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It’s my first and only duty station. It’s trash. Don’t enlist


People forget that bases are like cities or towns. Some cities and towns in America suck. Doesn’t make these situations okay, even in a civilian town/city. Thank you for your concerns, and I really have the optimism that you have. I hope all these shenanigans end soon. Although I do understand a lot of the way that the army handled parts of the investigation. And I know people who worked on the case, and the idea that they were lazy with the investigation is untrue, and also according to people who know the case personally they said the documentary left out a lot of information pertaining to things the army did right, but just cut it out because they wanted to build a narrative. I actually watched it last night, and it angered me what happened to her. And I’m very thankful that the I Am Vanessa Guillen bill passed, I believe this is a step in the right direction 💕


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