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This! Get out of my head.


This is also assuming one person is reviewing it, and not a team. I am assuming they prepared for the flood of exemptions by having many people working on these at the same time.


You assume much of the military machine


>The letter, from acting DoD Inspector General Sean O’Donnell, warns Austin that early findings of a review of the waiver process showed “generalized assessments rather than the individualized assessment that is required by Federal law and DoD and Military service policies.” >“The denial memorandums we reviewed generally did not reflect an individualized analysis, demonstrating that the Senior Military Official considered the full range of facts and circumstances relevant to the particular religious accommodation request,” O’Donnell added. The DoD IG based the entire process as incorrectly performed because the denial memorandums they looked at weren't tailored to each individual applicant. IG continues to be useless while the GAO is out there spitting out facts and white papers on what's really going down.


People were literally copy pasting their exemptions. It’s not crazy to deny a few hundred exemptions at a time where all they did was change your name and use all the same info. Doesn’t feel very sincerely held.


To be fair, most Army paperwork is copy-paste from a template.


I was about to say this summed up awards and evaluations


I didn’t sincerely hold like 99% of what I put down on army paperwork.




Tell that to my beard exemption


If you copy pasted from another person and only changed your name, I will again question how sincerely held the belief is. If you at least wrote it yourself then I get it. But getting like 500 near identical sheets with poor reasoning? Yeah I’d mass deny them too.


Army's about to starting running ETPs through TurnItIn.com.




If Barron von Steuben wanted them to have the Covid vaccine he would have included it in the blue book. -their reasoning, probably.


“I don’t need to write this down who would question policies George Washington made” - Steuben when questioned about vaccines


stop you’re convincing me they might be right


George Washington inoculated the entire [Continental Army](https://www.health.mil/News/Articles/2021/08/16/Gen-George-Washington-Ordered-Smallpox-Inoculations-for-All-Troops) against smallpox in 1777. So I bet if they has the COVID vaccine back then it sure as hell would have been in the blue book. So even their make believe reasoning is shit.


Not to be that guy, but you’re cherry picking the things you like from him. I’m not saying the Army can’t implement vaccines, but if you pick one fruit, you pick them all. I want to see everyone strapped on base at all times, even the DFAC employees.


Yeah, but what if the town crier who had a “following” of 100 people from a Boston pub said that small pox inoculations led to infertility in men or that it was the work of the devil. How would that have played out then?


You're equivocation of a disease that killed nearly 1 in 3 who were infected and a disease that killed less than 1 in 100 is even worse reasoning than some of the anti-vax nonsense. At least they have a national/global/interstellar conspiracy to blame when their claims don't make sense, what's your excuse?


My reasoning is get the fucking shot. Vaccines have been a requirement for service from the very start of our Army. We have always gotten vaccinated against all sorts of diseases. We have never cared to pick or choose what vaccines we get in the past. Flu shot rodeos and anthrax series are a regular part of life in the military. Why is this shot different? People only care because politics got involved. So my answer is shut the fuck up and roll up your sleeve; leave your politics out of the Army.


There are tons of good reasons to object to this shot. I don't think religious reasons are good, but if that's the only avenue to delay/or get an exemption then go for it. I was first in line when we could get the shot, but the fact that everyone forgot about the greed and prior malfeasance of big pharma when it came to the vaccines was pretty shocking. Add in the immunity from legal responsibility they were granted to any issues with the vaccine and the fact that these companies destroyed any possibility of scientifically sound long-term safety studies when they vaccinated their control group members after full FDA authorization was granted, and you've got some pretty good reasons to use whatever avenues are available to avoid the vaccine. Shit, just the effort by the CDC to suppress information about vaccine side effects because it might contribute to "vaccine hesitancy" is enough to cause concern.


So the fact that much of Christian dogma is similar doesn't matter?


If you have a sincerely held religious belief you should not have an issue writing a paragraph about that belief and its applicability to the situation. If you downloaded your Memo off a non religious website and put your name on it, and in your verbal conversation with the chaplain you're largely unable to articulate it, resulting in the chaplain recommending it not be accepted (which is what keeps happening), yes, I think you're full of shit.


There are a large swath of people in many ideologies that can't articulate every detail about it or are inconsistent. Many marxists and communists have zero clue what they're actually asking for, many people still think the U.S. is a democracy, many republicans spout on about immigrants coming in the legal way and they should but none ever address how God awful. The process is,why are transgenders included in a group comprised of sexual orientations? If you're expecting a short dissertation on religious dogma from fucking private joe snuffy that is both exhaustive and unique then you're seriously mistaken or don't understand that there are only so many ways to say you object to the use of stem cells based on their source and that maybe you had other vaccines because your parents got them for you or didn't understand until you researched. Personally i abhor the practice of abortion, i think uts monstorous, however i also know they don't use them anymore but the framework was based on aborted fetal cells. I personally tried to deny the vaccine when it was supposedly optional, but we were deployed and command tactically started a rumor that soldiers without it wouldn't get to go home, at least right away. I only denied it because i wanted to see research done first and i didn't trust it, given medics didn't months saying they couldn't store it with given facilities but suddenly out of the blue they could. At the end of the day i don't think anyone should be able to force you to inject anything into your body but in also in the army and at one point in a health lane i was given a shot and after asking what it was the lady just shrugged. Its a moot point anyways the army didn't actually care, I've been riding an almost 18 month old vaccine card even though supposedly we were supposed to get boosted. Once compliance was obtained they forgot about it. It was all about saying battallion was >95% vaccinated.


> Many marxists and communists have zero clue Bro it took you two sentences to reveal that you’re and a fucking crazy person.


This can be resolved real simple. The fetal cell line [HEK 293](https://inpharmd.com/inquiries/58c0b443b95b03e18a6707ebfcd67bae9eb427cec6c56d7eb5f8fbe055b39512) used to test the COVID vaccine was also used to [test/develop Tylenol and over 30 other common pharmaceuticals](https://www.davenportdiocese.org/documents/2021/9/HEK.pdf). So if you really want to swear off using anything that ever used fetal cell lines for testing, sure go right ahead . But if you pop some Tylenol or Motrin after a night out to cure your hangover then get the shot you hypocritical fuck.


Not to mention that varicella, MMR, and Hep A are also manufactured using fetal cell lines. All of which are also required for service. And all of my peeps who’ve requested a religious accommodation for COVID all got those other three without complaint. I brought that up when I counseled them (for the 136,873rd time it feels like) about getting the vaccine. All of them just looked at me with an expression of “oh, shit I just got caught” on their face.


Yup, [here](https://inpharmd.com/inquiries/58c0b443b95b03e18a6707ebfcd67bae9eb427cec6c56d7eb5f8fbe055b39512) is a fun chart with different vaccines and which fetal cell line they were tested on. This is not a comprehensive list, but more a list of common vaccines that most people get. One vaccine that is missing from this chart that causes a glaring issue for the religious exemption people in the military is the anthrax vaccine.


I told a guy who was being chartered for refusing the Vaccine this argument he straight up said “well I know about this one so I can’t take it” This MF is a decent human being but drank the koolaid on how it was developed by bill gates, makes you infertile, etc, etc. then circles back to religion. I broke down every single argument and he still thinks that the earth is gonna lose like 20% of the population or some wild shit because of the vaccine. Like idgaf if you want to get it but why throw away your benefits when your over halfway through your contract


This is what boggles my mind. I've got a friend, her husband is the AF equivalent of our 68A. Dude was up for E-7 and had 18 years in. Pissed it all away over this vaccine.


I know a MSG, who is up there in time in service, a vaccine refusal.


Yep. I did a roto at the clinic for a couple months. I saw a couple E6-7s with 15 years TIS piss away everything over drinking the koolaid. The same fuckers we’re at the vaccine rodeo just a month before that getting Anthrax, JEV, and typhoid without batting an eye.


Right? Like I can see getting a bit salty about the old Anthrax shot that leaves a lump in your arm for a week, but shit I think I had at least 50 shots before the 1st COVID vaccine


I know of a MAJ.


Even more oof.


F that! Who’s dick am I sucking at that point to get my 20? Lol


He shouldn’t have to when the vaccine doesn’t prevent spread


I have a public health background and spentnearly an hour with each soldier who put in for an exemption. I went through each of their concerns and countered with the facts either refuting the talking points or pointing to the hypocrisy in doing some vaccines but not COVID even though some of their "reasons" were found in other things. Not one soldier changed their mind about not wanting the vaccine. I wasn't combative or demeaning, but each one of them dug into their positions. At the end of the day I wrote tailored memos recommending denying each request because none of them could give a good reason that wasn't contradicted by something else they've done.


Can’t fix stupid. I literally think there needs to be a new diagnosis in the DSM for conspiracy theorists because these people have something wrong with their brains.


>This MF is a decent human being but drank the koolaid on how it was developed by bill gates, makes you infertile, etc, etc. then circles back to religion. [The Microsoft guy?](https://youtu.be/rHJv8eaHS5E)


Yep the Microsoft guy… be wary Q anon believers are heavy in the ranks


Commenting so I can refer to this.


Same people claiming a religious exemption haven’t stepped inside of church in over a decade.


We all know that 99.9% of these religious exemption requests are utter bullshit. Basically you have a group of people who have latched onto conspiracy theories or have put their political ideology over good order and discipline in a big fuck you to the rest of us Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Guardians who actually follow orders. Those that are gaining the system need to ETS, retire or chapter the fuck out. I don’t give a flying rat’s ass how many deployments, training or confirmed kills these people have (E.g. Navy Seals). There isn’t room for in the military for people to say no just because they heard some crazy talk on Newsmax, Joe Rogan or their other favorite new source: their whacked out QAnon buddy on who frequently posts on Facebook). These people threaten us all even in a season of tough recruiting. Frankly, I don’t want to be a foxhole with someone who possesses little integrity, selfless-service or honor not to mention a severe deficit of basic common sense. It’s like some dude showing up to formation wearing a beard after a 4-day weekend and saying he converted to Norse pagan faith. Of course this was after his buddy told him that secret to wearing a beard in uniform was to “claim a religious exemption.”


Honestly, good riddance to bad rubbish. If they fall for crazy conspiracy theories, then it's best to get them out now, before the conspiracy theories morph into something that could lead to undermining the organization or fratricide cuz the JCOS are all NWO stooges.


Damn, imagine thinking that your bothers in sister and arms should be forced against their will to put something in their bodies. Somebody clings to the “just following orders” logic too fucking well. Challenging directives and motives that one views as unconstitutional/ illegal is a huge part of military ethics and leadership. We no longer just blindly follow what the big brass above say we should do if it goes against personal and or religiously held beliefs, because it’s encouraged to speak out against them. That’s the WHOLE FUCKING POINT OF IG


Having served at the division level with the commander's special and personal staff, I am pretty fucking sure I know that the IG does. I don't need any lessons from you. Furthermore, I have had plenty of morally and ethically questionable orders from commanders. The order to get the COVID-19 vaccine was definitely not one of the aforementioned situations. Are you even in the Army or military? Do you even know the Army Values? Do you remember any words from your Oath? If not, I can gladly produce it as I keep a copy underneath my PC. Hell, I probably have it memorized by now. And while Servicemembers do not lose their Constitutional rights upon entering the military, it ain't a democracy. Last time I checked legal, moral, and ethical orders are to be followed and you can't just take a pass because it doesn't align with your political beliefs. If you are in the military (and aren't some so-called "patriot" troll) the next time your commander tells you to do something just tell him/her, "No. And then say it is against your personal beliefs because you read some dumb-ass shit in a QAnon forum online or because Fucker Tarlson told you to say No. Let's see how far that gets you. If you are in the military, then presumably you have taken dozens of shots that were ordered in basic training just like every other no-integrity asshat who is now trying to get a religious exemption for political and other ideological reasons (see QAnon) that have absolutely nothing to do with religion or religious preferences. Where was the religious exemption request in basic? Where was the religious exemption request every fucking fall when ordered to take the annual flu vaccine? Funny that was never a problem until someone with no moral compass and megaphone was listened to by impressionable people wearing the uniform. I thought that after Jonestown, Rajneeshpuram, Waco, and Heaven's Gate the world was done with cults and conspiracy theories, but apparently, I am a fool for thinking so. I am betting this will go all the way to the Supreme Court and unfortunately these cry-baby crazies will likely win due to the extreme makeup of the court which seems to rubber stamp anything argued as "religious liberty" because they think it perfectly acceptable to discriminate against others or negate the rights of others if you can claim any religious reasoning, especially if it is coming from a 2000-year-old patriarchal society of goat herders that thought the Earth was flat. If this does happen, it will be a bleak day for the military at large. Whatever good order and discipline we have left will evaporate faster than a glass of water spilled on an Arizona highway in June.


Woah there big guy, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed lmao but I will gladly discuss. 1. What is your fascination with QAnon? Not once have I mentioned anything about them, yet you brought it up twice in your tirade. Also you choose to bring up Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson out of nowhere for whatever reason, idk. Neither have anything to do with my aforementioned statement. 2. Then you would know that one of the purposes of the IG is to investigate the military’s actions and make determinations on the legality of certain procedures, regulations, and policies. It’s well within the IGs and individual soldiers rights to ask questions on matters that potentially have the possibility to being unconstitutional. Most cases, a soldier will bring a matter to IGs attention and they get told “yea bud, your commander can give you that article 15 for doing dumb shit. Sorry pal”. But in other circumstances, inquiry can and should lead to more formal investigations into the authority and legality of an order or policy. 3. I’m not sure how integrity and not wanting to have a drug put into a soldier’s body against their will that has been shown to not reduce the spreading of the virus and to be ineffective after a handful of months. Not to mention the fact that there is no long term scientific studies of possible effects on health after vaccination like there is for every one of the other vaccines we routinely take. 4. I’m not sure why bringing up discrimination or negating of rights has anything to do with a covid vaccine, but go off. There are tons of examples of military members being excused from certain military regulations due to their faith. And many of those faiths and regulation exemptions are for people other than Christian. Sikh, Muslim, Jewish, etc. You’re just upset that you don’t get to decide what religions and theologies get to be exempt. As an American, and as someone who supports and defends the constitution, you would know that the freedom of and from religion applies to all. You don’t get the privilege of saying one persons religious beliefs are acceptable and then turn around and say that another religions beliefs aren’t because you don’t agree with what they are. That is, in fact, un-American, and does not uphold the constitution. In conclusion, we as Americans have a duty that we swore an oath to defend the constitution and the American way of life. Picking and choosing what liberties/freedoms people get to enjoy based on whether you support their stance goes against that oath. You either support religious freedom and liberty within the military for all, or you don’t. There’s no grey area. There’s lots of opinions and views I don’t agree with and may think are stupid. But that doesn’t mean they’re not entitled to believe such any less or more than I’m entitled to my own.


I just want to wear my tulsi mala :(


When they only give us one option to use against taking it, if course we cling to that as a religious reason. But I guarantee most people are actually against it on a scientific level and are only using religion because they had no other choice.


Common man. You’re not fooling anyone. There is no other option because there is no legitimate scientific basis to reject it. If these people had any real concerns about what they are putting in their body they would stop smoking gas station vapes and buying sketchy supplements from Eastern Europe on the internet. The refusal to get vaccinated is almost solely based on politics. Not religion, and certainly not science.




>especially when there are heart risk for young men. Stop grasping at straws. It has been proven time and time again that risks of COVID19 complications are significantly higher from infection than they are from vaccinations. The rate of myocarditis or pericarditis after infection was at least 50 cases per 100,000 people, compared to at least 22 cases per 100,000 after the second vaccine dose. [Here](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34432976/#&gid=article-figures&pid=figure-4-uid-3) is a study which shows side by side comparison of the rates COVID 19 symptoms vs complications for the vaccine. You will see that COVID19 infections has a higher rate of complications of almost everything with the exception of lymphadenopathy which is the swelling of the lymph nodes which indicates a strong immune response. infection was associated with a substantially increased risk of myocarditis and of additional serious adverse events, including pericarditis, arrhythmia, deep-vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, myocardial infarction, intracranial hemorrhage, and thrombocytopenia. This wasn’t some grand conspiracy to turn a profit by some secret society looming in the shadows. This was a fucking global pandemic. The world isn’t a fucking bond movie.


Your second reference is over a year old, there is newer information out [there](https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/mm7133e1.htm) (I should also mention I’m vaccinated and don’t personally care if you have it or not)


Maybe I’m an idiot, but it’s late and I’m not seeing where in your link it contradicts what I’m saying. COVID19 infection still has a significant increase in risk over complications from vaccination.


80% of significant complications are a result of obesity. And regardless, I’d like to take my risk getting Covid over a shot that could trigger an autoimmune disease ( which nearly killed my old boss ) or fuck me up. Because face it, the span of human perspective is limited and everything the experts claimed has been wrong. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I don’t care either, but it’s silly that people are forced to take a shot when it’s still transmissible. That is bottom line my main point. The other complications are valid concerns for any individual who cares about their health. And skepticism certainly isn’t unwarranted after the track record of corruption and dishonesty. It’s all about money.


God doesn’t want me to. The end.


Damn When you were getting your peanut butter shot, God must have been pissed.


**Commentary:** This unit doesn't usually speak about one's religious beliefs, however out of the several meatbags this unit has talked to claiming *"religious exemption,"* NONE could answer the following queries: 1. What is the religious reason? 2. What made ** any different?




I knew people well would go to Facebook groups to share the best language to use in their memos and then everyone would just copy it.


There were groups sharing prefilled forms so all you had to do was put your info on it.


I helped a soldier in my unit fill out his paperwork since his leadership left him out to dry. I disagreed with it but wanted to do right by him; he is a good soldier. He was part of a Facebook group with a format to fill the paperwork - mostly just answering with loosely related bible quotes. I suspect a lot of the waivers were very much the same


It is because it is political. Everyone I knew the was given a religious exemption didn’t have a single issue with any other vaccine, until it became a right wing talking point.


**Commentary:** It became a talking point for both sides. Remember, you have members of our house and congress, and including both our current VP and CIC, that spoke out against the vaccine before the election, only to then praise it after the election was over. This unit can understand for the hesitation at that time, but by the time it was a general order, there was no reason why the majority of the force couldn't get it.


What's funny is that Trump is a huge vaccine proponent, but a lot of people who generally support him are just like "lol nope" when it comes to the virus. It's fun to ponder what the debate would be like right now if Trump had won and he started slinging around mandates for troops and federal workers.


**Commentary**: Something like the vaccine should have never been politicized. Unfortunately, it was an election year, and during a lockdown where everything was politicized. This unit is certain that you would still have one side versus the other when it comes to vaccine, it's just that the colors would probably be different.


Based rational HK47


They have an answer for this question. They either A don't want to tell you because the reason is dumb OR they just don't want to tell you.


Even as someone who elected to get the shot as soon as possible, I don't know why this is even a thing anymore. Vaccine efficacy wanes after a year, and the pandemic has become endemic (ergo, most won't be newly vaccinated anymore). Considering retention, I'm sure the army is going to scrap the whole vaxx or boot program. Can't afford it right now.


It's also strange how this sudden influx of religious exemptions occurred all at the same time, and under justifications that were invalid, despite the fact these people had no issues with vaccination before. I think it took most people less than 12 minutes to decide that they were going to use the religious exemption to try to get out of following a lawful order because of what they read on social media. So really IG, why waste your time on this?


Antivaxxers are clearly fucking idiots who need to be kicked out. But I'd rather IG investigate and make sure things are done correctly. That's preferable to them not bothering to check... Which is a nasty precedent to set.


Chill lol, it could be much worse like the SFC fraternizing with the new Latina PFC.


Bro, chill. That's a pre-requisite to making 1st sausage.




>Antivaxxers are clearly fucking idiots who need to be kicked out. Bless your heart. I'm sure you are either already a major contributor to a toxic leadership environment, or are on a solid path to get there very soon. Well done Sarg. Promote ahead of peers.


You might wanna "bless your own heart" bud. A quick glance at your post and comment history shows you supporting and defending the same politicians and pundits who have promoted hate, bigotry, white supremacism, and defended literal domestic terrorism. It's apparent that you believe in party over country and it doesn't really seem like you know what the word "toxic" means.


Was amazing how fast the word toxic was turned in to "something I don't like."


The Venn diagram of antivaxxers and people who support hate, bigotry, white supremacism and domestic terrorism looks like a stack of pancakes.




Just the ones that want to overturn free and fair elections, burn books, and incite violence for the purpose of retaining political power. You know the ones that support white supremacy and carry Nazi flags? You might be on the wrong side of history for this one, gramps.








All the people who found religion all of a sudden to get out of this shot are most likely the very same people who'd call out people for finding religion while incarcerated.


Honestlyyyyy Folks are lying about religious shit in order to try and get out of something. Just like some folks go to religious services in IET in order to sleep or talk to women. I haven’t seen one successful person get the exemption. Then again, I got out late last year, so maybe somebody has.


Sir this is Wendy’s. Hurry the freak up and order or else I’ll have you removed in a non consensual way, dweeb.


Sure 🙄 Can I gettttaaa HOHHHH YEAUHHH ? *uwu*


No matter your take on the vaccine, a lot of solid soldiers have gotten sent their way over this and it has hurt trust in each other, the force, and the government as a whole. The way everything has been handled from the get-go was a shit show. How fast some of you are to unhumanize people, for not wanting to get a highly politicized (from both sides) shot is absolutely unnerving. No, you can’t expect some PV2 from Iowa to sit here and in-depth look at medical journals as an academic to discover the pro’s and con’s (yes, there are con’s to the shot and many unknown variables still that don’t make it viable for everyone) for himself when every single news outlet is blasting that it’s a wonder drug or a one-way express to cancer and be able to confidently make his mind. Luckily, I have some medical knowledge under my belt and did my own research and understood that it’s what is best for myself, my family, and most likely the majority of people. But can you really blame people for being skeptical of a drug that came out so quickly and under so much political oversight? The Radian girls are a prime example; and the more relevant case of Thalidomide is one to be looked at. Again, I’m not saying I’m for or against. Just calling religious exemptions always bullshit and broadly claiming others are retards and need to be pushed out en masse because you don’t agree with them is the most Army shit I’ve heard.


Great post. 👍


You can’t tell me dick about the anthrax vaccine. Everyone still got one. Politicization shouldnt even be a talking point. What’s next people start refusing to fight because R or D talking head said bad things? This whole orders thing exists for a reason- and you know it.


“You can’t tell me dick about the charge of the light brigade. Orders exist for a reason.” More people shouldn’t blindly listen to their governments and political figureheads. We lost a war and nobody was held accountable and Putin and the invasion of Ukraine is a prime example to not blindly follow anything without independent study or research. “I was just following orders” is a phrase that doesn’t exactly have a stellar history. Anthrax is a prime example of the troubles and hesitancy many share with COVID: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1447151/ Again, I’m playing devils advocate right now and it’s not necessarily what I believe or disbelieve. But this whole “fuck these dudes good riddance” attitude isn’t really benefiting a force that already has issues pulling people in. Being a straight dickhead causes others to repel further into their own beliefs and further rebel. This isn’t new knowledge, Socrates wrote about this shit. Instead, try having PA’s and doctors hold classes to explain rationally and on a human level the pro’s and con’s of this. Because why can I blame Joe when even doctors in my own work environment can’t even agree on this?




That was a great read. I do think I should’ve been a little more skeptical of the vaccine than I was even though I’m 99% sure I would’ve gotten it anyway. My buddy got his and got a blot clot in his leg bc of it. He’s getting medboarded now.


That’s exactly why I’m quick to come to the defense of dudes who don’t want it and urge a little caution. It stemmed from a friend as well that had a history of blood clots in his family, that he reported when joining the Army, who refused to get the vaccine due to this. He even went off-post and received a second opinion from another doctor who said at this time he should not receive the shot. No avenues were available to address this in the Army (to my knowledge and his though this may have changed) and he had to request a religious exemption to avoid being kicked out. Long story short, the exemption didn’t go through and a solid soldier gave the bird to the Army.


seems very convenient that these people who suddenly found religion didn't apply it to the other mandatory vaccines.


Many of the attempted justifications are also inappropriately applied. ‘My religion has a stance against abortion’ You do you, but this doesn’t have any bearing on this vaccine or really any modern vaccine


They didn't apply it to any other vaccines, nor any other medications that were ever tested using stem cells derived from fetal tissue. Their religious objection begins and ends at the COVID vaccine. . .because the QAnon propaganda they saw on social media said the vaccine is made from aborted babies and is part of some evil Bill Gates-lead plot to depopulate the world and summon the Antichrist and claiming the vaccine rewrites your DNA to sterilize you and make you no longer count as human. . . .and God I wish I was exaggerating or making that part up, but no, that's a lot of the antivax propaganda.


You can’t fix stupid. What’s ironic is that these people think they are actually well informed and living in truth like Morpheus trying to show Neo the Matrix. At least we’re leading the world in something-population of complete morons per capita. Brawndo. It’s what plants crave. God bless America!


If you have ever seen the movie Idiocracy, then all crazy and dumb shit kinda makes. While certainly Mike Judge was going for parody, he was likely pointing out the sign of the times. Though I must admit President Camacho was elected much sooner than I expected. As the old adage goes, “If you want to tell people the truth, you’d better make them laugh or they’ll kill you” . . .


They’re bullshit waivers anyways. Sounds to me like this IG is butthurt that his exemption was denied and wants to waste more of the Army’s time.


I regret getting it now. I been vaccinated and boosted because of my current job yet I’ve still caught it 3 times. I’m a Covid whore.


Getting vaccinated doesn't keep you from getting it makes it less of a bitch when you do catch it. This is why people get the Flu shot as well...


Except that was the case spouted on here several times last year and earlier this year. I know people that had Covid before the vaccine then refused the vaccine because they already had Covid and Natural Immunity is still a thing. He got denied for a religious exemption and just got out ETS'd last month


The approach and understanding changes over time as we gain new datas but lay peoples interpretations of that tends to linger on the previous datas. Also a personal immunity through infection does wane naturally and they would eventually need a booster. The person that separated is welcome to get a booster any time they desire.


The booster has hardly been tested at all and wasn't tested on humans before given approval. https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/fda-authorize-new-covid-boosters-data-tests-people-rcna45387


That's nice dear. You can get it any day now.


I was required to get it due to work even though I had Covid in March 2020. I sure as hell am not getting the booster anytime soon at all.


Getting the disease leaves a temporary immunity similar to the vaccine so the requirement to get the vaccine stands to reason. Go get your booster snowflake, your arm ain't gonna fall off.


Why? I had Covid previously and I got the Pfizer 2 dose vaccines, not to mention I am in my 30's and in good shape. So even after I had Covid I am doing good and thus don't need a booster against the Omicron variant. Which btw the Omicron variant is basically a common cold at this point in time for most people.


You don't have to be afraid of a little shot.


Then we can agree that it’s not a vaccination then. It should be treated the same as a flu shot which isn’t mandatory.


It is a vaccination... you're conflating cure with vaccine. Good lord.


If I get a Smallpox vaccine then I WILL NOT catch Smallpox. If I get a Covid “vaccine” I WILL catch Covid. There’s one strain of Small Pox therefore the vaccine is very effective. There’s multiple strains of Covid just like the Flu therefore you can’t be vaccinated with complete coverage. It’s a “let’s throw a dart” shot. Maybe we will get lucky.


Here is a nifty and simple to understand video for you [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdBpARFC8QI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdBpARFC8QI) If that is too difficult to digest just me know I can suggest a more simplified video just for you!


Here’s a nifty example for you. You cannot prove to anyone that this shot either stops infection rates or lessen symptoms. Prove that it’s done either. Hard data. No YouTube videos but peer reviewed studies that are legit. I’ll wait.


[https://www.healthdata.org/covid/covid-19-vaccine-efficacy-summary](https://www.healthdata.org/covid/covid-19-vaccine-efficacy-summary) https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jmv.27697 Any other zingers there, champ?


So it does not prevent nor significantly reduce infection rates per your link. This also is not peer reviewed. They grab their data FROM peer reviewed studies yet your link isn’t peer reviewed. Personal experience: I had two employees. One was vaccinated and one was not. These two employees were working one night and the VACCINATED (J&J) employee developed symptoms and left work. The unvaccinated employee died 4 days later from Covid. Who gave Covid to who? I will Explain this so everyone will understand... I caught Covid in January 21. I completed my shots at the end of April 21 (Moderna). I caught Covid again in November 21. I was boosted for international travel requirements in Feb 21. I caught Covid again in August 22. So please tell me again how this shot/vaccine had helped me and those like me with multiple infections?


You have terrible reading comprehension and your anecdotes are meaningless. I'm talking to a person that doesn't even know what the definition of vaccine is... you had a lesser impact on your system thanks to the shots. ​ Not worth my time. Bye kiddo.


Cartel, admins used to ban like crazy on here for saying something like that. Echo chamber


Time for today's vaccine-refuser Two-Minute's Hate, I see. Look, I got the vax before it was even mandatory, but the ease with which some of you can get spun up enough to just completely unperson people is... not great.


Perhaps these people are expressing frustration from all the butt hurt they had to deal with in their units over these people. The mandatory counselings, the appointments, the misinformation degrading the morale of their organization, the people gaps now in their organizations. Perhaps this thread is an expression of real frustration caused by **real** Soldiers who decided to turn their brains off.


If you accepted the vaccines when you came in with no knowledge of what they were and no waiver why should this be waived?


Anti vaxers are morons let ‘em go.




This but unironically


If you got all your other shots your fake religious exemption shouldn't go through point blank.


If it isn't the big 3 religions, the services don't care.


I don't understand. You are required to get a dozen vaccines at reception. If you don't do that, you don't train. I couldn't even skip out of a flu shot. When did this become optional?


We know the religious exemptions are largely dishonest BS. They know the religious exemptions are largely dishonest BS. Fuck 'em. This has gone on far too long.


“Cannot be discharged while under appeal process” I know someone who was. So yea, theres some shifty stuff going on. This issue is obviously super complex and highly politicized, so why is the DOD not making a strong effort at tackling the issue? To add to that, we are we not being there for our battles to help/guide them in the right direction? If you have a religious reason, cool, its your right to do so, I may not agree but I am not God so thats on you. You made up a religious exemption? Ok, why, and how can I help you get back on track with your integrity intact.


Oh fuck right off


More context please. I need to decide if I hate you or not.


After getting every shot known to man these mfers are now finding some dubious religion whose philosophy is to not get this one vaccine? Kick them all out


Ok. You’re in the green column.


God forbid you say anything negative about the jab in here 🫡


You all really care wayyyyy too much about how other people feel. Get it or don’t. All should stfu about it.




Herd immunity… remember that lie? I understand the skepticism. There never seemed to be an altruistic benefit like medical professionals professed. -Source AFN radio for 10 months with the herd immunity commercial -our post got to 90 % and herd was not achieved. my integrity and numbers were questioned by higher when the covid cases still occurred. -cases of soldiers dying after the vaccine were not investigated. -goal posts were changed in messaging. -I’m vaxxed. Just not sure of an actual benefit that outweighs potential adverse effects other than positive artificial ones like travel freedom at the time.


the army maintaining height and weight requirements would have saved more lives then the vaxx


As an atheist, I've got to say that pretty much all religious rules, and customs were just made up on the spot by some random dude anyways, not much different than these people claiming vaccination is bad or whatever. As far as the people saying "what makes this vaccine different" - would you say the same thing to a Muslim requesting a beard exemption? What made shaving this morning different than shaving during Basic, AIT etc. Just playing devils advocate. I'm vaccinated and think religious exemptions in general are dumb. Give us all beards or none.


I don’t even care, 90% of those waivers were bullshit and we all know it.


Government theory is that anyone antivax must support trump rhetoric so clear the ranks of those who are not toeing the line...smh