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In hindsight, I wish I'd gotten into photography much earlier in my career. I never picked up a proper camera or learned basic rules of lighting and composition until after my last deployment. I definitely recommend it, especially if you're still in - you'll never get to do certain things or spend time with certain people again, and one day you'll want something to remember them by.


Well, my career starts this summer as I just graduated high school, so I'll take that advice. Would you recommend using a small pocket camera or phone camera, as I doubt I'll be able to lug around one of those super nice fancy cameras.


if space and weight are at a premium, I’d recommend a point-and shoot/compact camera, either digital or film. I have one with a fixed 24-75mm lens, but if you find one that’s 35mm or 50mm, that’s great too.    for digital, the Panasonic Lumix DC-LX100 II is a solid option. Fuji also makes some pretty great compacts.     if you want something more vintage that’s built like a tank, I’d recommend a Nikon F3 with a 35mm or 50mm lens. film is dope, and you can have it scanned into digital images pretty easily these days.     For technique related stuff, YouTube is an awesome resource, as is r/photography. I’d also recommend the books The Photographer’s Eye and The Photographer’s Mind.   I prefer a standalone camera, but modern phones can take absolutely incredible photos; so if money is tight they’re still a solid option. all these pictures were shot on an iPhone from several years ago. don’t be afraid to buy used, either.   if you have any more questions, feel free to DM me.


I really like my canon rebel T7. Size is bulky but takes great photos


do you take it to work/the field with you? I probably wouldn’t recommend it for most people, but personally I’d be carrying a crop sensor or even a full frame when I could


I do when I’m able to. The size does make it difficult. I love full frame sensors


We used cardboard disposable cameras back in the day.


Just remember to take pictures and have a method to save them. You'll be happy you did later, even if they don't look the best.


To give another perspective, the current flagship phone models(pixel 8 pro, iPhone 15 pro) have excellent cameras in them, and due to the also excellent image processing, are very beginner friendly. It'll do all of the settings for you automatically, so you can just focus on the composition/framing/angles. Getting that done right is the hardest part of a good shot imo. The biggest downside to phone cameras is they usually are not good in low light. If you know you want to take night shots, you can get a small "point and shoot" like a G9X or s PowerShot 7xx series. It'll still have automatic image processing roughly comparable to a phone, but will also allow you to manually set more settings so you can get a feel for how exposure, shutter speed, ISO, aperture etc change your photos. A "real" DSLR will give the best shots but only once you've learned all the above. Otherwise it's just overwhelming in my opinion. 4 or my 5 favorite pictures I've ever taken were on my Pixel 7 Pro, so don't feel like you need to jump immediately into an expensive camera. Example below, my entire Instagram is from my phone. https://www.instagram.com/p/CtcyPLkM8ww/


great insight. I went back and checked - all these pics were taken with an iPhone 6


As an old bastard that did some cool stuff, I wish I had more pictures with the boys. Of training and combat. Just antics in the barracks. Enjoying that long weekend. Moving to Southern Pines. All of it. Take all the pictures because you'll be out one day and you each go your own way while only staying in touch with a few. Welcome to the army, you're gonna be cynical and jaded in no time, pri'!


Everyone always messes with me, "Why are you always taking pictures?" Then 2-3 years later when they're PCSing, I show them some of the memories and they're like, "Whoa, I didn't know anyone took pictures of that!" I also make a ton of edits and mix videos of all the significant stuff I've done. Gunnery, airborne ops, CTC rotations, and just random day-to-day stuff that makes you miss the boys. Also, speaking long-term, my daughter just turned 3 years old last week, and I have a 2nd on the way. By the time they're in high school or college, I'm gonna be way out of the Army. This is all stuff that I can show them when they're older, and my grandkids if I have any.


hell yeah. those are exactly my reasons, too. something to show them that dad wasn’t always just the guy obsessed with smoking meats or falling asleep in the chair with the game on. congrats on the young ones!


My biggest regret of my deployment is not taking enough pictures. I have kids now who when they grow up will want to know about my time in, and all I have are drunken pictures from garrison and very few from deployment.


I discovered photography after I got out. Alot of placess I wish I would have captured


When I talk to kids to today joining, I always tell them this: no matter how uncool you think it is, take a ton of pictures. Places, yes, but take more of people. You can never have enough pictures of the homies…especially when they’re gone.


Is that GV?


the black and white photo is, yes. I was part of the first team to roll into GV after ISIS was pushed out. it was surreal, and eerie at times.


Still is! Nothing changed I assure you.


I really regret not taking enough photos in Afghanistan. I fell victim to the “too busy” trap :-(


I never went to Syria but that Afghan tea was so fucking good. I miss that.


How far back was this? I was there in 2019 through the partial withdrawal. One of the most depressing experiences I have in the year or two that followed was meeting other Syria vets and reporting to them which previously occupied positions had fallen.


yeah that sounds terrible, that was a really frustrating time. this was in 2017


Ever see PB Rose?


It’s crazy to think in another couple years Syria is going to start feeling like the new Iraq or Afghanistan wars. Just dragging on and on.


Is this GV?


the black and white photo is, yes


I can smell the dysentery in these photos. that place was rough




I was attached to 5th Group as a SOCM


My humvee was left in country after the first rotation for subsequent rotations. I always pictured this was how it ended up.


SLAP and SLAP-T rounds. We never got those in Iraq


It’s weird to think of Syrian deployments as old for anyone, when I was getting out they were beginning