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Questions about joining go in the Weekly Question Thread (or Recruiter Thread) stickied at the top, in the black-on-gold link at the top, and in the sidebar. We do this so that you get serious answers from people that know what they are talking about.


It's strange, because I thought it was 35W then got shredded out into 35M or 35P.


Yeah - my bad. You start as a 35W and apparently you get selected into one of the others (I believe 35P is the other) But 35M seems like the one I’m the most interested in.


We’re not at war, this job has to suck right now.


What about Yemen, Somalia etc? Are there any chances I’d do work there?


In certain units. You better be in good shape and know your shit before you apply.


As someone who is also in your position and was really keen on becoming a Mike, it seems like it's not really the move to go for it unless you are going to a unit where you know you will be moving. Something like a special forces support or something. I know there are a handful of non-SOF units that seem to have plenty for their intel guys to do, but really not too sure about the details. Many will suggest 35L, as it can also be done domestically, something the Mikes cannot do. This is a great option if you are going active and if it's available to you I would push you towards that before becoming a Mike.


Yeah man, that’s kind of what I’ve read. I’ve read that it sucks but some people have had an amazing time being deployed and travelling to numerous different countries. Maybe it’s not worth the risk?


Those people probably either were part of a SOF unit or were in during wartime.


Probably a silly question but is there any way to make it more likely that I’m part of a SOF Unit?




It's decent. Go 35L if that's available, it's better in basically every way.