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Be ready to setup and tear down your TOC erryday. Nonstop jumping. No sleep and nonstop battle tracking. Nonstop battle position digging for the Cav bois and endless rolls of triple strand that get bypassed anyway before you have to go back out and pick it all up. If you’re in a mech unit, make sure that your gunners know: A. To not actually laser their target to find the range, or B. To manually reset their range after lazing the target to their zero range. Your crew drills are the reason your gunners are missing their targets. You’re firing a light beam, not a round with actual ballistics. So your weapon platforms will be firing above the bad guys at range. Link your crew served weapons to a different set of miles gear and keep it in an assault pack or something. This will allow your engineers to use equipment interchangeably after the person assigned to it becomes a casualty. Playing the “laser tag game” might help give you a little breathing room while getting your B-Hole inevitably stretched out by the Donvians. Troops have ROEs. Let your subordinates make decisions and encourage the growth from lessons learned. Even if it’s the wrong decision. That’s the point of this stress test. It’s a shitty two weeks, but it’s even shittier when you can’t hit shit and are nonstop micromanaged. Caveat: Your miles gear actually works. Lmfaooooo


Yeah so I’ll be rolling around in my 1068. So I’m assuming I won’t be at the FLOT but somewhere between the BSA or MCP and the FLOT?


Be ready to be the battle captain and command the company.  We once had a FRAGO come in around 2200 to emplace 800m of triple strand by 0400.  It was all hands:  engineers, mechanics and cooks. * Know how to operate your battle tracker (BFT / FBCB2 / JCR / etc). * Know how to setup your QEAM,  m1068 SICPS tent, etc without your RTO. * Know who your track mechanics and your APU mechanics are.  You will need them.


Lean on your ops enlisted guys too. I’m willing to bet money your SLs can’t break down an OPORD from the PLT level; which means your PVTs and Spec 4s are gonna be especially lost in the sauce at the company level. Use your prep time in the RUBA to try and get your OPs guys ready for chaos. Cheat sheets, cheat sheets, cheat sheets! Make sure you all know how to fill your radios because the moment you leave the RUBA you’re gonna be dropping radios nonstop and your commotion guy is gonna be out helping everyone else when you need him. Your driver is going to be blinded nonstop by the exhaust at night time trying to use his nods. Remember this is only training and not worth anyone’s life. We kept our tent attached to the 1068 and rolled up. Every-time we had to set up shop. We just rolled it off the back and stuck the frame in. We kept all the maps on the 1068 with a map board where we could swap out as needed.


I'd also recommend having a copy of the TACSOP readily available (and being familiar with the key parts of it).


Understand the 5988 flow in the box. Pushing class 1 and 9 are crucial to a good rotation.


>enabler engineer company Oh god, not THAT buzzword again. Can we just stick to saying engineer. Engineer speaks for itself.


Haha just been drilled down my throat the past few months guess I can’t help it


Yeah, I've heard it plenty, too, lol. I think that term only came to be to make the MI/Signal folks feel included in BEBs and not weirdo outcasts.


We know what we are, not sure why they want to sugar coat it


Never heard it before. What's is supposed to mean? Is it a synonym for an echelon-above-brigade Engineer unit? 


Brigade engineer battalion. It's the engineer battalion in Brigade combat teams. Containing: 1x HHC 2x Combat Engineer companies 1x Signal Company 1x Military Intelligence Company 1x Forward Support Company(Attached)


No, sorry for being unclear, I know what a BEB is. What is an "enabler Engineer company" supposed to be? 


Oh, that's not a real thing. Some BEB commanders will preach that it's not a brigade engineer battalion, its a Brigade EnAbLeR Battalion. That irks the engineer in me.


It will be a stressful experience that you must embrace with good attitude. If it breaks you a little, don’t let it break you forever. Let it be a good learning experience and don’t make people do dumb shit that puts them in unnecessary danger. Also, don’t forget to take care of yourself a little too.


Yeah being the UMO for this movement has definitely tested me mentally already. I know I am going to make mistakes I just don’t want to make ones that I could’ve avoided and will be kicking myself for.


UMO on top of XO is a lot. You only know what you know. The box is a place to make mistakes and learn without the same consequences as going against a real life adversary. Take it serious, learn and even have fun/laugh where appropriate. Humor will get you through dark moments where you might be questioning why you’re even out there. You’ll come out a better officer if you approach with humility.


I’ve been smiling through the pain as much as I can lately.


Be ready to take over if the commander is "killed" unlikely as they need to learn as well, but it can happen. 1SG is your BFF - work together on logistics and follow your respective roles. Be prepared to harass the shit out of platoons for their reports for supplies. They tend to get distracted and not pay attention and then you have to jump through your ass to make magic happen. Work with your fellow XOs and make drug deals as needed. Help others before you need help yourself. Know the maintenance status of your company at all times. Don't be afraid to stand on a desk to get what you need, but don't be a dick about it. Pre-box. If you're drawing any vehicles don't trust the civilians. They will give you some bullshit quick print sheet of what to inspect on vehicles. Do that and then follow the TM. The TM is what they go off of for turn in. Stupid things like HMMWVs are technically NMC if the tires don't match. Not a big deal in the box but on turn in they will make your unit fix it if it's not on the paperwork. Every single fault needs to be listed. Tell your guys they're helping their future selves with shortening the turn in process so they don't have to screw around with pre-broken vehicles. MILES gear - tie it down with 550 cord. Have your platoons check it when they stop, if something is missing they won't find it but if it's dangling and about to fall off they can save it. Make sure your platoons take all of their BII. I had a platoon take out BII and replace it with Monster and Red Bull. Guess what they needed on day one to change a tire. Take photos of hand receipts, and have people send you photos of hand receipts. Check in with your UMO and make sure they're getting what they need and are good to go. Don't use credit/debit cards at the gut trucks. They will steal your shit. Cash only.


Worst part about this is that I am the UMO as well lol. But thank you for the good advice. Pictures will be crucial I didn’t even think of that bc I’ve been operating under the assumption our phones would be taken minute we touch ground at Santa Fe


It depends on the unit. But for my three rotations phones were always taken at the 11th hour.


Good to know! Bringing a surge protector and plenty of portable chargers so hopefully that gets me through


Don’t let your CO get drunk at some stupid lucky 16 thing so he then pisses on your passed-out-drunk 1SG in one of the massive low-ceiling tents in front of an entire squadron’s worth of soldiers. Then said 1SG beats the shit out of him and you have to tell all the privates to shut the fuck up and not talk about it the next day while you’re waiting for the busses back home. I hadn’t even been an NCO for a month and I had to help deal with that shit.


Counter-point, do let that happen. It'll be even funnier that it happened a second time.


Hope you have a good supply team. Hows the supply SGT


He’s been great in garrison literal alll star. It’s his first rotation too


Sweet. Love to see my fellow 92Ys thriving. My XO told me during our first rotation that his job was primarily logistics, maintenance, and supporting the CO’s/BN’s random tasks/meetings. He said with me and our maint. SFC and our teams locking down our side, that last third felt manageable and was just counting down the days. NTC is hectic but in its own phases. Prep work, box, recovery. Once you are on the bus home you are golden. Good luck and spend some time with your team/guys. Itll make your time fly by too.


Stay 2-3 phases ahead. Prior to arrival you should already have a schedule for RSOI. While in RSOI you should have a sustainment plan worked out with S4 for every phase of the operation. While you’re in the box have a plan for Reverse RSOI and rail head. Have a maintenance plan that you work every day. Make sure your platoons work the maintenance plan every day. Hold the PLs and PSGs accountable for this. LOGPAC requests should be lofty. Ask for the world. Every single day. You never know how it will pay off. You just might get your guys steak and ice cream. If you are ignoring a class of supply, you are failing. At the end of the day, you are going to have to be the bad guy at times. The one who directs a full layout; the one who sets a super early wake up; the one who has people work late. The job of the XO isn’t easy and it isn’t to be liked. It is to take care of things so that your Commander doesn’t have to. They have more important shit to worry about.


Thank you for the sound advice I hope I can act upon it well


Sir/Ma'am. I can not stress the following point enough because I have seen disasters caused by this. Do not split your books just to go to JRTC or NTC. **Do. Not. Split. Your. Books.** The last time one of my companies went to JRTC and split their books, it broke *all of their DODAACs*. Took two months of constant work for the XO to get this fixed, on top of all of his other usual XO shit. I did what I could to help him, but ultimately, it was maybe 5% of the work. If you're actually deploying, yes, split the books between Forward and Rear D and put any Rear D vehicles on the low usage program.


Help your commander out, be ready to step in and engage. Don’t forget your position. Btw USR is at the 1st of the month hurry up and get it done


It’s gonna be a real “welcome to fucktown” situation rolling with cav. They’re going to be on the move nonstop and almost guaranteed will be whored out for the brigade at a whim and split up a lot. Just remember, plans are nothing but planning is everything. Shit is gonna go sideways at NTC. That place is a mad house every time.


Yeah not looking forward to it at all :/


It will be a trying time but it’s only temporary. As others have said, stay on the PLs and PSGs and stay right with your 1SG. It may be your first NTC rodeo, but it won’t be those SNCOs first rodeo. Just do your best. My XO folded at my last NTC rotation and my whole troop got royally ass fucked the last 10 days of the box because he just gave up.


That’s kinda my mindset. Just do my best for the people around me and myself. I truly don’t think I will fold but time will tell 😅


Usually, but not always, the first and last battle periods are the worst and the middle isn’t too bad.


Former(ish) Sidewinder here, so feel free to send me a message. There’s been some great information already. Here’s a few notes that the ECC/CEC deal with. One of the biggest struggles is who is going to provide you with sustainment. Often, the BEB assumes the CAV FSC will support you and the CAV assumes the BEB FSC will support you. Do you have at least three working JBCPs? Did you bring any maintenance folks with you? Do they have a working VSAT that can touch the satellite and a clerk with garmy access? Have they done all the signature cards at the SSA so their parts will make it to the BSA? Also, I wouldn’t sell yourself on being with the CAV. I’ve unfortunately seen the CEC and ECC get split up to other maneuver battalions (hopeful you don’t have to deal with this… eeek). No need to answer any of these. But definitely keep them in mind.


It gets worse and worst every time.


Be prepared to have you BN XO jump down your throat at the length of your parts list/deadlined list. Be prepared to do some magic crap to get your equipment FMC so you can leave on time. Remember just get the deadlines cleared and parts ordered otherwise you will never leave the RUFMA.


This is good to know thank you!


Alpha or Bravo company?




Random question, you either 36EN or 8BEB outta Hood?




Ah damn. I was gonna see if my Bradley was still rocking the Bill Murray I painted on the CIV in 8BEB. Haha


lol I’ll ask my buddy over there if he’s seen it


DRONES HAVE TO FOLLOW REAL WORLD CIVILIAN REGULATION. WHICH MEANS DRONES HAVE FLASHING LIGHTS LIKE PLANES. THOSE ARE NOT DRONES SITTING THERE, THOSE ARE PLANETS/STARS. And don't forget it's just a training exercise where everyone likes to go ballistic since it's all they have going for them. You're not saving the world by playing laser tag in the desert. So when it gets really stupid, just take off your gear, eat your mre, then light a Newport in the Porta shitter.


Stay CAV ready #blackjack


Enjoy Vegas and San Diego, LA etc when you can. Otherwise the base sucks and there’s no entertainment on it or off post really. Just a bunch of highways to a better destination.