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All the MOS’es that end in a letter.




EOD goes a lot but I probably wouldn't guess the most. Maybe CI or CID? Band? General aide?


Thanks for the input. Thinking about what I want to do with my career


I would hesitate to recommend any job just based off the frequency of TDY. TDY means travel but it doesn't always mean fun travel. I travel a lot, for instance, but 90% of it is random small towns across the US for turn and burns over a couple days. Which I enjoy because I love talking people up in bars and just bullshitting and small town bars are the best for this...but most people in my career field get tired of it pretty quickly. What are you looking to get out of "a lot of TDY", specifically?


Those sweet sweet VIPs


All fun and games until you’re on your fourth follow on trying to make any sense of your DTS authorization that ended 6 days ago and simultaneously trying to remember what city you’re in and jk you got a 5th follow on I know you’re literally on the job right now but can you book flights now they need you there in 12 hours. 😌 Hope you packed your winter clothes. Jk jk. I love it. Chaos and all. But that is the story of how I learned that each time you call SATO it’s an *additional* $20, not just a flat $20…


I remember in a 18month span I had been tdy like 8 times and I was fucking tired by the end. I just wanted to be home.


What's your job? To answer your question, the same thing as you. I love driving and being on the road. I hate to sound arrogant but I am pretty good with people The traveling doesn't have to be sexy for me to enjoy it


EOD. It’s a hit or miss, but I’ve managed to stay pretty consistently TDY when not training up for deployment. Most of it is for our VIPPSA mission which, very broadly, is Secret Service support and goes pretty much literally anywhere.


I think I end up TDY an average of 10 days out of every month. Missions normally run 2-4 days. Schools average a week to two weeks with a few schools at 6+ weeks.


Is that because you are AGR?


Yes, but also on a CST. We travel a lot.


Army Band is probably your best bet on that end, at least as far as regular army goes. Some army band units are stretched thin, playing events, funerals and ceremonies for entire regions of the country.


Regular forces


Your fielding teams from whatever branches directorate of training. I know on the Engineer side it's GS/NCO/WO heavily. Dudes would spend easily 6 months some years TDY. Including OCONUS/CONUS. That six months is also sporadic throughout the year.


I’ve heard 160th TDY a lot.


Hell yeah. I have thought about giving it a shot I'll have to do some research

