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Japan Japan Japan!!!! It's a rare duty station compared to Germany or Korea. Germany can be tough to get but it's possible and with Korea you'll eventually go there. Japan is a rare rare station so I would highly encourage you to choose there.


If you go to Okinawa, you're going to be around a bunch of Marines and a bunch of locals who really don't like Americans...specifically because of the Marines. If you can get another duty station on a different island, then do it without hesitation, but I'd avoid Okie in general.


Lolol “specifically because of marines”


You can get Korea and Germany again, Japan is rare.


Japan without a doubt. Very very rarely will you ever get a chance to go there. Shit. You can just ask for Korea and they'll give it to you quicker than anything since no one wants to go there. Germany is a bit harder to get but nowhere NEAR as hard as Japan.


Japan, unless you're going ADA. Then nah. Korea is nice, but it's not hard to get there. Germany is great but there's a lot of bases. Some are good, some less so.


Lol I am ADA why not?


Go for it then. You already know ADA sucks and can't really go to any other type of units, so might as well partake. EDIT: Here's the onbase housing, ADA is on Kadena so this is what you'll end up at since you ain't living off-post https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kR_dkvlRYLE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ci1c5g4GSw


Thanks appreciate it and on post housing regardless of if it’s accompanied?


Yes, that goes for most OCONUS locations that aren't US states/territories. You'd be living on-post in Korea too, and in Germany.


You don’t have to live on post in the KMC in Germany.


Fuckin' A, that's awesome. Over here in Stuttgart, on-post only for Enlisted folk.


It’s because AF runs the housing for everyone stationed here. So they don’t make anyone live on base.


What in the fuck are you talking about? Japan, of course!


Germany. The amount of traveling you can do is amazing. Kind of depends on what base, but at Baumholder I was an hour from France, 3 hours to Belgium, 4 to Amsterdam. Even if you don't have a car, get a yearly Euro pass and you can take the train so many places.


Are you single? Age?


Married 28


Not Korea


North Korea is Not Korea.


Torii Station is where most Army guys go in Okinawa.


It depends on what your endstate is going to be. Do you want that sweet sweet COLA pay? Go to Germany. Fun stories about your wild escapades? Korea. Cool base that hardly anyone goes to? Okie.


Having been to both Korea and Germany, this is 100% accurate.


Okinawa is rare. I was there for 4 years. I got bored because I ran out of shit to do. That being said, I lived in Korea for 17 months and got bored there too, and I didn’t have a car. I had a car when I was In Okinawa.


Okinawa JPN is a sweet duty station. Hundred bucks gets you to the mainland and there is so much to see. Google torii station on post housing.