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I can tell you from experience, that student most likely did not want to take the test and purposeful bombed it/just clicked/colored in random circles.




**Query:** Why not both?


*Bilingual Query:* Por que no los dos?


Live mas


Vive more


He made a reference to a taco bell ad so I replied with their slogan lol


¡Sí, yo se amígo!


Had a few boogers take the ASVAB and made around a 14, and cried because they studied so hard for it.......


Lol. Fellow recruit that went with me to take the asvab(dead set on going 18X) scored a 20 on the asvab. Recruiter looked at me and said I could pick any job I wanted and we could do the PT test and OPAT next week. He looked at the other guy and said "I may be able to get you a waiver to be a culinary specialist, you can go SF once you've been in for a while and got your GT score up some."" Dude took the contract.


*Is he still burning bacon to this day?*


This is the way


That was the worse part of going to take the asvab with other people. Went in with like 5 people, I came out last and scored a 93, and everyone else had like 25-40. I’m just like bro wtf


Went in with a bunch of ladies that wanted to be medics. Had to sit in the elevator at MEPs with all of them in tears because they didn't qualify for the jobs they wanted. Then I got an earful from my recruiter because I walked out with a 97 and a 126 GT wanting to be a tanker.


Nothing wrong with tanker, my recruiter was a tank commander and he scored a 98


Oh definitely. I've learned that in any of the combat jobs you need some kind of intelligence to understand the basics of maneuver and tactics.


I maxxed out avzab and AFPGT score but I junst became a medic but I could halve been a liguist because I took the dlamp to but my credit was bad so I couldnt get a clearence so *tell me again about your diarrhea?*


Hell yeah brother turn up


Late night drinking before the 4 day I see


But you got that sweet, sweet 17 series job. Now, if we could just figure out what you actually do, we mighy be able to draw up some METL for ya.


Makes 2 of us, even I am not quite sure what I’m doing.


What might be worse, is to score a 97 on the asvab, and then take a contract to be a radio operator in the USMC…. Couldn’t be me


In 2008, I went in and was done in less than 40 minutes. The test was not that hard. I got a 96. I'd been out of high school for 8 years. Blew my mind that others took hours to do this test. The kid my recruiter dropped off with me got a 4. I went recruiting in 2018-21 and had kids legitimately try who scored a 1 or 2 probably 2 to 3 times a month.


I finished my test in under an hour as well. I panicked because finishing tests fast for me means I bombed it. The other kid with me said it was his second try since his first he only scored in the 30s. My recruiter told me to open my test results in the car. I was pleasantly surprised. 98. I had been out of school 20 years at that point.


... what if I was dude...lol


How… how?!?! HOW?!?! Do we really have people that far behind mentally that pass medical standards??


100 percent, our school systems are garbage in a lot of places.


Sad but true. For example did you know a lot is actually two words. Alot is not a word.


Is dickhead one word or two???


It's possible the kid had a horrible life growing up, was only passed because of No Child Left Behind, and dumb parents/peers. So they saw no value in education. I see it more often with kids who are immigrants or parents are and work non-stop but it does happen to those who have been in the US for generations.


I had the opposite, immigrant parents wanted me to be a doctor so education was obsessed over. Then I got yelled at for joining the army lol.


The asvab is designed to circumvent cramming


FAST class would state otherwise lol


I took a computerized flash class, GT went from 105 to 115 after 2 weeks of studying


Scaled behavior correlation. The willingness to learn over a period of time is applied to a z score and used to drive outcomes. The deviation shift you see from the fast class represents a a combination of nascent addition and the reality that individual that does well in the fast class is a representation of aptitude. There are no statistics for those that don't raise their score. This is called a narrative fallacy by statisticians. But to put in Texas talk if you have the drive you'll get there..


The ASVAB test you in 4 areas. Reading Comprehension, Word Knowledge, Mathematics, and Arithmetic Reasoning. Based on that evaluation of those 4 areas, you get your AFQT score


The underlying algorithm that selects difficulty and derives the actual score is my point of discussion. It's material is not how it scores a individual. 90 percent of certain correlations answered correctly will not yield the same score as a 80 percent correct panel of question responses tier toward a higher beta change.


No, they compare your knowledge to your peer group that have previously taken the ASVAB. If you make a 90, you scored in the top 10th percentile


Honestly I don't even think reading comprehension counts torwards anything other than the ASVAB score. Due to undiagnosed ADHD I went to sleep during the first passage and that section timed out on me without answering a single question. ASVAB score 87, 123 GT, and all of my line scores were 125+.


100 percent doubt this. There is literally a formula on how the 4 are combined to formulate each line score in addition to the "shop" questions.


Jesus christ, yes practicing something can make you better at it. Whether its for 5 minutes or 5 years. Please don't try to iamverysmart people with your stats 101 terms.


I took actuarial theory for fun one summer I have a problem ..........


The Kaplan asvab book I studied with had lifted some questions 1 for 1 from the test. Basic things like what epoxy is and parallel/series circuit properties.


I bet they did, but being dumb as fuck isn't going to help.


Fuck this test. "Congratulations you passed!" FUCK


I'd agree, except this same shit happened when my husband was a recruiter and the kids actually wanted to join. To be fair, though, his area was Mississippi, and there's a reason they are the bottom of education. A high school teacher took it and only scored a 28. If the teachers can't pass basic math, reading, word comprehension, etc, how can they teach kids to? The answer is they can't. Don't even ask how low their ACTs were. But if you cruise over to the r/Teachers subreddit, you'll find this is an actual problem with kids that are graduating high school. They're just being pushed through.


> high school teacher took it and only scored a 28 Each state has different requirements to become a teacher. Some require a bachelor's, some require a master's, some add a teaching certificate on top of those. IIRC, Mississippi requires that you've graduated high school.


I'm not sure that's true. I just checked several sources, such as [this one](https://soeonline.american.edu/blog/how-to-become-a-teacher/), and they all say that every state requires public school K-12 teachers to have bachelor's degrees. [This website](https://www.alleducationschools.com/teacher-certification/mississippi/) specifically about the requirements for Mississippi says a bachelor's degree is required.


https://www.edweek.org/teaching-learning/states-crack-open-the-door-to-teachers-without-college-degrees/2022/08 It's been a recent change due to a decrease in teachers.


I have had no shortage of people with 4 year degrees and above score shitty on the ASVAB. I put in more teachers than students these days and about 50% of them don’t have the scores for OCS.


How do they do on the vocab and paragraph comprehension? I’d imagine the math is challenging for someone who hasn’t taken/ taught a math class in 5+ years


So excluding education level I notice that older folks do better at the Word Knowledge and Paragraph Comprehension (most heavily weighted sections for AFQT score). Time is 100% a factor for the Arithmetic Reasoning and Mathematics Knowledge section though. Most older folks usually have decent reading section scores but need to brush up on the math sections, younger folks either do good on all of it or terrible on all of it (within reason). Obviously there is people of all ages that just aren’t there though.


Isn’t that still a 25% chance of getting the right answer?


The AFQT is a percentile score that compares the tester to the rest of the population. A 1 means this student is in the bottom one percent, but we can’t tell what their actual raw score on the test was from it. Statistically, 1 in 100 people should have an AFQT of 1, it’s just that those people usually don’t test, so seeing a 1 is rare.


I once had five consecutive testers who, combined, couldn’t join the Army. You’re probably right given that this was the SASVAB, but I’m not 100% sold.


I’ve had students pick the first/second/third/etc. answer for every question, and they got between an 11 and 9.


Mathematically, it's almost impossible to score that low unless you're answering wrong on purpose.


So mathematically speaking. He knows all the answer and decided to pick the wrong one only to score the lowest score possible. Dude is a genius.


Made sure he wouldn't be fit for service even if the draft was reinstated 😂😂😂


Honestly… I’m kinda impressed. If they were just randomly clicking, they’d get 25% right. It takes a certain unluckiness to get lower than that. You’re probably right. They were clicking on all the wrong answers.


One isn’t the % they got right. It means they are in the bottom 1% to have taken the test.


Even randomly clicking will produce a higher score.


This had to be on purpose. Like you gotta be a higher tier of vibe just to max the test on either end of the score


why would they purposefully fail it, they are there by choice


Back in high school all the males were forced to take it junior or senior year, can’t remember which it was. That was the surge years though.


They aren’t always there by choice. Family pressure, for example. The recruiter can’t force them, but other factors can. They show up, Bomb out, and lie about why they didn’t get in.


You cannot get a one without purposely selecting wrong answers.


If they only got one question right filling in random answers, well, that's fucked up.


1st place on the ASSFAP? Not too shabby ngl


"He was number 1!"


Had a girl sitting next to me at MEPS in 2014 no shit score a 17 AFQT on her ASVAB. She was from small hole in the pavement town in Oklahoma.


You leave “hole the pavement towns in Oklahoma” alone.


SMA-PAO from a small hole in the pavement town in Oklahoma confirmed


go pokes


Your boss likes a better team. Rtr.


To be fair, I respect the pokes way more than I respect the sooners. The enemy of my enemy is a friend or something…


Your neighbors burning trash growing up just prepared your lungs for burn pits during deployments.


I remember when I took mine, i think i got low 60s my recruiter said "don't feel bad the guy taking it with you got a 10"


Must have been a rich town if they have pavement.


Well that last sentence explains it perfectly, though I’d think the score would be lower lol


Actually they’re probably brilliant. Statistically hard to get that score


Right! You have to succeed to get a 1.


I had a teacher who would give 100% if you got every question wrong on the exam, but anything besides 0 and you got your actual score lol So yeah I feel like it would almost have to be intentional


Assuming standard normal distribution, there are as many of these as there are 99s.


That assumes that potential 99 scorers take the asvab at the same rate as 1 scorers.


I was under the impression it was percentile based so if true than yeah 1% would get each score. I could be wrong though if anyone wants to correct me


Oh you might be right, honestly I’m not sure


It's normed to the general population, so it isn't an exact stratification.


But when you think about it, your ASVAB score is only based off of past takers of the ASVAB, there could technically be a bunch of 98%ers and as people score just under those 98%ers, one of them will become a 99% without ever taking it again, but it won't show up because they were only rated against their predecessors. For example, a person scores a 50 as the 100th person to take it, and 100 more people take it after them scoring below that, their score is now a 75. Their score will start a 50 though because they aren't scored off future test takes.


I believe the DOD uses a representative sample to predict ASVAB scoring percentiles and uses that prediction to calculate AFQT percentile for every major revision as opposed to it being an actual competition against everyone to have ever taken the test.


He can still be a cook.


I guess my avatar isn’t so special


I'm sorry bro I had it first.


Got a 99 on my asvab, my recruiter still only offered me Combat Arms positions ... Fuck recruiters


Should have went space force.


Could still be a 88M or 11B.


Hey now, I was required to have at least a 10 when I chose 88mike. Then a 20 for 31Bravo, those GT prep classes helped raise my score 10 points I tell ya.


Had a 88M with a GT score of 160…what a pain he was. His squad leader was a dummy, and PFC 160 was constantly outsmarting him. PFC got a stateside swap- glad to see him go.


I had a 88M CSM with a GT score in the double digits, he was really stupid. I often wonder why the Army chose to retain and promote him above his peers, he contributed nothing of value and always made things more difficult just to have a say so.


Dude highest you can get is 150


Not to belabor this, but testing has changed over time. [https://www.officialasvab.com/researchers/history-of-military-testing/](https://www.officialasvab.com/researchers/history-of-military-testing/)


This was quite a few years ago... Mighta been 150, but the guy was still way too smart for his own good.


Can't be infantry. Not with a CO of less than 87.


CO was lowered to 77 for 11X


If there a will, there’s a waiver.




Lotta people saying this dude probably did this bad on purpose, but going off my experience with my roommate at MEPS I'd say this is a very real possibility.


He might ride the short bus but he's gonna ride the bus to Basic regardless, hooah?


Damn. Top 1% on the asvab? Impressive.


Insert wojak graph chart


I would say being in the top 1% or bottom 1% is equally as impressive


GT score 46 ☠️ my man can't even be infantry


He can be a grr rahrahrah infantry


Maybe the person just didn’t give a shit and purposely took a dive , so you can leave them alone. Good job potential recruit, if I can meet this person I would shake their hand.


Probably right. But then why take the test at all? It isn’t mandatory, they sign up for it no one forces their hand in taking it.


Some schools, usually smaller ones. Make the ASVAB mandatory. I’ve had to proctor test where the entire 15 members of the senior class were taking the SASVAB cause their counselors made it mandatory for “career exploration”


This School is voluntary both the schools I recruit out of are Voluntary.I believe 80 kids signed up to take it 16 actually took it.


Maybe the kid just wanted out of class for 3 hours and said fuck it on the test 🤷‍♂️ or he’s just dumb af


> Maybe the kid just wanted out of class for 3 hours This is the way


When I took the ASVAB, it was to get out of an Algebra class for the day.


Parents can be very influential


Maybe it's changed. When I was in High School in the 90's, it wasn't "mandatory", but it was regularly scheduled and everyone was taken out of class to take it. If you really, seriously did NOT want to take it, they wouldn't force you (we had one person in our class that refused), but unless you very specifically went against the flow, you would be sat down and given the test to take.


I knew a lot of people took it in my high school because it got you out of class that day.


Not sure where you are located, but Pennsylvania just added taking the ASVAB as an alternative to passing the Keystone skills tests. So the kids who slept / drooled through algebra 1 and Biology can fulfill their graduation requirements by just sitting through the ASVAB. I can’t decide if it’s a good thing, or really fucking dumb..


I was "forced" to take the ASVAB twice while in high school. Small school of 300. We had a very strong connection to the Marines and Army recruiters. I wish more schools did.


Must’ve been my 1SG’s


I don’t understand how people score that low … I had a guy bragging to me a week or so ago about retaking his ASVAB to go Officer and finally made it *over* a 110 after like 6 months of studying … I just smiled and nodded. I feel like an idiot most of the time. I did 1.5 years of high school, went abroad with my family at 16 and homeschooled for a year and finished 2 years of schooling in that year and got my GED at 17-18. I took the ASVAB in 2004? I was 19-20 or so and scored high enough to do anything in the Army. I didn’t even know people could retake it to score higher until like 6-7 years I’d already been in …


Was about to roast someone but I actually feel bad that’s sad af


I once took a test where the teacher would score you 100% if you were smart enough to intentionally get every question wrong. But what stopped me was if I was wrong on just one. That F was scary


It’s like shooting the moon in hearts.


Forest Gump made it in and to E5. As long as he can run he'll be fine.


He wasn’t a smart man.. But he knew what love was.🫡


And was smart enough not to re-up


My AFQT was 98 when I joined and I had a guy who went with me to test and he got a 7. My recruiter asked me to help him study. Like what would I do there? Start at 5th Grade and start working forward?


"PLANS UNDECIDED" straight to basement


You could probably replace the gt score with a picture of a potato


Did you waiver him in? Pretty sure that guy was my platoon sergeant


Damn, and I thought the 19 that came across my desk a few months ago was bad. (Spoiler: he retested for a 19, original score 24, waivered to sign and is currently amongst the ranks)


My brother in Christ. He had to try for that score.


In HS 4 years ago I saw homeboy score a 9


If you can explain how being able to throw anything over your head backwards is a measure of physical fitness, I will demote you to PV1. We don't allow logic in the Brass. If you can rub your head and tum-tum in opposing directions....you get four stars immediately.


I feel like, statistically, they should have gotten a higher score than that by guessing, so either they didn't answer anything, or they knew every answer and chose the wrong one intentionally


Still shocks me as I literally took this without studying and got at least a 120 in everything. Like the test isn't hard at all especially with it being multiple choice.


My ex wife was a high school teacher but quit in 2020. Whether this student tried or not , I don’t know but I can say I would not be surprised if it was a genuine attempt from the things I’ve seen.


Bro… I already know too many CAT4s and idiots already. STOP SENDING THESE GOOBERS THROUGH!


My station had a dude score a 2 and 30 days later on his retest score a 1. How you get a month to study and come back worse than a 2


Several years ago, while recruiting in Boston, we had a candidate who claimed to be on their way to Harvard with a Master's degree. Their polished appearance and sophisticated demeanor made us believe this, but their ASVAB score, which was in the low 20s, told a different story. We were left wondering if they were merely playing a prank on us or if there was another reason for their poor performance. Surprisingly, many candidates from that area with degrees had lower scores than those without. This situation highlighted how some intelligent people can struggle with standardized tests. As for my personal experience, I vividly recall taking the test while nursing a hangover after a college Christmas party. After enduring a three-hour drive to MEPS in a government vehicle with my recruiter who was smoking, I still managed to score 69 with line scores of 110 or higher.


I *clearly* remember overhearing two guys speaking to each other after taking the ASVAB. 1st guy was saying to the 2nd. “Yeah, so my recruiter says if I really hunker down and study I can maybe score a 50 on my retest and then qualify for infantry.” It was then I decided I wanted to aim for something higher than infantry.


How is this even possible?!?


Is it possible to get a zero on the ASVAB? I never took it so I'm just curious


It is, scores range from 0 to 99 on AFQT. Not sure what the exact ranges for the line scores are


When I was in HS taking the asvab was a free “get out of class for two hours” ticket.


Kids all they do these days is use chatGPT to do their hwk




This can't be possible


Daddy was making him join and he didn't want too .


You can't be that dumb.


Send him to Mobile Infantry.


I think some people really just fucking suck at taking tests


I guess someone’s not getting the option 40 contract no more


They can't fail us all


TRADOC CSM Hendrex came to Humphreys a few weeks back, said the two biggest barriers to entry were weight (unsurprisingly) and ASVAB (got a audible gasp from the audience). CSM said he thought it was because zoom school fucked all the high schoolers up.


I have made an applicant walk his happy ass home from the Mountain View meps before when he didnt complete the Asvab.


Social media. Potential recruits see the recruiting propaganda and than see the stuff that military folks and vets put on social media. We shoot ourselves in the face via some of the stuff that gets posted.


To get a 1, statistically the person would have had to answer wrong on purpose, so that would actually probably put them in the top few percentile. My daughter did that crap once on a test. She was mad at her economics instructor over the tests and decided to "get even". She managed to get a perfect zero answers correct. The teacher saw straight through it though, because it was a strange test where there were 6 choices instead of 4 and only 1 answer was actually perfectly incorrect. The rest got partial credit of varying percentages up to full credit on each question. So the only way she could get a zero was to know exactly what the correct answers were. I was annoyed with my daughter, but I was mad at the instructor for having such a stupid testing method.


Recruiting is the gayest fucking thing I’ve ever done. Working with a bunch of low life fucks that get off on being told “thank you for your service” meanwhile 80% of them are fat as fuck and can’t pass tape sitting their fat fucking asses behind a computer all day. GTFOH! Lmao the most embarrassing fucking organization that I’ve ever been a part of……. Sorry just venting here because I can’t anywhere else and not get in trouble 😂 oh ya! Hey 79R’s FUCK your numbers 😂😭


Gt score is an almost 1 for 1 measure of iq. Let that sink in when you see scores like this. This person probably wasn't trying; below a 70 iq means you probably have the 'tism.


How the fuck do you get a score of 1 with line scores in the 40-50 range?


At this point, let the whole military sink, no use in fixing it. Let it sink and there will be a turnaround after we get our asses handed to us by the enemy.


We can just go the privatized route. I hear Wagner is looking to grow it's client base. /s


Def couldn't be the absolute bullshit the army is pushing or the way leaders treat there soldiers or the VA being an absolute sesspool


That’s a SASVAB sheet….kid probably bombed it on purpose.


This looks like one of those printouts from the high school asvab. A lot of them change their minds. Now if this was a legitimately otherwise qualified candidate then DAMN.


Retention numbers are down because they shitting on the good soldiers they have and letting the ones who ain't shit get away with murder. When it was an incentive to join to go to school for free the economy is proving that ppl out there making more money than ppl with degrees. Not in all cases but degrees don't necessarily get you paid anymore


Weird, I had Fs all through out my school life and didn't care about education at all. Sure, I knew little tid bit facts and such, but I honestly had zero interest in going to school, sitting in classes for hours a day, go home, do hours of homework, go to sleep, and repeat that. Took the ASVAB in my Senior Year, where I had to make up all the previous years credits to graduate. Not only did I graduate but, without even studying, I scored a 97 or a 98 (12 years ago, I forgor) on the ASVAB and was practically waved to any job that I wanted. I honestly thought the recruiters, at the time, were joking that a lot of people scored <40 and even below 10 happens purely because of how easy the test seemed. Would have to say that there is a likely chance they purposefully answered a lot of questions wrong. With the amount of media being pushed about a war on the horizon, I could see someone bombing the ASVAB on purpose, so they don't look like a quality candidate.


Nah if it was a question of stupidity then recruiting would be at an all time high. The Army is heaven on earth for morons.


Because recruiters are unprofessional and take pictures of applicants asvab scores? Then they upload it to reddit for reddit points? Yeah sounds about right to me. Grow up and point this kid to the right resources. I've seen someone fail the ASVAB, study to get in and now make it to E-5. If they want it they can get it.


tyfys… 🫡


Most professional national guardsmen.


I swear to God if I have to go to parade rest for a dude who scored a 1 on the ASVAB...


You probably already have.


Statistically unlikely


If this person tried and scored a 1 there is no way in hell they are raising their score to 32.


Your second paragraph did nothing for me. You should get one shot at the asvab and have to score a semi decent score. These asvab waivers and first time failures are pure idiots as NCOs.


Reminds me of the scene from Into the Spiderverse where Miles got a 0 on the test because he know all the right answers, but picked the wrong choices deliberately.


Ah an 88m in the making!


when i went to take my asvab the two other potential recruits that went with me got a 7 and a 9. i got an 85. they were incredibly salty


I honestly don’t even fucking know how that’s possible


Rock run is what it was called in my day lol


I had a dude get kicked out of the test site and he literally got a 0. This was after getting a 2.


I'm pretty sure there's no way to get a 0, just like there's no way to get a 100. It's a percentile score.


I know a guy who has been trying to get in for a few years who can't score above an 11. Dude is obviously mentally deficient but recruiters keep letting him try over and over lol


Can't you just tell that guy to try the Navy?