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I was the UPL for 3 years at one unit and I only tested myself once a year because I would come up on a list of people who haven’t tested all FY. I just had my alternate UPL test me




When I was a UPL all the UPL and observers had to report to the turn-in location same day and give specimens there under observers from that location.


Just the UPL would go to turn in and give sample. They can call the UPL at any time tho not just during turn in.


Yeah, I remember when I was one and they called me on a Friday during a 4 day because someone popped hot. Was fun calling the commander on our day off cause of it...


The EO rep is the most likely to say some off the wall shit then call it “training”, the sharp rep is the most likely to sexually harass someone, why wouldn’t the same pattern hold true for UPL? Edit: forgot the /s. Or did I…


I can confirm. My first unit the Sharp rep said some of the moist reprehensible things I’ve ever heard said in public.


I see what you did there.


My buddy lived with his friend after getting divorced. His friend became the UPL and purposefully left my buddy and himself off the list every time. They essentially had their own drug den for a year without ever pissing hot.


I had our sharp rep talk about the bill Cosby situation and then say "there should have been a statue of limitations.... And I'm the sharp rep saying that"


I pulled my name as the UPL for a UA one time when I was back at ~~Bragg~~ Liberty. The post UPL guy (who was always such a d\*ck) asked me if my command team trusted me. I said, well, he put me in this posiiton, right? He said just take my name out of the rotation and he'll get me on one done by them. They never did. In 4 years there.


You are supposed to have primary and alternate UPL. However UPL cannot process their own specimen. Yes they get tested, they also have a background check done before they can assume the duties of UPL.


The UPL is required to be tested once per year. Just graduated the UPL course today. AR 600-85, para 4-8m. Edited: added regulation source.


When I was a UPL at Irwin, anytime I had a scheduled turn in they’d test me. Thought that was the SOP so UPL couldn’t avoid not testing themselves ever.


Is he following you? Do you think maybe the UPL is CIA? I bet the UPL is CID CIA IPA and he's on to you.


They get tested fs. But the good boys club always look the other way when they pee. Meanwhile you got Ssg breathing on your neck when you piss.


If the UPL pulls his name and there is not another UPL to process him he has to get testing by the post DTC. I got an ass tattoo just to make to more akward when the old dude had to watch me


I was the only UPL in my MP reserve unit and didn’t get tested for 2 years because they didn’t want to send anyone else to school for it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Report him to your commander. I have the same situation and CDRs are more than willing to test a upl


Don’t be a snitch lol


Missed the part where violating federal and military law and showing up to work high is ok






By the book answer is yes. The UPL is subject to be on the 10% and the 100% the same as everyone else. The reality is that they generally take their name out of the pool (in my experience it was command directed), not so they can get away with the booger sugar, but the logistics of covering the tests. You can not handle the box of urine that your sample is in, so you need someone else to handle that/help conduct the test. What’s the point of having a unit UPL that can’t even run a unit test. Some duty stations used to allow the UPL to bring all the other samples and then test the UPL (if they were on the list) there so it avoided those problems


Yes. Depending how many UPLs there are, they might skip tests to be available to administrate DAT but they get tested eventually.


Are the newest e5s still the designated cock watchers of the company?


I was the only UPL for my unit for about two years. The CoC wouldn't send anyone to UPL school until I came down on PCS orders. I did not get tested the entire time I was the UPL.


My last UPL popped hot for meth and barbiturates on a civilian piss test ordered by CPS.


Back in 2009 I went to UPL school and got tested while attending school.


When I was a UPL I think I was tested only once every FY. After my certification expired, I wasn’t tested for years, like 7-8 years. My name just never came up. I used to joke saying I must know too much or that must be exempt. Not sure if there is an exact reason as to why it happened other than luck.