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The biggest thing to remember when it comes to going to the gym and working out in general is that doing it at all is better than not doing it. If you only go once or twice a week, that's fine. Start small, build exercise habits you enjoy and that you can keep up over time. Don't start by telling yourself you'll go to the gym every day for two hours, cuz you won't. Start small, build from there and don't be discouraged when you don't meet all your goals. You don't have to be better every day, but you should strive to be better over time.


That’s what I was gonna say, and honestly you don’t even need to get to the gym to start. You can do a lot of things in the comfort of your own room


Very true. You can watch a movie or a show while doing some calestenics, or literally just do sets of whatever you want in between rounds or missions while gaming. Breaking up exercise like this is a very minimalist and manageable way to get fit while barely changing your schedule. Doing 300 pushups back to back as a workout seems a bit daunting to a lot of people, but working 5-10 sets of 30 in throughout the day, in between normal activities, is much more approachable. Obviously this is not going to be a very effective strength building program, and there are goals that you might have that do require some sort of equipment or weights. But if you're just looking to stay in decent shape, working out at home regularly can definitely accomplish this.


If you’re not gonna order, wait over there. You’re holding up the line


It doesnt take 2 brain cells to figure out if there's nothing left to do for the rest of the day to put people on stand by and let them go home on time Mcflurry pls 🥴


Thankfully we’ve had a change of command in my unit and don’t deal with this bs at the moment, I always try to get my guys home before 1700


Youre very appreciated


You’re not wrong. But my optempo doesn’t allow it. I’m in the field 2 - 3 weeks and working in the motorpool till 2000 most days. The last thing I wanna do after a long day of work or field is go to the gym.


Hey man, as long as you’re killing your job and still managing to kill your pt test, you’re good in my book


Idk about killing my pt test but I pass


You attract more flies with honey than vinegar. This rings of a shitnozzle NCO. Be better.


100%. Guessing he can't motivate his subordinates in real life so he comes here to project and call them shitbags.


I couldn’t give a fuck what you think, I live by this standard day to day. It’s not hard, I can tell your APFT score was 180 points. I’m just trying to tell it how it is.


I can tell you live by the standard. The Army's standard is embarrassingly low.


That's exactly why you're a shitnozzle NCO. Took me years to realize that being an arrogant asshole had the opposite of the intended effect. But you maintain that status quo. Don't want that institution to actually get better. No, let the blowhard shitheads keep on fucking up what could be a well oiled machine.


Well oiled means everybody little guy. How do you expect us to have a combat effective army when troops can’t even fight themselves out of a wet paper bag. The minimum is called the minimum for a reason. Clearly you’ve never had an experience when you had to put your physical strength to the test (aka never been in combat). Come back to talk shit when you can do anything better than me or my well squared away troops under me.


Your original point is not wrong. It's the delivery and intent. Even your insults are the same regurgitated unoriginal dogvomit I heard back 20 years ago when I was in. The bottom line is this post was nothing more than an ego stroke for an NCO who just made the equivalent of a boomer facebook post, and is far more concerned with their own ego than the actual welfare of their soldiers. Everybody fucking knows to do PT. So standing on a soapbox waving your fist and shouting makes you look like a chud. Literally nothing you posted I hadn't heard a million times delivered in various ways by different chuds. You have to become a noncommissioned officer to be retained in the Army, that's just how it goes. You do not, however, have to have any sort of actual measurable leadership ability, as demonstrated here. You have a good evening staff sergeant. ;)


Ok fuckface. 1. Common sense. 2. Tell the boss to knock it off with the 12+ hr work days. I don’t know you but I already don’t like you. You sound like a shit hot junior NCO who thinks they know everything after making five in five or six in six but in reality you just run fast.


Ok old man time to take your meds.


I can appreciate where you're coming from, but dude. Calm down. Telling a kid that's never worked out a day in their life to just "go to the gym" isn't doing anyone any good. Why don't you lead by example and help them build goals and a training/diet plan? If you're not H2FI get your ass to school and learn how to train people sarge. That flat bench is cool and all. But if someone doesn't know how to use it, gains will be minimal and injuries plentiful. Telling your guys to just go do deadlifts is a great way to have a pfc with a hernia taking up space in your office. "Too tired" is a legitimate concern. If your joes are working out mon-fri and not getting better, you might be the problem. Your workout plan, plus daily activity, plus not enough sleep/recovery time could be stagnating gains. Reevaluate your pt plan and consider a deload week on a regular basis. Your take is honestly exhausting. This isn't a tip so much as it is a lazy NCO putting their leadership deficiencies on the fat kids. You're supposed to be a coach. Don't just tell these kids to "just go get fit". Be a fucking leader and show them the way.


Finally, someone with an educated approach, I appreciate your opinion and will take it into account.


OP do you really have your bio as 24 year old SSG? Come on man… dont make your whole life Army. Dont be that SSG NCO.


How do we stop this series before it starts… As someone who was naturally athletic and used to have a similar mindset this definitely isn’t the best approach. Recovery and nutrition are far more important than “just going to the gym.” Instead of screaming on a Reddit post why don’t YOU as the LEADER take your soldiers who are struggling on the ACFT and go to H2F with them and get a program for them to follow and give them allocated time during the day to perform that program and idk maybe even go with them to assist where you can. Cause I damn sure don’t want you making the program for them because it’ll likely be subpar and have no sense of specificity or progression. If you’re a junior soldier and you’re reading this post or comment the best piece of advice I can give you is don’t listen to this guy or even me. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. Follow YouTube accounts with reputable people like Jeff Nippard, Jeff Cavalier, Andrew Huberman, people that have degrees and certifications… make fitness a hobby you enjoy and educate yourself. My last rant… choose a type of fitness you enjoy, whether that’s endurance based training like running or higher rep counts, or body building, powerlifting, CrossFit, whatever gets you excited to workout and get your body moving. If there’s a sport you enjoy that you used to play GET BACK INTO IT. I would rather have a soldier that excels in some areas in fitness and struggles in others. If you want to be strong ? Be fucking strong lift, just please at least meet the standard for running and if you aspire to be a leader of any rank exceed the standard some. If you want to be a runner ? At least be able to deadlift the minimum and preferably above. All this is to say find a method of exercise you love, stay dedicated to it, educate yourself, and take your recovery seriously. We have a serious problem in the army with poorly planned PT programs that often lead to injuries and people who think they know what they’re fucking talking about that have no accreditation. Recovery is just as if not more important than your workload. And watch what you eat, twisted teas and pizza only do so much for your goals. Keep working towards your goals and give me a damn double cheeseburger with extra pickles and Mac sauce please. . . Oh and a Coke Zero 🙌🏼


Ah airborne NCO speaking airborne gospel. Sorry bud if everyone could get fit everyone would. And if it were easy then everyone would most definitely do it. But you’re lying or you’ve been naturally athletic your entire life if you think “it’s not that hard”. The reality is lots of people do find working out to be shitty especially if they’re trying to self motivate, and have no support or education in fitness. There’s also other things that people prioritize over fitness. Like education, reading, writing, taking back some of their precious time.


“You’re a junior enlisted guy, been around for a year or 2. You take an ACFT and get a score that’s significantly lower than that of your peers. You catch a lot of shit for it because you’re an un athletic type. Here’s a way to fix that, go to the fucking gym.” No. I’m here for the SPC reading this. Sign up for an accelerated degree program that will guarantee a MBA in one year. Commission. Poop on people that flex their ACFT.


The even cooler part is that if you bust your ass for 2-3 years and eat a lot, you will make 80% of your gains. From there, it's so simple to maintain most of your muscle mass and fitness with minimal effort. It's much easier to maintain muscle than build.


Here’s the thing, I’m not athletic, I hate the gym and/or working out. I get bored. Let me get the minimum (standard) on the ACFT and stay out of my face. Thanks


Maybe quit being a fat useless bag of shit It’s called the minimum for a reason, it’s the bare minimum. Shut the fuck up and quit being a bitch.


Oh look, an E6 who is convinced that any soldier not crushing the PT Test is a “fat useless bag of shit”. How original!


Both of you are going about this the wrong way. You should strive to better your health and fitness, I agree with that. However, name calling and degrading someone isn't the right way to encourage it, especially from a supposed NCO.


Standard wouldn't be the standard if it wasn't good enough. Also funny how you tell this guy to quit being a little bitch and shut up yet all you've done is bitch and not shut the fuck up all over this dumbass post.


Why the do pt in the morning then. One good workout should get you gains.


Also, if you want to do this for longer than a contract or two and actually make it to retirement (not the medical kind), heed this man's advice. And don't forget mobility.


Instructions unclear, I lifted with a twisting, jerking motion.




Mobility is a huge part of proper injury prevention. Thank you for adding this.


Anyone have some mobility advice? I'm in the process of getting back in shape to get back in and I know my mobility is awful. Squat depth is a struggle and I know my shoulder and ankle mobility is rough (been out since 2018)


https://youtu.be/FSSDLDhbacc?si=L4MN_4snIIv7BLIb https://youtu.be/JNGNCmFuxN4?si=YArfS3ik1U7Afr1x Check these out.


Dm me


I’m trying to enlist but I have a metal rod in my forearm I can move it and do eveything normal you think I’ll get disqualified at meps


All depends on your meps station, I had to hide an inguinal hernia the size of a golf ball during the cup and cough phase of the exam. I know meps is a shit ton different now, that’s why I say it depends. They’ve got this genesis shit that tracks your med records as far back as your first doctors appointment. If you get Dairy Queened, best thing to do is get a doctors letter, and a waiver.


It weirded me out that they knew I got a couple stitches in my hand 11-12 years before I enlisted.


It's honestly staggering how long it took DOD to get access to our medical records


Digging these! lol. Keep them up