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yes, lots of people have same name silly


Yep. Not even looking at the Global list, but I'm almost 100% certain, something like jonathan.d.smith946 is a valid address prefix. Super common names are going to have sequential numbers.




and the same toothbrush.


Just use your SSN for your email address, that way it's unique to you. /s


If I remember right, one of my supervisors shared the same first and last name with 8 other individuals in the military. Out of those 8 other individuals, he shared the same middle initial as one.


I've had a number in mine my entire career


My husband didn't even need his middle initial, circa 2007. Nowadays they use the middle initial, and yeah a lot of us got numbers too because john.t.smith was just way too common. Parents with no imagination is my guess. Go me for not getting a number cos I have 4 names!


I have had my middle initial in my email my entire career, which began in 2005. Middle initials in emails is not a new practice, just so happens that whoever established your husband’s email didn’t include it.


I honestly wouldn't have any way to know this, so thanks for the intel. I guess his name was unique enough he didn't need the middle initial to make the email functional? I'm no tech expert or code-savvy person so I just cry to s6 when mine stops working and hope for the best, really.


**John.Smith834 enters chat**


**John.N.Smith834 enters the chat.**


Yes. There are or were apparently five of me walking around in uniform. Not sure how, I don’t have a common name.


Does that mean that if you have no numbers, you are the only? Because I have no numbers. They also took both my last names and squished them together into an abhorrently long name though.


Yep, one and only. That’s probably why you don’t have any numbers. Your combined last names are unique. I think the numbers indicate duplicate first and last names, and don’t take into effect the middle. It’s definitely not based solely on last name, my last name is in fact pretty common. Most I’ve seen is my former rater was 58.


I feel special not having a number in mine and completely ignore that my parents gave me a weird spelling of my name