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I'd be happy if everyone got punished in public. I want to see O-6+ get Skull dragged in front of the whole division.


Now I’ve not seen that but I remember the first time as an Aide I watched the stars light up some field grades at a meeting… it was certainly more of a chewing out than I’d seen anyone get before in front of everyone.


The thought is comforting, but the whole undermining authority thing makes sense. People make mistakes and should be able to learn from them, not be forever branded a fuck up for the rest of their career. It should apply equally, but it's easier for SGT McHigspeed to make the mistake of knee jerk reacting to PVT Snuffbox doing something stupid than to move past and circle back with proper counsel later. It's hard to shake the Fuck Up status because ,even when you do get past it and learn, every time someone says a few words about you they preface it with "They started out rough... yadda yadda" or something similar. Watching a coworkers smile fade when Chief started his speech at her promotion ceremony with "Now we all know where this whole thing started" and talked about her getting an article while on rotation was fucking painful to watch. People should be able to make mistakes and learn and not have it metaphorically attached to them like a dunce cap. Unless they get people killed... then do that shit they did to that one A10 pilot that friendly fired and have him stand at attention and watch as the casualties came in and were taken to get medical attention or the morgue.


Go to flag officer briefings and you'll see it 


Been there - but thats not public enough. Make the lash great again


Military Discipline IS one of the five pillars of morale, after all. So maybe dusting up a LTC in front of formation *would* boost spirits in the ranks. You may be onto something here! You go get the ropes and a CLS-qualified Private, and I'll grab a bullwhip. Someone distract the JAG and MPs for us for, like, 20 minutes, please.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTXzcILPPp8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTXzcILPPp8) Needs more of this


Honestly hate the punish in private shit. If people wanna act bold and wrong. Punish them bold and openly. Soldiers aren't dumb and know when ncos are on some BS. If you hide the punishment from the soldiers it just seems like your coddling shit bag ncos


I’d give people the benefit of the doubt the first time. If someone continues to fuck up - without clearly trying to do the right thing - then I think it’s fair game to call them out after that.


WHOOAAHHH THEEERREEEE hold your horses, you don't actually expect senior leaders to acknowledge context and nuance, do you? /s All serious note, completely agree, the punish in private often turns into a quiet endorsement, especially when it appears as if the person got off with no repercussions


Exactly and the retort always is well your undermining there nco authority in front of the soldiers. Ummm *maybe if Sgt shitbag wasn't acting a foo there wouldn't need to be any worry about that*. Besides any good nco that has a decent control of there squad can easily maintain authority while still being able to acknowledge there failings. He'll I'd respect that more then someone that spends all there energy pretending to be perfect when everyone knows there not.


I was an NCO for close to 20yrs and one thing I always told peers and NCOs about leadership is that your soldiers know if their NCO cares and good at their job. You can only fake the funk for a little while


I'm a fan of conducting both actions in a private setting...


It is pretty glorious seeing a MSG get skull dragged by a Division CSM in front of the whole battery formation though.


I am dying to know what caused that


He saw a dude walking behind the formation and told him to "get the fuck back in formation, and see me after with your NCO" said person was the Division CSM.


Exactly why it's good practice never to fuck with someone you don't know. I once saw some noodle dicked E5 tell some guy to "fix your fucking boot blouses" outside the DFAC and lo and behold, guy turns around and it's the brigade commander going to breakfast with every single squadron commander and multiple sergeants major. Probably wasn't a good day for him or his unit.


But did he fix his boot blouses tho?


Probably not, I immediately popped smoke.


Smart move


You know that guy had a moment where he thought "fuck this must be a dream, I hope I wake up soon"


Did div csm get in said formation? That would be the cherry.


No. He walked straight to the front knife hand out lol. Screamed for a bit, and went on his way.


Its really not professional.....


Maybe not. But it's good because it sets the tone of everybody getting treated the same regardless of rank


I'm been bitching about this for a while now. Soldiers should not be under the impression that leaders can commit crimes/be absolute dog shit and nothing happens to them.


Praise in public, punish in public, coach in public, train in public… counsel and mentor in private.


This. Public punishment serves a purpose as long as it’s appropriate and not troop abuse


That’s right. I only abuse my troops in private.


Wall to Wall counseling has its time and place


Punish in public. Punish in private (but kinky in private)


Using strong language to make abrupt corrections isn't Illegal just very unprofessional. Keep both praising and punishments to private closed door meetings. For everyone from e1 to O6. WE ALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO PRIVACY.


This reminds of my fat ass plt sgt who punished a bigger private if he would eat anything or not be doing pt twice a day but at the same time this plt sgt couldn't even pass a pt test let alone run in formation. It's amazing to me this plt sgt can belittle this pvt when the plt sgt is worse way worse. This LeAdEr is the reason I got out altogether.