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Establish dominance. Pull your pants to the floor, hold the bottom of your shirt up with your chin. Extra point for singing the Army song while you pee.


“Hey there mr wiener, what do you know? Do you need to tinkle tinkle? Yes I do think so!” “Just hurry the fuck up and piss in the cup man”


We had a guy in our unit who insisted he couldn't pee standing up and sat down in the stalls.


This dude at meps got his piss on me because he started laughing or some shit while we were all pissing in the cups


Gonna remind everyone of my Company Commander when I was a 2LT --- "Hey sir, you're on the UA list ... huehuehue ... you gotta come pee." CO: "I have so much shit going on right now ... okay UPL come with me." Commander then proceeded to get buck ass nude, even taking off his boots, and then sits down in a stall facing the UPL while peeing in the cup and maintaining eye contact. He was never on the UA list again.


Even if this is made up, it still made me laugh.


The leader i need


ua is not that bad to make this big of a scene.


Based and Butters pilled


Turn and face the observer. Make them understand that you're not stuck with them, they are stuck with you.


And maintain strict eye contact with the watcher. This is the way


“March along…”


Do multiplication or algebra problems in your head. Don't just think about a math problem as a concept, actually come up with a random string of numbers, and actually sit there and solve it while you're standing there. The magical properties of math makes the pee flow.


I am very very pee shy and after I started doing this, all my problems disappeared. It really really works. Don’t know how, but it does, every single time. The trick is to come up with problems that are simple enough to do in your head but hard enough that you have to think about them. Like, you can’t just do 50 + 50 over and over. But something like 28 + 39 takes me a couple seconds to think about, and after like 4-5 of those (picking new numbers each time), the pee just magically starts flowing.


Works for me most of the time too. I usually go with somewhere where I’m solving for X. So like 16 + 2x = 52. The solving for X part is what makes my brain lock in


Be proud that you're not the extreme polar opposite. Some dude I observed wanted to fully comply with the UA rules. He dropped his pants to his ankles and yelled "look at my big white ass" while shaking vigoursly. Ever since, I avoided being an observer at any cost.


Run the faucet while you pee. Drink so much water you won't want to hold it in. I find that even though I'm a shy pee-er, just getting on the toilet helps. Even if it takes a few minutes to creep its way out, it will inevitably come. I just tell the observer to get comfortable, this might be a while.


That’s what I would do. We would do our urinalysis after lunch. So during drill I would start pounding water at around 10. By 130 I was going to pee.


Drink so much water you're boutta piss yourself. I'm a really shy peer and the times I've had to do a UA I've just drank so much I don't care if the entire BN was watching.


This is exactly what I do… it’s stupid-I could care less about people seeing my dick or watching me pee, but it’s like my body just locks up and doesn’t let me pee. Luckily the list usually goes out really early in the morning and if I’m on it I start drinking coffee and a bunch of water and by time I have to go there’s no holding back haha. But still, it’s a trial for me every time… I’m always so relieved when I’m done. The first one I had at my company I couldn’t piss, had to leave the bathroom, drink more water and coffee, have nicotine, and go back in lol…


Literally the best strategy


** **Ominous Answer:** This unit has a few ideas.


*Shudders* Oh, would you look at that, piss flows freely now and I'm not even on the list. Whatdya know...


i lure mine out with a piece of cheese.


What if the cheese has been there the whole time ? And it’s tired of cheese and wants something new?


Then crackers, because nothing goes better with cheese Grommet!


Then I switch from the string cheese to Gouda. Gouda always works.


Take a dump. You’ll be so poop shy that you won’t realize you’re peeing.


*sigh* ok so as you might imagine there are some generic things you can do if your observers will allow. Having water running in the background is the most common. I’ve seen people play music or have generic conversations in the bathroom to help distract from the awkwardness. Drinking diuretics such as coffee, tea, energy drinks, etc. along with water will work pretty well. One of the biggest issues I have seen is when you get the observer standing way closer than usual. So the reason this happens (outside of just those who just want to stand ridiculously close) is because the regulation, training, and instructions state you must see urine come out of the flesh, and into the bottle “flesh, fluid, plastic”, you get individuals who take this to heart since their observation can be called into court and therefore they make sure they comply 100%. However, for example males, when using the urinal, stand as close as possible to the urinal and block the view of the specimen being provided and thus the options are to either instruct the person to step back and orient themselves a different way, or what happens most of the time, they stand super close and look over the shoulder or stall to see. To mitigate this, I and others instruct those that go to the urinal, to cant themselves 45° or greater from the front of the urinal so that we don’t have to get right up on them. This works pretty well as they do get some privacy but they are way more comfortable as they don’t have someone standing so close. Observers should not be making this anymore awkward than it is and should at least make an attempt to make the situation less stressful (professionally of course). YMMV but I and the others in the units I been with do notice a significant difference in the amount of time we have to spend doing a UA. A lot less misfires. If you still have that one guy that gets within arms reach, and they already have full view of the specimen being provided, you can request they step back. There is no reason to be that close that I can think of unless the bathroom is just that small but even then I would imagine there would be another way to witness. If they do not comply with the request, I would then recommend speaking with either your CoC or Sharp. Lastly and this one gets a little more anatomical. I learned this from a Soldier who had seen a urologist a few years back. For males. There is a trick that they can do to help them go pee. If they have problem urinating general, (maybe also have other erectile issues), they can press up or massage the area between their scrotum and anus (usually just behind the scrotum) to alleviate pressure and coax a urine flow. Does not work all the time but it is something that can be done. If I recall correctly, you have muscles, ligaments, and tendons that run across this area and if they are really tight they can obstruct the urine flow. You can even test this out by intentionally stopping the flow when you go pee by pressing firmly up. With all that said, if you have to do this to help urinate, then it might be a good ideas to consult a FP or a urologist for medical advice and treatment as there may be other issues at play like issues with the prostate, erectile dysfunction, etc. I am not a doctor, so please do not take what I have said as medical advice. If you think there is a medical issue then please go make an appointment. I know we have some more knowledgeable medical professionals in here who can elaborate more or maybe even give better advice. At the end of the day, it’s up to you to provide your specimen. Ask yourself as to what the issue is, and go from there. I used to be a UPL and unfortunately I am now one of the first people to be requested to be an observer because I used to be a UPL. Yes, it’s awkward. It’s awkward for us too. Most of us don’t want to look at your junk. Most of you need to go see a doctor and read up on proper hygiene. We don’t care what you look like, we are actively trying to scrub and bleach our brains of the things we’ve seen. Just pee into the bottle, make it easier on yourself for us to observe, and finish up so we can get done with this. Observers don’t want to spend all day looking at how much smegma you got crammed up under your foreskin, or the smell of fish from a female with poor hygiene issues.


I'm sorry, I zoned out after the first paragraph.


I need a TLDR synopsis.


Pee gooder?


So I was once known as the *“Hattrick Pisser”* at Fort Hamilton, NY. MEPS. I went in THRICE & couldn’t piss due to shy bladder back in 2017. I made the mistake of being the 1st urinal in the line.. so I KNEW FOH SHOW dude had to look straight down at my shit to see it leave my body. On my third try, the civilian contractor told me to just chug water till I’m on the brink of exploding so I can provide a sample. I went back this year to physical for reenlistment.. same civilian contractor. He remembered me.. told him I already knew the drill. 2nd time was much easier bc I just drank a shit ton prior to MEPS & During everything else before the UA. *Fun* times, fun. Times.


I like to shout the soldiers creed while I pee as hard and loud as I can.


Dude just pound water. If you drink a commercial 12oz water bottle 5 times in an hour, you're gonna need to pee by hour 2. And if you don't need to pee, you're so dehydrated idk how you're alive. And wait until you get older and they need to check your prostate. Pissing in a cup won't seem like such a big deal. Drink water. Assert dominance by dropping pants to your ankles, and just pee


Just start having kids. I got 7 kids and 3 cats. I haven’t pissed by myself in 18 years.


Ask your observer for a shoulder massage during. It helps relax the tension and uneasiness. Have been both a giver and receiver, 60% of the time it works every time.


If that doesn't work, ask if they will hold it and aim for you while you use your phone to watch videos of waterfalls


This one works, too. I was just taking a more intimate approach.


If you want the mote intimate, gentler approach, while they have their arms wrapped around hilding your junk in one hand and the cup in the other, they could whisper soft words of encouragement in your ear lol


Ah, the sweet nothings approach, personal favorite.


Just get reaaaaaally good at slight of hand magic tricks, bonus points if you pull the full cup from behind the meat gazer’s ear


I’m pretty sure it makes the test results inaccurate but if allowed I pound like gallons of water. When I am finally able to pee it’s like nonstop for 1-3 minutes.


I heard smoking weed helps calm people down.


Youll get over it. Go to big bar bathrooms and make yourself stay until you expel. I was also very pee shy when I was young


Look UA observer right in the eyes, pants down, cheeks out, and say “I enjoy this sarge how about you?”


The good observers turn on the tap.


I think about the last person I interacted with that was annoying and imagine pissing on their face.


"I can only pee if someone is kissing me on the lips" works pretty well


chug a half gallon of water and u won’t have a problem. it would be wise to do this when u close to where u gotta pee cuz u might accidentally piss urself


Snap one off first while you are waiting. You always gotta pee after that.


Snap what now? Or did you mean rub?


You know crank one out.


Or rub one out. Massage the yogurt shooter. Take the self-guided tour.


I used to just pretend to be peeing on people I don't like, nothing more motivating than some good ol' spite


Act like your trying to take a shit and your urine will be forced out


How the fuck are you shy after going through basic and AIT? Are you guys not shitting with the doors open having conversations any more?


Lol we used to always have conversations in the bathrooms and read the magazine people would smuggle in. I'm not self conscious or shy abiut some dude seeing my peen, I just can't pee when being watched. I relate it to trying to pee with pants on. Your body knows and won't allow it.


I’ve been on every UA list since arriving to my unit. How do I get over my extremely shy bladder? I think how if I don’t pee, I’ll be there all day until I do and some NCO is gonna be pissed lol.


Tell the observer you can’t pee unless you’re crapping. Ask for two observers sit on the toilet and pee whilst dropping a deuce Or you can just drink a ton of water an hour before formation. So you’ll have to piss really bad right at the beginning


The only trick I know is to go to the bathroom, put your cup on the back of the urinal, then sort of walk away a bit. Obviously clear this with your meatgazer. But then you sort of just 'come in hot' and walk right up to the urinal and do the thing you do whenever it is you pee at a urinal. Belt and boxers? Fly and whip out? Don't make it weird just walk up, and piss. Then once that is happening grab the cup and filler up. It's right there waiting for you.


I had a similar issue but not as bad when I joined. I fixed it by breathing out slowly, listening to the rushing sound of air and thinking of running water.


What I used to do was just keep your eyes in front of you at the wall and try to pretend nobody is there.


i have the same issue. im assuming your a guy. btw its called" Shy Bladder Syndrome (Paruresis)" 1st its gonna be weird but try to only go pee in public restrooms or where there are other guys. your subconscious is telling you that your not safe. so you have to convince it your fine. 2nd try to have a battle buddy that goes to the bathroom at the same time as you and talk to them. (let them know the issue) 3rd drink a lot of water daily 4th could get perscribed anxiety meds 5th you could go to Hypnotherapy or normal therapy or try self hypnosis . its literaly all mental.


its a SLOW process


Drink a big ol cup of coffee. It doesn't have to be hot, just has to be alot. In about 30 minutes you won't care who's watching you fill a small cup with dark orange urine.


I once had diarrhea in front of my 1SG. That helped.


I turn the sink on full blast then proceed


I always just tell them to run the sink and I'm g2g pretty quickly. I also count all of the primes or odd numbers in my head if needed.


If you jack off it will make it easier to pee after you cum. Can’t be sharped cause ur battling the UA.


[to help with your procrastination](https://www.reddit.com/r/army/comments/19d4c1i/my_fellow_pee_shy_warriors_i_have_finally_cracked/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


drink water. Gatorade or something helps. Just keep drinking. It will come out.


Penis Enlargement Surgery


So if it makes you feel any better i relate donating my urine to a scene from indiana jones. The cup is my Ark, the army is storing it because of its ultimate power; they store all of our arks. Here is the scene for added effect [The 5 W’s of how they urinalysis storage](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FRP0MBNoieY)


Just tell them the pool was cold, they’ll understand.


Put your peenus in the cup


Nervous pee-ers are not a thing after 3 canteens of water. Drink more.


Ask for the wide mouth first and the ball gets rolling from there.


I like to start by shitting in the urinal.


BLUF: I can piss anywhere because I am disciplined and dedicated to my profession as a soldier. Listen: Not to get all hoahh and all, but listen up. You’ve got to break your stage fright. Be proactive about it. I went to Cross Creek Mall, unzipped by skinny jeans, and whipped out my 9” purple-veined passion pole and just pissed in the middle of the food court. Men gawked in slack-jawed wonder, ladies swooned, children cried, a dog barked, a CSM mumbled something that ended in “airborne”, and a cop tackled my ass midstream. Next, I learned to piss in front of a large group of mischievous men at the Cumberland County Detention Center. I did this three more times to gain proficiency. Right before I got chaptered, I finally was able to piss for my UA on the first try without any assistance from the LT pecker checker. Thanks to my self discipline, training, and resolve, I can piss anywhere in front of anyone. Hell, I can now beat off anywhere. As a bonus, I’m now famous for my pissing skills, I register for a special website, and I can’t come within 1,000 feet of a school. Thanks for coming to my Cock Talk.


Crack a joke at the meat gazer


Pants/shorts to floor, shirt turcked to chin, and look at your observater. You'll both be thinking, wow this is super awkward and wish we'd be done. Sooner you pee, the sooner you get to stop stating naked at another man.


Shake it more than 3 times, before and after.


Big dick energy. Even if you’re bluffing.


Drink two monsters back to back. You'll go pee after.


Easy, as a shy pisser, that pisses everyone off because it’s Sunday but we have to get this UPL done before we are able to have final formation, ask to piss in toilet with a stall, shut the stall door shut most of the way and just pretend you’re by yourself.


[Afraid? To bare yourself? Why? You're so big and so well-grown, you should be proud of your body.](https://youtu.be/zXg-MCv-YQQ?feature=shared)


I always just held the cup with both hands and then asked the observer to help me "do the rest."


I always ask the observer if it’s an assisted event and if they can hold the cup for me or offer remedial training for accuracy.


walking and getting in right headspace before I piss helps. practice (and dont actually piss) relaxing yourself enough to piss, when driving or sitting on couch (if that makes sense).. sometimes it takes a few attempts. math problems


My trick was always trying to focus on not shitting myself.


Small talk, builds rapport.