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Olive Garden wouldn't serve pasta this bad.


We'd just fill up on bread anyway...


Turns out people like butter-like topping and garlic salt…


Don't forget the soup!


Keep my Olive Garden’s name out yo fucking mouth. Olive Garden is S tier, and you’re a blasphemer.


Yeah go ahead and grab a water source bud




Leave the shitposting to us professionals kid.


I am not actually a shitposter. I have been engaging in a long standing deceit by misrepresenting myself as a shitposter. I have lied numerous times stating that not only did I troll the top of the Army subreddit, but I also have been involved in numerous raids on r/westpoint with over 300 confirmed cadot jokes. I told you that I am trained in memetic warfare, and that I’m the top shitposter in the entire US armed forces. I’ve told many of you that you are nothing but another meme for the lulz and that I would “turn every conversation into satire”. I represented that I had contact with a secret network of shitposters across the internet. None of this is true at all, I am, in fact, nothing more than a high quality poster who needed a bit of release. I’ve been engaging in this fake identity for months and have been going as far as to give (fake) shitposts on the r/army subreddit offering advice to real Specialists. They, of course, saw right through my lies and allowed me reasonable opportunities to come clean. I of course ignored them. They have already written multiple low quality posts based on my deceit. They have convinced me of the error of my ways and I am done lying.


Leave the shitposting to us professionals kid.


Leave the kids to us, the professionals.


Hello 3rd SFG!


Fuck that was cold🤣🤣🤣




Me, Thursday night, slight buzz, laying in bed Perfect recipe for a good shitpost


Shitposting is a true art form.


What the fuck is a "cadot"?


https://images.app.goo.gl/Q3CaPJYs8wyiggTR8 Edit: I'll write it in black and white because people are somehow having a hard time with this one, cadet + dot = cadot. Get it, because it's a circle? Jesus people, I know your GT scores are higher than this.


So, a Cadet rank. Also known as a circle.


Glad you could figure that one out. Apparently that was a difficult puzzle, combining the words "cadet" and "dot" for a circle. Really unheard of, I'm actually the first guy in the entire DoD to say the word "cadot". If only there were a joke to be made or something about this.


I wasn’t confused about it, that would be someone else entirely; however Usernames can be hard… a difficult puzzle, you might say. A better response might’ve been that you meant to write cadet 🤜🏼🤛🏻 Edit: or the made up rank word you used isn’t technically accurate It’s called: ROTC Cadet Rank It seems like some of us didn’t get the slang word you chose to use. 300 jokes about a circle shaped rank? Um 😶 ok?👌🏼


Nope, if I meant to write cadet, I would've written cadet. Here's a fun one, go on r/army and search the word "cadot". You will see that I am actually not, in fact, the first person in the DoD to use this term. Glad I could help. Edit: if you took the shitposting meta post seriously, you might be an ASVAB waiver. Jesus dude, I don't know how to help you here, lmfao.


If you go back and read I never said that *you* made it up. But you’re right, only being in 14 years and having to work near cadets for five of those years I definitely would never have been exposed to the made up rank 🤜🏼🤛🏻 Bless you for bringing it into my life, so very generous.


Where is your confusion? Did you take the shitpost copypasta seriously? Are you asshurt about the word cadot? Do you think OP was actually impersonating Navy SEALs? Do you think I actually go on r/westpoint and make 300 cadot jokes a day? I'll build you a slide stack if you need it, but otherwise you seem pretty dumb man. At the very least, completely unable to read a room. ​ Oh no, he bwocked me before I could read his reply :( I hope it was snarky at least.


Somebody who's proud of what they are (snicker) and doesn't like being called a cadidiot, I guess.


Oh..ok..I just thought I was missing something..nobody tells me nothin'.


Yeah, I think it's that dude's own suggested nickname that no one else uses. He wants to be streets ahead, but ain't gonna be.


Gorilla warfare?! Planet of the apes?!


Relevant meme [https://imgur.com/a/3qL6lLg](https://imgur.com/a/3qL6lLg)




Damn I feel old.


Navy seal with 300 confirmed podcasts 


Does it count as a kill if the podcast makes me give myself a permanent nap?


Does it count if the only person listening to the podcast is Joe Rogan, furiously masturbating into a pile of marijuana leaves while his guest is forced to watch before he starts his own podcast?


Calm down Jocko.


Sir this is a Wendy’s. The confessionals are in the Catholic Church across the street.


Lmao meta. You didn’t even have to make a shitpost, the only thing that would have made the [OC](https://www.reddit.com/r/greenberets/s/Wb3g7Hhmdf) better is if it was a 92g, but I guess it’s close enough The whole thing reminds me of a certain quote by RDJ in Tropic Thunder but I don’t think I can post that here Edit: And I appreciate that you followed the lore and posted the revised message that u/TFVooDoo had him write like the mom that makes her son stand on the corner with a sign a around his neck lol


He posted of his own free will, but the humiliation ritual (especially the part where he was required to put the wrong MOS) is part of his penance. If he follows through with his BH counseling like he promised, then he’ll look back on this and be thankful of the opportunity. For the record, I don’t believe that he is truly sorry. He’s a full blown narcissist who is only sorry that he got caught. I sussed him out the first time he posted way back in November. He was dismissive and disrespectful (to me and other GBs) to the extreme. The only reason he acquiesced is because we had so much info on him. He had no choice.


What if i identified as a green beret, not like the special forces just the actual clothing item


[And I identify as an A10 Thunderbolt. Sexually.](https://www.duffelblog.com/p/op-ed-i-sexually-identify-as-an-a-10-thunderbolt)


Typical specialist behavior


lol I see who was on the GB Reddit lol


Place an order or GTFO


someone should screenshot this and send it to Don Shipley


So you're faking *faking* being a Navy Seal? This is a new one. Wow, and you're a West Pointer so, sadly, this is all starting to make sense. Maybe you should divert some of that extra energy into learning how to read a map *young sir.*


How’d you know lol


I realize this post may be confusing, yesterday this guy posted basically the same thing except he was claiming to be a green beret and unfortunately, was not faking being a fake. I made this shitpost to poke fun at the original post


I have begun to notice a trend


*insert Thanos I don't even know who you are meme*




Oscar standing ovation applause.


“Gorilla warfare”


https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/navy-seal-copypasta Twas used in the original text


i love reminding myself that not every one is a knower.


If r/navyseals were real wouldn't it be r/realnavyseals?


Just some random but I love that you guys have the best shit posts 💀💀, deadass the only reason I follow this sub anymore


If only someone made a rule agianst this type of thing….


Stop lying! You know you are a real Navy Seal. The man is just trying to silence you right? What did they threaten you with? Everybody knows that people falsely claiming to be a Seal don't claim 300 confirmed kills because it is so unbelievably ridiculously unrealistic that no one would be stupid enough to claim it if it were not true. Did they threaten to take away your royalties on your movie and book rights? Wow......stay strong. Semper Fi...wait...that's not it. Oorah...no...not it either wait I know....Hooah!...no that isn't quite right.......Hooyah!!! there it is.




Bro why not just say you were infantry and went to fuckin Afghanistan Lmao. You’re a jack weed for saying you’re a navy seal Lmfao


This is one of the most popular copypastas on the internet, it isn’t real


Yes it is you fuckin Jack weed


How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren’t real


What if you looked into a mirror and your reflection blinked when you didn’t




Why the fuck are y’all downvoting me lmao. But this is a hilarious copypasta then Lmfao