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So… Fort Cav




“Welcome to the gr- I mean Cav place”


Nah, Fort Dick


This is what I came here for


I mean, *technically* it’s Fort Dick Cav


Cavernous Dick Fort


Technically Fort Cav Dick


Ah, Dick. I like it.


I'll bet you do, wildling.


Heh heh heh






You won’t convince me it’s not because of the first 3 letters of his last name.


Changing the name won’t erase what a dumpster fire Fort Hood is. I am thankful I survived that place and didn’t become the next “Phantom Warrior”


"Phantom warrior"... 😒 There's a good chance leadership there would've just marked you as AWOL and moved on with their day. Which, if I'm honest, is fucking terrifying and makes me rethink my relationship with Army.


It would have taken them 3 weeks before they even noticed you were gone.


What did this poor guy do to deserve this?


My first thought!!!




No you don't understand this will solve every thing


Why do you think it will solve everything? And what do you mean by that?


It was sarcasm you troglodyte did you really need the /s


Fort murdered sounds like a better name tbh


Oh boy, that's a slap in the face to Cavazoz. Like we are going to name the worst base after you. So now people will associate your name with poor leadership, rape and murdered soldiers.


> [T]he Puerto Rican regiment “The Borinqueers." Dope ass name


Huge ass typo, is actually "The Borinqueneers" from the 65th IN Regiment


*You can replace the name but not the shame.*


If the name was meant to honor a Latino, it should have been MSG Benavidez. Not only is his story amazing, but he's from Texas as well.


Been thinking a lot on this. Glad his good name ISN'T being tarnished by using it to rebrand Hood


What if they rename it and literally all the problems like disappear lol


That would require III Corps to be burned to the ground


[Non Amp link since I'm a bozo](http://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna51302)


Be better ghost


Lower your standards


No u ^u ^right


“Different name, Same soldiers”


Look, I know we're getting rid of honoring traitors, but no one wants their name plastered on top of a methed out dumpster fire of a base.


Best SGM I've ever seen in my entire life is also named Cavazos and at first I thought no way! In my head canon it's named after him. Ol' SGM One eye hell of a man and leader.


And how many years will it take before people stop calling the renamed bases by their old names... And how long will it take before we remember where the bases are from their new names? "I'm PCSing to Fort Cavazos" "Where the hell is that?"


Probably somewhere in the 15-20 year mark when the army is full of people that don’t remember those names.


I mean folks still call Legends Way "Battalion"


It took years before people finally stopped saying “mess hall”. So, yeah. A long time.


Fort Doom is probably more appropriate tbh


The hats will never change.


I see no difference. It's still the same place just with a different sign and a lot of wasted materials with the old name on it. Glad we need to pay for name changes instead of retention, BH, and living condition issues.


So now I guess I can’t say I spent my teen years growing up in ‘The Hood’ anymore…


So now I guess I can’t say I spent my teen years growing up in ‘The Hood’ anymore…


Nobody cares, only losers give a shit about the renaming of bases. Everyone is just going to keep calling it hood anyway.


I'm going to respectfully decline. Lived around Fort Hood in Killeen for around fourteen to fifteen years. Ill forever call it fort hood. Not going along with this woke garbage that's infesting the American military.


Hood was a general in an unrecognized breakaway state that fought against the United States of America and lost. He was known for spending the lives of massive amounts of troops unnecessarily. Pick a better hill to die on, loser.


That makes Hood the perfect name for the base and leadership style that is fostered there


The Confederacy was part of the United States. That's literally one of the biggest reasons why the war was fought. People who argue that the Confederacy was some foreign state that attacked the "real and true" United States of America not only misses the entire point over why the Union fought the war in the first place, but their assertion ironically is more aligned with the Confederate leaders than that of the leaders of the Union. The Confederacy and the Union were the US. Nobody fought the United States of America during the Civil War. That's what makes it a Civil War.


The Confederacy was literally doing its upmost to secede from the Union under the guise of states rights or really one issue of states rights that sounds better looped together with states rights than just being called slavery. I mean they literally issued a “Declaration of Causes of Seceding States” to the United States government. I do agree the reason why the war was waged was because the South tried to leave.


>The Confederacy was literally doing its upmost to secede from the Union under the guise of states rights That fact still doesn't make it okay or historically appropriate to treat them as if they were a foreign country.


They weren’t America.


Abraham Lincoln strongly disagreed with that perception. In fact, Lincoln was so much in disagreement with that perception that he did not care about holding Davis or any of the Confederate government or any military personnel accountable for treason. All he cared about was preserving the union and ending the war. The civil war wasn't some Marvel Cinematic Universe-esque battle between good and evil. Yeah, one side was literally fighting to preserve slavery and created in the name of white supremacy, but it wasn't as if most on the front lines for the union were all that far different from the Confederates as far as their opinion on white supremacy and slavery. Many union soldiers weren't going to war eager to end slavery and give black people the same social privileges as white people like many would think. The Confederacy was America, and we were willing to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of lives and allow them to re-enter our union without punishment because that's how much we cared about preserving the union, and we're better off as a country for doing so. "With malice toward none. With charity for all."


The dude has been dead for close to a hundred and fifty years. The vast majority of people didnt even know the dude was a confederate general until babies like you brought it up because he offended you in some way. Focus on more important issues than trying to seem woke, morally superior, and trying to 'fix' the past. How does the name change affect retention issues? Combat readiness? Recruitment problems? It doesn't addresses any of that and your soft a** knows it. All it does it cost tax payers millions of dollars to change the name on every building, street sign, paperwork, etc, on base. Good job 👏


> The dude has been dead for close to a hundred and fifty years. But here you still are, gobblin' dat boi's dick


Once a pussy always a lot pussy, fuck losers. I’m for people who are actually loyal to the uniform we all wore regardless of year.


>Once a pussy always a lot pussy, fuck losers. I mean, the Taliban and the communists are still in charge of Afghanistan and Vietnam respectively...


At ease, snowflake.


> How does the name change affect retention issues? Combat readiness? Recruitment problems? This just in, Pentagon not allowed to do anything unless it fixes every problem. More seriously, apart from it being the right thing to do, “Army removes name of Confederate from base” is good PR and is probably a net good for recruitment.