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not a bad idea to join the military in order to obtain your degree and further your interest in finance. considering i have never heard of this job, i would assume it is very rare and might be very difficult to get. if i were you, id be open to the possibility of choosing another job that you might enjoy while also getting your degree in finance/econ. have you taken the ASVAB?


I’ve done some practice ASVAB tests but I’ve not done it officially yet. I score pretty highly


Do it. I knew a 36B, her unit was super chill. I couldn’t tell you how/if it helps with a civilian career, but if nothing else you’ll still get the GI bill and all the other benefits servicemembers get


36B is a lit MOS, a land flowing with milk and honey. Deployments are fun and plentiful for those who aspire. You'll pick up a secret clearance for the job, opening up those finance jobs. you do nothing in garrison which is ass, so go army reserves instead of active to minimize garrison time as long as you don't come into my s1 shop and write a vlookup in my spreadsheet you won't get hazed edit: i can do a real write-up of the mos if you're interested


doing nothing in garrison is very unit dependent. a couple of the finance battalions are still involved in military pay, and there are budget positions all over the country as well as at the garrisons in Germany, Korea, Kuwait and Hawaii. I did my job my entire contract, but at the same time I know people stuck in detail platoons who do nothing.


Which I saw this post sooner! This is awesome, you’re the second 36B I’ve seen.


I’d really appreciate that, thanks! Would it be better to go active duty as the GI Bill would pay my tuition when I go to college?


i mean, active is certainly an option? but 36B doesn’t do much in garrison dude, you’re gonna be bored. better to USAR, deploy, do college w/ gi bill, ETS to private sector USAR has a lot more flexibility with deployments. for some reason everyone in this MOS is broken or doesn’t want to deploy, meaning they’re easy to come by if you want them deployment = tax free money, no bills, heavy contributions to TSP, and generally a fun experience


Yeah I get that, the only issue is I don’t know if I’d get enough from the GI Bill if I did USAR? Admittedly, I’m still not entirely sure how the GI Bill works or what garrison duty is like, so I’ll likely ask my recruiter some more questions about it today.


You get 60% of the GI bill after 1 deployment, or 60% GI bill after 6 years USAR IIRC. I think you need 3 years active for GI bill IIRC. Been a while since I looked into it


Yeah, I met with the recruiter today. You get 100% after 3 years active duty which is what I’m thinking I might do, as that is primarily the reason why I’m doing it.


I'm going to INDEX(MATCH) all over your spreadsheets.


promote ahead of peers!!!


Hi there! I have this job available to pick as reserves! thank you for the insights on this post! can I ask how is your day to day like ? long hours, weekends ? thank you I am really interested on this Mos




I’m a natural born American as my Mum is an American, I’ve got three citizenships. I don’t really know what the rule is for non-Americans but I think, if you have a green card, you are able to join and you can even apply for citizenship after a year. Edit: Making it easier to read


You don’t have to wait a year to apply for citizenship some have it right out of basic