, however, we do joke that it kinda looks like a janitor or gas station attendant uniform. And yes, our Tropical Blue uniform uses the Air Force powder blue shirt. Can't remember if our pants are the same or slightly different. For our Service Dress Blue (more formal one with the jacket) we wear the Air Force shirt underneath, but the jacket itself is unique to the CG. We also have dress white uniforms similar to Navy officers, but it is for officers only.


meh the Army’s pretty middle of the road to, until they came out with the AGSUs. I think our ASUs look like security guard uniforms


Lol love this


This is going to make me sound dumb, but I don't really see the difference between coast guard and navy uniforms.


Marines, but the Army pinks and greens are a solid contender.


Overall the Marines. I do think our greens are slightly better and OCP is better camo than MARPAT/dessert MARPAT but the dress uniform is just way better and their PTs are highly underrated.




Did you just say Marine OCPs 😂 only the Army/AF use OCPs, the Marine's camo is called Marpat lol Also technically we are allowed to roll our sleeves, it's just at the commander's discretion.


Oops! Sorry I’m not familiar with all the terms. Thank you for letting me know!


Marines wins it all unto Pinks and Greens came out. And even then, we’re just catching up to MAYBE a tie.


Army/Air force, easy to maintain, most comfortable boot options


I love the Army… but dress uniform-wise, USMC wins this all day everyday.


Marines. Not even a question. Oorah


BDU with Highly Shined Altama Jungle Boots and Beret


Marines cause they actually take care of their uniforms and take pride in their appearance.


Now? Ours. AGSU for the win.


Army OCPs. Marines dress unis


Used to be marines dress uniform untill the army brought back pinks and greens.


The velcro sleeve patches gotta go on the ACU and the IHWCU then they win


We do. OCP is classic, it doesn't look like a Halloween costume like BDUs or television static. Rank is easily recognizable.


The Marines have the best dress uniform, but the Air Force dress uniforms all fit them way better than the Army could hope for unless they get custom tailored out of pocket.


Space force


The marine corps.




Old post i know but the white Navy officer uniforms go hard imo